Wm OTiiwaw ,-.rtArt rHV" -M j'sr. ui ac- CM 4 F t t-; SUBSCRIBERS rllliirf to irt pnpr vrlU )iavs on (Ullvurrd by ulioiilnr of flea by 0 V, m. Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER I'(r Max 07) ltd. HhihM ity ifl.B per cent; M1h, 47. Dully. -HUlli Vtiir. Kiirty.Plrnt Ywir J-t MEDITORD, OUISOOtf, JWIIMY, jUJUUST 25, 39J3. No. 133. HORSE KILLED BOYS RUCK IN THUGS ROB AND ARMBYHUNTER Mcrl M. Payne Has Narrow Escape From Death In Timber When Horse Ho Was Lcailliin Is Mistaken (or Deer Youthful Hunters to Blame. BULLET PASSED THROUGH SLEEVE OF YOUTH'S COAT Youthful Marks men From Klamath Falls Aro Allowed to Go Father Grateful for Son's Escape. Mcrl II, I'uyno, tlm young mm of Henry M. Payne, a Hluckriilnpr who owiih a iniii'li on upper Hoguo liver lutil u very narrow iwiipo fntin death while In the timber above the ranch. when two boys from Kluiiiutli Fall liilntonk tint nuddlu liorni) Jilting Payne wan lending for 11 deer and nhot It. Tim lnnu wart killed by tint find linllnt mid young I'ayno win scratched on tlm arm by I lie second hliot, 1I10 bullet punning through tho sleeve (if bin emit. llirt ftXe'itcd cries wer heard jut In tune to pro vent 11 tragedy. Tlm two boyrt from Klamalli Falls did not gio their iiamex mid were allowed to pi by the hid' father when thoy hud paid for tlm borne. Mr. I'ayno ulutcs that ha wits hi thankful that bin Hon was not kilted that bo could not find it in bin heart to prnrtcotito the two earulcxH young htern. Tbo boys who did the idiooliiig nlatc that they noticed tbo borne traveling through tbo brush on tbo trail nud thought it wiih 11 deer. Tak .lug. burrktL.nJmw,lbpy-J'irodaKiuii hurriedly," thU bullet HtriMng .viiniiir Payne' nnn junl scratching it. I'uHo thereupon cried out and theur Nhoutrt iipprim'd tbo buys of what they bad done, They made no nt tempi to got away but came, for wind nud offered In u with Mr I'ayue, who wiik in the lleighbotbood, and face the eouheipiuucex. lint they were freed. 25 oia CHOIR LOFT FALLS Sixty Injured in Panic Precipitated by Tumullnn Gallery Conjjrcija tlon Pinned to Floor by Fnlllnp Timbers. BEAT MAN:TAKE $300 UNO ELEE George Klbby, Aijcd Knife Grinder. Is Assaulted and Savlnus Stolen Cries Briii( Nclfjhbors to His Help In Time to Save Life. POLICE BELIEVE THEY HAVE CLUE TO THUGS' IDENTITIES Klbby Was Known ns Man Who Carefully Saved His Earnings This Probably Cause. POSKN, Uornutny, Aug. 25.-Twenty-fivo persons wero killed and (10 injured today when tlm choir loft in tbo church at lliuiuw, near hero, cnllnpHcd. Pitnio ruigued following thu uratdi, and it wiih by more good fortune (bat tbo death lint wits not greater. When tbo pillow supporting thu loft began to crack anil show signs of giving way under the heavy bur den, poisons in tlm church daubed for thu doors. Meiiiibqrs of thu choir could ut got down tbo littlo stairway, many of them jumping over tbo rail ing to thu floor. railing limbers pinned 11 number oT the congregation to the, floor and It wiih with oxtromo difficulty that ruHuuni-H could chop their way to tho impriHoiicd viuliuiK. Thu boHpllalH am crowded with llm injured and tho , death roll is o.pcoted to grow. DEMOCRATS TO MEET NEXT IN BALTIMORE WASHINGTON, 1). 0., Aug. 25. It wan authoritatively ntatotl burn to day that enough ilomncratlo national coiumltloonion aro pledged to mako curtain tho Holootlon of llnlllinoro for tbo next national convention, Several ohor cities which Bought tho moot ing plneo at whleh tho next domocrut lo iitaudiird-henrorH will bo chosen, aio roportoil to huvo withdrawn, Ilaltlnioro InturuHlH hnvo pledged f 100,000 to HQuuro tbo gathering, A bund of murderous tbug Tlitim day night imtmultcd (Icorgo Klbby, tin nged Knife giiuder at bis home 011 Apple street in thin city, nud escaped with over &I0U, which re-prcm-iits the savings of the old man. Thu crifh of tho nged man ptohnbly saved him from death oh hu wiih making u Htrenuoim effort to miimi bin money. A neighbor who rushed to his ishsihI- aueo wax just in limu to frighten tin thugs away. The police rounded up every huh pieiiirt character in tlm city follow ing tlm iiHHiiutt nud have huver.tl clues which they believe will lead to thu capturu of iho men engaging in llio nttiiuk, nltliougb it is an accept ed theory that ut least tbreo of the men mado 11 getaway to thu north on thu Shasta Limited which paused through town at Uu)() a. in. Kibby, irt well known in tho oit, making bin living by grinding kuivc. Itealinug that he is old ho is careful of hiii money and !h Having it to guard agaiuxt want when tbo time rumen when he will bo able to work no more. Thin condition gave rixu to the report that hu m mora or Ion til n miner and hu wait reputed to have Imn xiniugrt hidden away in the old slnick in which hu make bis home. It is belioNcd that theno rcpoits led to thu attack. Kibby left for homo about DtHO o'olook Thurrtdav evening and iih be walked into his yard a man accosted him. Stoipiug to answer hu heard 11 noise behind him and turned in limn to hco more men bearing down upon him. Heforo ho could move ho wan struck on tho bead. Hu be gan to cry for holp nud neighbors re Hpouded but not before thu thugs had secured the old inau'H porno and made 11 getawny. Kibby Htatert that he docH not re gret thu lohH of tho money so much as hn linen thu fact that thu men got away, llo offered the mini to the polieo 118 a reward Hhoiild thoy be able to apprehend nud convict the guilty pnrliert. llu declined to give tho naturo of thu evidence which be linn secured. Thirteen suspicious eliaraeterH wero rounded up by the pultun Thurs day night and put through a strict examination. Nothing could he learned from litem, however, nud with tbo exception of three or four who had wotk in tho city thoy weru told to hit thu ties out of town, TEDDY'S PRESS AfiENT BOOSTS GOV. WILSON QUICK TIE-UP OE HARRMAN IS PLANNED Workmen of System Anxious to Go Out Next Week Unless Company Staves Off Trouble by Agreeing to fteconnlze New Union Merger. SYSTEM FEDERATION IS ' BONE OF CONTENTION Strike Vote Almost Unanimous In Favor of Walkout On All Lines Affected. NWW YORK, Aug. 35. Lengthy oology of novornor Woodrow Wllaon of Now Joraoy by Honry Neodhum called tho ttdmlulBtrattou'H prosa ngont during Thoodoro Hoosovult'a term nn president, publlHhod In tbo Outlook today, canned much comiuout Itoro. SupporterH of WllHon for tbo dom oerntlo presidential nomination I10 llovo tbo article M an Indication that ItooHovolt In not opposed to Wilson's nontlunllon. J . h JUDGE TRIMBLE IS G.A.R. COMMANDER IT m UOniKRTKH, N. Y Aug. 25. Judge Harvey Trimblu of Illinois was clouted ponunnndor-in-cliiof o tho fl. A. It. lioio today. , ,. . o 1 1 CIlfCAOO, III Aug. 2.-1.-Following tho luueipt of telegramri from tlie memberrt of tho udviuory board 1 thu Harriman linen, SyHlem Federa tion declaring that they could no longer prevent tho kIiojhiicii from Htrlkiug, I'rchideut J. V. Klino of the International lirotherhoud of lllack MnitliK' Hclperrt, today telegraphed Hoborl H. Lovutt, cbuiratnn of t!a board of directors of tho Ilarrnnan linen in New York, nuking that be grant n conferenco to tbo employe of thu road to ucrt a general btnke. Kline Haid: "My object in to avert, if poHsible, ti national calami ty. If Iovutt cotiheutrt to giu the men of tho System Federation .. hearing our committee will proceed immediately to New York. If Lovott instructs Kmttchnitt to grant us the heating hu haw rcfttHcd, we will meet him any w hero in thu went he deuircs." CHICAGO, III., Aug. 'Jo. Order to strike over thu whole Hurriinnii rtystem nro predicted by labor lendun hero todny as the almost certain re sult of thu conference of labor lead en to bo held in Kansas City Mon day. If their predictions nro real ized, 12,000 carmen' 7000 machinists, 2000 hoilormnkers, 2000 blacksmith and 1000 sheet metal worker wib lay down their tools in 11 struggle ex tending from Chicago to thu Pacific coast nud from tho Canadian bordei to tbo Gulf of Mexico. Involved in thu fight, if .it come, probably will be tbo shopmen of the Santa Fc, thu Illinois Central nud tho Chicago and Northwestern. Strike ballots have been taken on nil thc-e roads nnd tho men today declare thai unless substantial betterments are granted them, thoy will fight to the finish. Railroad officials hero today as sert that all preparations hnvo hew completed by tho Hurriman line's u withstand a shopmen's strike now, Hid that if tho men do win, it will nc only after iih hard and bitter a figitl as unionism lias known in any rail road conflict. To perfect tlieso arrangements and to bo on tho ground when tho blow falls it being expeotod tbo first clash will come on tbo Pacific coast is said to bo tho real motive for Gcnorul Manager Jufitis Krutt schnitl'rt hurried trip to Sifh Fran cisco, which began Inst night. Krutt tJohuitt realizes, it is said, that the decision for war or peaeo will come ut tho Kansas City meeting Monday, and that from there will go tbo final word to tbo coast. Summing up of tbo strike ballots taken on tho Harriman lines' tho Illi nois Central, thu Santa Fo nud the Chicago nud Northwestern will be fiutshod in Knnsiis City Monday by tho international presidents of most of tho various crafts employed in the uhops of tbo railroads. Thoro aro ox pouted lo bo present Michael O'Sulli vau, president of tho sheet metal wovkerH, Jitiui'H Franklin, of tho boilortnakors; James O'ConncII, of the nuicliinislH, nud F. M. Ryan, of tho Carmen's unions. WHh tho result of tho slj'iko bnl lots in their bunds, tho union leaders, it is said, will mako a last demand on tho railroad oxequtives, nud on tho reply to this demand will bnng tho Issues of peaoo or war. :.1AN WHO WILL PROSECUTE BEATTIE FOR WIFE MURDER. N ATTORNCV J.M.5RLGORY """"iZX '" t?Y!ii T Low-Record In Stocks. NEW YOKIC, Aug. 25.AI tho opening of tho slock nmrkot today soiling i)f sfooks was resumed. Lo liigh Valloy and Amalgnmaled Cop por oslublislifd a now low record with n deolino of 1 point each. United States; Stool, Southorn Pacific, Road ing, Northorn Pacific nnd Krlo lost substantial fractions, Cunuditm Pn- BEATTIE IKES A HAD R T Is Conducting His Own Defense at Murder Trial Deputy Sheriff Tells of His Connection With the Case and Its Investination. CHIiSTKUFIKLD COUIITHOUSK. Vn Aug. 25. Stung from bis stolid ity for tho flrntrtlmu since hU arrest for tho murder,? blB.wtfo on .the Midlothian iIkc nenr Itlchmond, Henry C. Hcnttlo, Jr., todny hoard evidence pointing to Iilmsolf as tbo iiHsanidn nnd grow voluble on consul tation with his attorneys. Hcnttlo was startled by tbo testi mony of Deputy Sheriff Snyder, who swore- that tho prisoner bad made Krnvely confllctiuR;utatoments to him of tho hnppeuingb on tbo night of the tragedy. Sydnor derlnrcd ho lintl been told by Keattlo that tho fatal shot was fired front a position which would hnvo been Imposulblo wero Heattlo'u story true, an don cross-examination his tale of tho conversation was false. YOUTH DENIES GUILT OF TRIPLE MURDER IIOONVILLH, Intl., Aug. 25. Wil liam Leo Is not In tho least concern ed today and feels certain that ho can prove that ho did not murder his parents and littlo brother nnd then sot flro to tho houso, burning tholr bodies to a crisp. Miss Minna Taylor, to whom tho youth wins to hnvo boon married last night, testified nt thr coroner's In quest that she know nothing of tbo crime, nnd was positlvo that Loo Is innocent. YOUTH OF 14 ELOPES WITH SWEETHEART, 13 SAN DKHNAItniNO, Cnl., Aug. 25. With his young dream of lovo rudely shuttered by nn angry pnrent, Italph Tcrenary, 14, Is determined to miiKo tho girl of his cltolco, littlo Miss Test) 1 0 Powmon, 13, his wlfo. Toronary almost succoodod yesterday. A. It. llowmnn. a wonlthy rancher of Cotton, ovcttook his dnugh as sho was fleeing to Snn nornardluo with bor youthful Loehlnvar. When Toro- nary hoard tho footsteps of tho nu- gry parent, bo drow a ntlnlntturo re volvor, whleh ho lovolod at bis pur suer, but Papa Uowmnn caught him nnd handed him n sound spnnklng. "I'll marry Tesslo or bust," wns tho only comment Toronary had to mnUo todny on his near-olopomont and Its Htul fiuule, oifio was firm, tising t Lntor tho market became nioru uulivo und tho downward movement wns ehooke.V btu lltp lccoverieaWero feeblo and sotbauks followed. Tho murkot closed steady. Honda woi'o fiim. TRAIN WRECKED THIRTY ARE DEAD Passenger Train Goes Over Bridge With Four Cars Cars Arc Lying In Water Temporary Bridges Are Constructed. ROCHESTER, X. Y., Aug. 2r. Twenty-seven bodies wore taken from the Mitgh valley up to J o clock1. Tho work of rescue is hand Icnpped by tho fact that tho cars are lying m water and it hns been ncc essnry to construct temporary bridges to them. Lehigh valley passenger train No. 4 went over a bridge at 12:30 p. m., today. Thirty arc reported killed nnd (10 injured. AH tho physicians and nurses in this vicinity have been called upon. The train was east bound nnd carried a number of G. A. R. veterans from thu Rochester convention. THREE MILLION DOLLARS ASTOItlA, Or., Aug. 25. Tho cotupleto catch and pack of royal Chi nook salmon In tho Columbia river this season Is valued at approximate ly $0,000,000, according to figures obtained hero today. This is an In crease of 33 per cent over tho 1009 pack. To tho fisherman this moans S3, 000,000 In actual cash. According to cannery men, tho en tire pack has been disposed of al rendy, most of tho salmon going to markets on tho Atlantic seaboard. PORTLAND SHOPMEN ALL PREPARING TO GO OUT . PORTLAND' Or., Aug. 25. Fol lowing the refusal of their demands for u wago incronse by General Man agor James 1 O'Brien' head of tbo Ilarrimau system in tbo northwest, 700 shoimicn. cutnloved in tho Album shops, aro preparing to stiiko. It is md plans had been completed for calling tho striko today but tho arrival of a renro&entntivo of tho Internntionnl Order of Railway Ma chinists pruvented it. Local labor leaders nro in conferenco regarding a striko (his afternoon. Upon the deeibion thoy nro expect ing to leauh, bungs llio future polioy ltorc. Tho shopmen's demands, if granted, would huvo entailed an ad dilional expenditure of $34 1,000 niinu allv liv tbo Southorn Pacific' and O. W. R. & N., which is also n part of tho Harriman system. Hosick In Indianapolis. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Aug. 25. Iioteotivo llofiiok appoarod nt tho sheriff's offico beer at 3:30 o'clock this nfternoon and surrendered liitu solf. Ho furnished a bond for $10, 000. Hosiok said ho might remain hero sovonu days, MIA END S RECORD BREAKING TRIP Sweeps Down Hudson River Past Palisades, Rounds Cluster of Sky scrapers and Lands Gracefully on Governor's Island. HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS VIEW HIS LAST FLIGHT Thunderous Welcome Given Him At No Time Today Did the Aviator Have Trouble. NEW YORK, Aug. 23. With every pier along tho North river jammed with cheering humanity nud with every river eraft in the Hudson and tlto harbor tied down, Aviator Hnrry Atwood completed his record-breaking, 1204 mile flight here from St. Louis this afternoon when he swept down past the Pulisadcs, rounded the cluster of skyscrapers at the south end of .Manhattan and landed freely and gracefully on Governor's island. As be swept down through the Hudson Atwood wns in plain view of the hundreds of thousands who lined both the Manhattan bank nnd the summit of the Jersey Palisades. Only 150 feet ui the air, ho wns lit tle below the level of the onlookers on the Jersey shore nud tho roar of cheers and the waving of flags and handkerchiefs greeted him ho bowed right nud left time nnd again in ac knowledgement of the welcome. It had been expected that Atwood would cut in across tho Bron and come down Broadway but at the last minuto ho decided at- Nyack. not to attempt tho flight down the' cityV main artery, but to stick to the river as less dangerous. Atwood left Nynck nt 1:40 o'clock and throughout tho whole distance of his flight today his progress wa watched by crowds who had gathered since morning to see the finish- of hi1? spectacular flight. At no time dur ing today's journey did the aviator have any trouble and apparently was in easy and perfect control of his machine at nil times. CHINESE ARRESTED FOR ENSLAVING WHITE MEN NEW ORLEANS, La., Aug. 25. Cimrged with hnving maintained a system of peonage over whito men in tlto fishing settlements of the Bar ataria Bar section, famous as the headquarters of tlto noted niratc La- fittcs, J. Jung Lee, a wealthy Chi nese, is under arrest hero today. Nine Americans, who say they were shipped out of New Orleans and kept under bondugo wero brought hero as witnesses by tho government agents who arrested Lee. Inconceivable tales of barbarous treatment which included workimr 30 hours without rest 011 a diet of rico and water, aro related by tho Amortoans. PROSECUTION CLOSES CASE AGAINST BELLBOY NEW YORK, Aug. 25. Tho proso- cutlon closed Its caso against Paul Geldol by Introducing tho complete confosslon made by tho bellboy now on trial horo for tho murder of Wil liam U. Jackbon, an agod million aire Tho confession said that Geldol went to Jackson's room with tho In tention of stealing enough mouoy to onnblo his mother and slstor to llvo hero. Ho did not mean to kill htm, Tho dofonso opons tomorrow. Peace at Salt Lake. SALT LAKH CITY, Utah, Aug. 35, Itoproscntntlvoa of tho various trades In tho Union Pacific shops horo and at Ogdon say they aro not preparing tor a strike. Local officials of tho Harriman linos Bay thoro Is nothing but frlondly feeling, und thoy do not oxpoct a walkout. Tho conforonco with Gouoral Man agor Kruttschultt Is expected to bo hold nt Ogdon tomorrow, FOUR SUES OR STATE FARM Choice of Locations tp Bc'Made This Afternoon by Dr. Withycombe, Director of State Experimental Stations Who Is Here With loard. HOUSE AND BARN MUST GO FREE WITH THE LAND Land at Tolo, Hillcrest, Davis ami Roguelanrfs. With lulffHngs , Offered. t Choice of our sites for an. experi ment station havo bcon offered the Corvnllls agricultural college and a decision concerning thorn will be mado this afternoon. Dr. Withy combe, director of tho state experi ment stations, has been in tho city for the past two days discussing pre liminaries, and Professor Relmcr from North Carolina, who will have charge of the station, lias been ex amining proposed sites with Profes sor Lewis, professor of pomology. A site has been offered by Colonel Frank Ray at Tolo. It consists of 15 acres of valley loam land, with house and outbuildings, free water, light and power, the land to be leased for 15 years free of cost. The Becond offer is of 10 or 20 acres, as needed, part of bench land nd part of hillside land, by the Rogue River Canal company. The land is under the ditch, and water will be furnished free. There aro no build ings upon this site. .- Tho third offer Is from A. A. Da vis, consisting of a similar quantity of land along the Pacific & Eastorn railroad, also under the "Fish Lake ditch. Tho land is near tho Btalion of Davis and Is quite level. Tho fourth offer Is from J. A. TVea terlund and R. H. Parsons, and con sists of 15 acres of land adjoining Hillcrest occhard, two miles east of Medford, together with good house and ranch buildings. As the appropriation mado by the state provides for ?500o annually, none of which can bo used for build ing construction or rentals, if the above offers do not suit tho col lego board, an effort will bo made to raise tho necessary funds for building con struction here. HERR WINS BIG AUTOMOBILE RACE Fineshcs In Sensational Burst of Speed Merz Crowds Winner at Every Turn Averages 65 Miles an Hour. ELGIN, III., Aug. 25. Finishing la a sensational burst of speed, Donald Herr, driving a National 40, today won tho Illinois trophy cup raco horo by a margin of less than fivo seconds. Charles Merz In anothor National crowded tho wlnnor at ovory turn and finished Bcconnd. Avoraglng a speed of 64.4 miles an hour, Hugh Hughes, In a Mercer, cov ered 1G9.4G mllos In 3 hours 32 min utes and 21 seconds and won the Knuo county trophy cup. "W. P. BarnoH, Jr., also driving a Morcor finished second, 4 "" ' Tho Aurora cup was won by Mor tlmor Roberta with au Abbott-Do- trolt. PRESIDENT OF STREET RAILWAY IS ARRESTED SEATTLE, Wash.. Aug. 25. President W. R. Crawford of the Seattle. Renton nud Southorn rail way, was arrestod at 1 o'clock this afternoon under tho stato public sor- vlco commission net, passed by the 1911 legislature. This law Impose a fluty not to oxcoed S1000 on any street railroad company charging moro than 5 cents for ono continuous rldo within tho limits of any city. CJ c. T ?1 SI i K4J 5 ' r a i V j 1 s ,V n M fv M .it Vti 7 I M fc -"v-'veww n)-ir fr-- ., 'ii-L-ntMitHVm TO. vrJrty4h iiiittirvrww5yTrre'TO -K7?-aTTlVT t-r-f ny r s, J , -,,v1dtsyiy'w'i tv xry av WVW : v ' ---' ) 'i: wAf.WBS'rPfMM4'V M(wfwi-ft t , V - - h. U J.' ..-. 1J ! W-r .... A . . X. i.Cl