t rJWm T PAGEF,TGJTT n r T "w t -- - v m m , MEDFORD MATT. TRIBUNE, ftrEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 101.1". i m I: 1 ' m mm BINFORD TO GO ON STAGE Vatiilcvlllc Manatjcr Makes Woman In Bcattlc Case Attractive Offer Paul Bcattlc Dclifllitcil at Being Turned Lose. WOMAN AND SON FOOND KILLED Believed That a Tramp Killed Daisy Wcbcrman and Banc In Lonely Ranch Cabin Near Scapposc Signs of a Struggle. OIIHSTHnFlBLD COURTHOUSE, Vn Sojil. 7. Immediately upon re ceipt hero of Judge Wntson's order roleanlng him from Jail, Paul Ueattle, cousin of Hbnry Clay Heattle, Jr., who Is on trial for wlfo murder, left the jail. IhMilnh Wnfonl, however, remained In her cell, awaiting a visit hy a vau dovlllo booking agent from New York, who has offered her a large salary to make a tour of tho county In a llttlo skit based on the lleattle case, alio nope lo start ior .e York this afternoon. Paul ncattle, overjoyed with free dom, rushed homo to his wife and baby. Many women woro in tho court room today to hear tho final argu ments to tho Jury. Judge Watson told them there would bo parts of tho case thnt would bo unfit for them to leave Thoy left. Tho court then began reading structlontt to the jury. In- MOB SE ARCHES R FUGITIVES Six Hundred Citizens and Forty Of ficers Scouring Country About Los Angeles for Negro Who Shot Mrs Melvlna W. Hawkins. SCAPPOOSK, Or., Sept. 7. re lieving that a tramp murdered Mrs. Daisy Wchrman, 35, and her -year-old son In their lonely cabin on a small ranch four miles from here Sheriff Thompson of St, Helens today ordered his deputies to bo on the lookout and arrest all suspicious char acters. The bodies of the woman and child were found, half nude, lying on a bed, by Mrs. G. S, Slercks of Scap- ,.-...,., ,... .. .. , when she discovered t:iat the door , had been padlocked from the outside. The victims had been badly beat en, then shot. Tho disordered condi tion of the cabin indicated that thoro had been a severe struggle. As near as can bo ascertained, the juurder occurred Sunday, probably at night. Frank Wchrman, her husband. Is employed In Portland as a baker. He was In the habit of visiting hlslmnie over Sunday. Ills work kept htm In Portland during the week days. He spent Sunday at his home and reported for work Sunday evening. Wehrman has bevn otlfled of the doublo tragedy and Is expected hero today. AERO GUN DEVISED TO VANQUISH INVADING AEROPLANE. I MIIHII Jill UK m mm I - iT i , j ir,i wrtriini. .tiLxm.fi . I.: VIjl r-HL ,'Ffr ESIP' " Jws Umlmil r v . . 4 " J f j " !? m fJi&m3L 1 Mf. i i' TS Y r:A JT1 .. --. i M.1 ,..J,. ,V'iUl.'WH v-. 'lwkKSJ csnak wn ix . ;- &m x cmv nm v ,5a, i ; MtW mw - -v j it mi MmStmm lW AERO 6VK OE THE NAnT HE,52AJV",ME.'NY. kel'a apartments were loaded with burglar tools. TELEGRAPHIC TABLOIDS. U BOZUS BAIL IS FIXED JI $1000 Judgo Kelly Ask Reduction In Ball of Man Accused of Attempted Brib ery That He Might Aid In Brother's Defense. W. Tyler Hiultli Iiuh loll ror u vIhII ut Portland, 11, .1, Stewart of Cotlugi) llrovu Iri visiting Mod ford, Peter Ihxua, nvcusod of attempt- lug to bribe District Attorney Mulkey In order to Iijuo the case agiilnst IiIh brtther, accused of murder, "thrown," nppenred In the circuit court this morning and entered a plea of not guilty. He will bo tried at the end of next week, Following the entering of the plea, his attorney. Judge K. 12. Kelly, ask ed tho court for u reduction In the amount of ball fixed In tho case, ow ing to the fact that he needed lloxus In preparing for tho llcfenno of tho brother, accused of murder. After considering tho matter, Judge Cal kins reduced the ball from $3000 to $1500, which llozun can give. Peter Sapolls, tho Interpreter who Is accused of attempted bribery also, entered n plea of notgullty, . LOS AXGELES, Sept. 7. Enrag ed by the brutality of tho crime, 40 officers, augmented by C00 citizens. al heavily armed, today are scouring the country south of Los Angeles for a negro who lato yesterday shot and MUed Mrs. Melvlna Uaskins. Under Sheriff Hubert Brain Is in charge of tho deputies from tho local sheriff's offlcq and other officers and citizens are led by tho chlers of police of Compton, Gardena and Watts. Every male citizen of Compton, where tho crime was committed, is engaged in the man hunt. Feeling against tho assassin is running so high that It Is doubtful if a lynching can bo provented If the negro Is ap prehended, Tho moat valuable clue jfct re ceived came before noon In a tele gram from tho chief of pollco of Santa Ana telling of tho escape Tues day from a Santa Ana constable of a negro arrested for a series of as saults upon white women. Tho ne gro broke awny from the officers and escaped on a motorcycle. The murder er, after assaulting and killing Mrs. Uaskins, rode away on a motorcycle. All property values depend upon the prosperity of tho community. If our manufacturers are prospering, and the merchant likewise, the farm er will prosper, too. The persistent demand for goods "Made In Oregon" will help bring greater prosperity to tho people of Oregon. Salem, Ore. (Special) Some nine ty odd horses are now training on the Salem track for the Oregon State Fair meet and not a fast one owned in the Northxvest is missing from the entry list. Secretary Frank Mere dith says lie looks for the track rec ord to go by the boards at this meet because of the improvements made in the course. One of the big features is the steeplechase event in which, strange to say, most of the entries have come from women owners. It cems from this that the sticks are most in favor by the women of the Pacific Northwest. At least they sfem to own more hurdlers than the men, if the entry lists are a guide of what the women of Oregon. Wash incton. Idaho, Montana and British Columbia have to offer for the sport of those who go to the Oregon State Fair this year. Reduced rates are In effect on all rail tines for this meet from September II to 1C inclusive. Hasklns for Health. OAKLAND, Cal. John Owens' sentence for grand larceny Is banish ment from America for ten years. If he returns within that time he must go to tho penitentiary. He plans to return to his home in Wales. CHICAGO, HI. Executive officers of the IlllnoisCentral employes' fed eration are agnin in conierenco here today discussing the advisability of calling a strike. PAISLEY, Cal. Depuv sheriffs found 3300 bottles of beer In the basement of County School Superin tendent Jackson, who Is also a mer chant. He is charged with having violated tho prohibition ordinance. SAN FRANCISCO. Mrs. IJesslo Yowery of Hot Springs, Ark., was ordered here from Seattle by Mark. Tankel, believing that ho killed a foderal marshal. The pollco say Tan- TULSA, Okla. At the ago of 10S, Jlmmle Walker, an Indian, lost his leg In a railroad nccldent. He will live. Look nt the ads that offer em ployment and you'll fiud the rijjht ouo soon. Salem, Ore (Special) California Ins sent entries for exactly thirty-six hores in the meet to be held at the Oregon State Fair from September II to tfl inclusive." Washington has come to the front with seventeen en tries anil Oregon will have fifteen fast ones waiting for the word to go in the various evejits on the racing card. The race meet, always of im portance at Salem, will not be the bk'ge-t thing on the program, as all the stock show events hae been well fillcil and the listl of entries in the dairy and poultry division have shown up well And. as usual, the display of Oregon horses will sur pass anything of previous years, in cluding tliorouuhbrnl,. work hones, drivers, trotters, pacers and coachers. The poultry show will also be im portant. Reduced rates are in effect for the fair as usual. BASEBALL WAR OFF; ASSOCIATION QUITS CHICAGO, Sept. 7. Members and directors of the American llasebiill association met horu today and sign ed an agreement to withdraw their demands on the national commission, thus averting tho expected big league baseball war. They further agreed to sign n contract with tho national commission ns was requested by Its ultimatum. Wo notlco that so mo merchants In other cities nro using considerable space advertising "Mado In Oregon" goods, That Is as It should bo, Tho morchant must know that his Indivi dual prosperity is to a groat extent dependent upon tho prosperity of the stato at largo, and if Oregon manu facturers aro patronized, that It will mean greater pay rolls, and groator pay rolls mean a largor degreo of prosperity for every man, woman and child In Oregon. Hsskins for HNilth. e-rmm-44w' Ladies A Special Announcement Wo havo oponod a first-class ladies tailoring establishment at Central Point Everything wo soil wo mako and fit in our own shop, Wo carry a big stock of woolons and latest Parisian Fashions. Our prices aro reasonable, our stand ard is high. Berlin Ladies' Tailoring Co. EXPERT CUTTERS AND FITTERS 't0oo0i Phone 10XXX1 Central Point, Oregon ,w gstfli Look lor the loser of the articles you have found for a prompt ad may suvo him n lot of worry. Tlflskins for Wealth " SriBBBBBBBrV15'' blIHbS S, 'ISBBBBBBBBBBBkSr" t ISBBBBBBBBH BBBWiBBBBBBBBBBBBBMi3iSSBBBBH BBBBBM BBBSBB''X' BBBsl HsHhb tsV -16)" V--B HksBBM,''..J'-ij!' .tt s i'i WU BflllBBBBBBBBBBm''.tJll Uh JfV OslBSBBBBBBBBBBt' VftW! I ILbBBBBBBBBBBSSJ It'll') " BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI i ? 1 tiki bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW J lv " 111 ill HBHbbbbbbbbbbb!?' lv i,13trW bbbKbbbbbBt4. i iT' i-ilrlj sbbbmbbbbbbbbQ fxy'm -;5-H 1 1 BBBBsTlBBBBBBk'' U .r ' SK. t 1 K u BBBBBBBBvu&TIJf si liBBBBBBBr tMftl M&vf&W&ZtZS ' r Quality Considered, Prices are Lower Here Than Elsewhere GRAY & MOE THE HEART OF MEDFORD FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS c i J ruoio wrrvioin. ". torusut txcu'uv coi'migur, uu. view ions tuuuu oat 3VJiito Hum town Ribbons at 1 9c a Yard that are 25c, 35c and 40c values. All silk Taffeta Ribbons, 5io inches wide, in a full line of colors, including light blue, pink, white, cardinal, black; also big line of fancies; on sale at 19c Bedspreads Pine quality, full size Spreads; big assortment to select from; $1.50 and $1.75 quality; for S $1.19 v , Table Linen 72 'inches wide; full blenched; an extra heavy quality at $1.00; at this sale for two days, per yard , '...' 69c Blankets and Comfortables 5 60-inch Cotton Blankets in gray or tan; regular 85c value; at, per pair- 59c 1 Heavy twilled Cotton Blankets, 66 inches wide, in gray and tan, fancy border; regular ..uu quality; at, per pair $1.69 PLAID WOOL FINISH BLANKETS, 70 inches wide, in tan, pink; gray and blue; the regular $3.00 quality; p'or pair .-, . f.l ;.;;.' $2.69 COMFORTS, made from good quality ehallies and babe prints; full size; reg-, ular $1.50 each; at , ,.n(... $lfl9 Ladies' Separate Skirts fr' ::- Wo will show at this sale the largest lino of medium priced Skirts 'ev.or assem bled in Medford and prices that you cannot resist. $10.00 Skirt, your choice $6.95 $5.00 Skirt, your choice $3.75 $8.00 Skirt, your choice $5.95 $-1.50 Skirt, your choice $3.50 $7.50 Skirt, your choice ... : $5.25 $3.50 Skirt, your choice $2.95 ' New Wool , Suitings 50-inch all wool Scotch Tweeds, unfinushed Serges and Cheviots; tlicy como in gray mixtures aud tans; at from $1.00 to ,... $1.50 WHITE DIAGONAL SElklE; extra heavy; '18 inches wide; no hotter to bo had any where; at $1.50 WHITE CHEVIOT SERC1E; extra good quality; 45 inches wide; at $1,25 NEW LINE OF VELVET WELTS; comes in the most staple shades; 24 inches wide; at, per yard $1.00 Outing Flannel Special Will be on sale a big assortment of oxtra heavy quality; now patterns; worth 12'.; for theso two days only at, por yard 9c Outing Night Gowns Made very full and of very good quality; for ladies and children; from 75c to $1.50 each. SEPARATE SKIRTS. Uwn Waists Wo will close out at this sale all our while lawn Waists, the regular$1.50 qual ity goes at ', ,,.... , 08c The regular $1.00' quality goes at.f ; .:.: '....'.'..'!.' 65c And 75c quality, to close. ; :........... ,'. 39o WASH SKIRTS AND WASH SUITS at a' discount of 335 Per Cent i c 1 V