Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 24, 1911, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Winston Chiirclilll Dcclnrcs That La
bor Disturbances Are Par of Po
litical Scheme to Force
tlon o( Liliorlnii Classes.
A Hint From Paris
LONDON, Auk. i!t. -Wlilln Lon
don wiih piiiclii'iilly IhiiImIimI from
thu irxt dI' tlin uorlil hy tli RHMit
utrlko of all lln IriuiNporl uorkitrfl
which loility In not itiitiruly Mtlnl
ViHt'oimt Cluirt'lilll, iii'hIiiik at a
iiii'(illin ii' the HlonkliolilcrH of the
(limit WVnlcrii railway, ilochut'tl II
IiIh opinion (hat thu llx-np wu
inoro thnn anything i'Iho, ii part ol'
a Iiiki ,MIItlfil Hi'hi'iiH'."
Mnro Htrlht'M ProinlHcil,
With what thu vImcoiiiiI hiiM, fw
of tho innru I'ltlllit tl nf tluulUli
vvorkiiipncii urn iIIhiuh'i to Uhii
Kri'. (treat Itillniii Iiiim hatl aa
I'lionnoiiii imiiiliur of hitIihim hIHKi'h
of laic. Tho trauHporl winki'i
Mliiko, which very nearly rcmilti'il in
Hturviui; bnntoii to ilt'iilli' wnK tho
IiIkkchI nt' llit'in thiiK far, except for
tint finv ili3 h that the railway mil
ploycH ticil up practically thu entire
train service. That tlicic will he liijf
Kir mien in thu near future in the
ccncral lielicf in lahor cirelcH. In
ulinit, an lahor Icailern fntiiUv ml
tnlt, Vlxcount Churchill wouhl hanl
ly have heen hhIiik loo ar hint lot
ilcHcridcil (he transport woikerr'
Htrikc art part of a "hap1 icwilnliiin
nry iiiov.eiaent" uitlu'r than ax pari
merely of a "Mililleal wcheiae."
U'orkliiKtiK'ti In Ilenll,
Tho fact I that HucHhIi workiui;
men are iihout tirctl at hint of the
way in which they havo hecn roiiiiil
ctl Into the earth for the heuefit of
the privileged cIii'imi'k. The working
man who, in the United Hlatenj
would receive J'.'Ti or fill) weekly, Bet
In KiiKhiud for the Manic work $?.fiO
to $11) and the iivitiiku eniployi'in'
xlew linn alwayn heen that he nulil
t(i J.M'1 IcnK,
While the ntrikeM were HiippoMedly
for recognition oi the milium and
higher pity, lint vSm-ohii! deelan'h
they went for the purpoMi of nhuw.
hij: tho workers what (he privileged
olnHHCi are aide to do to tlirin
when thev no denircd.
Disaster In Deep Mine of Giroux
Consolidated In Nevada Causes
Death of Four, Two Others Miss
Inn, Four Injured.
J CM. Illl IlirlMilllT ll M IIIIIIUII
Milltita luritiuilt ll t,.i ,ilri m " H," ' -
POKTLANI), Or, Aujj. 'J I.- Ki.l
Iowiiik a hattqaet which marked the
uouclimiou of the three day homIoii
nf the National Notary dull in Port
land, delcKatcH left today or then
homes in the vanoim hi at ex.
President Paul Harm of Chicnsc
who wiih re-elected timtiiiinoiiHi.v,
expeetrt to leave today.
It. It. Denny of Seattle wan elect
ed firxt sice president and l' I'.
FitxwilHon IrViiHiirer.
The next conteuliou. city will In
olaihcu hy thu national hoaid of di
rect urn within the next three uioiilhh.
At New York II
New iork ..........
Chlcnj: '
At Urooklyn x
Ilrooklyu . .
at. 10II1H ,............ I
1 At HohIoii-. ( It
HohIoii ....'. H
Cincinnati '
At Philadtilphia- H
Philadelphia H
Piltslini'i; -
No ftamcrt Hcliediiled yesterday.
At Porthind- It. II. K.
Portland f .11 0
Hacranicnto - 7 l
At Kan Anueles It. 1L K.
San Vraiailsco ! 1- -
Vmiiuiii f) 1- !t
At Spokane .11. II. I'.
Spokane. 1! -
Tncoinii 8 8 2
At Victoria K. II. H.
Vlulfiria 2 7 '2
l'orllmul tl 10 0
ONTAltIO' fill., 'Arnr. 2-1. Douk
hiHH Clark, nuod 17, and Kverelt
Davenport, iiK-'d 1, worn hurned to
death ouily today in u lire winch do
Htroyed tlin roHldcneo of Jniuea
Clink. JIin. JiitnoH Chirk leaped
from a Hocond story window and wiih
piohahly fatally hurl. In an effort
to aid tho t nipped viotiniH, Mm
I'raiik Chill; run into tho hiiniiiiK
hU-iiiiIiii'o and lioforo hIiu wiih res
eued ly firemen wiih suvorely filmed.
II. A. PeikiiiH, who has heen mh.
itliiK Iuh hrother, George I'eikitiH, for
the past 10 days, retuincd to his home
at Wolf creek Wednesday uvuiiing.'
S. T, llathawnv and family left
Wednesday moiiiiui; tor an niiliui; .it
llucklelicrrv moiiutaiu.
W, A. Cowley and Henry Itiley
have returned fiina n trip In I'm!
laud and the Astoria centennial.
.Me. Lewis and family who hate vis
iting .1. ('. Waul and family hate re
lumed o their home in Salem.
.1. l Hay spent Wednesday in
(Iranls Pass.
.Mrs. J. (). Isaacson. Mis, S. Simp
kiiiH, Mi Shield and Mis Itecd at
tended the Houtheru Oieou conven
tion of the Christian church at Ah
laud WcducMliiy,
Mr. and Mrs. Leu Williams and
dnuuhlcr, Mrs. Iturtou, were nmniu:
the Ceiilrnl Point M'ople'ho spent
ion, were
M-ople 'who
Weduei.ilav at Medfoid.
The city council will meet toni1il
(Thiiday) to oiniu patiuu hids.
There liciiii; no remount ranee pre
vented to the city council at their
meet'uih' for thai purpose Tnesdat
eveuiutr, the council onlcied Piue
street to he paved from west nide of
I'Viint xtrect to Sixth Mticet ami
(roin pine hi reel on I'toul to Maura-
iota street.
' (I'rDurNew York World.)
"The woman who dclieht in keen
hg herself well-K'roomed eneounlurn
trouble wiih her hair in summer. The
dust is u cry where and ct it is in-
advUahlc In resort to soii and water
freipicutly enough to keep the head
"can. Too much wetliin; makes the
lialr hrittle. coarse and lifclehS.
"In view of Ihese facts the wise
woman depends upon dry hhampoo
Iiik to keep her scalp clean and her
hair in healthy condition, mi us to
iromoln its growth. You can muko
an excellent dry hlmiipoo lyv simply
mixiiii; four ounces of thcrox wilii
four oiuieeH of orris root.
"Keep tut mixture in a sifter-cap
can and wheuotor you want a quick
ihampoo, or before dressini; your hair
for the evuninj;, sprinkle a lalilespoon
fill of this mixture upon (ho head;
then hruh the pnudor-ull out of the
hair. ,
"live or ten minutes' hru-hiut; will
leave the hair lik'ht. tniijlit and Huffy,
for thero.x takes out all dirt and dust.
This treatment keeps, the hair fine in
texture and rich in color, and helii-.
it to icpct dampness in thu evening
Sealed proposals will bo received
by tho county court of Jackson county
nt his offlco In tho county court Iiouho
at JuckRoiivlllo to bo opened AugUBt
"J 8, 1011. at 10 o'clock for tho con
struction of tho cell work In tho now
county jntl nt Jaclcoonvlllo, JnckHon
county, Oregon. Plntm and specifi
cations aro on fllo In tho offlco of, tho
county court, nlao In W. "W. IlnrmotiB
offlco In tho court tiouso In Jnckson
vlllo, Oregon. A corttflod check of
10 por cent of tho amount of tho bid
"unit accompany Bitmo. 1 ho court
rouorvea tho right to roject any or all
bids. Signed
J. n. NEIL,
County Judge.
Notlco la horoby given that tho un
designed will apply to the city coun
cil or tho city of Medford, Orogon, nt
Kb next rogulnr .mooting on Septem
ber R, 1911, for a Hcoiibo to b611 aplr
ItoiiH. vinous and malt liquors In
quantities Ichb than n gallon, nt tholr
pi u co of btiBlnoHB nt Hotol Medford,
locntod on Boutliouat corpor Main
and Ivy, lotH 10, 17 and 18, In aalrt
'jlty, for n porlod of hIx niontha.
Dato of first publication August
17, 1011. '
KLY, Nov.. Aug. 2L Flro which
killed' four miners, mrlotmly burned
four others and caused tho dlsap
peiiranen of two moro who ur bo
lleviid to havo perlHlieil, Is still burn-
lug today In tho new shaft, of tint
(llroux Consolidated mine, a Kiibsld
In ry of tho Amalgamated Copper
lompany. Tho shaft cost
and Is tho iloepcnl In tho district.
Ten men went working In the mine
wbou It took flro at U o'clock Inst
Tho four known dead aro: T. J.
(Illmore, lions; John Wllhelm, Tom
O'Douovlch. Kd Walsh.
Tho two missing are: Jack McN al
ly and Dan Drow.
The Injured: Clarence dates, Mlko
Foley, Kd Fox, Peter Harrington.
The flro Is believed to havo been
Canned by an explosion In one of the
lower levels.
nothing wrong with the railroads or
their men," ald President James Mc
Cren of the Pennsylvania Much this
morning when asked If there was any
significance In the reported redun
tlon of working staffs. "Homo scic
tons of thu year even tho largo de
partment storcH lay off help," bo
added, McCrca arrived hero on his
way from Alaska and will leave this
afternoon for bis homo in Pennsyl
YEAS 1910.
Tlt, follow I iik mlvrrtltu'il Hut of tie
llii't'i'iit taxi-H fur die yntr 1910 In In
ptirmiutici of un act uf Ilia ntntn IriclH
Intiin. wlilcli In t-intioilU il In clmptrr -It
nt Hi" (ininil Uih (if lliv 1911 Hcunloit
TIim laxcH un I tin follow Inir mlvfrllnnl
ri'nl proixTty Im-cuiio ilrlliKiumit on April
llli. 1911. anil nri) MuliJrcl to u ln-nnlty
if 10 Iht cent mi (I lntirrt ut tin' rutr
or i: Mr ivni per nnnum until iiivy
Mliall linvu iK'Mt nuliL
Any day uflrr ihn oxplrollon of nix
iiKinliiM nftiT tlin tuxt'M ;luirKnl airaltml
Ihr rollowltiK r,'l propirly uro dclln
lurtit thu hln'rlff In nulhorlrl. uiHin Uv
iiiuikI uf any pornon inuklng iippllcntlon.
In Ihnuc to tin-in u crrtiricutu of drlln
iUrticy Upon puyinrnt of ihn luxes, mmi-
uiiv, iniiTt'Ni nun cohi m nmrriidiiiK
IVrllflvulrH nlinll lcur Intcrpnt from
Dpi aat uf iRKiiiinct' until roli-vinol at
Un' rut.' of 15 ir wni jwr milium
Nninp uf Tnxtwyrr unit l,'ncrlp. Tax
lur, ilru. It. -Ilult lnt.r.l In -
V 14 N W 11. K M W i unil
W Ii S W .i KfO S7, T 35 8. 1C
: W. 5S ncr.'n $17.95
ruir: J i nnu J t. a v ij
N K U. N W U H i: M una
loin I. I nml e, Hrc S, T 3& H.
It 1 W, 100 iicri'R 10.9:
s h v U hpc ', n i: w m i: t,
H V ', H W li ,Scc fi, and N W
' M Kco 7. T S5 H. It 1 W. 210
itcrrn , , , :i.:s
llnnnitli. J C l.otii 5 mid C, Hoc
:i. pnrt or lot No 8. nil of lot
No 6. 8pc 3. H i: '4 N i: y
lot No 3, KfC 39, T 31. It 1 V,
mid N H N W 'i 8oc . T 35
H. II 1 V. il ml N W U Hro 8.
T 33 H. It 3 W; ITS ucruM 73.09
JoluiKon 11. II H h i; i, 8 K
HHW U Kco e, N i: C N v
U Hcc 7. T 35 H. It I VV. Hum
C ucrt'S. Pulil 39.84
(: ucrt'S, pulil
iiicx. Mrit. J M W H H W W.
H V , N V H c 3. T 35 H.
( i it icp i tin ivi i'n
llnln... i:. It N W W H K W.
H W V N i: 'l. H I. N V
Wpo 31. T 31 .1. II 1 W; 130
Ituliicy. j. i w 4 s v vt.
W i N V 4 Sc 36, mid 30
iicrra In S 4 N i: U Mrc it,
T 35 8, It 3 V ISO acro ...
ItoKiTn. J. .I 5 iicroM In H i: U
A V U Hcc 15. T 35 H, It 3
V. 5 iicrvH
ItOKern. J. I' H i: M N V U un.l
!0 ncrvM of N i: U N W H io
15. T 35 H, It 3 Wj 00 ncrcH..
Itouiirn. C. O.S W U S i: U
uml N 30 ucren of 3 4 S li
U 'C 10, T 35 H. It 3 Wj 60
IIokoit. II. II I). It, Vol. 3S, p.
Ill And 3t, p 033, H.-c 15, T
35 rt II 2 W. 125 acrcM
Iliiltern. W J 15 4 H K Vi, H
W U S i: v., H l! H H W U,
Hi'a 5, T 35 S, II 3 Wi 160 ucr.'K
Hok'frM, J M Land In S i: 4
H W 4 8.0 15, T 35 H. It 3 ",
K iicrt'H
Vlncrnt. M. A. 1-3 of V 4 N V
4 Hoc lti, uml N i: 4 N i; VI
Hio 17 uml 8 I: 4 H 13 4 Hro
h, T 35 8, It 3 VV : 105 ucrcit..
Vtuccnt, I. J 8 4 8 W 4 Hoo
26 uml N i: 'I 8 i: 4 8o 27,
T 35 8. K 2 W. 120 ncri'8 ...
Walker, I'lorencp 10 ucrca off 8
Hldo of 8 W 4 8 W 4 Hoc 23,
T 36 8, it 2 V: 10 ucrM
Wyantl. 8, J. V 4 8 W 4.8 i:
U 8 W 4. 8 4 8 i: 4 Hva 36.
'!" 3b M, ll
W: 200 ucri'H
Alliorts. II. II. N i: 4 Hoo
T ll H, ll l Wi loo ncre ...
HiiHjv. Mrs i:. UKtato 1) I. (J
No 39. 8oo 0. T 38 8, 11 4 W,
mid Hoo 31. T 37 8. It 4 W. uml
3 ucti'N In N W 4 N 15 4 Hoo 7,
T 37 8, ll 4 W; 116 uori'H......
Cook, SamiK'l II N W 4 N 13
4 H.'0 17, T 38 8. It 4 Wj 40
Di.lliirr, Oi'o. O a 8 4 8 W 4
8 W 4 8 13 4 Hio 4, T 41 8,
It 2 W; 120 itort'M
Pa Is. N W 4 N W 4
N W 4 Heo 30, m 37 8. It 4 W;
10 IKTl'M ,,,
OiixtdBon, 13, W 4 N 13 4 N W
4 8oo 30, T 37 8. It 4 W; 20
Ilimliiy Win. N 13 4 8 W 4
8oo 30. T 40 8. It 4 V 40 uoroH
lliiliiloook. U Ii N 13 4 8 W 4,
W 4 N W 4 8 13 4 8eo 16,
i' ;ii m, u w: uu ticroa ...
17 42
4, CI
Horrlott, T. V. Itoeliinlnir ut N 19
corner 1 1. C No. 38, 8 15 do.
xrees 10 mtmiUH. W 4.66 olinlnn,
8 41 di'Klt'CH, W 60 chlllns, 8
64 4 degree W 26 ItukH. 8 69
dogrofH 13 46 lliiliH. 8 15 U du
Krei'H 13 29,69 cliulns lo 8 1. eor.
I) u (' No 38. N to boKlnntmr,
8oe 22 uml 23. T 38 8. It 4 W,
mid IoIh 2 uml 3, Hoo 23, T 38
8. 11 4 W: 96 uoii'd
Jurgt'iiHon, .Miuy N 13 Vi Hi: 4,
13 4 N W 4 8 13 4 Bio 16,
T 38 8, 11 4 W! 00 ueres ,..,..
lfiuilKOii. .1. O. W 4 8 13 4. N
13 4 8 W 4. 8 13 4 N W 4
8eo IS. T 4t) H, It 4 W 162
iicion ,. 35.41
I.DlOKOlfi'll, J. J I. 8 W 4 woo 18,
T 38 8, It 4 W! 160 uc-o
,Moii Anderson W 4 8 13 4, 4
N 13 4 Heo 7. T 3D 8. It 4 ,W;
167 HUM'S ...v
McKi'Ol. 1.. W. O Lots 2 nml 3,
ami a w 4 w 4, w u
V , uxu!it IB nercs H of Ap
lili'KHln river In H'e r,, T 38
K. it 4 Wi 117 iicriN . .....
Noith I'oiiHt r.umln'r Co X 13 4
N W 4 H W 4 ''o z 3 ,
It 4 W; 410 ucri'H ,. ,,,,.,,
nyiic, Tlii'O N W 4 N W 4
Hie 18. T 38 H. It 4 W. 40 ncrcH
J'lirvlM. (' A N W 4 N W 4
Hi'C zr., t 3K H, u i w, iu acres
Illieli, Miirvey 2 ncres of H 13 4
Her 7, T 39 H, It 4 Vf , ,,.
Kcott, J H W 4 H W 4 Hen
13, T 38 8, It 4 W! 80 nrres. . .
Mlieiirer, .1 K. "4848 W
,. n Yt n v w i. , M'0
20 K 4 N W 4. H W ', N W
4. N VV 4 H W 4 '' 30, T
Id ll. It 4 VVi 220 ikt-m ....
Kmllli, Win. If H J4,NI 4. 13 4
8 13 4 Hie 30, T 40 H, It 4 VV;
K,u ucren , I... ....,
Aliliott, I.ewls A 50 fni't front on
Mountain avenue, ndjolnliiic on
N sldn iiihJ rxli'lidlliK hick lis
fur as Intul described "I I l 47
Aliliott. W, M. Melkle A I'aynn
Overlook Add.. IdoOk ' K" .....
Aeree, O, A. Iltillilnll Trael, lioiiso
ami lot, 7r. a, I on
Anl, I. U Oak HI. Des 53 I),
p 217 ............. , ,.
Aiileifiiti I) A Online and lot
on (irmill" sirrei, ur i, p isz
A mill, O K I 6 ncies rnrner
lleltnnn street, C3 U. n 271 ...
Arlaickle. A W 8 4 N 4 H W
4 8 VV 4 8, e B, T 3 K, It I ,;
10 acres .,,,
Ashluml Mff Co. Lot and burn
on VVuler street
Atkln, I. O 10.56 ticns ds
erlbeil 72 O. P IBS. Her H. T
39 H, It I 13
Ildlley. Isnnr Woolen Add., W 4
lot 27 nml all lot 31
Ileliule, A If 1 acre desrrlbeil
72 l, p 195, Hec II, T 39 8,
it i i: .,.,
Iti'iicli, II IOt corner 1st nveniie
mid llarKudlnn sire.-!
Ileebson, 13-W 4 K 4 13 4 W
4 8ec 16. T It H, It I I!
lllbby. A. I H 40 feet off lot 3.
8 feel off lot 4, on I.IUrty st .
Illnckden, ! I. lloilxe and lot
eoriier Woolen And lmrel His.
68 !. 473
Ilrannon. U J 24 onus In Ib-ll-
view Tract. 8, o 14, T 39 8,
It I I
Drown, Ooru K 4 N 4 8 13 4
N i: 4'ec 20, T 39 rl. It 1 13..
llron, Hilda 13 It It Add lots
9, 10, 11, 12, block ii
Ilrown. A 8. und O. It U Valley
View Add lots 41 uml 12. . .
I In Iter, W C N 4 N VV 4 8.-C
14, T 3K 8, It 1 B
Iliiller. O 8.II It Volley Orchard
Tntet, lot 2, block A, 8 acres . ..
C'liriMTiter, O O All ttmt portion
uf VV 4 N i: 4 8 W 4 H-c 14
T 39 8. It 1 K N of lloiileianl.
76 I), 626. nnd H-4 8 W 4.
8 i: , N W ', C II, T 39
8 It 1 I. ......... ... ......
Carter Iand Cotnpan Huinmlt
Add. 8 4 lots 13 and 14, block
Carter Ijind Company Kuiiimlt
Add, lots 9, 10, 14, 16. 1C, block
Carter Ijind Company 30.8
ncrcs N of Hear creek
Carter Ijind Company 1 17.70
acres N of Hear crrik adjoining
city limits . ,. .....
fhupman. W and Mnblt Home-
stoad Assoclutlon Tract, W 4
lots 9 and 10
CnrdWll. 8)lvnnus N 13 V, N
W 4 8ec 17. T 39 8. It 1 13 ..
Cottrell. VV A. I-ot on I leach 8t
C'liniilngliam, C 8, 12 acres In
N W 4, N B 4 Kee 16. T 39
H, I C 1 r
Currle. J I (or T.) McCnll's
Add. lots 5 and 6
Dnmon. Oeo. !'. W ISC feet off
8prlng strevt. leno VV 4 nnd
61x72 fetit paid
i:illott. T. It & M. 13. 18 acres
di-xcrlbrd 69 U, 600 .
Knits. 1-3. A. tun nil .drtcrlbed 82
l. p 84, 8 4N K 4 8.-0 17.
39 K II 1 I wf t
KvniiK. il. 8. 40 feet on Main
street. 46 I), 100. nnd 68 D. 395
I'lnley, I. 1 lUrifSdlno Tract.
piece of lot 65, 1)111 ,.
I'ox. Howard vHareiJlne nvenuo
K of Chautauqua grounds
French. O II und If. A. 4-4 ucro
on ilaple street. 36 .D 78 .....
Ouley. Kllen C Onley Add. lots
1. 2, 9, 10. 16 and 16
Onnlurd. MarKuret House and lot
on Wlmer und Almond ntrvet.
Oard. ,13. C nnd Ida M. Helms
Add, lot 7 ............. .....
Dints. W. It Woolen Add, lot
6 und part of lot 5
Illllftt, C. II. Church street, lot
I block 4. 58 1) 658
Illllett & Silver I.llhla Spring.
10 acres, 63 U 603., 8cc 7, T 39
tllll. J 8. 21 acres, being S K 4
N i: 4 K 4 and all or N 13 VS
8 K 4 8 K 4 Sec 10, T 39 8.
It 1 13, N or railroad right of
ti y i rt
Ollhani. T H. ITaoht' Alaska
Add, lots 1 ond 2, block 4 ....
Ooble. H 1 aero on Woolen ae.,
65 ly 3.9 .........
Ooln & YurbrnuKht N W Vi N
W 4 8e 21. T 59 8, II I K.,.
Grant. I. II It It Valley Orchard
Tract, lot 1, block A 7 ucrcn
Orunger. Luura Montana street.
Itamakor. 8. C W 4 lot 7. block
llarnen. Carrie A. It It Valley Or
cliurd Tract, lot 9. block 13
Harris. Cluis. A. Orunlto street.
72 t) 363. loss CO feet off N
ItlUO t via
Hartley, J. & ri Lot 2. block 14
llelniH, A. V. Dos 51 D 151, lest
114 acres sold J A Harvey, leav
ing 320 tic rot; 40 ucres sold Pat
rick, Sec 20, T 38 8, It 1 13;
360 acres
Helms, A. I). 40 acres In Sees 23.
21, 25 und 26, T 3! 8,' II l,VV,
less 81 acres pnld; 162 acres ...
Helms. A. I. 234 ucres In Sec 25,
T 36 8, It 1 W
Illrks. 13. H. Valley View Add.
lots 1 3uud 14 .
Holm, Mrs, U, M Lot on Church
Holmes, V A. 8 13 Vi 8 W 4 8 13
4 See 16. T 39 S. It 1 13 ...
Howard, O C About 74 ucres
on Terrucu street, bccinnliiK ut
n point on Termco street 5
chains 8 of tho N h3 corner N
VV 4 N W 4. 13 9 chains. VV
10 cliulns, N 9 chains, 13 10
chulns to beginning, less 4 ucro
sold to city
Hurley, W. II licglnnlnir 7 25
chulns 13. 10 40 cliulns 8. 10 do
Kroos 30 minutes 13 of N W cor
I) Ii C No 70, 8 30 degrtvs 13
8,30 chulns W 3 chains, N 10
degrees 30 minutes W 7 32
chulns, also bcKtnnlng 7 25
chulns 13 und 16 40 chains S.
10 degrees 30 minutes 13 of N
W cor 1) I. C No 70, W 38
chulns, 8 9.06 chulns, W 4 25
chnlus to bcKlmthig; 30 acres,
T 38 8, It 1 13
Juaulsli, A. Homestead Assoclu
tlon Tract, lots 8 und 9
Johnson, C. 8. Woolen St, Add
Gibson Orchard ,.,
Jones. II. A. N 4 N 4 8 13 4
N 13 4 Sio 20, T 39 8, It I 13;
10 ucres ,,.,...,...
Kune. Mrs. Alice ll It Add, lots
1 uml 3, block M......
I-nne, C, 13. Lot corner Helmuu
ond Ohio streets. A. Ii, Helamn
Tract, less part paid by Jordan
l.emery, J. A. II It Add, 13 100
feet lots 31 uml 33. block M.
uml It It Add, lots 36, 37 und 38,
block 1
Lett, John, I3st. lloulovnrd l'aik
Add, lots 2, 3 and 4, block 11..
Little, Mury A. Land on Ouk
street, 66 1) 137 ,
Long. M. N. W 4 N 13 4, 8 13 4
N W 4, N W 4 8 K 4 Seo
32, T 39 8. 11 1 l!
Long, Mrs. M. A. About 17 ucres
on Oraiilte street, 36 D 259...
Loilng, It. W, Land descilbed
54 1) 479, Sou 14, T 39 8. It 1 13
Lowe, Juaus Carter's Add. 66
I) 77
Lowe. O, M. 80 ucres In N W 4
SCO 26, T 39 8. II 4 U, 73 U
Million. J. T. N 13 4 N W 4 8eo
17. T 39 8. 11 1 13
Murtln. O. O Summit Add. lots
o, o ami 7, iiiock ai ,,,.,,,,,
Mills. 8. W,, 8r. Lot on Luurel
stivet, UO 11 .'IT
Miller. Alice White's Add, lots
40 um 47, block 2 ,.,,
12 67
66 68
4. CI
Ifl 92
46 72
23 36
6 12
17 69
36 72
46 90
18 97
7 14
9. IX
3 II
7 65
21 32
36 72
13 77
4 89
13 28
97 94
44 3:
6 64
9 19
91 80
11 40
21 42
24 3:
11 70
4 06
21 48
68 14
Miller, If 8 - Homesleiid Assorisi
Hon Tmcl, 8 4 8 4 VV 4 lot
it i ... ..... .,
Mom I real Oregon Oold Mlnlc"
Co N VV 4, N VV 4 H VV 4,
8 14 4 H VV 4. N 4 H W 4,
H VV 4 H 13 4, M VV 4 of H VV
4 Hec 7. T 3P 8, It 1 K, 276
nrres, nboill 120 seres III HvO
12, T 39 H, It I VV. known nn
Ashland MIiiIiik Co 120 ucres
Morris, John lit un Itoulevnrd
nnd own streets In Helms' Add
Murphy. Mrs L A l-ot on (Iriui
Ite street, 60 f) 667
Myer. Win VV 4 N W 4. N 4
8 VV 4 Hec 20. N 4 N 13 4,
N 13 4 N VV 4 ami lot I. Her
l. T 38 H, ll 4 13, 320 ufri'H
MtClsren, J K H 4 N VV i
8 13 4 rb'C 16. T 39 8. It I 14
Mttlowmi, C V limine und lot on
Mllley slrrel ,T
McKee, L I), 22 nrres In 8. cs
r, and 6, It I K. 76 l 363. . .
McKercher, 1. T MIkIiIiiiiiI I'srk
Add, lots 37, 38 und .19
AtoNftbb, tl. VV Cblluood Trnot,
8 4 lot, 4, block 20, f.2 1 025
Nell, .1 C H VV 4 N W ',,
N VV 4 8 VV 4 Hec 30, T 39 8,
It 1 14
Osier, Thos. I4st. Mnlhews Add,
lots 27 snd 28 . .
I'uynes A 8. It It Add, lots I and
8, block X . . , .......,,.,,.
I'emilng. VV It It Add, lots 2 and
3, block l
I'lke, Mrs N 11 lleglnnliiK "t
r v tor n i. u .no , i; ,,2z
ehnlns, tliiiKit 8.01 cliulns, 13
7 22 chains to corner boundary
thi'lice along county rond 8 r,o
deKrees 15 mlnutm W 10 60
chains to 13 cor K.-C 13, T 39 ,8,
It I 13, 18 acres
I'otler Sylvesti r It It Add, lots
4, 5, 20 and 21, block T
Itufne, Katburlii" J. Lund des
cribed 72 IJ 156 und 7C U 156.
8eo 16, T 39 8. It I 13. 26 acres
Uusor, I3arl H 5 ncres tract, des
crlb.'d 72 I) 612, 8c 2, T 39
8, It I 14
Itenmes, a 14 N W 4 Hc , T
38, It I 13, 160 acres
Ilenshaw, II. 14. N W 4 H VV 4
N 13 4. N 4 N 1 3 4 N W 4
Hec 23. T 39 8. It I 13. lens 6
K 4
I 13.
T ID H, K I I! 17 76
Iliirron. (leu W I) 14 H W 4
6,12 See 10, T 39 H, ll 2 1-3; 80 ncres 6,88
llarlletl, A. I3-N 4 H W 4, N
Ii 4 H W 4. N VV 4 H 134
Hc 14, T 38 8, II 2 13; 160 tiares 13 76
Iliirron. Mrs M A. N "W 4 H W.
4, 8 VV 4 N W 4 Hec 8, T 39
8, It 2 I! 80 ncres 6 0
(turret t, James 80 acres tics 68
.., II 63, Hec 29, T 39 8, It 2 13;
e" 80 nores lies R I 377. Hec, 32,
T .19 H, It 2 13. 3-1 acre on Hear
21.42) rrek. 67 l 661 8185
Hlra-el, sirs i' i: w 4 r. Vi uro
21 II , T 10 H, It 2 13. 160 acres . 8 SK
flniy, C I -16 08 ncres In 8c 13,
T 39 8, III i;, lies 76 U J
3 84
acres pulil by list; 13 4 N
8 W 4 Hec 23, T 39 8, It
12 90
32 90
H 90
21 42
16 82
IS 30
12 81
8 80
6 48
66 71
Ilrown, R 13 K 4 14 4 Hcc 12,
T 10 H. It 3 13, 160 ncre
Ilrmmklll, l, 14 H 13 4 N 13 4.
14 4 H 13 4. H VV 4 H U , Hoc
31, T 408, It 2 13, 160 acres .
21 81
17 76
Jliltlcr, Aller a 4 P V,' N NV
4 H II 4 Heo 46, T 39 8. It 3
13. 120 nores ...... 3.19
Campbell, It. 8 -13 48 W 4 8io
10. T it 8. II I 13. 80 Mores.. 8,40
Cannon. Curl V 8 W 4 Heo 22,
T 10 H, It 3 13. 160 acres 21,81'
Cnso, W K N W Vi Heo is, T
3 H, It 2 13; 160 nores 13.70
Cole. Myron t4ntrtte-N 4 N 13
4, 13 4 N VV 4. VV 4 H W 4,
N 4 H VV 4 Heo 48, T 10 8,
It I 13: 320 ncres . ..... .... 3R.03
Conner. Nellie N VV 4 N 13 Vi
8tc I, T 10 8. It 3 13. (0 acres.. 3.41
CruniUll, Augiistu C W 4 8 VV
4 8 VV 4 N VV 4 Heo 10, T
39 H. It 3 I,. 120 acres 10.92
Clmvner, T list --8 4 8 13 4
Hec 12, T 40 ll. It 3 If. 80 acres 7.28
W A. JONKS, Sheriff.
I lo ho continued Friday.)
Still in Business
The Southern Oregon Elec
tric Company has moved
two doors south to the
G. C. Ponting Plumbing Shop
Southern Oregon Electric Co.
43 ucrrs
lleynolds. Cleo I, and Itennelt
8 W 4 N 13 4 Hec 17, T 39 8,
It 1 14 9 96
Itleble, Itobt I3st. I'mcht's Add.
In N 13 4 N W 4 Hc II. T 39
8. t I 13. 10 II 126 6 76
Itlchle. Itebt. I3sl I'rncht's Add.
,lol 69 9 18
llone, Phil MutbeHS Add, lots 9
and lo .. 6 12
Itowlimd. C M 6.45 ucres III Ha
ley Add. 71 O 427 62 03
HcliellH, v D lnrt of VV 4 1-3
4 N 13 V. S 13 4 8 W 4 Sec
9. T 39 H. It I 13 II OS
Shaw. It. J. Coolldh'e, Add, lots
4. 6, 6, und 7, b.ocK 32 -12 84'
Hbefrield, r W. 10 acres or 8
4 H 13 4 8 VV 4 Sec 23. T 39
S. It i 13 4.80
Silver, Harry llouleviird l'urk
Add, lots II mid 12. block A... 35.91
Smith. Tliomus, W 4 N 13 4. N
W 4 H 13 4. N 13 4 8 W 4
Si-C 36. T 39 8. It I 13. mid 13
4 H W 4 Sec 25, T 39 S. It I
13: 210 acres ., 46.08
Smith. Kllen 8 Lot on HnrKu-
illne strtet. described 72 11 487 15 30
Hmlth. Mrs. 13. A. 8 W Vi N W .
4 NVV 4 Sec 11, T 39 S,
It 1 I. ....... ... .... .... 3SI0
Snell & Loy I-jind described 50
I) 216; 40 acres 6 64
Spencer. Iionnld M Melkle &
l'ayne Valley View Add, lots
8. 9 and 3 9.48
HpelBle. Oeo P It It Add. lots
8, 9 and N 4 10. block X .. . 19.89
Stoner, 8 II. S E 4 Sec 12. T
38 8, 11 2 R. 160 acres 11.60
Slower. Mrs II 11 II Add. lots
17 and 18. block I 21.48
Storm. Pearl A. It It Add. lots
6, 7. 18 and 19. block T 24 48,
St run it. v.. C 40 ncres In W part
of Sec 30. T 38 S. II 1 13 ...
Thomas, Ancle M Lots 108x200
fret In N 13 cor tract described
71 Ii 315 , 12.24 ,
Thompson. Jucol, l.ot and llviry
bam. cor Water und Main stn,
part lot 1, block 23 S3.CS
van IIunklrK. Cnas. Mimmlt Add,
lots 7 nnd 8. block 49 . . . . 16.83
Walker. C K Lund described 29
I) 39. Sec 13, T 39 S. It 1 13. UO
acres , 16 72
Walker MarRt Est. It It Add.
lots 32. 31 und 31. block F: lots
33, 34 and 35, block P; lots 7 and
8, block O 11198
Walker, Alpha M lind on Gran
ite St., 62 I) 438 64.26
Watson, Ella J. HarKudlms Tract,
W 72 feci lot 8 39 78
Wutt. Dald l-nnd In Sec 30.
T 38 8. It 1 W. 140 acres .... 10.88
Watson. C II. Government lots
1 and 2. Sec 14, T 39 S. It 1 13;
28 acres 16 72
Wells, 13. N W 4 S W 4 Sec
7, T 38 S. It 1 13. 40 acres .. 3 04
Wilson. Lulu Mcllaffle Mulhevva
Add, lot 5 , 3.82
Wllllts. C. K Hnrirndlno nvo. 13
of Chautauqua Rrounds 4.5S
Wiley, JohnT Miner's Add. lot on
Main st 24.48
Williams. J. M 14 acres on Lib
erty at, 58 D 461 E5.0S
VnrboUKh. V. I) Coolldge Add.
lots 2 und 7, block 36 35.03
Younir. P. 13. nnd M u 5 acre- des
50 U 444. Sec 14. T 39 S. It 1 E 6.25
Anderson, 13. K N W 4 S E VI
Hoo 23, T 39 S. It 1 E 3.61
Il.illard. Prunk C S E Vi N W
4. 8 W 4 N E 4. N E 4
S VV 4. N VV 4 S E 4 Soc 34,
Get tho
Original ad Genuine
The Food Drink for All Ages
Not in any Milk Trust
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Tuko juckao horn
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It is one of theractors that have gained f
26.60 j I us tne reputation of having the best
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Oregon State Fair
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Races, Free Attractions and Amusements
Reduced Rates on all Railroads
Send for Premium List and Entry Blanks
FRANK MEREDITH, Secretary, Salem, Oregon