! TV jittSc?!??? Iiywyw ') ' www w .' vokM --y immm itii mi ninii'" "' TTJ ""fj,'X"M," i , PXGE TWO MEDFOltu jifATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORE00N, WEDNESDAY, 'AUGUST 30, 1011. I LOCAL AND PERSONAL! eloplione 371, Ilardons IJakory for cako,lco and Ico cream; prompt deliverV. . lix-Mnror Snoll ot Ashland and) Mrs. Snoll Bpcnt Wedncwlny In Moil loril T40' 8 l0 Newport for an out Ink anil tlionce to Pasadena for tho wlntor. Chinese Sacred Lilies and .lapancso air plants, at Droadtey's. Phone C1S1. Claronce Ucwnou, J. K. Barbour, Moho ttarkriuU nnd Mr. Scmlder have rottirnud troth n trp to Coos May. Tlfey report a very pleasant trip. , J3ound, dry fir wood for $1.25 per tlof.jo'&ar heforo It Is loo Into. Ad drest 'PalrvIeW Jacksonville. Mr. niiil Mrs. 1 S. Fowler are In tho valley visiting Professor and Mrs. V.3. O'Gara. Mr. Fosslor Is a son of" Professor Fosslor, who has filled tho Gornian chair at tho University of Kcbraskn'for many years. Hity or rent a Singer to tnako the chlldrens now Bchool clothes. Phone GwV ' ' 181 Chief Deputy Fish and Gamo War den Sam L. Snndry ot "Wootlvllle spent Wednesday In Medford on busi ness. Ho will leavo Thursday for Fish Lake. Brick Ico cream, all kinds and colors. Rardons Bakory; phono 37J. Prompt delivery. " Ooorce H. Millar has loft for a fishing trip to Fish Lake. He will probably return Thursday. Jlelchstcln cells and saws wood. Judge CoIvIr spent Wednesday at tho county scat arguing a demurrer filed In the case brought by tho Com merclal club to enforce payment of a (subscription to the Crater Lake road 'fund. Seo It. A. Holmes, Tho Insurance Maii, over Jackson County bank. Judge Waton of Ashland was In Medford Wednesday on a short busi ness trip. Crawford peaches, 40c and 5pc a box, also grapes, pears aud prunes. Home phono Xo, COO. lS f"k A. Hicks and P. M. Kershaw s'pent Wednesday at Talent on busl ness. Peaches. Order your late peaches for canning now. Mnlr, late Craw ford' aud Tuscan Clings. F. P. Far refl, Box 100. route 1. " 137 John K. Lewis of Trail Is spend ing a few. days in Medfor don busi ness. " 1 Bar,dona Bakery now deliver ices and Ice cream to any part of the, city. W. s 'Chapman of Lako Creek was a recent visitor la Medford. Carkln & Taylor (John H. Carkln, Glenn O. Tayior), attorney-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Building, Medfordl " Tho funeral services of J. W. Scran". Medford Gun club will haven prac tice shoof at their grounds riortlfot tin nitty Friday, September 1st, n't 3 o'clock. All are Invited. 138 Thomas K. Isaacs, formerly of Gillespie, 111., now living In the Wil lamette valley, ts lu lcdfor for a two weeks' visit with his aunt, Mrs. Mary A. Isaacs, and family. Mrs. B. W. Carder and daughter, Vlrglo, nntl son, Dean, have relumed from u several weeks' visit to Mr, Carder at Derby this county." NEW RATINGS ' irfjrflH Quality Ratings, Based on American Pcmotoglcat Society's Scoring List, Abolished (or Spokane Display Sweepstakes' on Pack Only.s' v BQARDMAN SPOKANK, Wash., Aug. 30. Trustees' of tho National apple show, Incorporated, at tiiolr first mooting this year abolished quality ratings on all competitive displays entered at tho fourth annnnl exposition. In Spo kane, November 33 to 30, thus plac ing all stuniinrd commercial varieties and tho district In which they are produced on an equal footing. Tho sweepstakes event will bo on pack, a substantial nremlum bolnir offered in Will Start Immediate Suit to Recover jthls contest, which tH free add open Ho all. In niiuit oi to 2",ouo In casli Be prizes and premiums. p,' Quality ratings, based On the American t'omoiogirai socieiys seor- IS AFTER COOKS n ji vv Money Attachments Served No Lonoer Lenient With Them. wnr Will. He K. B. lknrdmnn of liulto Fall?, who was freed bv Juiee T;lor nftro being t uU'tl charged wjth setting forest fires iu the vicinity "ol Butte Falls, hns Jeciiled to lie v.o ltnger lenient with John nnd Qiu.'er Cook who testified ngaiifcl mid 1I started suit to recoetl money he nl Iee.s i. due him. Mr. Boardinnn states Uiat the Cooks testified ngniiiat hint out of pure, maliciousness and that he no longer sees any reason why lie should not. take steps to recover money lont; due. lie intends to institute suit ar.d have attachments issued nt onefc. CQ HIE IN HUFF IITS JOQ C. D. Schcll, City Dad of Ashland Resigns When Council Votes to Pave and Pay for It Out of Gen cral Fund. lug list, applied only to carload en tries at the first three shows, but tho fact that this list did not give west era apples tho consideration to which they are entitled caused some dissat isfaction iu several districts. The ratings used last year wero those recommended by a convention of ex hibitors at tho second show. Tho trustees of the organization had noth ing to do with fixing the values aud the ratings wero used as a guide to tho judges. "Wo think tho greatest problem has been solved by abolishing tho quality ratings at the 1911 know," said E. F. Cartlcr Van Dlssel, who has" been identified with tho show since its Inception, "and wo believe tho grow ers In all pnrts ot tho country will bo glad to learn of the action of the management ot the show. We always felt that soma western tuples had been handicapped In tho paBt, but wo were not In position to make any changes until this year. Now that this question has been settled, I look for entries from all piyts of tho United States and Canada, particularly tho western country." NEW REVOLUTION THREATENS GOVERNMENT OF MEXICO .H'AlttiK, Mexico' Auk. HO. Se cret service mohvliotli of llu I'nllod Bliiles mid. Mexico nro wi)U'IiIuk twit nponr lo he n new rovnlnlloiinrv movement of Homo impoit, , This arrival hoie of move tlmti fit) moiuliorrt of tho Mlicrnl party from Arlr.oim nnd I." AiikoIoh, plentifully mpplieuV with money, lu led o the hojief Unit I hoy nro liOro Irt vourivo u lurgq dhiimtuiit of nriiw from Now York. L'iULUJOJ LLLL.JL-L JOSSff ton will be held at the funeral par lors of "Weeks & McGowan Thurs day afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Mat lock officiating. " Mrs. 'L. F. Lltherlnnd has arrived to Join her husband In this city. Mr, Lltherland Is tho contractor who is erecting tho Sacred Heart hospital. Miss Idalee Kentner has returned frWm a short outing at Woodvllle. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sellers have: loft'io make their home at Salem. James Lewis of San Francisco, who was oue of the first settlers in Med 'ford, is visiting old friends In tho valjey. Mr. Lewis stages that at ono time ho could have bought the wholo town for what Is now paid for a sin gle lot. He Is every much pleased to note tho progress that Medford has "ftiado In the past few years. His last visit was five years ago. Chief Engineer Gerig of tho Pa cific Eastern has returned from a visit at Portland. "S. A. Herring In charge of tho re frigeration work on the Southern Pa cific, was a recent visitor In this city. C.' It. Wilson has returned from a, trlpto Crater Lako. He yas accom panied by Sirs. Wilson and two daughters. Harvey T. Young of Central Point was a recent Medford vlBltor. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Grieve havo returned from an outing on Union creek. "Tfrrirr TT r Weeks & McGowan Co. '' TJNDBRTJCrlERS JHJ FhOBe sen Night riioae V. W. ceks 9071. A. K. Orr, MM. IiADX A8J81DTANT. JOHN A. PERL 1 .:-.... ... . ...... 1 , uuuuuvr uiui j'.uioii)jm.T Successor to tho undertaking do-; ' partment of Medford Furniture Co. ; 1 j '1 rrin 011 C.nii. iinwliiit cirivit ! Tolephonos: day, Boll 471; night ! rosldonco, Uoll 473, Homo 179-L. : Culls aiiMUi'ii'd night or day AMIlW'Aft'Cl? SHUyiOK I t4 ASHLAND, Auff. 30. Councilman C. D. Schell, following a warm dis cussion before the city council last evening, tendered, his resignation as councilman to that body nnd asked for its immediate acceptance. The council took the matter under ad visement. The resignation of Councilman Schell followed n controversy over the paving of Wet Main street. At a recent election to vote bonds for the paving of thnt btreet the bonds were defeated. Last night it was projwsed to devote $2000 from the general fund for thnt purpose, a mo tion to that effect carrying. This motion would leave the city, already at its limit of indebtedness, with less than $1000 with which to meet the payroll and current expenses of the city. Thereupon Mr. Schell tendered his resignation, stating thnt he did not caro to be associated with n hody of men who would go ahead so reekles&Iy. CASE AFTER CASE NO FUNERAL SERVICE OVER. DEAD OF THE MAINE ftASjUUfOTQN', D. C. Aug. 30. Congress' failure to make additional appropriation for the raising of the wrecked battleship Maine not only will dqlny actual work hut will also operate to prevent funeral service over the recovered remains of tho dead and tho erection in Arlington National cemetery of the mast of the Maine as a monument, until suc' umu as money is available. ANNOUNCEMENT,!?. No. 1 In order that pupils and teachers Ynay enjoy tho exercises of Labor day, school will not onen until Tuesday morning, September G. No. 2 All teachers of Medford public schools are requested to mee( In tho high school auditorium at 1.30 p. m. Saturday, Septombor 2, in gen eral teachers' meeting. Very truly, U. S. COLLINS. P. S. I will bo in my office In tho high school building every morning from 9 to 12 o'clock to consult with parents, pupils and teachers regard ing school work, otc. 138 NOTICE. Tho majority of tho business houses of tho city having exnrcsbed them selves as favorublo to closing at noon on Labor day, tho 4th duy of Septem ber, and remaining closed during tho afternoon, It is roquestod that all stores cloao at noon. Itcspcctfully, MBDFOKU MERCHANTS' ASSOCIA TJON. Iy H, C. Oarnott, President. By John II. Carkln, Secretary. 140 ricnty A.Ioro I.Ike This in Medford. Scores of Medford people can toil you about Doan's Kidney Pills. Man a happy citizen makes a public state1 meat of his experience. Here Is a caso of it. What better proof of merit can bo bad than such endorsement? T. J. Williams, 6l7 Oakdalo avd riue. Medford, Or., says: "In 19.07 after Doan's Kidney Pills benefited mo so greatly, I publicly recommend ed them. At this time I am plcascjl to again speak In their praiso and give permission for the continued publication of any testimonial. I suf fered for years from kidney anil bladder trouble, the symptoms being slight at first ,but becoming more, pronounced as tlmo passed. Tho pains In my back became so acuto that I could hardly enduro them nnd as tho result of restless nights I arose- In the morning nil worn out. Often I was 00 lamo anil stiff that I could not stoop, and headaches and dizzy spells wero common. I tried so many romd dles without being helped that I be came discouraged, but when Dpan's Kidney Pills wero recommended to me I decided to try them. I procur ed a supply at Hasklns' drug store and after UBlng two boxes. I could seo that a great improvement had been made. I grew bett6r from that time on nnd was soon free from kidney complaint. Doan's Kldnoy Pills can, not bo praised too highly." For sale by all dealers. Prlco DO cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N, V., sale agents for tho United tSatcs, Remember tho name Doan's and tako no' other. Printing of all kinds at Portland prices. Mail Tribune office. Hasklns tor Healths Look at all of the real estate ads aud at much of tho real estate ad vrtised, before inventing. Hasklns f,or Health. -"""vWA WW v "."V., ')?VC'V WITHOUT the best ' in groceries your cooking cannot be a success. The good working man never attempts to build with dofiuiont tools or bad inutorinl. Ho is too pro'ud of his work. So with the successful cook. Only Ihe finest groceries can bring satisfaction. We sell that. kind. Successful cooks are our best patrons. TAKE FLOUR For instance,,. WAITSBXJRG PURE WHITE is the kind that "gives complete satisfaction. . ALLEN GROCERY CO. 3 040 B . C K N T H A L A V K . s PANS They ans hOiltliful FF They are sanitary Tliey arc comfortable A They cost one-half cent a , hour to rua JLI They aro Jnst tho thing to JLI keep your customer In s-f good humor t 1 . Then why not buy ono? Call at the Electric Building 209 West Main and Examine the Large Stock ROGUE RIVER TRIG CO. ET.C J I 2S2Q & iVs The electrically lighted sewing room isasconoof comfortwhon the machine is run by an elnnfrir mntnr. NO . back breaking pedal ing I The eamstress touches a button we do tho rest. Rogue River Electric Company a K- 'WM$ BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS HENRY M. MARSH All ordora promptly attonded to night or dlty. liort and long luiils. Moviug housuhold goods u apooiulty Union toamstorH. orrto 51 . Front Pacific 4171 llonrc 80 Residence Main 613 -0t:f Campbell & Baumbach MORTaAaE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Monoy on hand at all times to loan on improvod ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 820 GARNETTOOREY BLDGh MEDFORD IRON WORKS B. O. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST ' 'All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outftfa, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. 'Agents in So. Oregon for Fairbanks, morse & co. Notice tq Carpenters AND BUILDERS DO YOU KNOW THE MEDJFQRD HARDWARE COMPANY CARRY A COMPLETE STOC OF GUARANTEED TOOLS? YOU WILL FIND WHAT THIS MEAflS ?Q YOU IF YOU WILL GIVE US A TRIAL. . T 1' Medford Hardware Comp'ny $10. EAST. MAIN ST For Sale 1 ACRE AND 5 ACRE TRACTS adjoining city of Medford, on long time, en.sy pay ments. 12 LOTS IN MEDFORD on main paved , street; cement sidewalks and paving in; also sowers, water and light. Long tiuio, - easy payments. 430 ACRES LAND, 350 acres alfalfa land, 80 acres fruit land, pcrpotual wator right with water for irrigating 1000 acres; long time, easy payments. 340 ACRES LAND, 200 acres alfalfa land, balance fruit land, 1 mile from railroad, on long timo easy tonus. 5000 ACRES LAND in tracts of from 40 acres upwards; prico $25.00 per ucro and upwards; suitablo for alfalfa, fruit stock aud general farming purposes; lcmg timo, easy paympnts. 6 AOT 10 ACRE TRACTS, just within and adjoining city limits, at. a bargain, on 5 annual payments. i w Gold Ray Realty Co, 210 WEST 1AIN STRIDET. ht wM'.'r 'ft ,- -M M w t ' V tUf