iW5VvHl'V,''''' vH v.- P&GE TWO MEDI?OKD MATL TRIBUNE. MEmTORT), OKI'JOON, TIUtrsDAY, SKPTMMmOK 7, 101 1. DYNAMITE AID ' TO AnRICfJLTLIRE n- F""" saA. j- iw WOMAN RUINED IFAMINE STALKS 1IIICS THROUGH CHINA . L4: U t Hm and Shovel and Plow and Hnr roW Relegated to Ashpllc by Ex plosives Opens Up Packed Suh soil and "lroviles ' Drainage. I JS f ... WASHINGTON, Sept. T.Workingi onlSSfrJticlple Hint deadly poisons' IfHkcn In inVhuto tlosoi often' provo) beneficial to the. human 8y-j toin, tho United States department of j nKrlcuUuro has recently made great 1 proBroKR in use use of one of tne mosi deadly explosives Known to sicence in Improving noils and rcndorelng (hem fitter for cultivation. By the use of dynamite In the south, the tlepart incnyhopcajto nchleve results fully ns remarKfllilo jiajhase obtained hy "dry farming" In tho middle west, and If tho,,experlnients recently commenced aUUMaryland agricultural collet;?, nttJ$lBpJ,lark, ld, under direction' of tho department, prove ns successful In the end na they have in tho begin ning; tho hoe and, shovel, together with the plow and harrow, are in great danger of being relegated to the ash heap. So' certain are the authorities of tho college that it is .practicable to uso tho explosive In clearing and preparing land for cultivation that five acres of swamp laud tbnve been sot aside by the trustees for reclama tion by this method and It Is consid ered likely that more "will be added within a few months. Clearing TVlth. Dynamite. The urpcqsa of clearing tho land for cultivation consists of two sepa rate and distinct operations clearing away the dead trees and other like debris, and opening up the packed subsoil so that the grain or fruit or fruit trees May have a chance- to take, root, Tho work of clearing the land Is most spectacular. Under a largo stump, somo three or four feet In diameter, 20 Bttcks of dynamite, weighing a Tound each, are placed. These are exploded simultaneously by means of an electric battery. The explosion hurls the stump, roots and all, high In the air and leaves the surrounding soil loosened for a dis tance of manay feet. liooscBB Subsoil. It Is often found that, immediately under the soft surface soil there Is a hard, almost waterproof, subsoil leader of the movement, being given formed for the most nart br nacked as tho reason. clay, which resists the action of the Tho petitions alleged that Judge If l -- - A V i.v V BBMBMMMMMHHH9MBB:ut&.s , i mmBmhmSi!bmkkibV- llB'L xHbmbmbmV MMBMVMVMHHBHBv'- LjLv ' A' -;n4MVMVMVMVMVJ JPJHJMMJMJMMIMJr )mmpmpmpmpmpmpmpmpmpmpApmmhmApmpBVmpm1mvAvmbpmBF MPMPMPMPl HHPHHHHnHMRr ImbmLmLmH MBBlMMBMBMBMBMBMBMBMBMMr flMBMBMBAfffBBHHnPJPK. . Bl HIB JU JBHSRtSFv lMBfBTBTBTBTBH Vv 'mp. Until THROUGIIPII V J, V I . i i Olive Vail, Prima Donna, With Mort H. Singer's Big Musical Revue "Miss Nobody from Starland:" COKE RECALL MOVE FINALLY ABANDONED ROSEBURG, .Or.. Sept. 7. The movement for the recall of Judge Coke, which started shortly nftcr the McClallan murder trial, is dead, ac cording to Indications today. Tho majority of citizens have talc- en tho attitude that If Judge Coke erred in giving instructions, to the Jury In the case, he did. so without an ulterior motive and a recall would not bo Justifiable. The -work of circulating recall pe titions has been snspended, the ill ness of Attorney E. L. Cannon, the water and prevents the proper Irriga tlon of tho land, thus causing the rqots of the grain and trees to rot. It Is In tho loosening of this subsoil and In the preparing of It for tho re- ' ception of trees and plants that dyna mite's proper function Is to be found GRANTS PASS GIRL DEAD AS RESULT OF ANESTHETIC GRANTS PASS. Ore., Sept. 7. -Miss Mabel Croisant, for the past four jenrs office assistant to Doc tors LouKhridge and Knlay, is dead" ns the result of hnving an anestheuc administered ivhen hhe was having dental work done by Dr. II. C. Dixon. Recently she had u tooh extracted taking somnoform as an anesthetic. Shortly after administering the anes thetic, Drs. Loughndge and Finley, who administered it, discovered faonielliing wus wrong and immediate ly applied restoratives but without avail. Deutb resulted from a weak ness of the lieart. JliIs anesthetic is n popular one in the United States and Miss Croi- Bunt hud administered it hundreds of times during her service with Dft. J-rfHighrnlge utid Fin.dlay., She leaves n father who trD3idoi3r jierOijind 'two brollicrjj.injhe eaf?t.' She was very Plulaft , , . DYNAMITE HIDDEN TO . BLOW UP NAVY YARD Coke "defeated the ends of Justice' by giving Instructions to the Jury that were favorable to the defendant. Hair That Fascinates CAN'T SELL GREEN ORANGES AS RIPE WASHINGTON. D. C. Sept. 7. Green oranges that have been put through a sweating process to make them appear ripe will be tabooed un der the pure food and drugs act, ac cording to announcement today. It Is explained by Associated Chemist Dr. Dunlap of the inspection board of tho department of agriculture that sweating ripens the outside of tho fruit, but does not alter tho Interior It of. the pulp. ,, Northern California orange grow ers fear they will lose tho rich holi day market unless allowed to ship green oranges after, sweating. Who Wants Lustrous Jlalr Full of Ufe ami Ucanty? Start now, madam, September Is just the month to begin to acquire a glorious head of hair of which you will bo Justly proud during tho social events of winter time. Ifyou haven't used PARISIAN SAGE you aren't on the hlh road to hair beauty. PARISIAN SAGE is tho most delightful preparation that des troys the dandruff germ and by so doing removes in a short time tho causo of dandruff, fulling hair. Itch ing scalp, faded and lifeless hair. Dandruff germs are obstruction ists; they prevent the hair from re- ATTK.VriO.Y, LOYAL OKDHIl OF MOOSE. All members Crater Lake lodge, C7C, are requested to meet a the new hall at S p'clock Thursday evening for dedication. DR. M.' S. BURGESS. Dictator. Jkf. I SHERMAN, JJep. Supremo, Organlrer. H3 Hasklns for Health. trtlhe Original 'and GchhIhi HO RUCK'S MALTED MILK Craving (or Drink and Drugs Created by Camaplgn Ekcltcmcnt Load to . Death in Poverty of Helen Dixon Colorado's Governor Maker. DENVER, Col., Sept 7. Reduced to tho dltvst poverty through hur craving for drink. and drugs. Mm. Helen Dixon, "governor maker" and one time nowerful populist polltl tlnn, la dead hero today, tho result of tttunntlun and vvressivo mho of splrluUudening opiates and lliiunr The woman. vho.o oravlnu for drink wrecked a brilliant career, died in a llttlo otto-room hou). dowortod and alone. "Politics caused m downfall and drink my ruin. Lute caucuses audi cenfejvnces placed me on tho highball' muto anil I novor Rdt off " These words coming fiom her own lips onl a er ago Mimmed up th "lory of her life. Her career started In 1S7.1, when,) as an actress, she scored a distinct hit In tho title role of "Esmeralda." Quit-! ting tho stag to devote her tlmo to the teaching of elocution, sho devel oped a political sagacity of tho ketm est variety. Krotn 1SSC to 1835 gov ernora of states and prominent poll, tlclans by tho score were numbered among her closest friends. Sho was the lending spirit of tho populist movement which swept Colorado in 189 T and 18U2 and, was directly re sponsible for tho election of David H. Walte as governor. After tho populists' downfall she tried to resume elocution, but, fail ing, resorted to Belling tonic and kilr djes. Of Into years she had eked out a precarious existence by begging. Hank-Ins for Healtti. Desperate Measures Being Taken to Relieve Situation 111' Flooded DIs trict Where Nearly n Million Are Withotit Food. ' SHANGHAI, SepL 7. Desporatu HieaHiires are belilg taken today by tho C'hlncHo, government to relieve SOO.000 famine iiufforors In the Yung Tho Klaug valley, where It is report ed 100,000 persoiiH havo perished In disastrous floods Alt ciopn In, the stilckmi teglou hn been destroyed mid troops hnve boon called to quell tho excesses of the sturvlng rolugues, Tho ShntiKhal board of trade has bovrowod SfiOO.OOO to ho expended In relief. (Drap eries Wo curry vry bomnlet lln f i)ril.'rlrii. Inoo curlaliiM. mturva, tit. ntnl ce all cUn.ini at uphollrln A il:ltt in mi to look utter thin work pxclunlvoly nnd will iilvo u Koatl crvlc hn In nosalbla to gi n own the Urtttit clilm. Weeks & McGowan Co Sportsmen TnxIdetniUt huvo oin tiopliion tills your Thoro will ho iiouo to miivo In a fow yeiiiri, Thin cut shown wliun to cut the 1( In. Never out the ft out '''of u doui'ii node. Call nt lluiiiphroy'u (inn Ktoru nnd r,nt a piiliiplilut froo, telling how to mivo giitnii IioiuIh, birds and nldiin fur I'iiks, piiblltihvd hy F. W. BARTLETT i 3 , . I iMotlfoid, Oivgon ft SMITH'S APARTMENT HOUSE South Hivcrddo New ami UMo-I)at MiMloni lit every jwirtlrulnr, gas coik. lug, etc. Women and glrin muNt bring rvforvnevt. WM. SMITH. Home I'tionu IK. IjBB fliHI THE ONLY PERMANENT ROOFING WITH A PERMANENT COLOR, Contains no t-ar, nibher or paper. Will not crack, rot, melt or corrode. Cheaper than shingles or metal, and wears longer. TRAIL LUMBER CO. MKDFOUD, OREGON In NewQurter Wo nro now looutoil In lurgor cjvtarttirH, at tho oust out! of Jaekrton Htruut, nurumi Jlour Crook. Mill work of nil kinds on uhortuHt nolicu t Medford Builders Supply Co. PhonVllowo 2-1L Kut Jackson St. BOSTON, Muss, Sept. 7. The lives of hundreds of men were cn daigejred(by three sticks of dyjiumile carefully concealed in tho framework of abattoir .'erano in tho Chnrle town nnvy yard Iiere. TJie explosive wiih found today within five feet of where mechanics were (swinging grc.il hammers. A little later it would hno boon jmpossible 'for tho dynamite not to explode. Naval officers profoss to ho en tirely ignorant of knowledge of nny inotivo for tho attempted 6utrngo. GREATER NEW YORK POPULATION INCREASES TktFMtf.rfrfakftrAIMfH. For afanti, fcvaJkkand GtowLid children. colvlng its proper nourishment by PiMNutntoon,upbu3daigthevvholebody. ravenously devouring tho same nour-! InvisatesthenunmgmothcrandtheBged. ishment. Uso PARISIAN SAGE for I F&h n&t waited gram, fa powder form, ono week and note the wonderful im-t A quck luck prepared fa a BUMte. TaicMwkalcAikfwHORLICK'S. Mot la Any Milk Trust provement. Chas. Strang guarantees it, GO cents a bottle. NOTICE. Tiq Taclan Sisters of Temple Tal isman will open their meeting Sep tember ,20, at Tt. P. Hall. , Good at tendance of officers and members Is desired. MRS. EDNA ISAACS, IT. C. MRS. A. 13. TROWHRIDGE, J' . If. R. C. Look nt tho ads for the chance to buy the property you need at a "right price." O O'O OOOOOOOOO 0 0 0 0 THE o Electric Rooms '"NEW t Modern, electric fans, steam heat, beat Imia and coolest rooms in town, by day or week, nliglo and etiMuite. 21 West Muin, entrance St. Marks Ilulldliig; phono nil. For Sale 640 acres foothill fruit land, 10 '' !! .! II I. . i-. I miles from railroad station; $15 per f acre on 10 years1 time. One tenth cash, one-tenth each year for 10 years. Interest on deferred payments. Big gest bargains ever offered. Gold Ray Realty Co. BAGGAGE N EXPRESS HENRY M, MARSH All ordors promptly attended to night or day. Short nnd long hauls. Moving household goods n wpocialty Union teamsters. Offtc 51 9. Front Pacific 4171 Home' 80 Residence Main 613 4f0W4 Campbell & Baumbach teORTCrAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improvod ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 120 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. 218 West Main Street Room 1 01, Electric llldg. MEDFORD IRON WORKS E, G. Trowbridgo, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST 'All kinds of Engines, Sprnyyig Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. :oooooooooooo NEW YORK, Sept. 7. The jfepu lutidn.of Matihnttan and tho Bronx is 2'830,000, an increase of 05,000 oyer; the federal census of 3910, nc- cordiiiK to estimates of tho puhlislir ers of thp 125th Now York City di reotory out today, Tins iMiuld kIvo Now York City a lolal population pf 4,900,000 of the population of all h'oroiiha inoreasctl nt tjio fe'nnio ratio. FOR RENT 430-acre Ranch, 300 acres under irrigation, 10 miles from Medford. GOLD RAY REALTY CO. t - Room 101, Electric Illdg. 2IK Wct Main Street Drink This Beer . r . - . Some people say beer docsn t lat,'rec i t "with them. Pabst BlueRibbco . "' TkoBecrofQioL'ty t will "agree1 with anyone. It is rich yet mellow and the delicate hop flavor without excessive bitter is equalled by no other brew. 7K-15 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$ The Medford National Bank Ord er a case today. : Jttut Mouek, AjL, Mtxllwa lc & Slofi Co4 Phont 2641 roJKJJKJKSSml ( 05- to- ffy w CAPITAL STOCK - $100,000.00 SUpi.US.n4 PROFITS 33 OOO.OO UNITED STATES POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITORY HAI-'K nKI'OSIT IiOXKtts l'Olt RKNT. W. X. a OKI!, yrMtnt. 3. a. rammr, vie Pr. jomx s. oktx, ohir. r. m. nsumxox, vio r. w. s. jaohmok. Ant, ciar. h 1. Oi o l h li -' CO !ppjpipp7ptppipjppipjpip ip p p pIpJfipipJpi)JJJ)ip 5 ( . t ''! it Still in Business Sale, Bottle or Draught, at Nash Bar The Southern Oregon Elec tric Company has moved two doors south to the C. C. Ponting Plumbing Shop Southern Oregon Electric Co. i i - i - l I ! f .4-1 . .f, V