firipnnwnmit V- ft' 1 12 1 ' t i ; t ! i : ! ! 1 J I .1 '?t i (I G' i': .'J. a if!. I-' f ! t ftty fc't w W m Mr VXQB FOUR MEDTTORT) MATT, TRTRTTNE, M1DDVORD. OR1WONT. THrRSDAY. AlWST 21. 1011, Mkdfokd Mail tribune irr'Ti iMir,,1 AN INDKPtttfnnKT NRWHPArKH VUtlMAlIKU F.VKKT AFTRUNOO.N KXCKPT HUNDAY, HY TIIK MRDKbltb WUNT1NO qo. The Damocratle Tltnea, Thn Mfelfort Midi. Tbtt Medford Tribune, The South orn Orogonlnn, The Aehland Trlbuna. Office Mall Trtbuno lluttalne, 25-S7-3I North Fir Home 7S. street; phono, Main SOU arcOHOH PUTNAM, Ilditor and Mangi THE STATE WIDE MOVEMENT. COLLEGE PRES1DEN t INDORSES F001 KAIL Knttred i econil-clas matter at Med ford. OreKOn, underth act ot March 3 187. Official rapcr of thn City of Medfort Official Paper of Jackson County, . mnwcan?TiOH bates. Ona year, hy mall ,...5.o One month, by mall .............. ' Tor month, delivered by carrier In Hertford, Jacksonville and Cen tral' Point ....i........ ..,. j Unturdny only, by mall, per year.. J.oc Weekly, per year -8f 8W0XX CXHCViATXOW. Dally averaro for bx months endlnr December 1. l10. " rnll Seated Wit United Tr9 Bltpatehta. Thn Mall Trlbuno Is on mIo at thi Kerry New Stand. San Francisco, ltfand "otel News Stand. .Portland Bowman News Co.. Portland. Or. W. O. Whitney, gnattle. Waah. and fastest MxnroKH, ossaov. Metropolis of Southern Oregon Minharn California, and the fai UHS,Y5:-?.!i1r7i5'.?i!i.d dollar Qravltr Water System completed, kIyIiir finest contracted for at a. cost exceeding lc tM.0 maklw oUI of twenty mUes ?ItSf receipt- for year endtnrt March 31. ll. alww Increaae of U per cent. Bank deposit a gain of 3S per Banner fruit city In Oregon Bogus KlV?? SplScnberB apple n ep. etakee prlie and tltlo of , "Apple Xln of Us Woria-- at the National Apple Show. Spokann ?o and a car of Newtowna won at Canadian International Appla Show, "oSJTrlva brought highest rlc2fta ill markets of the irorld our- nt2for Postal "r the ttn.t comm- nlty pampniei pvrr t.ut...-..- JOLTS ANP JINGLES By Ad Brown Here They Come. They arc coming, wo hhall sec them, In the -windows of our scores; Queer1 creations made in I'&rin ' Then transported to our shore. There are bi ones, there arc small ones, ' There are those with ribbons, too; White ones of the stove pipe order Dainty ones of baby bine. 1 We' will eye them, we will buy them, That i3 we who have a, wife, f For'tfieiiew Hats' are arriving "' And without them what is life? Just because thoy have watered jdock why be profane Mid call iheni damp 'trusts? " . " . 1 Even truth lies at the bottom of the well. THE statewide luovomolit inilintod by Lodford for tho invocation of tho initiative law in the fixing of rea sonable and uniform maximum distance class rateshas met with a popular response, and because of this popular re sponse has set the railroads and their political allies into feverish activity to kill tho movement. From the central office of tho ilarriman svstem at Chicago a stream of telegrams aro issuing directing the pulling of every political wire to keep the movement from spreading, and the railroad emissaries are shouting Tire to divert the attention of the public and to terrorize it from pursuing the matter turther. The feeling of haste lias even invaded the heretofore slumberimr state railroad commission, which litis been sleeping on tho Bedford and Baker eases for months, and) it now proposes a state wide movement of investigation of. rates as set forth in the resolution passed by the .Mod fowl Traffic club some time ago, and gives only a thirty-da notice for the preparation of a case that under expert direction would take months to properly prepare. From every quarter the political allies flocked to the state capital to devise some plan to thwart the state wide , . ... , , . - r in i , a, "a i il movement initiated oy lueuioni, anci ine priripiiaie ai'uuu of the state railroad commission is the outcome of this political intrigue, and if allowed to thwart this movement it will take away from the people the better judgment that will prevail after a thorough campaign that must1 follow the passing of a law by tho initiative. For Hie purpose of getting the views of the public so vitally interested in this subject, a state convention should bo called to meet some time in earlv September to discuss, plans along the line of the movement started by Aledford.t as it is whollv impossible tor this issue to be properly presented and handled in the manner and in the time seti out bv the state railroad commission, whose record shows) it never did anything until someone else started it off,feil Wi.0uut tho injur! ruitine tr.m tho i;mii excepting in the Portland jobbing rates, which cut down 'than tho injuries nMiinuK rmm lum.'uH. is rtMtiioi ire mitieti that, at the distributing areas for points outside of Portland and' " t,. u wn " i,,-- w f-r ".' win, (HVrtH ih vwru ,.n l,;Q nwlfni.r in tl, Pm.fl.iwl -inlilim. . f kl' " '' ruwdiHw nd ann(lr Kind rrm. llrlllklkK .111 l, V4K.7 IVIA44.WA. , I.V VV - VI Ullllll IWWV. .. ,....., iiiiun--iiTOmiiiiimiiiiwiirwiiiMpiss-niir,.ivrnrYTl S HssssffilssssOi 5J t M v.IS(wiisHHissnlssssssyiH i wi imffJ f I tf?? vf JllLWcXM4jTii'w.,isWJsm." S 2y mEmrt jb1Fi ,iZMW 2JJJMr jf SssKPBBBBsn I AlUUVK U llAUU. With tho i,irtn 4int8 In foo'bnU Ji!niuh -ttlnn Intu form for onrlv practlei" for t!n full -uiwii. lh Htatouient of Arthur T U.tilley ptmldiMit 7 I'AUK I'UU'U tt V.ila (tits Aiti.,1,1 fli.,, tint, lillftit.., ill I..i,aj IK. is ..!. ... at... II i... ...... a J bu l IV-, tiita vtflliiti ,ri "' mi' n i wwjn lliui, JUIIJ II" loan Ml' UlMll'i, CMWtyliANl), 0."-Toiilmriiy fif atlornoy m Clovuland'H "innilul Iuim Imml." .lijllim H. Ati'Pnrluiul whil Biiviuou u tiiyuruo from hm vlfu. no Um not dilnH, Hiuuko, hov, wtur in mil uiiiuiyi uiKiilHi TfnnHlna for Uuiiltli, APPLES FOR EUROPE V uvo nimlut)d nconlu for 1 ll. TUO.MAH, Covont tlnitlon, I.011- (lim mul Soutlminittoii, Kiicliiml, wuoho ehnrRort aro f per emit wml (i fonta pur box, .IAS. MNMISAV i SOX, Ltd., Oliu- now niu(''kill)iburith. Hcotljmd, G per pout and h immiIh pur box. UAWHOM ulU80Ni im. I'liK" Iuhk, G por emit and S cuutit por Imx, , ThoAu aro tho oltloKl unit lulnortt fli'iiiB In their roiipiictlvo toWtiH, and their loforonco tin to rinniielnl tthll lllt'M run liu had at Modfonl Natlonnl Hank, Mudford, Ormton. C'uhIi can bo enhlod day aftor If rmiulrod, and IiIkIivsI innrkut prlcon Kunrautood, lU'il Kami M011 Kinoklni; 111(1 (MCJ- Mt.S talkltiK "HOT AIU" dou'l nlwayn llvo on air, bunco our rmuarkn on elinrKoa. Tho clap-trap nhmit - prlvnto biiIo does not provo rmuuiioratlvo, ocipt ftr aouin eurloa of a ntuall nntiiro AH HollorM ly prlvalo nnlo havo to wait until nuctloiin aro ovor mo nn (o know what to nnk, uml In tho rmw of laro Hiippllea llipy ofton not loft. Kor furilmr partloulara, addrmtn W. N. White O. Co. Where fco Go Tonight r , . f.,..M.mM.Mf ( lW IMhAIWh X " aMrtiaHBK4 NKW YOHK n in r nuiuraiia A toad stood bowing to the crowd In answer to tho cries. He was a college baseball toad, Tho one who caught the flies. 1 Old Man Uinph Says: Ef grown folks diddent like cir cuses the prices wud rede, "Children, CO cents', adults 25." A town may boast of its musickians but the naybors don't, No countree town is komplete without an accordeen playur. Why does n person look cheap when introduced by someone as "my best'frieiidt" Anybody can brag; few can get away with it. ' 1 ' , Henry Jlillcr ns un netor who can play in the best theaters in Uie coun try and not. (urn up his nos.e at Hert ford's "opery house." The man who wears a flower in his button hole always has a friend the florist; I v , A'mnn's brain is his most priceless possession yet he worries least when he loses it. ' EAGLES' GRAND PARADE HELD AT SAN FRANCISCO SAN'TRANCISCO; Cal:,"Aug. 21. Winding its way down the deco vated, fluttering vista of Market htreot, to tho stirring martini music of 20 bauds, tho colorful military pa rado of tho Fraternal Order of Ka ties here today made n striking demonstration of tho power and spread of Kugledoin. ' Tho parade, headed by n platoon 6f police, all members of tho order, included besides the various uorics, Orand Murshal Ileibcrt Clioynski lilul his military aides, tho Thirteenth United, Stajes infantry a innchino gun platoon, companies of tho Unit ed States naval apprentices nnd battalions'-of 'the United States array. The peoplo of thla city should buy "Mado In Oregon" goods from tho local merchants! whenevor tho price and quality aro equal to Eaatorn Blade gooda. " ' ' ' ' --i f ..nlln .X. 4-1.. AllJlltA f.4.t.l 4- r. ....V..- .4 illlji I Lt'uiuiii ciitis iijjuu iiiu I'uuii sum- iu iij(nt. u ,l"M pnT t UMirDfl IIMfil meet, in convention and forinulate plans independent of btt II rfl,KrrfS WW this hasty suit of the commission, which was brought after ' nuu ' nuLnu Ul" a canvass of the situation which arose out ot the resolu tion passed by the Aledford Traffic club mul not because of any exigency which the commission reasoned out for itself If politics are to make freight rates, the people should see to it that they will make their own rates and know what they are going to get if the majority so wills. The commission is a tribunal to try cases brought to its attention and decide the issue upon the evidence sub mitted, and not "butt in" on cases brought before or start ed by someone else, such as the grain rate case from points on the line of the O. R. & X. Co., and the. advanced rate case before tho interstate commerce commission involving rates from the east, where the arbitraiy was raised Iroin 10 cents to 18 cents the hundred in favor of the Portland ,iobberr and then have its case put on the suspended docket, where it undoubtedly would have been yet if it had not been for the Gile reparation Vase, which involved the same rates. The time is seasonable for a thorough publicity of this question of uniform rates in the state and the throwing off of the strangle hold of the Portland jobber in a rate situation that has no parallel in the world and which tin state railroad commission in its distribution rates out of Portland increased the advantage of tho Portland jobber and turned the screws a few notches harder upon the al most, lifeless body of interior jobbing. Let us act now and pay no attention to the cry of fire of the railroads, nor the diversion of the motion made by the commission. POR A SANE FOURTH. THERE should be, aucl probably will be, no objection in the city council to the ordinance introduced by Councilman Millar prohibiting the discharge of firearms in Medford, thus insuring a sane and safe Fourth of July hereafter. The ordinance is similar to that adopted in Cleveland, Portland and other cities, where the insane Fourth has been relegated to the things that were. It prohibits the discharge, firing or use of all fire-crackers, rockets,- can dles, torpedoes or other fireworks designed for pyrotech nic display, and of all pistols, canes, cannons, thoTiiHC of blank cartridges, etc. Public displays ire permitted, provided the mayor or council order them under the direct supervision of experts in localities chosen by the cliief of the fire department. The sale of fireworks at retail is prohibited. The stor age of fireworks at wholesale is prohibited except by spe cial permit for stated intervals at acceptable places. Violations are punishable by fines not exceeding $200 or by imprisonment not exceeding CO days or by both fine and imprisonment. The effect of this ordinance is shown in Cleveland. On the Fourth of Julv, in 190(5, 1 was killed, 22 injured; in 1907, 2 killed, 25 'injured; 39Q8, 3 killed, 5 dangerously and 98 more or less injured. After the passage of the sane Fourth law, 1 was injured by violation of the law in each year of the years 1909 and 1910. Fires in the same period decreased from 22 to G. ILLINOIS CENTRAL SHOPMEN VOTE TO STRIKE MONDAY MEMPHIS, Twin., Aug. 21. Two thousand uhop employes of the Illi nois Central railroad today aro on record ns voting to striko unless un less the company recognizes the de imtnds of tho federation before Mon day, August 28. The result of the secret vote in the local shops was announced when the labor leaders declared that arrange ments have bec,ii completed for n walkout of nil trades under the System -Federation plan,' , AUSTRALIAN SWIMMER TO CROSS TILLAMOOK DAY PORTLAND- Or.. Aug. 21. Ari fhur Cuvill, the well known Austra lian swimmer who swam tho flol den Gate several years ago, will at tempt to surpass the feat soon bv trying to negotiate Tillamook Imv willi cot and hands tied. Tho Till amook bar, which is ono of the roughest In tho North Pacific, is seven-eights of a milo at the chan nel mouth ono-foiiitli wider tlirin t10 Ooldnn Onto. Cavill is swimming iu Htruotor of the Miiltnouiah club of Portland, .". , riHlPl ,I.I. C i OVERRULING WILEY WASHINGTON. l V . Aug 21. Callfornln fruit pn k-r will win out ocr Or. Harvey W. Wiley, who plac ed the ban on the sulphur dioxide proceed 6f friiH'drylng, according to n report today walca wiys Urn Hein ijen bon'rd will rnlfe .-lKalimt tho pur.e food export. After extensive ItiveJtigtttlona I" the United Stnttw and JJurone. the Itenisen hoard decided that Callfor nlans aro rlghtln Ujelr contention that a moderate iqnantlty of sulphur I not Injurious. VENETIAN WOMEN. The Whim of Faihlon Hold No Tar rors For Them. The women of Venice, nre nbsojutely free from the rule which Danio 4iu!h. Ion cJcorchJCiJ over their aUturs else where. They care nothing for mode. WITH P01NDEXTER WASHINGTON. I). t. Aug. 21. (It f ford IWhot, former ehiel tor-! wlifr and Senator Mile Poindexti-r f Wtixhiiigtoti together will make mi irispcotioti or lie'renoiiremt of Alas ka. Piuehot, before leaving Ynuiug tun today, s-aid that Poindexter would join him nt Settttle fur their AliiUil Jrip. The Monitor is snUVfo lid iitfrtleti1ifr!yv'miiotirt to have ,i view of Contioller boy and olW"r dtHptitod toiritory. -s SMITH'S APARTMENT HOUSE Sooth ltl entitle New anil I'p-eo-Dnle Modern In etery mrttcular, gai riiolc lug, ete. Women mid glrla intuit bring reference. WM. SMITir. ooooooooooooo NOT1CIJ TO CO.NTllAd- mtiixii: Tons. SoaleU proponata will ho received by the county court or Jackson county nt hla offluo In tho court houao nt JnrkKonvllIe, Oregon, to he opened August 28. 10U, nt'10 a. m. for the construction of a concrete bridge ucroi Door Crook In tho city of Med Til I J Electric Rooms NEW MetWn, electrle fani, ute.iiit lient, ltet In-iU anil cuolet ntonw In tin, hy ilny or Week, hlugli) and r-UMilto. HtH West .Mnlo, rntniiiif.rit. Murk lliilldlug; phono nil. oooooooooooo Vllli f rtAhi thn tjnfh" Af ttiA fpf A 1 mains always thymine, neither abort j'0"1' Jac.,80n cou,,tJf' 0roKOM- 1,,u,ls nor long, and tbtaliiys wear plainly nmi Pcincaiiona aro on file In tin mndo dark dresson. black stockings ami the heel less sllppera of the vast. Until arc unknown. office of tho county Court also In tho office of W. W. Harmon county rond mantor In tho court houio nt Jack- The universal outdoor wrap ror nil jsonvlllo. All blda must bo nccompnn. ages and all sixen Is tho black Bhnwl..(Ml Dy n curtlflotl eleck for 10 per with a deep silken fringe. It I folded (cet of thi llJ(, Th(J C01ft rc80rvCB Willi It 3111.111 Hliil IIUUVV Ullll II "" one below, and sometimes It envelopes the figure from hend to foot. It U nov. er fastened at the throat, and when It slips off it Is gathered up with One out stretched nrm, which makes the spec tator think of a big bird ntretchlng Uh wing. Jn their nttlro the women of Venice are Independent, only wearing local clothing, but with feminine lneonnlit ency they nre thoroughly up to dnio In tho matter of Imlrdr.Mslng. the Ktyle of their q)irfurcr changing from time to time, according to the oguo of the moment in luulon and Paris. Identified. William 31. Chase, the nrtlt. wn n picturesque Ogure. dreoslng ! rlnllien that had a cvrlnlu orh'iuiillty. thmigh they conformed more or Iohh to the prevailing fashions On one ocejmluii Chase on hN way liomo stepped Into a llttlo wine shop nnd ordered a Jng of claret of a special brand sent to hl house. Tho lad who hi ought It came to the front door un.hoiir afterward, when the artist had already arrived. "Somo wine." ho said curtly. Tho maid, knowing there was yet plenty In the cellar and believing tho I nil hud made u mistake, said she was suro U was not for Hint houso and dill thn boy remember the iinmo of the man who ordered It. The loy didn't "Then," said tho servant, "you've como to tho wrong place; we never ordered winol" At this moment the boy spied Chaxo's famous hat on the hall table. "Hay,"- lie asktd, "does that hot live here?". "Yes." said the umuHed inn Id. "Then," said the boy triumphantly, "here's where tho jrtm.' belongs!" Argonaut. FROM IOWA TO SEATTLE UPON A MOTOR CYCLE BKATTM Wash., Aug. 2-1. 'A. A. Knrrell of Los Angeles arrived licto from Osknloosn, in,, Inst night, nnd ho mado the entire trip on n motor eyclo. Tho dislaneo was liOIO milos, nnd making the Irip'hy easy 8tuge, Funell toolc two. months'. He says his ( machine did not liuve u siujjlo )iiiicture, Haukhis for lleulth. tho right to reject nuy or all bids. Signed. J. It. NKIL, County Judge. I'oit sam:. ' My U N. Judd, Talent, Jneknon Co., Ore., midway botweon tho flourishing cltlos or Medford nnd Ashland, chick, en and fruit ranch, 4 acres, ?700; homos that produce n revenue rich, fertile, gavdon, fruit and alfalfa lands In and nnr Talent, Or., 18 ncroa; deep, rich, dark soil In a high state of cultivation, in tho city limits, real dnnce. )tt, 11,000; fr.nOO cubIi down, balance trrms. Fruit farms clal orchard, 2 inllea from Phoenix, loaded with fruit, $10,000; hair cash down .nbalHiico terms. Fruit farms and alfnira and irrigated lauds or 1, fi, 10, 15, 30, 10, R0, 80, 1C0, 200 or 280 ncrou, also city lots In Talent, Medford and Ashland; nhio timber laud. PLUMBING KTKAM ANI HOT WATKIt HK.VTINO All Work Guaranteed Prices ItetiHOuablo S2 Ifowanl Work, Kutraur on flth Rtrcet. Coffeen & Price Paciflo 'MUX Homo a 10 Rock Spring Goal OX XAXD AI.I. TK TIM. Office nnd Coar Yard, Twelfth mul Front Ntreets, I'hone 7101. Burbidge THB CBMJ. HAM NOTION. Tho Indies of tho Homo MIshIoii socloty of thn M. K, church Houth will hold an Ico cream iiojilnl on tho church lawn, corner of Main and Oakdaie, Friday evening, tho Sfitli. Hvorybody la invited to attend, i.'j;i Meilron, 0r, Atur l 101 1. This Is to rorllfy that nUout Novcmlior my ilauuh Icr wuh tnkoa wltli n Hovurn attack of rheumatism which rcinlnrod hrr loft nrni imclt an, In "net It wan so near imrulyzmi uml Mie was not nlilo to tnava her flnit- r, hut knowing of somo of Dr. Chow Viumi'M inarvcloim cures of long stand ing cfiuei Of rhouinutlNiii. wo iloi'Mc-il to CiiiMiilt lilm, In which I urn pleiiMcil (o H.iy iniuld no mlslake, us his nuniidlcH nateil as hit eliuncil thoy woiihl nid af ter the third Ircatuiont tho rhnuuiiUlu (mIii vntlmly left her imil she has not liuil any HyinptoiiiH ot ilieumutlHin nine"! ho hMos liur sonural heullh Is much Improv ed anil I ilo not heullalu In suylug I he novo morto nrriivioil with rhoumutliun or imralyvls will do woll lo consult Ir Chow young. wIiomo houao Is eornor of Tenth anil front sticot, JM oil ford Ore gon. A. V, WK1HH. 131 Ilitflklim for Health. Newport TAQUIHA. BA.V OHsaoK'8 rovui.A bbaox XKBORT An Itlral rotrcut for outdoor pastlmii of nil klixlH. ifUNTlMI, KIHIIINO, IIOAT1NO. BUIW IIATIIINO, H1D INO, AUTOINO. CANOCINO. UANO (1 AND ItOl.l.ISIl HKATINO, Whnro pretty wnior nuuti-H, immn ngnton, inoon-nlnncH, ciirnellaim nun ho found on tho beach, l'uro mountain watur nnd tho tiimt of fond at low prlcofl. Frvnh fish, riiinn, crnhs and oynlitrx, Mltll UlllllHlnilCI) of voKotuhlus of all kinds dally, Camping Qrounai OonvonUnt una At- tractive with Btriot nltry Begulntioas. SOW SOU WD TRIP XANOX TXOKETB rroin All Votnt In Oregon, "Weeh Ington ana Zdnho, on ele dully. 3-DAY HATURDAY-MONDAT TICKET from Houtharu 1'nclfio points Portland to Cottage (Irnvo; uImo from all O. A 13. sliitloiiH Alliunx and want, flood ifolng Kuturday or Hominy und foe rolurn Hunday or Monday, Call on any H. I, or C.& 10. Auent for full parllculurs ns to fiinm, train Mchi'tluleH, nto.i also for copy of our tllUHlratijd hooklot, "OuIIiikm In Ore son," or wrlto to WM, MoMUBKAT Qoneral Iaioniror Afent, yortlnud, Oregron. ANOTIIIIH llltl lKlt'lllii; llllil. IMlWNH AMI (lO.Mi:, Hneet Moullieru .Slimei's Dlreel mini tho notlth como two of Jhe greatest sliigeiH of their num. being noted for youin ror their wiuidt'rflil volcei. Thoy luiv'o l.llU.II. I ...1 ,.. I.llkh. ,1 ....M'l. .. luimuimM ,u iiiuj iiiv iiuruierii , clliniltii,' TIioko whit mo fond or Ilium, lll'lll- nlil niiluru Unit tvlll -,,,.,... ...... . . . . . ,'ii ff 'fell IIIIV'lll- illit ulll llllU.-'l Mil 1. 1. 1. !,... t lllllt V (ir'tllOirrlllu'tWI Of the viirv I !..... ... IC.'l'j l..l..V. ' ' J) hitst In (fi.jlV.llno. , FltlUr.MII.I,HH The I rent .lugglei The man who does iinxt In thn ImifOHHlhlo In tho Hue Of Juggling, I accompllDhlitg tho mout difficult f feats with tho greatest of obho seV him and bo convinced that tllltlll 111 lllltllllllf I lit 1 11 lU.ll 111 1. Ill III,, JiiKKlUiK Hno that can't ho no-J QOIIipllllheil. X '' TT Kiefer Trees No CO per cent lonsea, the risk Is hum. Wo aro willing to make legal contract with you. To plant Ktil fer I'ear trees. To work' t hero on Jlop of any vnrlety you iilny sol oct. AVe buy Kelfer toron of Jltarlc llroa., and Ml. Arbor Nuraerlea. Homo drown Trcea, no hotter Ki-own. MedfordNursery Company llll NOUTII rnNTIIAIi AVK. riiouo rim AFTEK ALL IT NARROWS DOWN TO i i The Merrivold Shop FOR Paper Fasteners 'iJlW, Main HU, MedfonL Hotchkiss Stapling Machines m)2 With 500 Staples Compare Prices Medford Book Store Draper-ies We carry a vnry complete line of flrnpftrlu. laco mirlalns, flxturua, ute., end do all oIumkhh of uplioliitflrlns. A npuohii inn it lo look after this work uxoliiiilviily und will slvo ne goixl Horvloo ns In itneelblo to get In even tho InrsuHt oltloe. Weeks & McGowan Co iNor Onldmiil, Cullfotnlo Ilia only vWmifui'n CollrKCOit lliu l'ncldo Ciait. Uiiifttciil m5. Near Iwo sriat linlvrrtlllci. Ideal tfllniBtu iliroin;li(iiit tin- ymr, Hiitranca lilu uriifhlfltlon reiMilrrnirnlt rimlvhlfni- in .hote ill M.intojil mul I iiivanlty o( ('ullfornlii. l.aliOruloiIci fur tclcncu Willi iiiuileni riilM incut, lixcelluit ijpioiliiultlr lor Iinmo til Liilltiinlo. I irnry ttiulv. imulo mul art. Muilcni iiyinnailiiiit. Sintlnl cute for litfnllh it ntllilcnlii, uut-ilmir U(A I'rriiilrut," l.lirlla Clay CiuFiii, A. M i.lit. I).. I.I,, p, I'nr mlalnuuauulilriMii Hcrritnri'. Mill. ('ill...,. li 0 CelllornU. " ' ' A 4. :