v - l. ' -fa . $' " "fcrt Nfl., h pa'oe srx Ht , i ' ff -"-.. . ' MJ3DF0RD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 0, 1911. . LYNAN HELD. FRAUD CHARGE Capitalist and Promoter Arrested for Swindling in Connection With Panama Development Company Deals!; SAN FRANCISCO, Sejt. 9. - Dr John Grant Lymnn, who was arrest ed Inst nlsht liy foderal officers here on n chnrgo of frniitl In connection I with operations of tho Panama Devel- ofunont company of Los Angeles, to day refused all Interviews, despite' IiIh declaration when taken Into cua- tody Hint lie would clear himself cas-j lly today. ' , Lymnn Is being held for foderal J authorities at tho city jail, but It Is probable that ho will be transferred to tho Alnmeda county Jail before night, ponding arrangements for his return to Los Angeles, Lymnn has operated In all parts of world. Somo time ago ho was on u fraud charge In connection with a Ooldflold mining deal, details of which arc now being exposed In mng azlno articles. He Is said to have realized hundreds of thousands of dollars In deals, but each time nian-j aged to cscapo serious trouble. . tho u. LVf h2: WBIBlipMfHlrwwBBMMBBIffWM H 1 jM 4.!H H v BIT i TTnT' i TliTWIIllffiff1 rHBI HlftKaaHt aaaat. . V-I -gjRy ft- ' lifc-tfii - 'tr'SMR""! rKa3DBMKt iagm atiALllKWljHn wiflr T mm BrMTBfMWMBginwBBBl I HSBMigH)Nf(9JEjR&RSH 4 MBMlWWyii'4irii 'fi'i" ' i " " "" ' ' iiiUi """ "'''i'i,)"i"w'iwi""ii",i"i7pjjjjm i m - i o e Tho Grvat Ditfsx Kehenrviil Scene, Second ct, of Mort II. Singer's Ulg .Mu-lral Itovue, "MW.s NoNuly 1'rtnu SJnr land,'' .Medford Tliealer, Seplember ! Man's Early Building. The ruins of successive human hal itatluus unearthed lu Asia show how man advanced from primeval savagery to the (ramp of Babylon and Nineveh. Fltt he Improved the caves In which he dwelt by leveling the floors and cut Uug windows to give him light. After ward he constructed entirely artificial habitations for himself, at first rough ly made tents of boughs and leaves, then huts of mud and llually dwellings of wood and stone. Spiteful. - Tes," said the engaged girl. "DIcic Is very methodical. He gives me one kiss when he comes and two when be goes away." "That's always been his way," re turned her dearest friend. "I've beard "Jots of girls comment on It." Thus It hnppcns that they cease to speak to each other. Fall In With the Argument. "The leading question," said tho iwlonel, "Is the financial one." "Klght," replied the major, "and 1 was just about to ask you to add S3 to that $10 I borrowed from you yes Iterdav." Fncle Homos' Mncnxlno. Earliest Theater. What was probably one of the carll est theaters built was the theater f Dionysus, which was lxguu live centu ries before Christ. The seating capac ity of this remarkable bulldlug Is said to have been SO.OcX). nearly four times that of our largest amusement palace. Tho theater of Dionysus was erected when Greek art and literature were lu their prime. Here were presented to appreciative sieetator the wonderful works of Aeschylus. Sophocles and Euripides. A Sickly Diary. "Look here, old chap. I'll give you a valuable tip." said the experienced married man to the prospective bride groom. "Uou l let your wne Keep a diary on the honeymoon. My wife did thatj and now wheuevcr we quarrel she brings It out and reads some of the idiotic things I said to her then." a motner was warning tne ucck mtu ears of her little son before sending him to school. He said. "Now. mam ma, you dou't need to wash this ear. for It comes next to the blackboard, and no one can see It." Game ef Parodies. Each player writes n parody. Involv ing n certain idea or- word, in the measure of som wpII known poem. Look nt the "For Sale" nds and at some of the things that arc adver tised for boIa. Hasklns for Health. NEW SHOE STORE IN TOGGERY'S OLD STAND Mr. nellng of Winona, Minn., will open up an exclusive up-to-date shoo store In ToggeryCs old stnud, 10S Kant Main street. Mr. Deling Is a practical shoemnn of 31 years' experience. Ho was In business In Winona for tho past -0 years. Owing to health's sake, ho and his family sought n different cli mate. Mr. Hollng's first Impression on en tering Uogue Hljer valley last April was that it was good enough for htm. After securing a location, he returned to hts home, arranging his business matters so ns to return ns as soon as jKmslble to Medford. Tho storo will be known as tho D-ling Good Fit Shoo Store. on a prccnccivcd plan, the color of niiiiunl, the form of msoet' wing nnd the structure of their nkiii. I'i. sessor I'murnm worked with hinh temperatures to produce his wonder ful re.-ults. POSSIBILITY OF CHANGING THE C0JL0R OF ANIMALS VIENNA, Sept. 0. Following tho lines laid down bj Professor Loch of the University of Califoniin nnd Luther Ilurbnnk, Professor Pmbrnm of tho biological institute here, ha established the ixissihilitv of pliniiL'iiiL Deserted ThoTr Towns. So late as the end of the seventeenth century the Inhabitants of Ceylon were In the habit of deserting their towns. Their customs arc described In the narrative of Captntn Ilobert Knox, who for nineteen years, from ICt to I07D..WH8 a captive among them. He spenks of several towns as lying desolate owing to the fact that their Inhabitants had forsaken them. This tbey did If many of them fell sick, nnd two or three died soon after one another, thinking that It was ti visitation of the evil one. Some 06 them came back when they thought the evil spirits bad departed. Carrots 2 V4c Hoots 2 Vi c. Onions Itermuda, He. Celery GOcCf I doi. Cauliflower lOCPlGc head. Turnips 2c. Itndlshes Go bunch, Onions Greeu, 6c bunch. Fruit. Coconnuts tOo each, l'runon Drlod, llo lb. LointiitH 25u doKOU. llittuuutn 1G to 2 nn per duitMt, Oranges 2G4f45u ! Grape fruit 7Go (fljl doi, Hut tor Kgir mill Poultry Hittter Froimh ranch, per roll, fific; creamery, OOu. Kggs Fresh ranch, 2 So, Poultry Hens, droiinod, 2 'Jo; llvo, I He; springs, dressed, 30o; live 106. Turkeys 28 WHO, dressed. Meats Hoof Cowi, lOdraOo; ntoors, 12 M (tr a no. Pork 20 tf 22o. Veal Dressed, 16(traDo. Mutton 12 MWaOo; lainhH, It, 2 Go. liny nnd l'Vn Hay Timothy, ?H! ulfnlfn, 14; KihHii, IIS; grain liny, 114. Grain Wheat, fl.lR htisholj outs, 2ft ton; barley, $35 ton, IlusUInu for Health, Southern Oregon Mining Bureau Now Ready For Business Assays tiinilo for gold, silver, lend, nipiier nnd other min eral a. 4 Mines and mining prospects mirveyed, n'owyed and mining maps and reports Hindu thereon hy coinpetent inlultig nnnayerii and euglueoiH for reasonable compensation, ""Capital secured for developing mined and mining iroapct. All mlno owners are earnestly requested to send samples of their ores for exhibition imrposes, and send full description of their mining property. Southern Oregon Mining Bureau 21$ West Main Street, Medford, Oregon Look nt tho nds that offer em ployment nnd you'll find the right one soon. KXDTOKD KJUMCXTS. Betall Fricta. I Vegetables. Potnto.-s $l.7ri perewt; 2 l-2c lb. , Cabbage 2c, .-, . Parsnips 2c. Lettuce Gc head. THE BEAUTY SHOP (IKNTIiKMKN Why not have tho dandruff removed nnd stop your hair falling; also your nails woll shaped nnd polished? Madamo Hoodo asks your putroungo nnd guarantees her work. LAWKS Your toilet Is not com plete until your nulls are manicured your fare massaged nnd your hair dressed lu becoming xtyle. Madame lloodo guarantees satisfaction lu ev ery way, CHILOHKN Do not start tho children In school until thulr hair Is neatly trimmed. Madamo lloodo uses only nterlllied Instruments. Phone 7411 MADAME ROODE Over Medford Pharmacy One Week Sale of Dress Goods & lllllii uw W 'I A 1 1 .v' ' I l nh M ' '1 i; I 1 in . 1 1 ' 1 t IlU''; 'i1?1 i - ' In -i 'ii j(r jp s&&Z f f4 MEEKERS '"SdooI Silk to Wtjrrcn. aH ine new colors in Dress Goods end Silks- Beginning with Monday morning, Septeinher ilie 11th, we place on snlo every i)ieco of DreHS floods in our entire stock at prices 2C to '10 cents off on the dollar. We find ourselves overstocked in this department, therefore to induce early fall selling and to reduce stock to normal size, will close out these goods at the following prices: LOOK FOR THE GREEN TICKETS Every piece of Dress Goods, cotton or woolen, fan ey or plain, will hear a green ticket, the former price on the original and the new sale price on the 01113 ICN ticket. You can see for yourselves just the saving to 3ou on every yard. BLACK -DRESS GOODS-Interesting Facts for the Immediate Purchaser White cotton goods at less than cost, goods that you wear tho season through. Indian lawns, piques, madras, persian lawns, every item has a green ticket and the price will he a wonder to you, .12 India Lawns 8 l-3c 20c India Lawns ;..; 12 l-2c 2.1c Lawns ; 18c PLAIN DRESS LINENS 36-hioh plain Natural Dress Linen; sale, yard :.....; '. 19c SERPENTINE CREPES Kimona Crepes; all shades, also plain whito, hlaek and white striped; regular 20c; sale, per yard .. . 13c Cotton Marquesettes and Voiles; regular 25c goods; sale, per yard .... 15c White hairline Suitings; serges; regular $1:25 values.; per yard 89c WHITE MOHAIR SUITING Just tho thing for evening and Tall - ear; (Joe values; salo, per yard .. 39 SILK FOULARDS A few Silk Foulard Dress Patterns loft; regular $1.00 yard; to close out, per yard , 55c ZEPHYR GINGHAMS A good assortment of Zephyr Ginghams; .10 and Mi-inch; usually sold at 25c and 35c; all included in one bunch, per yard 19c $1.75 FANCY BLACK "MELROSE, 45-inch; sale $1.19 $2.? PLAIN BLACK WOOTEN TWKFCTAS, .Jfi-inch; sale, vd....$1.5'J $1.50 VaKCY EMBROIDERED ni.ACK PANAMAS, H-in.; sale $1.15 $1.25 PLAIN" BLACK BASTJSTE, J-l-iiich; sale ...' 99c $2 FANCY SILK AND WOOLTUSSH CARINA; 44-in.; sale $1.29 FANCY GREY SUITINGS : $1.25 fancy all wool grey novelty Suiting; 42-inch ......-. '. 85c Fancy olive Zibaline, all wool; 42-inch $.).:; .'. 85c COAT FLANNEL 36-inch all wool red Cloak Flannel for children's coats; sold everywhere for G5c and 75c; on sale at, yard 39c LADIES' NOVELTY SUIT PATTERNS j ; , . , .10 Ladies' Suit Patterns; the season's latest values to $3.50 yard; no two patterns alike ;5 and G yards to the patterns; prices $1.19 to $2.49 FANCY SILKS LESS THAN COST ,' f 65c Silk Poplin,' lavender, pink, rose, light blue, peach sh'ades; a clean up price or, per yard doc Limited amount in early (evening shades. PLAIN RAJAH SILKS Big assortment of Rajah Silks for waists; every shade; regular price 65c yard: on sale, per yard doc r. (Washable goods). EVERY PIECE OF SILK AT COST OR LESS LOOK FOR THE GREEN TICKETS SEND YOUR DRESSMAKER FOR SAMPLES THIS WILL BE THE BIGG RST DRESS GOO DS SALE EVER PUT ON IN MEDFORD. SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY. PHONE OR WRITE FOR SAMPLES. IF YOU OA'IC CALL, WE WILL GLADLY SEND T HEM TO YOU. M E I ft E R. S Premium with Every 10c Purchase w 3 Lxafv jIH t kaaBaUawQLi. v ', "VITA. i;j