vrr MBDITOTIT) MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORP, PRKCION, FRTPAVBWPTOfBrafrl, 1011; Mr. Inbad Is Again the Victim of Circumstantial Evidence 3EC PA(Tr3'WVT3 By H. B. Martin 1 -J . .i THAT LITTLE OtRL. WILL BE RUM OVEft BV some automobile s J4 f HI s trSte You must Ncit pLrtV IM THfe SrRrXET WTTiiEv Glftt. VOII MIOMTcTETHURTJ rft, a V ill i i-, i ' K 1 -T A Mil" 1 TJBrWfrK 'THERE.li A Bi-oTIB MAIR ON MP NtfIDS' COAT MS WPElSMT n lilOWO ?pp i 1 1 :S0) fab -' I A VxIG- ' 0)p ti0 AlR.2 INDAD (AMo IS THAT 0LOMO tADV YoUf rlS df)ND CloES WITH? i)v Hope, im nt telling 'icm i uiinu ' 'fclJ WEEPNT TftY TO v L- ABOUT T AND UMATS AtOpE ntRES ft 0tOMO ttTHR ON YdUR.C0ATi T" j f f ii 5fc r r- wM&m&"' .' iZ5n mnMlA Ju ffrjBMK' ?fi7ara EAST FLOODED WITH FRUIT Ruinous Prices (or Pean and Other Products Due to Lnrye Local Crop and Unsettled Financial Conditions Throughout Couqlry. a hi v, r " A ' Tliu Kortliwpnttrii Fruit KxIiiihk" timlrr ilu I n of AiitiiMt 'JU miijm: TIiu oxt'liuiiKO Iih liron iHrtiiiMK niurkvt r'H)rli4 up to lliln time about unco it week, tliu nurtlnvfrttiTii htati'M Itnvu not bpcn hhipplu niilarly un til rrcenlly. Ilcri'iiftor, n-portH will tin iriHiicil Kcvantl timcti wcvkly( ami k -noon iim nvjulrtul, rrportN will be I h h ii 0 1 duily. Tim talilo bnri'iiiiilor will kWv nn cxoclli'iit iilcii (it tliu ooiiriic of ilu market niucti IiihI rvport. Ilartlutt pear lutvu liceii rlllnn at ruinously liny prioch- iim will bo nittctl; otbor variolicM if tWiiliioiirt frititn bnvo bin Hi'llini; at diapoiiitliij,' pricos. ThfxV t'ouilitimiK aru attribulvd to tbt ln'avy utipplifrt of unrly iipplos, poa'm ami plum whiah tliu i-nHlcrn lilrii'U btivn born putting into Ibn markut, ami to Ilia ncrally uiiNiit- if,'ii)tory IninincHH, imlimtrinl and i'l-naiii-lal citiulhinnH now pruvalcnt IbntiiKboiit tlio country. California ItarllclU Markrt !w IHkIi Avoriu L'liivi'lniiil -fl.HO 1.76 .fl.lt) " i.ar j.oov i.4i : " i.'Jo i.no 1.15 .Now'York l.uo u.nn i.a J1 Ki aao i.m 110 -1.30 ,3.37 10-INCfl GAFF , 10 MICH FISH Sandry Shows Iron Hooks With Clotheslines , Attached Used at Grants Pass Justice of Peace Appeals to Governor (or Pardon. . EVERYTHING IS READY FOR KIDS County School Superintendent Pre dicts Splendid Year In Jackson County Schools Open (or the Most Part Next Monday. i, " ..... .no y.io i.:i8 iMroil HO 1.10 3.03VS " ' 1.00 1.35 1.18V5 ' I.'JO 1.(10 1.(2 Hohlon ..- 115 1.75 1.31 " , . 1.00 1.00 l.'J'J ,1 75 U.70 l.'JO I'lillailclpbia ... .8,1 1.05 " ... 1.10 1.(10 M ... ."i6 l.-in " ... .70 1.30 I'ittHbuiK 1.35 1.(10 " 1.10 l.f.0 ' "n no i.in Cincinnati 70 l.'JO 1.07 " 70 l.'J5 l.'JO Miniirapolirt 05 1.00 . M 1.10 1.50 )w -V (Jliirano .i...... .85 1.50 3.IQ i "in . '. ....... .MM y u v ,() HI. Ifciiirt" !!..'..' 1.(15 l.firi 1.72 , U 1.10 1.05 " i..'i'o' 1.75 f Colorado Ilartlctts IMiiladolplilu ... '.HO 1.'J5 1 " ... 1.15 l.'J5 fit. Louin 1.50 1.05 Nuw York City... 1.25 1,(1.1 1.57 1 Tliu uxHiitiiKu iiitoH ti(rautit fnuu IctloiH rt'cuived from private hiiIu And f. o. b. markutH, wliinh throw Unlit on lliu viuwpoint of Iho liuyors in tbu fruit trndo: HnrliiiRton, lnwn, ' li'ttcr dated Anoint 25tli: "I am vnxy much afraid you arfl fintf to bo diNapioiulcd with tliu biiHiucHa of my (utritory until Into thix fall, owitiK io tliu faul thai thuru ix a, Iiujjo local crop of apploH and at lliv present tituo out' duivlui'H arc Hollinu apploK thuaihulvcH, Our local crop of poaiH in very kooiI; only tliliiK Iho tiado arc buying !h oraiiKOK." From Omaha: "Markut nn pours had;" CaliforuliiH $1.00 f. n. I. Colorado HuiIIkIIh ijil.-lO dullvcrcd, this price Hliadod 5 (0 10 coutH wbon nnccKHary. TdU'KU ir)V of nntoni puarn Hhippud in hrirrolH, Hulling 10 to (15 coiih f, n. b. and tliu bust Htool; I have over Konu. Markut on apploH jinutluully' Jow uh homo Ki'rtwil, linht wo have had for yearn, and itruotie- nlly froo from woiiun, early variolioH, Hollliijr for 50 cuiiIh IuihIioI1 for iho bcHt, wliilu inferior xtnuk HulliiiK for 30 ceutR in tliu market, GrapoK plou tiful with heavy oropB in Michigan and New York." The orfohrtUKO iiBCiit at floatllo Io. day, 'in roHpniwo to 11 tolernm offer ing n enr of poara from WaRhliiKlon, . ivlroa; "Ciuinot Rot offer, lJailloilu Flt.li Warden Sam Sundry wiih in town yeHtordny displaying two iaf bookn litkon away from uraix I'axrf fifhpnncn. Thoy arc of 3-H-iuch iron, 10 itichcrt Ioiik and 2 3 I iuchas In widtli nt hook. ClotliHiline wcro atlachcd. Tint violator wcro taken before JiiKtlrc JnmpN Hnlinnn who npolo Kurd for liavlnj; to fine llictn the ininliiilim amount, then HtiHpcmlud HonU'iicu ponding an appeal by him to (lovenior Wowt fur a panliin. In nu interview, in Iho Hokiio' River Courier, JtiHtice ITohuiin dincuHKcrt U reluctnuco to obey the InV and the appeal to the governor and the commeutK it aroused, an followrf:' "I Hujipon tbo Med ford pncr :h mad hccaiiKo 1 did not put 11 boy and n deltituto man in jail to lay out a fine of $50, I had imposed, thereby caiiNitiK (tufferiui; to an inuoeeiit fam ily. I'endiiiK an appeal to Oovurnor Wi'( tlin mnn In on-pnrolo under n $.10 fine. lie in now working nud eaniiut bread for Iiik family. He re iMrtod to me today, and ia to rciirt Kain in tun dnyu. Ily that lime it fa expeetcd that we will hear from Governor Went. If 'the pnvoraor ru- fiiHcH the pardon, (hnj the Dcntenee will be uhrried out. Kow (lie heathen may rune. I jjhpuh the city of Oranln 1'anrt U able to conduct ilu court without iuHtructioiiH from tliu town in the Hear creek bnlnh." t Ain't it nyrful, Miibo MERLIN LABORER IS - FOUND DEAD IN BED OUAITS PAHR, Sept. 1.-C. J. Crowley, a laborer, wan found denil in bed Tuesday moniiui; on the old nitmiiH rmieh' owned by Cook A Woodford; and located in, tbo Mer lin country. Dr. Strieker, nn coroner, .wn call cd to tho'Kcene and Ktate that death wax dun to apoplexy. ' Crowley had appeared at the ranch in tbo evening two days before and applied for work. , ' TO T1IH PUflMO. " Commencing Soptombor 1 tlin Mohb lor and Konworthy Flih :Co.' will bo Rtrlrtly on n cash baHU, lly 00 doing wd can 'noil our roocIb much chenpor. CommoncinR Frldny, September 1 wo will aoll spring chlckona at SRc pur pound, nnd werytblng In our Htoro will bo tcducod" In prleo,' Halibut, lOo por lb.; salmon, 17 l-2o por lb. no momboi (Iioho not wIhIiIiik to visit tbo nloro may tolcnhonn Oiolr brdorsl and tbey will bo sont C. O. 1). Wo wll Ijvt jirosent koop up or free do livery four tlmeu a day 8, 10, 2, I o'oWk. Hhplng our old cufl'foniorfl will at lit romumber ub, wo remain, as ovor,' 10 MRSSLER & KKNWOUTHY, WHli everything arranged for their reeejiiiou Young Americn nj far a JackKou county in concerned, will walk itno their respective hcIio.M rooms next .Monday morning and net tle down for eight long moutbu of acquiring knowledge. All of the kc1ivoh arc ready for the childrtn and nearly every aeliool in tbo coun ty will open Monday although there are 11 few which will delay the open ing dny for two weeks. "1 am expecting a splendid year for rcHiiltK along school liue'a" Hluton School Superintendent J. Percy Well "for everything is in rondiucKM this year nnd I believe wu have the Writ corps of (carbon) ever -engaged throughout tbo county. "I am expecting big results from tbo ne Byslcm of supervising Iho schools. The county is now divided into three districts, fl. W. Agor with headquarters at Talent lakes ohnrgo of 0110 district, I). C. Henry' of Gold Hill is in-charge of another, whila I look after the third. This provides for more frequent visita which will prove of assistance to tho teachers." JANETOS TO BE TRIED ASSAULT Grand Jury Returns True Bill Against Creek Who Shot Man In Railroad Camp Near Butte Falls Victim Recovers. I'oter JanctoM 111 unt face trial next week hi tho circuit court on a charge of uKuaiilt with a deadly weapon for shooting Peter HuchlnB in tho rail road count met Ion camp near Iiutto Kails two months ago, Tho grand Jury returned an Indictment Thurs day afternoon against tho Greek after tho testimony of a largo number of GreoliH was examined. Fourteen wit nesses In nil wcro nunpenaed. Only tho fact that Iluchlas recover ed after a hard tight saved Janctos from facing trial on a inoro sovoro I charge. As Ruchlas It now out of all j danger tho only charge loft to bring j against Janctos was assault with a 1 deadly weapon. Tho case will bo tried 1 oarly next week. DIKI). I1U8II At Ashland, August 30. Mrs. Snrah li. HuhIi. at her homo, H Morton street, from paralysis, lntor munt August 31 at Ashland ccmo-tory. HAHT At Phoenix.' August 2'8. Miss Lulu M. Hart, died at tho homo of hor parents from tuborculosls. Fuiforal August 20. - ffl CANNING I'KAIIH, Jc I'KK POUND. Great salo of canning poarn thin week, whllo thoy last, lc per pound. PRODUCERS FRUIT. CO. HaaktBi tor Hc1Ul LEGAL NOTICES. Mndrord, Ore. Auk. 9. lull. This Is to certify that about Novcmbor tny diugli. tor was tnksn with a no vera attnok of rlioutoixtlsm which rendorod her left nrm unolcis, In fuat It wiih so near paralysed that tho was not nblo to move hor fins;, ors, tint knowing: of soma of Or Chow Young's marvelous cures of long stand. Inir oaton of rheumatism, wo tleoliled to consult him,. In whloh I am plrnsed to ny nmilo no mlHtnko, ns his roinodlo aotcit as ho clainod thoy W014IO and af lor tlift third troutmont tha rhoumstlo pnln entirely loft hor nnd she lias not had Miy syinptoins of rheuinatlsni hIuco; ho sides her gonernl honlth Is muoh Improv ed and 1 do not hesltato In saylne I be. Ileva thoso nffllotod with rheuinatlsni or paralysis will do woll to consult Dr Cliow Young, wnosu nouan is earner or Tenth and Front street, Meriforri, Ore. Bon, A, I'. WK18B 14 only ninety and dollar, Yakima con signments," If lh iorl Invest would only co- opernlel 1 1 , Haekluii for Hooltli. - RANCHES IS acres; closo in; beautiful view; fine soli; 1330 sere; very easy terms. I 1-t acres; bearlne orchard) water rlnht; store; also lessa on nood pas ture and hsy Jandj sal or trade. ' TRADE ! seres, 25 acres In airalsa. Irrigated. gsnlen and family oixlisrJ, I 1 miles out. $J!5 aero. Mno runah and city property tn Wyomtns for fruit ranch here. 10 norcs, SO under ditch, water rnthta, ISO pucr scro, 6 room house, modern, 13500, take acroago. t room houso, 3000, tako acreage, G room houso, modern, take acrc-ftgo. fCOOO, 1C0 acres, all fine loam soli, 75 cloarod, buildings, pumping plant, trado for small ranch, pay or as sume' Prlco $4000. IG0 acres, 100 In crop, tlno loam soil, $75 ncro, tako 1-2 In trado. 160 acreB, 1 1-2 miles from tqwn In Wll lutpetto valloy, rich bottom and up land, 100 ncren cultlvuted, good Im provements, $135 acre. Income property, rentals, 9135 monthly; tnko goot nereiiRo. (0 acros IrrlHAtod In Idaho, 10 In al falfa and crop; (80 ncros. TO acres, IS under ditch, 35 In apples and pours In I year, I 1-1 miles out, 913)5 acre, 10 aarrs, 18 In pours, close In fins build in stto and vlow. UO-noro stock and alfalfa ranch; 110 aoros tillable; under ditch; 175 per aero; take tnoomo 'property. ISO sores raw land; all fins fruit land; tuka any good property. iO acres, tillable; 51000; take .town prop erty, 10 aores, cleared; take residence In trade. i flno close in lots for raw land. 10 acres lloar Creek bottom for Dakota)) land. I'tiiQ sppla and poar orchard, closo in, nine year old, close to town and ship ping point, tako good residence prop erty In trado. 10 aores. Palisade, California In orchard, taka dairy or stock ranch and city proporty. Inoofno property. Twin Falls, Idaho, for good acroage. WANTED liirls for general housework. Olty and ranoh property te list. .F. t AlTTNEH boom an 9ur nvrtLDXMm HOTZOB Or SZCTZOH TO OKEATE ADDrneiAi isdhbtsbbtess roa tkb HuniDtKO or PUXKAZTEirr soass xjt JAOKSoir coustt, ohe. Notlco is hereby plven that on the JOth day of September. 1911. an election will on held throughout Jackson county, Ore Ron. for tha purpoxo of subralttlnR to the voters of Jackson county, Oregon, the question as to whether or not debts for the building of permanent roads within Jackson county, OrcRon, shall be Incurred in a sum not exceeding $1,500, Opo and Interest thereon, and over and abovo nny and all Indebtedness of tho county at tho date of said election, and inuopenuoni or any oilier Indebtedness of said county otherwise created, and nuthortilnpr afd Indebtedness to be evi denced, by the bonds of said county, dat ed January 1st, 1911, and payable twen ly years after date and bearing a ralo of Interest to bo dnlermlned by the coun ty court, but not to exceed six per cent per ii n num. payablo semi-annually, which Interest may bo evidenced by Interest coupons attached to snch bonds, and JVWch bonds and Interest coupons may pe substantially In tho form designated In tho order of tho county court for Jnckson county. Oregon, culling said election, which order was duly made and entered of record In tho county court of the stnto of Oregon for Jnckson county, sitting for the transaction of county business at the regular August. 1911. term of said court, which convened on tho 3d day of August. 1911. and which order was made nnd entered on tho Sd S4y. of August. 19U Said election will bo held In each election precinct In said opunty, beginning at tho hour of 8 o clock In tho morning on tho SOth day of September. 1911. nnd continuing until th hour of 7 o'clock In tho artcrnoon of said duy. This notlco Is lamd In accordance with said order of said county court thlB 3d day of August. 1911. XV, K. COLEMAN. County Clerk Jaokson County. Oregon. FOR REflT rarnUUsd Xooms. I'OU rtBNT Nlc-ly furnished front room, unliable for two young men; furnish heat. slS N. Itlversldo rvp. 144 Board and Xoosas KOU ItKNT Itooms. Koom and board for a teacher, l'liono S122 or call 40f Ileal ly st. 14 4 HOOM AND BOARD at Mrs. Fay's, No. 10 No. Ornpo lit, back of Farmers and 1'rultgrowcrs bldg. Offices f os Xss FOIt RENT Over the postofflce with heat and light See A. A. Davis. FOIt RENT Office rooms In Electrl bldg., modern equipment, stearn heat, electric light, baths, toilet, hot an cold water. Gold Hay Realty Co., 215 W. Main st FOR RENT Farms from 40 acres U 400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches garden land, general farming ranches Gold Ray Realty Co.. 316 W. Main. aUacetlaseoKS. FOR RENT 7 tto 80 acres to rent to good, reliable man with team, for seed ing to wheat or grain hay. House and stablo furnished whllo Beetling. In qulro of W. If. Nudlng, Eaglo Park, Rrownsboro. 140 FOR RENT Garden land In tracts of from one acre upwards, with water for Irrigation. Owner will furnish team and Implements for cul tivating and seed for share of crop. Inquire of Ruffum. Rogue River Elec tric Co., 216 W. Main st WANTED. MUscellaseons WANTED Cons:gnments of peaehen, cantaloupes, grapes, etu. Wo guarantee prompt returns. References furnished. Frank B. Iilalr Com. Co., wholesale commlsalon Co., Eugene, Oregon. 10 1 WANAED AH kinds of-plaln sewing; puone iiomo 103-Ij. WANTED Position by competent Indy stonographcr; can glvo references. Ap ply Rox 44, euro Mall Tribune. 110 WANTED Consignments of peaches, canta'oupes, grapes, etc. We guarantee prompt returns. References furnished. Frank E. Blair, Com, Co., Wholesale Commission Co., Eugene, Oregon. 164 WANTED To ront modern 6 or 7-room house, not too far from Washington school. Phono SC31 or S13. 142 WANTED To trade, an Irrigated grain or alfalfa farm In Montana, valued at $12,000; also 32 acres of townslte prop erty valued at $6000 for Jackson coun ty property, farm or city. Writ or call on Samuel Rateman, 302 Maple street 141 WANTED To rent, a 6 or "-room house or bungalow, with large lot also with barn If possible. Apply Steenatrup, 230 W. Main. 139 WANTED To rent, 5-room, 1-slory, modern bungalow, before October 1, Phono 3171 Pacific HELP WANTED. Kely vraatad XSla WANTED A strong boy to learn trade. Apply Medford Sheet Metal Works, 128 East Main. 143 FOR LEASE FIslng. boating and hunt ing resort on easy terms. Bos 32, Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Xrfna FOR SALE Lots and small tracts for salo. Buy direct and avoid commis sion. M. M. Maine, Pac. Phone 742. Home 143x. 153 WANTED Married mn to work, ranch on shares, two miles rrom small tows, 26 miles from Medford. Inquire 12S S. Oakdale. 140 WANTED Teamsters to bid on hauling 2000 cords wood. Address Buffum, care Roguo River Elec Co. WANTED Carpenter familiar with making mission furniture and wood working. Address Buffum, care Rogue River Electric Co. Houses KOV BaLE Modern houso. closo in, on prved street. Inquire of owner. 604 South Holly. 142 FOR SALE Would you like to own a brand new bungalow with an aero or more of ground halt mile beyond city paving, where you can ralso fine ber ries and vegetables? Ideal chicken ranch. An aero will not cost as much as an ordinary city lot Also 5-acro tract, nil under ditch. See owner. Jaa. Bowling, No, 30 S, Peach street or P..O. Box SI2. 141 FOR HALE Or rent, furnished. 6-room houso on largo lot S17 W. 10th st TcL 6591. 139 tSusl&ess JTopwtr FOR SALE Louvre cafo for salo at a bargain. Phono 23SIC, or see O. N. Wilson. 10S West Four. a st. ill TOR SALE OR RENT Good opening for general merchandise store in new town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad. 12 miles from Medford. Gold Ray Realty Co 206 W. Ualn. FOR SALE Choice business ropert at a Bargain, on long time: easy terms, Address Condor Water A Power Co. Miscellaneous MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN$5000 in sums not Umls than $1000 on realty security for 1 to 3 years, form nnd orchard prop-t-rly -preferred. Box Q. ,p.t Tribune. 139 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE ai asute FOR EXCHANGE Modford and subur ban properly, randies, tlmor lands ror other properly. Address Box 199, raro wan Tribune. 1'OIt SALE Good all round family hor. i)no nillo south Alain street. Just off Jacksonville road. Wm. O'Harn. 140 FOR SALE a C. Buff Orpington chicks rrom 6 to is weeks old: also Barred Rocks 4 months old. 922 South Orange. 141 TO LEARN NURSERY 8ALESMAN- shln. Special course In horticultural training; and big commissions paid to hustlers: previous experience not nec essary. Write today for terms and choice of territory. Paciflo Nursery Company, 308 Corbett building, Port land, Oregon. 139 WANTED Salesman fot exculslve ter ritory. Big opportunities. No expe rience necessary. Complete line Yak ima Valley grown fruit shade and ornamental stock. Gash weekly. Out fit free. Toppentsh Nursery Company, Toppenish, Wash, WANTED Salesmen in every locality o the northwest; money advanced week ly; many make over $1000 month choice of territory. Taklma Valle Nursery Co., Topeslah. Wash. Help Wasted ZTaaala WANTED Chambermaid. 320 East Main street 14 S WANTED Woman for general house work, one who can cook. Wages $30 per month. Apply Buffum. Rogue River Electric Co., 216 W. Main. MISCELLANEOUS PASTURAOE-J-I hav pasturage nnd grain hay -enough to feed two extra liort.es for the winter. Address A. IC, Mall Tribune. 141 FRIJR Hog feed, swill, nt English Chop House ror tho hauling. Phouo 1671. 144 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chiropractors. D.lt it. J. LOOK.WOOD Chiropractic, nervo specialist, 212 Fruitgrowers Bank building Office hours: 2 to 4. Phono Home 269K. Resldnnco 119 Rnosavott Hours: 10 to 12 and 6:30 to 7:30. Phono 103fC. Special hours by appointment Sclentiflo massage given. Advice In dietetics. Medical gymnastic hydro therapy. DAVIE8 lc IRLE Chiropractors, 623 a Central ave. Phono Main 514. Office hours: 3 to 4 p. m. Consultation and examination free. Uigars aaa Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE. Smokehouse, Dealers in tobacco, cigars, and smok ers' supplies. Exclusive agent of Lewis Single Binder, El Meiito and El Psion dm. 21X West Main street Contractor sad Ballder. ALL kinds of carpenter work. Contract or day work. 223 Court st A. W. BIsh. Tar<ure. U. F. WILSON & CO.. dealers In new and second-hand furniture and hard ware. Agents for Household stoves and ranges. 16 South Fir street Phone Main 3161. Home 265-L. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Cor- ' rter 8th and Hotly streets. Medford. Mission furniture mads to order. Cab inet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. , MORDOFF A WOLFF Cookstoves and ranges- New and second hand furni ture. Bads' old stand. 18 Fir street South. Phone 9L Home 283-K. Had-' ford. aranice work. MKUFORD JJ1MCK. CO. Oeo. W. pnud. O. D Nogle, Geo. T. O'Brien Contract tors and manufacturers of brick: deal ers la pread brick and lime. Office In Garnett-Corey block, room 209. 24 floor. Phone No. 3181. Music MISS TURNEY, Piano Instruction and musical history. 309 South Newtown street Phone 6603 Bolt acialar Kaclilaery. SEE MATT CALHOUN of Phoenix. Or., or the Denver Quartz Mill & Cruahor Co.. of 1710 Broadway, Denver, Colo rado. Catalogues and prices can be had at Phoenix, Oregon. Matt Calhoun. Votary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY. Notary public. Bring your work to me at the sign of The Alall Tribune. ararsonts. MEDFORD GREEN HOUSE Cut flow ers, potted plants, shrubbery bulbs. 923 E. Main. Phone 3741. QUAKER NURSERIE8 Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee everything put out We ore not In the trust ft. n. Patterson, office removed to 116 E. Main st Attorneys. FOR SALE Tvvo-horso power gnsollno vacuum carpet cleaner, cheap. 708 West 10th st. )I0 LOST. LOST Locket, with InltlalH F. N. J. itoiiirn to Mll TrlbUno office. Ho ward. 139 FOR RENT rouses. FOR RENT At 719 Taylor street, houso with sown rooms, bum In houso and good woll, water pipes going In now, rent $15 por month. R. H. Bullock, Homo phono 1I2L. 103 Rqosovult ave nue, 140 FOR RUNT Modern' flva-ropm bunga low: bath, pantry and threo olOHots, closo in. Apply 517 South Holly 140 FOR RENT Slx-room furnished house. iiiqtloni. 433 Beatty, Phouo 4312, 141 FOU RENT Coxy flvc-room bungalow on West Hamilton; modern, Inquire 101 S. Riverside. Xoasekeoptsjf Moons MODERN housekeeping rooms, $16 and $18. 833;South UoHy. l'OU RENT Threo two-room suite of hnUHokieilug rooms, $12. $ und $tc, modem, lights and telephone rree. :127 H, OaUaulo. 139 FOR SALE First Class dry fir wood. ny c. K. iteichatein, 48 North Oak. d.tlo avenue. FOR SALE Good gentle .family horse and good 2 seated hack. Isaac A. Armstrong, near city reservoir. 139 FOR SALE Pumping engine, with gear and without: wood saw complete; wood sawed to order. M. M. Maine, Pac 743. Homo Phone 143x. 153 FOR KALE Grain hnat Isaacs' ranch, Phone 5910. Party R 4 tf FOR SALl Peaches for salo cheap at tho orchard, 4 miles north on tho Kaglo Point road. Orders taken for Klherlnn, Mulrs muI Clings. Phouo 691 party R 2. KOU HALE-" Driving horso, harness und buggy, chop for cash. Apply to A. K. Wait-, with F. W. Uicsslor, Mall Tri bune bldg. 140 FOIt SAU: Shetland pony, buggy and harness. W. AY. Elfcrt, 10 Front st. 141 FOIt SALE Two horsis, suitable for sluglo or team work, Inqulro R. R, Creamery. 144 WANTED. i Mtsoellaneoae WANTHD Boa id with private family. West Kiuo, ruv young man. wire una S-yenr-old child. Address Box, 8, caro Mali Tribune. U9 COLVIQ & REAME& W. M. Colvlir. C. ii Keames. lawyers, urnce Medford national name ounaing, second noor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Aiiorneys-ai-iaw. nos. l ana 2 post office building. A. E. REAMES Lwyer. Gsmett-Corey building. MULKEY & CHERR (B. F. MULKEY, OEO. W. CHERRY) Lawyers.. Prac tice In all Btate and federal courts. Rooms 11 and 12, Jackson County Bank bldg. ArohiUaie. JOHNS & TURNER. Architects and Builders. Of floe 7-8, S:C Main: phone Main 3471. Residence phone 744. Accountants. D. R. WOOD General accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office Modford Mall Tribune Building, phone noil, resiuence pnone itvi. ROOUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., inc. Growers or high grade nur sery stock. Office 104 a Fir. Both phones. " ghyslclaas and argtoas. DJtSTCONROY & CLANCY Physicians and surgeons, Taylor and Phipps bldg.. rooms 210-211-212. Office phone 601 residence phone 612. Office hours 9 a. m, to 8 p. m. "av S,CAIXl'ow' on-'avA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Garnett Corey bldg. Phone Main 6361. . DART.ialAav6KAiES Dentlat Office in Rlalto bldg.. 123 EL Malm ??fcadminl,at'.re1 f0.C extraction of Phone 448pht"" Ma,n ,81 "' DR. stEakns Physician and 'niueoa 711-212, phone 6501. Residence lis Laurel t. ohone 2092. nw"uco DR. a A. LOCKWOOD. physician aa'd Dlt MYRTLE a LOCKWOOD Practice limited to diseases of wS men. Offices over Haskins drug store. Phones: Paciflo 1001; Homo 28. Dr. W. M. Van Scoyoc Dr. a C. Von Hcovoo. r, .. Dentists. Garnett-Corey bldg., suite 318, Medford. Oregon. Both Phones. DR j. j. EMMEN8 Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye. ear. and throat, eyes scientifically teste J and glasses supplied. Offices 216 East Main street, over Medford Hardware Company; hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. nT both phones. " Assayer ana Analyst. ASSAYER AND CHEMIST Earl V. In gets, ai. c. ucnerai assay und an alytical vvorK. uoment ana aspnait testing. Best equipped assay office and testing laboratory in Oregon. All work guaranteed. Grunts Pass, Or. Abstracts. ROGUE RTVER VALLEY ABSTRACT ii.ii.iy u., inu.i JUCKaonviiie. i'lionci Pacific Main 11: Home 2O06. iUlard Yanors. a T. BROWN A CO. Billiards. Cigars ana eon unnas. up stairs, xoung a Hall building. A nice, cool place to spend the hot afternoons. i Bill Posters. VK1WE T. OAJJON BUI poster and DIs. triuutor. ah oraers promptly ruieu Room 39. Jaokson County Bank build lug, Medford, Oregon. DRa SAUNDERS AND GREEN Praa- ?SL llm,Ae.'i. ,0 eye' ear. note and throat Office: Suite 318 Garnett Corov hulldlng. Roth phones. J','V icliKNn' D- - H-! vTJ". HiNikisir I). D. fl.. Dentists, 238 Ii Main. Phono Main 3191 Tiomt 12iK. Cal'atse Medlolnaa. CHOW YOUNO'ShTnTTeTilcTnerwlTl cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goit ers, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralyBls. private diseases and ali kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, indiges tion, womb and bludder troubles. See me at 241 S. Front St.. Medford Ore to 4, 6:30 to 7:30. Rosldoncu phono Phono Main 4a. Printers and" gnblUhers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the best equipped Job office in Southern Ore. con; book binding; loose leaf systems: SSt'MlI,crt 1-j e'0- Portland pries. SINGER -WHEELER & WII,HON sewing machines for salo and rent. Re pairs. Caro Duncan local rcs'prcsenta tlve. Phono 6043, No. 10 Booth Fir stroot. ' teaographws. j, ELLA M. GUANyAW Palm BloeK Stenographlo work done quickly aa4 well. miss l. j. hinostOn, puhilo tumtSr- rapher. Medford. Oregon. Pioncs; Of fice. Home, 95: Pacific 6331; residence, Paciflo 1301; Garnett-Coroy Bldg. twgTss. T7 vaTTley sign AiJVKiPrfsiNa 'JX1b SIGNS will help bupd up your bus!, ness. Phone 803, U Uivwrstito svenCa M (.1 ,1 '1 Jl s :i i i ii I m m V i V a