orcntm HUM fiJ2i C1W a" I SUBSCRIBERS rlllnir to k1 imp.r will Imr olid (1llvpirt liy lilioiiliiic or. , rio iy a p, hi. Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Fair Mu. IM.nj ltd. IIn iiiltllfy JU per rt. Mill. -JiJ.n. Dully Ml mil Ynir, Kiutv I'lml Vritr MHDKOIU), OIVKdOK. TUKSIUV, AlWST 22, 1011. No. 230. RAY POWER PROPERTIES If IN Mill HIBS CZ uftut mil Finis mm TO SISKIYOU View of Power Plant at Gold Ray HILL DEVELOPE OVER 80,000 H.P. Lorifjcst Hluli Tension Transmission Lino In the World Controls Northern California nntl Southern i Orciioti Field. I ATWOQD HELD BACK BY WIND Aviation Unable to Continue His Cross Country Flight Owlnu to Slronn Wind Expected to Reach Alhany This Evening COWLFQLMW - il SPECIAL mM OF UDNGRESS Tim Siskiyou Elect rio Power mid liiultt company linn puiehnM'd tho light iiml power plants of Iho Koguo Ithor I'.liMilrln company mul of the I'limped CoiiHlruoliou company, in cluding the power plants iiml Gobi Kny mul Piottpools mill He.unal hun dred inilcrt of limit ti'indiiii wire. The total miiiiiint involved irt :i,:il() OHO' tln Prospect plmit being vnliiml ul .r'-V()(M)U() mul tlio Koguo Kiver Kleetrie company at .H,00,(IOO. Tho deal gives the Siskiyou company in iilmoliito monopoly of the water pow er toHoureos of northern California anil southern Oregon, with tlm long- eat IriitiNiniHHion line in the would. iii. . .... i ... .i i ni'ii ruiininieiioii worn l prri lit underway in completed, n to tal of 80,00(1 horsepower at low water, will bo developed with KOO mile of high lonnion wire, .0O mlh'i of which linn a voltage exceeding 20,0(111, extending from flrnnlM Pa to Klti tun tit Falls mul south to Redding, Colonel Frank II. Kay of Nsw York city with wkoni in itHHoriiitoill hilwin I law Icy, aUo of Now York, woni tlm principal owners of the Koguo river propertied. In the Siskiyou Kleetrie Power A; Light eimpany are Jesse W. Chin h ill president, ami .1. P. Churchill iee president, holli officials of the SU kivon comity hank at Violtn, Ale J I'lHlmmiigli mul P. tie Trirtla.i of Pn ri representing a wealthy French syndicate. The Siskiyou Electric Power ,v Light eoiiipaiiy owiih tho Ahluud Kleetrie Power fi Light coiiipany ami the Klamath Power company. Anions cilioK it now has franchises in are (lrimlH Pass, Mcdford, Ash lanil, Klmiialh I'iiIIh, Ilornhrook. Yreka. Montague. Its power linen extend from the (Ircenhaek mine to Cimlilln. Fall ('tcek to Klamath Fnlln, to HI nit' Pioxpcot to Meilfonl, Klamntli Fulls to Honmmi. Khun nlh Falls to .Merrill, Klamath Kails to .McDowell. A main lino runs from the Klamath river plant to I loin brook, ilown to McConnl'll liar, an other main extends to Hig Springs, another to Shobu mine, A main line rmiH from tho Shasta river plant to Yrekn, another main to Montague and lo Mllln ShiiHla. Owning power plants and controll ing tho power of the Koguo liver, of the Khunitth river, of iLlllo Simula and oilier rlvcrri, the comhination !h the incut gigantic yet made in this regain. President Clinrehill and party ro Iniined from ProHpect Monday with Colonel Kay. Discussing the pur chase, he said: "Tlm Sisipyoii Electric Power & MkIiI company will ptihh all con Hlruution now under way hy hoih compauicH In complutition. The Koriio river valley lines will ho con neoled with tho Klamath linen nl once. Tlm Pronpeet plant will he completed aiMiordiiiR to Iho original plan, with u capacity of !3fi,0l)0 horHcpowci- whiuh will givo iih 80, 0110 hoiHcpowor lo Roll at low water. Wo will carry out u comprehensive scheme of development and Hla.id ready to assist the eslahlishnicnt oi new industries liy furnishing free power for (ho first year, as offered liy Iho ltojiin Kiver Klcelrio com pany. Wo hopo to uiako Roulhern OreKou mid northern California the best lighted and host powered sen lion of tho oonnlry, Further than generalities wo arc not prepared as yet o mil line details,'' Colonel Frank II. Kay, who is vioo president of (he American Tohacco company, mul also of tlm Wualorn Power company, slates Hint ho still retains his extensive inlet'chta in tho Kojjiio Kivor valley, where (m owns UKU.K IHU:. N. Y Auk. 22 -Owing to oxreptloiutlly Hlroag wIihIh, Aviator Harry Alwootl tliln mortiltiK wiih unnlilu lo rnntlnuu IiIh croitH country flight toward Allmny. The Hclieilulo Inhl out hy Atwood coutemptnteil his reaching Alhnny to night. Liming hi way after loavlng Lyonif, however, tho aviator today found hluiHulf flvo in I Ion went of By riiciiix. Iiutead of at Utlcn, tlnj 08 mtle lap from l.yonn. Dnlayoil by In ability to get an early iitart, Atwood wan further from his nchcdulo than ovor. Atwood wan twlro lost. Tho flmt time, noon after leaving Lynnn, ho decldcil to leave tho courno over the New Vork Central railroad tracks nml rut arm country to Auburn. Ho Iiml hli boarlngH and wandered about until certain, finally reaching Auburn 25 mllcH from I.yoim, mi hour after bin Htart. Again tmrcudlng. hn wan lost for the necoud tlmo, finally wind lug uii here, only 40 miles from the otlglnal titarltng point. .' 'VX,.,' VSPlr!91111111illlllllllllllllllllll 4 t A &AuBk im i HT ENO; SBLONS OFF FOR HOME COKE RECALL HAS BEEN ABANDONED Lack of Funds Said to Be Reason for Apathy Friends of Judge Say That Recall Did Not 4 Probe Popular. RAILROAD MN PRAISES ROGU E MESSAGE FROM TAET WASHINGTON. U. C, Aug. 22. Congrexa Is counldcrlng today a men- Huge from I'nmlilunt Taft urging fur ther appropriations to complete tho work of raining tho wreck of tho bot- tlenlilp Maine. Tho pretddent In a necoud inennngn ankod congrona to do- tormlno whether tho wrookn of tho Spanlnh warnhlpH mink by tho Amer ican navy shall bo given away. MAN WHO ATTEMPTED SUICIDE PASSES AWAY Frank Fiioh, who boiuo tlmo ago attempted to commit sulcldo by cut ting bin throat with a nuor on North Ittvernldo' and was lator committed to tho state anylum for tho Insane at Salem, died recently nt that liiHtl tutlou. not from tho uftccts of Ida Htilcldal attempt, however. Mr. Knos wan 12 years of ago. His nged fatli- r, who was hero with him at tho tlmo ho attempted to end his life, la how living with other bona at Santa Crnr, Cal. several thousand aorcs of laud. "I shall dovolo my energies to tho development of mining," said Col onel Kay. "1 think this is 0110 of tho greatest mining districts in tho world and will do my share to, wards opening it np. 1 am still greatly interested in Medford and its l'uluro as well as tho valloy and shall work, as in tho past, for its upbuilding." ' Dr. C. It. Kay, president of tho Koguo Kiver Kleetrio company and umungor of tho Kay interests hero, had no stalemcullo uiako at u the present time, mid it is not known whether h change in management will follow. . A peculiar ineiduut resulting from tho merger, is that ono branch of tlm corporation is suing tho other over tho Ashland franchise. Holli piulicH dony that Iho nmrgor is part of Iho program of Iho power IriiHt, known iib tho Western Power company which has gobbled up all the power plants of California, to repeat the performance horo. "The Kognc Kiver valley is one of the most beautiful spots I have over soon," btatcd Third Vice President Tatnall of tho Pcnn-.ylvnnla rail road, who spent Monday afternoon touring tho valley accompanied by Superintended Fields, Supcrititcinf cnl Younger and Assistant Supir intfliidcnl Wester of tliu .Southern Pacific. Mr. Tatnall was delighted with the local orchard district and regretted that he had only u few more bourn to remain in tliu val ley. Ik'fnro leaving Mr. ThIh.UI w. prcsciilcd tih a few boxes of fancy Koguo Kiver I tin licit pears and with a few trout taken from Koguo river NO CLUE IS FOUND AS YET OF MISSING WRITER LOS AN'CISLl'S, Aug. 22. Falling after a ten dayn' search to find any cluo to his whereabouts, the police today have about given up hopo of locating (Joorgo F. Shunt, writer for tho Appeal to Itoasou, a Kansas pub lication, who has been mysteriously mlnslng nlnco August 13. Heforo his disappearance Shoaf confided to Alexander Irvlno, a Now York socialist, that ho had found evl- denco that would froo tho McNamaras of tho dynamiting charge Local so cialists and labor union men aro working on llio-4hoory that persons Interested In tho prosecution of John J. and Jnmes It. McNamnra know something of tho writer's whoro-abouts. Ooorgo C, Shoaf, father of tho newspaper man, has left San Antonio, Tex., for 108 Angelos to assist la tho search for his son, and should arrive horo tomorrow. ARBITRATING 6REAI STRIKE InriTii nnrmn ucHin oritur,.) JAIL BREAK LONDON", Aug. 22. Sir David Harrcll, former under secretary for Ireland, was named today as chiilc-J man of tho coiiiinisbion which is in vestigating tho strike claims. The unions will name two members and the tailroads an eijual number. Work will begin immediately on the mUotistinciit of the differences between tho employers and their workers. KwjHnding to interrogations from tho hou.su of commons regarding the status of tho strike in Liverpool, Homo Secretary Churchill said today that Mime men had returned to work but the general situation is un changed. Troops aro still on duly. stockIlIpTbut speedily recovers HOT FIGHT PROMISED AT EAGLE'S GUARD AERIE NEW YOItlC, Aug. 22. At tho opening of today's stock market prices took a Bharp break. Union Pacific lout xd-2 and Southern Pacific. Head ing, Amalgamated Copper, Lehigh Valley, Canadian Pacific and Atchi son declined a point or moro with general weakness In other Issues. The market made substantial recovery, 1 but not before a number of stocks had declined to bolow yesterday's low figure These included Union Pa cific, Southern Pacific, Canadian Pa cific, Northern Pacific, Great North ern preferred, Atchison, Lohlgh Val ley, St. Paul, Consolidated Gas aad International Harvester. A major ity of tho losses wero fully recovered by noon, buttho undortono continued heavy. Tho market closed steady. Honda wero bteady. ROSKIJUItG. Or., Aug. 22.---Tio attempt to recall ClTtilt Judge Coko of Marshfleld, Or., has been practi cally abandoned. Today a few petitions are being cir culated and only a small number of signatures aro being secured.' Thoso back of tho recall declare that lack of funds Is the reason why a number or petition circulators iiavo with drawn. Friends of Judge Coko, how ever, assert that tho recall In his caso has not proved popular. Tho recallers charged that Judgo Coke gavo biased Instructions in the McCIallan murder trial which so fa vored tho defendant that tho jury freed him. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 22. Votohii: the cotton bill, n message was sent to congress by. President inlt this afternoon just before the eloSo of the session. In his mess age the president scored tho meth ods by which both houses adopted the measure and asserted that the bill should be passed without proper consideration of the facts. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 22. That tho 1,1th annual grand aorlo of tho Fraternal Order of Magics will bo tho sceuo of ono of tho hottest tights for prcsldont In tho history of tho or ganization was ovldont today when tho first business session oponod. Whllo tho oleetlou question wnti not sprung on tho floor of tho con vention, it was discussed among tho delegates with expressed opinions from adhoronts of Frank R, liming on ono sldo and J, J. Cusaclc on tho other. GiiBack'a followors n8 woll ns thoso of his opponont doolaro that nolthor will rotlro In placo of a com promlso candidate Thomas F. Groovy wns today so looted floor loador to attack Horlng, A rosolutlon was ptoparod this morn, lug, hut was not prosoutod, In which tho present administration Is criti cised for allogod oxtravngauco with tho grand aorlo funds. CITY COUNCIL WILL T Tho city council will meet this ovo nlng for tho purpose of recolvlng bids for tho sale of $50,000 worth of Im provement bonds. Sovoral other mutters of a routlno nature aro to ho cousldorod by tho city fathers. TWENTY NEW POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITIONS WASHINGTON- IV C., Aug. 31. Postinaster General Hitchcock today designated 20 additional first class savings depositaries, bringing tho to tal in this class (0 1)8. Among tho banks named, which will open for business September ,15, is Los An-gelcs. CHOOSING JURY TO TRY BEATTIE RICHMOND, Vn., Aug. 22. Attorneys for tho defense today are scrutinizing the records of tho tales men on the venire frdm which n jury is sought to try Henry Clay Bcattie. jr.' for the murder of his young wife. Ilciihih Rinford, "the woman in tho ens.e," pleaded in vain today for an nutomobilo ride. Slio is exceed ingly disappionted becnuso sho was not nllowed to attend court nt the opening of tho trial. Tho defence today received an anonymous letter from a man do olaring that ho had killed Mrs. Beat tie. Tho killing wns explained in do tail by tho writor. SAYS WIEE DRANK TOO TAFT SCORES SOLON'S METHODS SAN RAFAEL, Cal Aug. 22. Electrocuted by a heavily charged wire just as he was about to attain success, James B. Clifton, serving a Hfo scntenco at San Qtieutin for the attempted murder of Captain of Detectives St. Clair Hodges in Oak land in 1009, early today was only provented from escape by sudden denth. The prisoner was sliding down the wire leading from tho prison sa.sh and door factory to n polo outsido the prison walls, by means of a sling arrangement formed by a broom hnndlo and two ropes, when it is supposed ho lost his balance and inadvertently ernsped the wire. A charge of 4000 volts caused in stantaneous death and tho body swung in tho air until the cunrds. discovering tho escape turned off the power. Then the body fell out side tho prison walls. CONFERING REGARDING VARIED VIEWS OF WORK DONE I I ! I Democrats Pleased With Result Be lieving That They Have Greatly Aided Their Chances for Success In 1912. RENO, Nov., Aug. 22. Declaring Hint his wifo consumed eight high balls nt each meal in addition to a quart bottle of whisky daily, L. Dnl rymplo Peruival, president of tho Amalgamated Point company of Now York, today is seeking a di vorce from Ethel Percivnl. Pcrcival also alleges that his wife, who is a muscular woman, boat him and with one blow of her fist broko his nose. TO INVESTIGATE PANIC, CAUSES AND EFFECTS WASHINGTON, IX C, Aug. 21 Senator Owen of Oklahoma offored n resolution today providing for mi investigation into tho onuso of tho financial panic of 1007 and to ascer tain if any persons or corporations 'benefited ly it. Tho resolution nnmed a oommitteo consisting of Korn of Tndimm, Works of California, Reed of Missouri, Pago of Vormont and Clark of Wyoming. PARIS, Aug. 22. Hoping to ar range 11 definite policy in connection with the Gerainu-Moroccnn negotia tions, Premeir Cnillaux, Jules Cnm bon, ambassador to Germany; Paul Cambon' nmbassador to England; Camillo Rarrere, ambassador to It aly; Foreign Minister Deselves, and tho ministers of war. iustico and marine today held a hurried confer ence, speeding to Iho conference room in high powered motor oars in ordor to out distance reportors and provont tho newspapers from ob taining information. While no denial is made in offi cial circles that the situation is de cidedly clouded, hopo of an ultimate settlement on nil points is by no means cortaiu. NO HOPE FOR SAFETY OF 50 ABOARD SHIP NEW YORK. Aug, 22. No hopo is held hero today for tho safety of 50 persons who woro aboard the schooner Rover whioh 13 ft total wreck uenr Barbndoes, Tho steam ship Copponnma roports passing tho deserted wreck sovoral days ago, in such a position ns to eauso boliof Unit all on board must huvo per ished, Tho Rover was bound from Georgetown, British Guiana, o Barbndoes," WASHINGTON, D. C Aug. 22. , With hardly a corporal's guard loft to witness its actual adjournment hero this afternoon, tho special ses sion of congress convened by Presi dent Taft to force action on his Can adian reciprocity agreement ended today. During Its progress tho houso met 87 days and was In actual session 425 hours and two minutes; tho sen ate met 85 days and spent 353 hours and 31 minutes in deliberating. Jubilation reigned In tho houso when tho closing hour camo. Its dem ocratic majority pluming themselves that they bad shown such a front as would greatly aid their candldato for tho presidency in 1912. In tho re publican scnato tho closing scenes wero more quiet, but tho democrats and progressives there, wero not slow in expressing their satisfaction at the showing mado. All Hasten ITomc. AH outgoing trains today carried legislators hastening homeward, each and every ono glad, to bo done with tho long grind. President Taft and every member of his cabinet except Secretary of tho Treasury MacVcagh will leavo this evening. MacVcagh will remain to "sit on tho lid." President Taft will go first to Rochester, whero tomorrow ho will address tho G. A. R. convention In session there. From Rochester ho will go to Boverly, whoro ho will remain with his family threo weeks before starting on his trip to tho Pacific coast to turn tho first sod for tho Panama Pacific exposition in San Francisco. Views of Members. Dcforo leaving for their homes tho leaders of tho various political fac tions in tho houso and scnato ox- pressed their views on tho results ot tho session in copyrighted statements for tho United Pres3. Republicans and democrats, standpatters andn progressives varied In their views, some of which follow: (Dy Champ Clark, democrat, Mis souri, speaker of tho houso): Wo have anado a record which has surprised our friends and dumfound ed our enomlcs. Tho session of congress was extra ordinary In tho amount and quality of tho work done. It was predicted freely, vociferously, enthusiastically and confidentially by tho st&ndpat press and orators that wo democrats would go to pieces. But wo havo dis appointed their expectations. AVcro Sneered at. Sneered at for years ns tho party ot rnero negation, utterly lacking In tho ability for constructive states manship, wo passed through tho houso moro and bottor constructlvo legislation than has boon pnssod by any "houso" in 20 years. Wo havo redeemed ovory promlso made In tho campaign ot 1910. It is a record wo may woll bo proud ot and "on which wo will sweep tho country In 1913. As showing how completely tho Btnndpatters aro demoralized It Is only necessary to quoto nowapapor statomonts ot tho great rojolclng nt tho Whlto Houso bocauso wo failod by 11 scratch to ovorrldo tho presi dent's voto, although wo havo only a majority of 03. Small favors havo boon thnnkfnlly recolvod by tho administration. Twenty-two of tho ropubllcnn progrcsslvoa hud tho courage and ananhood to voto . to ovorrldo tho votoos. "Warren's View. (By Francis H. "Warron.) Tho most notoworthy rosult of tho spcclnl session has been tho strength ening ot Prosldont Tnft's Influence as a safo and sano loader. Events transpiring slnco tho Can adian reciprocity agroomont wbh dis posed rof, cspoclully during tho clos- (Continued on Page 4. 4M1Vi 1 lWt'V'.V'M it,- ,