Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 09, 1911, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Now !0I'H,
Di'llu .1. Drown h, ,1, A. Mrlnluili,
Dl at, ncliiMi 1'or money,
Mm tlm h, (Illicit'', H nl vm. It, 1',
KilKinuloii unit M. I'. I'MgliiKlon; no.
t Ion I'or money.
llovt'iitli'ii-.Soiilo IMmio coiiiiniiy vh,
K, T. Abbott; nt'liiiii to i ceo vcr ijiou.
1 (!. W. .MkDiuiiiIiI iiinl V. Me
Ihiuulil vh, V. i1. Miller mill Mullmln
V. Miller; Milt to miict llllu.
Mnnlnm' iiticii'N,
NiUoii Itifliunl Voiiiik mill .Mliinlr
Kit a Hint;. "
Imiuth Morunii mn 'IYi'muIa King,
,Iomi'iIi llmil inn) Mnm-io .Moffit,
' lurl1il, WJiilo mill ilmiluh (Inr
jiitt., .Murrli'il,
lloul-.Mnllit- In .inekHonvilm on
Kiil, 7, by Hue. ('. It, JuIiiimIoii, ,Iom
i'pli Hunt mill Ma;uii' Mol'flt.
People of Shasta Valley Arc After
Trunk Hliili Way Tliroujiliout Call
fnrnfn Call on Jackson County
for Help.
- i
Kutnto of .limit' M. Ilnty; In veil
lory mid iiintlt'iiifiil filed nliowiin.
1'mIiiIo vnllH'il nt $6,0110.
Kit it In of Itomi ,1. Allen; mliulil
iHtrnlorV liuiol. filed nnil amu'oved.
(Iiilil'ilimi o! Mubcl anil Mmliilcui
Scmliler tllcil IiuihI mill wiih up-proved,
Circuit Court,
Firxt National Hunk of Mt-dfnnl
vm. I.enu ('. Tifylor, it nl; action foi
lummy; judgment liy iliM'nult.
Slitle of Oregon v. 0. I'. 111)'
Imlit'tineiit for ronlriliiitiiij; to de
l!ii(iiiiuv of minor ohlhl.
Htiitn of Oregon vi. J. A. Mcln
tufth; indicted for rel'iiHlng to Klip
port wife; pleaded guilty nnil fen
tnnecil to pay jflfi ii week to clorl
of court for oiu year For HiipjKtrt ol
Stnto of Oregon vh. John Dent
moim; lilieteil for offering to bribi
offioi'r: iliftmiwhi'il.
Stato of Oregon vh. .lolm fuiurnpnn
Inilii'lnl for offering to bribe mi of
fii'er: entered plea of not guilty.
Statu of Orison H. IVtor Hoziih
Imliittril for offering to bribe an of
fii'er; entered plea of not gollty.
It. V. i:.linK-t..n vx. Martha h. Oil
lelto; dlhlulfHCll.
Mnrguret Ijrnw'ii vh. Aloiira WiUoii'
action lo renovor money ; jury return
cil verdict for plaintiff in Hum of
State of Oregon vh. S. Chap
man; ilifiiuiHHcd.
If tlio people of Bhmttn valley JiiHt
ninth of Dm California lino aro mio-
ii'HMful In thulr offorlii to noeiiro 'the
iiiiiIii trunk highway which Ih to he
pount riicloil throughout Callfornln,
iiol from iiri'Hiuit iiiipcaianrim tlmy
will, It will liu hut another urKiiiiicnt
Mi favor of tint ihimkiiko of tlm $!,
nOO.OOO hoiiil Imhiio In JackKou county.
'or ono of Ihu iniriioncH of the pro
idiseil houil liifliR' will hi to eoiiHlruct
i trunk hlxhway from tho aCllforula
Inn through Aiihlauil, Talent, Phoo
ilri Mttilforil, Central Point, (Jold
Hill and WimmIvIIIo and ono to the
,loiieililiio county Ilini,
That tho pooplo of HlHklyou county
trii workliiK hard for tho proposed
rank lino UiroiiKh California In ovl
teared by thu fact thut tho city ait
horltlcn of Yrokn huvo written to
ill of thu townii of Kouthnru OroKi
twkliiK for information ri'ftnrdliiK tlilf
UHtlon. Tli In data when compiled
will ho prencnted to Urn hlKhway com
iiInhIoii of Cvillforjila In order to In
Jure them to l)lato tho highway
(hroiiRh tho central portion of tho
itato. Tho pitHHJiKO of tho Kood roniU
bond Ismio In thin county will bo a Mn
irKunient in IiuIucIiik tho hlKhwny
"nmtnhiRlon of California In tho locu
tlnu of tho road.
California authorized tho oxpomll-
uro of 118,000,000 ror tho cntmtnic-
Ion of muto-uldod road. It In jiro-
)0e(l to hulld a main lilwhway from
Oregon to Kuu Dh'KO. Koreka la pull
iur for tho .main hlRhwny and o In
tho country cant of tho Simula vulloy.
Yrcka does not wIhIi to sea tho road
llvorted. and for that purpono hau
allod for data regard I iik thin Hectlon
if OreKon.
ATLANTA, On Sept. H.Irx.
Sarah Tcmplchrook, mi iilmmI rchident
of thin city, opened her muruiui ui
per today, mid hhw that Henry t lay
Heattie, Jr., had hern convicted of
murder and ilropixid dead. Hho had
hcen HiifcriiiK fnun heart tronlilc.
It'Mtl KMato Tmnnfcn.
A. N. Seliank to Itoliert It.
MileH, 100 iii'WH in T. nn, .1 '
K $2fl.'0
M. C. .uti to .lohu It. Hair,
I).t iiereM in T. .'Id, -I ..... 30
Alfred T. WilliauiN a Iliuhtroft
Iur., nxHiKUieut of bud 10
Wind J. Spencer to K. A. Hureh-
i'II, KL'.:i7 nenm in nee. ft,
T. Mil. I V 30
K. II. Fraley to Womio l.ivor
Klerlrii" Co., riulil' of way
It. 1 1. Dodue el nl to I'roRiH'ct
ConHlnii'tiou (To. rijilit of way
in T. :M, 1 V
J, ('. llauiinh to I'niHpeet Cou
nt ruel ion Co., riht of wny in
It ill !
J. M. Fouler at nl to Pnmiieet
Count runtion Co., riuht of
i wnv inT. :ir, I V. .'
II. V I'ohland to 1'roKpi'et Cou
nt ruction Co., rif-ht of way
i;i T. II I- 1 W
A. A. Hull to 1'roHpeet Con
Hi ruction Co., riejit of way
in T. 3-J. 1 V
Oi'o. CiihIoIc to I'ronpoiit Con.
Co., rij;ht of wny in T. !UJ 1
V. .7, Allen to I'l-o.speel Con
Htriirtiou ('o.,. WkIiI of way in
' T. IH, 1 V
T. It, HawHon to l'nHpect Con
hI ruction Co., riht of wav in
T. Ill, I V
T. J. JoliiiHon to l'roHpeot Con
hI ruction Co., riulil of way in
' t. a;t, i w
W, It. JoJuiHon to l'rimpect Con
Htruetion Co., rijlit of way in
Hcotion JHI, '?, X 1 W
'Iluzol Kiiynrl to Primped (Nui-
, Hli'iiolion Co,, riwht of way in
T. :i:i. I 10
J. l'J. Knyart .to ProHpool Con
Hi rtttil ion Co,, rij;ht of way in
t. a:i I K
jM. 11. I'nyno to Prospeut Cn
Hlniotion Co., rltflit of way in
" WMilltin 2-1, T. :i:i, 1 K
;T. M. I'color to 1'ronpoi'l Con
Hlnuilion Co., rllil of wny in
'I' 'l o v
J. '.- UltHvvorlli to l'roHpeot
Count ruction Co., riht of
wiiy. in T. an, 2 l'J
Nolnou Nyo to l'roHpeot (Jon
' filntotioii Co.1 riht of wny
) in t. aa, a K
)V, ,1. IIoiihIoii to rronpodl Cou
nt nuillon Co., liwht of way in
T. ai, 3 W
C. 0. Vincent to I'roHnoot Con-
At the Churches
-' Baptist Church.
Tim rt'inilnr nervices will hd held
in tho Haptint church Sunday morn
hit; mid evening'. Sermons by the
piiHlor, Sunday nchoo), U :-li a. in.;
Vouuu' I'coplo'H 'mootJiiK' II :!10 u in.;
evening Horvjee, 7:3U p. m. Spwiul
mniio nt cnoli prenehiiiK nervice.
A. A. Holiuen, paHtor.
M. E. CliurcJi, South.
Kldcr .loni'H will preueli Sundny
innrnliiu mid cvonin ntM.'T. cliurcli
xoulh. Kveryhody in welcome.
IIih proixTty iMiiinflli'il lhrnliy In niToriP
Mli'ic Willi (lie cliurt'T of mild elly
And, wliereiiN, certain ownern of miii1
dry pii'OMi or pieiieity inch uNHMmtit tr
xueli Itniirovfini'iit la a -aim exceOliiK
twcnty-flvo'itoilnrM have duly inmJo niei
rlltxl niiiiiitlipn tu my mi lit n'lvonil
xiMif-hHiiienlH la ItiKtiiliiirntN In iirctirlaar
with xcolloa 27S7 of milil llr)llnKr A
('niton'-; Annotated (Villi' iitul HtiilntcK:
And, whereiiM, nn iidMitixnunl mid Jxunl
Hen liMJkfl Iiiim hmiii ilitly imulu m In
(ici'diiliince with thn provlnloiiN ot miI
hitIIiiII nml ut mention 272 of Knl1 (.foden
ami Hlatutcf, mid Dm total iiiiiimnl of
nnimlil (iMKcMMiniinl-; fir kucIi ntn-et. Ifn
IT'iveiii'iiilM mid for whloli iiiti(yilon to
lid y under Him irovlKl(,;m nf xnld i"d
llinoi itliV cited hun Itix'M iniiil'' and
film) mm ufnrcHuiii m th kiimi of I.H.SM'.CO
UN nhowil liy ld ilond l.leu iJoekiit;
Now ilinrenii?, mitd nuy of Alodford
ilolli ornntii u nforfiuld, mid thrrn Id
hvridiy nulliorlxud to le Ixmu-d the liondN
of miiUI city in tho totul amount of
tl,:ifi0, In ilmiomltmtlon.i of two
hioidied Hint fifty and five hundred del
I n til , noli, ii n may lie convenient.
H'-ellon 2 Huld hbildft xhnll he tnnde
In the follou'laif fnrin, nuinherrd from
1003 lo 1071 l.o I h ImoIiinIvi"!
t'lrv or MKoi'oun
Knnw nil men liy tliin nrenentw, flint
tho t'lly of Mcilford In the County of
liicknon, Htnto of Ornjiun, for valuo r
enivnd, Iwrcliy usreo and iirunilm-K- to
lay the iKiantr tho mini of
ilnlliim In Kolcl culu of tho United HI it ten
of Aiiierk'u, iu tli" iirvHoiitatlou mid enr
render of till) otiliKutloo on tho flrnt
dny of i r. ..... In the
yriir of our Lord Ono Tliounund. Nine
llundrrd and, .. ., without
Kriiee. with ntrrnt thereon from the
drttu Iieteof 11 nl 1 1 redefined, or until III"
time of th Hiiinl-anminl inl'Trwt pnynient
iiekl cuniiIiik ho imlillcutloii of notlco by
ihn city of M.-ilf.iril Hint thin bond will
U Liken in, uud curllfd nud Unit In
lereiit thereon will cettan at tlio Intcrent
imynieiit wrlod next followlnr utieh pub
llciiilon. nt tlm rnlo of mx jkt cent p'T
minimi, imyntiln lo'inl-iiniuiiilty, In Hhn
coin on the flrnt dny of ............,
and tli firm dny of -, , ,
mid tho flrnt dny or .., In
each yenr, on tho prcneutiitlon and nur
mnder of the proper couponn llierrtn un
iiphimI. iirlnoltint und ln(-ret payaiilo at
tin office of tho treumirur of tho City
of Medford.
Thin bond In one of n iwrlr nutliortd
by an Act of the Jwglitlallvn Ametnld
of the Htato of UrrKou, rut (tied "An net
to provide for Hie Imuinnco of bond for
tho Improvement of tree In and Ihn lay
liiif of unto'um In Incoriiurated clllr-N und
for thn imyimnt of Ihu rout of ntirli tn
irovinenlN and luyliiK of (wwrrii by In
MtnlliliMitM," filed III lhl Office Of tlf
Hrcretnry of Hint IVbruary 52nd. I!i3.
iic ninenilcit by nn net entltltl "An Act
to provide for the Immniico of Immln fm
llio ImnrovtiinenL of ulreotN mid laying
of Newnr In lncoriornted cUIcm. and for
the pnyment of the runt of xtich Improviv
uii'iitH mid Inylnif of newer by ItiMlnl
inrnln filed In thn office of the Secre
tary of Hlnto IVbriiury :2nd. I!3," H-
l.riiven I'Oiiruary :nm. ivui, nnu in nn
obllitutloii of the t'lly of Medford, nfore.
until, and In not to I" deemed or tnken
lo ! wllhln or any part of tbe llriltn
Iton by law nn to the Indeblednenn of
-nil! city, und III n further crtlfled that
nil thn requlri-mi-nU of law hnva Iw-"!
fully romiilleil with by tho pronT offi
rM In the InnuliiK of thin bond, and
Hint the total amount of IIiIh Ihhiih doc
not exceed thn limit rmcrib-d by ntild
Thin bond In redcemnblo at tho office
of en Id Irvnnurer at III" option of the
Oily of Medford upon thn payment of
llio ram vmun inrreor, wiiii nccrileu in
IrreMt to llio dale of pnyment nl any
HcmlafiiHml coupon xrlml at Or uflei
one yviir from the dntn heri'Of. un iro-i
vlded In ruild Art.
Kor thn fulfillment of the condition
Of thin obllKfltloil tbe f.iitii tu,,) rreilll
of the City of Medford ar hereby
pi edited.
in wiine wnereor nun hotid hnx l.i-n
nlKied by tint mayor nml ntl,t, i,y
tho (ecoi.ler of nald riir of .Medford and
.rrijffri iiiin
.f A. II, J0II.
tlio eorporato ni'ill of ll. cily of .Mi-d
i urn nvriMo iuii.i'i nun
day of .....
Itf-coider of llio!tiv of Medford,
Hectlon 3. i;n;li of fold boriiU nhnll
linvn nttiiclied therein lHuly, eotionM,
imeli of which rdmll be in tin, following
form. '.
ciry ok MKriivifin
Will bftw lo lh le-Jirrr dollnrn
In Kohl coin of the t'nlied Kino-n of
America, at thn.offle of tlm trmitilrer
of Krtlil city, on tlm ,ny ,f
, beltiK nix iikiiiHik lntr-
nt on Improvement bond Un . , . k. lib.
Iwnn Mnld bond In rMioni r redei,ied nn
therein provided, whlri riluiplloii will
milder thin coupon void.
AtlcM! .Mayor.
JtiKorilt-r of Ihn CH of Medford.
Unlit coupoim nhnll in riiiinbfrid from
ono to twenty rcn0"eiivdy
Hectlon 1, Tho mayor or nntd city In
hereby iiuthorlxed nod (llnrlcl to nlgn
nalil bomU and th oiiy recorder to conn
lernlicn the name by ttchlnir thereto
the neat of Raid city, nil on behalf of
nuld city.
Hectlon B. Thn ficorder of mild city
In hereby directed to r-K'ller mild bond
and nuinliT tlio namo on Hie blank pro
vided ilii-mfor In the f'iri-xnMir form In
ciecordrtnce with h-c ..n 2jro of mild
coden mid ntatuten of tlm Htnte of Ore
Hectlon C Ti" record' r of the City
of Medford l hereby ill reeled to ndvrr
llM nuld bondn for nnlp nnd that the
nhirin will bo nob! for tlm hlirticnl prlrn
oiiiniiiame, not leu man tmr nna no
erii'd Interenf. and In nafd advertlne
taent ho Mlmll minouncii that ho will
recelvo nettled projiPMaln for thn purchnu"
,ii fiiiii ihjiivh or nor itfirii'in iiirrnii.
ai iiih onice ill nny iimo orioro jo i.
rn. on tlm )2th day of Heotember. 1I1
Ibi Mlmll imbllnh mild hlvnrtlnicnt
tlireo tlmeri In a dully rmwupap-r pun
llnhi-d nnd urlnted In nnld city, nnd nlmll
nubtnlt lli'i fw-alcd proponitlN r-colved In
ncoordanco Willi nild ndverllnement to
tho city council or the City or Meiironi.
Ori-Kon, on tho fith day of Hupternlwr,
Itill, by tho following vote, to-wjt:
irrnun, , ,?iitii, , iTiiMiiiuii.
ayr-. KmorlcK, nbnenl; IJIfert, aye, and
Miliar, aye.
Approved September 6th. 1911.
Atlenf MVor.
)UinT. w. Tnr.Kj:it,
Clly Iteeorder. ,
Misi Staindeford'
Piano iTcheol
1'iuno, Harmony and Musical
Kxamlncr for Now England
Conservatory of Music
In Boston
MalcoB a Bjiccialty of training
teachers. Send for teotlmonlals
and terms. Phonji 7211. 170
First Church of Christ, Scientist.
Firt Church of Christ, Smentint
--Services Sunday nt 31 iw in. SmV
ect of loiHon-Hermoti: "SitbHlnnct."
.Sunday Heliool nt 10; Wedncsduy ov-uniiii-
ineejini at 8. All nre welcome.
A free rendinj room is open to the
puhlie from 2 to fi daily, except Sun
day, iiIho Thursday evening from
7::itl to l). Cliurcli edifice, Ul'J North
On account of oIohIih my ranch
for tho winter, I am proparod to of
fer a Bpoclal luducoiuont on flno fod
der corn, riilRetl on tho UIk Sticky,
without IrrlKftUmt. TIiIh corn whb
Krown on tho colobrated aroory
tract, which lipids tlio record for Jack
son county, and Iiiih attracted connld
orahlo attention. Tho corn comprises
about nluo ucron and will ho Hold on
tho Htulk or out. '
Also for salo, n rooi! work horse,
broken to drtvo, afraid of nothing;
kind and Kontlo, Locntlou, 5 1-2 inllos
northoiiHt of Medford, KiikIo Point
road, opposite Vilas ranch. Address
!'. II. CowIoh, Medford.
Save Money
W aro now Relllnj; meat
on a strictly hash basis.'
This plan nieaiia that wo
can sell to you at a lower
rnto than you have been
It' a Saving for
BothofUs -
. i
You will noways find tho
best meat at our market.
Our aim Is to please, both
In uunllty nud Bervlco.
West Side Market
LOUJS IIHIL, Proprietor
Electric Irons
- $4.00
Small Investment
Large Returns
Tu buying one of tbese IRONS you get big re
turns for small investment.
It only takes three (3) minutes t'o get them hot.
To use n little of the western vernacular they
are "there "that is, "OX TIIE JOB," all the
Get an Electric Iron
and you'll -wonder how you ever got along with
out it.
Htruetion Co., riulil of way in
t. n:i, U 13 , '3
I'.. Ii. Nyo to I'ronpoet CoiiHtruti
lion Co,, riwlit of wny in T.
:i:t, a b i
An orilliiiiauo iuitlioilr.lii thn InimaucA
of l3l,i.'5U.0U of tlm Impruvoiuout Jiiimly
of tlm City iif Mcilftiitl, lavkMOa Cuuiity,
Dii'Hoii, ami illrcfltlim antl ailvcrtlHlui
tlm Niono for mild In itmirilunoo with
flinnter V of Tltlu MXVll of llullliumr
& Cottua'H Aiiniitivti'il Coitoa and KtatutcH
uf tlm Htato of Oi'cuou.
t id citv or Aiotirum uoin oruaiu as
hcotiou i. wnoiimH, inn i;ny ur iuhi
fni'il tins liorotefiiri) iluly caiiHcit nortalu
Htiuiotii of anltl oltv tn bo tmnrnvod. ami
liau duly uususnuu thu uout lliurcoC tg '
. ' ,
stands for thorough, Borlous work In musical art. It deslros tho attendance of students who aro In
earnest and deslro IiIbIi attainments. Tho courses are outlined not only for for students who wish
tu tit themselves for music teaching, but for such who desire music as a part of tholr gonoral
education ns well. For this reason beginners aro welcome nnd are suro to bo taught correctly, a
fact which la too often overlooked In choosing a FIRST tenehor. In short, the Medford Conserva
tory Is established on tho sumo basis as the best mimic Bchools of Europe and America, whoso aim it
Is to innko thoroughly educated, really competent nud high minded inuslclnns. Full and systematic
courses aro offered In PIANO, VOICK, VIOM.V, VIOIjA, 'CKIiLO; supplementary courses in Har
mony Musical History, Instrumentation nnd other theoretical subjects; also Hand Instruments, Gui
tar, Mandolin and Ilunjo.
Diplomas are Granted to Students Who Complete a Full Course
'' ' ' '3' OlnW and private Instruction In -fvf "F'W'Z'Sffl'M'
English Literature. Public Speaking. Elocution and Dramatic Art
1 French-German-Spanish
PrleeB are Aa low as Is conslspnt with first class work and
vary according to subject chosen and grndo of advancement
Send forcutulog, I '
EDW. C. R90T
KutiUdrlum Rldg.
The Historic
have been sub-divided in
to small farms, which are
forsaleon very easy terms
10 per ct. down, balance
in seven (7) years
I This famous property was developed by
General John Bidwell, who pioneered the
first emigrant train across the plains to Cal
ifornia in 1842.
J The soil is conceded to be the best in
J The United States Government chose the
Bidwell Ranch as having the most prolific
soil in America for the important station of
the TJ. S. plant introduction garden, where
vegetables and fruits from all parts of the
world are cultivated to determine their val
ue to the American farmers.
ffWhen the owners refused the Govern
ment's offer, the plant introduction garden
was established on adjacent property. -
C For the same soil reasons the state of Cal
ifornia has established its forestry station
on a section of the Bidwell Eanch. . ,
I All land around Chico is rich. The land
offered by the Annie E. K. Bidwell Orchards
Company is the richest of all. The fact that
trees like the Sir Joseph Hooker oak, the
largest of its species in the world, and wal
nut and cherry trees that have no equal in
size and productivity, grow on this soil, is
impressive evidence of what this land really
is- . '"' i ., -
Cf This proposition is so good that the Annie
E. K. Bidwell Orchards Company does not
wish to sell the land without showing it to
the buyer. It does not wish the land, to be
confused with non-productive and'.compara
tively non-fertile land that might be des
cribed just as well in print. 1 t
q However, the Company will give any de
sired specific information to those who wish
data aljout the orchards. and other property.
: ' . i )
q Tho 'Annie E. 3v. Bidwell Orchards Com
pany is offering for n small price tho best
land for tlio jnonoy iu America. Don't buy
land till yo.ii have seen it. When you seo it
you will recognize its value. Write to
Annie E. K. Bid well
Orchards Co., of Chico
V I,
Olavonco Reed,
Chico, Cal.
'A. E. Montgomery,
Union Savings Bank Bldg.,
Oakland, Cal.