irr "-Tf PAGE TWO MEDFOltu utATL TRTBUNE, MISD.ITORD, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER. 1, 1011. h". ' If M fi. t'l ? I LOCAL AND PERSONAL I j ...... J . ii Adotph Knnuor, a ulnhlst of groat nblllly, who somo tlmo blnce purchas ed nn orchard tract near Modford. upon which his parents nro residing, announces that ho will soon como hero to open a studio and mako Mod ford hls'futur lioifto. Ho Is at pres ent conducting an orchestra In Yel lowstone paik, II. E. McWIUlanis. son of Mr. and Mrs. P. U. McWIIIlAina of Ashland, has .hcon visiting IiIb parents Ho Is nn express messenger on tho Northern Pacific. , Rev. W. T. Mntlock, for several years pastor of the Christian church nt Modford, has been called to tho church in Ashland and will soon move to that city. Telephone, ST1, Hardons Bakery for cake, icos and lco cream; prompt dollrery. Iho Medford Brick company has suspended operations at its kiln west of Jacksonville, but will rcsumo op erations thcro noxt season on a larger scale. Dn B. KlrchRCBsnor of Roguo riv er made Medford a professional visit during tho week. L. L. Jacobs, O. M. Selsby, James T. Jones and W. 1L Kennedy repre sented Wcatonka tribe, at tho recent great council of tho Improved Order of 'Itedmcn, held at Portland. They report n very Interesting session. Chinese Sacred Lilies and Japanese air nlants at Broadley's. Phone 5181. Assessor and Mrs. W. T. Griove motored to Medford from Jackson ville Wednesday. Ooorgo A. Pease of Portland, an cxteaslvo dealer in timber lands of Jackson and Josephine counties, transacted business in Medford re cently. Sound, dry fir wood for $1.25 per tier. Order before it is too late. Ad dress "Palrvlow," Jacksonville. D. B. Grant of Ashland has been in Medford several times lately. W. E. Crews, the attornoy, and his wife havo returned from a trip to Portland and Eugene. Mr. Crews was on business connected with the appeal of tho Nunan-Cardwell caso to tho United 8tates court of appeals. 1 Buy or rent a Singer to make the childreas sew school clothes. Phono 6043. 151 D. D. Buff and William Smith have returned flora a hunting trip to Ster ling dtetrict. ' F. R. Neil, who is connected with tho stato forest service, was in Med ford and Jacksonville Wednesday. If you bavo any peaches, Howells or Bose pears to sell, see us. Produc ers Fruit Co. There was quite a forest fire In Squaw Creek district, started through carelessness or otherwise, qulto re . cently. It was brought under control in duo time by tho United States forester's office. The Applegate and Sterling sections were for several days filled with stnoko emanating from this and Palmer creek tires. ."Old shoes look llko now when re paired at tho Electric Shoe Shop, 32 So. Grapo Btreet 142 Mrs. C. It. Reamea was a Jack sonville visitor Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Oric Crawford spent Wednesday with fr'ends living in Jacksonville. W. P. Rhoades and his family are over from Klamath county. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H, II. Taylor of Applcgato a tow days since. Tho W. C. T. U. of Oregon will hold a stato convention in Medford October 5-10. 1911, J. C. Pendleton of Table Rock was a recent business visitor in Medford. M. D. Flsbor and his family, for merly of Medford, aro located on a fine ranch in Lako county, Califor nia. Crawford peaches, GOc and fiOc, de livered. Clings, Mulrs, prunes, pears and grapes for sale a, so. Home phone GOQ. 141 II. D. Norton of Grants Pass, the lawyer, was in Modford Wodncsday on route to Jacksonville on legal bus IneBH. J, S. Rodgors, tho minor, Is down from tho copper belt. J- 3 Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Itey Phone M71 NkM Ffaoaw r. W. Weeks 9071. A. X. Orr, MM. IiADT ASSISTANT. JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and I'mlmliiier f Successor to tho1 undertaking do-1 t partmont of Medford Purnlturo Co, firlm OU OaiiII. llr,.1 L!l .i W H. 1 M - . . . . & jToiopiioncs; uay, won hi; uignti resldcnco, Boll 473, Homo 170-L. j Calls answered night or day : . WWMfW(WWIW AMnuLAXci; service Mm. 0, Bellinger and-her 'son, J. II., made a trip to Jacksonville on Thursday. Deputy Sheriff Shearer has been nt tho county seat several times during tho week on business before tho grand Jury. Brick lco cream, all kinds and colors. Rardons Bakery; phone 371. Prompt delivery. Tho buildings nt the mluea of J. II. Raj & Co. in Palmor Creek district wore destroyed by flro ono day last week by a flro that originated from a defective fluo. The flames spread to tho adjoining timber and were buU dued with difficulty. A serious forest flro was threatened for a tlmo. Mrs. A. R. Phlpps and her daugh ter of Laurelhurst visited In Jack sonville Thursday. Rclchsteln soils and aawa wood. 146 Ed King and Harry Helms, who havo been spending several, weeks at Cinnabar and otner mountain resorts, are again at work. W. S. Barnum, president ot tno R. R. V. railroad, has returned from Portland with a seven-passenger au tomobile, i Seo R. A. Holmes, Thet Insurance Man, over Jackson Countybank; Mr. and j.Irs. E. S. King of Mor rill,, Wis., spent Thursday with the Misses Borchardt, who resldo at 329 South Grapo street. District Attorney Mulkey is lament Ing tho fact that ho will bo unablo to attend the golden wedding celebra tion of his parents at McCoy, Polk county, Oregon, next Thursday, owing to tho present press of court work in tho circuit court. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Mulkey were married 50 years ago In Illinois. Rardon's Bakery now .delivers Jccs and lco cream to any part of the city. O. Winter of Ashland waa a rccont visitor In thiB city. . Chic Wilson and E. B. Waterman havo .left for an automobile trip to the Klamath country.' Porter J. Ncff is in Portland on a business trip. , i Airs. A. A. Holmes, who was recent ly operated upon at Portland for ap pendicitis, will not bcable to return home for a number of weeks. Rev, Mrl Holmes returned to Medford Thursday. Carkln &" Taylor (John II. Carkln, GIonu O. Taylor), attorney-at-law. over Jackson County Bank Building, Medford. Dr. Kirchgcssner of tho upper Roguo spent Friday In Medford. Mrs. Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Gago ot Gold Ray, who with her son has spent the summer with her moth er, left Friday for her Chicago home. Senator von der Hellen ot Wel len spent Friday in Medford on business. Watch and Bavo money. Tho fish market will sell, Friday and Satur day, fresh halibut, black cod. ling cod, herring, 10c per lb.; salmon, 17 l-2c, steel cut coffee. 30c; first class creamery butter, 65c per roll Theso prices mean cash. Fresh Hoi land herring, 12 l-2c per lb. Messier & Kenworthy. 140 Chris Gottlieb, Howard S. Dudley and H. B. Patterson have, returned from a fishing trip to Squaw Lake. They report a most enjoyable UrocJ The second sale of Rogue river pears occurred Thuredny when a enr of pours was sold in Chicago for $785. Firsts were &oll at $1.71) seconds sold at $1.50 and thirds for $1.25. Another car of fruit, the first shipped this Reason by tho associa tion grossed $049, the average price bcinir $1.30. OVER $5000 PAID TO MLINT AND FISH COUNTY CLERK County Clerk Breaks All Records In Matter of Issuing Hunting and Fishing Licenses Coleman Advo cates Higher Bounty. "l bollovo that tho bounties In the state tor wolves, wildcats, cougars, coyotes and the llko should e In creased ," states County Clerk Cole man," owing to tho fact that every day some rancher comes Into this otflco and tells ot finding tho carcass of a deer slatn by somo of theso an imals. It the bounty Is Increased I bollovo It will do much toward In creasing tho supply ot game In the county. Tho present amounts offer ed by tho stato aro too small." Theso remarks by tho county clerk wens Induced by looking up the rec ords of receipts taken In to data this season for hunting and fishing 11 censes. Ho has issued 2678 fishing and 2501 hunting licenses this season, making a total ot J5170 taken In in this county. This money goes to tho stato. fish and gamo fund, "While tho gamo wardens aro doing much good work," continued Mr. Colcmanr "I bellevo that an incroaso in bounty wouldido much in protect ing game. These animals hunt tho year around and aro certain to do mora danugu when tho door are young and more easily caught than during tho hunting season. Hun dreds of deer have been Blaln this season." MAKES ilEY Over $4500 Has Been Taken In In County Fees During tho Past Eight MonthsJuly Biggest in History of County, August Second . Tho county clerk Is having tho best year In tho history ot Jackson county in tho matter of receipts for foes. During tho eight months ot tho pres ent yenr ho has tnken in oVor J4G00 In fees alono, which Is a record-breaking account. July ot this year he topped all former records by taking In a little over $400. Tho month Just closed crowds this hnrd, ns he took In $.179.80, which Is next to the high place. Tho county clerk also paid out con- 8EEMAN IS NOT HELD FOR TRIAL Gold Hill's Mayor Escapes Penalty for Blacking Dr. Kclscy's Ey,c Grand Jury Refuses to Indict Prominent Men. , Joo Uconiau will not face trial for blacking Dr. Kelsey'a eyo, Tho grand Jury on Thursday utter noon throw tho rmto out on tho groumln that it was only n neigh borhood row. Tho only witness ex nmlned was Dr. Ketmty himself, but tho grand Jury couldn't boo whore tho state should como In. Tho only nvontto upon now tor Mr. Kolsey Is to seruro his own von geauco. , Tho first row grow nut of charges slderablo money during August. In of grafting laid at 10ley's feet In a nil ho Issued warrants totaling S32. 'moment of mi promo nuger. 583.12. Most ot thk was for road work done In tho county during July. I il. f ONcev GRAND JURY IS MOST LENIENT TOWARDS KIDS LA FOLLETTE ATTACKS TAFTS TARIFF ACTIONS MADISON, Wis., Sept. 1. La Fol. lotto's Magazine, under tho caption of "Tuft's Blow to tho Consumer," launches today ji now attack on Presi dent Taft'n tariff action. Addressing itself directly to tho consumer, tho magazlno says: "You havo chastened tho congress that played you falso in 1909. You havo rebuked in nioro ways than ono tho president who called tho Aldrlch Job tho best tariff over devised. But what will you say when your repre sentatives pass a bill taking from your shoulders tho bunions of tho woolen trust duties which President Taft ad mitted to ho Indefensible, only to bo follod in tholr effort to do some thing for you by tho president's veto?" ER. LARGE BODY OF LOW GRADE ORE I. C. JuhiiMm and u Walter) have uncovered n Hplcmlid body of ore on Starve Gulch iiml will start develop ment work at. once. They claim to have found n ledge -10 feet wide which carried a low grade of ore ranging in vnlue from $5 to $10 u ton. Two mili'K above this ledgo they have also uncovered another one :n Lijrhtnini; Gulch which is also said to bo a hplcmlid property. Tho two men have interested capital and will start development work on a. large scaje. ' JOHNSON LIKELY TO , MEET WATERLOO 1.0X1)07 Sept. I. That Jack Johnson's title of hcnvywolght cham pion la In grnvo danger In bin-mutch with Hombndlor Wlln Is tho state ment hero today of James Whlto. who In promoting tho Wells-Johnson fight, Whlto, over his signature, made the following statement: "Johnson Is refusing to rarry out his contract to perform publicly In Paris becaune be Is nfrald tu show the rotten condition ho Is In. Orig inally Johnson believed he was going to fight a dub, but now ho realties that Wells has class. Johnson Is try Ing hnrd to get out of tho fight, but we havo him heavily bonded and will compel him to meet Wells." The grand Jury went back In their minds to the days ot watermelon stealing Thursday afternoon, when 12 youngsters wcro brought before It from Ashland, charged with swiping a number ot bottles of soda water from tho Sisklybu bottling works, and refused to return truo bills against the children. While a cloak of secrecy surrounds tho grand Jury room, It is said that tho principal reason for letting tho kids go wr the fact that ono warm-hearted grand-r father delivered a 20-mlnute oration dealing with young offenders who could see no wrong in purloining mcl ons and fruit to appease their appe tites. Soda water came under the aamo head, be declared. Thereupon tho youngsters were allowed to go. Auction Sale YOUR CHILD May bo handicapped by defective eyesight or oyo-strniu. Don't fall to have his or her eyes examined by somo competent cpoclallst bo foro tho school season opens. I havo qualified before tho statu board ot examiners. Thai's nil. Dr. Kicker t, i KSICJHT CIAIitST :it KKNTNKK'S nnnii The electrically lighted sewing room Is a scene of comfort when the machine is run by an electric motor. No back breaking pedal- 'M'a ing I The eamstress touches a button we do the rest. Rogue River Electric Company1 BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS HENRY M. MARSH All ordora promptly ixttondorf to night or tiny. Short nml long hauls. Moving household goodn n spocinlty Union tunmators. Office 51'S. Trmnt j Pacific 4171 Home 80. Residence Main G13 rrf'Ht4- Two o'clock Saturday, Scptombcr 2, tho entlro stock and fixtures at the Art Ctudio aro to be sold at auc tion. Stock consists ot pyrography, photography and plorced brass goods, stationery, kodaks, wido anglo lenses. moss agates and Jewelry, ladles' and geuts' furnishings, typewriter, cash register, storcopticon machlno and slides, celluloid button machlno, porcelain lined lard rendering kot- tlo, 8-day mission clock, electric en larging machlno, new rag" carpet, deer hide rug and numerous other articles. Everything to bo sold.' So;ivonlr for ladles. Prlvato sale now on. 331 East Main streot, over Hubbard Hros.' store, Modford. 139 t TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4- 4 WANTBD Second hand range with colts; must bo In No, 1 nhupo and cheap for cash. Oakdalo Cash Gro cery, no I'AIXTKIIS TAKR XOTICK. All members of local Xo. 43 aro expected to march in tho parado on Labor day, A fine will bo Imposed on thoso not marchliiK. Clean uuiin will be furnished at ball for thoso not provided. 140 II. M. TUTTM3, Sec. HaBklai for Health. LAHOKKI18 WANTED Ton labor- ors for work nt Prospect. Apply at room 10a Klectrlc bide. 218 W. Main st. Prospect Construction Co. FANS il. They aro healthful FTT They aro sanitary X They aro comfortable A They coat oac-lulf cent an hour to run NM They aro Just tho thing to JL 1 keep your customer1 la 1 good liuraor Then why not bay oo7 Call at the Electric Building 209 West JIain and Examine- the Large Stock ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Gainpbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SOHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 120 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. mf4rrri Medford iron works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST 'All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. 'Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Notice to Caroenters AND BUILDERS , , DO YOU KNOW THE MEDFORD HARDWARE COMPANY CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF GUARANTEED TOOLS? YO.y WILL rFIND WHAT THIS MEANS TO YOU IF YOU WILL GIVE US A TRIAL. " ' f " ' M ! K Medford Hardware Comp'ny 218 EAST MAIN ST. ATTENTION! ATTENTION! 1 aamrrjBM Gold Ray Realty Co. WiBliuH to annoiinco Uiai. nl'lor HupUMiihui 1st, l.').l 1 they wjll occupy uffirO room $0. 101, on Hccoml floor of JflUOOTKIO HUILDTNO. . .., , WILL HANDLE REAL ESTATE fj Wo aro prepared to lake listings of all kinds of real estate, ranches, city, lots, houses, chattels and properly or every des cription. MEMBER OF MEDFORD REALTY ASSOCIATION J Being a member of the IWedl'ord Really Association, wo solicit your patronage for anything in tho line of farm or city prop erty, ranches, leases, options, etc., elc. S Wo havo a large amount of land, suitable for the cultivation of all far niproducts, al for the cultivation of all farm products, al in southern Oregon, which wo can of for at prices which will surely interest you. PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE If Wo also have property which wo will ex " change for outside real estate, ranches, farms, etc. All inquiries will be promptly answered, and we shall be pleased to hear from you either in person or Jy lollop. qCMVE US A OALL. GOLD RAY REALTY CO. Room 101, Electric Bldg. . Medford, Or. I