a ' N MTDDFOTID MAIL TRrBITNP,, M10DFORD OICTiaOX, TnTOBDAV,.jU(.TJ8T 24, 3011. PAGE! .1TOE K? $ ji By H. B. Martin ' .: ' ' j t if 'i' Z' WMY PCKIE,T ,iini tnrrn ijnW ?OlfL -cr. ILliM mv' ""J.ri. T wi5 'm "" . " :r, -;. i ALLA YOU KWOW iiwfvi am-'-w--- miS7AKEV OF ANY ONE PtAYNG P0KEK ( """ " - in " I n ii i i - i . - . n i . - ' " ....... - - . t. .. . . - , , r L - i . Ii There Is More Wavs ThanQne to Prooose $fe $fo "" " . " "7 J R " kl i "Vi -r- .x a n a i - .;i i . , ' i' a 'I'LLCOMPoiCS I utTUi)l IBHHHHBP'ra'll?,lTf TsnTTouToMPOSCD I WHY THIS 5AV A I J f' WMY PCKIE,T, "X i x a ii s- ita riii ti nr aaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiMBiBBBBiai i hi j ijiiu iii r bbbbb .. .... ri .,..- jiiihi.i vu nti i 111 t ft i .. -i .itrxu ruis I'uwiiti. pBJBbBBBBBBBBBBWbBBI BD THI&. WH-Mli .' MOW I .."- n , "nwH.r.. - h 'ifcn bUKu - ru CLcvec&PVfl ,-n ',,. r.,;.,,, -" "r.'-JL "iv. ?.".?" bbbbbbbbbbVjbbTCsbbI fflUE HER THIS 50AJC .... iti ,t OA ' rye---. "". "" & f3f r,jJTS?J ,71 Ml 1KB. WIFE, fTlKB -Trt OMfl llAJfl I"- J H.MM"MIB.y THE (ftOWEV lOWEW ii.ijiiv 1 lib a.lj v i rim iir'uvi.f 1 bbsiv sasaBs .BBBBBBBBtsrBBBflL bbbib ll t- 1 - w f s.v -. r- v ' -h. tiii r-rwu tw t i nu s i - - -. f - . I . . . . . I I I If. imunnnru nrnnnTO numrnnn ncrunid - HEAVY SUPPLY: LOWER PRICES i 'Bnrllclls Touched Very Bottom Durliijj the Past Week Tonnaijo Has Reached Its Maximum anil Will Now Drop Off. t Tint Noilliwt'hloin I'ruit Kxoliani,'ti Iiiih innui'il lliu following niurkot re- jiort In lliutriiiln: Tim punt uck I111H hut'ii tint pour niurkot k) In lliu very Ixillmn. Tlicro Jmvii Iji'i-u I'diiliniii'il hoityy ol'forjni;f of Culifimilu llartli'ttrt mill other le eliluoiiH fniitn in all of thu lar;; Viihtcrn inarkelH, In aililition to wliieli '('(ilnrailn and New Mexico fruilK cum, ineiiecil In arrive in Clilcaci), HI. Loinn mill oilier inalillt) wuHlem market, were itiii)lietl to the limit nil ovur and thu volume wiih U'hI rioted from lay u day in the niarkolH hy with drawint; a utiintirr of earn iaUgidcd ur Male. California Ilartietttt reaehed their Inwest elili diirinn I hit pn'iU'iU heiihon and were freely quot-i 'd nl $1.-5 f.o.h., and In yoiuu, in-, htanees an tow ah $1.00. Thu ton tuiK. however, Iihh reaehed ttH max iiniun volume, mid thu HulpmcutN will hhow up hi h'HK iiianti(ieH in (he mar Jtut froiiti How on.' llelow nrvi ipioled Iho low, hih iiiurnvvriiKotK-'llbl prlce of Call jfnriim C'olorhdo and Now Mexico jfniitH in lliu principal uuotiou mar 3;etrt of the I'uitud Htnteri tindnr datcH of AiikukI 1, 17 and 18. The jlotnl ntimher tif run dDiporied of in teach of IIicho markets on thu day? Jiidieated are alxo thon. Ah ox jilaiiicil in previous reNirtH, deciduoiiii uIiimm'h of fniltK, enpi(tially flout California, are invarinldy iliHKiNi'iI of thru thu auctions in thu larger uitien: llarllelU Market Iiw llih Av, IloHton l.W $1.7& ifl.'l" JjloHtoll . . Vw York 'uw York IMiiladelp'liia i'liiladulphia .. .. I'liilailelphia . . . . I'ilthtiuri; 1'itlHllUlU' ,I'iltthiir( Detroit ("inciuinili (,'lo claml Chicago . . Bl. I.oii'ih Ht. I.OIUH MiuncnixAiH ColumhiiK I'rivale xulu muiket. Average $1.51. s Northwerttern 1-ViiIIh Advices froiu Minneapolis nhow mixed our JVasliiiiKluii peaches mill apricots Hold there llllh, JlO-fiOif, nvoni .0u for peaches; cots averaged l)(le. J'orlland iind Seattle markets liayu )ieen heavily supplied -,wilh Culil'ornia jienrs and pijaehes; pear market has jiuen low, dealers payinir from :fl.50 jo -1.75, deliveied, for the host pears, while fhn pcaeh market Iwh liceu on healthy lnHin, 5(1 lo IIOu. Cnl jl'ornia: A uuinlier of shipments uu roulu fjom Cnlif,ori!ia via ocean and Tail eiiHiiru isotid supplies hut Ore mm and WiiHhiiiKlon local shipuaiuls will displace (Ikisu from Callfornlij j'n the iinincdiiito future. , Sutllo iuurkel Iiiih hutui well eu.red for for home timu from easleru Washini,' "lorn dlHlriclH, hesl pears heiiiK frooly offered to Seattle dealers, Iiiihis lJfl f.u.h. The I(eky Mounliiii MnrkutH.-r-Dunvei- Untie, lleloim, etu., have lliuvu KeltliiK nil I ho .fruit hoy could use from California nd eastern Washington. Denver rejiorls three ears Uarlletts from one California shipper consigned on Hie open mar ket, with the result of a 'huslod iniukct." LARGE NUMBER SALE V. II. Humphrey has heen iloinj; a splendid real estalu InisinesH recently, lie rvportx the following sales: Half luteiest In Koiilhcast corner Central avenue and Jackson hoiile A-itrd lo H. 1. Leonard for $2250. Two lots ndjouiiii;; the Medford Wliolesalu (Irocery to Kd Uauley, for a eoimideratiou of $5()U(). Two lots corner Kront and Twelfth to W. J HurhridKe for fllllOl). Two lots in Kenwood addition lo J. C. Ward for $700. One lot in Kenwood to Horace U. Whilnry for .H75. House mid lot on Roosevelt ave nue; I o II. Hi Hulloek for $2000. WELSH MINERS DRIVING JEWS OUT OF COUNTRY LONDON', An 21. -Willi the Jewish press dceliiriiif; that the riots ncaiiiHt. the Jews in Wales arc on a piq with those at Kishinev ami deiuaudini; protection for the Jews, the )nvf ruuicul today is plauiiiu) re pressive measures of a i);oroiiH tin (lire. , Kioliiii; at Khhw Vale today n renewed and also in other villages in Wales. The miners declare they intend driving the Jews out of the country. The Jewixh shops in Khhw f Yale wero looted mid a jcncrul ox- edits tins hcyun. in in mmmmmm , t al,.al SUNKEN HOSPITAL SHIP , RETURNED TO RUSSIA TOYO, Aiiu. 21.-The fonncr hos. hiilal ship Aiipira, which was sunk by Iho UusHians at J'ort Arthur in N'ovemher, 100-1, and later floated by the Japanese, wj ,o fonuallv re- turned to Hussia, aeeordiutr to state ments jjiven out hero today. Since (ho vessel has been in the hands of Japan, it has been used as a training ship under the iinniu An pawn. KRUTTSCHNfTT NEXT PRESIDENT Reports Are to 'Effect That Lovctt Is to Retire and Serve Harriman System In Capacity Only -of Legal Adviser. SAN KKA'N'CISCO. Cal., Aug. 21. l'rivnto inessiiKCs received irom New York today .assign ihe coming presldeney of the Ilarriniau syslem to Julius Kruitschuitt, at proseut vice president and general manager. The rcorls, which hnvu been lent miiiio color by Ihe statement uf Holi er! S. I.ovctt, chainnaii of thu board of direutors, that "re-arrangenicnt of ami additions to" thu organiza tion are contemplated' declare that Iovctt will serve the system in the capacity of financial mid legal ad viser only. In event of Knittsehuitt's eleva tion to tho presideuey, it is stated that K. K. Calvin of San Francisco, will fill the fonner'a present position. 1.115 J.70 1.15 1.15 2.-I0 1AY2 1.15 .'10 1.52 1.10 1.85 .... 1.15 ,1.75 .... 1.10 1.70 ....' 1.20 1.50 .... l.llO 1.50 .... 1,00. ,1.10 .... 1.10 l.:)5 l.KI .till 1.25 I.2II 1.15 1.00 1.-II JWU 1,00 1.55 .... 1.10 1.15 .... I,:i5 1.70 1.52 HOTEL FR0NTENAC BURNS GUESTS BARELY ESCAPE CLAYTON', N. Y., Aug. 21. Nearly 200- guests of the exclusive hotel Frontenac, nil their clothing and jewelry lost, lire glad today to have escaped alive from n firo which destroyed that structure on Sound iBbiiill. in thdSt. LaVrenee. The loffs was more than $500,000. CITY NOTICES. DIED Tho infant son of Mr. and Mrs.. J. II. Keyes, Pencil streel, died Saturday. Tim burial was t JaukBimvHIo, RANCHES IS nor: clo- In; beautiful view; XI no oil; f50 ncro; vry cniiy term-, 1-3 crn: bcnrlnir orclmnl: wntor rlRlit: Hlora; alio Ima on kocmI ,. I tiro nail Jmy-lnnJ: nalo or trailo, TRADE 34 ncrrsi, S3 nrrcs In nlfalmi. IrrlRnteil, pirilrii mul family orclmril, I 1-3 mile. out. 3B ncro. 'Irto much unit oily prnprrty In Wyoming fo,r fruit macli hero, , 40 aerrn, 30 tinder ditch, watnr rrgtitn, fKO iniur ncro. 0 room hoiiRO, 'modern, 13500, tufco acrenga. room liouno, .1000, tnko ncrengo. C room Iioiibu, modern, tnko acreage ISOOO. ' ICO acres, all fine- loam noil,' 7G cleared, buildings, pumping plant, trade for small ranch, pny or as sume. I'rlco $4000. 100 acres, 100 In crop, lino loain soil, 7G ncro, tnko 1-2 in trndo. 180 ucrr-, 1 13 mllra from town In Wll- taiavtto vnlloy, rich tii)tloin mul up- luiul, 100 iiores iiulllvutoil, kooiI Iiii- )hiviiu(inl-, ll'.S uern. 'Ini'otnu protiorty, nuitulH, $135 monthly; tnko gooil iioronRP. (0 ncrcn lrrl(;ntl In Mntio, 60 In nl- fulf. uml crop; 80 uoron.' 70 aore. (S uiulor ditch, 35 In applet nml ponrn In 3 year, 3 1-3 mllea dut, 1125 ncro. 10 ncron, II In ponra, Clo In flnaiulld I nc lto and vlow. t0-cro ntook and nlfnlfA rnnohl 150 noro tlllublo; undor ditch; 171 per ncro; tnko Inoomo proporty. 130 ncron raw land: all flno fruit land; tuko any uqod proporty. SO iicros, tlllnblo; 33000; tako town prop arty. v 30 ncroa, elonrod( tnko roaldenoe In trud. 3 flno olonn la lota for raw lnnd. 30 uoroa Hour Crock bottom for Dakotali land. , , Finn upplo nad penr nrdlmrd, oloso In, alao your old, oloso to town -and alilp plait point, tnko good roatdonoo prop erty In trndo." 30 ncroa. rallNiulo, California In orchard, tnkn dairy or stock ranch and city proporty. lacomo property, Twin IJixIJa, Idaho, for good norcngo, VANTIiD Olrja for genera! houaoork. t . Rlty and ranoh1 property U Hat , KSSOLTJTZOH. Ho It rowolwl. by (In, city council Of tho City at Alfdrnnlr Tlinl It lalhn In. innllim of tli council to c-iiuko North Orapo alr.-l from Hlxth atrrtj to Ver mont strrut. In said city to bo improvod by placliiK- on both nlilcs of Mild street a eonervtc curb unit guttor and by pnv Ini; thn ino for n width of 30 rol with impliult iNtvinpit, CDli-ldllpK of a four-lncli n-pluiltlo concrrte bano nnd Hi Inch aHphnltlo wenrlni: surface, nil In uccordnncil with tho gcii'ml hm-c-IflcntlotiH iiromrnl by tTiw city cnRlnoor or mild clly, und with uddltlonnl npocl flCntlona aubmlttod by tho Clark nnd IConory Conntrtctlnn company, both of which Kfnerul nnd nddltlouni apoclfl entlonn are on fllo la th office of tho olty n-cordor of mild city, nnd nne-H the rout tlicreof on tho property udjnevnt to mild 'linprovcuiiint. Th council will moot ut thn council chinabcr la the city hull la wild city on the ath liny of Hoptoiabor.- 1011. ,130 p la , at which Minn all prelontK ugulnat thn uiuklaR of nuld liupioW'inoat nan Iho ii-"hIiik of tho cont thereof, na uforowld, will bo lirunl. Tho clly rocordcr Is horcby ordurod lo jiiiI.IIhIi thlii ro-oliillon imcv In thn Dallv Alull Trlbiiao, u newnpupcr of Koaonil circulation In nuld city, and to post Mm huiuo an nuiulrod by tho char ier, at Irani tea dnyn boforo tho data of nalcl aiootlior. Tho forogulaK ro-olulloa wna iwihsoiI hy tho city council of tho city of .Med ford, OroHon, uu tho 23d day of AtiRimt, lull, by tho following voto: Murrlck nyo, Walt nyo. Wortman ntiHont. Ktaorlck aye, lilfort nyo and Millar aye Approved AiiKUHt 2Sd. 1911. w. ii, canon, Mayor. Atte-tt iioiiT. w Ti:i.i'i:n. , City Itecordcr. E. F. L TT BOOM III vxxrri UTLDXB KOTIOJJ tO BRIDOB OOirTRACTOBS. Tho city council of tho city of Bed ford, Oroson, will receive aeulcjl propo sal u for that cortivla .part of tho pro potted conarcto iirldgo norpus Hour creek la thn clly of Medford, Juckaon county, Oregon, which said city lmn agrood to eonstruct, ut a apeclal nicotian to bo hold AtlRlint 38th, 1911. Specification- uro oa fllo la tho of fice of tho city recorder nad ulao at the efftco of tho olty engineer In said city. All bids must bo accompanied by a cer tified chaak equal to toi per evi of the bid, km hi check to bo mado payable to tho olty treasurer of said city, und must ba filed on or boforo 4:30 o'clock p. m., .Augunt 28th, 1011, with tho olty re corder. Tho olty council reserves tho right to rejept any and nil btda. JIUIIT, VV. 1 IJl.I'J'.ll, City Itecordcr. Dated this 18th day of August, A. D, 1011, LEGAL NOTICES, a Manes or vuniov vo cwbatb ADDrriOKAI, XMDBBTBDM&M TOK vtkb uiz.oiHa or raxiiAiraNT XOADH XIT 7AOXSOK OOVHTY, OSB. Notice la horoby glvoa that oa tho 30th day of Hcptombur, 1011, an election will In) held throughout Juckaou couaty, Ore gua, for tho pui-poao of submitting to thn vol era of JaokHou county, Oregon, thn nuoHtloa aa to whether or not douti for tho bultdliiK of poruutneat roads wlthta 'Juckaoa county, Orogoa, ahull be Inourred la a ruiu not exceeding 31,800, 000 mid IntcroNt thereon, nnd ovor and ubnvo any nnd all Indebtedness of th county at tho dato of said election, nad Independent of any other Indebtedness of said county otherwise created, nad anthorlxlair safd ladobtedaoass to ho "evi denced by tho beads of said county, dnt. ml .laniini'v Int. 11)13. and onvublo twen ty youra after date nnd.honrlui a rale oc nucixai to pq uuivrauavu uy tav vvua ty court, but not to excued alx per cent ixT'.nnpum, paynble iH-rnl-annuaHy. which Interest may bo evldrnced by Interest coupons nttnebed to suah bonds, and which bonda nnd latTcst coupons may ba substantially In thn form designated In tho order of the county court for Jnofcsoii county, Orxn, enlllns sold ilcctlon, which order wn duly made and onlered of record In the county court of tho stntn of Oregon for Jackson county, sitting for tho transsrtlon of county btiHlai-sn at the regular August, 1911, term of snld court, which convened on thn 2d day of August, 1911, and which order was mado nnd entered on the "3d day of August, 191 J. Hald election will bo held In efich election precinct In Mid county, beginning 'nt tho hour of ft o'clock In th" morning on thn 30th day 'of Keptembcr, 1911. and continuing until thn hour of 7 o'clock In thu afternoon of said day. This notice la Issued In accordance with stilt! order of atd county court this 3d day of Aguat. 1911. w: It. coi.i:man. Co u nty Clerk Jackson County. Oregon. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. KOU HAl.O An old established nnd good inylng business In Ashland, Ore. on account of alclrncsa In family. 1'or particulars address V. O. box 11, Ash land, Ore. LOST. I.O.ST Aguto fob. HMurn to Van Io Car's Jowelry store and ncclve re ward. 134 LOST Illg black: cow, with whlto spot; hmnded -4 cross bars on hip. Call W. T. Orleve, Jacksonville. Or. tf FOR SALE OR RENT POIt RAM-: Oil ItnNT Kurnlshed or unfurnished, modern elghtroom cot tage, bath, city and well water, barn, woodshed, largo lot. 21 Mistletoe, near Washington school. 8eo owner on premises. 133 KOU BAIji: Oil HENT Modern S-room cottage, bath nnd screened porch, wa ter nnd electric light. Urge lot. good gnrden. partly furnished If desired. 70S Houtli Kcwlown St. 133 FOR SALE OK EXCHANGE TO TltADn lluslnesa houro for ranch or city property. Investigate. W. O. Toner. 623 N. Central. 135 IXm EXCHANOE Medford and subur ban property, ranches, timber lands for other property. Address Box 199, care Mall Tribune, aUacallaaeoas. I'OH HKNT Garden land In tracts of from one acre Upwards, with water for Irrigation. Owner will furnish team and Implements for cul tivating nnd seed for share of crop. Inquire of Huffum, Rogue lllver Elec tric Co.. 318 W. Main at. FOIt LEAHB Klalng, boating nnd hunt ing resort on eaay terms. Box 33, Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Ac leasja. I'OlfflALE 6 'ncrea 1 mile from town, new house, plenty of water, family orchard an- grapes. Jnqalro 410 'orth Ivy at. 131 KaaliwM lu-Mti FOn SALE On nEKT Good opening for general merchandise atora In new town with f 15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 13 mllea from Medford. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 308 W. Main. FOR SALE Choice business .property, at a bargain, on long time; eaay term-. Address Condor Water 4 Power Co. Kousts FOIt HAI.i; Two-room house, furnished, nnd lot 30x390 feet: 2S0 chickens and garden In the ground: n snap If taken nl once, or will sell furniture or chick ens separate. Address P. O. Box 57. FOIt SALE Strictly up-to-date modern home. Inquire S04 8. Holly at. 131 FOR SALE 5-room house on largo lot, 100x191 feet. Inquire of owner on premises, 317 W. 10th st. ToL 8591. 133 KOIt SALE Two-story house, new, re ception Mlt. six rooms, two toilets, bath, laundry, two screened porches: modern; enat front; terms. 410 South .Newtown sL 134 FOR RENT TO LET Steam heated npnrtrtont, 6 rooms und bath. In new building, mod ern In every respect, lloso avenuo. cor West Main. 136 FOIt IlENT Fine modern 8-room house, very close In, on pavement. Humph rey, 81S East Main. 133 TOIt HENT Seven room house, close In; sleeping porch, bathroom, modern Im provements, facing Oakdttlo uvo; frco water. Inqulro Oakdalo Cosh Grocery. 1S1 I'OH ItKNT Will rent my orchard homo till March 1st to responsible party. J Itcnshaw FOIt KENT Oloso In 'four-room house, newly painted nnd papered: has electric lights und telephone; will bo rented partly furnished If desired; location 307 South Ivy street. For particulars call phono 3101 3Coaakoplux Boom FOIt ItEN'T Housekeeping rooms, fur. Iilshcd, moderate cost.- 311 N. Uartlott. Homo phono 319 1C F01t KENT Housekeeping rooms. 345 N. Ihirtlett. , 135 FOIt RENT Furalashed housekeeping rooms, Ihe most reasonable and besti In Medford. 711 N. Central avo. Phono 33R. 135- FOIt KENT Furnished llghthousekeop lag rooms, with gas 'or cooking, llghtH, talnphono nad water frco. 327 South Onkdalo. 139 FORRENT 5 room modem house. In quire No, to North Orange. FOU RENT Seven room bungalow; modoru, good gnrngo. Boo W. Kverhard, 9Q3 Y. Ninth street, phono C671 Bo"ard anlooma ' """ FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, pri vate residence, oloso In. 113 Geneva tivo, 134 1106m AND HOARD nt Mrs. Fuy's, No. 10 No. Qrupo st., back of Fnrmors and Fruitgrowers bldg. jrnraubed Jlooaoa. FOIt RENT Furnished room, hot nad cold water and bath, clone la. 315 N, llartlett. Homo pluno 319 K. TT THE COLEMAN ItQOMB Mot and cold water and baths, garage. 73.50 per week. Phono 1 77-1 1005 Weat Main FUR RENT Two room aulte of fur ntalied housekeeping rooms, gua for cooking, 333 South Holly atreot, ' rrsaa b'OU RENT Farms front 40 acrea tt 40p acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches garden land, general farming ranches Oold Ray Realty Co., 216 W. Main. Offloea tot Meal FOR RENT Over the postoffloe with heat and light. Sea A. A. Davla. FOH RENT Office rc-omVIn Klootri bldg., modern equipment, ateam heut. oleotrlo light, baths, toilet, hot an cold water. Gold Hay Realty Co., 314 W. Main st, FOR SALE A snap, comer lot 73x11s, now house; will sell for less than cost on account of sickness; one-third cash, balance on time. Address Box A S3, Tribune. 133 FOIt SALE Elegant new modern bung alow, 8 rooms, on pavement, close In; payments llko rent. Humphrey. 815 East Main. 133 FOIt SALE Seven-room blmgnlow, with bath and screen porch. In good condi tion, lot 65x100 feet, a bargain. Address owner. Mall Tribune. FOR HALE Lota and small tracts for sitle. 'Hoy direct and avoid commis sion. M. M. Maine, Pax. Phone 713. Home 143x. 153 WANTED. TsUtcaUasaoaai WANTED Fresh young milk cow. Tele phone Homo 123X. WANTED Dressmaking nt reasonable rates.' sAtl-f4cIlon KUaVrtntccd. 343 N. Ivy. Phone- '&091, 7 137 WAN.J?HdT60 0 loan on At aecurl ty ; state 'Infr'rcs't nn'd 'tefrris; no agents. L. I., .caro JIall Tribune. WAXTPD Old irrfga for.cleaning up job pre room. Mall Tribune - . i WANAED All klnda of plain sewing; phone home 103-L. FOR SALE Good Jersey -cow; also 10 Jons baled wheat hay. In 1000-pound lots, SOc cwt 510 11 Main street. 134 WANTED To trade, an Irrigated grain or alfalfa, farm In Montana, valued at 112,000: also 33 acres of townslto prop erty valued at 36000 for Jackson coun ty property, farm or city. Wrlto or call on Samuel Ba toman. 303 Maple street. 134 WANTED Would liKo someone to loin mo In shipping car of household goods to Portland about September 14. Tel Farmer 7007. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED By a competent hand, one of 20 years' experience, COO or ,mora cords of "wood to edtj must bo decent timber. Address, stating terms In full, location, kind and estlmato of cords per ncro. Wm. Ed,ar Smith. Medford, Or. - 4 POSITION "WANTED By competent of fice man. Address O. M Mall Tribune HELP WANTED. Mtlp wn&tod aula Steal BataM FOR SALE Garden and fruit tract, 1 1-4 acre, house furnished: can give Im mediate possession;, loaded, with 'fruit nnd fine garden truck. Inquire '60 N. Orange street KUcallaneosr FOR KALE Cheap, good gentlo driving team, 5 years old: also harness and surrey. Phone 4034. FOR SALE Threo volumes of I. C. S. books on coaatructurn! engineering, cheap. Phono Main 4234. Ask for Fer guson. 131 FOR SALE Two white Belgium haro rabbits. Inqulro 641 N. Riverside or phono 2664. Erclo Struvel. 133 SINGER - WHEELER & WILSON scnlng machines for sale nnd rent. Ro ptilrs. Cnro Duncan local rcsprcsenta tlvo. Phono 6013. FOR SALE First Clnss dry fir wood, by C F. Rolchstcln, 48 North Oak dalo avenue. - - FOR SALE 1 60 horse power steam boiler; ono 6 inch dlschargo geared pump: ono 8 Inch discharge atoam pump; 600 feot Bccond hand water plpn: all tho above Is In good condi tion and can be purchased cheap for cash. Enquire city recorder of floe. City of Medford. FOR SALE Hay. We havo several car loads of first-class oat, vetch, cheet. Wheat and mixed hay that wo can name you very closo prices on. Frank E. Hlnlr, wliolcaalo commission mer chant, Eugene, Oregon. .135 FOR SALE Good gentlo family horso and good 3 seated hack. Isaha A. Armstrong, near city reservoir. 139 -FOR 8ALE Solf-feedlng hay baler, In good repair. See A. A. Davla. FOR SALE 40 head stock hogs, thrifty condition; 76 head Angora goats, and ono of tho best all-round teams north of Rogue river, weight about 3900; also mi' saddle pony midget. Chns. Gilchrist, Sams Vnlloy, Oro. 133 FOR SALE Good second hnad wagon. 3 1-4. 135, worth 360. Call HIS West Eighth or phono 6901. FOR SALE Pumping engine, with gear and without; wood saw complete; wood sawed .to order. M. M. Malno, Puo. 743. Homo Phono 143x. 153 FOR SALE Second hund phuoton. 1303 "W. Main. 133 FOR SALE Poultry plant. 714 Sou,th Central nve.; house and lot, together with S00 chickens; all thoroughbreds; ono flno cow and one 840-ogg Cyphqrs Incubator, Phono 5413 Main. 135 FOR SALE A" flno cow nnd camping team. Inquire Phoap CQ13. 520 Park FOR SALE lloturn trip ticket from Portland to Minneapolis, 325. Septem ber 15th limit. 206 Cottago st. 13S FOR S.VLE Furniture for bedroom; cost 'it few months ago 3255, aad 31U0' will hay It all. Quick uetloa neces sary to got this bargnla, Phono COM II. II, Coe, 130 WANTED Teamsters to bid on hauling 2000 cords wood. Address Buff urn. care Roguo River Elec Co. WANTED Carpenter ramlllar with making mission 'furniture nnd wood working. Ad.dreu Burfum, can Rogue. River Electric Co. TO T.KARN NTJRSERT SALESMAN ship. Special course in horticultural training; and big commissions paid to hustlers; previous experience not nec essary. Write today for terms nnd choice of territory. Pacific Nursery Company, 308 Corbett building. Port land, Oregon. 339 WANTED Salesman for exculslve ter ritory. Big opportunities. No expe rience necessary. Complete line Talc- lma, Valley grown fruit, shade and ornamental stock. Cash weekly. Out fit free. Toppenlah Nursery Company, Toppcnlsh, Wash. WANTED Salesmen In every locality o the northwest; money advanced week ly; many make over 31000 month choice of territory. Yakima. Valley; Nursery Co., Topenisn. waan. Help Wasted Tamal WANTED Woman for general house work, one who can cook. Wages 330 per month. Apply Buffum. Rogue Ttlver Electric'Co,. 218 W.latn. MISCELLANEOUS PASTURAGE t havo pusturngo nnd grain nay enough, to feed two extra horses ror tha winter. Address A. K., Mnll Tribune. 136 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys. COLVIO & REAMES W. M. ColVl. a L. Rcames. Lawyers. Office Medford isattonai name nuiiaing, second ixoor. PORTER X. NEFF. WM. P. MEAI3CT Attorneya-at-law. Nos. 1 and 3 Post ornco nuiiaing. A. E. UEAMK3 La-wyer. Qarnett-Corey ouiiuing. MULKEV & CHERRY (B. F. MULKEY. GEO. W. CHERRY) Lawyers. Prac tice In nil state nnd federal courts. Rooms 11 and 12, Jackson County xaiiK uiug. Architect. JOHNB A TURNER, Architects and .Builders. Office 7-S. 33C Main: phone saain aril, itesiuence pnone (if. Aocoantants, D. It- WOOD General accountant. Your books audited and kept for a reasonable iigure; your Diisiness soiicnoa. urrice .Mourora aiuu Tribune nuiiaing, pnone son, rosiaence pnone ioui. Awaysr ana Analyst. ASSAYER AND CHEMIST Earl V. In- goia, ii, do. ueaerai assay anu an alytical work. Cement and aanhalt testing. Best equipped assay office ana testing laDoratnry in urcgon. Ail -work guaranteed. Grants Pass. Or. Abstracts. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT TITLE CO.. INC, Jacksonville. Phone Pnolflo. Matn 11: Heme 3006. Billiard "Manors. S. T. "BROWN & CO. TJlIllarda. Cigars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs Young A Hall building. A nlco, cool plaoo to pena me not nxieraoona. BUI Posters. VKRNM T. OANON-BIll poster and Dis tributor. All orders promptly filled Ttnnm 39. Jackson County Hank build injf, juouioru, uregon. - Cigars aad Tobacco. . lltELANDaT ANTtM. Smokehouse . Donlcrs In tobacco, clgslrs, nnd 'smok ers' supplies. Exclusive agent of Lewis Single Binder, El Merlto and El Paten ola. 313 West Main street.- Contractor and Builder. ALL kinds of carpenter work. Contract or day work. 323 Court U A. W. Blah. .rural tars. H. F. WILSON & CO.. dealers in flow and second-hand furniture and hard ware. Agents for Household stoves and ranges. 16 South Fir street., Phons Main 3181. HOma 363-li h MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Cor ner. 8thr aqd. H0II7 streets. Medford. suasion 'furniture made to order. Cab inet work of all kinds A trial order t oilclted. . MORDOFF A WOLFF Cookstoves and ranges New and second hand furni ture, Bada old stand. 18 Fir street. South. Phone 9L Home 3S3-K. Medford. Clraalts Works. MEDFORD BRICK CO.-4ieo. W. Prida, O. D NagTe. Geo. T. O'Brien Contrac tors and manufacturers of brick; deal ers In pressed brick and lime. Office In Garnett-Corey block, room 309. 3d floor. Phone No. 3181. Maslc MISS TURNEY, Piano Instruction nnd musical history. 309 South Newtown street. Phone 6603 BclL Btialng Machinery. SEE 3JTATT CALHOUN of Phoenix. Or.. or the Dnver Quarto Mill & Crusher Co.. of 1710 Broadway, Denver. Colo-, rado. Catalogues and prices can be had at Phoenix. Oregon. Matt Calhoun. Votary mklte. HELEN N. YOCKEY. Notary public. Bring your work to me at the sign of The Mall Tribune. jTazseztas. MEDFOnD GREEN jHOUSE Cut flow era, potted plants, shrubbery bulbs 933 lu. Main. Phone 3741. f QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees' ar budded, not grafted. Otir a lock la not Irrigated. We guarantee. OTerytnlng put out. Wo are not In the trust, ft. 'B. Patterson, office romoved to 116 B. 3iain at. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR8ERY CO.. Inc. Growers of high grade nur sery atock. Office 104 a Fir. Roth phones. 3syaldaas sad -hugsoas. DRS CONROY & CLANCY Pnysiciana and surgeons, Taylor and Phlppa bldg.. rooms 210-211-213. Offlco phono 501. residence phone 613. Office hours a! m. to8 p. m. ETOCARLOlv7mrEVAMAlNa SSJ;0 OsteopAthtc, physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Garnett Corey bldg. Phone ataln 63SL Office In Rlalto bldg 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of Phone "44M P 8 U,n 881' N,!ht U off1JEASNt-7f hjrslclan and auwgeon: ?-.:. .Ph0?e 6501- Resldenco lis Laurol at. ohone SOSj DR..lf " LOCKWOOD. phyalcian and surgeon. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. practice limited to diseases of wo men. Offices over Hasklns drug store. Phones; Pacific 1001; Home 23. Dr. W. M. Van Scoyoc. ' Dr. C C. Van Scoyoc .. . ."Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg., aulte 318, Medford. rcgon. Botli Phones DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon, practice limited to oye. ear. and throat, eyos scientifically tested nnd glasses supplied. Offlcos 316 East Main street, over Medford Hardware Company; hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. W.4 I'ilUUVS Dhs. SATIVTIRTIH ANn nnnnv t-. tlnA lltnlfaH ti. ... AM . throat. Office: Suite 318 Oarnett Corey building. Both phones DAVIES & IRLE Chiropractors, 633 S. Central nve. Phono Main M4. Office hours: 3 to 4 n. m. Consultation nnd examination free. DR. EDSON & EDSON Ostopathy phy sicians; hours 10 to 13 a. m. and 3 to 4 p. m., also by nppolntmonts; of fice in now Medford Furnlturo and Hardware block, room 429. J. M. KEENE. D. D H.: A. j'lIINIKKIL' 1. D. B., Dentists. 228 E. Main. Phono Main 3191. Homo 13 IK. DR. R. J. LOCICWOOD Chiropractic, nervo specialist. 213 Fmltgrowern Bank building. Resldenco 710 Roosa veil nve. Hours; 10 to 12, 6:3P to 7:30. Phono Homo Slt-K. Special hours by appointment. Scientific mas sago, given. AdvIcQ In dlotlcs. Mod cal gymnasts, hydro-thorupy. Chlneso Bl-'alclnes. CJaOAvYOUNO,SClilneso metllcineswlll euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, - goit ers, throat and lung troublo. doafneos paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation. Indiges tion, womb and bladder troubles. See me at 211 8. Front 'St., Tdedford. Ors Phono Main 42. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the best equipped Job office In Southern Ore gon; book binding; loose leaf systems; out paper, eta, etc., Portland prices 37 North Fir street. Hammer Beaorts. BUnogTaphsra. ELLA K GUANYAW Palm Block. Stenographlo work done quickly and wen. MISS L, J. HINGSTON, Puhlto ntenog rnpher, Medford, Oregon. Phonos; Of fice, Homo, 05: Pacific 6331) residence, Pacific 1361; Qarnett-Corey Bldg, Bigns. VALLEY 8IGN ADVETI8TN7rS57 hiumh win peip iiuiKt up your busl ties. Phone 803. 18 Rlvsrsldo aveaus 1 1 i e v ' Ul 3 VwJ : CA -M 'U 'it T- m 4.3 v.. n tJ VSJI ".