Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 02, 1911, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    t,"V'"' '
Mr. Iribaii Gets TallceH ..About; Just Because lie Picks Up a Paper
By h: b.
JMf' j
, ... , r
, i'ii . f'.ni r '
A V. . . .. i "V 1 Will. 197
,,,.,., have rou can i get ptzr
ui S!! mornings I paper.? oip , 'nr' ""
" r I a J I n r 9 a i- I . n nit II I I I l
t b ti i Diiuco i,m' - wu ,u' ' . ... . n,..i ' r. r
ti .hsv -yrrs . - i Vj?2- rWW j&&"VzZrzl A ir-v
iSAN ak JL 3k U ' . G X . ' k
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' i ., .- I-, . , i i- , j i . .
ucui-r incdiNPci.iu.,,f
i guess H.neveru ny'
j7Buyr THFAi
f Voti
n it&
SyiY WllAT5 DO YatfTHlMf.7
MP MaAd lis ruoftflp
to euv papers Tfeiy
' LsBaBBBr i i i m b ' i sis r
Bsssssssssssssft . - J I 1 ' I
in nl
'i in r iii m ii 1 1 r ' - .-J U.i., ,.W..- ,i, ,, , .. w.i.i I
Our CorrespiinayitS
(My A. ('. Hmflell.)
ltol)rt Cuiintroii of A)ili'itlo, lnw
lii'oh outvUitihj; Mr, niu! Mm. J. -J
Mm. Ailn KiihI, nen Ailu DitHwortli,
of UrunlH Piim, mill IiltVIhIit, MIhh
J.nwn'iicii DilHwoHli. p.Amo out nml
hHut tin- nlnht Mmiiliiy, lukliiR tlio
Pnyloii HtiiK TucH(lny morning for
llipir old Iwiiitt iirar Paylon.
Artio Nii'IioIm, yvifn mul ilmnjlilnr,
Minn Fay, look Biitjr n. Iliu Suimy
hidp Miitiilny iiTnlit-
M' Frty Frry mul Stella !!(
wn-fu vlHinnc f heir mint, Minn Kosn
Aynn. u fnw iluyn )AHt wrelc.
Irvin (Irocn, tint ImihIiicmm innnnor
of Dm 401 rundi, Imn been ddliveriiiR
Iturllull pouni mul flruvi'iiHldti up
pli'K to Hiinn of tlio KiikIo Poiiitorrt.
M!hk IIuxol ItpynolilM of Mmlforil
who Iihh limn viNilliiKT Iter mother on
the 7iorlli fork of Little lltttto crock,
rotuniPil hoVnn lnnt Moiuluy Ntoppin
on tlio way to vinit liar ilmilitcr, Hut-
A Ki'iitlrninn liy tlio nnnin cf E.
Cly??'nVil twVrfnilltH look' iltiiner ltore
Miunliiy. Tlmy nro from tlio Upper
Uuttor creek country, on their wny to
, Mr. Kplkrr Iiiih n irnng of men ht
work 'putting up ft iurj;i7 hnl 70x,iU
feet to l) iikciI for mIiowh, lnnce( jr
Hiiyllilup"etM(i .Oilil U bo iieeilcil for
in ilia lino of hiiHincHH. It is Home
tlilnjj Krei'tly neeilcil In. our (own jih
wnjinvc not hud n xultiiblo plnco to
.ltn'lil n entertntnmout or hnvo n
dnncn for nomo tlmt cftpoclnlly winoo
Mrt Dnloy linn turned hit dnuca hull
Inlp n Htono hiiildiui;.
Mm. Henry Conn of DoulitH coun
ty lins been viHitjiifr hor mother, MY.
A. K'. ThomiiM, iiIno Mrn. I. P. Mnury
mitt duiiKhtor, MInh DchhIo, of Coot
liny, ii iiieei) of Mr. Tlionim?, Iiiih
been viKitini: bur nuut. Alno ono of
Mrl. 'TJiomW Bonn, rf. ' 8. Orihy,'
wir mul (JniiRhter of Kinmnth FhIIh,
hnvo been viMtiUp bin mother.
Q. K. llnboopk. of Cottage Orove,
whlloVn Iho' Huiil from llutto Falto,
with a oiiij hornn huwy, hnd tlm mlN
forltiuo to hnvo a front nslo break
about fivn inilcrt thin nidu of Iliitto
FiiIIh. Ho took Iho harnoHH off of
the. homo mid loft it in Iho hTiKSty
. inouuted tlm hornu nud Htartoil for
Medfonl, Mopping hero for mippor.
Ho Hiiid that ho phoned to Iho NuhIi
ntablo and lotiLthom wljijro tlio buur
and hariieHH wan.
Minn Ada Elmer of .laekHonvillo Is
here vlnilinj; Misrf.FchJ Dnloy. '
I. II. Daley and two of bin broth
er mum hi WednoHday nlhl from
the head of lllun Canyon ninl tl'itrt
Thiii-day mornlnc Pat brought out
four hoIh of deer horns (o 'show mo
what tliey had boon doing in the, line
of hunting. IIo roportx having hmjl
a lino timo in tlio hillri, IIo oxpeotn
to open Kohool next M(Uiilu(v,iiorning,
and tlio nuortlion of 'wlibtlior vo will
have to havn the fourth teaohor will
kooii ho doelilml. I iiudoi'riluuil Unit
n great uiiiity of tlm palroiiN of the
Kohool am Hlrongly in favor of hav
ing a high fiohool hoio iih tlioro Ih
ijiiito a iiumbor that will have to go Hobool if wo don't hnvo
highimt uradeH adiU'd.
. J. N. Wheolor of CMiM'Polnt, Olio
of Iho curpouterH, working on houio
one of tlio now builillngri, going upln
our tiiwn, IiliH brought IiIh wiTo out.
Bho Iiiih boon Hiok in Central PoIn(
nml hIio !h going to try our olimild),
puro wator, otn. Thoy havo tnkoii
rnouiH uL Iho Kuunynldo.
Mix. J. It. JaokKon Iiiih gone to
North Yaldinit, WiihIi,, to vinit rela
tives and'MrH, (fliiH NiohUlM lulu gorio
lrt'''HlHton, Miihr., to visit relative
mid Mtoiid to IiuhIiiohh,
Fred Warner and IiIh sinter, IIuxol'
en iho in for dinner Thui'Kduy on
Iholr way In Modford. IIo tolls mo
thai IiIh i'ntlior, John Wnruer, Inul the
iniKfortiiiio to have ono of bin legH
broken floino timo ago whlh) gelling
out pnloH for Iho oleftlVio light coin
pnuy on Roguo rlvor, but thnt'lfo ia
galling along very well at presout,
MInm Kmtna Woinlt, wlp) Una boon
tenchlilR nrliool nl I'oltcRtimn, kUhr
iittcortnV, U npoiiilliiK her vacation
at homo.
JoKepli UnrrlNon, who Ih cngaKed In
inlnlnK In Oterlhig procluet with
U(Klre nlutrlth, traded with our
inerflimitn ThurHiliiy,
iurt' Dfllly ami William Knton
hnvo gono ti California.
MUa Walter v( Iluniling linx Dwitt
Vlnltlng Mru. EiI Wehiit, Her Bluter.
Jhcknonvlllo fiaa bootl full or ht
toruoyn (rum neighboring townq dur
ing Iho week. W. I. Vawlor, 0. C.
Hokkh, W. K. Crowa, 0. W. Chorry,
K. i:. Kelly mid O. II. hnwlor of
MeUfordt and J. A. Lowry and, 0. W.
Trefmlu of Auhland worei among tlio
I'rofoMor J, A. IlUh of Anhlnnd
vlnlted Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Port tlio
foreiinrt of4Uo wcok.
Mr. fttiil Mrs. Honcoo ThomnH went
to Mcilford Thursday afternoon tor
n abort ntay.
J. M. Bponccr who bought Kobort
HOnirii'iiiic on Wreiil creek reVn
ly, tarried n few hour In Jackaon
vlllo during the week. Ha camo to
thin aectlou from Oallfornln with hln
wldi far the bone'ttt'pr their health,
and tool much benefited.
Mr. and Sjra. Kletchpr Linn of
Portland havo rolufncii homo aftor
a abort atay In Jnckaonvlllo. '
Don Cameron, dhontor Kublt and
M. Van Gordon hnvo returned from
a trip to the yiBklyoii' moiintalriii.
County Burvoyor Qrlaox wan In
Jnckaonvlllo lately on official bus
Ineaif. Mr, C. C. Perrln of Bnn Fran
cImco, neo Lillian Hourko of Port
Innd, In tho Rticnt of Mrs. Louis Ul
rich. Tom. DunnlnKton Ih nt tho City
market agutn after a abort vacation.
Cllntoii Cook of Apiilcg'atn h iiai
lug hny Jh JnckKonvllle and vicinity.
Mlk Broad la quite 111 at Ban
Jobo, Cal. ..,.,,
Mr. nud Mrs. Lowla UlAcli,' Maa
Fay Benru mid CluirleH Dunford, Jr.,
returned Saturday from a two wooka'
camping trip In (ho Bteamboat hoc
Hon, U. ii. NVtaon o Vaiilnnd, tho 'ox
pert geologlHt, hnu boon Hpondlng n
few dayn In Jaokao'nvllto.
MrH. HmiiNey, who has been vlult
tug Mr, Ktowart and IiIh family, Jive
golid tt Ashland to vUlt relntlvos.
Hdn. J. W. Morrltt t or Central
I'olnt wiih In Jackaohvtllii a tow
dnya aluco on IhibIuohb at tho as
aealU)r'H office.
Jameri Hook, Jr., mid IiIh family
mul Wl.UImn Frnloy, hnyo romnvod to
ItoborP Itoybould and IiIh family
nrii' ' tiiick 1'roin Fuaticatltig on
ThompBon creek for a fortnight.
10. 0, Coleman of Phoenix had bun
Iiichh at Iho couiily eout during tho
WPk. , , , .,
J, L. HnmiilorRiy of lolil Hill linti
legal liuslncHH In Jnckaonvlllo Wod
hoHilay. ' " '
MrH. F. C. Klaor wiih tho RUOUt of
M I'd ford O'lendB oiot dayt this wook.
CiirU koriuoy'ti luudwu'ro chIuIj
llHliimuit, (iiih lioon,,turiiid. over, to It,
h. Bablii, uiicroVary of, Uio Merclinnta'
Protcctlvo association of Portland,
' Mr. hiid MrH. P, 8. BtobiiHtnip uro
at homo upuln.'' Mr. Sioonatrup hoc
boon .making Now York u IiuuIiicsb
vlult. ' '
MIhhoh Hoho mid Cnthorlno riuok
ioy woro over from Applogato Wod
nouday, C, Combort uud A. J, Marvin of
AnpWuto. Hpont a day In Jnckaon
vlllo thin woqk. ,
jiltlgb Prim and IiIh fnmliy, who
havo boon at tho Dluo Canyon for
aovorat wook, uilj at jioma uguln.
Mh and Mih. W. 'S. IJariUnn 'liuvo
roturhoip trom a trip to Portland.
Mtu Charles Nlckoll and hor
dulightVr. Nan, woro' guoHH rif Mr.
mld'MiH, LuwIh lliiloh WodiiOHtlrty,
Mr. uud Mru, 13. A, Lnngloy and
fjoaveiiiib liroa. hiiv'o" beoii enjoying
a aovural weokn' outing In Htemnboat
Will Ilarnuih and MagniiH Hull
hnvo gono to Applcgata to daugh
ter gnmo, '
Mr. and Mrn, J. Tiiruboiigh (noo
Abblo Henry) are now rcHldonta of
Dayld Duncan recently recolvcd a
(lilt from his father, who ntoppod
n few wixikn while on bl way homo
to tho Wlllnmotto valley from n trip
to hln former homo In the boiiUiwcb
torn Htatoa.
"Mr. mid Mrn. C. C. heokmnn 'and
(holr daughter, MIkk ' Carrie, huva
gono to Ban Francisco on a vIhII.
Minn Loulau ICnaclb hua gono tu
Medfonl to atay with Mr. and Mrn.
Walter Kcntner hwhllo.
JamoA Cuntrnll mid HIh family
havn returned from a trip to Cres
cent City.
Mlsaca FIceta Ulrlch and ftlcs
Chapman, who hnvo bcon enjoying an
outing at Bcattlo liar with Mr. and
Mra. W. W. Cameron and Mra. J. T.
Uuckloy, havo returned.
Hov. Mr. Tufla of tho 8ta,to Re
form league will deliver a lecture on
"A Sunday Ileal Law fop Oregon" at
tjid M. E. church noxt Sunday nib'rn
Ing. In tho' ovenlng thcro will be a
picture sermon nml good music.
Mrn. M. Whiteside, who has been
visiting hor relatives, baa returned to
Horry Treat la treating Blck nutoa
at tho Jacksonville garage.
Tho Jacksonville ntinlla achool will
rcaumo studies next week, with tho
following corps of teachois: Profca
or Harrington, principal; Clara El
mer, Nellie Collins, Mra. II. Crouch.
T. A. Dallln of Portland la tho
guest of H. M. Collin.
. Jamca Garyln, Wolborn, Ilccaon, J.
H. Roblspn, C. W. Bhcrrnnn, M.
Yount And Delbcrt Goddnrd woro
down from Talent thlK weak.
Mlsa Anna lirond hnn ncccpted a
position with tho Pacific Statca Tolo
phono company at Medfonl.
Vinton Henll of Contrnl Point pro
clnct, tho nrtlst, spent a fow hours
In Jacksonville Friday.
tS acres; eiosa In; beautiful view; ftna
vol) I f ISO oti very y tvrtna. .
( 1-J crs; bearing- orchard; water
rlicht; atofa; also leaai on xood yaa
turo and hay land; sale or trade,
St acres. 35 acres In alraluft. Irrigated,
garden and fnmliy orchard, 1 1-3 mile
out. MIS acre.
lne ranch and elty property In Wyomlns
for fruit ranch hero.
40 acraa, 30 under' (Uteta, water rnrhta,
(SO puer acre.
6 room houao, modorn, $3500, take
4 room houflo, 3000, take acreage.
6 rqom house, modern, take acreage.
160 acres, all flno loam soil, 75
cleared, bulidlnga, pumping plant,
trado for small ranch, pay or as
sume. Price $4000.
100 acres, 100 In crop, tine loam
.oil., $7G. acre,,, take 1-2 .In trado.
110 acres, 1 1-3 mlleS from town In Wil
lamette valloy, rich bottom and up
land, 100 acrea cultivated,- good Im
provements, $118 acre.
Income property, rentals, 13S monthly;
takn fi-ood acreage, ,
10 Acres Irrigated In Idaho? Id la al
falfa and crop; $S0 acrea.
70 aorea, (S under dltoh, 25 in applea
and rears In year, t 1-1 tnllei ' out,
1I5 acre.
to aorea, IS In pears, cloae In fins build
ing alto and view,
119-aora a'locM and alfalfa ranch: 110
aorea tillable; under ditch; S7 per
, aor take Income property. ,
ItO acres raw land; all flha fruit land!
take any good property.
10 aorea, tillable; 11000; take town prop
erty Q aorea, cleared; take residence in
1 fine oIobb In lots for raw land.
SO aorea Bear Creek bottom for Dakotah
Kino apple and pear orchard, close In,
nine year old, close to town and ahlp
ping point, take good residence prop
erty In trade.
SO noroa. Palisade, California In orchard,
tako dairy or aiook rahoh and city
property, '
Income property, Twin Faljs., Idaho, for
good acreage.
tittls for general housework.
City and tanoh property te last
Lt l Hi '
wmxm bt-t-cs
Orcnt snlo of canning pears this
week, whllo thoy laL 1c per pound.
Hasklna for Health.
voTioa wumoTiom to cssays
A-samoaTAx. xarssBTKo-gzaw rt
vn iiasa or PzmacAjnnT
boIjm x7AC-cao cou-ttt, ou,
lotlco la hereby Klvcn that on the SOtti
day of September. 111. an election will
txl'lield throughout Jackson county, Ore
con, for the purpose of submitting to
I ha voters of' Jackson county, Oreron.
the question na td whether or not debts
for lh building of permanent roads
within' Jackson county, Orecon, shall be
Incurred In a sum not exceeding 11.500.
000 and Interest thereon, and over and
aboro any and all Indebtedness of tho
founty at the date of said election, and
ndetienilent of'ftnr other Indcbtodniwa
Of said county otherwise created, and
autnorizinR saia.inaeuiennenss to do evi
denced by the bonds of said county, dat
ed January 1st. 1113, and payable twen
ty years after date and bearlnc a rate
or Interest to bo determined by the coun
ty court, but not to exceed six per cent
toer annum, nimble semi-annually, which
Interest may be. evidenced by, Interest
coupons attached to such bonds, and
which bonds and Interest coupons may
fe substantially In the form deslimatcd
n the order of the county court .for
Jackson county. Orecon, calling Said
election, which order was duly made and
enterrd of record In the county court of
the state of Oregon for Jackson county,
oiling ror ine irannaciion oi counir
business at the regular August. 1911.
term of said court, which convened .on
the 3d day of August. Mil. and which
order wan made and entered on the. 3d
day of August. 1911. Bald election will
bo held In each election precinct In said
County, . beginning at the hour Of S
o'clock tn the -morning on the SOth day of
September. 1911. and continuing until
I1k hour of 7 o'clock In the afternoon .of
said day.
This notice la Issued in accordance
wlth.aald order of said county court this
Id day of August, mi, .
County Clerk Jackson County. Oregon.
FOR EXCHANGE Medford and subur
ban property, ranches, timber lands
for other property. Address Box 199,
care Mall Tribune.
TO TttADB 37 acres, 33 miles from
Medfnrd; will make nplcndfd moun
tain ranch: running water; will trade
for Medford house tn Medfonl, Or. Box
X, Mall Tribune. 141
WILLi exchnnge a good ranch for n atock
of merchandise. 3., caro Tribune.
FOR BALK OR HUNT Furnished 5
r no m room house on largo lot! shade
nnd fruit trcr. modern conveniences.
S17 W. Tcntlf st Tel. 6591. 145
TO' HUNT Seven-room house, modern,
largo yard nud burn. Call 733-IartyJ3,
Homo Telephone.
FOIt 11KNT Small house 139 Weal 13th
Ht. Hoc party in rear. lis
FOIt ItKNT Three-room furnished
house, rensonnble. Inquire Dr. Secly
or J. W. Ucrrlcn, First National Itankr.
Fort KKNT 6 rooms, furnished, mod
ern or part of same, Apply 333 South
Central. Phono 1H1. 143
KOH ItKNT Kli'gnnt ateam heated
atHij-tment, six roomH and imth, In two
family house, separate porch and en
trance, insuring nil privacy of n nun
Knlow. .Corner Koao uvenuo nud West
Main at. 140
FOU ItKNT Two-room house, partly
furnished; IS per month. Allen Grocery
Co. 146
FOU ttKNT At 719 Taylor Btrcot. house
with seven rodnis, gu In houso nnd
good woll, water pipes going In now;
lent 15 per month. H. II. Itullock,
Homo phono 143U 103 Roosovclt nv
inn. 140
11)11 RUNT Modorn flvo-room bunga
low; until, pnutry nnu tnrco oioscih;
closo in. Apply 517 South Holly 10
FOIt RENT Sir-room furnished house,
modern. 433 Jlcutty. Ihono 4343. 141
ltlll RKNT-"-Oosy flvo-room bungiilow
nit West Hamilton; modorn. liuiulm
401 B. Riverside.
Xeasakasplaff Smm
MOOEUN housekeeping rooms, 16 nnd
118. 333 'SOtltK Holly.
Sfnrnlshsd Booms.
l)rt ItKNT Funilshod room, ovory con
vcnleuco. Cult 535 H, Ortipoi 148
FOR 1U5.NT Furnldhoil rooms for houso
Ueoplug. 3 or 3 In aulto. l'liono 6063,
No. 108 Knot 14lh' at. 145
I'X)U RKNT Nicely furnished front
room, nuttnblo for twn young men;
furnish hout. S15 N, Riverside nvo. 144
Board and Boosaa
VMM RENT Rooms. Room and board
- for n teacher. l'liono 5133 or cull 40Y
Reutty Bt. 144
ROOM AND HOARD at Mrs. Fay's, No.
10 No. Orapo nt., back of Farmers and
Frultgrowora blrig. .
FOR KRHNTr-Fttrms from 40 aorea t(
lOO.aorea, alfalfa land, fruit ranehen
garden. land, general farming ranches
Gold Ray Realty Co., Ill W. Mala.
Offices fee JSaaa
FOR RENT Over the poatofflo with
heat and light See A. A. Davis,
FOR nENT Office rooms, In Klectri
btdg modshi equipment, steam heat,
electrlo light, baths, toilet, hot an
cold water. Gold Say Realty Co, 311
W. Main st
TOR RKNT 7 6to 80 acrea to rent to
good, reliable man with team, for seed
ing to wheat or grain hay. Houso nnd
stable furnished while seeding. In
quire of W. 11. Nudlng, Eagle Park,
Iirownfeboro. 140
FOR RENT Garden land tn. tract
of from one acre upwards, with
water for Irrigation. , Owner will
furnish team and Implements for cul
tivating and seed for share of crop.
Inquire of Duffurn. Rogue River Elec
trlo Co., 311 W. Main st '
FOR LEASE Flslng, boating and hunt
ing resort on easy terms. Box 33,
Mall Tribune.
FOR HALE- Two acres creek bottom
In flno garden in city limits, fine lo
cation, nothing better for nice little
home and garden nnd fruit ranch. Ad
dreaa Lock Dox 63, Wood vl lie, Ore
gon. 143
FOR SALE Lota and email tracts for
sale. Buy direct and avoid commis
sion. M. M. Maine, Fac. Phone T43.
Home 143x. 153
FOV Bale Modern house, close in. on
proved street Inquire of owner, 604
South Holly. 143
FOR SALE Would you like to own a
brand new bungalow with An acre or
morn of ground half mile beyond city
paving, where you can ralso flne ber
ries" and vegetables? Ideal chicken
ranch. An acre will not cost as much
aa an ordinary city lot Also S-acre
tract, all under ditch. See owner. Jas.
Howling, No. 30 8. Peach street, or
P. O. Box 843. 141
BaslTiisa Tiufitf
FOR SALE Louvre cafo for sale at n
bargain. Phone 318IC, or see O. N.
Wllaon. 10S West Fourlu st 141
FOR SAX.B OR RENT; Good opening for
general merchandise store In new
town with 115,000 monthly payroll, on
railroad, 13 miles from Medford. Gold
Ray Realty Co-. 301 W. Main.
FOR SALE Choice busineas property
at a bargain, on long time: easy terms,
Address Condor Water A Power Co.
FOR SALE One pair of mules nnd har
ness, 1150. Seo W. H. Evcrhard. 909
West Ninth. 140
FOR SALE Bargain In nutoa. Stevens
Duryea 40 horso power, In perfect
condition, good as now.
Cadillac, SO horso power gray fin
ish, nickel trimmed, used only four
months. Can bo seen Crater Luke Oar
age. Cash only. No trade, 141
JtR SALE Good all round family horse.
uno mile soutn Main street. Just off
Jucksonvlllo road. Wm. O'Harn. 140
FOR SALE 8. C. Buff Orpington chicks
from 6 to 13 weeks old; id so Barred
Rocks 4 months old. 933 South Orange.
FOR SALE Two-horso power gasoline
vacuum carpet cleaner, cheap. 708
West 10th st. 140
FOR SALE First Claaa dry fir wood,
by C, F. Relchateln. 48 North Oak
dalo avenue.
FOR SALE Pumping engine, with gear
and without; wood saw complete; wood
sawed to order. M. M, Maine, l'nc 743.
Homo Phone 143x. 153
FOR SALE Grain liar at Isaacs' rnnoh,
Phono 5910. Party It 4 tit
FOR SALE Peaches for aalo. cheap Ht
tho Orchard, 4 miles north on tho
Kngle Point rond. Ordom tnkon for
Klberths, Mutrn and Clings. Phono 691
parly R 3.
FOU SALE Driving horse, harness nnd
buggy, cheap for cash. Apply to A. K.
Wnro, with F, W. Drossier, Mall. Tr
buno blilg. 140
FOR SALE Shetland pony, buggy and
harness. W. W. Hlfert, 18 Front at,
FOR SALE Two horses. Hiiltablo for
single or tonm work, Inqdlru R. R.
Crcamory. 144
WANTED Board with private, family.
West Side, for young man. wife and
3-yeur-old child. 'Address Box 8, caro
Mull Tribune. 140
WANTED Second hand rnngo with
colls; must bo in No. 1 nluipo unit
client) for cash. Oukdalo Cash Grocery.
WANTED Consignments of poaches,
cantaloupes, grapos, otu. we guarantee
prompt returns, References .furnished.
Frank H. Blnlr Com. Co., wholesale,
commission Co,, Eunona, Oregon. 1G4
WANAKD All kinds of plain Bowing;
phono noma 103-L.
WANTED Position by competent lady
Stenographer; can giro references; Ap
ply Box 44, caro Mall Tribune. 14CT
WANTED Consignments oC peaches,
cantn'oupes, grapes, etc. Wo guarantee
prompt returns. References furnished.
FranK E. Blair, Com, Co., Wholesale
Commission Co., Eugene, Oregon. 164
WANTKD To rent, modern 6 or 7-room
house, not too far from Washington
school. Phono 5631 or 613. 143
WANTED To trade, an irrigated grain
or alfalfa farm in Montana, valued" at
$11,1)00: also 33 acres of townsite prop
erty valued at 16000 for Jackson coun
ty property, farm or city. Write or
call on Samuel Bateman; 303 Maplo
street 141
WANTED To rent, 6-room. 1-fltory,
modrrn bungalow, before October 1.
Phono 3171 Pacific.
WANTED To borrow, 1800 on city
property, security worth $180O( will
pay 10 per cent interest, two years'
time. Address If 3, care Mall TribUna.
3Clv Waat4 vale
WANTED Loggers, lumber pliers, box
factory men; good wages. Ashland
Manufacturing Co., Ashland, Or. Ill
for work at Prospect Apply at room
103 Electric bldg.. 218 W. Main at
Prospect Construction Co. -
WANTED A atrong boy to learn trade.
Apply Medford Sheet Metal Works, 158
East Main. 143
WANTED Married man to work ranch
on shares, two mllea rrom small town.
36 miles from Medford. Inquire 135
S. Oakdale. 140
WANTED Teamsters to bid on hauling
3000 cords wood. Address Buffom, care
Rogue River TOec. Co?
WANTED Carpenter familiar with
maklnr mission furniture and wood
working. Address Buffam, care Rogue
River Electric Co.
WANTED Salesman for exculalre ter
ritory; Big opportunities. No expe
rience necessary, complete line xax
Ima Valley grown fruit shade and
ornamental stock. Cash weekly. Out
fit free. Toppenlah Nursery Company,
Toppeulah, Wash.
WANTED Salesmen In every locality o
the northwest; money advanced week
ly; many make over 11000 month
choice of territory. Yakima Valla
Nursary Co,, Topealsa. WirtL
Xl -treats jreaaale
WANTED Apprentice girls. Inquire nt
Rundlett Slaters' Millinery Store. 143
WANTKn Lniitf canvaHiwra. Our fa
moua Knlttop Petticoats insuro good.
Immediate incomes to capanio women.
Sell on sight Prompt reply procures
exclusive territory. Spelman & Co., Chi
cago. 140
WANTED Chambermaid. 330 East Main
street 148
WANTED Woman for general house
work, one who can cook. Wages 130
per month. Apply Buffum. Rogue
River Electrlo Co.. 311 W. Main.
PASTURAGE I hav pasturago and
grain hay enoUgh to feed two extra
horses for the winter. Address A. It,
Mall Tribune. 141
FREE Hog feed, swill, nt English Chop
Houso for tho hauling. Phonq 1671. 144
nsT rwr m. y.avvi. -rr n.,. rt
VUVAJi CK IViWUtlM Pi .. lt , V-
L. Rearaea. Lawyers. Office Medford
National Bank building, second floor.
Attorneys-at-taw. No. 3 and 3 Post-
orrice ouuaing.
A. K. REAMES LWyr. Garnett-Corey
uisy. w. uiiut(uv) tvyors. 1'rac
tlco In al state, and federal courtn,
Rooms 11 and 13. Jackson County
Bank bldg.
JOHNS A' TURNER. Arehlteota aad
auuoens. urnce 7-1, iss staiat yaeae
uain 4i(i. iieoiaeoco pnona 111.
D. R. WOOD General accountant Tour
books auaitea ana xepi rora reaaoname
figure; your "business solicited. Office
Ateurorq luati xrioune uuuuing, pnons
4611, realdenco ph.ono 1601.'
Assayes aag Analyst.
Bcia. 11. bo. ucnnrui uasay ana an?
nlyttcal work; Cement and asphalt
testing. Beat equipped assay office
and testing laboratory in Oregon. All
work guaranteed. Grants, Pass, Or.
title CO.. INO, JacKsonvuie. Phones
Psclfic. Main 11; Homo 300
BlUlars Vanosa.
S. ,T. BROWN &CO Bllllarda; Cigars
anu poii unngB. up Hairs, xoung m
iiau uuuaing. a tHcev 0001 fiaee is
snend the hot afternoona
Bill Vostera.
DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD Chlroprnotle,
nervn specialist, 213 Fruitgrowers Rank
building; Office hours; 3 to 4, Phono
Home 269K. Residence. 113 RooiMvelt.
Hoiirs! 10 to 13 and 6:30 to ,7:30. Phono
10SK. Special hours by appointment
Scientific massage given. Advice in
dlolotlcs. Medical gymnaatlo hydro
therapy. - - ' - L I
DAVIES A IRLE Chiropractors, 133 3.
wnirw-YB, i-nono nain ail. uilico
hours: 2 to'4 p, m. Censultatloa and
examination rree.
brajs aaa JasaseeT"
Dealers In tobacco, cigars, 'and smok
ers' supplies. Exclusive agent of Lewis
wegle Binder, El Merita aad Bt Palea
cla. 313 West Main atjrwet
Ooatractec aad BalMar.
ALL kinds of carpenter work. Contract
or day work. 323 Court st A. W.
H. F. WILSON , CO .dealers In new
and . second-hand furniture and hard
ware. Agents for Household stoves
and ranges. It South Fir street Phone
Main 8111. Home 365-L.
ner. 8th and Holly streets, Medford.
Mission furniture made to order. Cab
inet work of all kinds. A trial order
MORDOFF A WOLFF Cookstcves and
ranges. New and second hand fuml
tare. Bads' old stand, IS Fir street.
South. Phone 9L Home 313-IC Medford.
MKDFOKD BlUCit. CO. tieo. W. Prldoy.,
O. D. Nagle, Geo. T. O'Brien Contrac
tors and manufacturers of brick; deal
era In pressed brick and lime,. Of flea
In Oaroett-Corey block, room 209. 2d
floor. Phone No. 1191.
MISS TURNEY, Piano instruction and
musical history. 303 South Newtown
street Phone 6603 Belt
SEE MATT CALHOUN of Phoenix. Or.,
or the Denver Quarts: Mill A Cruahor
Co.. of 1710 Broadway, Denver, Colo
rado. Catalogues and prices can be
had at Phoenix. Oregon. Matt Calhoun.
Betasy SraMle.
HELEN Nl YOCKET. Notary public.
Bring your work to me at the sign of
The Mall Tribune,
er, potted plants, shrubbery bulbs. 931
EL Main. Phone 374L.
u.?.d-ed'..nS.t, araf ted. Our stock la not
irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put
out Wo are not In tho, trust fi. B.
Patterson, office removed te lit B.
Main st
1 nur-Beta
cm:TnhV..riSK.-fc 4J5ff"
. -xi."i;;-".." i' "nr
..v. j vh. jmi xu 0. nr.
Baystetaaa sag Bargaeaa.
Da--CONROr k CLANCt Pnystolani
and surgeons, Taylor and Phlppa bldg..
rooms 310-311-313. Office pfioe 50l!
residence phone 613. Offlee heura t a.
nt. to I p. m.
CAttLOW Osteopathio physlciani!
Moved tearooms 416 and 417 Garnatt
Corey bldg. Phone Main 6351.
Office in Rialto bldg., 133 B. Main.
Gas administered for extraction of
a'(1ytoM " 'ht
d?:.t,5a5ns Physician and suwteori
,f'S?, Oroatt:orey bldg., rooms
311-213, phono 6501. Residence 119
Laurel at. Dhona092.
DsurgeoaT LOCKy,0&i3' Physician and
J?iM- TftTiJa. -. LOCKWOOD.
practice limited to diseases 'f wo-
Sn 0f,iS?". 5Yr "asklss drug slore.
Phoneat Pacific looi- Jtome 38.
Dr. W. M." Van Scoyoa
Dr. c. c. Van Seoyoe.
, .. .pentlsta
USS0' blds- "u,u st8' Medford.
0reoa. Both Phones.
DR. J:.J.tMMEN8-iphyaleWn and
surgeon, practice limtted to eye, ear,
"d .throat, eyes .scientifically tested
and gmssea supplied. Offices 16 Bast
Main street, over Medford Hardware
Company; hoUrs 8!30 s. m. to 8 p.m.
both phones.
jivd iiiuiieu o eye, ear, nose and
rftKlS,,! x,8.1!" ' Qsraett.
Corey bUlldlns. Sntlt nhnnu
J. M. KEKNK. D. b. A; ATj.nUNIltftR;
it. u. a., wentiHis,, 235 E., Main. ih,one
mll QUI, llQlllQ JJIK.
mt-' MaldJua " '
SHOW TOUNOjBTChinese medlclrlea will
-uro rneumatiam. eatarrn, colds, goit
ers, throat and.. lung trouble, deafueas,
paralysis, private diseases and ill
kinds of chronlo and nervoui ailments.
Stomach trouble, constipation, indiges
tion, womb and bladder troubles, gee
me at 341 a Front st, Medford, Ore.
to 4, 6;30 to 7:30. Residence phone
Phone Main 43.
rrlnUr and Baallaaars.
MEDFORD PRINTINO CO.. has the best
equipped job office In Southern Ore
gon: book binding; loose loaf systems:
37 North Fir street ,
sowing machines for salo and rent Rot
pairs. Care Duncan local respresenta
tlve. Phono 6043. No, 10 South Fir
SHeaogi aphwa.
KLL'a""M. GUAnVaW Palm", Bieetc
utenograpnio wora none quieeuy aaa
VKRNE T. CANON Bill poster aad Dl.
..IKiitn. All MAi..MW.nh,lM 'IIIa,
Room 29. Jackson County Bank build
ing, ueaiora, vr6011;
MISS U J. IHNOSTON. PubllestetiK
rapher, Medford, Oregon. . Phosfa: Of
fice, Home, 95; Faclflo 6331: resldenee,
Paolflo 134lr,Oarntt'-OBreyBtdr. y
SIGNS will hel
aeea, l
aw. ms&ssiffl:
.' '