MEDirOUD MATL TRTTHJNE, MTCDFOUD, 'OKWION, TUESDAY, 8EPT13M13IDT10, "inn. PTlGB'TTIIOT w ff RUSSIAN LION PLAYED FALSE Hnckcnsclimlilt, Hnvlnn Rrcclvuil Money In Ailvnncc.Qult Cold and Mndo No Effort to Overcome Gotch Promoter Mud llio Profit tJIUCAOO, Hop!. 5." Tlmt tlonrgo lliicldiiiHclinilill null colli In hln iniiluli wllh I'm nk (lotdi, ('luiiiipliiu wren- tlor of Hit) world, iiiul Unit tlio flnnco will put n crimp In tlio itrupplliiK giuno In CIiIciiko for ri'iim to loiiio, won tlit ('OIIni'iimijm of opinion liuro toility, TliuL Jitck Ciirly, iimiiMKcr of tln ItiiHhlun I. Ion iiiul wicrotnry o (ho Kiitplrn cluli, which MtiigtM thn lioul, IiiiIiiIkimI In noiiio purllciiliirly mnootli worli In innulnuliillnu or the Moii'h unit or tint pumu wait ili-nli'd liy noiii). Klulity'Scti'ii 'I'lKMiNiintl, Tlio total rccolptM of ho iiiutcli ug nr'Kut'i 1x7,00:1, dm lo'iivli'Mt In ilic liUlory or tlio kiiiiio. Tlio cluli' tx Ihuimcii won' ftOOO, notch, by pr- vIoiih uriuiiKoiiiinti P'Cflvcil i 3 1,000 unit t0 pur rout or tlio rccclptn from tin Nilo or tho moving pli'Uiri'. 'I'lic- nrctlciilly, llnild'iinohiiililt wiih to tlmw ilown 70 per rtrnt or tlu r uinlmtor. iiiiiouutliiK In thin enwo to 14.1,000, Ho 1II1I not got tho inoiH-y. Curl))' pa I.I him 1 1 1.000 iuhI 112500 itildllloniil for (ruining exiu'iimN, Ioiiv. lug (lot (tituto iiiiiniiKnr ih vory noat llttlo niiiii of f'J!',37 to until down tignliua u rnlity duy. Curloy ulo n colvoil it iilitrtr or thn cluli'n profltn. bringing hln total itluirtt up to $3t Bin, to miy nothing of oiiu-iiiurtor ot tin moving plcturo rcci-lptH. Illg lttllrtl Quit. It I gtmurnlly bt'llovori that I luck ontifliiiildt, hnvlug n'rnlvwl hi pig ment In iiilvniH'i', decided Unit thoro wun IKtlo to ho Kiln I'd hy going through nit (trillion rounto or train ing nnil rt'iilly HiriiKKlluK mik'uhI the lowit utrotiK inmi. Ho iiult, nud It U prolmhlc Hint bU wrontllug tiny, In Amur lea tt leant, tiro ended nit n rr milt. KtruiiK nlouc with hot ilopo nliout tho l.lon'n florro iloturmluntloii to i;nlti tho niitutlo of tho wroutlliiK champion, tin uporlltiK public almlloil Hit coin In Inrco Kohl. It U deeined hlnhly liuprobitlilo that It could ho In duced to do HO Again. (Jlltcll IHkipHlllltlll. "I exported Mackenncliinldt to iiiitUo n bettor jihnwIiiK," ho anlil. "I never worked harder propurliiK tor n tiintch than I did for thin 0110, I thought uro wo would ko tho limit of threo hour, nt loiat mid wit prniar t'd to ko five. For uioittliH I hnvo cn tl tired tho phynlenl exertion from three to five Itottrit. "My future plntiH nro perfected. I will ko to llumholilt nt once to nr nino my tiffnlrn Mr n lour of Amor leu, KiikIiiiiiI, Hrotlitnd, Franco, (lor niiuiy, Atutrla, Sweden and tlien Htop at AthtuiH, whoro wrenllliiK lit nlwayit an honored puHtlmo. Thou I will ko to Africa, AiiHtrnllit mid finally to Honolulu. To Tour llio World. "I will rIvu exhibition In (ho world'n capital mid liirKer cltle 011 rout", Ditto already h.tvo been n mired mo In London, Liverpool, Mos cow. PnrlH, llorlln and othor rornlr.11 cllloit. After lervliiK Honolulu I will return to my farm, which It (ho niom welcome plitco for 1110. Tho lour will lam 11 1 no montliH, and (lion I will ho it Koudoiiiuu fanner, maltliiK hiicIi ox hlliltloiiH iih tho oxlKOliny iliininndu "1 will nw ho roudy to appear In public, fyollUK that I bolontf to tho putillo mid to Humboldt. In my tour liiK I will not Htop nt thealern, and 110 thoutilcal oiiKiiKoinoiHri will ho played. I wilt appear In InrKo IiiiIIh to inako Miiro that I net away from thn HtiiKO IiiihIiiohh. "Tho lour will aturl In two wooIch mill about threo montliH will ho npout In tho Unltotl Uitc'H. I will not carry 11 troupo, Jut 11 I minor, vulot mid my mmiuKor, Kmll Klank, mid my wlfo, who Ih tho hlKBoat part of tlio company." SOCIETY GIRL PAYS FOR TAXI RIDE WITH KISS rflS ANOKIiBK, Sept. fi. "Oi-o wlilz, I'm dizzy .vol, Ami nil lor u ilollur. I winli It won 11 mUlion, I would luko it nil in kiHhiiH," Duvltl Hull, 11 liixionli ilrivor, ox plotlcil IIiiih loilny nl'lor hoin kinst'tl liy Ml Vivian Toinplt'loii, 11 prolly Sun Kraiicirtoo Hocinly (,'itl, who round liiu'Miiir nt llio ih'pol lioro with out a coiil. MIhh Tomplolon was howililorod, "Oh Honvt'iiH," him t'riutl. "W'luit hIiiiII I do? I Iiiiyo 110 monoy." "Koiii'oli 1110," roplicil Moll. "My ftuio Ih my roiluno," Hinilod llio llliHH. "Woll hiiiiio' of Hint I'oiluuo will hiiMhI'v nuV Hiiid Holl. KIkIiI llioro and Hum Ml Tom pli'lou punned io Hinnok in ilio iioh 01100 of Hdvoiul lilllidicd poirtoliH. lluakluu for Hoalth, " Famous Singers to Appear at Natatorium Sunday September 10 WtiBLi.:. & 3WHHWBBHHWL I .Mailmiie lleiiinnt Mi'koo, Mi'dford Ih lo linvr nuollior rare miiNii'iit tieat. I'Vrullo'N lianil will oppcar ut tlio N'ntiitotiiim in tlio aft ernoon of Hopl, lOlli. Tlii hiiiul of fil'ty itrtinl, uh fu- tllMUH IIH tllO HOIIHU lllllld, UrtHiHlcd by two Kinder, will j-ivo i" Mudford n jiroKrnni wliioh will npM'iil alike to llio iiiiiMiniiui iiiul tho mimio-lovin, lint untriiiiied listener, euntuiiiiiiK :h it doi'M it rani roiiihitintiuu of opir a tie, popular mid clnHriic olcotioiiH which forovor hnvo and torotor will ho fitvoutoh wild I lie miihiciil ptihl'' Thin ik to ho the program: Ktddlern ChoriiN troin Kit tint ..... (ilHIII'Ill JAPANESE PAPERS GRILL STAR JORDAN TOKIO, Sept. ... I)r Datiil .Tor - dun, provident nf Stnuford I'uiteii t" in today reonvinn oriticihin froinl tho JajmiioHo profx iih woll a Ur- mail ami Kiihmiui DiplnuintH fur "in-j totiiornli) mid offoiiho" luii(uajjoj ucil in reference to tlio ),nicr and! cxiir, Tlio hociotary ot tlio IIiihmui' t'inliaNKy loft tho nicotine; diirini; tho jindille of Ur. .lorduu'h nddre-tH. Such roiuurkx, oty tin: prcni, will lutvo tlio oppohito offoot lo his in tonilcd niovcmetit for pence SECRETARY FISHER DUE AT SEATTLE FRIDAY SKATTLK. W'n., Sept. f..-Sooio. larv of the Interior Wnltor I. Fihhor ik iluo to limit from his Alm-kmi trip noxt Friday. Tlio cliuiiihor of uomniofoo mid eonunercitil cluh will iivu mi hmupiut in lita honor Kriduv (ivoiiin. Tlio ,ponkorj, liohldoii tho xt'ort lary, will ho former Stmutor loliu T. WiUon nnil I'roHident Howard Klliolt of tho Northo'ni I'aoifio mi! oad. Tho FinIht paity loft Skupvny .fhlorday on hoaul tho revenue ful ler Talioiuii and will oomo iliicct to Seattle. Hot oat tl, ItoKiie, llnrltone. li.tormtwo "Al Fresco,".... Herbert Ovorluro, "Sitraot'n Slltvci" Mercadantc I'ilcriru ChortiK from "Iiinlmrdt". . . Verdi (Jnmil Holoolioir "Ciiiiiien". . . .Bir.ot SoJiI'ihIk , Si(,'iioii, Cuuolli, l.omoiite nud Curt i Haiicfi tif tint .SerpontH. .. .Hoooolnri Voenl Duot from Trovudoro. .Verdi .Moil, mid Mine. Hog'to ' nil. "The HkatorH"....Valdtenfel Soxlotto, "Luoirt ili l.ainennoor , Doni.ctti .SoloiHU: .. Canolli, Loinonle, Cuttt i'a.inoiulli, 1)1 1'iihii mil I)i 1'euti- iiin. 20 YEARS sftEficf GIVEN HOTEL BELLBOY TEN MILLIONS FOR KING'S VISIT Kino Gcorijc to Impress Natives of India With Power and Majesty of British Throne People Pay the Bill. l.OSDOS. Hopt. fi. Kln (Jeorno'H Htalo vIhU to Intllft roXl Doeoinhor, iIohIkiiciI to ImprofiK tho rintlvofl with tho power and ninjy of tho "Hrlt Iflh IlnJ," will rout about 110,000,000 and thin will ho peiil while a large portion of India Ih mirroring from drought plnguo and fmiilno. Thoro hnvo hocn Htrong protonta made roefiitly ai;aliift hiicIi h waHtc, nnil oven thoHC who ran tiHtmlly ho rolled upon to boont the cmiHo of Im perhillHiu aro today fuiKKofltlrig that tho monoy, or at leant part or It, might ho better oxpondod In reliev ing tho (Unless of tho people. Hut famine and plague are rather common In India, to, protentu not withstanding, tho great ' Durbar" nt Delhi will bo duly held and the king emperor, or "Knlder-l-HInd," ob ho Ik called In thut country, will grn clouHly Hhow hlnifclf to hln oriental Hiihjectfi. NKW YORK, Sept. r. -l'mil Goidol llio 17-yeiir-ohl bellboy who nuir deied np'd nud wealthy William .InckMMi in the fashionable hotel Iroipioix hole, wiih today honteneeil hy .Iiuljre I'rnin to not losrt than 21 yoatri mid not more llian iiiitural life ut haul labor. ( (it'idol tlihplayed no finotitm. He uiill.ed nut of the court prepared tt X to Suik Hiug mid paid no atten tion t his mother who sat bathed in ton i-.. CODDLING MOTH CURE "Profenfior," snld Jamea H. Har lour, the well known horticulturist, o Professor O'Gnrn, pathologist for ho Itoguo Hlver vnllej, "I see that dectrlclty Is being successfully ap- illcd to the eradication ot orchard losU. Wouldn't it be a great Idea to J ing an electric bulb In each troo with t tmuccr or kerosene underneath to atch the codling moths attracted by he light, and thus gut rid or the pest it small trouble and cost?" "I sec that somebody haa been stut flng you," replied tho professor, "and that all tho fools aren't dead yet Codling mothH aro repelled, not nt tracted by light, and always Beek the shady nooks." "In that caae." suggested Mr. Har bour, "why not uso dark lanterns?" ALFRED I IS BADLY HURT, i i Famous Raclnp, Animal Sprains a1 Tendon and Turns Ankle Racing Days May Be Over Some Good Sport at Track. Ilnrrliig nn accident to Alfred K., tho famotiH racing animal of south-, em Oregon, tho races at tho track .Monday afternoon were a groat sue- cost). A largo number attended In splto of the Intermittent rainfall. Al- frcd );. sprained his ankle mid hlsl racing days may be over. I Tim summary follows: ' Half mile, 2:30 class David liar-' urn went exhibition 1:12. AHrod K. broko down at first turn with wrench ed ankle. .1:30 pace, half mile Charles Tull's Spider first; Charles Allen's Nellie second. Time 1:30 and 1:29. Driving race nt buggy, half mllc Mlkscho's Viant Jr., first; 8chcrmcr horn's King .cond; Wurc's Mary Tu dor third. I'lmo, 1:25. Quarter mllo run Dollarhldo's roan maro first; Turpln's cheat mil second. Time, 27 seconds. Quarter mile run Dollarhldc's mare, Hrst; Dr. Helm's brown rllly, second. Time, 2C seconds. Pony race,, luir mile Paid face, first; filnck Houtity, second. , Hanklns for Heslth. ww;ww?MSMaw?xwMm 'i ',. VL Whet Your Appetite As an appeti ser before . u i . i r i or with y M HI H H yHwl WHKKSuZuS2Zii4 lunch or with your dinner Pabst BlueRibbon Tit Dr of Quility lias no equal in flavor and scat. It cxlu'laratcs without Undue stimulation ana i a fiplanutu aid to tli'i(03tion. Order a case today. Hu llouck, Agt, MrJIunl let A Slang Co., rtiono 2641 (aaMaMaaBaaMiwMi"'aiaaall'aaaaaB,aMMMI' I In New Quarters Wo nro now located in Jargor quarters, nt tho enst and of Jackson Streot, ncross Bonr Croek. Mill work bf all kinds on shortest notico Medford Builders Supply Co. Phono Homo 2-1 L East Jackson St. For Sain, Bottled or Draught, Nnsli Bar. FANS They aro healthful FTT Tho nro sanitary X They aro comfortable A v Tltejr cost ono-half cent an X hour to run 1.1 They nro Just tho thing to JLI keep your customer lit - i good humor - Then why not buy ouoT Call at the Electric Building 209 West Main and Examine the Large Stock ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Stops Falling Hair Churlcs Strung Guarantees Piirlhlun Sane, tho Itt'til Ilitlr Itemetly. You can abolish every particle of dandruff, you can stop Itching scalp, you can prevent hair from thinning or falling out by using PARISIAN SAGE, which Is sold on money back Iilan. PARISIAN SACK soaks Into tho roots of tho hair, and not only des troys tho microbes that cause hair troubles, but furnishes to the hair JuBt the kind of nourishment to make hair grow luxuriant and to put life and beauty Into It. Tho girl with tho Auburn hair Is on every carton and bottle of PARISIAN SAGE. Look for it, as imitations are numerous. Largo bottle SO cents at Chas. Strang's and druggists everywhere. Medford Natatorium Thurs. Evo 8:15 O'clock Sept. 7 FROM TREE TO TIRE AN INTLUIIHTIVU MOTION PlCTlltl' I'XTIJUTAINMKNT I'ltlfK TO M,t, Al TOMOJII!IKTS ANI OTIIKIIH INTKUKHTKl) ritr.i: TirKKTK may Im- hail nt nil Auto ami IHryclo Denlers. Voit nre (orillnllr Intlti'd to ntlciid it novel anil lntcrostliig nvti-r-tiliiiiiciil fdiiolNtliiK of a serlet of motion pictured vividly porfraylu IIioho jki'iich In lliii Kri-iit rubber forests of llrnll (hut lutvo to tlo ttlllt the gathering of trtitlo rubber by (ho unlive .Mouth American In (linn. A No motion vlctti of nH:rntJuiq iicie'eiiirj to bullil mi nlitu the, storting with (he crude materia! iiutl uorklng iii tn tho flul.ilieil protluct. Also the Fnmous Atlanta Auto Races at Atlanta Speedway There It not n thill moment from IhO ntnrt to the finish of thli fiitcrtitlumi'iit, tthlrh tikes nlKitit an Iimir to prt-HMtt. It does not constantly flaunt lxforo jnu (lie iiiune of any pitrtlrtilnr tiro maker nnil ran be appreciated and enjoyed hy nil. Doubly Jnten;tlng, of coiime, to the hhit of automobile tires. co.mi: alo.vo su rhino voir kuikn'oh B. F. Goodrich Co. um7SSrm Es One trial with a ga3 rango Is more effectual than all thu talk ever raised abo it It. Ask anyono who has cvor used gas If they would go back to the old coal or wood or oil and they will say no every time. Aro you using gas In your h-irne? Bettor get wise now to Its advantage over tho out-of-dato methods of lighting and heating. Oregon Gas & Electric Co. ; I Frco IIndsay light Installed with orery ange. Tavo your order now. Terms: Small monthly payments. Rogue River Valley Canal Co. AND ROGUELANDS Inc. FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager $250,000 Was realized from one district in Colorado from Canta loupes alone, first season's planting on new land Our Lands and Water will produce just as well in all kinds of Fruits and Garden Products Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Building Over 800 Cars of Products Shipped into the Valley Last Year Why Not Produce This at Home ? . Our Prices and Terms are Easy Call and See Us Ci 4 A BARGAIN IN PAINT WE ARE CLOSING OUT OUR STOCK OF PHOENIX HIGH GRADE PAINTS AT $2.00 PER GALLON; ALSO OUR COMPLETE STOCK OP MURESCO TINTS AT CORRESPONDINGLY "SOW PRICES Medford Hardware Comp'ny n 218 EAST MAIN ST, ijj