:'i ' N ' t ! PXGE TWO atEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MED3TORP. ORKOON. TinOSDAT, SMPT10M,mOR5t IDtl, I LOCAL AND PERSONAL I . .' " ' ' ;.:,,,..:. SECRET SERVICE MIr Ktinucr or Chlrnrfo 1ms taken 'a K)B!tlon ftrf trimmer In Miss I'ayn- torn mllllnory h1oi. Sho Ir nn oxibrt and arrived but yesterday rrom tlio vantvrn iimrkot. J!r.W,, h. Cameron, wife ami cTilld ot tlio Aiiulegntc spent Monday anil Tuesday In Medford. llulhrd Day of lllnck Warrior, Arlr., vns a. Monday arrival In Med fnnJ. JTelophonei 37i, Rardont Bakery ices anu tee cruaui; yiuiujM forfeftke, delivery. . K. A. WcBtorman and Miss Ida KvWcrrnnn or St. Louis arc Medrord jvlBltors. , .Jd? F? Gait or Gait, Mo., Is a recent Medford arrival. Chlneso Sacred Lilies and Japanese ' alr.planfa at Uroadleys. Phono 5181. ' ? 'J. S.elsori and S. kelson of Sioux City. la., nre visitors In Medford. H. II. Edmond of Pokegama. c, Provost and H. Provost of Portland and D. M. McLemao of Klamath Falls were Labor day visitors In Medford. Buy or rent a Slnpor to maka the fchllrens new school clothe's. Phono C043. i&i , Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cooke. S. T. " Butlor. V. K. Cullen and H. J. Ab bot? or Portland comprise an auto moblti) parti' that Bpent Tuesday In Medrord. At ttad'SIgn or Yo Nitty. H you have any peaches, Howells or Rose pears to sell, see us. Produc ers Frult to. ' nFl P. Boltx or Butte Falls was n fjibor' day visitor In Medford. W. II. Crandall and Mrs. William Harris of Kaglo Point were Monday visitors hi Medford. ' Sanitary French Dry Cleaning Wojfka. Judge Chnrles E. Carpentor of Lar am'le,'Wyo.. tho owner or an orchard near "Eagle Point, who has been spending his vacation here, returns this week to Tils home. At the ex piration or his term as circuit Judge hV will make the Rogue River valley his" home, h The W. C. T. U. or Oregon will iiold" a' state convention in Medrord October 3-10. 1911. ' 'ilr.' and Mrs. W. J. Beverldgo are again occupying their Oakdale resi dence. Mr. and Mrs. Cochran, to whbm It was leased for the summer, having lcTt for California to return next spring. Leland Bcverldge has """recently been married and is clerking lii an Astoria hotel. Brick ice cream, all kinds and colors. Rardons Bakery; phone 371. Prompt' delivery. " '.Considerable excitement was cre ates' Monday evening on Front" street whe'n Topi Riley broke "a bottle or catsup over tho head or Nick Geh rliz.'a waiter, In a Front street res taurant. Mingled blood and catsup made Gehritz a gory looking speci men, but he was not injured to any exlent. Rcichste'In sells nndfeaws wood. 14C T T. Sniith has returned to Port land after a visit with his brother in this city. See R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, oyer Jackson County bank. Charies Meserve has returned atter n short visit at "Woodvllle. Rardon's Bakery now delivers Ices and Ice cream to any part of the city. Stanton Griffiths Bpent Tilesday in Medrord on business. Carkln & Taylor (John II. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), attorney-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Building, Medrord. 'S. C. Henderson or Talent was In Medrord Tuesday on business. A. C. Hough or Grants Pass was a recent visitor in Medrord on profes sional buBiucss. At tho Sign or Yo fifty. Chic "Wilson and &. B, Waterman liaye returned rrom an outing In the vlclijlty or Crater Lake. Old shoes lo6k like now when re paired at tho Electric Shoe Shop, 22 So. Grapo street. 142 ''John Thomas of Central Point -spent Tuesday In this city on business. W. E. Walters. or Ashland was, a recunt Modford visitor. Harry Klucado ot Evans Creek Vas a recent Medrord visitor, Sanitary French Dry Cleaning Works. Mrs. Flora Cookson has returned rrom an extended eastern visit. Miss Laura Aston or Medford toft Monday evening for n short visit with friends at Rosoburg. Thoro will be no special opening this rail at Mrs. W. 1. Brown's .mil linery store. Each day brings new goodB and sho Is now ready to meet her many patrons nt tho millinery de partment In Kentner & Co.s store. 143 Among the attorneys who spent Tuesday morning nt the, county scat attending the opening or the Sep tember term of tho circuit cotirt were V. P. Mealy, W. 1. Vawtcr, C. L. Itenmes, Gus Newbury, F. M. Means. L. McCormack, O. C. Dorrs, G. W. Cherry. E. E. Kelly nud A, E. Kennies James Kershaw or Antelopo was In Medrord Monday and Tuesday on business. Mrs. S. T. Travers, milliner tor Mrs. W. I. Brown, has arrived rrom San Francisco with all the latest cre ations In millinery. 141 F. J. Alexander has opened an ot ttce in the Palm building. He Is han dling a New York line of men's .made-to-measure clothing. EO MEXICO l Detective in Los Angeles to Organize for De La Barra Greatest Spy System In tho World to Crush Fu ture i Rebellions. t i . ' THREE ARE KILLED: 40 INJURED IN S00 LINE WRECK. FREMONT. Wis., Sept. 5. Thren jwrsons were killed nntl forty injured today when Soo Lino passenger train No. 17 was derailed' a mile south of here. Tho train struck an open switch, according to re ports here. Doctors' nurses anil nil tho available ambu lances in the town were rush ed to the scene of the wreck. LOS ANGELES, Sept, C Acting under orders from President Do Un Darrn, Bernardino DeGarchi. tho most successful detective In Mexico, Is In Loa Angeles today to organize for his country whnt ho says will ho tile greatest secret service system In the world. According to Garcia, tho duty of this organisation will bo to crush all future Mexican rebellions In their Ihclplency. Several Los Angeles sleuths already have Joined his torres. "Tho Mexican government will de pend upon brains, not force or arms, to crush out future uprisings," said Garcia today. "Wo wilt not place our faith In a mighty standing army and powerful dtsplay or arms, but wo will organist a secret police which will make tho successful carrying out or revolutionary plots Impossible. Mexico Intends to spend millions In the pcrtectlon or Its sccrut service and our ranks will be recruited rrom tho best men In San Francisco, Den ver, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore and Washington." KRUSE FLED TO t DOWNFALL COMMERCIAL CLUB AND GOOD ROADS important questions will come bo fore tho fall mooting of tho Modford Commercial club on September 0, nt S o'clock. Among the most Important matters the l,t00,00" id I81'" fr roada In Jackson county will b'o fully discussed. VUltois from the Ashland Commercial club have advised that they will tuko part In the discussion. Members at ttio" .Modford Traffic bu reau ,wlll cdmo boforo this meeting with n Btron rooluUoti relative to establishing a maximum distance ta ble of rates. The stale" railway commission nsRH t, . ... a representation from tho club to meet With thotn nt Salem on Septem ber 20. Miuly other Important matters will come before thU meeting, and a large attendance Is requested. Thu meeting will bo called prompt ly at & o'clock. SHOT WIFE WHO ASKED HIM TO WlfE DISHES l.oa ANGELES, Sept. 5, Tho re quest that ho dry the Hiipper dishes Is attributed today nn thu cause of tho quarrel which led Harry H,vltouo, ;ir,atlstnut secretary of tho Los Angeles Abutrnct nud Trust company) to kill hht wife and tnoii end hlu own life with a bullet through the heart. Tho shooting ocourrod but ft few foot from whero tho couple's 4-yonr-old son wor playing on the floor. Tho Houses had Just finished suppur nud Mrs. House nsked her husband to as sist' with tho dishes., in reply he drew a revolver and fired point blank at her. Thu bullet went wld and lodged In the kitchen wall. Placing tho barrel of the gun to hU heart, House pulled the trigger, House came hero nbaut eight years ago from Colorado Springs. Ussklns for trnalth. Alter or her Kriue. ASSADLTEDANDROBBED AND LEFT UNCONCIOUS ITnving evidently been mistreated nt the hands of thugs by being bru tally bentcn and robbed, Perry Peu ren was found in an alley off Ninth street between Fir and Grape streets nt a late hour Inst night. The police were summoned by D. B. Russell, who heard the man's groans nnd inves tigated. Penren is said to hare been robbed of $13. It i? reported that he wits drunk and started to wander away in search of a place, to SMnd the night when attacked. The police have no clue as to the robbers. PORTLAND, Or., Sept. 5 checking over tho nccounts missing husband, Theodore who disappeared August 21. Mrs. Kruse today declared that sho be lieved Kruno ried because ho did not wanf to witness his own financial down rail. The accounts show thnt ho was confronted with bills payable, on Sep tember 1 amounting to S7G.G00, while his cash assets totaled approximately 130.000. Kruse Is the own6r at the Louvro care and Belvldero hotel and the Bits Carlton hotel. Sportsmen TuxltlermNt Bavo your trophies this yenr. Thoro will be none to save In a few years. This cut showa when to cut the skin. Never out tho front or n deer's neck. Cull ut Humphrey's Gun Store and get a pamphlet free, telling how to save game heads, bird and skins for rugs, published by F. W. BARTLETT Sfoilfonl, Oregon IM f Rogue -River Electric Company mmmi rz!i II vVU?TTC II "Ec "Si firttii It 53 W'iPW mu mWm .. y Jl SW'tYTN'Mir- mmmmmm u "' n n i o ij i ir-. rr " ..o"" The electrically lighted sowing room isascene of comfort when the machine 19 run by an electric motor. No back breaking podal- ingl Thoeamstrc touches a button we do tho rest. i ! There Are Many Reasons jj : Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTiLKEBB Dy Ifume MT1 Night Phone F. W. Weeks S071. A, a. On, LADY ASSISTANT. Htrrr0rl !3ucQssor to the undertaking de-; ; purtment of Medrord Furniture Co. : ; JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Kiultalnicr Offlco 28 South Itartlett Street Telephones: day, Boll 471; night i Jresldonco, Bell 473, Hopio 179-L. ; ? Calls answered night or day AMBULANCE fEUVICJB nte4 GIRL AVIATOR CIRCLES STATEN-ISLAND GROUNDS BROKEN HEART KILLS CONVICTED LAND SWINDLER NEW YORK, Sept. 5. Miss Har riett Quiinby, the California girl avi ator stnnJs high today in tfie praises of the Staten Island fair spectators who saw he make a perfect flight in her Muisnnt biplane. She circled the grounds three times. ARIZONA INSANE ASYLUM ROOF COLLAPSES TODAY LOS ANGELES, Col., Sept: 5. Friends here of B'artlott Richards, who died yesterday in n penitentiary nt Rochester, Minn., following n sen tence of a year's imprisonment for conspiracy to secure government land through dummy entrymcu. to- iday attribute his death to n broken heart. No man, his 'friends say, ever felt so keenly or showed hit inner feel ings more plninly than did Richards over his accusation, arrest, trial' conviction, sentence and servitude. Richards for many vears was r. resident of Los Angeles and nt the time of his arrest was considered one of the richest stockmen in Wyoming. ii : ; ! : Why people say thoy got tho host goods at our storo ,?. HERE ARE TWO . PHOESrf, Arizona, Sept. 5. With score of inmates cut off from escape, a burning roof of the insnne asylum here gave way todny. The loss of life may bo heavy, Dotnils nre meagre at this hour. Hosklns for Health. 4' t TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY -f -fV-f 4- v 4- -f WANTED AtA onco two pigs wolgh rug 3D to 50 ifounda each. J. H. Hohn'cs, Box 723, Medrord. 142 FOR BENT Steam-heate'd apart ment, six .rooms and bath, Jn new two-family houso, modern In every respect. Itoso avenue, cornor West Jtfaln. 147 WANTED Two nlco unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Inquire Drug gist at Hasklns' rdug storo. 147 FOR RENT Modern C-room houso, close In. Address Box 7, care Mail Tribune. 147 FOR SALE Burgnln In two rifles, 30-30 Winchester 18, 22-callber Winchester $7, tecnth street. 737 West Four-148 FOR RENT Modern C-room bunga low, close In, reasonable. Oppljy C17 S. Holly st. 147 MULES WANTED Wo want to pur- cliaso eight first-class jnujes. Ad- ' dross car'o W, S. B'rookd, Bear Creek orchard, Box 203, P. O, 143 TjABOK UNIONS, NOTICE. Group pictures or (liferent labor unions taken nn'd floats taken cor ner Fourth and Oakdale ror salo at Gregory's Studio, over Model Cloth ing Co. 144 Hasklns for HetlU. Chase & Sanborn's (COFFEE Blue Ribbon FLOUR I Warner, Wortman & Gore Buy a Melon off the ice. It costs the snmo. W--yc Squibbs Spices Give Best Results in Pickling Fruit Aboslutely Pure Exceptionally Strong 11,1 Economical to tfee"A iH " MEDFORD PHARMACY NEAR POST OFFICE. PHONE -NIGHT OU DAY MAIN 10J, P00JHJJHPJH ! i! is ii MiJJtJsM Diamonds, Watcjies and Jewelry Everything in the Jewelry Line If You Want Quality, I Have It Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing Diamond Setting and Engraving MARTIN J. REDDY THE JEWELER I MEDFORD, OREGON, tmfa. NEAR POSTOFFIOE VfffMOTtftftftfffOTrtWW BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS HENRY M. MARSH All orders promptly attended to night or day. Short nnd long IiiuiIb. Moving household goods u Hpeciulty Union teiunstorn. Office 51 S. Front Pacific 4171 Homo 80 Residence Main CI3 Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Monoy on hand at all times to loan on improvod ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 20 GARNETT.COREY BLDG. MEDFORD IRON WORKS B. G. Trowhridgo, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST 'All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agonts in So. Orogon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. IV ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Gold Ray Realty Co. "Wishes to announce thai al'toi Seploinher 1st, J91X (hoy will occupy office room No. 301, on second floor ' of lflL'lSQ'PMO BUILDJNG. WILL HANDLE REAL ESTATE QWo are proimred (o take listings of all kinds of real estate, ranches, city lots, houses, chattels and property of every des cription. MEMBER OF MEDFORD REALTY ASSOCIATION J Toeing a member of the aMedford Realty Association, we solicit your patronage for anything in the line of farm or city prop erty, ranches, leases, options, etc, otc. I We have a large amount of land, suilahle for the cultivation of all far mnroducls, iil for the cultivation of all farm producls, al in southern Oregon, which wo can offer at prices which will surely interest you. PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE J Wo also have property which we will ex change for outside real eslate, ranches, farms, olc. All inquiries will he promptly answered, and we shall ho pleased to hear from you either in person or by lot! or. qCilVJa US A OALTi, GOLD RAY REALTY CO. Room 101, Electric Bldg. Modford, Or. I