Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 09, 1911, SECOND SECTION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 12

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6KDX)IMAK0E NO. 069.
drdlnnnco declaring Urn cost of tlio
improvement 01 i.nst .inin sircct irom
Hoonc.vcll avenue to liast end of Bald
street, nnd assessing llio property bene
fljed thereby, nnd declaring such nssuss
niont nnd directing tlio entry thereof tn
llio docket of city liens,
Tlio city of Medfonl doth onlnln ns fol
lows: Section 1. Tlint no nrotests hnvlnir
boon filed against the Improvement of
Knst alnln street from Roosevelt avenue
to cast end of said streot, duo notice of
tlio Intention of tlio council to cuusd
mi hi improvement to bo made having
been given, nnd said Improvement havi
tiiK been ordered made, tlio council lms
considered tlio mutter nnd herewith ns
ccrttillls tlio proltublo cost of making
such Improvement to bo tho sum of
And said council further finds that
tbo Hpcctal nnd peculiar benefit accruing
upon each lot or purl thereof adjacent
to said Improvement nnd In Just propor
tlon to benefit, to bo the respective
amounts hereinafter net opposite the
number or description of ench lot or part
thereof, nnd such nmounta respectively
ore hereby declared to bo the proportion
nto share of each lot or part thereof, of
tho coot of sucn Improvement, unit Is
hereby declnred to bo assessed against
sal a lot or parcel respectively, tho name
appearing ubovo ench description being
the name of the owner of such lot or
Assessment No. 1 C IL Plereo. A unr
eel of land marked C" on the map of
limn of the city of Mcdford, Oregon, nm
recomeil in vol.
tltlgO 5S7. Of till
County recorder! reconls of JneksOi
county, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on th
liorth nlde of Kant Main street: SO feet
rut? iter foot .V76; nmount t3ST.R0.
Assessment No. 27 Kiln C Wester
ltind. A nrcel of land marked "AC" oi
the map of the city of Mcdford, Oregon
nnd recorded In Vol. 70, page 250, o
the county recorder's records of Jnckso
county, Oregon, frontage 146 feet on tn
south side of Rtst Main street; 146 feet
ruto er foot 15.75; nmouiil IS39.30,
Assessment No, 2S J. T. Crowley. Lo
3, of the Idndloy addition to th city n
Medford. Oregon, recorded In Vol. "0
pace 260. of the county recorder's rcc
onls of .Tnckson county, Oregon; front
age 90 feet on the south side of Kas
Main, street, 90 feet, rate per foot $5.7S
amount $517.60.
Assessment No. 29--J. N. UockersmUh
Lot :, of I.lndley addition to the city o
Medford. Oregon, frontage 90 feet oi
tho south side of Wist Mnln street: 9t
feet; rate per foot $5.76; amount $517.50
Assessment No, 30 J. D. Skinner, I.o
the city of Medford. Oregon, and record
d In Vol. 77. pago 333. of tho counts
recorder's records of Jackson county,
Oregon; frontage 156.36 feet on tin,
north sldo of East Main street; 156.3s
feet; rnto per foot 35.75; nmount
Assessment No. 5 W. W. McDonald.
A purccl of land marked "D" on tho map
of the city oi Medford. Oreiron, and re-
comca in vol. es, paga :i, or. tuo county
rvconier's reconls of Jackson county,
Oregon; frontage 79.9 feet on tho north
Aide or Eust ln street; 79.S4 feet, rate
per foot T-.75; nmount 3459.65.
Assessment No. 3 F. M. Lance. A
parcel of land marked "K" on the map
of tho city of Mcdrord. Oregon, nnd re
corded In vol. 73, page J1S. of the county
recorder's records of Jackson county,
Oregon; frontage 67 feet on tho north
side of Kast Main street; 57 feet; nlle
per foot 15.75; amount 1337.75.
Assessment No. t C H. Pierce A
parcel of land marked "F" on tho map of
tho city or aieuiorn, Oregon, ana recora
cd In Vol. 73, page 311, of tho county
recorder's records of Jackson county,
Oregon; frontage 70 feel on the north
sldo of Kast Main street. 70 feet; rato
per foot 36.75; amount 403.50.
Assessment No. 6 Mary K. O'Ncll. A
parcel of land marked -Q" on tho map
of tho city of Mcdford, Oregon, and re
corded in Vol. C3, page 6, of tho county
recorder's records of Jackson county. Or
egon; frontage 196.6S feet on the north
sldo of Kast Main street; 196.68 feet;
rate per foot 15.75; amount $1130.91.
Assessment No, 6 it. A. Ratvson. A
parcel of land marked "J" on tho map
of tho city of Mcdford, Oregon, and re
corded In Vol. CI. pago 239, of the county
recorder's records of Jackson county. Or
egon; frontago 167.41 feet on tho north
slilo or Kast Main street; 157.41 reel;
rate per foot 35.76; amount 3905.11.
Assessment No. 7 Olaf UJerrrgaard.
A parcel of land marked "KV on the
map of the city of Medford, Oregon, and
recorded In Vol. 56, page E4, of the
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; frontage 157.41 feet on
tho north sldo of East Main street;
157.41 feet; rato per foot $5.75; amount
Assessment No. 8 William II. Shaf
fer Kat&lc -V parcel of land marked "W
on tho map of tho city of Medford. Ore
gon, and recorded in Vol. 31, page 336, of
tho county recorder's records of Jackson
county. Oregon: fnAitngo 102.25 feet on
tho north sldo of Kast Main slreeu.
102.25 feet; rato per foot $5.75; amount
Assessment No, 9 W. L. Black. A
parcel of land marked "M" on tho map
of the city of Medford,' Oregon, and
recorded in Vol. 63, pago -31. of the
county recorder's recorus of Jackson
county, Oregon; frontage 79 feet' on the
north sldo of Bast Main street; 79 feet;
rato per foot $5.76; amount $.454.25.
Assessment No. 10. W. I. Dlack. A
parcel of land marked "N" on the map
of tho city of Medford, Oregon, and re
corded In Vol. 63. page 222, of the coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson co,unty,
Oregon; frontage 71 feet on tho. "north
sldo of Kast Main street; 71 feet; rato
per foot $5.76; amount $408.25.
Assessment No. 11 A. C. Randall et
al. Lot 1, block 1, of the Bast Main
addition to the city of Medford, Oregon,
and recorded In Vol. 75, page 495, of
tho county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; frontage 56 feet On tho
north side of Kast Main streeU' 56 feet;
rato per foot $5.75; amount $322.
Assessment No. 12 A. C llandall et
L Lot 2, block 1, of the Bast Main
addition lo the city of Medford, Oregon;
recorded In Vol. 75, page 495, of tho
county recorders records of Jackson
county, Oregon; frontage 56 feet on the
norm sine or Hast Main street; it reel;
rato per foot $5.76; amount $322.
Assessment No. 13 A. C llandall et
al. Lot 3, block 1, of tho Bast Slain
addition to the city of Medford, Oregon,
recorded In Vol. 75, pngo 495. of the
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; frontage 56 feet on the
north side of Bast Main street: 56 feet;
rato per foot $5.76; aomunt $322.
Assessment No. 14 A. C llandall et
al. Lot 4, block 1, of the Bast Main ad
dition to the city of Medford, Oregon, re
corded In Vol, 75, page 495. of tho county
recorders records of Jackson county,
Oregon; 'frontage 56 feet on tho north
sldo of Bast Main street; 66 fveli rato
per foot $5.75; amount $322.
Assessment No. 15 A. C. Randall et
al. Lot 5, block 1, of tbo Hast Main ad
dition to the city of Mod ford, Oregon,
recorded' In Vol. 76. page 495. of tin
county recorder's records of Jackson
county. Oregon; irontago 53.6: feet on
tho north side of Bast Main street: 59.62
Xoot; rate per foot $5.76; amount $342.82
Assessment No. 16 R. J. Conroy and
R. W. Clancy. Lot 1. block 1, of the
Conruy-Clancy subdivision to thu city of
Medford, Oregon: frontago 60 feet on
tho north sldo of Bast Main street: 60
feet: rata per foot $6.7Si amount $287.60.
Assessment No. 17 It. J. Conroy and
R. W. Clancy. Lot 2, block 1, of the
Conroy-Clancy subdivision to the city of
Mcdford, Oregon, frontago 50 feet on tho
liorth sldo of list Main street; 60 feet,
rato per foot $5.76; amount $287,50.
Assessment No. 18 It. J. Conroy and
R. W. Clancy. Lot 3, block 1, of tho Con
roy.CInnoy subdivision to tho city of
Medford, Oregon; frontage SO feet on tli
north sld of Bast Main street; 60 feet,
rut i) per foot $5.76: amount $87.50.
Assessment No. 19 -R. J. Conroy and
R. W. Cluncy. Lot 4. block 1. of tho Con
roy. Clancy subdivision to tho city of
Modford. Oregon: frontago 60 feet on
tho noil sldo of Bast Main street: 60
feoti rati per foot $5,75; amount $287.60,
Assessment No. 20 R. J. Conroy and
R. W. Clancy. Lot 5, block 1, of tho Con-roy-Clnticy
subdivision to the city of
Medford, Oregon; fiontago 60 feet on tn
north sldo of Bast Muln street: 60 fuet;
rato per foot $5,76: amount $287.60.
Assessment No. 21 R. J. Conroy and
R, W- Clancy. Lot 0, block 1, of the Con
roy.Clanoy subdivision to tho city of
Medford, Oregon; frontago 60 feet on thu
north sldo of Bast Muln street: 60 feei,
rata por foot $6.76; amount $287.60.
Assessment No. 22 It. J. Conroy and
It. W. Cluncy, Lot 7, block 1, of tho Coi
roy. Clancy subdivision to tlio city or
Medford. Oregon: frontngo 60 feet on
tho north side of Bast Main street: 60
foot! rato per foot $5.76: amount $287 DO.
Assessment No. 23 It, J. Conrpy and
R. Y. Cluncy. Lot 8, block 1, of tlio Con-roy-Clunoy
subdivision to tho city of
Medford, Oregon; frontago 54 feet on tho
north sldo of Kant Main street: 60 feet;
rato per foot $5.76; amount $287.60.
Assessment No, 24 R. J. Conroy and
It. W. Cluncy. Lot 9, block 1, of the Qon
royrCluncy subdivision to tho city- or
Medford, Oregon; frontnge 45,68 feet on
the north sldo of Bast Muln street: 45.58
fv'Ot! rate per foot $5.76; amount $202 0!.
Assessment No. 26 Hurry K, Boater.
A parcel of laud marked "Q'' on llio map
of tho city of Medford, Oregon, and re
corded in Vol, 70, pago 512, of tho count
ty recorders rocorus or jucKson county.
Oregon; frontage 107.5 feet on the north
Hlda of Bast Muln streot, 197 6 feot; rato
ur fool, $5,75! amount $1.16 03 .,
Assessment No. 2f. -tleorge P i.lmtloy
Tho smith Itil.G tu of tlio Wftt M fi
of ti parcel of luud luuikvd fit ' on tlio
1. of the Llndley addition to the city ol
Mcdford. Oregon; frontago 98 feet oi
tho south side of Bast Mnln street; 9'
feet, rate per foot J5.75; nmount $563 50
Assessment No, 31 C, U. Scctt and J
H. Smith. Lot 1, block 1, of the Medfon
Heights addition to tho city of Medford
Oregon; frontngo 60 fet on the soutl
side of Kast Main street: 60 feet; rati
per foot $5.76: amount $345.
Assessment No. 32 C. U. Scott nnd J
a Smith. Lot S, block 1. of the Medfon-,
Heights addition to the city of Mcdford
Oregon; frontage 60 feet on the soutl
side of Bast, Main street; 60 feet; rati
per foot $5.75; amount $345.
Assessment No. 33. C. 11 Scott nnd J
R Smith. Lot 3, block 1, of the Medfon
Heights addition to the city of Medford
Oregon; frontage 60 feet on the soutl
side of Bust Main street; 60 feet; rat
per foot $5.75: amount $345.
Assessment No. 34 Harry E. Foster
Lot 4, block 1. of tha Modford Height
addition to the city of Medford. Oregon
frontage 60 feet on tho south side ot
Kast Main street: 60 feet; rnto per foo'
Assessment No. 35 C. B. Scott and J
a Smith, Lot 5. block I. of tho Medfon.
Heights addition to the city of Mcdford.
Oregon, frontnge 60 feet on the soutl
ttlil., nf VTnat Ataln nltf fin fMil ryitn
per foot $5.75; amount $345, I
Assessment No. 36 C. B. Scott and J
II. Smith. Lot 1. block 3, of tho Medfon
Heights Addition to the city of Medford
Oregon; frontago 60 feet on the south
sldo of Kast Main street: 60 feet; raw
per foot $3.75. amount $345.
Assessment Xa 37 C B. Scott and J
B. Smith. Lot 2, block 2, of tbo Medfon
Heights addition to the city of Medford
Oregon; frontage 60 feet on the soutl
sldo of Bast Main street: 60 feet; rati
per foot $5.75. amount $345.
Assessment No. 38 C. B. Scott and J
H. Smith. Lot 3, block 2, of the Medfonl
Heights addition to tho city of Medford,
Oregon, frontage 60 feet on tho squtl
side of Bust Main street: 60 feet; rati
per foot $5.75: amount $345.
Assessment No. 39 C. B. Scott and J
B Smith. Lot 4. block 2. of tho Medforc
Heights addition to tbe city of Medford,
Oregon, frontage 60 feet on tho south
side of Bast Main street; 60 feet; rati
per foot $5.75; nmount $345.
Assessment No. 40. C. B. Scott ant
J. 1J. Smith, lot 6. block 2 of the Med'
ford Heights addition to tho City ol
Metifonl. Oregon; frontage 60 feet, a:
the south sldo of Bast Main street: CI
feet; rate per foot, $5,75; amount
Assessment No. -41. W:a. M. Holmes
lot 1. block 1, of the Nob Hill addition ti
the City of Mctlfonl. Oregon: frontagi
CO feet on the south side of Kast Mult
street; GO feet, rato per foot, $5.75
amount, $345.00.
Assessment No. 42. J. AV. Johnson
lot 2. block 1 of the Nob Hill addltioi.
to the City of Mcdford. Oregon; frontagi
CO feet on the south side of Bast Malr
street; 60 feet; rate per foot, $5.75
amount. $345.00.
Assessment No. 43. Wm. M. Holmes
lot 3. block 1 of the Nob Hill addition tt
the City of Medford, Oregon; frontagi
60 feet on the south side of Kast Mali
street; 60 feet; rute per foot, $5.75.
amount, $345.00.
J Assessment No. -44. Wm. M. Holmes
lot 4, block 1 of the Nob Hill addition
to tbo City of Medfonl. Oregon: front
nge 60 feel on the south slue of Bast
Main stret-t; 60 feet, rate per foot $5.75;
nmount. t345.O0.
Assessment No. 45. Wm. 11. Holmes
lot 5, block 1, of the Nob Hill addition to
the City or Medford, Oregon; frontage
60 feet on the south sldo of Bast Main
street, 60 feet; rato per foot, $5.75,
amount, $345.00.
Assessment No. 46. Wm. M. Holmes,
lot 6, block 1 of the Nob Hill addition to
the City of Medford, Oregon; frontage
60 feet on the south side of Bast Main
street; 60 feet; rate per foot. IS..
amount, $345.00.
Assessment No. 47. Win. It. Holmes,
Jot 7, block 1 of the Nob Hill, addition
to the City of Mcdford. Oregon; frontage
55.73 feet on tho south side of Bast Main
street; 55.73 feet; rate per foot, $5.75;
amount, $320.45.
Assessment No. 4S. Wm. M. Holmes,
lot 8, block 1 of the Nob Hill addition
to tho Clty.of Medford, Oregon; frontage
60 feet on tho south side of Bast Main
street: 60 feet, rato Dcr foot. $5.75:
amount, $345.00.
Assessment No. 49. R. B. Dow, lot
1, block 7 of tha Medford Heights addi
tion to tha City of Medford, Oregon;
frontago 51 feet on tho south side of
Kast Main streot; 51 feot; rate per foal,
$2.75; amount, $293.25.
Assessment No. 50. C. B. Scott and
J O, Smith, lot 3, block 7 of the Med
ford Heights addition to the City of
dedfonl, Oregon; frontage 61 feet on the
suth side or Bast Alain street; ti xect;
rato per foot, $6.75; amount, $293.25,
Assessment No. 51. C. B. Kcott nnd
.1. fl. Smith, lot 4. block 7 of thu Med
ford Heights addition to tho City or
Medford. Oregon; frontage 61 feet on
the south sldo of Bast Main street; 61
feet; rate per foot, $5.76; amount,
Assessment No. 62 C. n. Scott and J.
G. Smith, lot 6, block 7 of tho Medford
Heights addition to the City of Mcdford,
Oregon; frontage 51.38 feet on the south
side of Kast Mala street; 61.38 feet;
rato per root, $5.75 ;amount, $296.44.
Assessment No. 53. O. L. Sohermer
horn, u parcel of land located between
block 7 of .the Medford Heights addition
and thu 1'il. O. !', tract and marked
Ymi Ant heroht tinttflnit lliat llui as.
iiossmeiit declared by tho foregoing ot
tmntico has been made and the Hen
herefur entered Ju tho city lieu docket,
tttd that the same Is dun mid you niv
icreby required to pay the snnio to the
eltv rcconler within ten davs from the
urvlco of this notice, which service Is
j IHUIl' I'J IIUlHlKlllllll Hi llll' IIHVKIHMK HP-
luniico nnd this notice three times In
ho Medford Mall Tribune inn. Milan t In
. n onler of tho cltyr council of said
'tiy. t
ROUT. W. TKI.rilH.
City Recorder.
Onllnatico declaring the cost of tho
niprovemeni or onugi street mini west
Tenth street to West Ktovimth street,
nd assessing tho pmiorty benefited
hereby, nnd declaring the nssesment
nd directing tho entry thereof In the
locket of city liens.
. The City of Medfonl doth on'nln ns
Section 1. That no nniiei.n limine
)een filed against the Impntvi'l'icnl of
rangv street rrom west Term street
n West Klevcntli street, duo nollce of
ho Intention of the council to 'aus situ
mprovenient to bo mnde having been
riven, nnd said Improvement hiving been
intereii mane, ttn council lias cousin
red the matter and herewith ascertains.
ho urobahle cost I of mnklnir such tin-
- .. . ,.i .....
.irovemeni to do tuo sum or
And snld council further fhuUt that the
ipeclnl and peculiar benefit accruing
ipou each lot or parj thereof ndjnccnv
o said Improvement mid tn Jim pn
ortton to benefits, to bn tho rcs'.ieenvo
'mounts hereinafter iet opposite th
umber or doserlptl ii of ouch lot or
art thereof, nnd such nniotm's. ,vsjvct
vely are hereby ileelsre.1 to Ih tho pro
portionate share of i ach bit or part
hereof, of the cost of iuoIi liii'irnvouten
nd Is hereby ile-J.are-1 to lm aiessed
. gainst said lot or farcef tesx'ct'vi'l,
he same appearing abovi e-tch te.'crlp
Ion being tho unmo of he ownei or
uch lot or parcel.
ORANOB TRt-Ur.' I lf).M 'VI5ST
Assessment No. 1, Rlchsrd Kvhulcr
lorth 206 f.Mit of lot 15. h'.ocl; , lMrk
.l.lltlnn flr, fit fltv ,. t..,r.... .V,
rontftge .!0'i fr"t ot I'm esi: o-ti of
range strec, riul iU". .i"'l tn ' ot. (7,
ago 449 of he jjTiy ISc-or-Jet nc
mis of Jnclcion co'in.v. Orcio.-; 206
-et; rato per foot, $3.17; amount,
Assessment No. X S'nn it I.Vrs. a
-nrcel of land f-witimr f..r on tin
at side of O-nnge strict. Iwlng . rart
f lot 15. block 8, Park nddltlon to the
ltv of Mcdford. Origin; Inntnu .10
Ki on the cist a la of Onin'o Muct.
'escribed In Vo. t. .i. ill, v nrty
ecordcr's rvcirds of 'icksim rouutv,
Oregon; 50 feet; ruto pc; fiiir. JJ 7;
mount, $t73.,
Assessment No. 3 Ornld Tnllland
r. a parcel of land fronting 13 fe.-t o:i
he east side of Oninpe st-wi. llng a
art of lot 15. block 8 of t. ,ir)i
Ion to the Cltv of Mcdl".r,l Or..riui-
L 'rontnge 50 feot on tho mmi side of Or-
ngo street, ana uescrliMMl in Vol, 43
age 634, county recorder' rerJs of
tackson county, Oregon: 0 ft; mte
r foot. $3.47: amount. $17J ..0.
Assesmcnt Na 4. W. It, ItaiiniMc'i.
outh 50 reetof lot 15. block 8. Iark nil-
Mtlon to the Cltv nf Mctlfonl. rrirnii-
'rontago 504Teet on the enst sldo of Or-
vnge street, nnn ttescrlbed In Vol. S3,
age 5S1, county recorder's records of
"acksn county. Oregon: 30 feet; rate per
'oot. $3 17; nmount, $173 GO.
Assessment No. 5 Roselma A. Mor
rison, east half of the south half of lot
i. block 9. Park addition to tho Cltv of
Bedford. Oregon: frontnge 168 feet on
he west side of Orange street, nnd de
icrlbed In Vol. 63. pace 211. county re.
.orders records of Jackson county. Or
gon: KS feet: rate per foot. $J.T.
imnunt, $!S3.9.
Assessment No. 6. J, W. Wakefield,
north half of lot 1, block 0, Park addl
'Ion to the City of Medford. Oregon
frontage 168 feet on the west sldo of
"range street, and described In Vol. 70.
age 275, county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon. 18; rate
nor foot. 13.47, nmnunt, 15? 96
Assessment Nol 1 R. Kehulrr. nninnnl
lascsseil, $10.09.
Section 2. The recorder of tho City
of Medfonl Is lu-reby directed to enter
a statement of the nssossments hereby
made In tho docket nf city Hpiis. and lo
vivo nonce oy puuiicniion as required
by the charter and ordinance No 250 of
said city. In the Medford Mall Tribune
a newsDaper published nnd of general
circulation In said city.
The foregoing ordinance -was nnssed
by th city council of the City of Med
ium, uregon, on win Rin nay or Septem
ber, 1911, bv tho following vote: Mer
rick, aye; Watt, nve; Wortman. nve:
Emerlck. absent: Blfert, aye, and Mil
lar, aye. .
Approved September 6th, loH
... . W. II. CANON.
Attest: Mayor.
City Recorder,
Assesitiient No. .V W N. Cumpbell,
part of lot 2, block 2 ot the Uitllowny
mlitllltiii i. tin, I'll.. .. M.uir,,,.,! 1 1,.., ......
rnuitiiuc. I So feet on the east side or
Mlstlcloo street, described In Vol, ttH,
Piigii 80 of iito county recorder's records
."i nvi.-Miii i-iiuiiiy, wrvKmi ""' ici'i. rnie
per foot, $J.82 txmtiuiit. $573.00.
Asiessiiuint No, C II, W, Jnckson,
pnrrei oi mini I'l moCK a Of llio tiiillii
wny addition to thu City of Medford.
Oregon, marked "A" ou I ho man of said
vlly frontngo 110 feet on Ilia east side
of Mistletoe street, described In Vol 61,
I i go 3 SI of the county recorder's reconls
of ncksun county, Oregon. 110 feet; rnto
i"i mi'i, His, niiiuuiii,
Assessuient No. T.-Margnret li tlmy,
iKuvi-i uiiiii in iiiovk ot tin' llano
way nddltlon lo lli i'li of M,Mir..r.i
Oregon, mnrked "IV ou the uuip of tho
riim viiii iroiuago u; u-ei on uio ivisl
side of Mtstletoo stn. uild described
hi ul 40. page 616. nf tin county re
conler's reconls of srKjou county. Orb.
gon. US feet; rate per foot, $S.S3;
llUllllllll, 1UI 31.
assessment ruo. S.-J ll Daley, jiar
.'..". i oiock .i oi nto tiaiiowav
addition to tbo Cltv of Mcdford. Ore
gon, marked "C" on the limp of thu snld
' V . . frtn I k i.O feet on the east std.
of Mlstletiv street, and described In
ol S3, pago 250 of the county record
ers rcconm or Jnckson county, Oregon,
JSR.f't-t' rat0 ,"'r r,,0, ,3S3; ttinount,
'.sseiiiiiicnt No. 9 V II. Stewart,
parcel or hind In block 3 of tho tluihi.
way addition to. tho City of Medfonl.
Oregon, frontagis ioj fwl lm u, ,.,
Mile of Mlstlotoe street, nnd described
In ol. 3. wiu ni, 4 of the county re
conlcr s records of nckson county. Ore
gon. 103 feet s rato per root, $3,83
nmount. $389 04.
Assessment No, 10. Franklin B. Mar
tin. lot S. block 7 or the !nrk nddltlon
to the City or Mmlford. Oregon, fmntngc
14 feet on tho west side of Mist lot of
street, described In Vol 52, pago 532 ol
tho county n-onler's records of Jnckson
county, Oregon; 4 4 feet rnto per foift
$3.S2. nmount, JlfiK.OS.
AsKesflnrnt No. n- Franklin H. Mar.
tin. lot t. block 7 of the IMrk addition
to the City of Medford. Oregon, rro.u
ago 44 fct on tho lest side of .MIstlrKX
street, descrllHM In Vol . mU jjj
or the county recnnler's recirds of Jack
son county, Oregon, II rvt. rnto pet
root. $3.S3; nmount. $IS.0$.
Assessment No. 12 Franklin K. jiur-
till, lot 6. block 7 nf 111.. Park 1111.1111....
to the City of Medfonl. Oregon, rront
sgv 50 reel on the west side or Mlstletot
street, drscribed In Vol 52 pago 33?
of tho county recorder's reconls of
Juckson county, Oregon, 30 rent; nite
per root. $3 S2; nmount. $191.00. pi
Assessment No. 13 - Fntuklln K. M"r
tin. lot 5, block 7 or th Park nddllln
to the City or Medford. Oregon; fnuitagi
50 feet on the west side or Mistletoe
iilri.l. nriil I..Hrll..l In Vs.t r.i .......
........ ...... u, .-..a , ... ... ,, ..,. W, l.,
232 or tho county reconier's records of
nckson county, Oregon 50 feel; rnto pet
foot. $3.83; amount, $19100.
Assessment No. 1 1 L A. H-ytnotir
lot 4. block 7. of the Park nddltlon tr
the Clly of Medford. Oregon; frontage
j0 feet on tho west sldo of Mlstletm
street, nnd deacrllH-d In Vol. 75, page
42 S of tho county recorder's records d
Jackson county, Oregoii. 50 frul, ruti
Hr fiHit. $3.82. amount. Ill.flrt.
Assessment No. I&.U A, Seymour
lot 3. block T of the Park nddltlon tc
tbo City of Sledfonl. Oregon; frontnge
50 feet on tin- west side of Mlstleto
street, nnd described In Vol. 75, page
I2S of the COlllllv n.r.iriti.r'tf n-pnnlu nf
Jackson, county, Oregon. 5il r.i-t, rate
(er root. $3 S2: nmount. $191 00.
Assessment No. 16 t.iicretla Bnynrt
lot 2, block 7 or the Park addition to th
City of Mcdford, Oregon, frontage Co
feot on tbe west side of MlNtletix. street
nnd describe! In Vol. 7$. lnge 637 of thr
county recorder's records of Jncksor
county. Oregon: 50 feet, rnto per foot
$3.82. amount. $191.00
Assrsment No. 17. J T Bads, lot 1
block 7 or tho IMiM nddltlon to tho City
of Medrord. Oregon".' frontage 60 feet or
tho west sldo of Mistletoe street. And
described In VoLTLg. imgo 13 of ti
county recorder's a records of Jncksor
county, Oregon; 30 feet; rnto per foot
$3.82; amount, $191.00.
..Assessment .-mo. is. uu .Nnwiiurv
lot K nnd tho south 26 feet of lot 7
block I or tho Park addition to tho Clt
of Mi'dford. Oregon; frontage 75 tvv
On tn west side of Mlatleton street, aiii
descrltied In Vol. 71, page 5t9 of thr
county recorder's records or Jncksor
county. Oregon. 75 rrct; rate per foot
$3.82; nmount. $2l.50.
Assessment Noi 19. J"sslo Houck
north 25 fei-t of lot 7 and lot , block 1
of the Park nddltlon to tho city of Med
ford, Oregon; frontngo 7S feel on In
west sldo of Mistletoe street, nnd tie
scribed In Vol 84, pago 351 of the
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon, 7$ feet; rate Per foot
$3.82: amount. $286.60.
'Assessment No. 20. -A.
Itoso itvoitiio fmni West Seventh streot
west sldo of Huso uvultuo. unit ili'Hi?rlbflb
to West Fourth stieet dun notlco of In Vol m, page I in, of lh county n
tho InteiitliMi of llio cuttnoll to cutisn Vui der's reconls of Jnolison counly, ()n
said liniiiMVviiivitl to be niniln lmliih';...... i r ..i r.,i n in. umioiiih
given, urn! snld linpiovniu'iil ha-i "",,, A "'""'' "-
fill) M",
lug been ordered ntnilo, the council Iiiim
considered the niatler nnd herewith im
certains tho probable cost of imikliig
such Improvement to lm lh sum of $!,
OM.go. And snld council filither rinds that
tho special mid peculiar benefit nccrulug
Uoin ench lot nr part tlieteof udj.iceiil
to snld Imiii-ovemeiit mid In lust iirouor.
Hon to benefits, to bo llio rospectivo
2. The recorder of thu CttV
of MiMirmd Is hereby illleoli'd lo entrr a
slnlelili'iit Of llio iiSHCssuii'llls lli'tehy
uiiiilo lu the docket of city lions, mid lo
glvo notlco by piibllcatloil lis reiiulred
hv the iliiiriir nnd ortlhuiuro No a. In
the Medford Mall Trlbllilis a iioWNpapm
published mid of tynorul tilicuhttloii In
snld ill
tion to ucnsrits. to tio tho respect ivt The foregoing ordliiiineo was piissed
uiuounts liori'ttuiflsr set opposite the. hy i. city council of tin- City or Med
iiuniber or description of each lot or fdui, Oregon, on tho 4th dny of HitPlvin
imrt thereur. and such utnouulM lespeet- i,.r, I'JII, bv thu following volo: Mer
Ively nro hereby declared to bo dm hick, aye, Watt, uyo. Wiulinau. ii).
iiroporttonnto share of each lot or pnrll Kmerlck, ubxi'iit; Hirer!, nyii; nnd Mil-
iiiereoi, or tno cohi or suru luipioveiiienii lur. uyo.
Appriivcu reui'iiiiiiir pin, ii'ii
ii, wraiiVi
(orlvata road) on tho map of tlio Clly
of Medford; frontage 40 feet on the
fcoutli side, of Bast Muln street; 40 feot;
rute per foot, $5.76. amount, $230.00,
Assessment No. 64. -Cordelia L. An
keny, a parcel of lanf marked (I. O. O
F. tract) on tho map of the City of
Medford, Oregon, and recorded In Vol,
83, page 260 of the Coutny Recorder's
records of Jackson county. Oregon,
frontago 169 feet on the south side of
Kant Muln street; 129 feel; rato per foot,
$5.75; amount. $741.75.
Assessment No. 1. J. A. Wcstcrluud,
amount assessed, $11.07.
Assessment No. 2. A. B. Knapp,
amount nni'Hm-d. $11.07.
Assessment ' No. 3. J, D. Hklnncr,
amount assessed, $11.36,
Assessment No. 4. ', B. O'Noll,
amount assessed, $ie.7i.
Assessment No. 5. Olaf BJcrregaard,
amount assessed, $13.24,
Assessment No. 6 B. U. Davis and A.
If. Miller, amount assessed. $10.85.
Assessment No. 7. Jus, Smith and
I. o, o. I"., amount, assessed 1:9.63,
Assessment No.. 8. If. B. Foster,
utnount ussessed. $12.71
Seotlon 2. The recorder of the City of
Mcurord Is, hereby directed to enter a
statement of thu ussbssments hereby
mode n tho docket of city liens, and to
givo iioucq ny puuiicaiiou uh rc'iuireii
by the churtur and ordinandi No, 26Q in
tho Medford Mull Tribune, 14 newspaper
liuiiiisncu uuii 01 gunerai circulation in
Huld city.
The foregoing ordinance was passed
by the city council of the City of Med
ford, Oregon, on the 6th day of Septem
ber. 1911, by the following volo: Mer
rick, aye; WnU, ayoj V0rtrnu11, uyy;
Eiuerlclc absent; Bifert, aye, and Millar,
Approved September 6th, 1911.
W. 1 1. CANON.
Attest: Mayor.
City Recorder-
To the owner, or renUtcd owner, of
each parcel of property described in the
foregoing ordliiuucc, iih named thorolu,
mid In tho lien declined by said or ill
I'uuoo. us iccQi'dcd lu the docket of vy
To the owner, or reputed owtwr. lit
ach parcel or property described In tho
foregoing ordinance, as named therein,
and In tho lien declared by said ordi
nance as recorded In th docket of clly
liens. '
You aro hereby notified that tho as
sessment declnred by the foregoing or
dinance has been mado and thi lien
therefor entered In thn cltv Hen ilnrlmi
and that tho same Is due and you arc
nt-rruy rniuireii 10 pay ino same 10 the
city recorder within ton davs from the
service of thli notlco, which srvlco Ir
made by publication or tho foregoing
ordinance and this notlco three times In
the Mcdford Mall Tribune pursuant to
on orour 01 1110 cuv council or salil city
City Recorder.
. ORDnrAWCE HO. 670.
Ordinance declaring the cost of tho
improvement or aiistietpu street, from
West Muln street to West Tenth streot
and assessing the property benefited
thereby and declaring such nssc-sstnnnt
and directing tho entry thereof In the
docket of city lines.
Tim City of Mcdford doth ordain as
Section 1, That no priests having
been, filed against llio Improvement of
Mlstlotno street rrom West Muln street
to West Tenth street duo notlco or the
Intention df tlio council to cause said
Improvement to be mudo having been
Klven, and said Improvement having been
ordered made, the council bus consider
d tho matter and herewith ascertains
the probable cost of muklng such I mi
provement to be the sum of $6,027 96.
And said council further finds that
tho sneclai and peculiar hennflt unnriilmr
upon each lot or part thereof adjacent
in sum improvement niii In Just propor
tion to benefits, to bo tho respective
amounts hereinafter set opposite (ho
number or description of each lot or
part thereof, of the cost or such in
provement, and Is hereby declared lo be
ussessed against said lot or parcels re
upcctlvoly.tlui name uppeurlug above the
oncriiuiun oeipK 1110 name or me owiw
it or such 101 or parcel
Assessment No. 1. H. A. WJiIto, north
100 feet of lot 1. block 2, Oallo way's ad-.
union 10 1110 t;iiy or aieiiruru, urngoni
froutuge 10 feot on east sldo of Mistle
toe street, described lu vol. 40, puge
379 of the county recorder's records of
nckson county, Oregon; 100 feet; rate
per foot, '$3.82: amount, $382.00.
Assessment, No. 2 -Haruh Emerlck,
part of lot 1, block 2, of thn Oallowuy
addition to the City of Medford, Oregon!
frontage 50 feet on tho east side of Mis,
tlotoe street, described In Vol, 88, page
220 of tho county recorder's records ot
nckson county, Oregon; 60 feet; rate per
foot, $3,82; amount, $101.00,
Assessment No. 3, II. P. Ifargrave,
part of lot 1, block 2 of Hie Oallowuy
addition to tho City of Medford, Oregon;
fiontago 60 feet on the cust side of Mis.
tlotoe street, described In VI, 82, pago
626 of tho county recorder's records of
Jnckson county, Oregon; 60 feet: rato
Per foot. $3.82: amount till) 0(1
Assessment No. 4, W. N, Campbell,
part of lot 2, block 2 of tho Clalluway- ndi
illtlon to the City of Mcdford. Oregon!
frontugo 60 feet 011 tho cast side of Mini
tluloo Htrcot, described In Vol, 88, pngo
600 of thu counly recordei-'H records of
Y. I.lmllev
lot 5. block 1 of tho Park addition tn lli,
City of Medford, Oregon, frontage 6
feet on the west sldu of Mistletoe street.
ana described In Vol. 90. page 230, of
tho County Recorder's records of Jnck
son county, Oregon: 50 feet; rate pi
root, $3.32, nmount, $191.00. '
Assessment No. 21. Florence Hcrrlck.
south 45 feel uf lot 4, block 1 or tin
Park nddltlon lo tho City of Mcdford
Oregu; frontage 45 feet on tho west sldi
or Mistletoe street, and described Ir
Vol. 73, pago 136 of tho county recorder's
records of Jackson county. Oregon; 46
feot; ruto per foot, $3.82; amount,
Assessment No. 22, Jacob A. Lyons,
north 6 feet of lot 4 and lot 3, block I
of the Park addition to tho City of
Medford. Oregon, frontngo 65 feet oi
tho west sldu of Mistletoe street, und de
scribed In Vol. 65, page 548 of tho coun
ty recorder's records of JuJckson coun
ty, Oregon: 55 feet, rato per foot, $3.82,
amount, $210,10.
Assessment No, 23. 'Anna C. and P.
IC Nnllcy, lot 2, block 1 or tho Park ad
dition to Hi Cly of Mcdford, Oregon,
frentagu 10 feel on the west side of Mis.
tletOo street, and ilescrlbed In Vol. 03.
page tin, 01 inn county rccoruors re
and IsJiereby declared lu be ussi-smid
ugiilnst'sald lot or patoids respectively,
1110 iiiimo ui'iK'uring uiiovn oiti'ii descrip
tion being the tiiiiuu or the owner of such
lot or paicel.
Assessment No. I Charles Burgcs.
hit 3, block 1 of the lloauoke addition to
tbe City or MiHirord, Oregon, frontage
140 feet ou the east side of Hose avenue,
and described lu Vol 73, page 603 of tho
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon, I in feet, into per foot,
$3.40.aiiiiiuiit, $176.00.
Assessment No. 3. Frank Cameron,
lot I, block I of the Rimuokn addition lo
the City of Mrilfoiit, Oregon, frontline
SO feet on the east side of Ruse nveiiue,
and described In Vol 75, page 312 or the
counly recorder's reconls of Jncksrm
county, Oregon, 60 feel, rnto per root,
$3.40. amount, $170 00
Assessment No. 3 C'liailes llurgvss,
lot 5, block t or the llrmnoko addition In
the City or Medfonl. Oregon, froulnge
60 feet on the east side of Rusk avenue,
und described In Vol 73. imge HOS of tlm
county recorder's records of Juckson
county, Oregon n r.0t, rnto per foot,
$3 10. amount, $170.00.
Assessment No. I. A. L Dlolc. lot 6,
block 1 of the Roanoke addition to the
ltv or Medford. Oregon, rroiltilgw SO
feet ou the eust side of Rose nvi-nue. nnd
described In Vol, 88, page 316 of the
rnuniv recomcrs records or Jnrkson
county, Oregon! 80 reel, ruto pr fooV
$3 40 amount,
Assessment No. J Charles Burgess,
lot 7. block I of the lloanok addition t.
he City of .Medford. Oregon; frontnge
50 feet on the enst side of Itomi iixrli-ie
nnd described In Vol 73. page 603 of
the county recorder's reconls uf Jackciu
counly, Oregon. 50 feet; rate wr foot,
13 40. allioiiul. $170.00,
A"Mt-smrnt Nd, 6 Charlen llurei
tat 8, block I or the lUuinuko addition
to the City or .Mcdrord. Oregon; rijintuge
0 reel oi the east side or Roso nviin ,
and described In Vol 73, pngo 601 of
1 nc couniv rccnnirrs recorilror .incM.O'i
'ounly, Oregon. 5n feet; rnto per root,
$3 10: amount. $170.00.
Assesuipiit No 7 Churlf s Burgos,
lot 9. block 1 or tlu Honnok addli'op
to tho Clly of Medford. Oregon, frontage
j0 fent on the east side uf Itoxo uivnilf,
1111I described III Vol 73. pair 601 of
he county recorder's recottW of .luckson
vuinty. Oregon. 60 fret; mto ir foot,
$3.10. nmount, $170 00.
Assessment No. K. riirlr4 llirgra,
lot 10, block t of the P.o uwUo uddllli-ii
to thr Clly of Mcdrord. firecou. fnuit
ige 80 fei'l on the els- side of Ibis !.
nue. nnd described In Vol ;.t. pngo 1 1.3
if the coi rty refcorder'i records of Jack
son county, Ore-.-on 5 rect, mt rtr
root. $3 10: ntnoiir.l, $"7n.l.O
AssesSlllrllt N'o 9 I'lmrli-n lluri-n..
tot II, block I or the Rimuokn addition
to the City of Medfiird. Oregon, frontage
jO fii't on the ensl side or Komi nveiiue
and described lu Vol 73, page 803 or Ihe
county recorder's records or Jscksori
"ounty, Oregon; 50 reel, rato per foot
13.40. amount, ll'
Assessment No. 10. Charles Ilurgnis,
lot 12. hlock I of thu Roanoke uddll'ii'i
to the City of Me.lfurd, Oregon; rrootar.f
30 ret on Hit. euslsble of Itoi-i nveiiun,
mil described in Tl 73. H0J of
the county recorders record of lacktmi
'ounly. Oregon. So r.-i; rnto Kr rvit.
13 40. amount, $170.00.
AsMi'Nsmeiit No II (lmpl tlorL-.-o
lot 13, block 1 of thn Roanoke nddl'lon
to the City or Medford. Oregon; fruiting
0 feel oil tho east sd of Rose nvriiu ,
and descrllM'd In Vol 73, puge 03 of th
ounty recorder's records of Jackson
.unty. Oregon. 50 feet, rule jter fool,
$3 10. amount. $ 170.00
Assessment No. 13 Charles Burgess,
tot 14, block I of the Roanoko addition
o the City of Medfonl. Oregon; froulagc
j0 feel on tho east side of Rose uveuim
md described In Vol 73. page 603 of
the counly recorder's records of Juckson
county, 60 ft. rute per foot, $3 10.
iinouut, $170 00
Assessment No. IX rharlrs Burgess,
lot 16, block 1 or the Roanoke addition
o tho Clly of Mcdford.' Oregon, frontage
I) feet on the eust side of Rose avenue,
and described lu Vol. 73, page 603 of
ihe county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon. 50 feet, rate per font,
13.40; amount, $170.00.
Assessment xo. 11. John V Mcln-
tyrc, jut ia, iiiock - or llie lloauoke ud
lltlon to the City of Mcdford. Oregon,
frontage 60 feet ou thn west sldo of
Rose avenue, and described, In "Vol 88,
pugv lot of the counly rcconbir's records
it Jnckson counly, Oregon. 50 reel;
ruto per root, $3.10. nmount, $170.00.
As4cssmunt No. 15. Cliailes Burgess,
111 11, 111 una j 01 inn uonnoKO nililllUDi
lit I IT
To the owner, or reputed owner, of
each lmrcel of property dcsoilhod In thr
foregoing ordinance, mt mimed therein,
nnd 111 the lieu declared by snld null
uniico us recorded hw llio docket of city
You nro hereby notified that tho nn
svssnieut declined by thu foregoing or
dinance has been made wild thn lien
therefor entered lu tho ultv lieu docket.
mid Hint the sniiin Is dun ami you ore
liereliy reiiuirrd 10 pay inn same to lire
city recutdiT within ten ilnys from the
sen lee of this notice, which service Is
made by publication of tho foregoing
ordinance mid this notlco llum limes lu
the Medford Mull Tribune pursuant lo
an oruvr or tn euv istunvii or sain city
City llecorder
cords of Juckson county, Oregon; 60
reei; rate per root, a.
Assessment No, 24. Anna C nnd P.
IC Nalley, lot 1, block 1. of tbo Purk ad
dition to tho City nf Medford, Oregon
frontage 60 feet on the west sldo ol
.Mistletoe street, and described In Vol
03, page 178 of tho county recorder's
records of Jnckson county, Oregon; 60
feet; rate per foot, $3.83; amount,
Assessment No 1. J, H, Daley um
V. If. Stewart, amount assessed, $16.87,
Section 2, The recorder of the Oil)
of Medford Is lu rebv directed to elite
1 statement of tho assessments hereby
mane in me docket or city liens, and t
give notice hy publication us rouulret
hy tho charter and ordinance No. 260 Ii
the Medford Mull Trllomi-. 11 newHriarim
published and of general circulation Ir
subl cltv.
The foregoing ordinance wnH imssoJ
by the city council of the City of Med
ford, Oregon, on (ho 6th day of Septum
her, 1911, by Ihe following; volo: Mer
ries, aye; wan, aye; wormian, nye
Emerlck, absent, Eirurt. uyo; und, Millar,
Approved HcpR-nibeY 6th, 1911,
... . W, H. CANON,
Attest: - Muyor,
'u.i w ir;i,i-j-jii.
uiiy iiecoriii-r
To the owner, or reputed owner. f
ach parcel of properly dencrlbed In I In)
foregoing ordinance, an named therein
and In" the lien dec-lured by snld ordi
nance us recorded In tho dockfit nf city
You ure nereby notified that tho um
Kessniimt (fecluied by tho foregoing or
dinance' hu la en mudo und the Her.
therefor r-iitVrcd In tho city lln docket
mid that the same is duo and you i.n
hereby reiiulred to pay tho sumo to the
city recorder within Km days from the
service of this notice, whloli service Is
iniido by ptibllcniion of tho foregoing
ordinance und this notlco thrco time
in 1110 .iieurorn .Mall Tribuno piirHimnt
to an order of tho city counoll of uil
City Rocordor.
to the Clly of Medford, Oregon; fronliige
i0 feel on the west side of Rosa avenue,
tnd described. In Vol. 73, page 60.1 or
hu county recorder's records or Juckson
ounty, Oregon. 60 feel; rute per fool,
'3 40 amount, $170.01).
Assessment No. 16, Onirics Burgess,
lot 13, block 2 of the Rounokn nddltlon
to the City of Medford. Oregon, rrontnge
i0 feet on Ihe west side of Rose avenue,
tnd desorllM-d In VI, 73, jugo 03 of Hi
county recorder's records of Juckson
ounty, Oregon, 60 r(.,.i, rate per foot,
13.40; amount, $170.00.
AsKesHUivut No. 17,- -Charles Burgess,
'ot 12, block 2 of the Roanoke uddllliin
tn tho City of Medfiird. Oreunn: frool.iii
- ...., ....-.,.. . : . . --.-,.--.-----------
iu 11-01 uii 11111 wi'mi mint tit iiiisii iiveiitie
anil ucKrriucii in vol 73, pago i!H3 or the
"ounty recorder's records or Jnckson
county, Oregon; 60 feet; rulo per foot
$1.40; amount, $170.00,
Assessment N'- 18. Chnrles Burgess,
lot II, block 2 of tho Ruiinoke nddltlon
o Ihe City of Medford. Oregon; from
i0 feet on tho west side of Rose avenue,
Mid described in Vol. 73, pugv 603 of Ihe
ounty recorder's record of Juckson
lounty, Oregon. 60 fiet; rnlo per foot,
13,10, nmount, $170.00,
Assessment No. I!).--Charles HurgVss,
lot 10, block 2 of the Rimnnko addition
to thn City of Medfonl. Oregon; frontage
50 feet on the west shin of Roue uvmitio,
und described In Vol 73, page 603 of the
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, uregoui ou root; ruto per root,
13.40: amount. $l70.oo.
Assessment No. 20. Charles Burgess,
bit 9. block 2 of the Itounnkii addition in
the City of Mi'dford. Oregon; frontline
9V ivei on 1110 west mini or iiiHii avenue,
and described In Vol. 73, page 603 of Uio
i-oiiiiiy recorders reennis or .liicksiin
county, Oregon: 60 feel; ruto por fool,
$3,10; nmount. $17.09.
Assessment No. 21 B. C, Ireland, lot
H. block 3 of the Itoiinoko addition to the
f'lty of Modfoi'd., Oregon; frontage 60
feet on tho west side nf Ross avenue, and
described In Vol, 87, puge 37 nf the
county recorder's records of Junltsou
Ordinance declaring Hi cost of the
Itltplovt'liieut of Olesoil street fnilll West
Second St t col lo West Fourth street
and usKcsslog the property benefited
thereby, and declaring such
nnd directing the entry thereof lu thr
docket or clly liens. .
The Cltv or .Mi'dford dolli .ordain ns
fot In wn:
Section I. That nu protests linvlug
burn filed against the Improvement or
Olcsoii street from West Second street
to West Fourth street due notice of the
Intention uf the counoll to iniir wild
Improvement to U iiuido having linen
given, and said liiiioiiiicnl huvlns
been ordered luude, Ihe council bus eon
nldered tin' mutter nnd herowltli nsoer
tnlus tho pmbubln cost of mnklnit such
Improvi'iiieiil to be the sum of $d, I06 bo
And snld council further finds Hint
the special and peculiar benefit accru
ing upon iucIi lot or imrl thereof nib
Jmvnl to said Imiirovrmnut and lu Just
proportion to la'iirils. In bo l re
snectlvtt nmounts herclnafler set opmi
site tli 11 number of description of each
lot or part thereof, ami ntich uinouutr
resiH-cllVelV nro hereby dcclurvd tu be
the proportionate share of ench lo! or
part thereof, of the cost of such lm
proii'iiicnt. nnd Is hereby declared to U
hssrsNi'd ngalliNt said lot or Imrcels t
spectHVIy, the name aiipearlng nbuvr
each description being the name of the
owner uf such lot or parcel
AsHcssmeut No. I F.d limwirt. lot 4,
block 3 of the Olson nddltlon lo the Clly
or Medford. Oregon , f runtime !0U feel
III ..riril mI.Im tt fllM,... ,l,.l m..,I .1...
scribed lu Vol. sS, page 2 of the colill
I If recorder's n-enrds of Juckson count v.
Oregon; ton feet, rale per ruol, $167.
nmount. 1 If. 7.00.
Assrsslilnul No, 2 -! W. Weber, lot
2. block 3. of the Olson addition to thn
city of Medford, Oregon: frontnge 5o
feel ou the ensl side of Olson hi reel, and
described In Vol, ."i. pago 311 of the
County recorder's n curila of Jackson
county. Oreimit. 0 rule n.-r rmii.
$1.6;, uinount ii 50.
Assi'ssiueut No, 3 Rankin Estrs, lot
I, block 3, or thn Olson nddltlon tit the
City of Medford, Oregon: frounge 60
feet on the enst side or Olson street, nnd
described In Vol, , page 66 of tin
county recorder's records of Jnckson
counly. Oregon. 60 feel, rate iter fool,
$1 57. amount, $338 50.
Assessment No I -l A. Sprugur,
lot 6, block 2 of the Olson addition to
the City of Mcdrord, Oregon, froulagc
63 6 fuel on the east side of Olson street
nnd described In Vol 86. page 207. of
tlm county recorder's records of Jnckson
county. Oregon, 63 0 reel, ruto per fool,'
$167 amount, $212 9$
Assessment No, 6 I., 1111 Vt in. lot
I. block 2 of the Olson addition in the
City of Mcdford, Oregon,, fiuittnge 63.6
re ou the cast shin or Olson street, nnd
described lu Vo) 80, puge 4 or Ihe coun
ty recorder's records of Jnckson count v
Oregon; 53 6 feet, ruto Iter root, $1.5",
nmount. $2ltA9s
Assessment Nit. 6 M. II Lewis, lot
3, block 2. uf Ihe Olson uibllllim lo the
City of Medford. Oregon, frontage 63 6
feel oil thu ens! sldu of Olson stnt
and described lit Vol. 72, jmge 39 4 of the
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon, 63.6 feet; ruto per fool,
$1.67) amount, $114 95.
Assessment No, 7, E. C. Way. lot 2.
block 2 of the Olson addition lo Ihe City
of Medford, Oregon, frontage 63 0 fed
ou the east side of Olson street, nod tie.
scribed In Vol. 80, puge 68 1 or th coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson county
Oregon, 13 6 feel, rati' Per foul, $1.57;
uinount, $211 96.
Assessment No. 8 Pearl Hutchinson,
lot I, block 3 of Ihe Olson addition lo the
City of Medford, Oregon, frontage 63 0
fvet on the east side of Olson street, und
described In Vol. 77. page 331 of Ihe
county recorder's records of Jnckso.s
cnuiily, Oregon, 63 6 feet, rale per fool,
$1.67; uinount, $211 95
Assessment N'o. 0 -II. W. llmdiii. In! I
block I of the Olson addition lo llio Clly
of Medford, Oregon; frontage 60 feel
on Ihe east Hide of Olson street, 11111I de
scribed lu Vol, 72, page 271 of Ihe coun
ty recordei's records of Juckson county,
Oregon: ,10 feet: rule nur fool. 14.37.
nmount, $228 50.
Assessment No, 10. D. W I Ice be, lot
3. hhck 1 of the Olson addition In Ihe
Clly of Mi-dford. Oregon; fronlngu 60
fet on the east sldo of Olson street mid
described In Vol. 72, pugu 271 of Ihe
county recorder's records of Jacksuit
counly, Oregon. 60 foci; ruin per foul,
$1.67, nmount, $22160.
Assessment No. U.D II. HoIIhm lot
2. block I of the Olson addition lo the
('Hy of Medford, Oregon, frontage I (1(1
ni'i on 1110 cam sum 01 iiisou sircei. nun
ih'SLilbi'd In VU. 78, pago 216 of the
county recorder's records of Juckson
county, Oregon; 100 fret; rulu per foot,
county, Oiogimi 6:1 ll reel, into por fool,
$i7i miimnu. J3iiof'.
AsHeiiuiliiml Nn 111 FrmiU llul nur.
lot a, block .1 of the Olson addition tb llio
or .Meiiroiil, tiieuoiii iiuuihko ni.n
ou the west mio of Olsim Hlicol, unit
rllieil lu Vui. HJ. Initio 476 of llio
county recorder's records uf Jai'ltsun
I ftT amount. I'll I UK.
. '.'..'-.... .. .. . in ...
ANsesNiueui Ntt, " -11. 1 iniwKini 101
I, block I uf the Olson nddltlon to ihe
t'llv of M oil fold. Oicuoui fionliigK 60
feel uii the west side of' Olson street,
mid described In Vol 75, pngo 417, nf -tlio
county recorder's rectuds of Juchboii
county, Oregon, A0 reel, tale per fool,
$1 A7, nuitiunl, I33H.SH
Assessment Nu. II -II. !' Onivgllt,
lol 2, block I, or tlio Olson addition tu
llio Clly of Mcdford. Oregon, fronlatjo
60 feel on thu west shin uf Olson si reel,
mid described In Vol 76. Pitgo 617 of the
couniv ret'ortters records or .ihukmoii
lute per fit-It,
count) Oregon; 60 text.
II 57. amount. $328,611
Assessment No 22.- -K (I Vandyke,
south half or lots I mid 3. blucli I of the
Olson uililllloii In tho City or Medford,
Oregon, fiouttige 60 feel on the west
side of Olson sltcet, und described lu
Vol, Kl, pane 636 uf Hie county I ecord
cr's revnitlit of Jnckson counly, Oregon;
Mi feet; rate per foot, $1 67( nuioimt,
1328 60
Assessment No. 23 Henrietta Mer.
rell, north half uf lots 4 nnd 3, block 4
of the Olson addition to tuo Cltv or Med.
ford. Oregon) fiouluutt 60 feet ou Ihe
west side of Olson stret. and described
In Vol 87, puge 37.1 of (ho county re
corder's reconls of Jnckson county, 60
feet, rate per foot, $1,57, uitiouiit,
I2HH 50,
Section 2 The recorder of .llm Clly
of Medford Is hereby dlicclcd; III Ciller
a statement of the nciuen(s hereby
made In tho docket of city liens, nuiUlu
give nolle. hy publication nn rt.'IUIfjil
hy llm charier unit ordinance Nu. 380, In
Hie Mettrord .Mnll Tribune, u newspaper
Uhlls,hed nnd of geneial circulation In
said clly.
Tbo foregoing ordinance ..wa nsssed
bv Ihe oily council nf the tJRy of Mcd
ford, Oregon, on the Mh dnv of Hup'eiu.
tier. IPII. bv Die following vole: Mer.
rick, nve; Wntl. nve, Worluiart. aye;
Emerlck, absent; Hirerl, nyo; nnd Millar,
Approved Keptctnb"r lh, 1911,
W. l(. OANO.V,
Attest Mayor.
Clly Recorder
To Ihe owner, or reputvd ittvuer, nf each
parcel of pmin-rty detu'rllted In the fure.
going ordliinuce. ns named therein, nnd
lu the lien declared by said ordinance k
recorded lu the doeket of clly liens,
You re hereby notified (hat the
iNment declared bv ihe forruolng or
itlnnuce (ins born inailp nnd the lieu
therefor entrred In the oily lien deckel,
und Hint the snmn Is due mid you nro
hereby required In pay Ihe sitliie tn the
clly recorder within ten days from the
servlm of Ibis nolle, which Is titnite by
piildlcatlou uf the foregolnc iirdinsucn
mid Ibis liollce three tllilun In Ihe Mini,
ford Mull Tribune pursimnt to uu order
of Ihe city council uf n.ild eitv
t'liy ltwonir.
nOKDD, .
The city council of ihe Clly nf .Medfonl.
Oregon, nil) receive settled proposals for
the purchase of $17,260 on six per cent,
leu year linrroieineut bonds inptlututl
after the first ycer). al a meeting to bo
held 131b, !9II
Alt bids must lm nretuupnuleit by a
certified check niml tit 6 per rent of the
itmoiint bid for. snld check lo tn limits
payable to the olty treasurer of Ihe Clly
of Medfonl. und lu lm forfeited tit snld
clay lu ease ssld bid Is accepted ami
aid bonds nro nut purchased lu nrcord
ince with said proKittlttt wllhln 30
davs uflnr Hu. notice of snld ncceplali'ee.
All bids must ho filed with thn city
reronlur 11 1 any time before 6 o'rlol k m
111. September 13th. 1911,
The council reserves Ihe right lo re
peel nny and ull bids
ROUT. W. TEl.FEll.
Clly Recorder.
Dated this 6th day uf September, DU,
The clly council of ihe City of Medford,
Oregon, will receive settled proposals for
Hie purchase of $31 250 du sis per rent,
ten x-iir Imprttvetitvut bonds (optional
urtrr the first year I, tit 11 meeting to bo
held September I Jill. I'Jll
All bids muni b.t accoinpaulrd by 11
ertlfled check viiul to S per cent of the
.milium bid for, said check In be iltudrt
payable to Ihe clly treasurer of llm City
-if Medford, und lo be forfeited tu snld
Clay In cusn said bid Is ncceplcd unit
snld bond nro not purchased lu accord,
nice With said proposition within 20
lavs lifter the notice of said nrceplnnce.
All bids must bn filed Willi tin) city
recorder al any, lime before 6 o'clock P.
III.. Hcpleinber 1311), l5ll.
The council reserves the rlubl In re.
pool nny und nil bids
Clly llecorder.
Dated this fllti day of September, 1911.
kotick or 8AX.ri or xmpsovkmbkt
The city council of Hie City of Medford,
Oregon, will receive seuled proposals fur
thu piircliuc of Il3.760.lin six per cent,
ten year Improvement bonds (optional
nfivr the first J carl, at a meeting tit he
held September I -lb. 1911.
All bids must be nccoinpanli'd' by u
certified check etintl to 5 per cent uf thn
amount bid for, subl check lo bn iiiuiln
puyuhlo tu the city treasurer of Ihe Cit
uf Medfiird, Hint tu be forfeited tu Huid
clay In case said bid Is liccePted unit
subl bonds lire not piirchusud lu accord
ance wlih snld pruponllliiii wllhln 30
days after the notice of said ncceplunce.
AH bids must be filed with llm city
recorder ill nny I lino before 6 o'clock p.
Ill, Keplember 1 2th. 1911.
The council reserves the right .In re
peel any und nil bids.
City Recorder.
Dated this fllh day of September, IUI1.
Ordinance declaring the cost of the
Improvement of Rose uvonuo from West
Seventh uvcntio tu West l-'ourtli street,
und usHtssltiK the property bonofllcd
thereby, und declining such assessment
and dfrcotlng in,, tniry tlmreof In tho
docket of clly Hens,
The Clly of Mcdford flolli ordnln ns
county, OrcKon; 60 feet; rutii per foot,
$3.40; iimoiint, $170.00, '
Asst-ssinont No. 23, J. W. Hylo, lot
7, block 2 of the Rounokn addition tn the
City of Mcdford, Oregon; frontugo Ml
feel on the west side of Roijs avenue, nnd
described In Vol. 86, pngo 626 of the
county recorders records or .Incltson
county, Oregon! 60 recti into por foot,
$3,10. amount, $170,00. V
Assessment No. 23. Chnrles Burgess,
lot 0, block 2 of thn Roiinnke addition
Jo tho City of Mi'dford, Oregon; fronliige
60 feet on tho wont side of Roso avenue
ind described lu Vol. 73, puge 603 of
1110 county rccoruors records or .lacgson
county, Urpgotii fiO font; ruto pur fool,; uinount, tivu.uu.
Assessment No. 24 Charles llurirouu
lot E Block 2 of the Rouuoku nddltlon to
the City of Modford. Oregon; fronliige
80 feot on thn west sldo of Rose uvenu"
and described In Vol, 73, page noil of
Ihe county recorder's reconls of Jackson
'.''-'".I'V. Oregon; 60 feet; rnto per four,
$3.40; amount, $170.00, ' '
Assessment No. 25. C'liiirliiH Burgess,
Ku 4..".,(,ok-s.'Jf .''" J'Uinkii iiihllllmi lu
the City of Medford, , Oregon; frontnge
60 feet on tho west side of Roso avenue
und disci I bed In Vol. 73, pugu fid.'l or the
county recorder's records of Jackson
!."".",,y' wo"""L.!,I -''"ti rttl" lr font,
$3 10, uinount, f 170,00, ' '
AHscssment Nn, 2(1 flcorgd liutx T.ot
1 nnd eust liulf of lot 2, block , of tK.
$1.67; uinount, 1 167,00,
isHCMHineni no,
I, block
12. Corn Wilson, lot
of the Olson addition to Ihe
tttnfont iuiy:.S'uil. J."''1'' riv i "''Ji'!",1 T',n ,10 Protests lidVlnii 'llounoKo iiddltloit Hi Um 0,y f aIimI
per foot, ti.ti; mnouut, $l.oy. 1 j boon filed ogalngi tfio rinuroveinont oI,rord, Orotfonj rrltuSo no twt on tho
City ofiledforil, Oregon; fiontago 100
feel ou (he went side or Olson street, mid
described lu Vol. 73, pago 668 of the
county rm'inloiJN records of jiickson
counly, Oregon; loo feel; rule per foot,
1.67; nmount $22H,60,
Assessment No, 13,- -Corn W(lsou, tut
3. hlock n of llio Olson addition lu the
City of Mcdford, Oregon; froulugo CO
feet ou the west Hldo of Olson street,
und described lu Vol. H'i, pugn 106 of
counly recorder's records of Junkson
county, Oregon: 6" fcttl; lute per foul,
$4.67: miKHil. $!lu2K.60, -
Assessment No, 1 4. cunt Wllsbti, lot
I. block 0 of the Olson uddltlon tn the
t'ily' of Medford, Oregon; fioiilugu 60
tcei on mo west hiijii nr union street, nun
described In Vol, H2. muro 105 of Hie
county, Oregon; fiO feet; mto pur foot
ciiunty, oicgoni bo runt rale p.
$1,67; umouilt, $228,60.
Assessment No. 16, -Pearl Hutchin
son, lot I, block 6 uf the Olson addition
to thn City uf .Medford, Oregon; fioiilugu
63,0 feet ou tho west sldo uf 0itu struct
uiwl described In Vol, 711, puge U.1.1 of
tlio county iccoiiIoi'h records nf .liiclinun
eminty, Oregon; 63,6 feoti rato per fool,
$1.67; amount, $2H,6,
Assessment No, HI Wllhird T. Wll
sun, lot 2, block 6, or Uio Olson addition
lo Iho City of Medford, Oregon: fiontuKu
63,6 feet on the west side of Olson
street, nnd dosuilbod lu Vol, 82, puge
332 of the county recoiibtr's records of
JucIchoii county, Oregon; 63.6 root; rate
pur font, $1.67: amount, $211.96,
Assessment No, IT II. C (Ininelt, bit
,1. block 6 of Hill OlHOIl lldlllllllll In III.,
tiiy ot nivuniriii uiegiin. rinntuge 63 0
foci on thu West shle'or Olson silent, und
(Iiihci Hied lu Vol 72, page 32;' of llio
eminty recorder's records, of Jiioksun
rout yii, Oregon, 63 (l feoti ruto por fool,
$1 67, mnouut. $211 OR.
assessment run, is I'Tnnit llollluuor,
mi i, iiiuoit ii ill uio wimoii Illlill I mil in
tint f'lty nf Meilfoid, Oicgiini frolugeii
till fl lent on the west Hide of Olson nlreol
(i in t described In Vol H2, M(;it 170 uf Uio
county rvcorUui's rucoruu yf jucKuou
lroTxon or ei.n or imvkovsmbmt
The cly council uf llm City of Medford,
Oregon, will receive scaled proposals fur
tlm purchase or lU'JOU.uu six per coin,
leu year Improvement bonds (oplbmal
after the fiist year), at 11 meeting tu hu
huld September 1 2 Hi, lltl.
All bids must bit uccoinpanlcd by Ik
certified check ciiial lo 6 per cent uf tho
amount bid for. tcild chock In bn iiiudu
payable lo tho city tteusiirvr uf Hie Clly
of Medfonl, und tu hu forfeited to snld
nluy lu oiiso said bid I acccpled und
subl bonds a 10 not purchiiscd lu accord,
mice with subl propiislllnu wllhln 20
duyn ufter the notlco of snld ucueiitunce,
All bids must nu riled with ihe olty
lecordcr ut any tlmu hefuru 6 o'clock p,
111.. September 12th, 1911.
The council reserves thu right In o.
pcot any uui all bids.
(illy Recorder.
Dated this fllh day uf Stiptiiuiber,, 1911.
Tho peoplo or thin city Bliould buy
'Mndo lu Orogon" (toutlit from, tlio
local liioTclnintB vyhonnvur tlm prlcu
iiul aunllty nro oqtinl to Eiutoiu
iiiadn (;iodu.
IliiHklnu Tor lloultli,
'I'll 1-3
Electric Rooms
Modern, clr-ctrlo. funs, hIcihii a
hent, livst, hods uii( nioloHt
roouiH In town, hy day op V
tvot'lf, sIiikIo iiihI uiihiiIUi, UIH 0
WHt Main, cntriiiit'o Hf. MaiitH 0
llulldliiKl plinnu nil, A
o o o o o o o ,o4 .0. ., o.