v iif ir'"'1 a PXGE SIX MEDFORD MAIL TRTBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON", TUUKSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1911, r n I' v jt .1 IS iSM MUST TELL IV HE SOLD TENT John Mlddlcton Accuses Samuel Munday of Selling Tent Which . Did Not Belong to Him Will Thrash Case Out This Afternoon. THESE PRETTY MAIDS JEE LMfoYhVCi TO Mtt.K COWS, X f PLOUGH FIELDS jIXD HOPE TO HECOME "FJKM EHETTES" Samuel Mnmlny must this after noon in the Justice court, presided ovor by Glenn 0. Tnylor, explain the circumtnnccs connected with the snle of n lent said tq have been the property of John Middloton, nn employe of the. Medford Urick corn- puny. Miildlcton swore to n com plaint chni-rincr lurccny nud this nf ternoon, Jfondny, will have n chance to Kiibstnutinto In plea of "not guilty" entered when the caso was called thin morning. Middloton snj-s Hint Munday promised to pay him $10 for the tent but nskod from noon until evening to pay for it. When he went at 6 o'clock to get his money Munday and the tent were both gone, be says. Middloton soys Munday sold tnc tent. Tho case will be thrashed out as eopti as a number of witnesses for the defense are located. RAILROAD RATES l TO DEJDOBED State Cemmfsslen Orders Hearing fer September Short Notice to Communities to Prepare Data- Questien Existing Rates. RSrHlf3f . -xv v3Cf - u uvriii i jr.. '"W'k. .V-, m Ml . l Hll U 1 '.eB JBKJ Brit n h pHt & 11 & i " t m (crs , lm U JL Iff lJ!LrTi'. ,l&ftK. W.VH v ..- -Zr.Ttmr i tin. :m .... ZJ fci K ' 1 l?1.3M . 21 s..?k r I M .. . J H rs n . 5 .T y v -- XTjJ p, --- M feSS T- -fct" Fw r l i( il I M.AV.. ' r TftViW k I w r v" XV' ,MT 7XL Nsm r- rrwfc-ffi 'i ?r v y jewf. "h mswc i j' r t . " ' JO&ILX. Ml mL - ivu .f j. r ai r2 ft ISV u r" k r u mry-fw a i .-Siif? . - SW3 BfTj; '. ' T,-, ''C'1' "JwvflSv J : I "" TTi""nr " r"jsssrr r MRS. BELMONT AND HER "FAEMERETTES . Marblo House, Mrs. O. II. P. Belmon't villa at Newport, K. I., has bc.n viewed and aiprovetl. rather eu Joyed, by tho score of young womou whom Mrs. Uelmont Is teaching to become "farmerettes" at her cstnto at Hempstead, It. I. They are "pupils" nt tho llookholt school of ngrlcuuture, which meana that each day they plough fields, sow and reap, milk cows and tend truck gardens. Mrs. Belmont was very proud of her little party of girls, who aro answering tho "back to the soil" cry, and Introduced several of tho society folk to them. Notices of hearings betoro the state railway commission upon class and commodity rates of tho Southern Pa cific, the Oregon-Waahlnaton Rail road & Navigation company and the Oregon Short Line have been receiv ed by the .Medford Traffic bureau. Tho hearings are all to be held in September at the office of the com mission ,ln Salem. .After sweeping Investigations on the. part, of, tho commissioners ot all class and commodity rates imposed and charged by the three companies lor tne interstate transportation or freight, in carloads or less than car loads between points In the state, on these roads, It was determined that sufficient grounds existed to war rant the hearings being field to de termine whether or not any or all of these rates aro unjust or discrimin atory. Tho Oregon Short Line investiga tion will bo taken up first and will begin at 10 o'clock September 7. The Southern Pacific hearing has been set for September 29, and the Oregon Washington hearing September 28. REPAIRING MAID STREET PAVEMENT Warren Construction Company Starts Work Under Maintenance Contract With City Much Re pair Work Should Be Done. DECLINES SHOWN IN NEARLY ALL STOCKS NEW YORK, hug. 24. Tho stock murkct opened heavy, nearly ull the lending sliureti showing declines. Canadian Pucifio droppedl nud American Tobacco Vfe. .Union Pa cific fell to n new low price nud there were less wide -declined hi sev eral other leaders. The volume of business, however, was not Jlargc. The enliro list declined in sympathy with tho liquidation movement in United tSutcs Steel and on the strike talk. Tho market closed dull. Bonds were heuvy. The Warren Construction company has started work under their main tenance contract with the city to re pair the bltullthlc pavement laid by them three years ago 6n Main street. All ot those portions of the pavement which show wear or signs ot giving way aro to be replaced. The city has a maintenance contract with the com pany, the terms of which provide that tho Warren company shall keep tho pavement In repair for ten years for a yearly payment of 2 1-2 cents . square yard per year. Under the terms of a similar con tract betweon tho company and Eu gene tho company was forced to lay an entire new wearing surface on a largo amount of work In that city which did not stand up to the speci fications. There has been considera ble complaint regarding the pavement on Main street and it may be that tho company will be forced to resur face it. They notified tho city re cently that they were ready to repair tho street as the contract provides, and work started Thursday, morning. FOMILY KILLED AND RESIDENCE FIRED MAUS MUST STAY AT VANCOUVER BARRACKS WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 2T. The war department today dibttp proved tho request of General M. P. Maus to remove Jus lioudquurter from Vancouver, Wash., to eithc Seattle or Portland. erw er General Edmonds Dead. KOCIIKSTEK, N. Y., Aug. 24.- -Stricken down with n feuverc uttuck of gastritis during tho G. A. It. con cention here, General Alvnh Ed monds, of Portland, Or., died toduy at tho gcuorul hospital. vAt today's business session which was held behind closed doors Commander-in-Chief Oilman delivered tho nunuul address and the reports of other officers wero read. Mooso Choose Kansas City. DKTJIOIT, Mich., Aug, 24. Kan sas. City teen red toduy tho next an nual convention of the Loyal Order of Moose. Los Angeles was the dloboht contender. Seattle and Washington, D. C, wero tied for third place. . Look for the ad that offors it to you, eeoond'hand. at a real bargain Haskins Sot. health, EVANS VILLB, lnd Aug. 24. Samuel Lee, his wife and lC-year-old son were found shot, their heads split open with an ax and their bodies al most consumed when firemen re sponded to an alarm today at the Lee homo In Boonville, near here. Tho peculiar circumstances about the case caused the police to arrest William Lee, 21. and charge him with tho triple murder. Young Leo, whoso fathor recently acquired considerable monoy through' the Bale of property, told the police that ho was awakened by tho fire. Tho smoke weakened him, yet ho tried to savo his parents and little brother, he said. Tho parents' beds wore on fire, ho explained, when ho went to tho res cue and fought desperately, but bare ly scaped with his own life. ABERDEEN, Wash.Soclalists hero havo notified tho city council that they will not obey the recently enacted ordinance restricting street speaking to certain districts of tho c'ty. PORTLAND, 0. Wholesale butch- ore today statu that the prico of meats probably kill skyrocket for a record boforo winter has fully Bet In. Tho prlco ot beef and pork aro -mountjng already. Wo notice that some merchants In other cities aro using 'considerable space" advertising "Made In Oregon" goods, That is as It should be. TheM merchant must know that his Indivi dual prosperity Is to a great extent dependent upon tho prosperity of tbo stato at largo, and It Oregon manu facturers aro patronized, that It will mean greater pay rolls, and greater pay rolls mean a largor degrco of prosperity for every man, woman and child In Oregon. Look at tho ads that offer em ployment and you'll find tho right out' soon. GOOD ROADS ARE GIVEN BOOST Commercial Club Considers Steps to Aid In Passage of Good Road Bonds at Election to Be Held Next Month. GOOD SHOWS NEXT MONTH The Medford Commercial club held a "good roods session Wednesday evening and discussed tho matter for some time. Plans were made for an actlvo campaign to boost for tho pas sage of tho good road bond Issue at tho- last of September and arrange ments wero made to greet Samuel Hill, tho great good roads advocate, who, accompanied by Governor West, will visit Medford September 20 in the interests of good roads, , The subject of good roads was dis cussed at, great length. President CqI vlg outlining the local situation and giving his views regarding its im provement. Tho meeting was well attended and great interest was manifest. Look at the adB for the chance ta buy tho property you need at a "right price." First Month In New Season Will See Several Number One Productions Staged at 'the Med- ford Theatre. The 1911-12 theatrical season In tho city which Is to open September 1 with tho appearance of Henry Mil ler In "Tho Havoc." will be a notable one. For tho month of Soptembor a number of flrst-clnaa attractions have been secured. ""Mls Nobody From Stnrland." "Girl In the Taxi." Sou sau band, Richard Carle and "Daby Mine" will be Been during tho month. Manager McCnllam of tho Medford opera house announced Thursday that all of tho season passes Issued last year havo been cancelled and are null and void, beginning with tho new season. Never before In tho his tory of Medford havo as many first class productions been bokked. Local theatergoers will be furnished many rare treats this season. Look for the ad that calls for you -among the help, wanted ads. MEET ME AT THE SIGN OF Ye Nifty In New Quarters We are now located in largor quartors, at the east end of Jackson Street, acroBs Bear Creek. Mill work of all kinds on shortest notice Medford Builders Supply Co. Phone Homo 24L East Jackson St. 3D- $ $ $$$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$ $,$$$$$ $ $ k Tbe Medford National Bank CAPITAL STOCK - , $100,000.00 SURPLUS and PROFITS S3J.OOO.OO UNITED STATES POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITORY BAFE DEPOSIT IIOXEH FO It KENT. W. X. OOBB, President. 7. A. rSBKY, Vic Tltl. 30MM . OKTX, OsibUr. T, S. KEBHIOK, Vic Pri. W. B, JAOXROX, Ant, Chlr. &i V) y fJi o 3 & M 7i'P fcfofofofofofe'pfofoipfrP'PP'pppp j5 Jf5 fp ip ?p p p yfc RAPID PATROL GRATER FOREST Forestry Service Secures Motor Cy clo for Use ot Highway-Will Watch for Dangerous Cnmp Fires In Forest. For tho intrpoHo of patroliuc iho Orator Lake wad tlitxmh tho Ora tor National forest in nrdor to koop n close wnleh on onmp flron, and for Iho additional purpose nf keep iitl? n closer watch on tho pivrrn mont telephone lino along thn"Yoiu! which has been put out of commis sion rvpt'tili'dly this summer by van dals who havu hocn (mooting insula tors olt tho jH)les, tho local forestry office lias scoured a motor ovclo. which will be used to patrol thu road. It is believed that by thus providing for it rapid patrol of tho main high-, way through tho forest that much dnmago will bo averted. Tho motor uyolo arrived Weunosdny and will ho put into immediate urp. A fierce bhuo is raging in Iho neighborhood of tho Woodruff MmidowH above Prospect but is tbo liovod to bo under control an no fur ther call for assistauco has been received. Tho fire Htartcd ftovural places Himultaneouslv in tho noiih. borhood nnd which lends sonm color to Iho belief that tho forest firo bug is again at work. LABOR WAR ON ESPEE LINES. Special LINGERIE DRESSES AND (Continued From Togo Ono) President Hopiin snid today thnt he bad received dispatches from tho presidents of Iho machinists, black- smiths, hnilormukcrs, enrmen and other ornfts involving thrir unions in tho dispute suggesting tbo meeting at Salt Lake, that they may dismiss their difficulties. Scrctnry Scott had advised lie quiii lhaf 'six men bo sent to the meeting. - Homo prosperity deponds npon homo Industry, and ntnto-wMo pros perity will bo greater if factorleo soiling t"Made In Oregon" good aro patronized b yth'q local merchants.,, Haskins for Health. ' SILK GLOVES x Any. Lingerie Dress, values $5 and up at Half Price r 16-Button Niagara Maid, Silk Gloves black, white, all colors, special ! t'U 98c 2-Button Niagara Maid, Double Tip all colors, special 39c .'i . i ? - v. rrr , n "V: tffWA ;..-L 2C -Trn rr-r-r-n ""Il'TWJni" 'WKJiliWiWitiaiilr Notice to Carpenters AND BUILDERS DO YOU KNOW THE MEDFORD HARDWARE COMPANY CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OP GUARANTEED TOOLS? YOU WILL FIND WHAT THIS MEANS TO YOU IF YOU WILL GIVE US A TRIAL. Medford Hardware Comp'ny 2IS EAST MAIN ST. r IRRIGATION Nature Supplies the Land . and Sunshine We Furnish the Water Rogue River Valley Canal Co. FRED N. OUMMINGS, Manager Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Building Irrigated Orchard Tracts Land for $150 Per Acre With Perpet ual Water on Easy Terms Can You Do Better? ROGUELANDS Inc. FRED N. OUMMINGS, Manager 9