k) i i l,i- . KKGXifeWni TODFOttP MATTi TRTBTJNE, afEDFOttl), 017KC50N, SATURDAY. AUOURT 10, 19tf. "r n,npv(Tni n i ip iw'iv V" J ,"lJlf(f""'l'TV 1 i!M Mbdford Mail Tribune AN INDKI!nNT SfcWHPAPEn rUWLlHIUCI) DAIIiY EXCRPT BATUR- r BAT IIT THR-MBDFOKU IMW(V'1P(U UU. ,tt The Democratic Times, The Mrdford Mali, The Modford Tribune, Tho South rsrn OroRonlnn, Tho Ashland Tribune. Office Mall Tribune nulldlnir, 25-27-19 North Kir Homo 76. street; phone. Main 3021. DO THE PEOPLE RULE? GKOItUK I'UTNAM, Editor and Manner Entnrcd as second-class matter at Med ford, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 187P. Official rapor ot the City of Modford Official Paper of Jackson County. . . BUBBORrPTIOK SLATES. One year, by mail tS-Oo One month, by mall SO Per month, delivered by carrier In Medford. Jacksonville and Cen tral Point RC mituuy only, cy mail, per year.,., s.oo WevRly. per year 1.S0 8W0&R CIRCTOATICm. Dally nvorrtpn for six month ending December 31. 1910, :72L rnU teased Wire United Dispatches. Frets The Mall Tribune la on sate at the Terry News Stand. San Francisco. Portland Hotel Now Stand. PorUand. llowmiin Novra Co. Portland. Ore. W. O. "Whitney. Seattle, Wash. joEBromB, omseos. Metropolla of Southern Oregon and Northern California, and the fastest- erowinc city in Oregon. Population U. a census 1910; 8S40; n.llmatfd 191110.000. Klve hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water System completed, riving finest rapplr -pure mountain water and six teen miles ot street being pared and contracted for at a cost cxceedlnjr ?l. 069,069, making a total of twenty miles of pavement. Postof flee receipts for year, ending March 31, .19). ahoTt increase or i pet cent. Bank deposit a, pain of S3 per Banner fruit city In .Oregon BogTie Xtvcf SplUenberK apples won sweep stakes prize and title ot ,"A-ta stlag ot the iTorUL m the National Ap'plb Show. Spokane, -. 1J9I, and ft car of Newtown won , , , lxs rta, U. Xtio , at Canadian International Apple Shew. Vancouver, B. C. . , Rogue River pears brought highest firloea in all markets of the world Uur nrtho past alx year. write commercial ciuo. inclosing e cents for noatago tor the finest commu nity pampmet ever wruien. THE people elected Taft president on his promise to revise tho tariff downward. Instead oC a downward revision, they j;ot the Payne Aldrioh tariff bill, providing a substantial inorease. Because of this increased tariff, the indignant voters elected a democrat ic congress, pledged to a downward tariff revision. This congress spends four or five months in special session, passes a Canadian reciprocity bill, which tho pen pie never asked for, and three bills reducing the tariff. President Taft, who is pledged to tariff rivision down wards and who says that "Schedule K" (the wool sched ule) is "indefensible," promptly vetoes thesis tariff bills and permits the "indefensible" tariffs to continue the plunder ot the people. , In Canada the people have an opportunity to say whether they want reciprocity or not. In Great Britain the people had a chance to say wheth er or no the powers of tho peel's would be limited. In Arizona the people voted for the recall in their state constitution, but President Taft said they could not have it. In the United States the people twice voted for tariff reduction, and President Taft refuses to permit the re Do the American people really rule or are they ruled1? PREJUDICE. j f How raftny times do we allow a prejudice, formed with too little rea son, veer us away from certain peo ple? During the Christian era and hefore and after, it was believed that certain colors of hair indicated par ticular dispositions. Bark red hair signified a deceitful and malicious person. Painters from early days up to Tissot tho recent careful his torical student and painter of Bib lical personages, represent Judas Is cariot with red hair and beard. Mane Correlli depicted Judith, the sister of Judas, as. having red hnir. But sco how tliis prejudice has passed with time! Wc now look upon a hea'd of golden red or dark red as particularly becoming and handsome without any reflection upon tho char ncle'r of tho owner. With a littlo con sideration wc can overcome our pre judice for most people if Ave -will, and the'best way is to make it a point to po lb people whom we know only in passing, toward whom wo may hold somo ungrounded prejudice, become friendly with them and wo will dis cover somethitif; attractive in them nincty-nino cases out of one hun dred1. No man is so bdd-but he has some good in him and no man is so good butfhe has some bad in him. Try nnd find out the good and you will there by enrich yourself. J. It. B. Aaron Burr's Grave. Aaron Burr died at Tort Richmond, BUten Island. Sept. 14, 1S30. Ills re mains were conveyed to Princeton, N. J where, according to bis request, ho was Interred at the feet ot his father and grandfather. Both his father and Grandfather were presidents of Prince ton college. Concerning the tombstone which .marks his burls! place, wo quote from the history ot his life by Parton: "Some efforts were made and somo money subscribed soon after bis death to procure a suitable monument, but tho project failed. For nearly two years the spot whero he lay was un marked when ono morning it was dis covered that a small, very substantial and not Inexpensive monument of granite and marble bsd been placed during tho night over bis remains. No one In tho town saw tho monument erected or knew anything whatever respecting It There was no stonecut ter In the vicinity capablo of ex ecu t tog the work. The stone bears the in scription: 'Aaron Burr. Born Febru ary. C 1750. Died. September 14, lS3a.,M Philadelphia Press. SECRETARY WILSON HONORARY PRESIDENT Ths Presidential Saluts. One explanation of tho reason for adopting twenty-one guns as the presi dential salute is that there might be maintained a uniformity in national salutes. Great Britain having In tho distant past adopted twenty-ono as the number for the royal salute. Of the many surmises as to why the number twenty-one was settled upon we men tion two first, that twenty-one was the number of years fixed by English law as the age of majority; second, that seven, was the original salute and three times seven would signify one seven for each of tho divisions, England and Wales, Scotland and Ire land. It is asserted that the United States adopted this salute to signify to the mother country that her child had reached his majoriy and was pre pared In law to inherit the land and to this end flrcd the "gun of 1770," the figures of which year, 1770, equal 2L Philadelphia Press. ' :? . - t COMMUNICATIONS. Tp tho Editor: Tho great Teacher bald to his enemies: "Tho kingdom or Ood Is within you," but in the margin of our Bibles It says among you. Now, if what ho said is true, and if God did not creato this world for fun and place man hero to sco him Iflckl it will prevail, for can anyone iblnk for a moment that tho Creator would establish a kingdom and not tako' possession? Wo had bettor go back4 to tho forks of tho road and camp till wo nro satisfied which is tho right wuy, for wo must know that 'tho Croator is law, that never has or will change. To tho saint, the sinner, tho rich, tho 'bor, ovcryono alike, somo of my friends seemed to go into cami along tho road at a point that It will euro only bodily Ills, but tho writer would liko to see it applied to tho body politic and industrially. Let ovcryono voto from this day accord ing to his own conscience and I may llvo to boo peaco on earth, good will to man. S. KEMPTIIORNE. ,r, L His Bad Broak. a "Why on earth do you como to mo to borrow money, BIIlups?" said Hark Twoy peevishly. "Why don't you go to Jorrocks? lie's the prosperous looking member of our sot" Tbat8 Just It, narlcaway," said BIIlups, "Jorrocks looks so very pros perous that 1 am quite sure ho spends every penuy he makes, but you, old nan why, you dress like a man who saves his money," P, B. He didn't get it-Harper's Weekly. Underground Hotels. An extraordinary hotel is that in tho sewers of Paris, immediately be low the Church of St Madeleine. It was bnllt and is conducted solely for the benefit of the sewer workers. Nearly a hundred meals are provided every day, and for the sum of $40 a man can bo comfortably hensed and fed for a week In this gigantic drain pipe. Very similar is the hotel which ca ters for visitors to the coal mine of St Pierre at Mons. It Is to bo found at tho bottom of the mine, 000 feet be low tho earth, and is carved out of; solid coal. The electric light on the glittering black walls, which have been left unpapered, is extremely ef fective. Large reception and bed rooms splendidly fitted up ar provid ed, and the hotel even boasts tho lux ury of a swimming bath. I). S. Department of Agriculture In Barley and Hop Exhibition. The secretary of state, the Hon. Phi lander Knox, ha3 sent out to the diplo matic nnd consular representatives of tho L'nlted States In foreign countries a circular letter Informing them tha' an International brewers' concrc!" w II be held in Chicago, Oct. 12 to 21, 1011 and instructing them to bring tbe nut ter to the attention of the nectlvo governments to which they arc accred lted, with tho request that duo pub Hcity be given to the Information and that tho respective parties In luterest be Invited to participate in thu con gross. Tho circular further contain the In formation that there will also bo In-Id at the same time and place an Interna tional prise exhibition for barley and hops. The secretary of agriculture In the United States, the lion. Jamcn Wilson. Is the honorary president of the inter national brewers' congress. The United Stntes department of ag riculture is preparing an exhibit by which "the United Stntes government will Ijo represented at the International prize exhibition for barley and hops. The" department will show what has been done by several of Its experts who have been for somo years devot ing their time to the Improvement of theso crops. Tho importance of this exhibition for the farmers who raise barley and heps cannot be overrated. It Is believed that tho first step Is herewith taken to bring about a system of valuing theso Important crops upon a basis of fact rather than upon mere Individual pref erence and perhaps prejudice. CLASSIFICATION OF AMERICAN BARLEYS. Commonly Known as Two Rowed, Four tail and Six Rowed. Mark 'Twain as "Attraction." A girl who was a stranger to Mark Twain once found her way into bis Bermuda homo with the hope of get ting a sight of the author. She came suddenly In contact with him and frankly explained her errand. "Have you seen tho crystal cavo yet," be asked, "or tbe aquarium?" "No; I came to see you first" she answered. "Well, you shouldn't have seen me first," bo answered. "I run In oppo sition fo the crysta) and, the aquari um. But they're not shucks to me. I'm lots better. I give tUem their money's, worth. But yoa should sco tbetn. Then you'll appreciate me." This was said in his most earnest drawl and with only a sparkle of hu mor in bis keen blue eyes. Chicago Tribune., Barleys are commonly classified ns two rowed, four rowed nnd six rowed. Tho European brewers generally pre fer tho two rowed varieties, which are plumper and starchier, whllo In this country tbe six rowed, of which the four rowed is but a slightly varied rel- pros- Striking It Rich. "Did you ever strlko it rich pectlng?" "Only once," replied the westerner. ?1 was going along a trail in tho moun tains, lato one afternoon when 1 saw tbe gleam of metat Hastening to it, 1 found" , "Silver or gold?" "Tin. It was a matchbox, full too. And I bad been out of matches since my early morning smoke," Philadel phia Ledger. Look for the nd that calln for yon -among the help wanted ads, sHlfaiH H ft fH sHj! ! asssH HHAD OF HAT HltBWIKO IUIII.KT, atlve, Is generally preferred because, whllo less starchy, It Is more highly olbumlnous nnd therefore possesses more of tho Hubstnnco which brings ubout the inversion of. uturch into sugar namely, dlustuse., The common American brewing bar leys nrrange tuemsclvca la tho follow ing system: 1, BIx rowed, erect WTjIto Club. 2. Four rowed, drooping Manchuria bar ley, Oderbrucker, Hcotcti, Oblo Fall, Hay Brewing-, Ulue barley. , jTwo "fii. erect Qoldthorpr, Prl- DATE SET, FOR BIQ SOCIETY WEDDhVG. I a iHIHk VaiMBHislLLHfc'JisiMSsLliiLftl ; oo iHKMi'amLiiiiB m. KBBttm rs&jHH iBTBBHBBBHIBBBSBt l!MHMBlBBBBBVBBBBBBBBm fBBBBRiflHlLBBL'SSiBBBaBBBBBBIBBBHl lBlHlBBflHBL:!IBBlBBBH BBBMmjBHBJMBTK9raBHBYlSjBHHHlBBMI OH iBKaF' J-SK-''w5HbHI Offlro Bn.ft-:: . 7Jf,&lm iBBBRialf - ? -" : NL'f i aISbbW - Hr-f.; tFjM&0 vMIJP? JiiMy vHl tohA & F v wBy Bm.llC- vi'tViavafoyWs W nB"bbbbP:'- 4IaW fAMTv XX vsBBBBcirt. rBH, . xfrSS& XX HPT 5i2b1HP' s rs xX R'l VMmUpz'' ss X?X S5L;J aPs Ss hVSS, MARGARLT RLTTHEIIEURD Ogden L. .Mills, xon of Mr. ivtid Mrs. Ogden L. Mills, woll known In fCow York nnd Newport society clrrlvs, auttoiiueos- thnt his nmrrliiKfl to Miss MafgnfeC ltutherford, daughter of Airs. Wlllluui K..Vaiidurbllt, will bo celebrated at Mr. nnd Mrs. Viiudcrblll's chutenu, In Nornmudy, Franco, September 20. Mr. Mills has just returned rnim Kuropo nnd brought with him his sister, tha countess ur Grnnnrd, formerly MIbs Uetitrlco Mills, who will spend a month In this country. mus. Fan barley. " i. Two itmcd. drooplnjj Common Chav aller. Horoford'a Cliavaller, llanna, lrln less. v Six Jlowed Barley. Through several years' oxperlmentttlen at tho Wiscon sin agricultural experiment stntlou It has been found that the six rowed bar ley Is preferable to other varieties nnd more profitablo for the average fanner to grow. The yield far surpasses that of tbe other varieties, nnd tho market demands for the six rowed class far Kurpass those of nil other vnrletie com bined. At a conservative estimate OS rvr cent of all the barley now grown la Wisconsin Is six rowcI-barley. This being the typo of barley most com monly used for malting In tho United States, It Is likely that most of tho samples that wlltbo shown nt the bar toy nnd bop exblbttlon tn Chicago In October, 1011. will be of that type. Tho experiments with two rowed barley through eight years' continuous breeding work clearly prove that In most regions tho farmer cannot get tho returns from tills crop that can bo secured with tho six rowed variety. The strnw seems to bo very frail and lodges easily, thereby lujuring tbe quality of tho grain and reducing the yield. Tha Old Enallsh Prizs Ring. In tbe latter days ot the Kngllib prize ring innumerable expedients bai to bo devlM-d to bring off n tight. A favorite plan was to pitch tho ring on tho borders ot two counties, so that tbe question of magisterial Jurisdiction might be rendered dlQIcult Another plan was to charter a steamboat and proceed down tho Thames to somo lonely pollco forsaken spot in the marshes of Hssex. For the mcmorablo contest between Snyera nnd Hecnan In 1SC0 a social train was run from Lou don bridge to a secret destination. Hut the passengers, who comprised members of parliament, peers, pick pockets, pugilists, clergy and. It is said, a tew bishops, cheerfully took tickets simply marked "oxcurslon." They presently found themselves near Farnborough, In Surrey, whero tho fight occurred. London Chronicle Original of Fatstaff. Sir John Fastolf was the original ot Shakespeare's Falstnff and tn Ids day wan a Continual butt for tbo Jests of tho town and borough of Soutbwark. Though ho had fought at Aglncourt, when Jack Cado Invaded tho borough, bo uhowed great coward lea When Cade was yet somo way off Fastolf had armed and fortified his house and garrisoned It with veterans of the French wars. On tho arrival of Cade, however, bo wlthdrow his garrison nnd lied to tho Tower, leaving his neigh bors to tlio mercy of tho rebels. Fas tolf a matrimonial adventures seem also' to have been another Hotirco of unpop ularity, for, having married a widow named Scropc, ho scUcd hur property and kept his stepson out of his inheri tance during his own lifetime Lon don News, "Great Expectations." Charles Green, ono of Dickens' il lustrators, had two modola, one of wti&rn was a llkablo fellow, whllo the other, Gregory by npino, was a greedy, self seeking character, always think ing of himself and his perquisites. When Green was on his deathbed Gregory was very olllclous, nud ono day Green, noticing this, said to him: "Oh, I haven't forgotten you, Greg ory; got you down in my will." At tbo funeral Gregory Invested In a wreath and duly attended to bear the will rend. Green had kept his word, and the model was not forgotten. To my dear friend Gregory," ran tho document, "I leave, for his kind ness to 'me, an illustrated edition of Great Expectations-.'" ' Th Witch Flndsrs. Three hundred years ago the busi ness" of finding out wltchei was well crftnbllshcd and ncvepted In courts of law as highly proper. In UHO It Is re corded that the magistrate of New castle. Kuglaud, sent to Scotland for an expert witch Under. This gifted person proceeded to show his skill by discovering fifteen witches and secur ing their conviction. One Matthew Hopkins wns a celebrated Viltch Under of thnt period. It was easy to discover witches when you knew bow. Tho huh pectod emoii could Ikj forced to weep nnd then detected by the wrll known fact that n witch could shed only three tear nnd those fnui the left eye, or she could he pricked with plus to dis cover tlioKpot luHcnalnlo to pain, which was n sure sign of dealings with tho devil. That women were far more likely to dabble In witchcraft than men wns conceded. Tho reason was satisfactorily explained by a famous Herman text txMik on witches published In the fifteenth century. It was sim ply that women were Inherently wick ed, whercati men naturally Inclined to goodness. Tho Coyote. The coyote'ls tile littlo CTbther of the Indian. When tho buffalo vanished from tho plains the Indian shot tils rllle Into tho air, wrapped his blankot closer about him nnd camo Into tho reservation to grow fat nnd unplcttir esquo tinder federal ntmplces, When the Jack rnbblt and molly cottontail vnnlsh from the plains nnd foothills the howl of the last coyote will sink Into silence beyond tho great divide. Until that far day arrives, however, bang the bacon high, for whllo tho rnb blt remnlus thu most skillful four legged forager the world ever knew will Imy nt the moon by night nud Just keep out of rllle rimgo by dny. Tho coyote knows nioro about traps than n Canadian "voyageur," Is an expert on stryrhnlno and never falls for tho deadfall. IIo, Is rather fond of lambs nnd calves, but rabbits nro tho oat meal of this phantom highbinder, nnd, ns "Diamond Field" Jack Davis would say, "where two or three of theso nro gathered together (hero you wilt find the coyote, seeking to stow ono of them Into his in!dsU"-Phlladepbla Telo Kraph. MAN'S WILL POWER. ' ""' , oooooooooooo Electric Rooms NEW Modern, elettilo funs, stemn beat, best IhmIk nnd vonlest asioins In town, by day ur week, tdiiujo Mini ciiKiilt'. Utrl West Main, ctitrniico fit. tMnihn Building! phono nil, Q oooooooooo Rock Spring Goal ' KAHD AX.X TK TrttJJ. ami Coal Vnrtl, Twelfth Front Mlreet. Phono 7101. Burbidge Where to Go Tonight nnd TatX COAX MAW Blsmsrok's Comment on Sehopenhsusr and His Theory. In an entertaining account of a din ner party nt Prince lllsrnnrck's Berlin residence which Is given In tho recol lections of tho Llvonlan Journalist Eclc Imnlt tho following, which wan n pnrt of the tablo talk, shows tbo host In a now light: Tho, conversation had turn ed on Bismarck's early days at Frank fort, and lCckbardt asked whether nt tbo tablo d'boto of tho Hoted'Anglo terro his host had ever met Schopen hauer. "No," said Bismarck; "bo had no use for me nor I for him. More over, I have never had time or desire to occupy myself with philosophy, Whllo I was a student Schopenhauer was ntll unknown. I know absolute ly nothing about his system." Another guest, an nduilror of Scho penbauer, then joined enthusiastically In tho conversation nud explained that tho philosopher's great merit consisted In the discovery of tho fact that will powor was tho Indestructible essence of tho mind of man nnd thnt Intelli gence wns only of secondary Impor tance. "That may vory woll bo true," said Prince Bismarck, "nt least as far lis, I am concerned, for I hnvo often noticed thnt my will had already come to a decision whllo my mind had not yot llnlHhcd thinking ubout tho same subject." I Look fpr tho nd thnt offers It (n you, accQiid-liuiid, ut a real barguiuj Newport TAQTJIWA BAT o&xaoira rorur.AB bkacx BESORT An Itlwil rrtlrcut for outdoor pastimes of all kinds. lll'NTINO. l'lMIMNO, IIOAT1NO. Mt'ItF IIATIIINO, HID INO. AUTOI.vn. CANOKUk'O. DANC "NO AND IlOM.i:il HKATTNO. 'frri pretty water ngutra, iikuis ftRAIes, mooii-ntoiieit, CrtrniMlntin enn Ihi found un lite IVnoli. 1'uro mountain water nnd Mm best of food at low prices. Fresli fish, clams, crabs and oysters, with nbuitdanco of vegetables of all kinds dally, - k Camping Uronnd Convenient ana At tractive with strict BsutUry irulUoni. row ROUWD TBIT RXAIOV TICKETS rrom All Tolnts tn Oregon, Wash lurton nnd Idaho, on sale dally. 3-BAT BATUXDAY-MOKlfAT T101CBTS from Southern l'nclflo points rnrtland to Cottnisn Orovo, also from all C A 12. stnllntts Alliauy and west, flood roIiik H.tturdny or Hunday and fur return Kundny or .Monday. Ctt on any R V. or C R. Aitent for full parllciilnre an to far, train nrhedulrs. etc.. also for copy of-iur lllustrntvtt booklet. "OuIIiiks In Ore json," or wrlto to trac. MeMtrmaAT fleneral Paasenrer A feat, Portland, Orefoa. SMITH'S APARTMENT HOUSE South Itlversldo . New and U-to-t)ntc Mndera In every imrtleulnr, gas cook ing, etc. Women and girls must bring references. WM. SMITH. MEDFORD THEATRE SUNDAY, AUG. 20 Great Western Show 2J) People Presenting ; The Cattle King The Very Best Traveling T"l 1 A Dana in menca Majestic 10-Piece Orchestra Prices 25c and 50c xwm Vlt-t4 THE ISIS THEATRE that TVt) .MOItl! WDN'DiOltl.l'l, im HKI.Ii ASl) ItlMllIM, Cnmmly, Hlnnlng and Talking Another unit ttf thtmu elawsy acts Iiiih novor failed to maku I gtiud. Tlmtr Hlimlng Is great, tholr talking which Is all original, la far supoiinr tn tit nor ncln of thin Itludi nnd tholr comedy In h soreutn, iiuiKiiig u one or tho HtroiiRetft ncln that over plnud I thin huuno. t llir In tine tlial Is safe on nnv lilll IIAItlCliKHH IlltlHCOi: Trump JlipKler OrlKlnnl, Dltferiint and dlffluult - u real novelty, his net has met iv I Hi lliii lilulinMt nitiimvii nt nr.m. . ...... ... ...,,."- -,.,..... ... ,., ...I, !; public, mnnuxern nnd ncontn. w( viriKiiiai iiionn (leuinuu HiircesH; HiHiiiiK nioro merumeiil on how to JiiukIu than a cluwn ! does nt n circus. . rvwwwwvwwwwww9 w9-w e j Kiefer Trees No GO per cent tonnes, tho risk In oui'fl. Wo aro willing to muko leRnl contract with yon. Ti plant Ke. fer l'enr trees. To work there nn lop of any variety you niny sol ect. Wo buy Kelfor teres of Stnrk IlroH,, nnd Mt. Arbor .Vnmorlos. Iltmio Grow 11 Truoa, no hotter Krnwu. MedfordNursery Company 121 .N'Oimf UnNTttAlj AVIt l'iiom,7tnt AFTER ALL IT NARROWS n fA UUWN TO i Jhc Mcrrivold Shop . FOR Bulk or Box Stationery 14 W. KaJa St., MeOforC . " Hotchkiss Stapling Machines $2 With 500 Staples Compare Prices Medford Book Store BICYCLES Now nnd Hceond Hand BEPAIR WORK) of nil IdmlH. A. M. VINVAItl) JIH Houlli Kir. T Tho pooplji of this city nhoiild buy "Mndo' In Orouon" gooda from' tho local iiiorrhnntH whonover tho prlcn nnd quulUy uro equal to ISustnr'n nmdo goodo,