t PAK3E FOUR 3rEDFOUD MATT; TRTBUE, arflDFORT), OttKOON, TKTPAY, 'AVCIWP-2r. 1011. i 1 1 h Medford Mail Tribune .AN INDHt'KNDKNT NUV8lAtKR rUHUHHKU JSVKHV JV1-TI3HNOON KXCBl'T BUNDAY, 11Y TUB J4I5DFOHD PRINTING CO. FOB NATIONAL HIGHWAYS. Th Djmocrntlo Tim, Tim Medford Mall. Tlio Medford Tribune, Tha Houth- orn urcsonian, The AMiianu Triuuno. . Office Malt Trlbuno Hulldlnc, 25-K-J9 North Fir Btroat; phono, Main 1021. Homo TS. OnOltarc PUTNAM, Editor and Manager SjgE Kntnrod n aecoml-cliiaa matter at Med font. Ore ton, under the act ot March J, mo. THE good roads movcinclit threatens to swoop the nn-j linn. i Officio) paner of tho City of Medford Official Popnr of Jackson County. . . Knmmmrpriosr xatm. 6no year, by mall '95 Ono month, by malt l'cr month, delivered by carrier In , Medford. Jacksonville and On- ti-nl l'ntnt .CO Saturday only, by mall, per year.. 2 00 Weekly, per year ' ' 1.00 . . kWOM CXBCUIiATXOW. T Dally averare for alx months ending December 31, lio. zii mil X.tased Wire United XTeea i, Dispatches. The Mall Trlbuno Is on sale at the Terry News Stand. San Francisco. Portland Hotel News Stand, Portland. Iiowman News Co.. Portland. Ore. y. O. Whitney. Seattle. Wash. IfSDrOXD. OREQOK, ' Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, and tho fastest Populationif. R census 1910; 8810: estlinated, 111 10,000. ,,. . Klvo hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water -System complete!. Ktvlntr finest supply pure mountain water and six n.V tnilita nt iitrert belnc caved and ontrncted for at a cost exceeding 1. 000.0C0. making o. total of twenty miles Or pavement. . . Postofflce receipts for year ending March 31. ISM. snow mcrcaso vi u v" cent. Bank deposits a gain of 81 pef i Banner fruit city In Oregon Rogue River spiteenoerc appieo won stake prise and title of "ApU XU of tot WoxUL t the' National Apnla Show. Spokane. 10, and "a car ot Newtowna won "ek Canadian International Appfo'Show. Vancouver. K. U. A bill introduced in vongross by ReprcsentiiUveB T. 1?. King of IHoritla and Senator .Otillom of Illinois provides Cor tho inauguration ol seven national lnghwavs, radiat ing from Washington to the furthermost parts of tho eoun- liy. The estimated eost of these seven roads will bo i?WS, 000,000, but it is thought that the great benefits which will be derived from their use will more than counter balance tho eost of their building. Construction will be under supervision of a national commission. It is proposed to have these seven roads have a common terminus at Washington and radiate out over the count rv to Portland, Mo.: Buffalo, N. Y.: Seattle, AVash.: Sail Francisco, Gal.; San Diego, CaU; Austin, Tex., and Miami, Fin. These will be called, respectively, the "Washington nanonai nigiiway, mo .uoosovoir, national nigiiway, mo Lincoln national highway; the Jofforson national high way, the Grant national highway, the Monroe national highway and the JLee national highway, thus honoring seven heroes. It is expected that these seven roads will give a total length of 12,000 miles, which, at a cost of about $12,000 a mile, will bring the aggregate cost to nearly $100,000,000. IX is proposed that the money ior their construction be raised by the issue of bonds as m tho case of the Panama canal, and that the maintenance costof the roads be paid by a toll as in opera tioiin in many parts of the count ry today. According to the present plans, tho only states which will not be touched by any of the proposed roads will be Vermont, Michigan, Wyoming, Oregon, Missouri and Kan sas. It is probable, however, that the present plans will ug onnngeu so as to inciutie nt least a part oL these states in the routes. BANKER FACES ' NEW CHARGES i Wilde Arraigned On Fresh Indict ment by Portland Grand Jury Case Sot for Tomorrow for En tcrlnfl-Plea. honk itt t ho tuls fur tlio oluiuoo to Imy tho properly you nood nt "njjht ivioo." Hnnklna for Honltli. RANCHES 18 sorest cluiw In; brnutlfiil vlowj fine soil) 8R0 rej very cwiy teuim 4 1S ncrea; henrlnir orelmrui water rlKht; utoroj also len m wmil pan. turo atul Imy Iniuli Hiiln of triulo. TRADE APPLES FOR EUROPE Wo mo appointed HKtuilii for-- .1. II. 'fllOMAHi Cov'ont Olivtlon, T.OI1 doii -titul SouOmtiiptoii, Kiutlimtl. wluitft) oltnrKoit uro 0 im font imtl l cmitM inr box, l.S. MNDSAY .M: HON, l.ltl., dlftn Row mill lMluliUi'Klh Hodtlitml, n hm rout mid 10 pontrt pop box. HAWSON UOlltNHON, Hull, KiK lmiKi ft por coni mul H cuutH pcr box. Thimo m tlio olilcnt mul lurROHt Whelre to Go Tonight THE VOICE OF TAFT THE VOICE OF GOD? I'.okuo Ittvcr ptars lepa In all mark xrntn Commercial dub. Inclosing ( nrlcpa In all markets ot fng the pant six years. ' Vrlin Commercial Clu cnta for postago for the finest eorarau- n)ty iKiniphlft ever publlahfd. JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Browa Adjournment at Last. -1 'Back to the farm nntl Back to tho city: Grt-ct them with kiudness, Treat them with pity. ' They are 'the men who have worked nil summer, I Worked till the dawn of an early A" . fall. Worked -with tho eyes of a nation jt upon them, 'ffc Worked to accomplish just noth ;J iaj; at all. Back to the crossroads, ' Back to the mansion, Friends of the tariff and Foes of expansion. Senators kill vhni tho house has-ac- T" " coinplished, f President kills what, united, they do; Now they've adjourned and a weary nation ! Sighs in relief for at last they are through. One Medford maid writes to know what picture was stolen from the Louvro cafe. broacht hiEhestnpHE voice of the people .is liolongci Hie Toico of God. f the world dur-l J. Tllf The voice of Taft is the voiee. of God. Such, at any rate, is the couelusion to be drawn from a perusal of the recent utterances of the president of the United States. The people have becoinc the mob no longer to be trusted. Reforms, no matter what benefits they produce, are "nostrums of theorists." Existing conditions, -though "indefensible," like the wool tariff, must be permitted to continue for the enrich ment of the few at the expense of the many, lest change be "unconsidered." Mr. Tatt hasvbeen most successful in preventing checks from being placed on the power of the lirediitorr in- Iterests. He fathered the Payne-Aldrich bill increasing the tariff. Be. denied the right of the people of Arizona to make their own constitution. He overrode the recttll. He vetoed tariff reduction. The president fears the juclce 'who will be inflnoiicod l- JV . .... ' . v . . . jy tne popular majority to unjust decisions. But he does not tear the judge who owes his nomination and election to corrupt bosses and corporation influence. .Contempt for the right of the common herd veneration for special privilege these are threads woven through the president's messages. ' Let us all kow-tow to the oriental potentate who so ponderously sits down on the rights of the people. POHTLAN'n, Or., Auir. .Uo.-Loiuh T. Wiltlu of San DloKO, was ur raij!iuil holuro Judo Kiivaiinuu,li to day on a now iiulictuR'iit cluii'niiiK linn with having been an iiooiworv to tho allecod orimo of W. (rfioper lorris, in sluuitij; a coiiiiiiishion ol fllO.000, tHH'riiiiiK from tho sale of telephone lunula to the defunct Ore. Koi t Swviiik and Tiut ooinpaiy tif whieli Morris wns furiuerly ensliier. Tlio urrnicntueiit ui ftirnieliy eashiorv Tin itrrniumuent was fonuiil mid Jurist' KavmiaiWh M't tunioirow af ternoon as the date fur nleiidiiur. Wildo npiioarvil in the court room accompanied hy hi ntlonmyH. Wjlde was extradieted ft out Cali fornia on tin indictment which was found to he faulty and a substitute indictment was returned yehlerday hy the Krattd jury. ALL ENGLISH STRIKERS WJLL BE REINSTATED 30 ncrn. S8 rp In nlfnlnn. lrrlitntod, jjardon inVrtmlly otclmrO, 1 lS mlton n. I4.u nnu. i ... ..... ... Ill ranch mid Bllvnraiwilv In UW.l... """ " l,", rMptJOUVB ionvuh. uiiii .. ..!. i ' f. ' -",'" .l..l .... ... ,1 ...I..I -Wl.ll ni''ir runm'iu;' mi in iinmiuni nun IilVKKPOOTi, Aux. Ur..-Thc hiv- erpool muuieipal coininiHsion decided today after two hours discussion to reinstate all tho strikers. The sea men and firemen who were stiokinj; out for the tramway men's rein statement will rcMime work. Ten Tillett, the labor member of parliament, says be will try and ''' the men back to work as amicably as possible. Hnakins for Health. CITY NOTICES. for fruit much liiro, 40 ncre. 30 mulor ditch, water rfKht. ISO jntor ucti. C room hoiiBo, niotlorn; 13500. tnlte ncronRo. , 4 room house, S000, t-iko ncVoae. C room house, moilorn, tulio ncreuKo. JB0O0. ICO' ttcrea, all rino lomn mill, 7R olvnreil, InillilliiKB, ptiiuplnit plant, trndu tor miinll ranch, pay or iib Bitmo, 1'rlco $4000. 1C0 ncrca, 100 In crop, rino loam soil. $75 aero. taRo 1-3 la ttnile. Uo ncres. 1 t-j mlli'ii from town In Wll. Iimcit( vulloy, rich luttoui mul ti- land. 100 norN eultlvutcd, Rood liu. liruvnitiPiitH. J185 noro. Inconitt proporty, reutulii. $1SB muntlilyj tuko jtood ncr.'iik-p 0 ori Irrlcntcd In Idaho, to In ! nun mm cnip, 5U iimtiH, 10 ucr, C& under ditch, :t la nppln nnu pe.ua lit 3 your, a 1-S lllllr out. ?tS5 ncrts 0 ncn, 18 In pcant, olnm.ln flua build. IllK "Ite nnd view. 160-nrra stock and nlfalfa ranch: 1E0 uowm tlllrtblo; under ditch; ITS por ncro: tVi liiixinirt rroporty. ISO ncroM ww land; Ml flno fruit land; tak nny Rood pritprrty. SO actvt, tllluhla; J1000; Uk town prop orty SO ncrp. clvard: tnkn reldneo In i ratio. t flno cloe In tot for raw land. 30 ucroa Uar CrerU bottom for Oakotah land. Flno apple und pr orchard. olrt In, nlno your old, c!oi4 to town nnd hlp plnjr point, take Rood runldinco prop erty In trad. . SO norHt lyilB.vlr. Ciillfinili In nrehiinl.i iiiko uairy or ntnck ranch and city property, Incume propnrly, Twin Pnlln, Idaho, for Ktxu acrOKa WANTED nirls for Kooral houaowork. City and ranch property t Hit THE ISIS THEATRE" ..i......... ... . . . . i . .. .... Uiili;i hiu uuj niiij him,;; IIOW.N'S AM) tlO.MK. ItloH run bo bud at MoiUovd Nutlonnl Hank, Mchforil, OrcRon. Cnsh can liu rallied day utter hI" If riMiulied, uud hlliciit mm hot prices KUiiraiiteed. ltetl l-'uctil Men nuiolcltift 1)10 CJU AI1K tnlklin: "HOT Alll" don't alwuyu live on air, henco our inmarltH on cliurtteit. Tho elap-trap nlioul private nijjn doeti not prove remiiuoratlvo, except top muni) cur I oh of a mtmll nature. All MellerH by private nlo huvo to wait until aiictloiin tiro over mi nit to know what to ask, and In tlio cane of )arn) Hiipplltm they often pit left. T'or further particulars, mldroHn W, N. White (El Co. 7 PA UK PI.ACIJ NKW VOltK Mwecl Hoiillicrit HlnuetH i Direct from (liu mnitli rouio two : of tlio iiientciit hIiihoim of their ; nice, iiciiik uoicii tup yearn roc ; ijiiiip woiiiiorpii voiciw. Tlioy liavo conmutted to iilny tho uortlioiii elrctiltR. TIiOho Nviin mo fond of i t Itlicii dear old minim tlittt will i ......... .ii.. ...in i....... ii.i I1UMT III!1 lll lllltll UIIII lippiir 4 liuilly or lioarhiK to of tlio very ImihI In tlielr Hue, I'ltlll) MlMiKIt 'Hie ttivat Jiiuulcr Tlio man who docs next to the tmpotudlilo In the lluo of JuukIIiik, acompllalilui; tlio moiit difficult feittH with the iinmlciit of eao i hoj; ti 1 tn mid ho convinced thnt jtbero Ih iioIIiIiik liupoiiHlldo In tlio J I JliClilliiK lino Unit can't liu an-1 s compllt'lied. i t . . Most any man can tell you just what lie said on the last occasion he-was unexpectedly called upon to make a speech. FAILS 10 FLY IN HYDROPLANE .I,. Propeller Breaks in Midstream and , Aviator Has Narr&)V Escape From Drowning Machine Sinks Under Water. ASTORIA, Or., Aur. 25. Despite tho accident yesterday afternoon which nearly coat his Mifu and wreckeu his hydroplane Aviator Hugh Robinson said today llial be probably would be ready to fly uj;ain either tomorrow or Sunday. When tho propeller of his hydro pluno brolio while he wus in the channel getting under wuy for u flight from tho water, tho muchine Hank until nothing wus visible but a small part of the pontoon. Robinson who wus strapped to his scat was mrricd under, but managed to free himself, und climbed to the pontoon. i A swift tide enrried the aviator and Ids muehiuo down ,tho river a mile before u lino could bo made fast. . Tlio hydroplane wus towed buck to the docks and today Robinson und his mechanicians aio busy repairing it. ' Several thousand persons wit nessed (ho accident. Printing of all kinds nt Portland prices. Muil Tribune office. ' ilasklns lor Hoaltn. ! ,. ....... BARTLETTS ARRIVE IN GREAT QUANTITY Sgbel & Day of New York under date of August 19, have the follow ing to say regarding Bartletts: This shows 00 carloads of this fruit here this week, immense arrivals you will acknowledge. Those from Suisan and the river ending. The market generally is lower than our last quotations but there is more dis crimination being made by tho buy ers who are hunting for tho best pears of good size, 135 to 150, be cause the bulk of the arrivals up to this time have not been Inrgcr than 1C5. Ve do not see how this market can do any better as long as thes.e immense quantities ara thrown on it but we bplievo a different state. of things will be seen after next week, The best Bartletts are worth today fom $1.90 to $2.10 and the poorish $1.30 to $1.00. . VOl SAM3. By L. N. Jtldd, Talent, Jackson Co., Ore., midway botwejn the flourishing cities of Medford and Ashland, chick en and frujt ranch, 4 acres, $1700; homes that produce a revenue, rich,' fertile, garden, fruit and alfalfa lands in and near Talent, Or., 18 acres; deep, rich, dark soil In a high state of cultivation, in tho city limits, resi dence, etc., $11,000; $61,00 cash down, balance terms. Fruit farms clal orchard, ? jnlles from Phoenix, loaded with fruit, $1,0,000; half cash down .abalanco terms. Fruit farms and alfalfa and irrigated lands of 4, C, 10, 15, 20, 40, GO, 80, 100, 200 or 280 acres, also city lots in Talont, Medford and Ashland; also timber land. NOTICK. Tho ladles of the Home Mission society of tho M. 12. church South will hold an ico cream social on tho church lawn, corner of Main and. Oakdale, Friday evening, tho 2Cth. Kveryhody Is Invited to attend, 133 ACCUSE NEW YORKER OE MONA LISA THEFT PARIS, Aug. 2!. Tho Cri De Paris todny suys that the famoii painting "Mbna Lisa" which disap peared from flic Louvro, was jict ually stolen in June, 1010, and is now in tho collection of a New York "millionaire Jew." Tho painting stolen Tuosdny, the super says, was a" copy which the original thieves substituted. The search for the picture one: innl or fake is going on today as vigorously as oyer with the police fitilj unable to announce nny success. notice! NOTICE TO BB.XOOS CONTRACTORS. The city council of tlio city of Mml foril. Oregon, wilt receive sonlcil propo urilii for tlmt certain part of tho pro. poseU concrete uc(,i!ko n cross Hear crtvk In the city of MrtlforJ. Jitckaon county. Oreison. which said city unit ntrrovil to eonntruct. nt a special mcutlni; to he hishl Aucust SUllt. 1911. Specifications nr on fllo In tho or flco of tho city ronler ami alio nt tho offlco of the olly-rnclmvr In n.ili! cltv All hlils must bo torcompanlcil by n cer tified check equal to ten per cent of the bid. said check to bo made pnynblo to inn cuy trcaiiurer or Mid city, nnd mut bo filed on or before M0 o'clock p. ni . August 28th. 1911, with the city ro-corder. Tho city1 council reserve tho right to reject any and all bids, noiiT. w. TEt.Fnn. City Recorder. Dated this ISth day of August, A. I) 1911. LEGAL NOTICES. L F. I. BITTER ROOM 8t yXTPN prjTT.DIJtO Notice is hereby glvea that tho un dersigned will apply to tho city coun cil of the city of Medford, Oregon, at Ub next regular aneetlng on goptom ber 5, 1911, for a license to sell spirt Jtous, vinotiB and malt liquors in quontltlps less than a gallon, at tbolr place of business at Hotel Medford, located on southeast corner Main; and Ivy, lots 10, 17 nnd 18, in said ?Jty, for a poriod of six months. ItAU-MOHU CO, pato of first publication August 17, 191J. , Mpdord, Pro.. Auir. 9. J9J1. Thin Is to certify that about November my daugh ter was taken with a sever attack of rheumatism which rendered her left nnn UHeleHS, In fact it was so near paralyzed that she was not ablu to tnovo her finer. crs. but knowing of nomo of Dr. .Chow xountrH marvelous cures of lonjf Htant Ine cases of rheumatism, we decided to consult him, In which I am pleased to ay mado no mistake, as his nmodlrH acted as ho clamed thoy woulc' nnd af ter tho third treatment the rheumatic pain entirely left her and slut has not had any Hymptoms of rheumatism slnco; be sides her Kencral health la much finnrnt. id and I do not hesltato In sayjng I bev novo wiose amioiou with rheumatism or paralysis will do well to conMult Dr. Chow Younif. Whoso houua Is corner of Tenth and I'ront street, Medford, Orer lfn. a. I. WKIBH. IS I HOTICE Or XKSCTXOlf TO ORSATB ADDITIOITAI. INBEBTEDNX3S TOR THE BOILDISO OP PERMAWXTn1 XOASS XK JACESOW COUNTY, OSS. Kotlco Is lmrclty iriven that on tho noth day of &ptembr, 1011. un election will ti hold througliout Jackson county. Ore pon, for tho purpose of submitting tit the voters of Jackson county, Oregon, tho question ns to whether or not debts for the bulldlnc of permanent roads within Jackson county, Oregon, shall bo Incurred In a sum not exceeding f 1.500. 000 and Interest thereon, und orer and nbovo any and all Indebtedness of the county nt the data of wild election, anil Independent of any other Indebtedness of said county otherwise created, and authorizing said Indcbtrdnensi to be evi denced by tho bonds of said county, dat ed January 1st, 1913, and payablo twen ty years after date and bearing a rate of Interest to be determined by tlio coun ty court, but not to exceed six ner cent Tr annum, payablo semi-annually, which interest may bo evidenced by Interest coupons attached to such bonds, and which bonds and Interest coupons may be substantially In tho form designated In tho order of tho county court for Jackson county, Oregon, calling said election, which ordor was duly mado and entered of record In tho county court of the stato of Oregon for Jackson county, sitting for tho transaction of county business at tho regular August, 1911, u-rrn or sani court, wnicn convened on tlio 3d day of Aucust. 1911. nnd which order was mado nnd entered on the 3d day or August, 1911. Hald election will ho held In each eleatlon precinct In s.ild county, beginning at the hour of 8 o'clock In the morning on the 30th day of Hepiermter. ijii, ana continuing until tlm hour of 7 o'clock In tho afternoon of said day. This nntlro Is Issued In accordance with said ordor of said county court this Jd day of Auguit. 1911. W. It. COI.RMAN, County Clerk Juckson County, Oregon. IffmflVtlJ Your Skin Needs MARINELLO Take n cirvfiil look In your mirror He the havoc Wifiitght to your skill by wind and weather Now Is the lima tv begin lo reme dy the iK feels but chiHiso your run idles with the utmost euro Tho best nulhorlty In the country on the skin Is Kmlly Lloyd, author of "Tho Hkln" 8ho recommends Marinollo Treatments and Marinello Preparations ns tho only absolutely nnd entirely effctle method of curing for the skin. Vi use them exclusively Consultation Is fn-o In our shop I,et us tell you exactly what your skin needs to put It In perfect Condi Itlnn. Appointments mado by tele phone will save both your tlmo und ours. CORA E. UTLEY Room 5, over Kentncr's. Phone 1 1 1 . SMITH'S APARTMENT HOUSE Sotifli Hlvorsldd New nntl IJp-to.Unttv Modern in every imrtlrtilnr, gns cook ing, etc. Women ft. ml girls iiittst bring rt'fort-ti-itf. W.M. SMITH. Kiefer Trees Lftffjjfmfl'flfrj rut I.HIl L'muImwJ hnL9l!lltltIOf lllf 1(01 V M.fJ Of HSUSAtiDHA'T L,, XWmK ,.i (.KxllJl.U. MV, Alt IktWMItlClkMP clil Urtw. t-J.,u.J(lijliWi. M'w4 Miiii4 1.1. lUnull mii(, Will lolrwkrnl. AUitn UITIK liiri 111. V. A, , JnJm. tS'lUmJ Rock Spring Goal O MMX-a AZ.Z, tks xiica. Offlro mul Con I Vurtl, Twelfth nd It'rout Btn-cts. Phono 7101. Burbidge tjc oojo. mjot (nMnt o.) nv RcLool for Olrlt lirV, clnrof Hiitmet SI. John IUplUl IKplxvpall CalltfltM, At4U 4 MUmMUry CPrtlMU. Mult, Art, tlMttlon. OTOEilm. Forc.UloskddrrMTIti: StNTEIt Hi;i'KItI0Il ornre23.Bt. llrlwullall HosklQB for Health. Phone Pacific 2681 Home 268 For MILK GR13AM for CUPPING, BUTTIURAIILTC. BUTIMflR, ICE CREAM, or 8IIERBETS. "Not flio Oheailest but the BEST." Rogue River CREAMERY 134 N. Riverside Avenue AflllN'TS 1011 BUICKS AND LOCOMOBILES GRATER LAKE GARAGE qBOhWV, OIL AND H U I' I' L 1 1: 8 Pure Clear Sparkling You can't afford to io without (Ills Hploudld, rofrisHuinjr, rlrluk. Call up nnd orJor & cose sent to tho house. Tho purest, most henlthful drink known (a SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Aient. No DO por cent loiuei, the risk l oiirn. We ore wllllnj- to umko Icr-iI coutinct with you. To plant Kcl fr l'enr tree. To work thiiro on top of tiny variety you tuny ad act. Wo buy Kelfer torcit of Rturk tiros,, nnd Mt. Arbor Xuraarlen. llomi) Grown Trcen, no tietlcfr KroWn, Medford Nursery Company lUl .NOHTU CHNTHAIj A VIC riiono rim In a Class by Itself It Ih n great bin loaf, mudo from tlio beat lilch Rrudo flour. I'l.'KItliKSfi llUCAIi'tH moro llko Hint kooiI old homo mado broad that mother uued to uiuko tliun any other on tho nmrkot. Auk your Krocer for PKI'ItMCSH Itl(KAI) and InslHt that you cot It be cause there In uouo bo i;ood. RARDON'S BAKERY Corner Mulu und Jrnjo Hlreet. Newport YAQVIKA BAT , oxsaoH'a roroi.AB bhaom KJISORT ' An Ideal retreat fur outdoor imiitlmea of all hlndn. HUNTING, KIHJMNO, IIOAT1NG, HIJIIP 1IATIIINO, HID ING, AUTOINO, CANOKING. DANC NO AND ItOM.KH HKATING. "Wliuro prtty wutr ukuUh, uiohb bkiUmi, inoon-Htoiiotf, curuKlliinn can bo fouiiil on tlio bcuch, I'uro mouiitnln wator find tlio lU'iit of food itt low prlcN. KroBh flnli, clnuiH, cralut iiuil oynlorH, with nbmwluuco of vhkuIuIiIum of all kliulN dally, Oamploir OronudK Convenient and At traotlve with Htrlot InultAry XoirulAttoog, SOW BOUND TSXP IXABOir TICKETS rroia All tolnta In Oregon, Wli lnifiou and Zdnlio, on uaU dally. a-DAV ATDRDAY.MOWDAT TICKET from Houlborn I'nclflo polntn I'nrllnnd lo Cottnnn Orovn; nlno from nil (;. tk H. HlntloiiH Alliiiny uml wont. Good KoIiik Hnturiluy or Hmiday and for rut urn Humlny or Monday, Cull on uny B. I', or G. A K. AKnt for full purllculurn un to farcM, train hcIiihIiiIiih, hIc, j iiluo for copy of our IIIUHtiatt'd liooklut, "Outlnj(H In Ore boii," or wrlto to WM, MoMUBBAT Scueral Taenonirer Airtml, Tortlnnd, Orotcoa. I ATER ALL IT., NARROWS DOWN TO i i The Merrivold Shop 4 FOR ' INK WELLS 134 W. Mala Hi., Medford. BOOKS Latest Fiction Received Daily at Medford Book Store PLUMBING 8T1JAM AND l(T WATICU HKATINO All Work Gunrnntoed Tricon ltoauoiinb)o 85 Ilowitnl lllnclr, ICutraaca , on (Jtli Stref. Coffeen & Price I'nclflo llOill Homo 'JtO . -X Draperies Wn carry n very cpinnloto lino of aruuurloa, luoo ourlalnM, flzturea, ata, mul do nil aluHNKH of uiiliolatorlutf. A ponln iiihii lo loolt nftor UiIm work vxoliialvaly uml will kIvo a o'l aurvlcii ua In iiuHNlblu to ot In evon tlio luruuat (iltlaH, Weeks & McGowan Co