? i pxge worn MEPFQttP M ATL TRIBUNE, HrEPTTQttP, OKTCflOK SATURDAY, STCPTEMTOR 0, I9.1.f. r j wi APPLES BRING GOD FIGURES (From $1.00 to $1.75 F. 0. B, Orchard . Received for Many Varieties of Fruit Sold Sales Made. in Advance Other The Northwestern Fruit Exchange report tho following Miles of npplcs under diUc oC Sept. 6: "Tor the Snrgrnnt rnnch, Payette, Idaho: Ono car nsortcl n.s fol lows: One-hnlf ear Hen Davis' one- fourth car W'inosnps one-fourth car Baldwins, extra fnney and fancy Wincs'ips at .JTu7. htrnilitT, MnhV wins at $l.2o; Bens at if 1.10 stniislit, nil f. o. h. Pcyettc, Idaho. Fur New Plymouth Fruit Growers' Union, New Plymouth, Idaho: One ear assorted as follows; One-fiftli each Koine Beauty, BInek Twijj, Del aware Beds, Winesnp, Hen Davis. About r0 per cent extra fancy; Ijnl- nnce standard and choice; 50 per cent each four tier and larger and four and one-half tier: Wincsnps Kxtm fancy, $1.7.'; standard, Sfl.SO; "C," $1.00. Home Beauty Extra fnney, $1.50; standard, $1,23; "C," $1.00. Delaware Bed Extra fancy. $1.25; slnndard. $1.15; "C." $1.00. Ylluck Twij Extra fancy, $1.23: 'ptndnrd, $1.15; "C," $1.00. Ben l)uvis Extra fancy, $1.00; standard, f"'0c; "C," 75c; nil f. o. h. New Ply touth, which takes 5c hox higher rate Than Payette. 9 Four cars for Weiser KiveiFruit Association, Weiser, Idaho, two Straight varieties; two assorted: Ar kansas Blacks Extra fancy, $1.75; Standard, $1.50; 'C," $1.00. Home lknuties Extra fancy, $1.50; stan dard, $1.25; "(V $1.00. Grimes Gldcn Extra fancy, $1.50; standard, $1,25; "C," $1.00. Jonathans Ex tra fancy, $1.50; standard, $1.23; 'C," $1.00. Black TwiRs Extra fancy, $1.23; standard, $1.15; "CV $L00. Cano Extra fancy, $1.10; standard, .$1.00; "C," 83c; all f.o. b. Weiser. Idaho. One car. assorted, for Weiser. liiv cr Fruit Association, orie-hajf 'each Konie Beauties and Black Tvrip-, at same prices: Rome Hectics, $1.50;' $1.23 and $1.00; Blnck TwifiS, $1.23,! $1.15 and $1.00; f. o. b. Weiser. I On the. 20th car of Medford Bnrt- lejts sold in Boston, "Bed Trianple' lira-id," averaged $1.39. On the lst.j ASHLAND WILL SEND EXHIBIT Comercial Club Authorizes Man to Prepare Exhibit for Fair to Be Held in This City Next ffonth Favorable Sentiment. Ashland plana to send a large ex hibit to tho district fair to be held In this city in October. Steps were taken at a meeting of tho Ashland Commer- ADVERTISE WEST BY SPECIAL TRAIN Governor's Special With Thirteen Ex ecutives Aboard and Samples of Western Products to Make Tour of the East. that each stnto will not delay in thu matter ot nrrnnRiiiK for Its pat tim tuition. BOISE, Idaho, Sept. 8. An event of the utmost importance to the state of Oregon and the entire west is about to take place in the depart- clal club Friday night to eeo that the uo of a monster special train laden display was a creditable ono In every with exhibits of the products of this way. A Mr. Low who was In charge of Ashland s exhibit Inst year, ad dressed the club at some length on the subject and tho club authorized him to gather an exhibit, place- It in cold storage and niter take It to Med ford and place It on exhibition. There Is much favorable sentiment In Ashland regarding tho Mir and thnt city will be well represented here. I TELEGRAPHIC TABLOIDS. CENTKALIA, Wash. Mrs. Samuel Guerrler, mother of the mayor of Ccntralta, owns a lllblo 309 years old. It was printed nine years befor"o the King James version of the Bible ap peared. SAN FRANCISCO. Caught under the flywheel of an engine at Gray Brothers quarry here today, A. Ghezze, 34, was Instantly killed. His mangled body was hurled many feet across the engine room. VANCOUVER, B. C. Because the experiments of amateur wireless tel egraphers Interferes with the govern ment wireless plants, tho non-professionals have been ordered to cut down their "aerials" to a maximum length of 30 feet, which wilt limit their receiving range to 100 miles. ear Hosier Italians and Bnrtletts sold in Philadelphia at auction, Bart let Is, $1.40-1.45; Italians, $1.00 to $1.20, mostly $1.00 and $1.03. On the 1st in Cleveland. California Bart letts sold 23c to 53c, averaged 44c; fruit ripe and soft. A ear of Milton Itlainns, same day, nvernged $1.20, Cincinnati, 1st, averaged $1.11 for California Bartletts. state and each one of the other twelve that comprise the mighty western empire. Thin train i- to he called the "Gov ernors' Special'' from the fact that lit will number ntnong its passengers u tho plans now under consideration take effect, each one of the thirteen governors of the west, cnmpriMng the chief executives the state of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Utah Nevada, California, Colorado, Wyom ing, North and South Dakota, Ne braska and Minnesota The "Gov ernors' Special,' will be made up at Omaha, immediately after the big land show that is to be held there, and will visit all of the important cities in thu east. The committees in ench stnte having the matter in charge, will send their most compre hensive exhibits to Omnhn, where each will become an integral part of the complete exhibit of the resources of the west' for tho pur)ose of mak ing n tour of the east. Among the cities to bo Visited, :ire Omnhn, Chicago, Pittsburg, Now York City. Washington, D. C, and St. Paul, and from the interest already created in the forthcoming visit of the train, in thoso cities, the tour will be fraught with exceptional op portunities for crenting an exodus from the crowded centers of the enst to the boundless stretches of the west. Ench state participating is called upon to contribute $1000 as its share of the expenses of the trip, in addi tion to furnishing its exhibit. On nc count ofthclnrgc number of states in cluded in the monster exhibit, the in dividual expense is very low, and never before have the states of the west had the opportunity of adver tising their resources so thoroughly in such n promising field nt so liltio expense. On this account, it is doped WHY THE PEOPLE OF OREGON WILL VOTE ON RATE BILL (Contluu-id From Pago Ono) completely lliese poor licuightcd rate (injurs nie forging the chains that hind thoiu. Xot one ptrson in oim thousniid knows how exhorhitnut these rates are, Not one person in one thousand know- that they are paying 84 per cent to the jobber and K12 per cent to v the retailer when good- niv shipiHH into and out of .Medford on that pnit of the capital devoted to this service. I cannot concur with Judgn Colvl'f that the people of Medford are iffct- iug in an idiotic manner by submit ting to this terible abuse so long. Ev ery state in the nation that has lmd a statesmanlike administration linn stopped this kind of abuse many years ago. Bates today for service In Oregon are about 2 10 pur cent of what rates wuro In thu middle wuhI 2fi yearn ago. When wo apply tlieno rates In thu middle wcitt of ati ycins ago to roads ot Oregon today wu find thorn fully ns htgh as can bo Justi fied. Oregon a Laughing StoOk. No dnuger of making Medford n "laughing Htock." The northwest hns tioen tho laughing Htouk for many years bcciiUHo corporation nttorneya can make the people bellevo the moon Is made ot "green cheese." Many n bottle of chaiupagno hns evidently been cracked for the people who ore so fortunate as to own a species of our public highways as they laughed ibout us being such an "eusy mark." Wo don't have to niibmlt to this extreme slavery any longer than wo simply elect to. The remedy la In our hands. Wo can emancipate It we will. Thu only trouble Is to got our people to try. Many eyes are on Ore gon. Many people are. nuking the question: Will tho pooplu of Oregon take care oj her attaint, of public policy, any liottt-F than other states? Ho rar she linn not. No mm tif Ore gon today can admit tho real facts prevailing In our state without Huge of remorse, a blush of jdiiuuo, No tiro thin ot another Htatoicau wIIiicam tho torrlblo conditions oxlMtlng 1" Oregon without u fooling of gilof, n lour of sympathy. Otir tloKllny lit In our own hands, If wo nil supinely Idle, hold our humid mid continue tho hurd'itin thnt now op-iroiiH un wo have no ono to blame but oumolvcH. Let's fix It, tlMklm (or Health. t ' Our New Location The Southern Oregon Elec tric Company is now lo cated in the College Block on N. Grape Street Southern Oregon Electric Co. roooo-ir-' IF YOU WISH To ARRANGE roR A RAWCE WE HAVE THE ?- IN QUALITY AKitN noirr madam: aeyou e-neihety batibA I 4led mi fa the hanae uoa ae now eookine on? FOR RENT 430-acre Ranch, 300 acres under irrigation, 10 miles from Medford. GOLD RAY REALTY CO. 21H Writ Main Street lloom 101, Klectrlc Illdtf. J? v , .. i ni'ilA i I f V 5- 4 i n iiu rniv-u -r i 1 1 i tfao faeaCtfa and faa-hbmete oi ij the- vt-faoU ja-mhty de-fiends upon w&ih havinf Kwooedom-e food. eookinp at Stet U hahd viok. I tfaovM ijoa not tighten ifouk viok i fy ubhnf a Ca$o$aonf n&vt- anf& M faaAL& tfae-m. eome tee. Medferd Furniture & Hardware Go. A X ' i 4 ; m$mmmmmmi0 I? hi M X Choose The Right Dentist TO SUPPLY THE MISSING TEETH TO FILL THAT UNSIGHTLY CAVITY Bad teeth, poor digestion and irritable disposition go hand in hand, and are the conditions which contribute materially to many social and financial failures. I will match your natural teeth with artificial ones so perfectly, that they all look alike, and replace the missing ones without a a plate, guaranteeing their usefulness and durability. I use only the most expensive quality materials and-all my work is guaranteed Lady attendant. - m I 22 Karat Gold Crowns Porcelain Crowns . . Bridge Work (per tooth) Silver Fillings .... . rN. . $5.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 AND UP Gold Fillings . . . . . . . . $1.50 ' . AND UP Full Set of Teeth on Rubber Plate 7.50 Best Set of Teeth on Rubber Plate 10.00 Painless Extraction .50 ALL OTHER WORK IN PROPORTION DR. BARBER, The Dentist 207-208 Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, corner West Main and Grape Streets, Medford, Oregon OFFICE HOURS: 8 a, m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Phone Main 653 ivvvVVvmm00vm