Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 07, 1911, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Medford Mail tribune
Th ncmocratlo Times, Tho Mfdfortl
Mall, Tho Medford Tribune The South
ern OrfgonUn, Tho Ashland Tribune.
Office Mall Tribune Ilulldlnp. JMMI
North Fir street: phono. Malt 1081,
Homo 76.
QROnQB PUTNAM, Editor and Manager
Kntered as tfcond-elnfls matter at Med
ford, Oregon, under tho act of March J,
Official Paper of the City of Medford
Official Paper of Jackson County. ..
One year, by mall . S-j
Ono month, by mall .. ',"",' 60
Tor month, delivered by farrier la
Medford. Jacksonville and Cen-
tral Point
Saturday only, by man. per year.. .v
CTmItIv. twr war . . 1.5
. -- f - w - - -
rwosic oiBCTOATioar.
Dally avcrair for six months ending
scember 31. 1810, t'il.
bU 3iid "Wlx U1U Ttm
The Mall Tribune Is en sale at Use
Ferry New" Stand. Pan Francisco,
unrtfand Hotel News Stand, Portland.
rsnwman News Co., Portland. Ore.
W. O. 'Whitney. Seattle. Wash.
! , '
MetroRolta of Southern Orefca
KTnrthKrn California, and the rai
growln city in Oregon.
Population U. S. census H10; 8140:
estimated. 111 10.000. ...-
Five hundred thousand dollar Gravity
Water System completed, giving finest
uDDlr pure mountain water and six
teen miles of street being paved and
contracted for at a coat exceeding II.
000.000, making a total of twenty mllea.
of pavement. ..
Postofflce receipts for year ending
March 31, 1911. snow increase oi i prr
cent. Bank deposits a gain of 11 per
CBanner fruit city in Oregon Bogus
River Spltxenberg apple won sweep-
atakes prise ana title or
"AwbU Xtn of the WorlsV
at the National Apple Show, Spokane.
1109, and a car of Newtowna won.
Krst JPrise In 1810.
at Canadian International Apple Snow,
Vancouver. B. C ......
Itorue Hlver pear brought highest
Erlws in all markets of tho world Jur
is the past 'x years. ...
Write commercial ciud. mciuiiag o
cents for postage for the finest commu
nity pamphlet ever published.
To tho Editor of tho Tribune: Hav
ing seen tho editorial in tho Sun of
tho 5th, I wish to reply in the follow,
ing manner:
In the first place, tve have a pure
food and dairy law which fully cov
ers my businels, and tho state dairy
inspector has called on mo twice in
the last year and made analyses of
any products, and at one time gave
a milk test' of 4.2 per cent and the
other time 4.4 per cent butter fat,
and as the law only requires 3.2 per
cent, which shows that I am giving
my customers the pure, fresh milk, as
it comes from the cows without any
adulteration. I will pay to any per
son the sum of J500 who will .take
milk off from my wagons at any time
and havo same analyzed by compe
tent authority who finds same adul?
teratcd in tho slightest manner. I
havo furnished parties In this city
who havo young babies, who will
gladly give testimony that their chil
dren have dono nicely on tho milk
and will state that In some cases
they even found the milk too rich.
I am in no position to state what
class of milk my competitors are sell
ing, but hardly think they lay them
tent authority who finds some adul
terating their goods, and while we
havo a state law protecting the peo
ple against tho sale of adulterated
milk, I would not object In tho least
for this city to pass an ordinance con
forming with tho state laws, and fur
ther, at any time that the city health
officer would like to test tho prod
ucts of my dairy ho Is welcome to do
so, and remember, my offer of J500
holds good.
I also ask any officials or individ
uals to como and visit my dairy at
nny time and I will show them
Medford Dairy, September 5.
"OELTEV1NG that (ho development of the entire state
- of Oregon, and more especially those sections of the
state commonly called "interior ' trom Portland, are be
ing greatly retarded and grievously hampered by tho -current
system of freight rates, the Medford Commercial
club has very properly endorsed the movement initiated
by the Medford Traffic bureau to submit an initiative
bill to the people looking to a modification of tho present
freight rates.
A uniform rate bill was smothered in committee at
the last session of the legislature. The bill in tho form
drafted might have been objectionable, but if the purpose
had been present in the minds of the committee, auy ob
jectionable features could lmvebcen removed and the bill
reported. That it was not reported clearly indicates the
need of direct appeal to the voter for application of the
remedy to freight rate inequality.
The fact is before the public that the railroad commis
sion, on its own motion, in a readjustment of rates out of
Portland, increased the privileges already enjoyed by
Portland that had been conferred upon her by the rail
roads to the disadvantage of transportation interchange
between cities outside of Portland. While it is true the
reduction ordered by the commission has resulted in a
direct saving to the consumer, yet by enlarging the dis
tributive monopoly of Portland, it has indirectly injured
the interior to a greater extent than the benefit of a direct
saving by restricting the industrial development of in
terior trade centers with its corresponding benefits to
surrounding territory.
In the accomplishment of simple justice Medford has
invited state-wide co-operation in the furtherance of the
movement to perfect an organization to go before the vot
ers of the state and submit for their consideration uniform
maximum distance class freight rates.
Larrjfst Private Irrigation Scheme to
the World Opened by Secretary
Wilson Who Discusses Presidential
Santa Fo ra'tlionu is run at n los-s
and pays out $1.08 for every $1
worth of business done in California
if tho figured "presented to the state
commission of Statistician Amos
I'cnbody may he credited. PeabodyV
Btalislics were jjivon as a part of tin
Snntu Fo's testimony in the Sun
Joucquin Valley rate cose, in which
Snu Francisco shippers are seckiu;;
lower tariffs from tins city into the
lower valloy.
Poabody said the slate busincsf.
was all a loss bccniisa tho ears did
Hot run full, tho stntions wero too
far apart, etc., etc. lie declared nil
tlio other earnings of tho Santa I'o
were made in interstate business.
Pressed for a reason, Pcnbfldy admit
ted that tho cost of tho state service
had been figured at five times tho
cost of interstate traffic.
DENVER, Clo., Sept. 7 James
Wilson, secretary of agriculture ded
icated today the Stanley dam near
Denver, the largest private irrigation
enterprise in the world, and also the
largest public or private in close
proximity to a large city.
Prior to leaving the city Wilson
voiced his opinion on the political
sitpation as regards presidential pos
sibilities. After stating that one of
the purposes of his western trip was
to discover, if possible, how the west
would line up, Wilson said:
"I think that President Taft un
doubtedly will be renominated. He
deserves it. Speaker Champ Clark
apparently is the strongest candidate
for the democratic nomination al
though Woodrow Wilson is also
strong. Clark's greatest followiug
comet? from the thickly populated
middle west.
Asked if he though former Prei
dent Roosevelt would be a candidate
in 1916. Wilson was non-commital.
"I couldn't sny," Wilson replied. ''No
body knows what he will do or what
his strength would be."
Salem, Ore. (Special) With the
horsemen racing against their own
money as they are at the Oregon
State Fair from September 11 to 18.
there is bound to be rare sport. All
the classes have filled and as a
result the unusual spectacle of the
drivers and owners racing for their
own money coming from entrance
fees is presented. This insures hon
est racing and the cards show that
the fast horses have all been entered.
Secretary Frank M. Heath of the
organization which has its track and
exhibit grounds at Salem, Ore., Is
happy because of the showing made.
He has had the track improved and
it will not "cup" as much as in former
years. The "doctor" reported that
the fault of the track was because the
clay mixture was dead. Some new
clay was spread and as a result the
track has been "regenerated" into a
fast one, with the objections of vet
eran horsemen nearly removed. As
a consequence all the classes have
filled and everyone is waiting for the
"go" of the first race.
Governor Oswald West has prom
ised to attend the races this year, and
President L. W. Hill of the Great
Northern Railway Company has as
sured Secretary Meredith that he will
be present on the closing day, Sat
urday, to participate in the Good
Roads Conference and demonstration.
Altogether, it looks as if the Ore
gon State Fair, with improved
grounds and better track and build
ings, will be better than ever. Hardly
a county is lacking in representation
and the competition for prices in the
various exhibits will be keen, prob
ably unusually so in the stock show
Reduced rates are in effect on all
railroad lines for this exposition of
the best that Oregon has to offer.
Katherine Cecil Thurston, Writer of
the "Masquerader," and Other
Works Passes Away in Hotel
Husband Proved Unworthy.
CORK. Ireland. Sept. 7. Kather
ine Cecil Thurtson, author ot the
"Masquerader" and other works, was
found dead in her hotel yesterday
She had been living a quiet lite here
since her divorce from Ernest Temple
Thurston, whom she marrid in 1901
In 1907 Thurston left his wife,
declaring that for the purposes of lit
erary work It was necessary for him
to go to the very bottom of society.
He took up a residence in the Soho
quarter with another woman.
When getting her divorce Mrs
Thurston told the court she would
forgive Thurston if he would return.
He refused to do so on the ground
that he was unworthy. He also com
plained that his wife was making
more money out of her literary ef
forts than he was with his.
FCf m -T? S lBftSflifl m rSILkssssssf $L U Cf-s -W t&riiMrilllllfl
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kkkkkkkk4-i47 ' ' 'WUrWkMHlPI
ct ft?!hv,ti" -1 -- -" ,. !., , ! .a a 'j--'S?v!!IMkfi
. fsy ;
m -$
The, above picture show the star way of the (Vum-burg (PtU Opera
Uon-tf, where, during a panic at a mo imr pi turc s.nv, IwoiiIj-mk died
from suffocation. The uanic which r oulted in tch awlul toll of human
life was caused by a small boy't cry of "Fire."
An Accommodatlno Man. , Something to Interest Him.
-You .see." nld the old farmer ns ho ' " "'n" ! ewnlng wljcn lirr week
measured ml the prion tomntont to r llcr always made bin appenmuec.
the grocer, "I brought along my spado "' wIs" had something now and en
by accident., but It was a good tiling tcrtnliiliig to show him." mild the girl
I ,ll(j to her mother.
"Wagon got HttiQk In the rondr was ! "" ?' """r nii-nllonwl It In time."
nsClHj i said her father, "I'd have brought
"Oh! no! I was' romlnir alone about ''omo my account Nvik with the dry
Ore. (8pecial.) One of the most Inter
esting days of tbe week during the
State Fair will be Woodman of tbe
World Day, Tuesday, September 12.
Tbe executive heads of two great ot
ders Head Consul I. I. Boak, of the
Woodmen of the World, and Grand
Guardian Carrie C. Van Orsdall, of the
Women of Woodcraft will appear at
tbe principal speakers at tbe dedication
of the Woodman Log Cabin, erected ns
a permanent headquarters at the head
of Fraternal Street at tbe Fair Grounds
Governor Oswald West will deliver the
address of welcome when tbe members
of the two orders arrive.
Tbousands of Woodmen and Women
of Woodcraft have promised to attend
and the members throughout Oregon
have aided in making the arrange
ments. Many athletic and other events
have been scheduled and valuable
prizes allotted or award. Among these
events will be log-chopping event, nail
driving contests, drills by uniformed
teams from a dozen Woodman camps,
foot races and a baby show.
Ono of the events of the day ex
peeted to attract attention will be tho
drill of a body of Women of Wood
craft Guards, 247 women in uniform,
representing twenty-three circles of the
order, drilled in one company. It will
be tbe largest body of lodge womon
drilled in one company In tho history
of the West.
Multnomah Camp No. 77, of Portland,
will run speelal trains to oalem carry'
a mile back when I nw a feller In a
field. He had-a crooked stick in his
bund, ami a little boy with other
crooked sticks w.n following him
along. The man win knocklug a wood
en ball along the ground.
'Hello,' says I as I stopped.
"Hello yourself.'
- 'What you dolus?' . ,
"'Holing a' bafl Hf tiie'iiln'th. '
'Hard work, hain't ltr
- 'Yes.'
"'Then let me help you a little.
Nothing menu about inc.1
"And 1 grabbed the spade, climbed
tho fence and dug that ninth liolu out
till It was ns big as a bnr'l, and the
feller laid right down and rolled over
and over nnd laughed so much hu
couldn't tlnd words to thank me."
Rochester Democrat-Chronicle.
goods, millinery, stationery ami eon
fectloncry bills for the Inst three
months all Itemized and Ixilnuced. I'll
vcnturV to say that would cutcrtntn
him." Youth's Companion.
Tho First Anthracite Coal.
When the tlrst two tons of anthra
cite coul Mere taken Into Philadelphia
In 15Xt tho goixl people of that city.
so the records state, "tried to burn
, the stuff, but at length, disgusted, they
! broke It up and made a walk of It.''
j Fourteen years later Oldnel ilcorgo
' Shoemaker sold eight or. ten wnguti
loads of It In the same city, but war
' rants were soon Issued for his arrest
for taking
money under false pre-
Canine Rudders.
"Tho dog," salt! the selentlllc gentle
man, "sometimes steers himself with
his tall."
"Uses It to guide his wandering
A Great Cannibal Feast.
Probably tho biggest cannibal orgy
u '""" " w " unrlc, does hot" asked tho Irresismsl-
trlen nrlmilinu- folia In "Tin. V.,w I .... . '
Guinea;" "In 18.VS a shipload of China
men was bclm: tuken down to AiiHtrn.
Ha. Tho vessel was wrecked upon a
reef close to Hossol Island, New Guin
ea. The ofllcers escaped In boats, but
were never afterward heard of. As
for tho Chinamen, numbering 3'JU, the
natives captured them nnd put' them
on a small barren Islnnd, whero they
had no food and no means of getting
away. They kept their prisoners sup
plied with food from tho mntnland
and every now and then carried away
a fow of them to eat until all but one
old man had !ccn dovourcd. This ono
succeeded eventually In getting away
and told something of the story, which
seems to havo met with general disbe
lief. True It Is, however, on tho evi
dence of tho sons of thoso who did the
hie humorist.
The Ruling Passion.
He I hear that your husbiiud hns
taken to smoking again. I thought
you Insisted that ho should glvu it tip?
She Yes, so I did, but I found such
a pretty smoking Jacket at a bargain
A Weak Climax.
A newspaper thus describes tho ef
fects of a hurricane: "It shattered
mountains, lore up onks by the roots,
dismantled churches, laid villages
waste and overturned a hnystack."
Imprisonment For Debt.
About the middle of the last cen
tury the power of Imprisoning a debt
or for llfo was taken from tho creditor,
and it tills one with amazement to
think that a system ho ridiculous
should have continued ns long ns It
did. Tho three principal debtors' pris
ons in England wero f ho King's lionet),
tho Marslmlsea and the llorough
Cnmntnr. In llm vi-nr 17fi'l lliero with
20,000 prisoners for debt In Great Ilrlt
alu and Ireland. Tho futility of the
system was quite a grnnt as Its bar-
I:i character. In manners, In style, In
all things, tho supreme excellence Is
simplicity Longfellow.
A Serious Joke.
"What has happened to .Mr. White,
nlin ttKcil In ho such a lukcr'l"
! "Well, lie nroiiosed to his tireicul
wife ns a Joke. She accepted him. and
ho hns given up making Jokes ever
flnce." Dorfbarbler.
HaskloB for Health.
The mall order houses of tho East
would not bo so prosperous 1 fthe
pooplo of this community would In
sist on having "Made In Oregon"
goods from tho local merchants. Tho
business of this community would be
bettor conserved if the buying pub-
11a nnd tho merchants would heln
J along the "Made In Oregon" Idea.
ing more than 1000 persons to tbe fair bar,,y- Moro ""' ''alf the prisoners
on tbat (lay. Tbe uniformed degree
staff of this camp will take part in
tbe drill contests nnd Captain Cooley,
tbe drillmaster, promises ono of the
best and most perfect exhibitions ever
seen on the fair grounds by any or
ganization, Among the speakers, in addition to
Governor West, Head Consul Boak and
Grand Guardian Van Orsdall, will bo
Congressman W. C. Ifawloy, one of tho
head managers of the woodmen, who
will dedicate the cabin; Secretary of
State Ben W. Olcott, State Treasurer
Thomas B. Kay, who Is president of
the general Woodman Day Fair com
inlttee, the last four named being prom
inent members of Salem Camp No. 118,
W. O. W., the hosts for tbe day; State
Superintendent L. It. Alderman, of Mc
Minnville; James Buddiman, Consul
Commander IUggs and Clerk J. O. Wil
son, of Multnomah Camp, Portlaud,
and other prominent members of the
order from all parts of tho state.
Tbe Woodmen of tbe World have had
three similar events at tho fair grounds
and in each Instance the day given tl
tbe Woodmen was one of the best ot
tbe week as regards attendance and
entertainment, and it is predicted that
this year's Woodman's Day will eclipse
nit f.srtuue vhuiii,
- m Wf -.
In somo of the prisons wero kept there
solely because they could not pay tho
attorneys' costs. Many prisoners had
their wives ami children with them.
Thero was no Infirmary, no resident
fcurgcon nnd no hatli. Imagine a laco
In these days containing lOil itersoiiu
and no bath and no Infirmary! Wo
havo Indeed "progressed." Dundee Ad
vertlser. How Far Can You 8ee7
What Is tho farthest limit to which
tho human vision can reach? Power
in his book, "Tlio Eye and Sight," gives
tho ability to see tho star Alcor, sltuut
ed at tho tall of tho Great Hear, as
tho test. Indeed, tho Arabs call it
tho test stur. It la most exceptional
to bo ablo to seo Jupiter's satellites
with tho naked eye, though ono or two
cases are recorded, tho third satolllte
being tho most distinct. Peruvians aro
said to bo the longest sighted race on
enrlh. Humboldt records a case where
these Indians perceived a human llg
uro eighteen miles away, boliitt ablo
to recognize tlmt it was human and
clad lu while. TJils Is piohuhly the
record for tuv sight.
Want Cook
Want n Clerk
$Vnt a Partner
Want a Bltuntton
Want ft Servant Olrl
Want to Bell a Piano
Want to Bell a Carriage
Want to Bell Town Property
Want to Boll Your drocerlei
Want to Boll Your Hardware
Want Customers for Anything
Advertise Sally In This Paper.
Advertising Is the Way to Saccess
Advertising Brings Customers
Advertising Xsep Customers
Advertising Insures Bnocess
Advertising Shows Energy
Advertising Shows Pluok
Advertising Is "Bis"
Advertise or Bust
Advortlae Long
Advertte Well
At Once
In This Paper
Ssilrni, Ore. (,,,l,ltr Joy
Street" at the Orruon Slate hair will
br occupied from September II to
September 1" by the oKgrrgjilloii ot
mirth provoking shows under the
P.irkrr mnmigrmrnt. Included In the
roler of the otguulmtlnti are the
"Hells." the "Jungle" ami (he "Whirl
wind Himlnii Dancers," who have
et the Northwest talking of their
grace, rmluMiiee and art The thine
m arc In native costume and not
long from the domain of the t'iu,
ami all of them have appeared at the
Moscow court production. It re
tiuircd the special permission of the
Car before they were allowed to
iit the United States for the en
gagement which Include the werk at
the Oregon State I'alr from Septem
ber tt to September UK
Salem, Ore. (SpeclalOThrongh the
aetlvltv of Secretary Meredith of the
Oregon State Hoard of Agriculture, the
United States Forest Sorvlee has
agreed to place an exhibit at the enm
Ing state fair. The display will con
sist of brotuldd enlargements a ml
transparencies of actual nrotoguphs
showing work and conditions ou na
tional forests.
There will nlso bo photographla en
largcmenti showing preservative tint
bet treatment nnd strength test pro
cemes, besides charts and maps. Seeds
ami seeding spodments of lending Pa
olflf t'onst tree species, specimens of
Insect Infested timber, products oh
tallied through dUtlHatlen processes,
figure showing revenue to the state,
amount of timber for sale, number of
stock grated, etc, will bn shown.
Wti aro appointed agents for
J. 11. THOMAS, Covent Garden, Im
don and Southampton, Knglnttd,
whoso charges aro D per cent and
C cents per box.
gow and Kdltiburgh. Scotland, G
per cent nnd 10 cents per box.
lang, G per cent and S cents per
Those aro tho oldest and largest
firms In their respective towns, and
their reference an to financial abil
ities can be hud nt Medford National
Hank, Medford, Oregon.
Cash can bo cabled day after sale
If reiiulred, and highest market
prices guaranteed.
lied Faced Men smoking DIG OIG
AILS talking "HOT AIll" don't always
live on air, hence our remarks on
Tho clap-trap about private sale
does not prove remunerative, except
for somo curios of a small nature. All
sellers by private snlo havu to wall
until niictloi.s aro over so as to know
what to ask, and lu tho casu of large
supplies they often gut left,
i I'o r further particulars, address
W. N. White &. Co.
Where to Go
7 PAitic nan:
xi:w YOHK
This Man
uiiilerstnuiU the refrac
tion of tin c)cs litis! (lie fil
ling of glasses thorough
ly. He In the only man lu
.Medford who lias proicu
up ItV I :.V A Ml. VAT I ON
Iwforn tlio Oregon State
Hoard of Kxamliicrs In
Optometry. Coumilt liltil
If In doubt us In (lie safe
nnd priiMT course to pur
sue. He's Hut
Eye Sight
Otcr Kciitucr's
We have just
received a carload
The Flour That
Never Fails
Once Tried
Always Tried
West Siclo Grrocors
- i
! Mum Imltitn mid Lillian Trnwdlc,
Kugllsli Coined)' Ai lists
lutioiliicliig romlc songs and light
lull lads, HiiugH with which I hey
havo uiut with the greatest suo
eesa throughout lOttrope; ami this
being their flint A met lean appear
unco only the very latest of songs
J and witty saslugy can he looked
for Their comedy alone Is a
scream, and when combined with
itmlr other clever work It makes
J theirs ono of tho stiongest iicIm
that Kurope lias over rutin over
hero, Somo of tlio quick chiuiges
ate said to bo the iiilcliHt over
seen ou any vaudeville singe, No
one should fall to see (hem,
Doors open 7. in p m,
UGO Theatre
run tiii: qpi:i..vh iionou
(Meuiitlfiit story of sacrifice of
sister to save iiuocii'm tumor.)
(Hill Invites Susy to tho Iron
musters' hall.)
(A cowboy comedy)
Rock Spring
Orflco mid Conl Yard, Twelfth nshI
Front Strrfts.
Pbouo 7181.
btka.m and hot watku
All Work Guarantee!
Prices Ilensonablo
U.1 Howard lllock, Kntrsmc
on (Kb Htrrrt.
Coffeen & Price
Pnriflo IKKIt Homo '410
A Full Line
and School Sup
. plies at
The Merrivold Shop j
at t .
' Medford
Book Store
- .