IT PXGBTOUB .i atEDEORD MAIL TRIBUNE, ftrEPlTORP, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 0, 1011. I I!: f Ik If. MKDrbRD Mail TrH4unD AM IftoKPMttnnNT NRWBPAPHfl runusiiKD nvr.nT ai-thunoon c XXCKPT BUNDAT. IJT TUB M MRDPOnb P1UNTINO CO. w Tha Democratic Times. The Medford Mall, Th Medford Tribune Tha South fpi OrcKonian. The Annum xripuna. Office Mall Tribune Bulldlnav ? Mam Korth Fir Horn 7B. street; phone, 1021, SOROS) PUTNAM, Editor and Manager . , Enters a second-class matter at Med ferd, Oregon, under the act of March t, ISTS. I Official Paper 'of the Cllr ojt Medford Official rapar 01 jacitaon .toii v in;smxrrxox jujcjw. One year, by mall tJS One month, by mall .............. .so Per month, delivered by carrier is "'Medford. Jacksonville and Cen- tral Point ,. Saturday only, by mall. per year.. 2.00 Weekly. Per year " r nrsu (hxcuxjltiox. Dally averace. for atx. month. tadJnK December 31, li0, 8531. yaH SMWl Wn mate VMM SlapaUhes. The Mall Tribune le on Wile at the Ferry News Ktano. Ban jrrraciaca. Pnrtfatid Hotel News stand. PorUaaa, Bowman News Co Portland, Ore. W. O. Whitney, Seattle, Wash. JOLTS AND JMtLES By Ad Brown A Chirrs0 mnn, who bet ho could drink fifteen -Rlnsttes f whisky, died at tho eleventh.- No one can say he got aljHhat' wascdiinrig to him. ... . Tho hero of the honrr tho man who married a wloiaait blacksmith. Tho rollinjr stone gathers no moss, Tho proverb maker sings, But tho rollinir tone that bound along Sees a bij lot of things. Tho product of tho gross cutter factories is mower each year. 4 Of course yon aren't reading the details of tho Beattie case, but what do yon think of it anyway f With a wireless fetation on tho new hotel all the sparking won't be done across tho street in the park. Just to show that there arc many kinds of people in tho world, one man thinks that Sunny Jim Sherman is going to be the next president. YESTERDAY'S SCORES. National League. At Chicago Chicago S gt Louis 2 AJt Philadelphia Philadelphia 6 Brooklyn 0 American League. At Philadelphia Philadelphia 10 Washington 4 At Boston s Boston 3 New York 4 Pacific Coast League. At Vernon R. H. B. Vernon 3 8 0 gen Francisco 5 12 4 At Oakland. 9 fjji Oakland 4 9 1 Los Angeles .... 3t 8 2 At Portland Portland 6 12 1 Sacramento 3 G 3 Northwest League. At Tacoma Tacoina . . 8 10 Seattle H 15 - No other games; rain. SUPPLEMENTARY RECALL PETITIONS ARE FILED SEATTLE, Wn.t 8cpt. 0. Filing of supplementary recall petitions aguinst Mnyor George W. Dilling ended at fl h'clock yesterday nftcnioon. They contained 2G1G uuuics. Tho check of the first petitions showed that they wero 1,275 names short. Shjoo that time tho Dilling nnti-rc-cull committee have kecured 3,000 withdraw, which added to 1,275 ipukes 2'275 names lucking for a re call election. fl It is claimed that the supplemtnl ary potltjons 'filed yesterday had 4, 000 name's hut it in improbable that sufficient names will ho left after checking to assure tho recall election. LADIES OF THE JURY IS NOW THE SALUTE SPOKANE, Wn, Sept. C Cus tomary greetings to the jury in the superior court by lawyers was changed horo today. It is now "La flies mid gentlemen of tho jury." "Mth. Henrietta West, Mr. O. It. Burscll and Mrs L, Nowton are the first wolnon jurors horo to be so greeted. Thoy aro nerving on a jury before which a personnl dnmngo suit (s being tvipd, in. Judge Ivonuij'e court. W-iM Sportsmen Save your trophies thla year. Thcro will bo nono to savo In a few years. This cut shows when to cut tho skin. Js'cvor cut tho front of a deer's neck. Call at Humphrey's Gun Storo and get a pamphlet frco, telling how to savo gamo heads, birds and skins for rugs, published by l TurMcoulst F. W. BARTLETT if Medford, Oregon 0PJHHJWJHH0J a ' The i Rain's Lesson Order That Rain Coat Now MEN'S 'AND WOMEN'S PEIESTLY OEAVK1JETTE8 MADE TOjMEASUEE $18 TO $23.00 Five days remain of special advance 10 per I; cent discount Suit Sale at :: :: :: :: '4 t ' . j CriswelFs Qualify, t Shpp ; ; Room 4, St. Mark's Bldg. Entrance Electric Bldg. I I I THE SOCIALISM OF PERKINS. GEORGE V. PERKINS, partner of ,1. P. Morgan, hns adopted part of the socialist program- hut only that part which serves the interest of the trusts. In n recent articlo, Mr. Perkins says: "What has given us the sweatshops? Competition. "What has given us child labor? Competition. "What throws labor out oC employment? Competition. "What eausos low wages? Competition. "What briugs panic and failure? Competition. "And what is our congress at this moment calling loud ly on our attorney general to enforce, even to the door of the nail? Competition. "The congressman who stands for a literal onforoo- ment of tho Sherman act stands for the sweatshop and child labor. Convpetition produces the two extremes millionaires and paupers, while co-operation looks toward more sUiblc conditions and a more equal distribution of wealth. This blessed country of ours is suffering from a deluge of politicians and a dearth of statesmen. Wo must give better men to our public life." jr. Perkins cannot name a trust that he not nernet- uatcd sweatshops, child labor, low wages, when it could. What Mr. Perkins wants is to have tho predatory in terests lett severely alone. The "competition" Air. Perkins talks about is but one sided competition. A fe.w control most of the opportuni ties for producing wealth. The competition the rest of us enjoy is to obtain tho permission of the ic.w to earn a living. True, competition qxists only where no specjal privi lege exists, and special privilege is the foundation corner stone of the trusts and the one thing they seek to preserve and the one thing Mr. Porkins would perpetuate. OUR POLITICS. TUB AIAIL TRIBUNE is in receipt of the following lntrnv rJnrnil jif Afcrniv f Ano-ilcf- 1U fvnu lit' IT P Theiss: "Will you be kind enough to inform me what your pol itics should be or is, as I am an ardent-reader of your paper." The political beliefs of the Mail Tribune are certainly reflected in its editorials. It is independent, owes ho alle giance to party, faction, convention, formula or ism. We regard party merely as a means to an end, and partisanship simply as blinders to drive the people through prejudice against their own interests. The end we desire is the greatest good to the greatest number, which we believe can be best obtained in a gov ernment literally by, for and, of the people. , We believe in the democracy of Jefferson and Lincoln, in the insurgency of LaFollette, in the tax reforms of Henry George, in some of the doctrines of Karl Marx, all of whom were working for a, common end the better ment of humanity as it was given them to see it.' "We believe in free trade and the abolition of special privileges, in the elimination of economic-waste, in equality before the law and other steps in the social evolution to ward Utopia. We believe that all men were created with equal rights to, equal opportunity to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, ana that man is only entitled to that which he himself produces. Locally, the Mail Tribune stands for progress, the up building of the coniniunity,lionpsty and efficiency in pub lic office. This, in brief, is the politics of the Mail Tribune. GUNS SHOOT FIFTEEN MILES New Weapons on Texas York Fifty-three Feet Cost Mounted Over Apiece. 4 and New Long nnil $125,000 RICHES AWAKE LITTLE NEWSBOY Five Year Old Boy Goes to Sleep In Fashionable Hotel to Find a Hat ful of Nickels Awaiting Him on Awakening. WASHINGTON, 1). 0 Bout, tu Apparently thoro Is no limit to tho ranfjo ot tho IiIr ruhh on Undo Sam's ships nml coast ilcfcn08. A fow yenra ngo gun which roulil hoot accurately a tltstnnco of ton mltcu wn conslilortM remarkable, but tho lat est acquisition 'to I'nclo Sam's arma ment will demolish any battleship or fortification now lu oxlstouco nt a distance ot 15 miles, When It Is considered that during tho clll war, only 30 years nj;o, two miles was tho greatest ratiK poBslblo with tho guns In uno at that time, tho ranRO of tho now 1 Much death deal ers seems phenomenal. These now guns will bo mounted on tho largest of tho new battleshlps.nno Texas and tho New York, both of which aro of tho Delawaro type, and It Is claimed that the per foot Ion ot these guns will make these two ships tho most powerful and most to be .dreaded lu tho world. Tho now gun is 53 feet G 1-2 Inches long and wolghs, stripped, G3.G tons. Tho di ameter nt tho breech Is 47 Inches and at tho muxxlc 24 Inches. Kach uno l.OS ANOUhKS, Sept. fi. Utile Michael l'aoff, n, a newsboy, today Is tho happiest kid lu all Los Augeteu. Ilo took his elder brother's place selling papers, but ho was so small that nobody seemed to iiotlro him, Discouraged and sleepy, ho wandered Into u fashionable hotel and, sinking Into a big, soft chair, went to sleep. Two large tears glistened from his eyelashes. Ills frayed hat lay on tho floor. lllg-heartod Harry S, Dewey, a wealthy Now York lumberman, dls covered tho lad. lhnuglug a $10 piece Into silver coins, ho poured them Into Michael's hat. Other guests followed his example, Tho Jluglo nt money awakened tho llttlo street merchant, "Oee," ho llspod, "I must havo all thu mnuoy lu the world. Won't sister Kannlo and brother Tom bo glad. I inust hurry home." Dewey sent tho lad homo. In n big automobile. APPLES FOR EUROPE Wo nro appointed ngonts for J, 11. THOMAS, Covont llnrdon, Lon don and Southampton. Idwluml, whoso charges nro 6 por cent and 0 cents per box. JA3. LINDSAY & HON, Lid., Olns now ami Kit ntiuruu. Hcouauu, i por cent and 10 cents per hoj. HAW80N HOIUNHON, Hull, 13ng limit, r por cent and 8 conts bor box. TIioro nro tho oldont and lnrgost firms In thulr respoctlvo towns, and their roforonco nn to flnnnclal null ities can ho had at Modford National Hank, Modford, Oregon. Cash can ho cahlod day aftor salo If required, and hlghost markot prices guaranteed. Hod Kneed Men smoking 11IO CIO Alia talking "HOT Allt" don't nlwnys llvo on air, houco our remarks on charges. Tho clap-trap about prlvnto snlo does not prove romuuorntlvo, except for somo curios ot a small nature. All sellers by private sale hnvo to wait until auctions aro over so ns to know what to ask, nnd In tho enso of largo supplies they often got loft. Kor further particulars, address j-W. N. White (EL Co. O PAKIC l'UVOM NKW YOUK Where to Go Tonight NOTICK OF KHJHTIl (IIIADR UNI KOIW! KXA.MI.VATION. NTnMnn la linrnliv tflvnn Hint I till 1. 1 :" ' "'. cnrrlnnext regular uniform examination of Tn.TrJJ,th'!!!1 T applicants for olghth grado diplomas add 50,000 to this prlco. ., b(J ,loM r,optombQr 7 nm, 8 mi( "-"- ' "' l tli.rf 4i o iwiiuno. NOTICK, Notice Is hereby given that It. D. Hoko of Central Point, Oregon, hns been duly appointed ndmlnfAtrntnr of tho cstato of Kugcno U. Hoko of Los Angeles county, California, and It Is hereby roqucstcd that any creditors having claims against said estate shall present tho same, with propor vouch ers, to It. II. Lincoln, nt No. 401 Gnr-nett-Corey building, Medford, Oregon, within six months from tho date of this notice, which dnto Is August 17, 1911. Hasklns for Healtn. Thursday, September 7 Physiol ogy, writing, history and civil govern, mont. Friday, September 8 Grammar, arithmetic, geography, spelling. All thoso who wero conditioned In ono or two subjects In tho Juno, 1911, examinations should write upon such nt this examination. Othnrwlno thoy will loso tho credits earned. This will bo tho last examination for ontrnnco to high schools until January, 1913. J. PKKOY WKLL8. County School Superintendent. 1 M -1 J J. 1 ' .If LWJ.l 1 1 JJ.JI j-" - ' ' n.v "DIGNIrTINIi THE INDUSTRIES" Tbti ! the title of a bsauttnil Ci-ptge book, which will i.ov ny bot or ctrt tow to SUCCEED. Drop a poiUt In tho mall TODAY and It will bo tnt TREE. Th aim of th Collet 1 to dlcnlrr and popuUrli tho laduttrtet , and to irr ALL tho popl. It offers counts In Acrlcultur,ClTil EoclBorloc, Eloetrlcal Enjlccrlnr.McbnlcalEnjlncerlnj.MialttKEniln. erlnr, I'ortry, DotaMtlo.Scltnco end Art, Com tnorco. Pharmacy and Miute. Tho Collect opens 8ptcabr2ld. Catajocfrt. Addreut ItEOISTgAS, CRE00H AOniCUrrURAL OOLLEQE. Corvallli, Orecoa. W ITHOUT the best in groceries your cooking cannot be a success; The good working man never attempts to build with dofioiont tools or bud matoriul. fe is too proud of his work. So with the.!WQcessful cook. Only the finest groceries can bring satisfaction. We sell that kind. Successful cooks are ourest patrons. , TAKE FLOUR For instance, WAITSBURG PURE WHITE is the kind that gives complete satisfaction. A ' ALLEN GROCERY CO. O - 1 O H . CRN 'J' HAL A V J! . Draperies Wo carry a very comnUU Itn. of draporlcs, faro eurlalna, flxturoa, oto,, ami Co all olasion of UphoUrtorthtf. A special man to look after thla work scltiftlvitty and will kIv aa itooti rtlc aa la tMsatbla to fat la veu Iho largoat elllta. Weeks & McGowan Co Kiefer Trees No 50 por cent lotset, tho risk Is ours. Wo aro filling to innko 1ol contrnct with you. To plant Kl fer Pear trees. To work there o top of any Tarloty you may Ml cct. $ Wo buy Kolfor tores of Hturk Bros., and Mt. Arbor Nursorle.. Homo Grown Trees, uo batter grown. MedfordNursery Company 421 NOUTII CKNTItAL AVK. I'hoao 7451 1.1 ', l-J 1JI I Jl I , -.1 J " 1 U.IL-1 Phone Pacific 2681 Home 268 For MILK . M$ ORBAM for WHIPPING, BUTTERMILK, BUTTER, IOID CREAM, or SHERBETS. "Not the Cheapest but the BEST." Rogue River CREAMERY 134 N. Riverside Avenue Newport TAQrZWA, BAT ofcMomi ounx bsaox BBHOBT An Idoal retreat for outdoor pastimes of nil kinds. HUNTING, 1MH1IINO, noATiNo, huuv imtiiino, mo. I NO, AUTOINM, CANOKINO. UANQ TfO AND IlOLI.i;it flKATINO. Whero pretty wntnr hkImi, moss an Mom, niorjii-ntonos, curnellsnu can bo found onv tho lionuh. I'urp mountain water nnd tlio host of food at I6w prions. I'rtiih fish, olaniB. crulin and oyatora, with abundunco of voKotablus of all kinds dally, Camping1 Oroanda OobtbUb aa4 At- raptlva with BtHct BaalUry gTlaUoBS. SOW BOUVS B BBAIOV TIOXBTI Trora All Volnta la Orfon, Waaa Urton sad Idaho, oa sal dally, I-DAT BATVB&AY.MOBBAX TXOKXTB " from Bauthern I'aclflo points Portland to Cottutfo Orovoi uIno from all O. A 13. stations Albany and wet. dood koIiik Haturday or "Sunday and for rutum Hunday or Monday, Call on any H, 1', or O. & 19, Agent for full partloulura as to fares, train schedules, otc.i also for copy of our llluslratod booklot, "OutliiK'i In Or Kon," or wrlto to Wltf. MoKVBBAV neral riingv' Afeat, Portland, Orairoa. irlffirifn THE ISIS THEATRE lKclal ICiiKiupnont ofclnolnJiiuit ! " HHH'lnt IJiiHnui'iiu'itt of KUUTIHH THOlll'i: 01'' TltAINi:i HOOHTKIIH ; Koitnnlloss of cxiicuoo, cuiiiom tho Itrcatost ami only act of Its Kind In tho world, Twunly trnluod roost ors. It hnnlly septus pnsslhlo that such n thliiK could ho done, hut ; tlnto nnd im Ilo nro will provo to nlltht what can ho nrcoinnllshod I whuu Kurtlss'H trnluod roostora will clvo their first performance 1 lloliiK tho only net of Its kind ovor shown htri. It should ho a (trout drnwluit car for tho next fow nights Uvorywhum they havu performed thoy havo caused a Kreat dcnl of ; newspaper tnllc. Don't miss see In B this wundorful act. jnwwwMnni UGO Theatre I'OK TIIK QUKKN'H IIONOK (Iloautlful story of sacrtflco of slstor to savo queen's honor.) TIIAT'H HAPJ'INIXN (lllll luvllrn Susy to (ho Iroa aunstora' bill.) CUPIO IN CIlAPfl (A cowhoy comody) Rock Spring Goal B KAJTB ALT, TBB Office aad CoI Yard, Twelfth I"roiit Htrwts. l'honc. 7191. Burbidgc COAX, MAS . PLUMBING BTKAM AND HOT WATKIt IIKATINO All Work Uu.rante4 Price noesoBAblo SS Howartl Illock, KaUraace oa OUi Htrrct. Coffeen & Price I Pacific 8031 HoBta B4 II! aL- iii 7 A Full Line of School Books and School Sup plies at The Merrivold Shop WKMT MAIN BT. BOOKS Latest' Fiction' Received ' Daily at Medford Book Store V