v 4 4 PAGE TWO MEDFORD MATL T.RTBFNK MEDFOTfcD, ORKCION, SATURDAY, SUPTIMniW 101 1. r , LOCAL AtyD PERSONAL ,1 -I.,,,',,. . 1 f - L , i X, ,C,vDiiRnn, Mr, Ilolbrook .and J. R. Hnrt of Knglo Point Vrcdlnc,t ycto In Medford during llio week oh routo to the county scat. J, D. Pearco of )5lk Crook wns n recent vlnltor In Medfonl. Miss Until Potcr 1ms returned from visiting Jier brother Ih San Francisco, l.Wii . jlBICntbn, who' took James Wil son "nnd K. ii. Jiowan, tiie norsc IhlefeH, to ilio atate penitentiary, has returned Chlneso Sacred Lilies and Japanoso ir?'nlnnts nt Brondley's. Phono si&i. l ;' " . Mrs. 1?? I.uy of Aut elope has been viBltiiiK In Medfonl nnd Jacksonville. Miss Maud Newbury of Jackson vlllo.jlias' resumed her studies At St. Mary's' academy. T. J. Williamson dnd'Ira J. Dodge journeyed to Jacksonville Wednesday on business at tho ttiurthouse1. Bjirdr' rent a Singer to make the clihdrcns now school clothes. Phone 043. 151" ' Fred Bonner and A. J. Tinker wore Srecbnt visitors in Jacksonville. M. 11. Buck's Iniga blackberry patch on Appjegato Is attracting many from Mcdford and' other portions of the county. Hundreds of gallons have been picked there at 10 cents per", nniMho end Is not yet. ' At tho Sign of Ye Nifty. Quite a number of the residents of Griffin Creek wero in Jacksonville Thursday on school matters. The county court was asked to establish tho boundaries of a new district and acted favorably In the matter. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Tarnbaugh of Sterling aio listing Mr. and Mrs. Bowman Hartley of Talent district Sanitary French Dry Cleaning Worlcu. John Grieve of Prospect was in Mcdford and Jacksonville this week. Charles Crump, who has been in California for somo time past, Is at tho old home place In Poorman's Creek district. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Carnahan have returned to the Blue Ledge after a short stay In Mcdford. They were accompanied by their little niece, 'who underwent a surgical operation while here. Tho W. C. T. U. of Oregon will hold a state convention in Medford October 6-10. 1911. Mrs. Lewis Ulrlch of Jacksonville and Mrs. C. C Perrla of San Fran cisco were Medford visitors Friday afternoon. They came to meet Miss Bess Hammond, who was on her way to Portland from a visit with relatives livfn gat Klamath Falls. Max Jacoby, the Tolo merchant, transacted business In Medford a few days ago. Relchstcln sells and saws wood. 146 Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Weston wore among those who motored to Jack sonville during tbo week. Dr. It. W. Clancy has been making professional trips to Jacksonville. See R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. Ed Spencer and Miss M. J. Woole'y will bo married at Eagle Point Sun day. ' Rev. Mr. Sharp ind his son Charles W. were in Jacksonville Friday at tending circuit court. Carkia & Taylor (John II. Carkln, Glenn O. Tayior), attorney-aMaw, over Jackson County Bank Building, Medford. John Arncll has traded his resi dence property in Seattle for 20 acres of land at Ashland and with his fain ily became permanent residents of our city. W. P. Gould and Mr. Larson, who have-been prospecting some mines In Star gulch district, are in Medford again. At tho Sign of Ye Nifty. -The county's rock crusher, doing duty west of Jacksonville, Is laid up for repairs. Mr. Bell of Hotel Nash made a busi ness trip to Jacksonville Friday, Ed Van Dyke was a Jacksonville visitor Thursday evening. Laillesi havo your suit made by tho Berlin Ladles' Tailoring Co., at Central Point, Or. 173 Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Dy Phone M71 Night PboM r. W. Weeks M71. A. H. Orr, LAD7 ASSISTANT. ii't JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Kmbaliner Successor t,p tho undertaking de partment of Medford Furniture Co, j f Office 28 South Hartlctt SU-oot f Teh?nhonoB: day, Boll 471; night I residence, Bel) 473, Home 179-L. Calltf answered sight or dajr f AMBULANCE SERVICE ' Tpmffrfffffff - A. S..Klotnhammer ut. Anjtlofcalc hnU'Tom Dunnlugtou of -Jacksonville have been In Siskiyou county after beef cattle for the local market. Miss Francos Konney of Jackson ville la stopping With her slater, Mrs. Walter Kentner nnd attending the Mcdford high school. Sanitary French Dry' Cleaning Works. ' The September term of circuit court la being; held in Jacksonville The docket la the heaviest In tho his tory of Jackson county, but Judge Calkins' has already disposed of many cases on it. Miss Campbell of tho Pasadena Lndles' Shop In Central Point has returned from San Francisco with n full lino of full millinery. We have just received a line of Imported hats from the D. B. FIsk Co. of Chicago. Tho formal opening will bo Friday and Saturday, September 15-16, Our former patrons and their friends are Invited to call and see our line and remember we can save you from 1R to 2i per cent on all goods bought. 146- Royal G. Brown, the Eagle Point merchant, was a recent visitor In Medford. Home cooking salo at Warner, Wortman & Gore's Saturday. Anyone wishing a thoroughbred collie dog should address "Falr- vlow," Jacksonville. " ' Leo Caton has been down from Trald Creek, where he Is engaged In ranching. Watch tho Fish Market Friday and Saturday for cheap fish. Halibut, black cod, ling cod, 10c per lb. Cut prices on everything sold in our store. Cash only. Messier & Kcnworthy1. 146 Mr$. W. W. Eifert has been mak ing Jacksonville a short visit, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Barnum. Onle Reddy, who has been chief cook at the Blue Ledge for some time. is in Medford Peaches, while they last, Mulr peaches 2 l-4c. seconds 1 l-2c. The Hillsides. Box 100. Routo 1. Mall Tribune. 147 Ed King was severely burned about tho hands and face a few days ago. Ho struck a match as he entered his apartment and the flame Ignited some mosquito bar close at hand, with almost serious consequences. Mtss Oilier crump is visiting with Mrs. P. A. Hlnea'of Jacksonville. B-lIng tho shoo' man, will be at your service soon. 147 F. T. Williams of Central Point spent Saturday In Medford. Louis Fairfield of Eusene is spend, ing .a few days in Medford on busi ness. Girls! There is some class to "B-llng's" shoes. Walt for them. 147 Mrs. Robert Dow of Jacksonville was a recent visitor in Medford Mules wanted. Wo want to pur chase eight first-class mules. Ad dress care W. S. Brooke, Bear Creek Orchard. Box 263, P. O. 14S II. F. Drewery of Sacramento Is visiting relatives In Medford. . G. F. Billings of Ashland was a recent Medford visitor. R. C. Ainsworth of Ashland spent Saturday In Medford. C. R. Stono of Trail was a recent Medford visitor. Dr. J. F. Reddy has left for a visit at the Buzzard mine. Mr. and lira. Richard L. Wilson, who have recently located here, from Chicago, entertained 'last Saturdny evening for their sous, Richard, nnd Robert. The occasion was a dancing party ut their new bungalow on Belle Lane. The west end of the "Valley" was rcpcrseutecl by the following guests: Mr. nud Mrs. It. R. Manning, Mro. A. C. Marshall of Snn Frnncis co, Mrs. Jtoor, 3'rK. Florence Goffe, the Misses Ruth Mannering, Emily Jnnney, Cordelia Goffe, Hazel Itol Jins, Louise Hoppeu mid the Messrs. Edwin Jauney, Douglne Jnnney, Dr. George Dean, Myron "Root, Luther Twdale' Hubert Rollins, Fred Hop per nnd Randolph Manning. STAR THEATRE TO OPEN SOON i New Moving Picture House Ready by Sept. 15 Delay Caused by Non Arrjval of tho Opera Chairs Oriler.cdi .- v , Superintendent W. 11, Armstrong of tho People's Amusement company returned yesterday to Portland, after tho alterations necessary for the open ing of" tho Star theater of Medford, the latest acquirement of the Peo ple's Amusement compuny. The Peoplo's Amusement company prides itself upon the character or photoplay attractions, and to open a house of that character without the opera ehitlra which liml boon previous ly ordered, would not bo In lino with thla policy, honco the peremptory or der delaying tho opening, Uoywood Urothora, through whoso neglect tho muwtrrlvnl of tho chairs can lie at tributed, has dut a trneo.r' now nil nloin?'tlio .line, and prMulacft the man ingonU'ut thnt not latot' than the. tfith the ehalra will nrrho. When the now Star theater of. Mod- ford does open Ittt doom tho people will reulUo that the Peoplo's Amuse ment company was acting In good faith, by tho' perfection of every do tall In ccftuioctton with tho opening. SUSPECTED OF SMUGGLING .BECAUSE OF HER SHAPE i SAN FRANCISCO. Sept.' 9; Sus pected of smuggling becnuno the cus- Itoms luspectrcHs could not reconcile tho curves or her figure with bur Idea of the normal feiululuo form, MrH. II. K. Ehrimfols, arriving hero on tho liner Korea from China, was thor- X V jrA Teachers sa.y .Lhott-- "When weiL-dVjcjSSSd. Pupils learVx. theii:!. JUcSs6a.sicbcSt . t iu-i r i.'r.uryV . - - . r: ?v "' F 1 '. XyvX J WB&sJ'S ouglily HOiuchod before being alltiwod to go on hor way. Tho Inspect roan failed to find a eontrahaud holt of silk, whoch n h o attapeclod vaa lilddou about tho woll-rouudod flguio, . i I1, t .i , i..i , , . i i i Look nt tho mis tor tho ohnnoo U you iiood nt ,u buy Die property "right prico." ' JU Iiook for tho nd thut offers It to you, Kucoud-hiuid. nt a real bargain 1 llaaktus for Health, J. . i t Tbo history itf I lit poor liuimliy yinir neighbor imtrtitiUoN In tbo ragged etlge.s of bU (Hdhirt nud etiffn, nud the. lioimlllko jttlffuos of his ftlilrt fmulN. Keud jour guriueulH to w and ho will proinlke you that you Mill lie ruttlsflctl In every particular. T80 LATE TO CLASSIFY t -f 4- 4- -f . -f 4- 4 4- -f - . rtej We don t jiidgs'-a oy by Kissizc in the matter of dorhmg.-.Flis.suitior overcoat Star be enly half the size of his fathers but it ought to be every bit as good. i hat s why so much care is used in the making of our boy s apparel. Honest, all-wool fabrics, strongly sswed ssarns, good looks and good style make the garment ' for btys the best tha&can Uei found at any pries, jrrahge ro say, our prices are ohjy ordinary. Boys Wihter Suits, $4.00 to $15.00 Boy's Winter Overcoats, $5.00 to $15.00 Model. Clothing' Co. Home of Good Clothes THE STAR Steam Laundry Mcdford, Orcgoa. ' licit Phono 1201 -Homo (Ml LA FALL STYLES 1)1 Ollt ADVAN 15 111 l.'l.li AND WINTHH. HIIOWISU NKW HTVIiKH iinniiiiii I'ftn N' KXPOITION UT WIIAI l.t ihwihh i'i MEEKER'S MILLINERY DEPT RciMioi. irra nut timui a hi-ki'iai.tv. .IN MILLINERY V"AJTKD Vng Jady Bteaograph .cd for two mouths. Seo Mr. Put nam at tho Mall Tribune o flee. FOR ItENT Modern storeroom In business center, low terms, location good for restaurant, dry goodn ntoro or any ordinary business Phono 3721 Pacific. 148 FAMILY DlliyJIt Safo for women and children, weighs 1100, chest nut sorrel; also good top buggy and singlo harness. "Will nell vory cheap. Address L. B. Whiting, Ea gle Point, Or. FOR EXCHANGE Good young or chard near Medford. Address Box C$3, ?r phono 1967. - FOR SALE OR RENT A six-room modorn bungalow, just finished, 0 blocks from "Washington school; Phone 3CS1, Homo, 279. 140 ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Gold Ray Realty Co. Wishes to .announce that after September ls,t 1911, tjiey will oomipy office room No. 101, on second floor of ELECTRIC BUILDING. WILL HANDLE REAL ESTATE nVe arq prepare, to .take .listings' of all jcinds of rea estate, ranches," city lots, houses, chattels and property of every des cription. MEMBER OP MEDFORD REALTY ASSOCIATION fj Being a member i)f the Medford Realty Association, we solicit vour patronage lor anything in the line offarm or city prop erty, ranches, leases, options, etc., etc. fj AVo have a Jarge amount of land, suitable for the cultivation of all farm products, all in southern Oregon, which we can pffer at prices which will surely interest you. PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE f Wc also have property which wo will ex change for outside real r estate, ranches, farms, etc, All inquiries Vill be pj'tyinptly answered, and we shall be pleased to hear from you cither in person or by letter. qOJVB US A CALL. GOLD RAY REALTY Co, Room 101, Electric Bldg. Medford, Or. The Drain on tho Nervous System. KIIOM EVE STIW1.V I I ' I Is an enormous quantity and should bo understood by everyone these days. Tho eyes may fociiir properly yet require so much effort to perform their function as to rob tho entire body of nervo energy, thus being the Indirect cau; of many of our ail ments nnd diseases. Co inn In and let mo explain moru about it. Dr. Rickert Eyesight KperinlltiC., Over KentnerV We Handle All The Leading Makes of Watches ELGIN HAMILTON win cioms.1 my: "' Sjtt? tLJ mm oiLvtrww HOWARD WALTHAM Let Me Figure on a Watch With You New Styles in Ear Drops, Lockets, Chains, Nock Pieces, RJntfs, Bracelets, Etc., Etc. B. T. Van De Car Jeweler 4f The Ferullo Band OF FIFTY ARTISTS V BSSsVbBSSSSSSS-J. ilea. flsssssssssM .rl m 'BSSSS1 sssssW.Vi ' if 'JHl bbssH ., "' issssl Iv' 'V'r A ' ssssS BBBBSsKssmu 'BSSBsl (Ic ssssssssssssV BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH bHHHK- -sHUB bsssssssssH ' sssssssS bHHIBHc 'ssssssssl bbbbHHbw 'sbbbbbbbI rn r A issssssssssssssssV SUNDAY AFTERNOON, SEPT. 10 ttl XXlj Ii A 1 ill UK1UM ' SHHK:'! H". SEATS ON SALE AT THE NATATORIUM POPULAR PRICES 1 RESERVED SEATS $1.00 ADMISSION 50 CENTS ; ,,!.. OKAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT Hear Ferullo's Band See Ferullo Conduct "Greatest hand in America." (Jhieago 'IVihuno. ' "JJct hand ever in CJiieago.," Oliieago lOxaininor. "Captivated Salt Lulco City puhlie." Salt Lake JJonild. "AttivietingimmcuBo erowdH."- San Pi-aiKiiHco Call. "Ahaolntely unique." Los Angeles '.rimes. TIi,o audjenco yont wild clieeriii and elappiii. "-.Portland Oreconian ' unr 4t