MTODFOTTP M ATL TKTBUNTC, OTDFOUT), OTCEOQN, FRIDAY, ftTJCJUBT 25, 1911. ' raOETHTOT . EM' 7- f ' NEW OFFICERS FOR EAGLES Comptoto Victory (or RcQUlars Over Insuruants Gained In San Frauds co Arrlo Cleveland Selected (or Noxt Convention. HAN KHANCIHCO, Cnl., A lift 15ft. Coniilitu vloiiiry for lltu ivgiiiurH iii' tlm liiMiiivviitH in (hti I'ratoninl Onlcr of KiikIch wiin hiiIikmI Intro to iliiy vvlii'ii I hit IiihI linllot wiim uoiiii cil mill I In- Hi'iliiK tlckt't i'Ii'dIimI wllh 11 lmi(it iiiiijnrily. Clitvtiliiinl won tint 1D1U (onvunlloii hy mi OVITwIlllloiitlK ilmtlHlon, Tim ww offli'i'i-H lints 1 I'ruiik i:. Ilfiluc of Koiitli Uunil, linl.' kiiumI wim thy tiir-Hidmil. Willlniii .1. iImiiiiiiiii, I'ittHlnirK, I'.i., Ijrniiil worthy sci pwifiilunl. Wlllimii L (IriiyMoii, Hnviiiiiiiili, (In., ;iitiiil uortliy I'liupliilii. Inliii K. Parry, San 1'Viiiii'Imi'o, gniiiil woithy mti'ri'tury. Fiiilny iMi'Koo, lliilitna, Mont, Kraiul worthy Itt'iiHiirt'r. Kri-il J. I.yiu-li, Now WYHttiiliiMlcr, II, ('.' urniiil worthy roiuliintor. John IS. Murray, WorupMur, Miim., (,'ratul IiimIiIh jmiril. (Iraiitl triinti'im Con rail II. Maun, Milnaiikt'it; INI Siiutlitr, .Sioliini, WuhIi.; I.i'o Mrynr, Oldalionia (.'it v. anil Johi'iIi II. Dowlliif,', DaMoii Ohio. Thoina !'. (Jrailv of Nitw York, iittiriiiK grimi! worthy iirrxuli'iil, Im noiiifH (X'otrii'io cliitiniiiin of tint honril of irniiiil triiHti'CM, Tho coiiIi'mIh vvor I'mv. Fri'il J Lyin'li of Now WVMtininHiiT U. I, ili'fi'iitnl C II. Dihiiht of I'orl Scull, hniiH,, tin iiiimiiiiIii'iiI, for iraiitl run lui'lnr, anil John !'. Miiloncy of Nnvv York wiih hi'ittcii for tin ruiul mm-- ri'tiiryxliii) hy John S. Parry of Hun KriMiitixi'O. Frank l.iroy, iiii'iiiahnnl, of Viittoiia, It. (.'., anil Jiiiiiph II. llnn laml of .St. Paul, were ilrfcntcd for ..'election to Ihn honnl of uranil trtiHti'i'H. '(y'loM'laml ilili'giitrA lit'M'ii han iurt hi'lil in honor of llioir vlctoiy nvi'r IIounIoii, TVxih, for tho next I'llllMMltioil. FIVE KILLED BY UNA BRIO E Men nt Work Rciinlrlnii Structure Perish When It Collapses Upon Removal o( Falso Work Inquiry Under Way. YESTERDAY'S SCORES. i i Nnllonnl ligur, " At New York " New Yorlr .,.. PittMhuri , Heronil gium Niw York Now York Pittnlitiric ...... At Ilrooklyn ItiooUlyn H (I Uhii'ttu " At ItoHton H Motion H St. Imis At Philnili'lphiu I'liilmU'lpliin .... Cincinnati Aiurrltiui Iongtio. Dutroit-WiihliiiiKtoii Itiiin. (JlitvohiiiiM'liilaili'lpliiit Itain. At CMeiipi (JIlll'lIKO .... Nuw York St. Iuii-IloHton Itnin. COANt ICIIgUO Al Porlliinil U. Poitlanil (i Hiu'iaiiii'ulo 1 At I, OH AllKl'U'H Sun Frani'iHco 2 Vitrnon .... At Oakland Oakland . . . .h Angclcx . to Noitlnu'tttiTii Iiikiic. Al Spokane Spokimo r Tai'iiina -I At Si-nttlu v Simttlo 0 Viiiicouvur . . 4 At Portlnml I'orllanil 11 Viutoria 1 II. 10 :t H 1) n a it f 10 10 12 10 f ZEMO CURES ECZEMA, PIMPLES. DANDRUFF, PRICKLY HEAT SUNBURN. and nffordit you nltln comfort durliiK tho hot woathor. Wo kIvo you throo loaHOim why wo rocoiiiliiond ZIOMO for ukln trnuhlo, Int. ZIOMO Ih a cloan, Hclontlflc. liquid proparatloii ploiiHnut 'and iiKiooahlo to iibo. a nd, HICMO ntopn ItchliiK nt onco mid iillayB tho Irritation and prompt ly iioothoH and honln tho ulcln. 3rd. ZIOMO kIvoh unlvoriml aatln. ,f act Ion and Ih rucoKiilxod by Hit In upo I'lallatH an tho Ktmulnrd rouiody for all Hltln mid Hcalp troubles. If you wIhIi to try a liattlo of ZI2MO for youmolf or ono of your children and It docii not do oxaotly what wo Hay, wo will roturn your inonoy with .nit qulbhlo or mioiitlon. IIiihUIiih' dniK utoro, KOKKIIUIKI, (Jr., Auc 2rt. An in ilii'H In fix lh R'KpoiiHihillly foi tho ilitath of livit tniMi who wmit killed In Hid nollnpMi of a luiilc Hpnniilu),' tin' I'liipipia nvcr in CoIiih willny, IH inlli'H fiom Itoxehur, wiim ulaiteil today hy Coroner Jmvittl. Fiw jiien wern iniuii'il, linen MeiimiHly. Tint ileail inn) iujineil ueie hionhl here IiihI nixh, K f die iiijiirnl wan lalally imrl, ncconliiiK to pliv HicillllH. (iiai.i:h (iahdincii. oahy IIKOWN' WII.UAM IIKI.IKU, all f liOMeliiiri;. IM:TI;H MeFAWhANI), Curry county, Or. WIM.IA.M ACCUSTA, of Penlne Or. Tilt! men, ulio wero nieinhei-H of ll Klini whieh hail heeu repairini; lite l'riiljj, worn removing Hiime fale wink helei'ii (he MpaiiM whi'iillie eiS the Hlrui'liili) enllapKeil mid ft, him ln) htrciwi, a iliHlauee nf (III feel. AKREST GOMEZ'S SON FOR PISTOL DUEL L mmk .OTPvSk.' mm in fAxM mmMmkmM EAST VE(IY DULL S Y ST0EC1ANN lndirr.L. 'rCA.RiAJio'ticwna. Glorious Hair Tlntl'M Iho Klml All Wiiiueo lliitr Who 1'm I'arlHlaii Hiiki. If you am a woman ami really de nim li lmvii(hnlr that fiiHilnatoH ami eompi'lM admiration, then you want n bottlo of I'urlnluii Kiiko. Woiiieu who ime Parlnlan Kiiko iiov er need to bo nnhHtned of their hnlr hecaiiiio It not only cnum- hair to Krow profimely, but It putH llfo ami limter Into It, Of cuurHO U'b Hplt'iidld, nUo for men mul boyn nml Rlrln. and U'k tIk Idly Kunrantccd to bnululi dandriiff, top falling lialr mid Itching ncalp In two wookM, or money bnck. Inrl Ian Kmco In u (IcIIkIiKiiI hair dremi. Iiik mid every member of tho family Hliould ue It rcRiilnrly. Inro bot tleii T.0 cent al Chaw. StruiiK'H mid itriiKt',lH(H every when?. Look nt all of tho real rulnlp niM mul nt much ,f tlm real enlnlo nL v;rllneil. heforrt InveHtinir, . r Hon of Pri'Hiilenl m eharui'il with hu- Mi;iiel (louiiT, Oome, of Cuha, iii(f the leader of a band of iihhuhkiim, 111 Din, of Havana, hhhctU that many frieinlrt lu'i'wiipmiyiiiu yonui; (lomey. filed on I lie editor of that paper Color !h Kitco to thiH theory, it is Mini' by Iho. faet that the wiiIIk of the fa fn CoMiiopolilau ami tin front of the uiljaiivut hiiiltliui? hIiow liullt inailiH j,'riuilly exceeding in niimher the flioU that could ponxihly have been fit cil hv one mini. Yoiiu (linn i'. in under nrrcNl. Local Man Returns From East Glad to See Place That Shows Some Ac tivity Expects Newcomers In Fall. Thai tho eiiHtern htat'-H are experi encing h very dull hciikou and are fin worno off liiianciallv in Iiiimiiii'mm eir cIch than Ih Orcuou ih the belief of ill. 0. Stouehuianii, a local civil en gineer, who Iiiih jiiHt letiiriied from a ten weekHf trip throup;lioiit the eiut Mr. Stoeehmunil Hiijh that uetivitv in hiiHiucHM eirelcH in very uln.'k throughout the Htntcx nml that it if t It ik condition whieh ih keeping llif eimternerH 1'ioin coining to Oregon. "I iiiii glad to get hack to n livi town oiien more," xtiiteH Mr. Stoeeh 111111111' "anil I will be contented to re main here for mohio lime. bfv?o-t lookH irood after a trip throughout the middle went. TlniigH lire far het Icr on the conrit than in the middli went. 1 expect n iiiiinher of new eoiniTK in the full." Mr-g-sr.'.uaAJ.'ii , ,. . J DARR0W AT CONFERENCE HELD IN SAN FRANCISCO SAN FHANC1SCO, Cnl.. Aug. 2.1. Clareiiee Darrow. chief eouiirtel in the dcfeiinu of the Mi'Ntimara brolhiTh arrived today from Iok Augek-H nml went into conference with it uuuihtir of San J'rnneiM'n labor leaders. Harrow icfiihcd tn diHcuttH thu nii ture of bin Ijiimiichh here. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. fiok for tho ad that offers it to voti, Kccoiid-hmid. at a r"al barcaiu1 W. K. mul 0. H .Touch and 1'ainilicn have retiirneil from an outing up Applcgute. Warren Men mill family and Mr Kniitgen, who have been viHiling M!hh Mary A. Mc have returned to tln'ir homo in the Applegate coun try. . J. W. Oilinoro mid family left tho week for u vioit to rcdatives am friend at S. Joluih, Portlaml am Kugene. Mihh Maj hello Peart left Thnrs A HANK HOOK wif.ii ligiiti:n tho bunion of caring for your money. Dopoak your ciibIi In tho Par in cm & rrultgrowora Dnuk nnd you will not luivo to nit and worry nbout Itn safety. ThIoveH don't uteal bonk bookn: and If flro dentroyH one. you don't loso anything, no you would If It was tho i imb ItHeir. Open an account today and you'll idee eniilur tonlcht nnd very night. Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank '.. rotfwr4 UnakltiH for heiilth. Golden Rule Showing OF Fall 1911 Wearing Apparel Ladies' Suits, Ladies' Dresses and Ladies' Coats Dress Hats GAGES Suit Hats Saturday, Aug. 26 Summer is going, autumn is finally approaching. Your needs for tall and winter are unconsciously accumulating. A visit to our store, where you can see tho correct styles, where your money will buy more value than any other place in .southern Oregon, where the season's best is dis played, with only a moderate- price attached, will convince you of our superior ability to sorvo you. f f Akins, Benton & Co. Watch for Ad. announcing Our Special Premium Day day morning on a viml to Iocvillc( Oakland nnd other California poiulM, Mr. and Mm. C. C. Perkins and DciuiIh (Jreeii mid family huvo re tnnicil from mi outing at ('reicent City. Mr. Kreemaii of Portland nnd W. J. Frecmmi nnd family of thin oily! are cijovmg a trip to (rater lake thin week. Mr. Kugene Childcm of Klamath county i viHiling her pnreiitu, Mr. and Mr, I. V. WillianiM nml other relative! here. MiM Campbell Iiiih rclurncd from u tiip to San J'rnncieco. I W. T. Htidham- Mrw. Smith. Mr. and Mr. S. A. Pnltexon mid ilniigli- terM, Mm, Wnymmi Wanner, Mr.'l! , Scott, J. U. Huh and K. II. MopkiiiH, Kpent TliiiMilay al lei noon in Med-i ford. I Jay Hnlhavvay ef TliurHdnv al teruooii for Corning mid Chieo, Cnl.,, for u uioiiIIi'k vIhiI. I Waman Warner left Tlmrfxluy afternoon for Corning on a biihiuch trip. ' i rrrrrttr-r Still in Business . The Southern Oregon Elec tric Company has moved two doors south to the C. C. Ponting Plumbing Shop Southern Oregon Electric Co. t4 FELT BAD ALL THE TIME Shcllhorn Lady Suffered a Great Deal, But Is All Right Now. Shcllhorn, Ala. In a letter from this place, Mm. Carrie. May nays: "A short time ago, I commenced to bare weak spells and hcadacheu. I fell bad all tho time, and Boon grew no bad I couldn't stay up. I thought I would die. At last my husband got me a bottlo of Cardul, and It helped me; so he got some more. After I had taken tho Bccond bottle, I was entirely well. I wish erery lady, suffering from womanly trouble, would try Cardul. i It Is the best medicine I know of. It did mo moro good than anything I ever . used." ' Cardul Is a woman's tonlt; a' strengthening medicine for women, made from ingredients that act sue-' clflcally on the womanly organs, and thus help to build up the womanly con stltutlon to glowing good health. As a remedy for woman's ills, it baa a successful record of over 50 years. Your druggist sells It- Please try It N.n. Writtto: Ullrt' Alvliory Dtvt.. O-itu-nott Mrdlctnt Co., Ouiubooc. Ttrra., (or p?ciai InttrufUimt, nl Mpc book, Hon Trutnxot Ix Wcata," Mat la pUla vfi;ptr, on tcqucsu rr9-MPpj'Prp-'Pjpjp-ml ; ? ICE COLD Melons Z r I Cost no more than warm ones j! if you bu them here. OURCOLD STORAGEPLANT i valves our cuscomers tnis aaaea service t Tf is crP: nf fVif fnrfnrs tYint fiavp tfninprl l! us the reputation of having the best jj MEATS, VEGETABLES, FRUIT I Warner, Wortraan 6 Core I 4C4(4---t-MCf'4f'4t:' FIFTIETH ANNUAL Oregon State Fair SALEM, SEPTEMBER 11-16 'II HOME COMING WEEK Livestock, Poultry and Agricultural Exhibits Races. Free Attractions and Amusements FERULLO'S GREATEST BAND Reduced Rates on all Railroads Send for Premium List and Entry Blanks FRANK MEREDITH, Secretary, vSialem, Oregon Is -TeleiS'fth'ferm'fe; J1sssrr tr ssrrrv'i Threshing machine breaks down? Need more help? Cook wagon out of coffee or groceries? Don't leave the farm. Can't spare a hand to go to town. Need everyone on the job. The answer INSTALL A KELLOGG FARM TELEPHONE LINE During harvest lime a farmer never knows what moment a costly break-down may happen and tie up the work. Someone will have to take a team that Is working in the field, drive to town and back again in the meantime alt hands are idle. nuriB 1LAKK It may be a derrick fork a fly wheel a belt or only a small bolt that stops work' for several hours. How simple it would be to go to your telephone, call up the implement house in town and have him send it out. It doesn't cost much to own a tele phone. You can install it youtselL OUR FREE BOOKS TELL EVERYTHING Our book of instructions explains in a clear manner it makes no difference. The time to lock the stable is every detail for a farmer's telephone line. Any man who before the horse is gone the time to Install a Kellogg Farm can use a screw driver can install a Kellogg telephone, Telephone Is before you have a breakdown, a serious accl- A Kellogg Telephbne is "Standard", you can uttach it dent or need the doctor in the middle of the night. Write to a "Bell Exchange" or to an "Independant Exchange" for our free illustrated books today. Ask for Bulletin "Jifl" KELLOGG SWITCHBOARD & SUPPLY CO. PACIFIC COAST OFFICES 00 Seventh Street, fortlund J 15 South Wall Street, Spokane 3Z4 So. Loa Anjelci St., Lot Aueelei Complete Line Carried in Stock 88 FIRST STREET, SAN FRANCISCO GENEKATv OFPICK CHICAQO f ,H W3 ? C i 1 3 .ji j i . " J S. !,9 1 1 f w I i t t 'I . .,.-. iwwwwrg)Ne'TajrwittrE-a til j-rrfe . .. . V. , : k.'-- iV " -V -! ' " - -'' " -V -V-