orenon Hlstovlcul UoeUte OHv Hall r1 j 'i t 5 4, v ; 3 v1 t'1 ; !. li SUBSCRIBERS rlilu(f to pvr will lurt on flellTr(l by phoning1 of Ilo by 0 p, m. Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Occasional showers Max 73; Mln. 03. DallyHUIIi Ytnr. FortyKlrsl rnr. MEDFORD, QKBCJOtf, TUHSIM Y, SEPTKMBJDR 5, 19J1. No. 142. SI 500 BRIBE IS OFFERED DISTRICTATT'Y Mulkoy Arranges "Plant" anil Traps Men Who Would Hnve Him "Throw" Case Against Bozus for a Money Consideration. DOZUS' BROTHER WOULD BUY MURDERER'S FREEDOM Mike Spntios, Son of Murdered Man Was to Receive $500 for Agree- Inn to Bribery of Officer. Tim nnwly runvonuil Kmml Jury thU afternoon roluruml nil Indictment tiKutimt I'otor Huxiih charged with at Imnpllng to brlbu District Attorney Mulkoy In oritur that tint caso ngulust hla brother might b "thrown." Tim rami will ho hot for trial In Urn tmnr future. Tim dm I matter called to tho lit tuntlou of tho uuwly chosen grand Jury whon It convened Tuuiulny morn ing wan tho charge, mnilo hy Ulntrlct Atlornvy Mulkoy thnt I'otor Itoxtin. n brother of the Greek who murdered Christ Hpnnn In thin city two week ago, hint uttiiiiiittl to brlbo him to "throw" tho rno unci ullow Uozua to ko free. Mulkoy chnrgva thnt Do cut offered him IIGOO. Mlko Spano n won of thu murdered man, was to recelvo 1500 to agree to tho purchiiHo of tho district attorney, Mr. Mulkoy rlnlma that ho linn u clear caao annhut tho Greek, na ho fixed n "plant," when tho mnnwy wna offured hint mul Mm. NcltoB and J. V. 'Wilson will appear nn wltueaaca, they bolng In lilillnK at tho time, and hearliiK tho entire trniianctlon. Heveral ilnya ago I'otor Iloxua ar rived to tnku up tho hultlo for his brother' fo. Ho cntuu woll Blip piled with fund nnd after holdliiK nuveral conferences In tho city with the authorities and othera ho evident ly enmu to tho cuuclualuu that tho only way to anvo hla hrothor'a neck wna to hrlbo tho prosecuting officer. Ho 1h antd to have kouo to tho son of Iho .murdered man aud pained from him n roniont thnt an attempt bo made to froo tho ncciuod man. An Interpreter nnd John Domls, another Greek, accompanied Uozua on tho trip to aoo tho dlatrlct attorney, na did young Hpnnoa, tlm latter, It la anld, unwIllliiKly. Thoy mot Mulkoy nt hla homo, but na ho wna npprUod or what wan coming, ho had tho opportunity to accrotu Mra. Nelson nnd Mr. Wll aon In tho room. When thoy nrrlvod at tho liouaq Mulkoy received thorn nnd ho wna offered tho IIG00 to "throw" tho rune. Apparently ho ngroed to do (Continued on Vw .) SLIGHT SHOW OF NEW BRIDGE Renovation of Present Structure to Be Begun at Once New Timbers and FloorSupports to Be Tightened. As thoro la llttlo hopo for tho con Htructlou of a now brldgo ovor Hear crook In this city tlilu mil, County Hond Engineer Unrmon will Htnrt ThurHdny on ft ronovntlon of tho pros out brldgo, putting It In nu good aliapo an poBHlblo for tho winter. Mr. Harmon will order now tlinborn ror tho dock tomorrow and will Htnrt work tho following day, Tho brldgo inipportH will nil ho tightened, which will do away to a grout dogroo with tho proaont Hwny Iiik or tho brldgo, Now plunking will ho put lu aud tlila will ninko It far eaalor to croaa tho structure. At proHont It la worso thnn any corduroy road to bo found in tho outlying coun try districts, Tho city council will .moot with tho county court Thuradiiy to coma to iiomu understanding In regard to tho iitructiii'o, It la not bollovcd that It will bo posulblo for tho brldgo to bo built this fall. MANY ATTEND OPENING NEW COURT TERM Grand Jury Speedily Chosen and Work Starts Three Cases to Be Considered by Grand Jurors Be fore They Arc Allowed to Go. MUCH WORK AHEAD OF THE COURT THIS TERM Corridors of Court House Filled With Veniremen and Attorneys In Attendance. Tho opening of tho September term or court railed a large number or nttoruoya from nil jmrta or tho dla trlct to JackHonvlllo Tuesday morn ing, tho corrldora or tho courlhouau being filled with u largo throng. Tho docket Ih on ummunlly long ono and much work la abend or tho court. Tho firm hiiHlueaa to como boforo tho court wna tho chooalug of a grand Jury. That body wna chomm na fol low: W. A. Cook, It. II. Ilmdahaw, P. M. Amy, J. II. Hnlr, T. W. Comb, George K. Fox nnd F. O. McWIIIIams, who wna npolntod foromnn. Tho flrat caao to bo called to tho attention or tho grand Jury wna' tho attempted bribery or Dlatrlct Attor ney Mulkoy by Peter Iloxua, a brother ol tho Greek murderer, recently In dicted for killing Christ Spnnoa lu thla city. It la expected thnt na aoou na the grand Jury dlapoaea of thla nffnlr thnt they will take up tho caac aKaluit M. K. Horn, nn nllogod minis ter, who la charged with contribut ing to tho delinquency of a minor m Aahlnnd. Tho Juror will then turn their nttenllpn to tho chargo Against J. A. Mcintosh, of thla city, who la Bald to hnve failed to provldo for tho support or hla wife. Aa tho grand Jury "chonen nt tho March term hna Juat adjourned, It la believed that following tho consider ation of those threo cases tho grand Jury chosen today will bo dlamlaacd until Into In Noembor, Juat previous to tho opening of tho Dccombor term of court. GOTCH CHALLENGED BY RUSSIAN LION CHICAGO, Sept. r. Stung with tho defeat nt tho hnnda or tho chnm- plon, George HnckonBchmldt today Issued another challenge to Frank Gotch. Ho proponed thnt tho bout bo In prlvnto with only aportlng odltora lor nn audience, nnd that 85000 bo put up by each man for n aldo hot. Ho demanded that tho match bo hold after ho goca to England to let hla knee. Ootch anld ho wna willing nnd hla manager, Kmll Klnnk, pulling $5000 from u aatchol, offered to put It up. CROWD IN SILENCE WATCHES 'Jit INSPECT BEATTIE'S AUTOMOBILE 3C " i limn m m i" ' WtM JBljI CfliKaiaiKSKlJSaPalafr'PC W VaiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiaaHHHIBaiiiiiiii k. " ill9illllllllflBiHiBilBHiV'i'4''lflllVBiBHPai A fi ,MKKSKmmMmmEit:ATp WRy9aT7v m a." ' ... TCHfX -I I i 11 s:,i r If M5MI r roitfJTi f& FHE DEFENCE. HOMliM tJSZT' 6SFEaATOR5 0fTKEREDWQMr.UBtIIIEJJJTrIOBU The photograph above hIiowh Iho Dent tic killed bin wife. HENEY DECLARES S ACCUSED E L CRIMINALS Prosecutor Says Right Men Arrested When McNamara Brothers Were Placed in Jail for Dynamite Outrage. ST. I.OUI8, Mo Sept. 5. "Detec tive Hums lauded tho right men whon ho arrested John J. and - Junius U. McNamara for tho dynamiting of the Ub Angeles Tlmea." In tho nbovo words, Frnncla J. Ho ney, who leaped Into prominence by hla vlgoroua prosecution of Abo Kuef In connection with tho San Francisco grnrt cnaea, cxre80d todny hla ho ller In tho guilt or tho men, to whoso defetiBO tho labor unions or tho on tlro country have milled. "Two months before tho arrests wero mndo," Honey anld, "Uurns told mo hla llfo waa In dally dnngor and gave mo tho name or tho men ho had tracked down so thnt thoy might bo prosecuted ir ho woro killed." JOE RIVERS DEFEATED BY JOHNNY KILBANE LOS ANOELKS, Cul Sept. 5. ltecmisa ho wns ho elated over tie fentiiiK Joo Rivers' that ho could not sleep, Johnny Kilbnne of Cleveland, was up at -1 o'clock this morning. An hour Inter, with his wifo on his arm mul wheeling their little hnby, tho IvilbnncH wero jmrmling tho bench wnlk at Venice, discussing future plans. Aside from nnuouncing that ho hud Higuod up to meet FranUio Con ley, .it tho Vernon arena September 'JO Johnnie refused to talk fight. "I did all my fighting in tho ring yesterday," ho said. "I am out with my family for a good timo today and I don't want to ho holhomh WEST COMMUTES WEBB SENTENCE Governor at Last Minute Saves Murderer From Swlnglna Into Eternity Life Imprisonment Supplants Hanging Killed Ranchman and Stuffed Body Into Trunk, Eloping With Dead Man's Wife. SALEM, Or., Sept. 5. Tho plea of 17-yonr-old Julia Wobb, coupled with two iioonis, ono ontltlod "Tho Trage dy," thoo thor "Thoy Hnngod 1)111 Jonea," today anved Jeaao P. Wobb, tho Portland trunk murdoror, from tho gallowH. Ho wnH undor Bontonco to hnng at 12:30 thla nltornoon nnd roprlovod by tho governor nn hour boforo tho tlmo act for hla execution, bolus commut ed to llfo Imprlaonmont. Wobb, who hml coolly propnrod fov death, almost collapaod whon told that ho wna not to dlo. Ho fell to tho floor of tho death chamber and cried like, n child, "I was not nfrntd to dlo," ho nobbed, "My doopoat ro grot waa tho dlsgraco auoh a death would plauo upon my wlfo aud daughter." "I commuted Webb's Bontonco for threo big rcnBons and aovoral amallor ones," Btihl Qovomor West. "Flrat nnd foromoat s'aB tho npponl mndo to mo by Wobb'a dnughtor. When I anw tho child pitifully plead ing for hla llfo, I got to thinking of what my own dnughtor would think of mo ir I allowed tho law to choko nnothor fnthor to doath to satisfy n row blood-hungry persons. Tho Idea was too repulalvo. Thou I happened to rond two llttlo poems, Ono of them wns ontltlod 'Thoy Hanged Mil-Jones" nnd tho othor 'ThTo Trngody.' "I always linvo oppoaod capital punishment, and thoao things com bined convlncod mo that Wobb'a death would satisfy tho Inw, porhapa, but would do no furthor good If tho atrangulntlou of a man over did do good." . jurors in the Uenttie trial inspecting .' s t the nutomobile in which, it is alleged BEATTIE ll TO GO TO JURY NEXT SATURDAY Prosecution and Defense Each Rush inn Case Rebuttal Witnesses im peach Prisoner Whose Testimony Is Unshaken on Cross Examination. :i f CI1KSTI3UFIBLD .COURTHOUSE, Va., BepL 5. DecJlmi'on tho chargo that Honry Clay' Beattle, Jr., mur dered Ills wllo aa the result of a desire to reaumo his llnaon with 17-year-old Iloiilah 111 n ford will lio with n Jury horo olther Friday or Saturday. This prediction was mndo hero to day by Prosecutor Wendenbcrg. Ho said: "I expect to close the prosecution's evidence In rebuttal this nltcrnoon nnd tho derensa probably will Ilnlah Its rebuttal tomorrow. "I will not call lleulnh Dlnford un less I rind thnt tho caso or tho prose cution la In desperato straits. I know that lleulnh and Dcattlo communicat ed whllo both wore In Jail at Rich mond, aud I am convinced that If alio wero to testify alio would do her best to snyo him. The dcrenso can call her If they llko, but I do not think she will take tho stand." ALL NEGOTIATIONS WITH SHOP MEN ARE BROKEN OFF Illinois Central Refuses Further Con ference With System Federation- No Scheme of Arbitration in Sight Modified, DemandsForthcoming. HIGH SCHOOL AS MBLYNOW E OVER FLOWING Twenty or Thirty Students Are Given Place In Extra Room All of the Schools in the City Have Full Quota of Students. EVERYTHING AUGURS WELL FOR NEW SCHOOL YEAR New School Hcuses Greatly Relieve Conjested Condition of Last Year. CHICAGO, Sept. &. Officials of tho Illinois Central railroad today broke ott negotiations with -the. sys tem federation of shop employes. They officially notified all unions to this effect. Leaders of tho unions later went into conference to decide what action will be taken. After the union conference it was intimated that overtures will be made for further negotiations with the rail road. It is believed that tho demands of tho men will bo modified and pre sented again under a new form. CHESTERFIELD COURTHOUSE, Vn Sept. G. When tho court con vened this morning Judge Watson cut short Ileuttlo's examination, Baying: "Tho main lines of tho caso are fully doveloped, and tho court believes It unnecessary to niako the prison er's examination n test of endurance Tho tlmo hna arrived whon tho court fools justified In placing limitations on counsel. Two hours and a half for direct nnd (hrro and a hnlf hours for cross-examination should allow tho roll development or testimony, thou tho court will allow an our moro lor ro-cross-oxamlnatlon and half an hour more for ro-dlrect cxam- Inntlon." Prosecutor WondonburK on croas- oxnmlnatlou endeavored vainly to so- curo from Dcattlo an admission of his own roport of tho gun. Only soven minutes nftor ho con cluded tho dofonso wnlyod tho prtvi logo of ro-dlrect examination, nnd tho prisoner wns oxcusod. Ills at- (Continued from Pago Six.) - COMMERCIAL CLUB FALL MEETING First regular fall meeting "" "" of tho Medford Comuioroinl "" Club, hold at tho club meeting "" " rooms in tho Mail Tribune building on Wednesday, Sep- lembor Gth. Matters of groat import- " " nuco will eotno boforo tho "" " meeting. Every member is re- quested to bo prosont. "" Pumpornikcl and ohoeso. "" Wntormolon. Urommor's cantaloupes. Cigars. Now will you como? "" SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 5. No scheme of arbitration of the present labor difficulties on tho Hnrrlman lines has been suggested by tho gen eral officers of the craft unions, ac cording to statements by labor offi cials hero. "Wo havo not called ror arbitra tion, nor do wo favor arbitration it this matter," said President J. W. Kllno of tho blacksmiths' internation al union aud chairman of the con ference. "This Is not a question which can bo arbitrated, because it is a question of whether or not tho men havo a right to organize as thoy seo fit. The company has not shown an Inclination to nrbltrato, either." LONDON, Sept. 5. Physicians in attendance on James It. Kceno the New York financier and turfman, who is ill here, issued today n statement that his condition is satisfactory. The Medford schools opened for tho coming term Tuesday morning with a much larger enrollment than was expected by tho school authori ties. Just what the increase over last year la la as yet not mown, as it takes some time to complete the roll. How crer, In the high school the number of students has Increased to an ex tent where the general assembly room will not seata all of the pupils, some 20 or 30 being seated In an extra room. This never before obtained in tho hlghschool slnco tho present structure was erected. All of tho other schools seem to have a full quota of students with tho possible exception of the Roose velt school on the East Side. Here there does not seem to be the numbr of little ones expected. The opening of the two new school buildings greatly relieved tho conges tion which prevailed last term iu the Washington and North schools. A largo number of the children attend ing these schools have been drawn to the new buildings, which makes it better for tho children and teachers. Enrollment In the various schools proceeded without a hitch this morn ing and after assignment to classes had been mado the children were in structed as to books needed and the like and then allowed to go .home with the instructions to show up to morrow ready for work. Within a day or two everything will be under way and a splendid school year Is predicted. TES2S THREE ENTER THEIR PLEA OE NOT GUILTY While Friends of Aged' Victim of Murderous Thugs Raise Money for HlS''Relief,,Young Man Charferf With Crime, Pleads Not Guilty. GEORGE BOZUS ARRAIGNED; IS SOON TO IE TRIED Ruchlas, Who Shut Fellow Lata hi Railroad Cams, Is Third ta Enter Plea ef Nat Guilty. CITY COUNCIL TO PASS MANY NEW ORDINANCES The city council will meet this eve ning for tho dispatch of much city business, which will include the pus sago of many ordinances declaring the cost of assessment for service mains nnd for paving. Tho city dnds will also consider the passage of an ordinanco providing for n safe nnd sano Fourth of July iu this city hereafter. This being the first regular meet ing iu tho month, tho regular routine business, such as tho payment of bills and passage of warrants, will be considered. FRENCH FLEET IS READY FOR WAR Full Coaled and Provisioned Ninety-Eight Warships Are Massed Off Tou lon Ready for Any Emergency Berlin Government Expected to Issue Reassuring Statement Tonight Upon Situation. TOULON, Franco, Sept. G. Fully coalod and provisioned, tho entire homo fleet of Franco, 98 warships lu all, today was massed off Toulon ready for any omorgoncy. Passing In rovlow boforo Presldout Fallloros and tho French cabinet, tho floot, which Included eight battleships and nlno armored cruisers, groatly exceeded In gross tonnage tho Gorman homo fleet which recently was reviewed by Kal sr Wilholm, BERLIN, Sopt. C Owing to !& creasing commercial nervousness nnd wild war rumors as tho result of tho Moroccan negotiations, tho sovorn ment tonight Is expected to lasuo a roassurlng statement. It Is roportod that there is foverlsb anxiety In nil tho Gorman provlncos, Stottlu reports that largo sums havo been withdrawn from tho savings banks, tho peoplo generally fearing that war Is soon to come. Thoro is a wil drunior on tho Al satian frontier today that Horr von Schoen, tho German ambassador to Franco, has boon murdored and that Germany would Immediately declare war. An unexpected snovomeut of troops Into upper Alsace Boomed to confirm tho rumors, Efforts nro bolng mado today to qulot tho provinces. Tho government is Issuing unofficial statoments de claring that tho war rumors nro with out foundation. CHICAGO, Ills., Sopt. 5. Tho fun oral of Malaohi Hogan' tho well known roforeo and sporting writer, will be held hero tomorrow. Hognn's body will arrivo iu Chicago tonight. Whllo the friends of A. D. Kibby, the aged knlfo grinder who waa mur derously assaulted some ten days ago, and robbed of all of hla savings, which he Intended to use for hla sup port when he had grown too old to continue working, were circulating a subscription to help him out of hla present financial difficulties, Ralph, Grignon, who is said to bo one of his assailants, was arraigned In tho cir cuit court, wbero bo entered a plea of not guilty. He is to bo tried in a few days. The condition of t nonaged man is pitiful In the extreme. The Injuries Inflicted at tho time of the robbery, together with tho loss of his monejra have seriously threatened , his reason. He seems to be no jonger capable of helping himself or continuing bb work. Local people who have had the caso called to their attention tali morning took steps to relieve his dis tress and circulated a aubscriptloa list- It is planned to rainsa eaoagk money to provide for iho man aatll he is again able to caro for himself. Grignon waa arrested following aa Identification by A. L. Duffy, who aweara that ho saw the young maa running away from the scene of the crime following Kibby's cries for as sistance. Grignon"was recently In dicted for assault; acd 'robfiery and this morning pleafe'jTnbt "guilty to the charge In the circuit court. George Bozus, witoslOt nd fa tally wounded Chrlsrcjpanos Ailn a poolroom oa Fir street Recently, was also arraigned in the Vgrcult court this morning. Through his attor ney, E. E. Kelly, Bozus enured a plea of not guilty. A third prisoner, Ruchias, a Greek, who ahot a fellow laborer at Butte Falls recently, was also arraigned and entered a plea of not guilty. The case will soon bo heard. COMPTROLLER CALLS FOR FOR BANK STATEMENT WASHINGTON, 9ept. 5. The comptroller of the currency today is sued a cull for tho condition of na tional banks nt tho close of busmoss Sept. 1st. SIX LOSE LIVES III JUNEAU FIRE Five Others Missing and Fourteen in Hospital as Result of Blaze That Destroys Juneau Hotel and Mc Grath Building No Insurance. JUNEAU, Alaska, Sept. 15. With six bodies already recovered, the ruins of tho Juneau hotel, and the McGrath building, which were de stroyed by fire wero soarched today Jfor reliccs of five persons who ia is believed perished also. Fourteou porsons are iu tho local hospital suffering from injuries nnd burns, ind two of them, William Southwiok pf Michigan and Boyd Miles of Mon tana, probably will die. Tho known doad nre : Walter Davenport, of Tacoma, a painter. Will Morrison, formerly of Port land Ore., hotel day dork. Selina Downing, a hnlf brcod na tive girl, who wns known as the most beautiful woman in Alaska. Ono unidentified woman and two men, Tho loss is osliamted at approxl- .mutely $50,000 with no iBsurasce. m N 1 ii ;t "ti ii ' i