$ A pxoe srs "W '' f p-wif mt- fr MEPTTOKP MATL TRIBUNE, rEDFORD,. QKEGON, WEDNESD'AY, SEPTEMBER 0, !t01f. r ? MISS NOBODY FROMSTARLAND Most Sensational Novelty of Season Booked as Next Show at Mcdforc! Theatre Is Musical Comedy That i Has Made a Hit. Tito moot ftcnsntionnl novelty of the llimitricul bonsnn in Chicago wn4 tlio hg lre.s ri'lionrMit scene which Mr, 11. Singer introduced into "Miss Xohody fnmi Sturlnnd,'1 his lntcst musical comedy production nt the Princess tlicalro, which will oumo to the Moilfonl theatre onN Friday, Sep teinhcr 35. Air. Singer literally tnkoa his audiences out of their sent? hack on the stnij nnii shows them liow ti hijj production looks from the other side of the footlights. Although then is a riotous spirit of travesty all through the scene making it a con tinuous serica of laughs, one follow ing the other nt lightning sjwed, tho scene, has opened tho eyes of tho public, to some uf the accidents and disad.avntages against which the manager has to contend when he stages n production worth thousands of dollars. Tho Jliss Xobody hi "Miss Nobody from Stnrland" is n chorus girl who, when tho show opens, is engaged with a gambling brother in the risky enterprise of smuggling n few dm monds into the United States. The soeno is aboard the ocean liner. Lus itnnin, and there is n hord of detect ives, led by tho great l'ierce of Scot land Yard, on the track of the smug glers. Then there is Preston Ilalliday eon of Frederic Ilalliday, the million aire manufacturer of Hnlliday's Ilair Restorer. Preston had trouble with his father over in England and hired out us a drug cleric. By mistake gave a customer arsenic instead of essence of peppermint for stomach ache. After discovering his error, he flcos thinking he has murdered the man. On the Lusitania he is suspected as si smuggler by Pierce and is nceusod of "the crime." Thinking the detec tive means the snspected murder Preston confesses. But the detective thinks Preston is the brother of MLs Nobody, whom Pierce loves. And old man Ilalliday, who is aboard, also fnlls in love with Miss Nobody, the choms girl. Preston himself tries to flirt with her. CLUB TO TALK OK BOND ISSUE Commercial Club Holds First Fall Meeting tonight Mcdfortl Traffic Bureau to Ask Endorsement of In itiative Rate Bill Fathered by Them -H- First regular fall meeting of the Bedford Commercial Club, held at the club meeting rooms in tho Mail Tribune building on Wednesday, Sep tember tilh. Matters of great import ance will come before the meeting. Every member is re quested to be present. Pumpernickel and cheese. Watermelon. Bnmnucr's cantaloupes. Cigars. No. SUM. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Medford National Bank at Medford, in tho State of Oregon, at tho close of business, September 1, 1911. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts M $M0,:M0.77 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured ?.. .10,91 (i.Sti U, S. bonds to secure circulation , :..; 100,000.00 Premiums on U. S. bonds :'; 2,;Uii).(iS Bonds, securities, etc : Ul,2S5.ll Banking house, furniture and fixtures 13.371. M Duo from national banks ( not reserve airents) 123.00 i Duo from state and private banks and bankers. trust companies and savings banks .l.noti.iM Due from approved reserve agents 70,982.115 Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing house ., ! Xotes of other national bunks cents -H-4- ------f An important mid interesting ses sion of the Medfonl Commercial Club is looked for tonight when the good roads campaign will be discussed and a fight made for endorsement of an initiative bill regulating railroad rates by the Medfonl Traffiee Bureau members. A deelgation from the Ashland commercial club will be present to take part in the good roads bonding utscusMon. Tho state railway commission nsks n representation from the club to meet with them at Salem on Septem ber 20. Many other important matters will come before this meeting, nnd a large attendance is requested. The meeting will be called prompt ly nt S o'clock. NEW WORLD RECORD FOR 25-MILE STRETCH Fractional paper currencv, nickels and' Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: Legal tender notes 40.00 Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) Gold dust .-. 17,-t-l IU2l.lt 12,200.00 1-IH.02 :M,(S2.(r 5,000.00 179.87 OLD ORCHARD, Me., Sept. 5. Louis Dlsbrow, In a Pope-Hartford automobile, broke the world's record for 25 mi!e3, going the distance In 15:25 on the beach track near here. Charles Gustafson set a new record for ten miles, negotiating tho dis tance In C:29. GARBAGE QUESTION SETTLED AT LAST Thero is no reason for complaint concerning the garbage hauling ques tion that cannot easily be corrected" according to Rodney Taylor, tho man who recently purchased the garbage hauling business for Medford. When Mr. Taylor took hold of the business ho was not supplied with a full list of tho customers by his pre decessor nnd for that reason mnny people found their work was uninten tionally slighted. Mr. Taylor snvs if anyone wibhing garbage hnuled will jilionc Main 3G32, the wagon will dall. Tho new concern hauls garbage for 50 cents a month for ordinary loads but prices depend upon the amount to be hauled. An extra team has been put on and the work can bo taken care of in better shape than ever. Comforting Words .Many a Medfonl Household Will Find Them So. To have the pains and aches of a bad back romoved; to bo entirely free from annoying, dangerous urinary disorders Is enough to make any kid ney sufferer grateful. To tell how tills great change can be brought about will prove comforting words to hundreds of Medford readers. Mrs, J. Waterman of Phoenix, Or., fcays: "I have no hesitation in rec ommending Doan's Kidney Pills, as 1 hnvo had ample proof of their effi ciency. Over-exertion or being on my feet for any leng'h of timo, caused my back to ache and sent sharp pains through my loins. Frequent head aches and spells of dizziness also bothorod mo. I know Unit my kidneyH woro at fault and, hearing Doan's Kidney Pills highly recommended, I procured a supply. I began their iiho nnd thoy relievod tho difficulties which had bo loug distressed mo." For snlo by all denlors. Prlco CO cents. Foster-Mllbum Co., Buffalo, N. Y EQle agents for tho Unltod States. Romomber tho name Doan's and take no othor. Tot Clito. c4octr4 br U SISTERS OF THE HOW RANES OF JESUS AID MARY. Cm. J xi-.it s.d CMtftt Cmrm. Mule Art Eloaeiea ai Caaatr IsttilrolTri!ajBr.WritstorAuCTmALAUrtM SttTZR WrEKlOK te itn'i Atln, ftnJW Total !?G33,724.84 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $100,000.00 Surplus fund 20,000.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 18,101.95) National bank notes outstanding 100,000.00 Due to state and private banks and bankers .. !99.7o Individual deposits subject to cheek 3.17,1178.0") Demand certificates of deposit 31,783.03 Time certificates of deposit 5,557.00 Certified checks :. :: 500.00 Postal savings deposits 5,205.00 Bills payable, including certificates of deposit for money borrowed 15,000.00 "'Portland. Orecoa J - 'IValdent and Dar BcKool far Girli lu cbarza ol Bl.tan of 6b John BaitUt (EplMopaljl CUifUW. A.uUm! aa tliauUiT StpmaMU, I UK, lit, ZlSttUM. O Jiaaaitam. I For ctUlo aelrtaa THE SISTEIt KCl'EIUOH I Office ZA St. Helen I Lai I Look at tho ads for tho chance tn liny tho property you need at o "right prico," HaskliiB for Health. Pure Clear Sparkling You ean't afford' to io without thia splendid, refreshing drink. Call up and order a casa sent to the bouse. The purest, Most healthful drink known Is SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER l. C. II6HAM, Atent. Total , $633,724.84 State of Oregon, County of Jackson,- ss : t T, John S. Orth, cashier of the nbove-iftunod bank, do solemnly swear that the above statementTfs true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN S. ORTir, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mc this 5th dav of Sep tember, 1911. C. L. REAMES, Notary Public. Correct Attest: W. 11. GORE, war. m. colvig, J. A. PERRY, Directors. Hosiery The best wearing and biggest value in men's, ladies', boys' and misses' Hosiery in the city. Money back if not satisfactory. Boys' and misses' seamless, fast black, ribbed School Hose in sizes 5 to 94, pair 10c Misses' extra fine quality lisle ribbed Hose; a 35c value; in sizes 5 to 9; black or tan; pr....25c Boys' Bear brand Hose, the best wearing school hose in the city; here in sizes G to 10, pr 25c Men's seamless, fast black Socks; will outwear any 25c hose in town; here in all sizes; black or tan; per pair 10c Ladies' Hose, black or tan, pair 10c Ladies nose; regular 35c quality in all stores; hero in black, tan or split foot; in regular and outsizes; the biggest hosiery value in Medford; any size and nine: styles to select from; pair 25c 5SD00M3-! You (vxtel the mlUIenun'i ptofUi. We kD Io anylnjjr duett from oui own ui Udory. QyiLt guuanlecd la Jctx. SOME REGULAR CATALOC PRICES i Bungalow or CrafUman Door. . . 1.60 Cottage Front Door. up from Z.25 fancy Front Door. up from . 8.00 Fancy Front Window up from . 2.7S Window and Cla one-third la... We tlilp promptly anywhara. Lat u aitimata your bill and fraigbt. SEND POSTAL for CATALOG No. 43 O. B.WILLIAMS CO. 1943 FIRST AVE. SOUTH, SEATTLE Boys' Knit ' Waists Nazareth, the best boys' or girls' Knit "Waist on the market; here in sizes ,2 to 12 years, each '...25c Boys' and girls' Knit "Waist, similar to above, but lighter weight; in sizes 4 to 12 years, each 15c Boys' Blouse Waists Boys' and girls' Naz areth "Waist Union Suits; three garments in one; here in sizes 2 to 12 yeam, each ....50c A good quality cheviot jr madras cloth Waist, cheaper than you can make them; here in sizes C to 12 years; light or dark colors, 25c AND 50c EACH School Supplies Remember, you get any 5c school supply in the store this week, 7 for 25c. Sec our new line of lc post cards. HUSSEY'S i FALL TRADING IN FULL SWING AT- Sweaters Women's all'olors, special ... $2.50 MANNS CENTRAL AVE. NEAR P. O Veils Shetland Veils, spe cial 70c GREAT BARGAIN SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY Petticoat Sale m rhursdur we will nlace on sale 5 dozen fancy near silk Pelticoals, QA worth .$1.50, at the low prico (iJf C vi j inni v!..wu i, uiioa Liiicy. ! Umbrella Sale 100 women's 2(J-inch fast black brcllas, paragon frame, steel rod: $1.25 quality. Don't miss this. Special, each... Urn- 89c fciMttttta Messaline and Saile 59c This sale has taken the town bv storm; all colors; real 75c val ues; special, yard.. ( a,. New Serpentine Crepes This popular cloth is going fast ; A beautiful new patterns; special, I Hif ill U t Just Received Our New CHILDREN'S DRESSES Buy Your Bedding Now CoUo,, 48c Good size grev Blankets, special Good, heavy Comforters; large size, special Big 3-pound stitched Cotton Batts, special 98c 98c New Dress Goods 20c hildrcn's Fancy Plaids for dresses, per yard 1 leavy Storm Serge in all colors, A special, per OUC yard ww 51-inch Scotch Suitsing, vd, $1.39, $1.09, $1.95 and.. $2.25 See Our New Line of Fancy Hand Bags Agents for Warner's Corsets Special new low bust models, all sizes, at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. Children School Hose 12k 25 doziMi heavy ribbed Hose for boys and girls, special, pair... r The Ferullo Band OF FIFTY ARTISTS ' I . M. V(fb SUNDAY AFTERNOON, SEPT. 10 AT THE NATATORIUM m; i- .tt iwiV 'folrAt. nnlfi TinmriR Tliiirsrln.v. flnnfornhflr 7. n.t. t.lio Nn.t.n.f.oriiim. a.w..ww . -0 J, ... -. ., POPULAR PRICES RESERVED SEATS $1.00 ADMISSION 50 CENTS GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT Hear Ferullo's Band See Ferullo Conduct I "Greatest band in America." Chicago Tribune. "Best band ovor in Chicago." Chicago Examiner. ' "Captivated Salt Lake City public. "Salt Lako Herald. "Attracting immense crowds." San Francisco Call. "Absolutely unique." Lob Angeles Times. "The audience went wild cheering and clapping," Portland Orogonian. H 14 1 f4r4 tfc J-,