a P'AGE TWO MEPFOttty dfAIL TRIBUNE, MEDEORD, OKKGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 11)11. J3 . I 5 I it H ' f r LOCAL AlSfD PERSONAL: K- Mnyor W, 11. Cnnon will leave. FrVs ilny foe n two wcekB' outlnt; at New port. Ho will leave the. const In time to meet 'Mm. Cnnon at Portland on 'lier return from the east about Sep tember 0. Klfort, tho proRtrsslvo tailor, has Just returned from tho 'Now York cutting nctiool, wliero ho sot all the Into fatlH on cutting. 135 'llnnil enUtYoi'tlered'baby clothes at thoJlanillcrnttShun, Kontner's. 134 'Htlwnr'il llcnsolman hna returned from af visit at r-ortlnml on business. ' NV.'nenson of ltueh l syomllnp Aro how buying peaches, prunes and penrs. 1C you want to soil for cash at tho highest market price, see us. Producers Krult Co. 137 Wesson In hammered and pierced brnca at the Handicraft Shop, 'Kent- ner's. 1S4 Klfert, the progressive, tailor, guar. antees a first class fit. 132 Unrdon's UnKcry now delivers Icea and lee cream to any part of tho city. n few day in Mcdford on a short business trip. "" An International eneyclopedln dic tionary In three volumes which has 'hovor'beon used can bo bought cheap. A flno work for teachers. "Klrviow," Jacksonville. TYW. Heniloreon of Ashland spent) Thursday In Mcdford, Amorlcan Hoy stockings, a hoso that wears, at Wonder Store, 132. peaches Order your Into peaches, for canning now. Mulr. late Craw-, 'ford and Tuscan Clings. K. 1 Far- roll. Pox 100, routo 1. 13? Now pillows and centerpleses at tho Handicraft Shop. 134 S. C. Crane and wife of Los An geles "arrived Wednesday owning by automobile on their way to Crater Lake. They report a most delightful trip through California, but complain of tho condition of tho road between 'Dunsmulr and Ueddlng, saying It Is. woreo than the trip over the Stskl ypns. It Is economy 'to hare your shoes repaired at tho Electric Shoe Shop, 32 South Grape street. 131 William Nowman of Klamath Falls, "accompanied by bis family; arrived In Medford Thursday morning by way of Crater Lake. Bluo and white granite ware at Wonder-Store, 132 Mrs, Mary G. Lewis of San Fran cisco has arrived to spend a few 'weeks visiting her son. Charles, In ,thfo city. Klferts falV goods aro here. Come .. ....... ... .,,. J "-,ff 'Friday fcnd'SSaturday the Fish Mar ket will sell halibut 10c the pound, sillver .smelt 12: l-2c. AVe also have I the regular Amount of chickens 'for every 'day orders. Try our 30c steel cut coffee. Telephone your orders early to get nice service. We have a j nice supply of salmon and cattish also. 'M4l9r.&v'Keaworthy. 131 A MAGIC CLUB. Curious 5eor Ud by th Natlvt Fihrmn of Hawaii. "Lau niolowelo" Is the name of a de coy used by the nntlre flsbcrmen of Ha wall. It 1 made of the hardest wood to bo round ou the Island aud Is Address I carved and rubbed till It assumes tho OUil); Vlfc M VUU . ,U , ,4,,t; KUVU U fc NEW YORK GIRL REPORTED ENGAGED TO GRAHAME-WHITE. the smaller end, to which the Hno Is tied. The club Is from one to three feet long. A village sorcerer performs cer tain rites over It over a sacred fire. After this Is done the club Is magtc. and the fisherman must be extremely careful of It. If a -woman should step over It or enter a canoe la which It Ilea the club would lose all Its power and would bo useless ever afterward. After the club has been charmed tho Bshenuau mixes candlenut and cocoa out meat, bakes It and ties the mix ture In a wrapper of cocoanut fiber. At the (lining grounds the club Is covered with the oily Jnlce of the stuff and Is then lowered carefully to the bottom. The scent of the baked nut meat attracts certain kinds of fish, which soon gather nad begin to nibble at the club, As soon as enough fish are around the decoy a small bag shaped net 1 lowered very gently until its month is just over the club. The tetter Is then pulled up carefully and cunningly till it is within the bag. The fish arc so eager for the stuff with which the club Is covered that they follow It Into the net without fear. As soon as all the flsh are In It a fish erman dive and closes the month of the net. whereupon tho rest haul It up quickly. X xHBtaiug. ltH ,' ttmff It Is reported that Claude Grnha me-White, a well known Kngltsh avia tor, who will participate' In tho nvlatlon meet at liostou tho latter art of August, and Miss Mario Campbell of New York city hao announced their engagement. Miss Campbell made a flight with Grnhnme-Wblto at Iioston, and another at Belmont Park. Soon after hU flight with Miss . Campbell the aviator took up Miss Kleanora Sears In his aeroplano. Immediately gos sip bad It that she was engaged to h im. Both were emphatic In denying the rumor. Tueu tWo namo of Paul ine Chase, a musical comedy star, t amed as "Tho Pink Pajama Girl," was linked with that of Grohame White. Their engagement was form nlly announced, but was broken -some months after. THE MIDDLE AGED MAN. Finding Happiness In a Uf That to Youth Is Irkiom. Tounser people.- said the middle gcd -man. "want variety. Tbey want to be always on the go. Routine galls them. They hate to have to do the same thins over and over and over again day after day. Tbey want to go somewhere or do something different al the time. Older Seo m A.? Holme. The prance ! 2ff toPPn of Tomtaa, uU l t..v, nnntr . BJ0St durbed whn variety Is tSrust Man. over Jackson County bank. r.-and Mrs. J. M. Keene are spend ing a fow weeks at Santa Cruz, Cal., oava short vacation. l HairoraaBients and electric hair curlers at Wonder Stoje. IK J. E. Jones has left for Salt Lake CRy.nwhera .he intend to make his futurvjrhorac Relchstcln sells and saws wood. 146 C E. Evans of Weed. Cal., owner of the Mcdford Hardware company, Hpoo them. "For myself I welcome my dally task, eadlcssly repeated and always tfeesame. 1 shoald be lost without It; dJstnrbedlf It were; changed. A life of habit suits me best. I 'like the old scenes familiar friendly surroundings. I don't want to change. "Nor do 1 want much outside pleas ure, la fact. I iblnk I shonK! be best sailed witb nose. I like my groove. It fits ae, and 1 fit It I don't want change. I Just want to be left aloae to work In my accustomed ways. It la Is spending a few days In Medtord ou ' In my groove that I am most com business. ' fortable. J like a life of labor and Carkln & Taylor (John II. Carkln, ' routine. Glenn O. Tay.or), attorney-at-law. -And 0,d ber? ,ccn,e 0' a t . . r. x. ..j. greater blessing Mature and the cus- over Jackson County Bank nulldlng. . o fom routlaeopoa DS Medford. , WQetoer we m it or ;rot. In youth Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Mulkey left ' tj,fa irks us bnt In our maturer years Wednesday evening for Monmouth, - in a life of routine. In the undisturbed Or., called by the death of Mrs. Mul key's father. Brick ' lee cream, all kinds and colors. Pardons Bakery; phone 371. Prompt delivery. " enjoyment of familiar tabor, we may ffind oar greatest .bappinetV New York Sun. Th On to Pay. When she wa Lady Jtandiloh Mr. and Mrs. Ben Garnett spent' Churchill. Mrs. Gcorse Cqrnwallls- Wcst consented to electioneer for Mr. Asbmead-Bartlett In bis first pariia- i mentary campaign. Mr. Asamead- Wednesday at Ashland KHert makes a specialty of znak lnc flno work. 132 E. P. Wlnklor of Portland, a for-, Bartlett was married to tho Baroness tner resfden! of IhU city. Is visiting' Burdett-Coutts. a very rich woman. m frinri.'.. fn.it luv I wbo wa '! tottjr years his senior old I trlcrtds In this jlty. Lady lUndolpfc with ber beauty and Buy or rent 'a Singer to make the i c,,wnas dl(, gnJeEiT,d work tor ,be aa. chlldreas new school clothes. Phone J didaie. S43. 1S1 j To a group of farmers she said one " L. Swlhardt of ilerby spent day: Wednesday In Medford on business. ' "Won't you promise me to vote for Telephone ST1, Ranluaa Bakery Mr. ,Vjjmead,nartlettr for cake. Ice and Ice creasa; prompt! "MX lady." said a rvd faced farmer. . "Ull . VUWVftir. wv,. .! iuic ,u. iiihi delivery. Chinese Sacred Lilies and Japauee ' klNt air pjants, at uroailley'. v fUqne 51S1.' ' ' " If vrry vote 'II be paid for with a How to Eat Leather. The infamous Captain Morgan and his piratical crew were sometimes In tight placed at Panama aud on one occasion were reduced to entlug their leathern baps. "Somo persous," says one of the company, Kxquemelln (whose narrative N reproduced in "Tho Buccaneers In the West Indies"), "who never were out of their mothers' kitch ens may ask how these pirates conld eat, swallow and digest theo pieces of leather, so bard and dry. Unto whom I only answer: That could they once experiment what hunger, or, rath er, famine Is, they would certainly tied the manner by their own necessity, as the pirates did. For these first took the leather and sliced It ia plocvn. Then did they beat it between two stones and rob it, often dipping It in the wu ter of the rirer, to render It by these means snpplc and tender. Lastly, they scraped oil the hair and roasted or broiled It upon the fire. And being thus cooked they cut It Into small mor sels and .ate It, helping It down with frwpjcnt gulps of water, which by good fortune they had right at band." French Official Red Tap. Two men went to Nice lately from Italy to attend a funeral and took with, them a wreath of flowers to which, was fastened a silk ribbon bear ing an inscription. They were In formed at their destination that they would havp to pay a duty equivalent to 5. The mourners protected, say ing that the wreath was made of nat ural flowers on which there was no duty, but they were, Informed that the dutiable, jmrt was the silk and that, according to the tariff laws, duty must be collected on the gross weight of the memorial emblem. Then the meu agreed to throw the ribbon away, bnt this could not be done an French boII. and so they Journeyed back to the frontier, where they disposed of the ribbon, boarded n train for Nice with the tlbbonless wreath and arrived too late for the fuoernL Weeks & McGowan Co. ximmRT'XKEEm Bay rttoae M71 Nfcfet Fkasea . W. Weeks S071. A.K.04X, LADT ASSISTANT. ! Thank you very much." said Xady Randolph. "Your o0r l accepted I'll ud for the Baroness Hurdett- j Coutts.at onoe-' IlaaklB for Health. ef - TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY it- -- i JOHN A. PERL il ! FOR SALE Acreage. 2 acres, fruit ranch. Gold Hill, block from new $20,000 high school; complete ir rigation plant; trado low figure for Medford vacant or small real- denco property, clear, or willing UJQtue; or half in good auto; par ticular IIS Mistletoe t. 133 l ?- nun a nrni : gajkrtakec awl lnbalsaar ; ; v SeeMer to tie sadertaklng d- ; pruat or itentora f-uraiture co. i -; i Oftk vrHk M4f ord Faraltnre Co, f VV Telepoea: Bay, Bll 351; J I : Joka A. lVrt, realdMe, Bell 4111, i Hon 1TSL. h . ... 1 1 C W. CaaklU SCI1. J. H. Bat- j t WANTED 1 cook stove. 2 Iron beds. tar SST1. "ANTEn Position by an experi enced off lew man. either bookkeep ing or other clerical work; beat of reference. Bo X JO, Tribune. 133 JUyWCLAXC SBHY1CM 5 chairs, 1 cook table, rooktnK ntenille; must bo cheap. Hornet phone Enlsu, Gold Hill. Or. 13T Keep In tho Sunihlne. There are only two kinds of people In the worjd the people who llve'ln the shadow and gloom and tboae who live on the sunny side of the btreet. These shadowed ones are sometimes called peslratot8, ametimea peole of melan choly temperament; tmmeiimed they aro called disagreeable people. But, wherever tbey go, their characteristic U tbis their shadows always travel on before them. These people never bear theh own burden, but expooe all thetr wouuda to othera. Tbey are all so busy looking down for pitfalls and sharp stones and thorns on which, to step that they do not even know that there are any stars In the sky. These folks lite on (be wrong side of the street. And yet It Is only twenty feet acres to the other sidewalk, where sunshine always Iks. Newell Dwlgbt nmi. Conditions RruL Ona of the finest examples of "paw ky humor is la"ed to the credit of an old gardener who was la the serv ice of Admiral of tto Fleet Sir Alex ander Milne The admiral was a grand old man. full of goodncu and kindness, but a strict disciplinarian. Tho parxleuer having omitted to do something which he had lea toM to do. Mi waier a!4 to him: "When T was on board ship I would have bad you put in Iron fer disobe dience." The old srardeuer was not much per turbed at the Idea, but, leaning on bis bpade, replied: "Aye, maybe. Sir Alexander, but when, ye were on board ship ye had a hundr men tae dae ae Job, an" neo ye hae ae roan tae dae a buuder Job." Ion TttOUts. tlusklna for IlealUg. A "Primitive-" Painter. ITenri INnisseau, a man who used to hold a minor government jhvjUIou In France, was for a quarter of a cen tury tho Joko of artists nnd art students in ParK For years In the Independ ent salon he showed daubs which had not the mon distant kinship with art. Some of hli "famous" pictures were a "Lady on a. Sofa In n Juuglfc' a "Tigec In a Jungle," a "Nigger In a Junple." He affected Juuglw. whk'h conlstetl of innumerable parallel green lines to roprwnt Bras: the tiger was a painted wooden toy; the lady looked as if she had come out of a Noah'n ark. Tho uufurtnnato Koussenu went on exhibiting the same sort of work every year, and ttje painful thing was that ho gradually bcnajo a celebrity. Sinister humorists told him he bad genius and he took1 IdnWlf tjue se riously. 11 am aieal primitive," he would say. Some practical Jokers even weni tho length of buying his pictures. In Honor Bound. "ITere'a 5 cents," aalil a tramp to a bartender in New York. "I want to pay it to you fcr that free lunch, and then you can throw In five glassea of beer." "Twcnty-flvo cents will buy the beer," answered the bartender. The Innch Is free, yon know." I don't" want It that way," the tramp Insisted. "I want ter pay a quarter fer the lunch and get the beer free." "It's all the same price either way," tho barman explained. "Wnat differ ence can It make?" "It's a matter o' personal honor,, sir." was the tramp's reply. "I promised tho old lady wot give me the quarter that I'd spend tt fer something to eatl Seer Hopeless. Pat I pay. Mick. IJm very hard op. Can you llnd me the loan of a pound? Mick-Sure. Pat, to tell yer the thrutb, I haven't a bob on cic Every penny I get 1 sivo to iny pour old mother. Pat-Be Jabers. Mick. Tve Just been talking to yer mother, and sbe tells me ye never give her n farthing. Mlck-Oh, WfU. Pat. If I don't give my poor old mother a farthing, what hort of a vbauce have you got of get ting any? Loudon Mall. An InquitSUva Scot. Scotchmen are fond of an argument and delight to find flaw Is an oppo nent's logic. Two blacksmith were once convernln? a to which wm the flm trade In the world. One Insisted that II must have ben gardening and quoted from Oeacds. "Adam was put Into the irarCen of Eden to dress it and keep It." "Aye, John." retorted ie other, who had stood up for hb own trade, "but wha made the spadeaT A CaHlo View. Carlyle compared the advance of the world to tho protniow' of sounevdrunken man who, reeling from one side of the street, to the other, slowly and at the exjeme of much wasted effort finally arrlvTs at hit destination. Cutting. Maud-Mr. UrownlelKh tries to filrt with every pretty jdrl bo sees. Ethel l"e seen blm try to flirt with you too. Bctou Trouktriift. Severe Punishment. Belle And did you make her eat ber own word? Beulab Eat Vm? I made her Fleu-Wriie Vm. Youkers Statesman. Tnle you bear with the faults of a friend you betray your own. Synis. Printing of all lauds at Portland I prWa. Jlail Tribune office. I Freckles Don't llliloTlieni with n Veil) Hontmo Tltom with tlu New Drug. An eminent akin Hpeclnllnt recently discovered a now drug, otuliio dou ble strength, which Is so uniformly successful In. removing froekleH and giving a clear beautiful complexion that It Is Mold under nn Uiaolut,o gunrnuteu to refund tho money If It falls. Don't hldo your freckles under t oU: got tin ouiico of othlno and re nun o thorn. Evert thu first night's use will show i wonderful Improve ment, some of tho llghtor freckles vanishing entirely. It la ubsoltitnly I harmless ,nml can not Injure thu most tender hUIii, lie aiiro to hk your druottst fr tho double strength othlno; It Is thin Hint Is sold on tho money hack guarantee. -HEINZ-i 57 VARIETIES Are known the world over for their excellence. "We won't name over the whole 57, bnt n few suggestions may he found in the fol lowing: Baked'Beans Baked Kidney Beans Peanut Butter Mustard Chow Chow Vinegar, Cider and Malt Applo Butter Sweet Gherkins India Relish Mixed Sweet Pickles Mandalay Sauce Chili Sauce Etc. Etc. Etc. Olmstead & Hibbard West SIdo Grocers. ' "' t """ ' SHOES AT COST The Duttleld shoo stock has been moved to South Central off of Main, opposito tho Mission restaurant and tho Stock is still being sold at cost. ML S. Biden is operating the most modern shoo repairing shop in tho city at tho samo location. Up-to-date electrical ma chinery. Look for the RED BOO T William Monden 'oos soli) at no sorru BAItTLKTT OK OX OWXKK'S l'KOHSKS AUCTIONEER SALi: DAYS THWT AND THIRD 8ATUR. DAYS i:ACII MONTH I'lIUST 8.YLK SKITKMItKK 'J. This Man Rickert uudrrMuiutt tho refrac tion of ! i - anil the fit ting of Um3 thorough ly. Ho I Hie only man in Medford lin ha prorrn up IIY KXA3I1.VATIO.V lx:fn the Oregon Htato Board of Kiaiulners in Optometry. Consult blm If la doubt as to the safe and prtier course to pur sue, llc'd tlio Eye Sight Specialist Over Kentner'tJ. P? The electrically lighted sow! room is a scene of comfort whon the machine is run by an electric motor. No back breaking podal- ' ing I The seamstress touches a buttop 1 we do the rest. ' Rogue . River Electric Company'2 tmvymiu r u ;m ng BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS HENRY M, MARSH All ordora promptly iittonded to ni;ht or day. Shor1 and long haula. .Moving household goods a specialty Union teaniBtcrs. v Office 51 S. Front Pacific 4171 Home SD Residence Main 613 Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Monoy on hand at all times to loan on improved ranchos and fruit land. i PHONE 3231. 820 GARNETT-OOREY BLDG. yff ('H inU H MEDFORD IRON WORKS E. G. Trowlrtidge, Prop. TOTJNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. 'Agents in So. Orogon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. For Sale 1 ACRE AND 5 ACRE TRACTS adjoining city of Mcdford, on long time, easy pay incuts. 12 LOTS IN MEDFORD on . main paved street, cement sidewalks and paving in; also sewers, "water and light. Long time, easy payments. 430 ACRES LAND, 350 acres alfalfa land, 80 acres fruit land, perpetual water right with water f6r irrigating 1000 acres; long time, easy payments. 340 ACRES LAND, 200 acres alfalfa land, balance fruit land, 1 mile from railroad, on long timo easy terms. 5000 ACRES LAND in tracts of from 40 aqros upwards: price $25.00 per aero and upwards; suitaole for alfalfa, fruit stock and general farming purposes; long time, easy payments. 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS just within and adjoining city limits, at a bargain, on 5 annual payments. Gold Ray Realty Co. 216 WEST MAIN STREET. i"