X 1 t i j M 6 r t t i. I HI. i 3PXGE TWO :medi?orp mail tribune, arEDTroRD, okiooon. Monday, September -i. init. i I. " i I LOCAL AND PERSONAL CaJ8rrrM)kL. Tow Vollo. Iji pr & TJ Wirt of;San;Frnrt!qB jicctlng us ft visitor Arthur Ton Velio of Toledo, O. llenris Alimi of Central Point Is VlitliiK friends In Mertfonl. ,Tnlenhon 371, Raraons Uakery forcako, lew and lea cream; prompt (dollyor'. , n h , li,Jl5. McOanlels of Grants roes Is npondliiR n few dnys In fModfori, on "Tn1STnWH. ' Mr3, Mefoanlefs has Just re turned from on extensive tour of thu northwest, but failed to find nny thing which AiMtcatibrt tp him. ,, Chlne&a.Sacrcd Miles and Japaneso spending a few day In Medt,frd vrlh his brother. Al tlwi lirn nf V Vlflv Kor that nifty fall and winter suit, walk upstairs and save $10. Crls woII'b Quality Shop, room 4, St. Mar,k'a building. Entrance Rloetrtc building, yost Main. ,i 1 ,. llonAl the resldonro of Mrs, 8. Hart, to Mr. and Mrs. (loorgo Weeks, August Ifi. a child. Al thu Sign of Y Nifty. Uroadley's. Phone Woodvlllo Is i of v .1 nlr plants nt 518t.i . Jb.l It. Thomas spending a fow days In Medford on business; Mr. and Mrs. K. U. WH Jlams or Urniits Pass, nro visiting 3rprU. I ' ,v Tspund, dry fir wood for J1.2G per UerVbrdo before It la too late. Ad dress "Kalrvlow," Jacksonville. Mrs. Overman of Kosobiirg Is visit- One thousand samples of latest fab rlcVnt Grlswoll Quality Shop, St. MnrK'bnlldlpg. 141" Mr. and Mrs. F. F, nolu of Ihitto Falls are visiting Medford. Buy or rent a Singer to mako the chlldrcns now school clothes. Phone 0043. 161" 4jnr. J. F. Heddy left Saturday night for n visit at Iceland, Or. , Jamea Friends of Ashland was in Medlord Monday visiting friends and Incidentally taking in tiie Labor day celebration. . . , If you havo any peaches, Howells or Bosc pears to sell, see us. Produc ers Fruit Co. D. S. Williams of Grants Pass was In Medford Monday on business. , Sam Johnson of Trail Is In Mod ford on business. Old shoes look llko new when re paired at tho Electric Shoe Shop, 32 So. Orapo street. 142 -U. T. Utley or Sacramento has ar rived to visit his sister In this city, "who Is Mrs. lary King. Tho W. C. T. U. of Oregon will hold a state convention In Medford October 5-10. 1911. Court Hall has returned from an extended fishing trip. Crawford peaches, COc and 50c, de livered. Clings, Mulrs, prunes, pears and grapes for sale aio. Home phone &M-,.. 141 , tllomor Kothermel spent Sunday fishing on Rogue river. , .Brick Ice cream. All kinds and colors.. Rardons Bakery; phone 371. prompt delivery. W. W. Doano or Phoenix observed Labor day in Medford. Relchsteln Bells and saws wood. Mr ..and Mrs. C. Cary or Talent werj recent visitors In Medford. A See R, A. Holmes, The Insurance Mau, over Jackson County batik. M, Harry Sampson of Applegato was a recent visitor in Medford. Rardon's Bakery now doll vers Ices and lco cream to any part of the city. Gus Newbury has returned from n short visit at his ranch on the Ap plegato, Carkln & Taylor (John 11. Carkln, Glenn 0. Tayxor), attorney-at-lawf over Jackson County Bank Building, Medford. ,f E J. iKalser or Ashland spent Sun (layjii ileUford on, business. Watch and savo money. The fish market. will sell, Friday and Satur day, fresh halibut, black cod, ling cod, herring, 10c per lb.; salmon, 17 l-2c, steel cut coffee. 30c; first class , creamery butter, 65o per roll. These prices mean cash. Fresh Hol land herring, 12 l-2c per lb. Messier & Kenworthy. 140 f L, O, Young of Big Butte Is visit ing Medford friends. ; We mako your suit In our own shop In Mtdrord or sell yo u suit made in Chicago flC.GO up. It's up to you where It's made. Crlswoll Quality Shop. St, Mark's building. 141 S. W. Ernest of Gold Hill observed Labor day In Medtord. Sea latent coronntipn collars at CrlsweU'a, Quality Shop, St. Mark's building. 141 NOBODY SPARED Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTSKilRi ' " ParPbeae M71 -NtgM Pfaeae F. W. Weeks 671. &.B.OIT, LADY ASSISTANT. f i c i JOHN A. PERL Undertaker nml Kmlmlmcr Succewwr to (ho undertaking de- ; i Office HH RouUi Ilartlett Street ; ' Telephones: day, Boll 471; night! resmuueu, mm i o, xiuuiu j. i -j. t Calls answered Might of day - 'AMIlUTiANOH SERVICE Kidney Troubles Attack Medford . ( ;,Men aid Womcnn,Old apd,, i Xffl?B' fi Kiilncy ills seixe. x.ouu)j nml old. Cnue quickly with little, wartime;. Children Hufrer. ,iu, 'their early yenn; Can't eonlrol the kidney scerctinno. Girls 'are languid, nervoiw, suffer jwin. , .Women worry, van't Jo Jaily work Men have lame and nehing buok.x, Tho euro for man, woumn or ehtld Is to :urc the causethe kidneys, Donn'a Lier Pilla are Tor siqk kidneys Have brought, relief to Medford people.. Medford testimony prove it. W. 1. Gould, 11 oV. Jackson St., Medford, Ore., says: "I used Douu's Ijlney KIN,' proeurel at llaskins' dmi; store, "and am pleaded U say that they gave me more relief than any other kidney medicine I had ever taken. Other members of my family have also used Doan's Kidney PilU and the results have been so satis factory that I do not hesitate one moment in giving-this statement." Fore sale by nil dealers. Price o0 cents. Foter-Milbuni Co., Buffalo, New ork' s.o!e agents for tho Uniled States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. MEDFORD'S PLAN ONLY WAY. (Continued from Page One) ute and it was explicit euough and severe enough to compel obedience. "Portland jobbers may present argument." Just like her to join hands with the railroad companies and prostitute her influence to en slave the rest of the state if it pays her traders and her press ncrer mind about her people nt large. "Delightful prospect for rales." It is disgraceful tliat we have tj pay fora service and do the work be sides; bnt it is tiie only remedy. " Tt complains (hc Med ford traffic bureau) because a year lias elapsed without decision since the commission heard ft case institut ed by Medford." This is a terrible shame. The commission ceitainly well know that Medford was entit led to- the relief before this case was instituted. And had they been dis jwsed to do their duty relief could have been granted within sixty days; but over a year has elapsed and alU this time these peopre, many of I hem poor, have been compelled to submit to the most terrible tolls for the use of their public highway collected by among the richest people in the world, nnd no relief in sight yet. Medford's quarrel is just. " They will have 5. dayK to decide a distributive rate question involving the wohle stale nnd peveral railroads. Wherens the railroad commission with its experts, its engineer, its legal council nnd noeiimulnted knowl edge cannot decido in twelve months Medford's one cane jijvolvln on 6et the whole state nnd several railroads If Oregon's railrocd commission were in thu service oi the people as well ns on the peiple' payrolls, this certainly would not b? tho case. But ns it is we need not expect any thing from the commission. It is b-olutely .v..''.";t that we will have to do the work or il without pro lec tion i 'If the ra'.''oaii commit ini h pic judieinl, reJeplfjl o- inconietcat the thing to do U 10 change the con misHion." Thcro is no statutory way to remove tho commission except tho 'recall" and this would bo ns much trouble as to initiate schedule of rates. And we have no assuronco that (ho new commissioners worJu bo nny better than tht old. When there is an efficient reine?y in our lnuds we should ccrtiinrr uso it and use it nt once. "To ask the p"Qpl'c to decide 'l',i Intuitive rate controversies is pre posterous," Nothing is further from Hie fact. When tho people, nro up prised that they are now paying about 100 per cent a year for the cunitnl nlloted to the transportation of freight In our stnto nnd that wo have ,ii right to tho use of that cupital for .about 0 per cent and that the pro posed rates will return possibly 10 to '2d per cent for tho use of 'thin capital it will be argument enough. Tho only question for the neonle to understand nnd decide is dp you want willing to eolninno to pay fifteen or twenty times what you should pay? This is the question for thu people ,t decide. J will doubtless be taken to ttmk by many us to my cjiiim that the nv ernge ratcior freight service in the state, pi Orogoii i!lmynK ' ,lru portion of 100 per cent a year for capital employed tu such service. Lot me insure your readers t)uit thin is Jiot guess work but asserted after alt. actual investigation ami the ussor turn js very conservative. , In. further support of my assertion I refer to Jhc following narrative: Structural steel nnd some other arti cles nro tranqortcd from Boston, Mass., to Portland, Oregon, distance IWOO miles for Op cents per 100 lbs. Sugar under distance tariff in Ore gon is 8:1 cents jer 100 for 5120 mile haul, both in carloads. Hero wo have a rate in Qrcgou for 10 per cent of thu distance thnt is over l'J.'i per cent of tho price. This will nat urally raise the presumption that the sugar rate in Oregon must be decid edly unreasonable. Onn it he worth l'S per cent of as much to transport sugar in Oregon for 320 miles ns it Is to transport other tonnage ten times ns fart Ccrtoiuly not. When we measure tho profitableness of this sugar rate by the .most accurate measurement known to the rate ex perts with a view to determine it prof itableness, we fiud it paying its proportion of 101.40 per cent to the Stockholder net after paying its proportion ot the operating expenses, interest on bonds ami tuxes and jtiiue, including salaries of officers; Sugar for mo-mile jiaul on Ss P. pays 132 per cent net a year to stockholders after paying its propor tion of other charges mentioned above. After the most careful con. servotive, investigation I nm con vinced that the average rate for mov ing tonnage in our tnte pays over XVI) per cent annually to the stock holder interested. Proper establish ment of rates will givo us a two cent a nuTe . passenger rate on the main Hue?, Portland to tiie California line on the b. P., and Portland to Hunt ington on the 0. R. & N. Co., an well as corrections of freight rates on these systems. Mow" than two cents er mije should be permitted on the liranch, lines where traffic is limit ed. There siionld'be a bill also in itiated lowering the express service. It is not t very difficult or intricate matter to attend to this" affiyr. The facts are wpl) knpwn and bills n easily be provided thnt will be per fectly safe and not in,cur unconsti tutionality. 1Vq sonldJuitiite prop er rates by aU mentis. The 0. H. & X. company and the S. E. company a"o collecting annually almost $." 000,000 more in Oregon than is just to the patrons. This requires f ier cent on l00,d00,600 worth of Ore gon property to pay. thi unearned increment. It should not be tolerate. Very' respect fully, l P. W. GAINES. them tho papoi hungers. Tho electri cal workers had a float showing a telephone cxchnnKO In operation, whljc the cooks, waiters ami, wait rcsa had ivhoa tulunvlng u,'ceno In a restaurant. , l.owJng thu cooks raniQtho nlnstorors all In white, over alls, and, then came tho conumt work ers. Kd Hoot, with the dollvury wag on of thu .Malt Tribune, attracted; at. iantlou, nnd tho parade wound up with a float prepared by tho Medford business ;colegtv Ah tho Orator of tho day did wit show up, Agnea Thcclu Fair deliver ed the libor day oration. She said In part: Assail thtnkum admit, thuro eau bu no such thfug as teal cditcntluu un less as a result human beluga dis cover their function In this evolving world unices, In a word, they find full and free expression of their own personality. As Gustavo Hurvo. lit his "My Cquutry Itlght or Wrens." so wo-u suy, no stnte can bo Intrusted to glvu education to the child that Is oven historically true.. Modern edu cation teaches the child responsibil ity rather than obcdlcueo to author ity. The mod in school develops orig inality and cultivates thu creutlvu qualities of, the child mind. The modern' school teaches tho child Its relation to Its follow man. Also, how the unlmnls co-operate for their own protection. All who are Interested In tho mod ern school ahould address Harriot Churchill, Beck building. Portland, Or. All children are admitted tree. CHAMP CLARK MINIS IJPOTIA A Every Man ntul Woman Shall Enjoy the Fruit :f Their Own Labor Do clnrcs Spoaktr -,of Congress Mn Iowa Speech.' as ,tm BEATTIE TELLS STORY OF WIFE'S MURDER (Continued from PI 1.) PARADE STARTS PROGRAM. (Continued from Page i.) Itoguo Jtlver Valfey railroad threat ened troublo at ono time, but tho team waa stopped before it had reach ed the crowded sidewalks ror which It headed. Otherwise nothing occurred to mar the pleasure or tho occasion. The parade was In tho charge or Jack Rens, as marshal or tho day. Following him came the Medford band and then tho carpenters' union. Here was seen the only banner of the day reading: "Justice or Jail ror la bor? How do you vote? Romomber the McNamaras." Following the car penters came the teamsters, all on horseback. Then, clad in overall, followed tho plumbers and following pay until forced to do bo, when she hired an attorney. Ilroko Off Relations. Heattlo then declared ho had brok cu oft relations with lleulali lilnforn during lltOS, regarding her simply as a woman of tho town. Asked It ho loved her, the man replied with a ghostly Btullu: "I cared nothing for her exceut physically." Again taking up his story, Iloattlo asserted that, he had loved his wife for a year prior to their, marriage and that.thox had never In thelr,llves exchanged a cross word. "I know of no reason why sho should have beeu untiappr," ho sajd. "I had told her, all about my rela tions with Beulah ninfonl. Including tho fact that tho birth or the child was blamed upon me." ,t pealtle ,adrulteil, however, that ho resumed relations with llculah Din ford at Norfolk without Ills wile's knowledge. Asked ir he had not planned to support thu girl and furnish up a riat ror her, Iloattlo replied: DAVKXPOUT, lit., Sept. !, More Uutn fiPQu.perHOUH hero today heard Uhainp tjlarH. speaker, or the national lioiiRc, paint a glowing picture ot tho future In an address on tho "Pulled State In tho Twentieth Century." Chirk arrived hero today gmwt r CoiigrcHHiuan Pepper, rode In the ljtbur day parade with tho may ors oi kuck isiaiiu, .MOiuio nuu uav enport ami later mot tho leaders of thu Illinois awl Iowa democracy at a hlg reception, where he received pledges of democratic support from those states In his boom for tho pres Identlal nomination, "Ono of the crowning glories of statecraft, philosophy, humanltarlnu. Ism nnd religion In the twentieth cen tury," Bald Speaker Clark, "will bo tho discovery ut Nome plan whereby uvery man and woman, ahull enjoy tho usufruct of their ow.i labor nnd which will prevent ono man becoming thu beneficiary of tho toll, energy, tal ents and sweat ot inniiy men, women and children. INHlIl v Tho electrically lighted sowing room is ascone of comfort when the machino is run by an electric motor. No hnrL hronUincr nodal- Stim 'friL Ingl The seamstress touches a button' we do tho rest. Rogue River Electric Company .... Li Look nt all of tho real estate ads and nt much of the real estate ud vjrtised, before investing. "Yes, I Intended to do so. Her rep utattou was so bad that her sister, unable to keep her homo, asked mo to do what I could. Hut this Is no proof that 1 loved her. Another wom an t helped under similar circum stances was Mary Vclls." BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS HENRY M, MARSH All ordorH prom fitly nttonded to night or day. Short nud long hnulH. Moving houaohold goods a npuchiUy Union ttmmaters. Office 31 91. Front Pacific 4171 Home SO Residence Main 613 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY f . . . l r . v-n- avi FOR RENT Furnished ho uso. 423 neatly ut Cajl phono 5071. HU 8 iJC R)ES 8mnU,hoar all of Seclrn plant- Vl to ofolutrtl, l-)rr-oli) " trr; qtiartor mlU noulh nt city HmlU', price 13600; pool (vriim. S modern bungalow for rent. om TAJUCBBS AWD rSUXTSBOW- SKI BAVJC White & Trobridge Tavldcniiist Sportsmen Savo your trophlcn thin year. There will bo none, to savo lu a few years. This cut shows when t6 cut tho skin. Never cut tho front of a deer's neck. Call at Humphrey's Unit Storo and got a pamphlet free, telling how to save game heads, birds And skins for rugs, published by F. W. BARTLETT Medford, Oregon ft t Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGrE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS ,'.V V JConey on hand at all times to loan onjmproved ranchca and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 120 GARNETT-COREY BLDO. MEDFORD IRON WORKS B. G. Trowbridgo, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST 'All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilors nnd Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. For tKe Love of Mike I Let's Hurry t MUTT . . and JEFF AT T1IK UGQ ... . ? MUTT and r.hii tJU. JC AT TJIK UGO c OUR PICTURES ARE BEING SHOWN TONIGHT AT THE UGO acf i to pay two or three timcH for IIiIh f . m what you should or are yonimVmtVVVVVV ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Gold Ray Realty Co.. Wishes to announce that aftoi-vSepI ember 1st, 1911 they will oeeupy officer room No. 101, on . Hououd floor of J5LISCL,Rr.O liUrLDTNtr. WILt HANDLE REAL ESTATE ( JWo are prepared to take listings of all kinds of real estate, ranches, city lbt, houses, chattels and property of every des cription. MEMBER OF MEDFORD REALTY ASSOCIATION & Being a member of tho Medford Realty Association, wo solicit your patronage for anything in the lino of farm or city, prop erty, ranches, leases, options, etc., etc. J We have a largo amount of land, suitable for tho cultivation of all far mproducts, al for the cultivation of all farm products, al insouthcrji Oregon, which wo can offer at prices which will surely interest you. PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE I We also luivo proporty which wowill ex change for outside real estate, ranches, farms, etc. All inquiries will bo promptly answered, and we shall bo pleased to hear from you either in porson or by loiter. qaiVB US A GALL. GOLD RAY REALTY CO. Room 101, Electric Bldg. Modford, Or.