-$ i,wi-f"A "- c $ PXGI2 TWO aiEDFOttu j'fAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OK 1301 ON. FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1011. f v. : ii. IV n LOCAL AND PERSONAL A. 8, Klolnltainnktr of Applognic irindts a buslnfcfts Irlp to Mt'dford nnd Jnekfionvlllo Wednesday. Fred' HlVntig spent n few hours In JnckRonvllltr Wednesday evening. E. D. Weston motored to Jackson vlllo Wednesday evening. H. IL Wnlston of Sterling: transncU cd liuslncss In Medford ard Jftckson villa Wednesday. Wo solicit the trade of thoso who want tho best of everything. Electric Shoo Sliop, 32 South Grnpo. 134 ' Mrs. H..B. Childcrs of Klanmth Falls Is visiting relatives and friends .living1 In this section. Sho la the guest of Mrs. Ralph Jennings of Ap plegat at present. Klfert, tho progressive tailor, has Just returned from tho Now York cutting Bchbol, whero ho got all tho lato fads on cutting. 132 'J. U, Sho'twoll of Seattle, who has been prospecting Beveral mining properties In tho Big Applegato and Siskiyou mountain districts, has re turned homo with a largo quantity of oro fuunnfes thnt ho. will have thor oughly tested. He speaks very hope fully of tho mining outlook. J. H. Phlegnr and Mr. Davy have returned from n short outing on Ap plegato. , . Hand embroidered baby clothes at tho Handicraft Shop, Kcntnor's. 134 Mrs. William Smith and her son nnd daughter aro guests of Mr. and Mrs. F, M, Smith of Sterling. Mr. Kirby, tho California stock buyer who was soriously .liurt In a railroad wreck somo time ago, Is on Applegato tor tho benefit of his health. An International encyclopedia dic tionary In three volumes which has never been used can bo bought cheap. A fine work for teachers. Address "Pnlrvlew," Jacksonville. H. Seyson has returned from a prospecting trip in tho northern part of Joscphlno county. Ho reports that the mining outlook has Improved ma terially lately. Mrs., H. A. Bouten of Poormans Cre,ek ,s in, Medford visiting Jiqr daughter, Mrs. Gordon Stout. Peaches Order your late peaches .Sirs. 12. C. Anthony of Smith ltlver, Cal., hits arrived fdr a visit with friends In tho valley. Arthur Drown, erstwhile publisher now farmer In tho Applegato district, called upon his many friends In Med ford Thursday. Panning seems to ngreo with Brownie. Aro now buying peachei' prunes and pears, if you want to soil for Cash at tho highest markot prtcc, see us. Producers Fruit Co, 137 F. M. Cleaver of Washington, D. C, has arrived to' spend a fow days In tho Itoguo Hlvor valley on business, S. A. Horlng of Portland 1" visit ing Medford on business, William Tollman of Central Point spent Thursday and Friday with Medford friends. Lessons In hammered and pierced brass at the Handicraft Shop, Kcnt nor's. 134 Mrs. C. S. Amos and daughter. Miss Myrtle, havo loft to spond a fow weeks visiting friends In San Frnu clsco. John King has left for Sacramen to, Cal., whero he expects to mnkc his home In tho future. Elfcrt, tho progressiva tailor, guar antees a first class fit. . 133 Charles Hendricks, accompanied by his sou. Will, left Friday morning for Crater Lake. They will return by way of Klamath Falls. C. U. Allen of Butto Falls Is spend ing n few days in Medford with friends. Itardon's Bakery no- delivers Ices and lco cream to any part of the city. M. W. Skcel, who has charge of tho Enyart ranch on Itoguo River, leaves tonight for tho ranch after a visit of several days In Medford. Telephone 371, Rarflons Bakery tor cake, tees and lco cream; prompt delivery. John C. Murphy has left for a visit at his old home In Philadelphia. Ho has not been back for 25 years. Justice Glenn O. Taylor acted in Cupid's role Thursday when ho unit ed William Bartle't and Mrs. Ma rlon Fcnton in marriage. Chinese Sacred Lilies and Japanese air plants at Broadley's. Phone nnd P. M. Cleaver of Washington, 1). C, aro Medford visitors. W M, Lndd and party of Portland left Thursday by nulo for Orator Lake, having made, the trip to Med ford by easy stages. C. E. Evans of Wood, presldeut of the Medford Hnrdwaro company nnd largely Interested In Medford, spent Thursday hero looking after his nu merous interests. Goorgo Steel, state bank examiner, Is Inspecting local institutions. t A. Slushelmer of Portland, tho pop ular traveling mnn, is again among hts local customers. Mayor W. H. Canon left Friday for Newport to spend a few days by tho sad sea waves. Mrs. Canon, who Is visiting relatives In Wisconsin, will return with htm, Robert A. Nelll of Brpwnsboro sec tion was n Medford visitor Friday. Dr. J. P. Roddy left for Wolfs Creek Thursday evening to examine several mlulng properties, for canning 'now. Mulr, late Craw-'51S1 ford arid Tuscan Clings. F. P. Far roU,'B6JcltfO, route 1. ' fW ' .Mrs. R. Gaskln, late of Jackson ville, is visiting her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Tucker. Mr. and Mn. J. D. Brown of Ster ling have ixetutned. if romi.a'i camping trip in StpdiboAt'aistrlctr New plllows.andtccnterplescs at tho Handicraft Lbop. 134 A R. Mar.tln of PorHand made. Rogue River valley a short visit" tho fore part of tho week and was wejl jjleas ed.with what be. , saw. Kifert'a fall goods aro here. Come In and look them, over. 132 J I. Callaghan of Spokane has re turned from the Siskiyou copper belt, whero ho has been developing his extcnslvo mining interests, Mr. and Mrs. Callaghan will become residents of Medford, very soon. Mrs. Anderson of Phoenix precinct has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. S. Klelnbnrqmcr of Applegate. Seo R, A. Holmes, Tho Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. Mr. and -Mrs. N. L. Narregan of Eagle Point visited in Medford and Jacksonville, a ew days, since.. J."M. Rnder, former sheriff, was In Medford recently. Ho had Just re turned from a trip to his stock ranch in Dead Indian. Hair ornaments nud electric hair curlers at Wonder Store. 132 Robert W. Ruhl returned Friday morning from a visit at Portland. Mrs,' Ruhl is at Goarhart with her sister, who has, arrived pn a vjslt frouTthe cast. RelcliBteln sells and saws wood. 140 Jack Harvey, tho well known min ing man of Calico, is spending a few days in Bedford on business. Brick ,ico cream, all kinds and colors. RanJonB Bakory; phono 371. Prompt delivery. Ilarry fitopo of Trail Is In Medford on business. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS ry Itioae M71 Night Pbcme F. W. Week M71. IiABT ASSISTANT, rirrr JOHN A. PERL KJaderUker and Kmbalni Successor to the undertaking do-: ! partment of Medford Furniture Co. ; ' Office with Medford Furniture Co. : Telephones: Day, Bell 351; I: i John A. Perl, residence, Bell 4111, ; Home 17BL. ; 0, W. Conklla tlOl. J. H AMUULANUB BKKVICa But- 'i 1 h rfWWM Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Elliott have arrived -from Fairbanks, In., to Visit their son. F. C. Elliott of this city. , , M. Lester of Talent spent Thurs day In Medford on a short business trip. . f I Miss Ceclle La. Dupe. of Tho Dalles is spending a few weeks visiting miss A. Cf Murphy of this cHy. Friday and Saturday the Fish Mar ket will sell halibut 10c the pound, silver smelt 12 1-2 c. Wo also havo tho regular amount of chickens for every day orders. Try our 30c steel cut coffee. Telephone your orders early to get nice service. Wo have a nice supply of salmon and catfish also. Messier & Kenworthy. 134 Sheriff Jones has returned from a business trip in Eagle Point district. Eagle Point Is getting on the map. A moving picture show is to be opened in the little railroad town. Elfert makes a specialty of snak ing fine work. , , 132 Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Perkins have returned from an auto outing near Crescent City. W. T. Stldman of Central Point was arecent visitor in Medford. Buy or rent a Singer to make tho childrena new school clothes. Phono C043. 151 Jay Hathaway has left for a short business trip to California points. Mr. and Mrs. 8. A, Pattlson of Central Point wero recent visitors In this city, Carkln & Taylor (John II. Carkln, Glenn O. Taytor), attorney-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Building, Medford. " W. J. Freeman and family of Cen tral Point have left tor a visit at Cra ter Lake. Arnold Scuddor, J. R. Barbour, C. L. Reamcs and Moso Barkdull left Friday evening for Coos Bay, Georgo X.. Davis and family, who havo spent tho week at Crescent City, are expected homo Sunday. M. W. Skeol, lessee of Enynrt's Rpguo.Hlver resort, spent Friday in Medford. Qeorgo L. Baker and brldo and' Miss Baker of Portland passed through Medford Thursday ovening en roii to to their home from a fort night's YlsH at EpyarfH and Crater Lake. Mrs. V. M. ChoBmoro roturncd on Tuesday from a thrpo weeks' visit. at Newport, Or., t Roadmostor Tom Scott of tho Southern Pacific spent Friday In Med ford. Leroy II. Fields, Jr., Hon of the general superintendent of the South ern Pacific, left Thursday for Crater Luko wjth Dr. .APPlowbJto .of Port land. iwn'N N. Rose, superintendent of build ings of the Southern Pacific, Is In Medford on business. Sam Herring of Portland, manager of the refrlgorajor car lines, is look ing after business in Medford. Dr. J. II. Cleaver of Council Bluffs, NOTICE TO JAIL CONTRACTORS. Scaled proposals will bo received by tho county court of Jackson county nt his office in tho county court house nt Jacksonville to bo opened August 28, 1911, at 10 o'clock for tto con struction of the cell work In tho new county Jail at Jacksonville, Jackson county, Oregon. Plans nnd specifi cations are on fi)o In tho office of tho county court, also In W. W. Harmons offlco in tho court house In Jackson ville, Oregon. A certified check of 10 pCr cent of tho amount of the bid must accompany same. Tho court reserves the right te reject'any or nil bids. Signed J. R. NEIL, . County Judge. PROTEST MEETING TU BE HELD FOR SHOAF A Sluutf protest tneeiliiK will bo hold iu Mod ford next Sunday nilit. it will bo tit tliu Smith Imll, begin ning ,ul 8 o'lopk, ml will tyo ml tlreoHoil by novornl Medlml oitircno, uuioiig lium will bo U. It. MoCtiho, P. W. Coll roll mu. John JDetjuur. Tho protonl will bo directed lo Governor Johnson oT Ctilifonim on liclinlf of floors. I. Sliouf, w'inos recent titonppcnruoe nt Uh A'lKotos litis orcntcil mtyiticiim oC foul jduy. Slionf went to Los Angeles hh n our rofcpoiuiout for, the Appeal to lleiiHon. um it is believct) (hot lie had mi earthed evidoiK'e, ftivornlilo , to the McNmnnrns, Friemls of the nlleg'tl dynnuiiterH tml of Slionf insist tiuit lie Jiml evident) wiiioli would clour tho IMeXmimruH and Hint ho iius either boon killed or kidnapped by peixons iniorohted in tlio prosecution.- -- -The Medford nu'oliinr will lie non- HALE PIANO HOUSE , LEASES NEW SPACE Tho Utile Pitino I lousy hurt loaned ppneo in iltu Mint'liko vS; Soliiuitlt really oft'ieoH, 217 West Main tloel' for a down iowu Unilnyvioom lo lu oonduoted iu eounoution ( .wll'i Uio lu'osont (nmrlcrt. . .s ,. . , ..' Mr. Utile oxpectH to bolooatWi ii llie now iitnrrm by Cloudily, lie litis n cnrloml of now DiiutoH' (Mi llio rotul to Medford nnd is expouliiif; them daily, Tho mall order hoimcs of tho Ensl would not bo ho prouporous 1 f tho people of this community wolild In Bint on having "Mtulo In OreRtJn" gonda from tho local morclinnts. The business of this communtty would bo better conserved It tho buying pub lic and tho (merchants would help along tho "Made In Oregon" Idea, put'li'-an and till oIUkoiih of oily mid count v tire itmtcd to attend. Homo prosperity depends upon homo Industry, and state-wide pros perity will be greater If factories selling "Made in Oregon" goods arc patronized b ythe local merchants. Ilaskim for Health. TOO UTE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Board nnd room by young roan, private family or boarding house. Call phone 14 Bell after 7 p. m. 134 WANTED Bookkeeper and stenog rapher, experience, good chance for promotion. Box AX. 133 FOR SALE Ono good 16 H. P. Rus sell traction engino, cheap. J. J. Norton. 1224. Icwat at. Ashland, ...Or, 13S Si ''TV " In Nev Quarters ye aro now loontod in largor quarters, nt the east ond of Jackson Streot, across Bear Greek, iMill work of.all kinds on sliortqst notioo Medford Builders Supply Co. Phono Homo 2JL East Jackson St. 7rO $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ft $ $ $ $ $ $ 3 $ 31- 73- ! ? C- & -7 The Medford National Bank CAPITAL STOCK - $100,000.00 SURPLUS and PROFITS $35,000.00 UNITED STATES, POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITORY SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FO It KENT. r i .' ' . W. X. (J0X, Prtsldtnt. J. A. rBT, ricfittf. JOH B. ORTK, Clhtr. T. S. KJUUCK, Ttcj TTm.' " W. B. JAOXSOK , XuU Ct!ilr. itli i -Ji V) CO -co -Cft yfcq? g ,t ip p p jfi T p ? O i? g ?, ? fr -p v ? ? '? 'p 'P 'P '7 ?; szzp The electrically lighted sewing room Isasconeof comfortwhon the machine Is run by an electric motor. No back breaking pedal ing I The seamstress touches a button we do the rest. R6gue River Electric Company- ft iii. 'jLS u BAGGAGE and EXPRESS HENRY M, MARSH s All ordora promptly attonded to night or day. Rhor and long hauls. .Moving household goodfi a ripuclalty Union teamsters, I Pacific 4171 Office 51 9. Front Home 80 Residence. Main 613 t SATURDAYS' SPECIAL BARGAINS . : AT ' Long Gloves lG-hutton Silk Gloves; colors only; Saturday, pr.. 48c MANN'S CENTRAL AVE. NEAR P. O RIBBON All Silk Taffat Rib hon, 4 1-2 inches wide; special 4JZp Salnrday, yd... AOL Best Corset Values Just received, the new low bust models in "Warner's Rust Proof Corsets, on sale Sat urday, $1.00, $1.50, .$2.00, $2.50 a pair. SPECIAL SNAP 50 Women's Coutil Corsets, fitted with three pairs hose sup porter, -worth $1.00; on sale Satur- PQ day, a pair "vC All Wash Goods Go Best quality Plaxon Cloth; never fades; worth 25c; now, yard 14c Rest Dress Ginghams and Percales;' salo price, per yard ..1214c Best "Egyptian Tissues"; good styles worth 25c; now, 3'urd 19c 32-inch Scotch Ginghams in fancy plaids; sale pricu, a yard .,., 14c Best quality Dress Prints; on sale Saturday only, a yard .'...5c Good Apron Gingham; while it lasts, only, yard , , 4c Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improvod ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. r- Xt4rirttl. !i I , i I r0f MEDFORD IRON WORKS E. . Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST Alltkiiids p:Eugiues, Spraying Outfits, Pumps', l Boilers and "Machinery. 'Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. See Our New Line of Sweaters-PRICES RIGHT ill ill ... ; ii . ' il i i i Opening Sale of Blankets and Comforters blankets Good size groy cotton Blankets; iCp special, a pair , tOC Fine qualit grey and white cotton fQf Blankets; special, a pair OSJI Largo size grey and white cotton 7Q Blankets, special, a pair I5FC Special values iti'wool Blankets at $3.98, $4.98, $5,98 and $6.98 a pair. We sell the celebrated "North Star" Blankets. 'Baby Crib Blankets at, pair 48c Bath Robe Blankets at, each , ,....$2.00 We carry a full line of Floss Pillows in all sizes, on sale at special prices. COMFORTERS 1 case good heavy Comf e s: ood pat- tcTns; very special, each 98c 2 cases fine quality Comforters; new patterns; special, each $1.48 .1 case fine silkolino Comforters; well fnade; special, each $1.69 1 case extra fine Comforters, filled with white cotton, each $2.48 1 case narrow stitched Coniforters; now patterns; special $3.48 Special sale of feather Pillows; good values; at, each ,.09c .Fine feather Pillows, covered with art deniui, each $1,50 For Sale 'd 1 ACRE AND 5 ACRE, TRACTS adjoining city of Medford, on long time, easy pay ments. 12 LOTS IN MEDFORD on main paved street; cement siduwnlks and paving in; also sewers, water and light. Jjong time, easy payments. ' 430.AXJRES LAND, 300 acres alfalfa land. 80 acres fruit land, pcrpotual water right with water for irrigating 1000 iteres; long timo, easy payments. 340 ACRES LAND, 200 acres alfalfa land, balance fruit Ian1, 1 mile from railroad, on long1 timo easy teems. v 5000 ACRES LAND in tracts of from 40 acres upwards; prieo $2.00 per aero and upwards; suitable for alfalfa, -fruit stock and general farming purposes; long timo, easy paymonts. 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS just within and adjoining city limits, at a bargain, on 5' annual paymonts. . uoia nay Keaiiy to. 21G W13ST MAIN STREET,