,iws!Tr ' V H A ' ., '!. ; ft . TOTTFOTID MATTj TRTKimE, MEDFORD. OW'TIPX, WFDXRSTMY, SEPTEMBER G, 1011, PAttE !FrVT3 Dipkie Tries to Propose Over the Telephone By ft B. Martin l'nm i i?T7rl r i I . r , v.. , 1.1. V.fJ.. PUCK IE UPON Tl(& I'MoNE 0 PROPOSE. NO ONE Cf)bi STopfHE FftOM Uf)liNC mv ftyj'M DU6(6IW2,ME 603' HEILO TllS ISPCKIE AJoW U STEN AYi.uv"j DOAJT (Jo HV1Y Jtvsr item i've JoAicri(V To SAV Vi?RV MP6RTAAJT.J V CnnM UnLlikiH I '. LI I 'tCS.. "-Villi nHVIINU ' Ui7x j , ii . . s. i .-rvrmitv. JMn MY 5y "f JCT' ifl a. - -riss . M 111 D0C.fcl& MV J5uyET. )T AASTf WITHOUT BE INC, INTERRUPTED I CflM SAV TIT .OWE VOl AW owN LITTLE SU6HR. SrJUUlAmf HEflT mnnt)s fob. voa.' v XWSW . --v ifvi.?):iv- .ivi '. v vsj?wii, Kffl -W-t A (M". PUCKifE'TO COME &IGMT STRAIGHT 7b -me point.! W)NT To vmft.R.V 7U- WILL Yoti 0 rffS?7?. MV Wl PP Q ninry3. - SUliS i.t.t. "Hey! Jrr off Trie wm& and durour Tfis nonsehse: THIS IWT -MR DUCIF THIS JS WATJOS LtVEiy, STABLE.,1 T - T I " il J i i i I Y "Hey! Jrr off TrtFwm&V 77 fePC&-$ jrBMfit-? APPIES BRING GOOD PRICES Our Correspondents Northwestern J Exchanue Secures i EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS. of .Auction Markets In Big Eastern Centers. I Viiiip ivirrxHiiitiilimf lifiu Iiiiiiii nil. Good Sales In Advance by Keeping' HOnl o;i MIIIIIIIlor vuwitioii, wi.kh Out of .Auction Markets In Big "CC0llul" fur M",r" ma Mt '" I). U. Ailnuifl mill yvlfo d( IM No;t; county hnvw lioun vIhIUiik Mr. AjIiiiiih' mint, .tr. I.llllo Ulncltvvooil, ift IMion nlv, 'I hoy rMtirinuJ to ttmlr liointi Uin lunt of lt wi'olc, I'd JncoliB unit family of North Tint N'orlliwcrtU'rn IVult KxcIiiimko rcjHirlM tlm following ulrn of up I)Ich: ' ' 1'ijr in'Ojdint of CiiNlunont (WiihIi.)i rnilt (Innvi'iV limoii: Oiut cur, half t'lttih SjitJU)iiliitrvH anil YincHuji, an (nlliiw; iiitiuiljurpt, nxtru I'uiiry, $2.Ji. I'ltftyy, i'J.UO. 'C" Krmlr, I. rill. Viia-M;iw (xlniK, 9M. Funny, $1.75. "C" khmIi', l.afi f. o.b. ('hkIiimuio J Fivt' cam K''ifiiu VinMnp, Tfi.RO or ci'iit extra fiiuuy, at .fJ.UD. 1-anoy n 1.70. "0" Kruili-, $1.1!5; f. o. l. Canliuu-rc , T.'o i'iir ArkniiHH Jtlnk 85 per Cent extra fancy, liaiitiicc Hlamlanl, nt $1.00 hlriitclil, f.. l. ryttti. Two fan VimiipH, 7ft per cent vvlra fiincy,, lialnticn htaiulari), nt $.m Htral:lit. f. ... It. I'ayotic. , One oar JonatluiiiM, extra fancy, nt f 1.IJ0 Mnitgjit, f. o. Ii. Payette. lTp o llilx litno tlm oxclianco linn booked oplcrrt for n total of forty ;iliii earn of.fljipluH whiiih' hnvu licrn 'until to ImyerK In twrnty-ihreo dif ferent market. Willi the Heamin jnnt Htarliup, thin HeeuiN to promixo a iIIn triliutivi) hhinsin for tin; HeitMoii of 11111 farwiiriMJuniiij; lnt yt,nrn re markable Hliowini. Onlv one cur of tlm entire iiiunbcr bookril ho far, linx been hoUI to k '" i Ity enHt of llio MiMHisxippl river, ami not a Kindle ar Iwih lieen placed with bnyent in uny of the lnrp markets New York' Iloxton, I'hiliulelpliia, Chicago. j The market continiieri well Niipplisd Willi both Marn ninl jiruiu'H. ICiiNtertt HpeeiilatorH, who eotitraeteil earliec n the Hemmn, are reported to linvo uiiitlo exeeptionally heavy Iohhch In both pearx and nrniieM from tbo north weHt. Itcwirlrt from the exehan;e officcM in the cant, on file in this office, nbow Harllett pearH to be itellini; al aiii'tion all the way from firm to 41.00 ilelivered. Italian pruneM opened up at dtanpimintinKly low prleen in teh ean(, are briiiKin H.rui to $1.10 delivered. Fortunately, the exchange. Iiiim kept out of these inarketH, Ihim worked the xmnll mark ftrt, farthest removed fnnn tbo rone of anetion-market influcime, ami in eoiiHefpiencu ban been nlilo to got rom $1,00 to 1.50 per box, f. o. b. '(dripping point, for Harllett pears' and ban booked a lot of nrdora from tlm Kami) small marketH for Italian pniiieH, at 75o to 70 f. . b. Hlitppintr point, ueor,dini; to datt'fl of, boikinj; nnd dates of hlnpmeiit. Hyomei for Catarrh i: i, mi i .i i World's (IrenteNt Iteiueily I'h l-Vom Coealne, Opium ami AH Habit lormluK Oi'iiks. Btnrt rb?ht now, lioforo tlio cold weather romentu kill enrtarrh norms ,iHid K"t lid of catnr;h, H'h thp boBt Unto. llroutho IIYOMIU (l'ronounqo It IJIk1h-iiio), tihnrlnB fltnuiB Kiinrnn .tees It, It Ih mitdo or Auntrnllnu ou tcnlyptiifl, thymol and otljor nutIo .tlcH, nnd liesldoH destroying tbo Rorma 'it HfHithcs and heals tbo aoro, raw iiHimlirano iud provonts mupus from formliiK In tbo air pusnRos. flioatho It a f$Y .times fi ijny. Jt's nu easy and ploasant trontmout and n'Hiiltii are quick and curtain. IIYOM10I Is Kuarantood for catnrrh, nstlimu nnd catarrhal donfness, or nionoy buck. A eomplotu outfit, ln filtulliiK Imrd rubber luluilor, costs 11,00, Hxtru bottles It uttorWnrd noodud coit but no cents, Ilnaklmi for Honltti, Tnlont vUltcd Mudford Hatuntny. William Iienrdslny, one of Phoe nix' mcri'hiiiiU, visited Medford Hut urdny. I.. A. Drake of North Phoenix vis ited Medford on bUNlness Saturday. lCmmutl Iloeoon and wlfo of Talent took nu auto trip down t lie valley Huudny. A. I)., A. M. nod O. II. Holms nnd their wives visited Medford Hutur day. L. A, Hove of Phoenix wag n biiHJ a em vUllor nt Medford Saturday. MInh Mnud Newbury, who lias been speudliiK her vacation with her nunt npd unclu, Mr. and Mrs, Joe Under, nt their home south of Phoenix, also mil lit their Hummer home In the !cnd Indian mountnlnp, returned to Medford Suiidis und will take up her school work nt the HUtum' Tuesday. O, A. Hover of Volley Vlow or- chants delivered some fine peaches In Medford Saturday. Ily the way, speaking of peaches, did you ace those nt the nxhlblt build- IttK rnlend by 1C. Calhoun of Pjioo- nlxT Well, they are not nil the blK one nt Itocky Ford orchard, I drove out there Suudny and I wish some of the visitors to our vnlley could sec that peach orclutrd. Those In the exhibit building nru only fair samples. Mr, nnd Mrs. Charlos Isaacs of Medford visited homo folks In Phoe nix Sunday. W. ft. Anderson of North Phoenix traded In Phoenix Saturday John Mast was a Phoenix visitor Saturday. Wo nro Rind to loam that Jerry Wilson of Coleman Creek Is on the road to recovery nt tlio Sacred Heart hospltnl In Medford. Died In Phoenix, of consumption, Mrs, Amy Wright, nged 83 years, one of the old pioneers of Phoenix. Interment Monday In Phoenix ceme tery. Uncle George Roberta, and Mlos Lulln Hoborts of North Talent lenvo for Myrtlo Creole Tuesday to ylslt friends, and relatives nt that place, Among thoso who linvu been out to Lake of tlto Woods nnd the bay for nu outing nnd have lately return ed nro; tyr. and Mrs. A. S. Furry und fnjnlly, (r, nmj rs. F. R.' Furry nnd family, Mllo Furry and wlfo, 13. O. Cojonmn, nnd wlfo; Miss Fny Carson, ICrnest Henms nnd family, W. B. An derson nnd family, John Oraffls and wlfo, C. Cnroy nnd wlfo, W, 8. Stan cllffo. nnd wlfo, .I.lqyd Colvor and wlfo, C. Cato and wlfo, Mr. Cnto(8r., nnd nlso a brother of O. Cnto. Tljo Cntes uutocd from Corvnllls and Urownsvllle, Jlr.owiiayllle, Mrs J. Hoso, (Jnko Cn ton, Jim Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Loin ljughos, Ooorgo Itofierts, Mrs. Crys tal Vurhulst, Miss Ollto Hughes nnd hor mothpr, Mrs. Hughes, Tub Hughes. All of tho nbovo named par ties, oxcopt tho i Catoa, wore from Kdon Precinct. All had a good tlmo nnd gathered lots of huckloborrtos. CEHTRAL POINT ITEMS. Truman Heott, wllo spent several weekx vlnitiim relativeK hero left for bis home in lowu Ttu'mluy piornjiif;. Horn To the vif of Coiiiidlniaii I). C. Grim .Monday niglit, Kejit. -lib, a hoii. K. h- i'nnn and flenrRO K. Fox spent several hours in .laekiovifule Tuesday. MisM Herriuc, Miss Rtmnjr, Mr. Ware, Mrs. Himpkiux' Miss Shield, Miss Mary I). Meo. Miss Suruh IJoff. l(oy lleff, Mihh Kiiuly.cn. Miss Sfeel haimuer, Miss l;tla Williams, Miss Huiller, H. (1. Heart weru Medford viM'tnrn Tuesday. Ilermnn HimpkiuH left for I'orl 'nuij Tuesday evening on u busiuchX (rip. Mrx. Cbnpmuu who bus been vis itinu relntives here returned to her home in Ashland Tuesday evenine. Mrs, W. F. (Iraee, nged 85, mntber of J. II. (Iraee, who has been visit ing her boii the past your, returned in her homo in Lou Angeles Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. flraee was accomp anied homo by her dniiubter, Mrs Itiebmoiiil and the Misses Itichmoud and her grandson' Victor N, (Iraee. champion of the world, is dead bun; today, (,'usuo.k i wiid to bavo lost 118,000 in butH when James J. Cor bett defeated John L. TIIOUHANIIS KHiLI.I) Mill TWO HITK. Hnnd 26 contji loHIII.KIttlC CIin.MI CAL COltl'ANV, Heely Hulldlnif, 1'ort lun.l. Or-., fur a. pucki-t or HKI.ICtitK IIJKl KU.I.KK, two UililuwiKpmfulff of vhlcli will rid any iiour of nil vt-rmln, Ijuru, ro.iclicM. Kuro ili-nth to iitiltiml lloo of evi-ry variety; frees poultry of tlckM. inltes. , In n moiit pffpctlvp I'l.ANT HPItAV, eniUirnfil by li-fldltiK ncrletilturlntn. AOKNTH WANTKl) In thin territory. Write today nnd become n ucr of K1CL-fCIltlt'H. FOR SALE OR RENT foil SAM; Oil HUNT Kumlsln-d 5 r oo m room lioiino on lurRi lotl Hhndn and fruit trees; modem conveniences I7 W. Tenth st Ted. C59L ' 14C FOR RENT FERRIS HARTMAN'S WIFE SUES FOR HER ALIMONY SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. f. Fer rfs Ilartman, actor, is defendant Uv day in a suit filed here by bis di vorced wife, Mrx. Mary Ilartman, necking $10,Q00 alimony wjileb is al- legeu to oe long past one. Ifiirtmau wns divorced in 1003. Mr. Ilartman bein gallowed .flf0 n nontb for tlm support of herself nnd child. She alleges that the payments have oeaosed since April- 100(5. Sullivan's Backer Dead. NKW YOltIC, Sept. O.-Jnlm 11. Cnsaek of Hrooklyn, backer of John L Sullivan, former heavyweight $12,000 FOR FIGHTING CALIFORNIA FOREST FIRES ) T-rrr i WASIHNOTOrVU C, Sept. (!.--In rospousn to telegrams from Cali fornia authorities tlio United Sl'utos firosl fjervieo today aljoted an addi tional npprnprintioii of $i2t000 for fhlbig forest fires in tat Htate. More (linn $20,000 lias hef;i .spent Ibis year for tills purpose ;n Califor-fiia, HoBklQB for Iloaltb. RANCHES 15 screw; clone In; benutlful view; ftn nun,- tsuv acre; very eaiiy tnrma. i i-2 acres; iwaritiff orchard; water riuni; more; nmo loais on cood yas tura and liny land; cm! or trade. TOB BEST I0-room house, with furniture, Its. 5-rooin house,' f IS. 5-rooin Iiouro. tlS.SO. 7-rtium Iioiiho. $25. (room lioune, ISO. Ifroom Iioiiko, 17, Other houues on list. TRADE l 1-2 ncres, 4-room hoiliio, 1650. 100 ncrcN In Wild county, Colnmdo; trade for ranch hvro. too acre-, for Male or trndo. IGO acres, nil flno loam Boll, 7C cleared, buildings, pumping plant, trndo for Btuall ranch, pay or as sume Prlco 4000. 100 acroB, 100 In crop, fine loam soil. 75 acre, take 1-3 In trado. 160 noroB. 1 l-i mllea from town In Wll lnmetto vnlloy, rich bottom and up. land, 100 acres cultivated, good Im provements, 1125 acre. tnonmo property, rentals, 1115 monthly; tnko good ncrojBe. JO sorei, 1$ Jh pears; close In tint build ing slta and view. 160-acre stock and alfafta ranch: 150 crea iiunoie: unaer ditch; 7( per ofo) iuko incomo property. llO'acrcB raw land; all fin fruit land; iuku nr uoou property. 0 ucres, tillable; 12000; take town prop crty. 10 sores, cleared; take realdenoe In tradv, .16 ucroi Dear Creek bottom for Dakotah land. 30 iiorus. Palisade, California In orchard, tuiio dairy or stock ranch and city proporiy. tnopme property, TWin Falls. Idaho, for Rood acreage CITY TKKAflUHKIt'B NOTICE. Office of tho city treasurer, Med ford, Oregon, September 4th, 1911. Notice Is horeby given that there arc funds on hand In tho city treasury for tbo redemption of outstanding city warrants Issued against tbo fol lowing funds: Warrants Nos. 27 to tC, both num- bors Inclusive, Issued against the trunk sewer fund. Warrants Nob. 10 to 21, both num. bors Inclusive, issued against sower Ustrlct No. 11 fund. Warrants Nos'. 1, 2 and 3. Issued against Klghth street storm sower. Warranto Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, issued ngnlust Crape street storm sewer. Warrants Nos. 1, 2 and 3, Issued ugnlnst Fifth street storm sewer. Warrants Nos. I to 23, both num bers Inclusive, assued against East Main street waterMund. interest on tho same will cease aft er tbo abovo datow L. L. JACOBS, City Treasurer. Hi jcossa. FOR SALE. MloUBoar OAK nnd laurel stumps for aaln cheap at Thretj-Oaka Orchards. W. J. Itartzcll. 4CS-J-1. l-'OIt ItK.N'T Modern 6-room house, clone In. AddreH llox 7, care Mali Tribune. 17 I'OIt ItHNT Modern G-roorn bungalow. clow) In, reuNonuble. Apply 517 Houth Holly MreeU 147 KOIt 11EKT Two-room house, partly furnished, 8 per month. Allen Grocery ca. us FOIl ItHNT Coiy flve-room bungalow on Went Hamilton; modern. Inquire 401 a Ittverslde. I'OIt ItRNT Two raven-room cottages. one !arn lmri. one stable. Call 401 South Illvnrslde avenue. 1(8 TO ItHNT Seven-room house, modern. larce yard and barn. Call Main 7S2, party J-3. 143 XoasekMplajf Mooxam MODKItN housekeeping rooms, 1C and 118. 222 South Holly. rarnlshed Hooms. FOK IlKNT Two furnished rooms. South Oakdale. Call momlnRs. 425 147 KOJl KKNT Steam-heated apartment, six rooms nnd bath. In new two-family house, modern In every respect. Hose nvenue, corner West Mala. "147 FOIl RRNT furnished room, every con venience. Call 525 O. Orope. 14S 1011 UHNT Furnished roams for house keeping:. 2 or 3 In suite. Phone 052. No. 105 East 14th st. 145 FOK 11ENT Nicely furnished front room, suitable for two young men; furnish heat. 815 K. Riverside avc. 144 Boar4t and Booss Medford. Ore Auk. . 1911. Thts la to certify that ubout November my daugh ter writ taken with a ovtre attack of rheumatism which rendered her left arm psoless. In faot it waa'so near paralysed Hint she waa not able tor movo her fine ara, but knowlnR of some of Dr. Chow Younc's marvelous cures of long atand Iiir cascj .of rheumatism, we decided to consult lilin. In whloh-I am pleased to say made no mistake, as hta remedies acted as he clamed they would and af ter the third treatment the rheumatic pain entirety loft her and she has not had any symptoms of rheumatism since: be sides her central health In much lninrov- ed und I do not hesitate In saying I be uevu tnoso afflicted with rheumatism or paralysis will do well to consult Dr, Chow Young, whose house Is corner of Tenth and Front street. Medford. Ore eon. A. V. WEIKS. 14 FOR RENT Rooms. Room nnd board for a teacher. Phone 6122 or call 407 Beatty st. 144 ROOM AND BOARD at Mrs. Fay's. No. 10 No. Grape st, back of Farmers and Fruitgrowers bldff. FOR RENT Farms from 40 acres tt 400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit' ranches garden land, general farming- ranches QOld Ray Realty Co., 213 W.Mnin. Offices for Steal FOR RENT Two elegant front office rooms, corner Main street. Inquire Gregory's Studio. LEGAL NOTICES. list. WANTKD ;irl for gonoral housework. i.iiy ana rsnoji property Two carpenters. I3.5&. Lumbar pliers, 'la.GO; Yurd men, IS.aG. UuttLff men, box fnelory, 13,00. Taloutoff men, I2.S0, poijltoy pimlneor, 13.00. Uuelters, $3.76, Hklnnfr. I3.0Q. itnuuu nuuu, i.uv. e. f. ). mia ItOOII MS iP fYw hotiob or BLrorxoB to obbate AunrrioBrAi, inDxaxEoancss tob THE BVXXaiXBO MT IfBBXABBBT lOAOS XB JAOKEOB OOVBTT, OBE. . Notice Is hereby given that on the 30th day of September. lll. an election will be hold throughout Jackson county, Ore gon, for the purpcto of submitting to the voters of Jackson county, Oregon, the question as' to whothcr or not debts for the building of permanent roads within Jackson county, Oregon, shall be Incurred In a sum not exceeding 51,500, ooo and Interest thereon, and oyer and abovo any and all Indebtedness of the county at the date of nald election, and Independent of any other indebtedness ne ttlllll ...., nlh...ul.i. HMrt....! MM.! ng said Indebtednenss to be evi denced by tho bonds of euld county, dat ed January 1st. 112, and payable twen ty years after date and bearing a rate of Intorast to be determined by tho coun ty court, but not to exceed six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, which Interest may bo evidenced by Interest coupons1 attached to such bonds, nnd Winch bonds and interest counons mav bo substantially in the form designated In tho order of tho county tourt for Jackson oountv. Oroirnn. rntllnrr en hi election, which order was dulv made nnd nnlereil nt renril In thA omt.itu .Atil nt mo sinje or uregon xor.oacKSon county, slttlnc for tho transaction of enuntv business at tho recuuvr. August. 1911. term of said court, which convened on the 2d day of Auirust. 1911. ajid which order wun mado nnd entered on the 3d day of August. 1911. Said election will be held In enoh election preefnet In said county, beginning at the ' tour of 8 o'clock In tho morning on the SOth day of September. 1911. and continuing until the hour of 7 o'clock In tho afternoon of said day. " . ThlH notice Is Issued in accordance with said order of said county court this 3d day of August 191 . W It COLUMAN, County Clerk Jnoksoh County. Oregon. FOR KENT Over the postoffloe with hent and light See A. A. Davis. FOR SALE Pumping engine, with gear ana witnout; wood saw complete; wood sawed to order. M. II. Maine, Pac. 742. Home Phone 143z. 153 FOR KALE Two horses, suitable for slriKl; or team work. Inqulro R. R. Creamery. 144 FOR SALE Ten head of well bred an gora bucks, choice 110 or will trade for calves. Chas. Gilchrist, Sams Val ley, Or. 146 WANTED. BUscenaaeoaa SIL'LES WANTED Wo want to pur chase eight flrst-clsss mules. Address cttTe W. S.' Rrooke, Hear Creek orchard. Box 2C3, P. O. 113 WANTED Hewing by the day. Bell 5091, or call 343 N. Ivy. Phono US WANTED Consignments of pcachesti cantaloupes, grapes, etc. We guarantee prompt returns. References furnished. Frank E. Blair Com. Co., wholesale commission Co., Eugene. Oregon. 18 i WANTED Consignments of peaches, canta'oupes, grapes, etc. We guarantee prompt returns. References furnished. Frank E. Blair, Com. Co., Wholesale Commission Co, Eugene, Oregon. 164 WANTED To rent. 6-room, 1-story, modem bungalow, before October 1, Phono 3171 Pacific WANTED To borrow. 3500 on city property, security worth 11800; will pay 10 per cent Interest, two years' time. Address II 2, care Mall Trlbun. 145 WANTED Two nice unfurnished house keeping rooms. Inquire Druggist at Hankies.' drug Btore. 147 HELP WAKTEO. Xsli Wasted alaXs WANTED -Girl for general' housework. Inquire 325 & Ittverslde. 14$ LABORERS WANTED Ten laborers for work at Prospect. Apply at room 102 Electric bldgT. 218 W. Wain St. Prospect Construction Co. USINESS DIRECTORY' Chiropractors. DR. It. J. LOCKWOOn Chlroprnotlc, nerve specialist, 212 Fruitgrowers Bank building. Office hoars! 2 to 4. Phone Homo 2I9K. Ilesldenco lib Roosevelt. Hours: 10 to J2 and 1:30 to 7:30. Phono 1QSK. Special hours by appointment. Scientific massage given. Advl'co In dietetics. Medical gymnastic hydro thcropy. DAVIES to IRLE Chiropractors, 2 8. Central ave. Phone Main 614. Office hours: 2 to 4 p. m. Consultation nnd examination free. oirars Ba Tobaceo. TIZZaKD st aNTLE, Smokehouse Dealers In tobacco, cigars, and smok era' .supplies. JSxelustve agent of Lewis Single Binder, El Merlto and EI Paten cia. 313 West Mala street. Twraitmf. IL J. WILSON CO, dealers In now and second-hand furniture and bard ware. Agents for Household stoves Main 315L Home 285-L. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Cor n..r ?tn -ana. Hoy atreeta, Medford. Mlsslpa furniture made to order. Cab inet wBric of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MOIIDOFF WOLFF Cookstovcs and ranges. New and second hand furni ture Eads' old stand. IS Fir street. South. Phone 91. Home 383-K. Med io ru. Sraaiu Wtols. ilEDt -witU BKICK CO. ieo. W. PrlOd'y, O. D Nsgle. Oeo. T. CBrten Contraol tors and manufacturers of brick; tattl ers In pressed brick and lime. OWIce floor. Phone No. 318L Hauling. GARBAGE HAULED Leave orders nt 29 South Itartlett. or phono Rodney Taylor, 3C32. Prompt service. ies BCaalo. MIS3 TURNEY. Piano Instructloa and musical history, 309 South Newtown street. Phone 8501 Belt BUalna; aCarhlsery. SEE MATT CALHOUN of Phonlx. Or.. r ibr Q?XeL Q"?" Mill & Crusher S0'!1? Brodway, Denver. Colo- had at Phoenix. Oregon. Matt Calhoun. STotary JfaeUo. WANTED A strong boy to Jearn trade. Apply Medford Sheet Metal Works. 128 Kasi .Main. WANTED Teamsters to bid on hauling 2000 cords wood, r Gld Reay Realty Co. BttsoeOassoas. FOR SALE One steel range with reser voir, us good ns new; one 2 1-2-lnch spring wagon with canvns top. F. S. Duy, East Jackson street, between Bear crook and P. & E. bridge. 144 FOR RENT Garden land In tracts of from one acre upwards, with water for irrigation. Owner will furnish team and Implements for cul tivating and seed for share of crop, Inquire of Buffum, Rogue River Elec tric Co., 21S W. Main. FOR LEASE Flslng. boating nnd hunt ing resort on easy terms. 218 W. Main. FOR SALE Acreage. LOST. LOST Strayed or stolen, a Bllvor Pci nlnit eat. Reward if returned to 39 North Ornngo street. LOST A, gold link fob. signet with ini tlrtls It. K. A Return to Medford Fur iilturo Co. and tecolvo reward. 141 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, iron SALliT-nHt wing restaurant In Medford. Owner hits other Jiuslness .which requires his attention, Bargain .fur tush. Address Bif io, caro TrN burnt office. 118 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE mai sstata FOR HCHANQM Metlford and subur ban property, ranches.' timber lauds for other properly. Gold Ray nalty xCo., 318 W. (Mala. , FOR SALE 3500 acre of range land nt IS per acre, within a mllo of the center of n prosperous growing town of 12, 000 population. Plenty of water; Ideal winter range; good transportation fa cilities: two railroads; land will rap. Idly enhancn In vnluo with the Increase, In population coming to imp neign horhood. For terms and complete In formation, address A. E. Montgomery. Union Savings Bank Bldg., Oakland.47 WANTED Salesman for exculslve ter ritory. Big opportunities. No expe rience necessary. Complete line Yak ima Valley grown fruit, shade and ornamental stock. Cash 'weekly. Out fit free. Toppentsh Nursery Company, Toppenlah. Wash. " WANTED Salesmen In every locality o the northwest: money advanced week ly; many make over 11000 month choice of territory. Yakima Voile Nursery Ca, Topenleh. Wash. XI Wanted Veaaala WANTED Chambermaid. 320 East Main street. 14S HELEN- N. YOCKKT. Notary public. The" VaUUrT?ibukne!0 m " ' l' Bnrsenes. MEDFORD GREEN HOUSB Cut flow ere, potted plants, shrubbery bulbs. 923 E. Main. Phone 374L "" - Q?AS.En NURSEP.D3S Our trees are brrfene,Ln?v.lrrar,e,-.0ur t0c!e ' " ,f!ca,,t- Vl,e ruarantee everything put out. We are not In the trust H. a Patterson, office removed u Il K. ROGUE IWVER VALLEY NURSERY ?i n.c'"n0r2Se.rs of h,5.n "'lo nur- ".. w. viiico ii o, rlr. poones. Both 'gayalcUas ana Wargeoaa. JU.' CONltOY m.inev t ... A and surgeons. Taylor and Phlpps bid room, 210-211-212. OfMoe pficw. & residence phone 613. Office hours t ni. io a p. m. U-xnT nrc0? DIt- EV'A MAINS xASiiOW' Ostoopathio physicians! -j w.w. iiuno jiain oaai. WANTED Woman for renersl houses. yrork, one who con cook. Wages 33(5 per month. Apply Buffum. Rogue luver Eiectrlo ca, zi w. Main. UJft AIITEJIAS W. DBANE Dentist Office In Rlalto bai 133 aSSs" S?h aSm'nl1tel 'or extraction ' Phon1. 44ST3!lePh0ne Maln "' Nl MISCELLANEOUS FREE Hog feed, awlll, nt English Chop Houso for tho hauling. Phone 1671. 144 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ftttoraaya. FOR SALE In Coos oounty, Oregon, 525 acres of coal land, mine In opera tion on property: 3 veins of coal. 4 and 6-foot In thickness; also electrlo light und power plant on property: coal can bo mined with electricity, Address Box 39, caro Mall Tribune office. 45 tots FOR SALE Lots and small tracts for sale Buy direct and avoid commls Bton. M. M. Maine, Pac. Phone 742 Homo 14 $r, 153 Business Xroprty FOR SALE OR RKNT Good opening fot general merchandise store in ' new town with 115,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, II miles from Medford. Gold Buy Realty Co.. SIS W. Main. Boasts FOR SALE Eight-room bungalow, 3 blocks from depot. Central Point; city water, electric light, sower connec tions, smallharn, henhouse, yard flow er garden: prlco 11000 cash. Inquire ft A, IMukoy, Central Point. 170 BClsoeUaneoaa FOR SALE Bargain In two rifles. 30-30 Winchester IS. 23.clber Winchester 17. 737 West Fourteenth street, 148 FOR BALE Peaches. '50o a box nnd up, dollveioil,; Orange Klligs ror pickling, KlbertttH and Mulf. pears, plums and grapes also.' Phone, Homo 000." COLVIQ & 11EAMES W. M. L. Iieaniea. Lawyers. Office Medford isauonai pang c-uiiumg, second floor. Coivlg, C PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY . Attorneys-at-law. Nos. J, and 2 Post- OIIICO DUUUlDg. A. E. REAMES Lwyer. Gornett-Coroy UUllUXUg. MULKEV & CHERR (a F. MULKEY, OEO. W. CHERRY) Lawyers. Prac tice in all state and federal courts. Booms 11 and 13, Jaokson County Bank bldg. Arohiucw. 5HNS TURNER, Architects and Builders. Office 7-8. 33C Main: phone Main 3471. Residence phone 744. Accountant. D. n. WOOD Oeneral accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office Medford Mall Tribune Building, phone 6611, residence phono 1601. Asssytr ana Analyst. ,f.r,?, Gamatt-Cprey bldg.. rSomi 3li.il .,-"' KS." u,uft' rooms .LalKeTjCjftone" 2093. neac Dmrimiu LOCKWOOD. physician and DR. MYRTLE H. LOCKWOOD S,l?nCt,AJ,.nm,teU to diseases of wS men. Offices over Hnsklns drug store. Phones: Pacific 1001; Home 28. ne' yf' Au -.Vaa oyoa J -e ,Yai Scpyoc, aoS6ioroy bId8 u''t8 s- Medford. . Oregon- Both Phones. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon, practice -Imited'to eye. ear, and throat, eyos scientifically tested and glasses supplied. Offices il East Main street over Medford Hardware Co.Pany: hours 8:30 n. m. to 1 p. m! bpth phonos. " " DRa SAUNDERS AND GREEN Prao tlco limited to eye. ear. nose and throat Office: Suite 318 Oarnett Corey building. Both phones. """'" Main 3191. Home 131K. Ghlaose Medlolats. " " CII!?.W KOUN4'.8 Chinese medicines "wlii cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golt t..tMr.oat an.a In trouble, deafness, parolyals. private diseases and In kinds of chronlo and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation. Indiges tion, womb and bladder troubles. So me at 841 S. Front at. Medford. or. to 4. 6:30 to 7:80. Itesldonco phone Phono Main 42. Frtntey and 3?nbllshrs. ASSAYER AND CHEMIST Earl V. In gels. B. Sc General assay and an alytical worK. Yemeni ana nspnati testing. Best equipped assay offloe and testing laboratory in Oregon. All wortc guaranteed, urants pass, or. Abstracts. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT TITLE CO.. INC., Jacksonville, Phones Piolflo, Main 11: Home 2006. Billiard Vanors. a T. BROWN & CO. Billiards. Cigars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs. Young ft nan buiiatng. a nice, cool yiaoe to spend tho hot afternoons BUI Posters. ' VHRNK T.CANSNBlll poster and Dli trlbutor. 'All orders Room 39. Jackson Co Ins, Medford, Oregon. nronintlv filled Room 39. Jacksoq County Bank build MEDFORD PRINTING CO ' has the best cju,yuju juu uiuce in coutiiera Ore gon; book binding; loose leaf systems: Sutarr!'taI lc'-' Portland' prices. t 27 North Fir street BTnGER - WHEpLBR & WILSON sowing machines for sale and rent. Re pairs. Caro Duncan local respresonta tlvo. Phono 6013. No. 1Q South Fir street. ELLA M. tenogrsphers. pUANVAW Palm" T1IA..1. Stenographic work dona nulnVIv ami well. ' MISS L. J, HINaSTON, t'ubllo'steJiog rapher, Modford. Oregon, Pion.w: Of fice, Home, 95; Paclflo 5331; residence, Paclflo 1361; Oarnott-Coroy Bldg, skgnsT' T"1 VALLEY SIGN ADVERTISING! Co! 8ION8 will holn build up your bus" ness. Phone 803. 18 Riverside avwi t i , 4 1 i ' J 1 t i I u k1 n V H