MEDFORD MATL TttTfiUNE, MEDFORti, OKlfflON, SA'HTDAY. REPTKrmUR 0, 1011. FXGK THRKIL. TO PUT AGENT PORTLAND Our Correspondents Mcdfonl nml Ashland Will Probably Co-ojicrato In Kccpliin Colonist Anciit n( Portland Durliin Colonist Season. Mi'dfiinl nml AhIiIiiiiiI will in nimbly Kt logillnT on (bo ninller ill' iniiili litliiilig nil iiKi-iiey in I'nitltiiiil iliirllijj tho coliililMt nimimoii tu divert u jliit imiiilinr nt' tlin nriMng I'lihtcnioiH to tint Kokiiu Itivor vnllcy. MfiU'iinl nml AmIiIiiikI booater iilMiiNMtl tint mut ter ut Hoini) length I'Viilny evening mill iih u rcNiilt the two towns will prohnhly got together, Limt npiing the Hoguo river vulley wan rlighlod during tit i'oloiitH hca noii, Many who linvtt i'iiiiio lioro were HtoiH'il in I'ortliind by lint ngcnlH of otlii'r liKinlilii'H. For thin re-iimm i( in (liu'iiii'il mImi to Iiiimi mi ngn In 1'ortlmiil during tint coloniM m'iimiii li Kin t hut tint Kongo Kivor vnllcy ptH u Hiunin ileal. Ah lint i'XM-iiH" of inuliitiiiiiiiig mi iiK'i'iit nt I'uitlmiil will In- lifavy on iiiiv onit locality it is planned to linw lint two Iowiih work together. Tint nMit will bi' liiHtriiotcil to Hend the t'oloiilntft to lint Willie Kivcr vitlloy mill not to iiiiv particular section o' it. Aeeonllng to rullroml forceuM lint coming eohiiiUt influx will he the henvieM III history. TIioiihiiiiiIk of I'lixlenierM urn turning ihei ratten, thin to thin neel Ion of tliu went ami will noon In on their wav. HTATK KAlIt OIIOU.N'DS, Mm, Ore. (Hpeclal,)--()ni of the most inter esting ilay of tho week during I hi" Htat I'nlf will b Woodman of the World Hay, Tuesday, Hjnteinbnr 12 Tim eserullve heads of tn tf rr( nr" ders .Head Consul I. I, UnnV, of (In Worn) mm of tlin Worlil, nnl (Ira ml Guardian Cwrrle C. Van Ordal, of tin Women of Wooderaft -mill appear a thr principal speakers at thn dedication of the Wooilman !g Cabin, erected a a permanent ticnilrju.i rtrrn at the head of 1'raternsl .Street at the I'alr Around tlovernor Oswald West will deliver the nddreu of welcome when the members of thn two orders arrive. Thousand of Woodmen ami Women of Woodcraft have promled to attend and tho members throughout Oregon hav" (illicit In limKliiK thn arrange menu. Many athletic anil, other event havo been scheduled anil valuahla prise allotted for arrant. Among these event will Ito log chopping event, nail driving contrsta, ilrllla ly uniformed teama from a ilornn Wooilman eainpa, foot raepi anil a tiaby ihow, One of thn event of the day os ppctfil to attract attention will In the trill of a hoilr of Women of Wooil craft fltianla, i; 17 women In uniform, representing twenty three circle of the order, drilled In one company. It will he the largett body of lodjjn women drilled In one company In the hlttory of the Wet. Multnomah Camp No, 77, of Portland, will run ipeelal traina to Halem carry ing more than 1000 pnraona to the fair on that dav. The uniformed degree ataff of tli fa raaip will take part in the drill contetta and Captain Cooley, thn drlllmaater, promtaei one of thn beat and moat perfect exhlbitlona ever aeen on the fair ground by any or sanitation. Among the ipeakera, In addition to Oovernnr Wett, Head Conaiil Honk and Grand Guardian Van Oradall, will be Congreaman W, C. Hawley, one of thn head manageri of the Woodmen, who will dedicate the cabin i Secretary of Htate lien W. Oleott, fltate Treaturer Thoma U. Kay, who U prealdent of the general Woodman Day Fair com mittee, the lait four named being prom inent member of Halem Cnmii No, 118, W. O. W., tho hot for the day; Htate Superintendent I It. Alderman, of Me Atlnnvllle) .lame Ituddlmnn, Cnnmil Commander Illgg and Clerk J. 0. Wll on, of Multnomah Camp, Portland, and other prominent members of the order from all part of the atnte. The Woodmen of the World have had three almilnr evont at tho fair groundi and In each .Instance tho day given tl the Woodmen wna one of the best ol the week a regnrd attendanre and entertainment, and It I predicted that this year 'a Woodman 'i Day will oclipia ail provioua orrorta. EAGLE POINT EAQLET& IIoBklna for Health. Catarrh Sufferers If Yon Don't Know About llyomel Try It nt CliliN. KtriuiK'N Hlk, Nearly ovnry icudor of tliu Mal Trlbiiiio Iiiih rend about IIYOMKI, but niuiny of thorn contliiiio to Htiffor from eatairh JuhI becaiiHO tlmy do not ox actly uiului-Htmul Jimt what HYOMIQI lu. To tlipnu HiitforeiH ClinH. KtraiiK aiiyH you don't huvo to know tiny thliiK about IIYOMK1 oxi'ttpt that you bioatho It and that It iIoch not con tain cornlmt or opium or any harm ful ilruir, You can find out all about IIYO MIOI without tukliiK any ehanuoH wlumtvor, JiiHt t?t nn outfit todny, road tho id nip lo liiHtructloiiH, kIvo It a ralr trial and thou If you are not wlllliiK to nay 'that It lu tho hoHt . voinody for oatarrh you liavo ovor uhoiI, GIiiih, KtrauK will Kindly return your inonoy. A cnmplntn HYOMIOI outfit cnntH but ? 1.00. Kxtiu bottlon CO conte, (lly A. (!. Ilowlutt.) Mm, Mxxlo (iluifor of Now York nuked nt lint HiinnyHldit IiihI Tiioh tlay on Imr way to ProHpoet to vlalt tho family of H. H. Akin, holme old ihiIkIiIioi'n lu tho atatij of Nnw Yiitk. Hint left her trunk at tho Hunuyiiido and ttuiil t lua t nho tin it iiiirchaaod a tutiiiu tU'kot lieforu leuvliiK hoim) an iih lo bo aiiro of rotiiruliiK. Mra, l.otllo Van Hcoy, who him been vlNltltig filomlH nml relittlven In AhIi laud ami Mdfoid, ban nilnrned to her homo lu our lown mid her and lnr alHtitr-ln-liiw, Mm, Wllllnm Drown wont Inat .Monday to tho old 'ohoI orrhanl for a load of poncho, nml William KnlKlitou, wlfo nml two other womoiit wont Tuumlny lo tho Ailntun orchard for norno of tlio nuniu kind of fruit. lu my laat I npoko of a M. J. Pitch er louiliiK out to look over thn coun try with a view to locution muoiiK h. Ilo In from (Ireenwell, Mlim., mid had been recelvliiK clrciilarH from Intro neat out by C, W. I.ako & Co,, nml canto to net) nomu of tint wonder of Jnchaoii county. Ho remained with iih until Thursday afternoon, tnkluit the '.';2Q train for Mcdfonl, where bin family la nt preaittit Ilo neijincd to bo favorably linpreNnml with our coun try after I had taken hlin In a Iiiikk)' up aa far iih Itrownaboro, then awltcb lug off on (hi road to Med ford I took him where ho could hco tho fntuotin llradiiliuw orchnril nod tho Autolopu valley In Konernl, by tho Rtiivona, llltclirock orchnrda, then nwltchcd off nttnln throiiKli tho old Wnlah fnrm, took him through tho fnrm of Sen ator von der llellen, ao tnnt he, could nee aoino of the Yankee crook coun try; buck by tho Thomna It Hoy Br., orchard nml fnrm. Tho Thotnaa It liny, Jr., orchard nml farm, whom hu could eeo n part of tho I'nrton (old Joo Un der) plna tint Wilcox, (Irobb, Hol ier mid Alnvi'Htu orchard, nml ar rived ut tho Hiinuyaldo In tlmo foi auppor. Ilt Rcoini'il to bo eiirprlncd when I took bin) that round, for bo hud count to the coiicIiihIoii that Knglo Point wiim about thn jumpluR off plncit. Ho wnH romnrknbly plonacil with Antelope valley mid proinlced to brliiK hi wlfo out nml bnvo her look over tho country with him tliu propor thine; to do. j I noticed In making tho round on Wmlucadny that thcro la roualdornblo Improvement being mado all nlotig tho route, now fence, homen, bnrnn, etc. Mr. Hoed, ono of tho enrpentora who la working on hoiiio of thn now' bulldlnga In our town, took a layoff hint wix'k nml wont to bin hoiiieutead ott Yankeo rreok nml remained nbout n weok. Ho returned to hla room nt tho Huunyaldo Wodueadny uvonlng. I took n trip to tho K. H. Wolfor gnrdou nml truck patch Wodnemlny uioruliiK after n lot of tomntocR. Ho baa mado a Hpeclalty of tomatoes nml, although ho baa void thoiiBnnda of pound, you ran hardly iiiIkh thoao taken from tho vlneu and hu hnH lottt of thorn that tip tho acalea nt in nml IS otincoH, ho you aeo that our Iluttu creek hoII not only brings onloim, but tomatnoa a well mid corn iih tall an tho bent. Our hcIiooI Ih gradually Incrcaalug lu hUo. Thero woroonrollod on Wed nciiday 7T pupllit nml wo know of unite a number that expect to como later, mid thcro In qulto n number from the outHldo dlHtrlctn who aro taking advantago of our ochnol fa- CIHtlOH. J ud IMhiiII, who wiih taken sick at the I'roHpcct workH and wiih brought down to tho SuunyHldo for medical treatment. In convalescent nml Iiiih returned to bin work. Ho Iiiih two fottr-horHo teams at work hauling logs for tliu huwiiiIII for tho big electric plant. Irwin Pool, ono of IiIh team- HterH, riiiuu out Tuenday' after a lontl of hay for the teaniH, Mr. Natwlck, ono of tho rontractorrt on tho road botwoen horo and Pron pect, was a pleaHnnt caller ThuiBilay morning on IiIh way to Itoguo river. John NIcIioIh In having a now roof put nn IiIh dwelling limine, Married, September I, lu Antihunt, KniCHt Colo mid MIhh Carrlo Pool, Mr. Colo emtio munng uh ami bought a :i.pi-uc,ro tract of laud adjoining our town, and wo realized that wo had another valuable addition to our com munity, but In a nliort tlmo ho hcchc ed a poHltlon iih mall clerk on the 8. P. railroad, whom ho Iiiih worked ever hIiico, ami now ho ban taken ono of our charming young ladles from among uh, Thoy have gone to Port laud to mako tholr home. They many frlomlH hum aro wishing thorn a long and happy life, CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. ('. II, (lay of Mcdfonl made a nliort call on IiIh father ami itiothur, Mr. and Mrs. .1, II. (lay, I'rldny morning. I)r, K, DiivIh Iiiih returned from a Hovoral duyH' hmilucHH trip lo Han Kranclaco nml other California cIHoh, Mr, ami Mm, Dill Pankey, who have been making their homo at Cot tage (Iiiivh for tho piiHt yenr, have returned to thla city, Mr. Palmr of Med ford called here on IiiihIiichh Friday. A. C, HopkliiH, who Hpnnt the miiiii mer with IiIh paronlH, left for Phila delphia, Pa., Krfday morning lo spend tho winter. .laiiiea West nml IM Miller Hpctil Friday lu Itay (told. MIkkc (leorgla Cllno, Nellie Htow- nrt, Fern llcebe, Frmicen Bhlelds, Kuril Itelib, Helen Meo nml Meaatn, Orvlu llebb, J. H. Harnett nml H. G, Dtiulnp were enrly morning pnaaen- gcra for Med ford. Prealding Klder Duulnp of tho M. K, church, la hero attending (lit tle In Hint congregation. Vcrn Pendleton of Table Hock tratiMirtod IjiidIiichk lu our city Fri day. MIkh UimmIo Itandall la imjoylug n visit with her slater, Mra, Itoun Whip ple nml family at Woodvlllo thla week, Oscar HnmpHon, who Iiiih sient aj most eiijoyatiie'Hiimmor nt tho lioall ranch, left for tils Illinois homo on Thursday. JACKSONVILLE DIED. YOUNflKlt At IiIh home on .South , .Oiiktlitlit, Septeinht'i' 8, .1011, .1, L Younger' aged 78. Mr. Younger has been u rcKidenl of nli'ilfnril for llio ptifit your, .eomltiK from tliu east, Funeral Heryioim I Sumliiy itfleiiion ut i! o'clock, Fred Owens of Applcgnto hpeut four iluyw in .Mcdfonl this week. Joint Ditiiuiiigtou of tho City Mar ket in puyliig Portlnml a nliort visit. Mrs. W. II. Vcnnlilu of Applegnle in Jacksonville TlmrMlnv. The puhlie hdiool rcKtimeil kIiicIich on the fourth with n tooil attemlanee. Tho ntimher enrolled ih 150 nml Ih hlendily increasing. Tho following corps ol teacher is m charge of the four departments: Piiieipul, Prof. Uarringlon; Mis Clara Klmcr, Mis .Nellie Collins, MrH. II. Crouch. Mr. nml Mm. Chns. J, Ktuuuui nr rived from 1'ortlnml the forepart of the week to make Jncksonvillu their ruturo home. II. Crouch, who Ims hoen oernt tug IH" eyannlo plant at the Opp mine for a long time, Iiiih become employer nt one of tho Iiie mines nt (InthH Valley. Cnlif., nml will ho join '! by IiIh J'amilv Inter. Mrs. C. C. Ptirsel nml 'm. Lomlcn of Hig Applegato wero in Jackson ville a few ilnys hiiiec. 1 M. Smith and J. I). Hrnwn of hlerlnii: lmvo been in Jacksonville oovernl tiines during the week. J. P. Hnrr mid his elded 'son wore down from H!K Applegate Friday. W. II. Clements, tho miner," ut over front Anplegnta thm week. City Marshal Jones is in SterliiiL .1: ,i: . i . ....' iimiiiri iiuiumg ueer ami jck Sharp m wcjinnir ins star in tlio tneantime. H. Mv Collins, Mr. Dmun mid M. J. Hy are enjoying, u ten-dny outing in Fish Lake eottntrv. r. . I oniulw mid K. Ileeson of laleiil. .1. n. Hair of Woodvillo mid (leorge Fox of Central Point were here during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Deueff nml rrn. Kiltn Cook- who lmvo been cmnpitig out nt the Sulphur Spring en Applogutu, have returned home. John Miituey mid Georgo Hueklev f Appleguto trmiKiieted htisinesH m Jueksouville one tiny this week. Mrs. I., llrown Iiiih reopened the dining- room a I IT. S. Hotel. J. M. (Vntnill of Applegalo wns in Jneksouvillo Thursday accompanied by his itnele, Stephen Cnntrull, Jhe ptoiicor miner. Mrn, P. A. Iliues is considerably indisposed agnin. Hoy Ulrich and J. A. Mnrsli were mi Hoguo river one duy this week boating mid fishing-, mid captured eight line salmon. J. A. Magoou mid F. 0. MeWil lianiK of Ashlaml hud business ut the county seat Wednesday. A. Learned, with lias boon em- ployed nt Ashland forsomu time past was among- his Jneksouvillo friends (ptito recently. K. F. Ucau mid his fumily were among (hose in Jneksouvillo during the past weok. . Mrs. C. M. Stout and her daughter went tp Med ford Friday afternoon. 1. Melutvro bus been sending a considerable iptantity of fine pears to Medford for shipment east. His mop ot peaelies wns not large, hut es peeinlly fine, Will Johnson and M. Tt. Hunk of Applegalo were in Juuksonvillo not long since. Willy Itltoten, llio tnll-syenmoro of Klines creek, made tho county seat a visit Thursday, II. A. Danteti and Prior Futon of Poonnau's Creek wero horo Satur day. it. 11. Dow, W. It. Coleman nml J. 10, DurkduU hold it, piuuio on lOt,'iio river Kalurdiiy night nml Humhiy nml played havoc nmong the finny tribe of thai slermu, wc me informed by them, Mr. Allison' tho jeweler, has re turned to his former homo nt New-burg-, Yamhill county, mid we are again without mi artist in that line, Miss Lola Prim, has been cngmlcil to teich in tho t Medford schools, which begin Monday. MisH Cora Ilnrgo lias returned from ii trip to California. V. A. (lorsl has put another fine Cadillai! on llio Jticksoii'illf-Mcilffiril unto line. Ho was ucciiuipnuieil in the ear from Portlnml h .Mrs. Ooril. The front of I. Ilyan's big store U about completed timl n one of the finest mid most modern in southern Oregon. Luke is to ho complmcnteil on his enterprise. C. II. Veghto alnl Fred Wagner were down from Ashland Saturday on hiisiuess roniiceled with the recent pioneers' reunion. The Southern Oregon Pioneers' re union, held ut Ashland Thursday, was pronounced n micccsh by the many attending it. Jacksonville furnished its quoin, us usual, Mi-mIiiihc Mary Dny.'Mury Miller, Mrs. ('has, prim, Mrs. .0. N. Nelson, Mrs. Melissa Tuylor Mrs. W. H. Coleman. Mrs. KIIm Cook, Mr. nod .Mrs. C. L'lrieh he iiijr mnong tho number. Mr. Kstes of Mcdfonl is in charge of Frank Robin's bnrbershon while the proprietor in limiting on Apple Kate. T. M. Heed spent a few hours in Medford Friday afternoon. John W. Wijsoii, having finished connecting the county's rock quarry with the Hogue Kiver i:ieitric com pany's main jower line, has resumed his duties as county jailor and court hoitsfl jniutor. The front of Kd DunningtonV thirst emporium is being treated to a modern front by J. F. Kick. District Attorney Mulkey ,,nd ,JK family have become residents of Med ford. After a successful mercantile ca reer in Jacksonville of forty years. J. Ntinan, the pioneer merchant of southern Oregon.- has trmifcred lii interest in Xunnii-Tnvlor Co. to his son, Charles, nml will take n well earned rest. Ho will he missed by his former customers-, who were num-erotH. Raaklna for 1?mH1i. JUport of the' Condition of THE rZJTXI BKZiT Usxnn nn at Bntte ralla, In Ut State of Ora;oii. h oae-of-koataaaaa; ItjUmWr 1, Xeaoarcea. oana nml ,coum $ 7.710.00 IJanklna; houiw 4.761.JJ I urnlturound future J.J30.1J uuo from approved rvxervo banks 906.90 Cnh on tmnil , 1.497.S5 K.nea 5S 00 Total v UabUiUta. I'Ullltlll MtlHb l.l 1.. l Undivided rroflta. Uiawniien nml tuxea imlrt luo to tumkn nnd tunkers ...!. Indlvlilunl deposit aubiect lo , check IVinnnil certificate of d(.xli Thnu cerllflcateH of deposit.. UT.CO.Ol $ 9.200.00 SI039 :,3 7,110.39 36CS3 400.32 ... .To,il,l H7.4SO.Ot nunc or OreBon. County of Jnckaon. sa I, Cleo. W. Marker, cnahlrr of the above named Imnk. do nolemnl) twriir that the tiovi Mtutement I trtft to tho tnxit of iiij nnuiviroKH mill l'ller. QKO. W IIAHKKH. Chlcr. huberlbel and anorn to l.croro n HiIh 7th day of September. 1911. i P. HlttOUS. Notary Public Correct Attest: FIIANK P. NlrrilKHUVND. IIAItHY I). MlLtS, Directors, port of the Condition of THE TIKST STATE BAKJT. Or EAOX.S POIWT at Earl, rolnt. In the cut of Orron. at tha oloae of bmtncaa, Septombor l 1911. " ' ........ ... Reiourcta. Loans nnd itlacnunta $ Overdrafts, necured and unv- cured Iliiuils nnd warrants Hnuklni; housn . . . tirtilliit,. uti.l eiv..r.,M -- ...... ..n,...,.i r...... nun from lmnks( nut rvservo l"nkK) Duo front iipprovi'd roHorvu banks Checks and other nihil lteuiH.. CUKll mi llllMll , KxKnses ......... 5.942 S3 7.75 (!,t)SS.!l7 3,754.95 l,803i-J8 1.132: 9,8 25. 13 189.89 M0S.7I 476.63 Total ....... ......... J31.326.7 1 Z.lablUUa. iiipitul slock paid In 9.050.00 iMiiuviiirti proriis, less expanses nnd tuxes paid 125,47 Individual duposlts subject to ebeck Icrllfled chvoks 100.00 Tlmo certificates of lU'ltoult ., 222.17 u, . T"'"J' $31,326,71 Htilto of OlVKOIl. County Of JnrkKcin. h I. J. V. Molntyre, cashier of the nbovi liained bank, do aolenuily swear that tlu, above stateiuont Is truo to tho best of luy knowledge and belief. J. V. MolNTYHIJ, Cnshlor. HubHcrlbed nnd sworn to before mo this "tli day of Hoptcmhor, ISM, A. .1 Pl.OIUIV, Notury Public. Correct Attest: J. V UltOW.V. w.m. von mat Hia.i.KN. Olreotorei. wo notlco that somo morchnnts In othor cities nro using consldorablo Bpnco advertising "Mftdo In OroRon" goons, -mat is na u snquia bo. Tho morchnnt must know that hts Indivi dual proaporlty la to a great oxtont dopondont upon tho proaporlty of tho stnto ut largo, and K Orogon mnnu fncturorB nro pntronlxod, that it will moan groater pny rolls, and groator pay rolls moan a larger dogroo of proaporlty for ovory man, woman and child In Oregon, ROGU E ORCHARDS WITHOU T A PEER So Declares W. H, Ncwall, President of State Horticultural Sclety. Here to Look Over Orchard District Loud With Pralccs. "The fruit growers of the Hoguo river vnllcy need mil worry about this season's fruit crop nnd the low prices paid for fruit' states W. II. Xewall, president of the state board of horticulture who is making an in spect ion of Jlocal orchards. "The crop is tiff throughout the northwest while the large amount of fruit from other sections of the country wns late in reaching mnrket and kept prices down. "Tho Iloytic Hivcr valley distri"t is without u H!cr in the west," con tinued Mr. Xewall, "and it is always u great pleasure to visit ii. No where are orchards kept in better condition or is fruit grown more sci entifically. Here indeed is a model fruit section." Salem. Ore (Special! r-tl'fnrnn ha sent enfrie for exactlv thirty-MX liore in thr meet to he !i-M at the Oregon Stale Fair from September 11 to IC Inclusive Wahington ha rome to thr front with rvflntrrn en- ries and Oregon will have fiftrcn fnt one waiting for thr word toso in the various rvrnt on the racing card. Thr racr mert. alwav of im nortancr at Salrm. will not he the biggrM thing on the program, a all the stork ihow event have been well filled and the lit of entrir in thr dairy and poultry division have hown up well. And. a ual. the display of Oregon horr will ur pa anything nf previou yrar. in cluding thoroughbred, work horc$, driver., trotter, pacer and coachcrs. Thr poultry how will a!sot be im portant. Reduced rates arc in effect for thr fair a tiual NEXT MEETING CENTRAL POINT Good Roads Advocates to Hold Dl( Mectlnn With Central Point Com mercial Club, Same Tlmo Next Week. A mass meeting of good ronds ad vocates is to he held at Central I'oint early in the coming week. Ar rangements aro now hcinjc made by lending citizens of Central I'oint. A number of Mcdfonl business men arc pinning to make tch trip. nl.ntcr it is planned to hold meet ings at Kagle Point, Woodville, Gold Hill, Jacksonville, Talent and Phoe nix. The good rond campaign is opening up in earnest. ASHLAND MAY GEUTATION Comcrclal Club of That City Is In Receipt of Communication From Orcrjn Agricultural Collcnc Dis appointed In Lower Valley. Salem, Ore. (Special) Some nine ty odd horses are now training on the Salem track for the Oregon State Fair meet and not a fas one owned in the Northwest is missing from the entry list. Secretary Frank Mere dith says he looks for the track rec ord to go by the boards at this meet because of thr improvements made in the course. One of the big features i the steeplechase event in which, strange to say, most of the entries have come from women owners. It seems from this that the sticks are most in favor by the women of the Pacific Northwest. At least they seem to own more hurdlers than the men, if the entry lists are a guide of what the women of Oregon, Wash ington. Idaho. Montana and British Columbia have to offer for the sport of thoc who go to the Oregon State Fair this year, Reduced rates are in effect on all rail lines for this meet from September 11 to 1G inclusive. Thnt tho atnto agricultural collogo Is considering tho ndvlsabillty of placing tho branch experiment sta tion nt Ashlnnd Is ovldonced by n communication tho Ashland club iinn received from tho college authorities, In which tho matter Is thoroughly dis cussed. Tho Ashlnnd club has ap pointed a commlttco to tnko up thn mntter at onco and sco what can bo dono In regard to securing tho stn tlon. In a letter to tho Ashland club from tho school It Is polntod out that tho authorities wero badly disappointed by tholr failure to securo a slto for the station In this end of tho valley. Ashland Is taking advnntago of this fact and It Is not at all unlikely that tho station will bo placed near that city. "Look for the loser of the articles you have found for a prompt ad may save him a lot of worry. Haoklna for Health. Salem, Ore. (Special.) Throvgk taa aetirity of Secretary Meredith of Uo Oregon 8tato Board of Agriculture, ths United States Forest Berries lias agreed to place an exhibit at tbs com ing atatd fair. Tha display -will eon aiat of bromide enlargements and transparencies of actual protograpla showing work and conditions en na tional forests. There will also be photographic en largements showing prcserrative tim ber treatment and strength test pro erase, besides charts and maps. Seeds and seeding speeimenta of leading Pa cific Coast treo species, specimens of insect-infested timber, products ob tained tbrongh distillation processes, figures showing revenue to tha state, amount of timber for sale, number of stock grazed, etc., will be shown. Rogue River .Valley Canal Co. AND ROGUELANDS Inc. x- , x FEED N. CUMMINGS, Manager $250,000 Was realized from one district in Colorado from Canta loupes alone, first season's planting on new land Our Lands and Water will produce just as well in all kinds of Fruits and Garden Products Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Building Over 800 Cars of Products Shipped into the Valley Last Year Why Not Produce This at Home ? Our Prices and Terms are Easy i Call and See Us Stoves Stoves Stoves a We have a very large and complete stock of Cole's Air Tight Wood Stoves, also a fine assortment of Ranges, including the GREAT MAJESTIC, all at rea sonable prices. N Medford Hardware Comp'ny 218 EAST MAIN ST, r v i: . .. ,.i .'.j" 'i .-Trt f . - 'V