PAGE TWO MEPPOKiJ itiAJL TKTBUNK MEPFORD, ORKCION, MONDAY, 'ATOVST 21, 1011. fl i? 'I r 2 y ! J U " r I '! 1 I LOCAL AND PERSONAL I Verne Cnnou left tlila afternoon fot . t nod uiutf, cm. i Mr, nnd Mrs. II. W. Ilnht nro spend liiK a fow dny In 1'ortlnnd and As lorln. tTpon their return Mrs. Hunt's nlstrrs, Misses Mnrlon mid Helen "WorfcB of Uocktord. III., will bo their nucHts. Hlfcrt, tlio progressive tailor, lifts JtiBt returned from tlio New York cutting Hchool, where ho got nil tlio late f mis. on cutting. 133 ' '-wm i i. . ,4ti .1 ur. v. . men ami uiuiam men ,t,on A Kplontl(l hotol whlch wll, of Uockford. III., stoppod off In Mod- bo lho flnost , tho state ouUl(lo of ford Sunday to hoc tho Wiley and to ,.ort,Bni ,8 llwirlnB completion, and call on local friends. ...npk. OI, n,,n. thonlrtro will hnhnnin ... ... ... . ...I '- " "-.. ----- .. .-,...- Messrfi. uowkiii mm i.inrom win James Korahaw of Antptope, known as tho angora aunt kin of Jackaon county, spent Monday In Med ford. Jlen wanted to work on track. Ap ply U. It. Hallway co. A. H. U cam 03 of .Medford, onu of tho lending lawyers of tho state, was In Portland for a few days this week. Medford la growing o rapidly, pays Mr. Iteames, that luitlilors find dlffl eulty in Keeping up with tne popu- 6RUNSKY OPENS PORTLAND OFFICE Medford Expert lit Irrigation As signed to Conduct Investigations In Districts West of Cascade Range for Department of Agriculture. " - ' mm i wwwpwi j Our Correspondents r . - - . ! EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. illy A. c, iinwloit.) J. llutuliu.4on and Hoboit t)oitinr of .Medford, iiisunuieo agents CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. lehvo Wednesday morning for a horse back fldo to Orator Lake, Thoy ox- . pect to lie absent for ton days. .TnmcR T. Allen of Applegnto was in Medford Monday on a short busi ness trip. Ai International encyclopedia dic tionary In thrco volumes which has never been used ran be bought cheap. A fine work for teachers. Addrvss, "Falrvlow," Jacksonville. Lois S. Treat, a mining man of Ne vada, has arrived to look over tho local mining field. I). II. Powers of lilg into Is spend ing a few dns vlsltlhg friends lit Medford. - 0. F. Ciilhbert of San Francisco Is spending a few days with his son In this city. Karl Hubbard is planning to lravo in n few days for a visit at Portland. S. A. Kvoralof Gold Hill was a re cent visitor In Medford. Ho caino in to. J meet Mrs. Evers, who arrived Sunday evening from the east and who will ninko her home here. Retchslcln sells and saws wood. 16 Mrs. X. 11. Vincent of Ashland is spending a fi;w days visiting friends in this city. Harriet N. Wilson of Central Point spent Snday with friends in Medford Charles Nlckell of Sterling was a recent visitor In this city. Seo R. .A, Holmes, Tho Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. T. U. Samuels of Grants Pass is visiting relatives in Medford. Harry Ling has returned from a camping trip of two weeks' duration. John Hall McKay and E. W. Hunt ley1 have returned from a visit to the Oregon caves in Josephine county. They report a most delightful trip. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hnfer and Howard S. Dudley have returned from .a.vUlt aU Klamath' Falls, and Crater.' Lake. . , Invisible patching and nailing, hand and machine sewed soles neatly done at Electric Shoo Shop, 32 South 'Grape street. 12 Colonel Frank Leland, a well known mining man of Grants Pass, spent Sunday in Medford on a short business trip. John M. Root has returned from a visit at Portland and other northern points. Elfert'B fall goods are here. Come In and look them over. 132 Robert B. Dow of Jacksonville spent Monday at Ashland on a short business trip. Professor P. J. O'Gara has left for a business trip to California points. Jack Harvey of Grants Pass was a recent visitor in Medrord. Men wanted to chop wood, Crater Lako Fuel Company, Sparta build ing. Mrs. Henry Thomas of Central Point spent Monday In Medford with friends. Mr. and Mrs. D. IS. Russell have returned from a two weeks' camping trip. Buy or rent a Singer to make the childreus new school clothes. Phone C043. 151 W. E. Crano of Willow Springs Is Hjienglng a few days at Medford on business. W. W. Taylor of Sams Valley Is In Medford for u fow dayH on business. O. P. Insou of Lewis Creek Is In Medford on business. Carldn & Taylor (John If. Carkin, Glenn O. Taylor), attornoy-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Building, Medford, very rood. In Ootober Medford will hold a pear show, to which the world will be invited to uote what the me tropolis, of Southern Oregon can do in tho way of producing that partic ular sort of fruit. Portland Spec tator. Brick ico cream, nil kinds and colors. Hardens Bakery; phone 371. Prompt delivery. C. R. Alexander, formorly of Me- Aruthur and Alexander's, writes from Delmont. S. D., that there aro fair crops In that portion or the state and that the weather Is fine. I IB In the mm and 10S in the shade, and almost as much at night. Klfert makes a specialty of snak ing fine work. 132 Chrysanthemum Circle, No. S4, will hold Its regular meeting Tues day evening nt the usual place. Telephone 371, Rardons Bakery for cake, Ices and Ico cream; prompt delivery. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Johnson, Miss Kathnrinc Lanthrun. Miss Nellie Mc Neil. Miss Vera Hamond, A. H. Plt tlnger returned from a trip to Crater take. Elfert. tho progressive tailor, -guar antees a first class fit. 132 Japaneso air plants at Broadley's, phono 51S1. Hand embroidered baby clothes at the Handicraft Shop, Kentner's. 134 Rardcn's Bakery now delivers Ices and Ico cream to any part of the city. Aro now buying peaches, prunes and pears. If you want to sell for cash at tho highest market price, see us. Producers Fruit Co. 137 New pillows and centerplcses at tho Handicraft Shop. . 134 Barnaul & Cornoyer. i milliners. are located In their new quarters In the Emporium block. All their styles are now, an entirely new stock being necessary on account of tho recent fire - Lessons In ham me rod and pierced brass at the Handicraft Shop, Kent ner's. 134 PORTLAND- Aug. ILL Tlio United States dcimrtmcut of ugriuulturu haa recently nstfgiilM 0110 of its exports in irrigation. H. V. Gruusky of Mod ford, Or., to oaiuliK't a series, of in vestigations in ono or more of (lie many promising agricultural districts east of the Cascade rouge. v The irrigation investigation office lias gradually extended its field of operations from small beginnings, Jfi or 120 yYr ago, until now it has n corps r trained engineers invnding each of the states wiv-J of the Mis sissippi river as vel as many of mo.e east. Of all the offioes and lmimdiwi of the department of agrieulltire there is porhniiCnone more directly helpful to the ennditiqu of theimlividunl far mers and the districts in which it op. orates than this office. Connected with the office are Knginocrs Don II. Hark, in Idaho; Frank Adams, in California and A. I. Stover, in the Willamette valley, western Orcun. Air. Grnnsky has opened an offifi-l "H switililioarI Jium at iM Hook building, and is anxious to get in touch with all interested farmers. "My first duty." said Mr. Clrunsky "will he to decide jiwt where to op erate, and what lines of investigation win no most helptul. Wo do not eare to throw ourselves into thu anus of disinterested parlies hut will o whore, other things being e.pial, we receive the best welcome. The fund. t our disposal are limited and we need the co-operation of wide-mmt-., fanners who are willing to meet us half way in experimentation. Some of the most probable lines of inquiry "i-vii urc; me amount of water-o be applied for the best economic re turns; time and number of applica tions; effect of water on Miils and effect of irrigation on different crops with ifspeot to a particular locality.'' for the Life .Mutual, were cullers ivi tho- Siinuysido in Uu interest of thu company they ro))nont. 1. H. Welch and hi- "ou-iu-law, Mr Cox, were callers for dinner the first of the week, Mr-. Welch had bought tho sawmill thai lu d bouu on lho Kashiin place on Antelope crook anil had employed Mr. S hoiuinarhorii to move it for him' uud thoy hail been no there assistiiitr about loadinir it. The mill was being taken up to lho. 5lr. and Mrs Pro.-pool power. plant. Mr. Welch m.t Scott, tlo mis u emu met to out two million foot of lumber for the Kay com-miiy 10 ne useu in pulling in llio power plant, sa that ho now bus about 81)0,000 foot out. with lho two mitts that he has on hand, hut they aiv too small and so bo has hanghHhc third mill so us to bo able to out about 00,- 1)00 jHr day. Mr. heeler hfid I'd Watson were nut the first of- the week to attend 11 meeting of the' board f directors of the Hutte. Falls, Kagle Point Tot ephoru) coinpaiiy. Tho made the ar mngeiucnt to hove the central office at Frank Iaswis' confectionary but it boon removed W. K. Prioo and fnniily, H. V IVnii and faintly, Tom Moriiiuan and Imnily, F. O. Hawk and family at tended thu blacksmith's picnic at Ashland Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William HniiHcoiu left Saturday morning for Kiigonn and may locate thine. McDonald Stewart spent Saturday in Ashland. John Grieve of Pronpocl was down this week, after supplies and lotiitii'Ml homo Saturday. .Mrs. 1. ,1, I'm key pile spent Sattir lay in (mints Pass, , Harry Trovillo, Kr- pkius hrjithcrn were muong the many Central Pointers in Medford Sat unlay afternoon. II. K. Heal, Fn'd Whoolor and V. Uuinoy who have boon working on tho Culled Sti'es Telephone lino out of Pro-poet Pus summer returned Satunlav t-vcuiug. Hi. Anderson made a quick trip to Prospect ia ,1. F. I'oswoll's Ford auto wilh Mr. IIohwoII at the wheel oar'v Saturday, called by lho illness ol .Mrs, dcorgc Wright. George II. Ko.s and family and Miss Pearl Piiukey' lofl for lluekol berry mountain to litw in a winter's supply of hemes and have an out. - .. ' ' .j"li"C- OfL Tho electrically lighted sewing room is a scene of comfort when the machine is run by an A e 1 o c t r i c motor. No , sYrH' pacK DroaKing pe ingl Theseamsti touches a button- we do the rest. Rogue River Electric Company ry A! mi mL i: .nN U u .Mi-?' ing. yet and during the sickness of Miss Mr. and Mrs. l L. Hurra. .1. F. Maggie Doloy, our tegular "hollo Hay and family. Mr. P. J. lliokeii girl," Miss Cliiro , Zimmerman, ha 1 sons sj.Mit Sunday at Gold Kay. been filling the place. Kev. Shoun preached at Meilforil'- There is a constant stream of lhplit oburoh Sunday inorniug and strangers pn.-Miiir through our town. "' ' '" Sunday attoniooii. Look among the classified ads for the address of your next boarding placet b Yesterday. Thursday, there was nlimit L'.'i autos hiss( through our town on their way to the up river country. . .Miss Doimic Kador. the young and accomplished young saleslady who has been in Von dcr Hellon's" store and went for an outing to Soda Springs, has returned hut informs me that she docs not intend to return to the store, but w.lmve another young ady to fill, the jdacc that pectus to be. eipially'us'ijfitlhr nml' fills the liivu huh croon- .uiss ueruvil Vaek son. Air. ShnJiuon and his Histrr-in-law Jipent the itighl here Tuesday and Wednesday morning Mi-s Shaunoti took the stage for PwRjivct where she expects to spend,, awhile visiting Inemls ud Mr. Shannon procured r. Mi-s. 0. F. Gi-ogory ami daugbtcrM and Kay Mugruder loft for lloni brook, Cal 011 a isit Sunday morning. Fditor S. A. Pattisou relumed Sun- day morning front a trip to Portland ami the beach. Mrs. Knudall' Miss Grace Smith. Miss. Margaret Kusley. Melin Condon. Mr. Knglnud. sr., spoid. Sunday nf t,ornoou in WediiUf.duv. BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS HENRY M, MARSH All orlcr3 promptly nttomk'tl to night or luy. ShorL nml long hnula. Moving hoiiHoliold goodn a Hpocitilty Union Ununstors. Orrioo 5 S. Front Pacific 4171 Homo 8Q Residence Mafn (13 sssJ IT IS RIS1KII TO SAVE THE IIAIJt You ITavc Thau to Grow New. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTKERB Day I'hone S371 Night Phone F. W. Week S071. A. B. Orr, M0S. LADY ASSISTANT. Tho tendency to put off until to morow what we should do today ac counts for most of tho bald heads wo am in mo ironi row. i ,ewbro's Hernlcldo stops falling hair and prevents baldness. The dandruff germ is destroped by let use nnd a condition of health main tained In the hair and scalp. Nearly everyone has hair, troubles of some description which Herplcldo will always coroct. Don't wait until Jt Is too late. . It Is conceded to be tho stan'dnard hair remedy nnd Is recommended and applied by all the best hair dressers and barbers. Ono dollar slzo bottles sold by all druggists under an absoluto guaran tee. Send 10c In postage for samplo and book about tho hair to Tho Her plcldo Company, Dept. It, Detroit, .Mich. SIKIirOItl) I'HAItMACr, 8'elul Agents, Xear Postofflco. Night or Day. . .y.CT,,w,i,tMw ., 2 - (torso here and mile up on Trail creek returning on Thursday . .Mr. I'ord G. MoCIure, one of our regular hoarders, who hhs been taking la Hie country around Medrord, .lac floiivillo and Syskiyou county, Cn tormu, has j-elnriied ncaiu. ' i -s i it Ik .rf-te. E- cti.xjLxuacii to his K li rooiu v 'J - . JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and ErabalaMr nutwnur iu luu uuuurinKlDK QO-s I partmont of Medford Furniture Co. ? Office with Modford Furalturo Co. Toiepnoues: Day, Bell 351; 1 John A. Porl, residence, Bell 4111, Home 17BL. 0. W. Conklla SfOl. J. H. But-? ir ami. i 0. W. Conklia If 01. J. H I AMUDLANCB BERVIOS I WlWWfil)l DIKSOLUTIO.V OF I'AUT.NEHSHIP. H. T. Haswoll and E. X. Coffin, do ing business under tho firm name of Southern Orogon Produce Co.. hava dissolved partnership and I will con tlnuo tho business under the same name, I will collect all accounts ow ing to Southern Oregon Produco Co. und pay all bills contracted by tho firm. I will not ho responsible for any account contracted by E. N Coffin In tho fut u r. 130 H. T. HASWELL. EVER-WEAR BRAND' Creosote Shingle Stain lr ,.. , &5c and 80cper Gallon toiN. Eei- oar wunrs better becinisp it is cspiM-lally prepared to wiihslaiul the elJinutm conditions prevalent here. Dodge Paint Company JoSsInd 6 f W P FUUer & C'S Pure Pr0pared Paints' Vasheg and Oils. Dpalorq 6tl1 antl Pir Sts- Uealers BeU Phone 7341 Campbell & Ba MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all tinioa to loan on improved' ranchos and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. MEDFORD IRON WORKS E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST 'All kinds oE Engines, Rpmyiug Onlfitn, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. 'Agents in So. Oregon Jor FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. ---, w m-m .mm ffffff0 fJ m-.-. " L . ........ r ., rrrrrtV...jrjT.--''',w"'----T-rt-rrrr 4- -'"-,m'0 Hasklns for Bealtb. .. 4.4. 1" f TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 44-4-4 4 VOll SALIC Good Jorsoy cow; also 10 tons baled wheat hay, In 1000 pound lots, 8Cc cwt. 510 L3. Main street. 134 SITUATION WANTED An .oxnorl- oncod orchard man wants position as foreman, on ranch. Married man and can furnish best of references, Box II. K Tribune. 131 lit a '' 1 '1 1 ', , 1, :::: 1, 1 c, '1 'I 'I 'I :::: II o---, -. . a . . . --rj-r--rJrJr-'--r'jrjrrTr"r"' - -- - -------w rrr-wwwmmv4 A ?i IN OUR NEW LOCATION ATE are nicely located in our new quarters, ing our falj stock of millinery. We this week ... are receiv- will show THE ADVANCE STYLES OF NEW FAIL BATS 17 VER YTHING in our store will be new - and strictly up-to,date, including the furni ture and fixtures. If you want to know what the styles are and be in style yourself, call and . see our stock and wear one of our hats . . . :i BARNARD b CORNOYER qimmpobiuhmd For Sale 1 ACRE AND 5 ACRE TRACTS adjoining city of McdfOrd, on' long lime, easy pay ments. 12 LOTS IN MEDFORD on timin paved street; cement sidewalks and paving in; also sowers, water and light. Long timo, easy payments. 430 ACRES LAND, .'JHO acres alfalfa land, 80 acres fruit land, perpetual water right Wtli water for irrigating 1000 acres; long x time, easy payments. 340 ACRES LAND, 200 acres alfalfa laud, balance fruit land, .1. mile from railroad, ou long timo easy terms. 5000 ACRES LAND u tracts of from 40 acr upwar and 3S upwards; prico $25,00 per aero and (Is; suitable for alfalfa, fruit stock general farming rmrnoscs: lonir timo. - W 9 easy payments. 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS just within adjoining city limit's, at a bargain, i annual payments. and on i - 0fM4 I Gold Ray ReahyCo. 210 WEST MAlNOTttEKT.