Il- -. PXGB TWO xi ii i r ; wat al r ' m . w l liu lllllllinui- arEDTTORD MAIL TRTBUNR MEDFORD, OR KAON. SATURDAY. RWPTWM'RWR 9.1011. of liss KUu&cth liiuell ltlgr nm Mr. Ira ,1. Dodge, which Is to lie solemnized Tuusduy rvwiiiiK, September 12' nt tho home of the l)nde;cfecs jiiii'eiits on Hos Court nrniniW to, htf tlic Hocml fcvent of tlio (AVbiiiik weel-. Doth young people nrc very popular in n wide eir rloflpf friend; and the wedding, 0nle marked l.v k miiet kininlltitv will he .... . ., . -T . perfectly appointed hi every detail Tlie invitational lit is n iongmio and iuelndeV. miuiv friends oiP fhr two n trcsod fnniiliei froin (he"cn4 irtidj iniuuie wcsi. w Ir A dinner party nt the NnMi jrrill Inst evening given by the hridc-clccl's sister, MKs Folgor for the bridal party was ono of the pleasant nf fnirs of the week. A. eolor-sehcine of preen anil yellow was carried out bv the TiSc nf fern and gorgeous Jollow wild .sunflowers. Covers were laid for Vcn, the guests "hemp; "Mrs. Denny, of Pennsylvania, sister of Mr. Dodge, Miss Folgor, Miss Johnston, Mis Elizabeth Folger, Mws Joy FoIct. Miss Ida Lee Keutncr, Mr. JInwnrd Dudley, Mr. Lee "Root- Mr. Lfoyd Houston. Mr. tinny ", Ifousiou and Mr. Ira Dodge. fc- Tho recently organlioil Order of Moose, entertained tho ladles Thurs day evening In their new liall on West Main street. The colors of the order, red and -white, and quantities of brilliantly colored chrysanthe mums, Iwere BBed tn decorations. A banquet -was served in tho dining hall and "a program by local talent, followed by dancing, with music by the Eames trio. The order Is arrang ing for a monster minstrel show to be put on in' tho near future. Misses Joannette Osgood and Phoe bo Hance, two of Medtord's most popular young ladies,' were tho charm ing hostesses Tuesday afternoon to about 25 of their friends at the borne of tho former on "West Eleventh street. Tho hours were spent play ing bridge and "Mrs. Wcntz, having the highest score, was presented with a beautiful copy of Gene Stratton Porter's recent novel, The Harvert er.v "Dainty refreshments were serv ed. a The Ladles' Missionary society of tho Presbyterian church held a pleas ant session Tuesday afternoon at the country "homo "of Mrs. Walter Frazer Brown, making tho trip by automo bile. Papers were read by Mrs. Tee. MrsV English, Mrs. ESllln and Mrs. Watt. Among the young people leaving for college are Miss 'Mildred Gerig, who goes to Belmont college, Nash ville, Tenn., and "her brother, Frank, who will enter the University of Ar kausas. They left Thursday evening' for tho easL Mr.vand Mrs. Hoj informally en tertained with an evening of music Wednesday at their home on Rose aventie. Mr. I. I. Petty a recent ad dition to Medrord musical circles, snng in finished stylo tho baritone arias from "Elijah" and 'Messiah." 1 . a Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Morley of Aber deen, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Morley arid two children of Saginaw, Mich., and Mr. Paul Morley of Sag Inaw, Mich., arrived Sunday morning for a visit at the home of Mrs. C. II. Glalzo.' ' Miss Flora Gray, who has returned from several months' study with Charles Dverko, of Portland, former ly of, Berlin,' Germany, has opened a piano etnudlo in the St. Mark's build ing. Tho Pythian Sisters of Talisman Tcmplo, No. 40, will open their hall for the season's work on Septem ber 20. A full attendance of officers and .members is desired. Mrs. Mary Potor a popular primary teacher and a 'sister of Attorney Gus Newbury, with her two daughters, Mary and Klith, have moved from Jacksonville to Mcdford. ' " A reception was held last ovenlng at the Cuthole church in honor of Father O'Farrell, who haB been a, pointed tho successor of Father Van Clarenbeck. ' Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Koeno, who are mnklng an oxtended stay at Coronado, nta enjoying the delightful climate, and Mrs. Kcono is rapidly regaining hor health, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bevoridgo are homo from a summor spent in Port land, . . ' concert, uniquo in character, will be given tho last of this month by t Grace Josephine Brown. The pro gram, consisting solely of Ymcrlcau and English songs, will Include a group of Indian songs to be given In costume. Tho C, W. II. M. of the Christian church met In the church on Wed nesday afternoon. The principal bus iness enacted was the election of of ficers for the ensuing j'enr. The fol lowing officers were elected: Presl ilnnt. Mrs. Oultzlev: vlce-nrestdent. Mrs. Burgess) i?CTetarj Mrs. Sooly, re-elected; treasurer, Mrs. Denman, re-elected. The5 secretary and treas urer have served In their respective capacities for tho past year. A vote or thanks was tendered"" to the retir ing president. Mrs. Ilinmnn. who lenves soon for her forruer homo in Cellar Rapids, la., an dalso'to Miss Smaulpausen, a. worthy member, who goes' to Ontario, Qal. Tho next meet ing of the society will be held at the church. Mayor and Mrs. H. Canon have returned from their summer outing and aro, at home to their friends on Genesee street. Mrs. C L. Corwin of Aftoria has arrived for a visit with her tons, Homer and Sterling RothermcL " Charles Rogers of Spokane, who has been visiting Medford friends, re turned to his homo Tuesday. a Mrs. J. F. Tlutchason has gone to Portland for ancxtended visit with her sister, Mrs. Fred Cofer. Mrs. Porter Neff and Mrs. Brack enreid left Sunday for San Francisco. FERULLO BAND IT MmORH t Celebrated Musical Organization and 6rad Opera Stars, Monsieur and Madame Begue to Be Heard To morrow. . The Ternllo band management, in its conscientious efforts to nfford the public the be&t possible' in vocal as well as instrnmental music, has scored heavily in the exclusive en gagement of the eminent dramatic baritone from the Metropolitan opera hbube, Monsieur Begue. In this great wnger it is Rare to say that the mnsic lovers who jour ney to the Natntorium will hear a so loi&t whoso equal has net before a'p- lenred with any band we have yet heard. Monsieur Begue has for the pnst twelve years ranked high on the roster of the greatest operatic com paiiyn of this country, and Europe, ho having but recently finished the .regular season with the New York organization' mid was about to sail for his native land when tendered the Fernllo engagement for the sum mer. Far away bej'ond tho ordinnn- modest diversion, the appearance nf this eminent nrtist with the Fcrullo band will menu much to the music lover who seeks the very' Wst in yo- rcal art. ' M. Bepue, during his short season with the band will be heard in most -of the great flrian which have made Iils- Jinme famous in the Important 'operatic centers of Europe and Am 'erica. lie will sing in French. Ger man and itlamn, while lug encores "will iueluile n number of Neapolitan xojk-tfongfi, given m a maimer that will prove a revelation to the band patrons. NOTICE. Tho Taclan Sisters of Temple Tal isman will open tljelr meeting Sep tember 20, at R. P. Hall. Good at tendance of officers and members is desired. MRS. EDNA ISAACS, 1 , M. C. MRS. A.'E. TROWBRIDGE, 14C , M, R. C. THOUSANDS KILLED FOIt TWO BITS. Bend 25 conla to' HKLKIltK CHEMI- CAI.. COMPANY, Hcaly Hulldlntr, Port- IIUO KHJ.nit, tiyo tabletipoonfuU ot which will rid any jiouuo ot nil vermin, hues, roaches. Sure death to animal lice 9f every variety; rees poultry of Jlck, nines, l Is a moBt effective PLANT SPHAY. qndoineil j' Ic-adlni; agriculturist!) AOKNTfl WANTED in this territory Wrlto today and becomo, a URer of HKL- Kuuvtt. Husking for Health. MISS NOBODY til STARLAND Great Musical Comedy Coming to the Medford Theater on Sept. 15 Hive Vail Stars In Title Roll Many Pretty Show Girls. Mort 11. Smer nnnoun 'S himself as merely the producer of "MNs No body from Starland," tho stupendous imiMoul comedy production that up pears nt Medford opem houu tn Tuesday, September lfth. But it ap pears that the idea of the title char acter and some of the more important incidents of the plot are the result of his suggestions to lUe authors. Tho "Miss Xobody" of the chorus, who is portrayed hi the play, it iisems formerly adorned the swaying front row at the Princess thchtre, Chicago, where her social and financial o.v ploits caused no nd of excitement. Mr. Singer met the young woman en route tn Xew York, not long after she hnd left his employ and her ic cilnl of her affluence and happiness brought to her distinction of being' selected as the model that was fol lowed in the cnniMitiou of "Miss Nobody from Starland." "Miss Nobody from Starland" is the joint work of Adams, Hough and Howard and Mitchell who are respon sible for nearly nil of Mr. Mort 11. Singer'; successes. The. nook ' nud lyrics are particularly bright and erisj) while the musical selections are said to be gvms of melody. Olive Vail's title role in Mort H. Singer's big musical comedy produc tion "Miss Nobody from Stlirland" will be that of "Mfss Nobody" of the chorus who makers teople believe she really is somebody when she is off the stage and away from the foot lights. She is" a shy little enchant ress who has all sorts of cunning schemes on foot for her own ag grandizement, She lias beauty ami n manner tnat makes all the men tail in love with her to such an extent that she ei them as unwitting agents to aid her in carrying onl her little plots. One of these is nn un dertaking with her brother to smug gle a few diamonds across the ocean into the United States. The brings , the dinmonds across the Atlantic on the liner Lusitania and jso cleverly does she entrance those around her that she even has as ullic.. detectives of the customs department who have been put on trail of diamond smug glers. Everybody wants to mnrry her and on thd Atlantic Voyage she annexes several 'mpas' and 'broth ers' who do not discover the entan glements into which they have been' put, until the Inst curtain fulls on n stage door scene at 'the Medford theater where "Miss Nobody from Starland" will be seen on Frit' September loth. Scots on snle .it Raskins' Monday rooming. Printing of all kinds nt Portland nrices. Mail Tribune office. 0N''g JL d G 1 " S A Special Announcement Ve have opened a first-class ladies' tailoring establishment at Central Point Everything we sell wo make and fit in our own shop. JVe carry a big stock of woolons and latest Parisian Fashions. Our "prices are reasonable, our, stand ard is high. Draperies J We carnr very; complete Un.t dVapertea, lato curtafha. Ylztuus. etc. luid Cq all claas ot UDholsunoK. A special man to look after thla work excltjKtvolr and will guv -Je' rood ?m711CaV."rtUc.?.,eTi,U ?B ' Weeks k McGowan Co Berlin Ladies' failMfng Co. Jh.- V EXPERT CUTTERS AND FITTERS Phone 10XXX1 Central Point, Oregon EXCURSION Sunday, Sept. 10 Butte Falls and Return 1 1 . " VIA Pacific & Eastern R. R. Round Trip Only $2.00 Train leaves. Medford at 8:14 a. in., arrives in .Medford at 7 p. m. This is the finest scenic trip in ail of Southern Oregon. You'll enjpy this 65 inile ride into Interior Oregon. Squibbs Spices Give Best Results in Pickling Fruit Aboslutely Pure Exceptionally Strong a)U :Ec6nbmicaito4Use CM w .- Ml l tj. I MEDFORD PHARMACY NEAIt POST OFFICE. PHONE NIOUT OK HAY MAIN 101. After Vacations Marinello VncatiotiH nri n Joy ami wo iiiiin buvo Ibrni. 1 1 lit ui'ttlnu the 'nndt'lon buck Into condition nriernnrd In another innlti'i nnlt'NM )tni lute tlio ".Miirlnetlobntdt." t , Sun nud wind anil ruin mid mnf nlfln:. ImihIIiik. niiXAiltnt, luttbluK lin no nftfctniotH for tho utmmii who Uiiowh wlmt Muilncllo will do for her. Our Mnrliiflln 'rmitnichlNWlll llKbtcn tin hldn fuur or (Ue hhiideH ni nliinbtrvntinent. Will tiilcUly icniovo all IrntvN of itniKhnitM mid fixiTNtMii'Hi from tho U1ii and toNtoitt Ih film Mift t'tiirt. ' NXer try lo Uvo In tho iimii llttlo 'or mm h -without it plen tiful MHly of our lailuello I'n'imiiillotiN iraily to hiiuil mill mi w cjikIiiiuiI hour under the HMIIful nilul'.tniiloiw nf our MiiHiielln iir ntor. It Is worth cvi'ijllilnu to ynt.r roiufoit ami nmii' to )onr tif. pcnrnntis'. Kt'ry'w(inan tujiiN what wo rim do for Ittr but i-oiMM-lally MiiiitliMicrw.fAnil today In the lioM tlmo to Ih-uIii. Marinello ltOM .1, OVKIt KKNTNIHIS. 1'IIUNH 1 1 1. Shop A UANIC HOOK WIMi MdllTilN tlio bunion of rnrliif, for your monny. DnpoHlt your ennb In tho Kami pro St. l-'rultgrawurn ihiulc and you wilt nut bnvt) to nit Mid worry nbout itn unfitly, Thlovuu tlou't nt onl bank book; tind if flro doatroyn ono, you don't loao anything. n you vrould If It wnn tlio cnHh Ituolf. 0iun nn nrrotint todny nud you'll nloop rnntcr tunlcbt and uvtry nlcht. Pmmm Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL tfbNDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 320 GARNETT-OORE BLDG. MEDFORD IRON WORKS I E. Q. Trowbridgo, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. $$$$$$3$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $W iff ( ' c 7 The Medford National Bank CAPITAL STOCK - $100,000.00 SURPLUS and PROFITS 35 OOO.OO UNITED STATES POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITORY SAFE DEPOSIT H0X1 IX) It KENT. W. X. SOKE, rrolflJt. J, A. PEBAv, Tlo Prtl. JOHN 0. OBTH, Oklhtir. r. B. MBKHIOK, Vlot Pre. W. B. JACKBOW, AWt. OAlliter. 'f.' . fli h h Ci h i ) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$''?$ yf? $ $ $ 't ?l i : , mmmwwwwjMJmmmmm jmmmmjwwwmmwmmwm m m w mmmmjvwmtrm mjmwj mj m jmm mmmwmfimmww ' jBe Diamonds, Watches ... f. and Jewehy Everything in the JeWelry Line If You Want Quality, I Have It Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing Diamond Setting and Engraving MARTIN J. REDDY v K, ji t THE JEWELER, ' MEDFORD, OREGON, NEAR POSTOFFIOE i 4044f4f4444fr4HNf4(&44 Wi I i T? CW'Ta .i 640 acres foothill fruit land, 10 miles from railroad station; $15 per acre on 10 years' time. One tenth cash, one-tenth each year for 10 years. Interest on deferred payments. Bjg gest bargains ever offered. - T .Gold Ray Realty Co. UIH W'cut Mitlii Sttvut Ituoru 101, Kloctrlo MlilK. ,A v