3rc(ion Historical for" Clly Hall f iii 111 I FIRST il 1 SECTION Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Knlr Mnx.80.8; Rcl. Hum. 22 per cent Mln. 80. Uiilly-Hliih Your. 1'orly.riini Yxnr TWELVE PAGES MEMfORD, OUMJON. HA'VVHDAY, AUdllH'V 19, 1911. TWO SECTIONS. No. 128. LUCKED IN ROOM WITH A 11 Fotir-yenr-old Girl Barely Saved From Death by Starvnllon Im prisoned Four Days Willi Body of Patent Who Committed Suicide. DADE FOUND UNCONSCIOUS ON FLOOR NEAR DOOR Empty Bottle of Carbolic Acid Tells Story Little One Tried Hard to Escape. WASHINGTON, I). C, Auk. !. liMiii(iniii'il fur fiir day in n loci,-! mom of mi iiiti ttiifiit houm here, bur niily ioiiiiiiiiiiu tlio blackened nnil ncid-burin-d eiirpiii of her moth er, lit tKt .l-jcur-nld Vtriiiiu Peter Mn today wim barely unveil from tlcntli by i-lnrvatinn when the reek of the carbolic add willi which the mother had ooiiiiiiitlrtl hiilfhli', per witling tin' other npiiitinontu, muxi'il tulghhurH to investigate. Tor two days piiMwendiy luul heard tit little giilV ptiillitiw i-ricx ami luul MMMi her tcnifiil face pri-wod tightly ngiliiist tin window of tin room, but no oim nuHpeuti-d that the cliilil wiih tinpnuiniuil in a ehnmbei or death, Mnrving, tugging at her mothcr'n cold hands ami imiiiiiiIhu: lur Imliy flnlH iigniiiHt the unyielding loor until hhi sunk to thu lluur, cry ing in iwlmuntiou. When reached, Utile Virginia win ling ntill ami apparently uncoil MJuiuoathufloor near thn dour. Ah lender hands llflcd up the liny holy, hit ehllil partially revived, murmured' "WhereV niainina?" Tint little iir wan rurhcd l a hos pital ami bur eonilitioii is pieuariotiH An empty bottln labelled emboli' nitiil, lying In tint room on thu floor beside tin bed. on which lav tin1 dead womau'ri body, hpokn plainly of the meatm employed in thu suicide. A note found ImnIiIo tin enrpm ad ilreHHeil to I'oliee Inspector Hoard man iudieated (hat fear of imiigiunr eni'iuics, for protection against whom hIh had previously applied to the o. lien was tint motivn. The locked win down and doom led to the belief that the mother iuteinled bur ehild hhoiild die also. The woinnn, who wiih known an Mr. Sarah Peterson, twin a widow, recently employed in a government depaitmcut. .Settreh revealed the faet that hIiu had been thrien mar ried, tho names of Sarah Kuglitih, Sarah Polloek and Rarab Peterson appearing on threo successive insnr auen policies. STOCK MARKETS SHOW FIRMNESS NKW YORK, Aug. 11). Tjio Hhoit session of thu Hlouk market developed today a show of firmness. Union Pacific and most of thu active hIouJih Hindi fractional gains' while in the nun o inferior issues advances wen man) marked. Thn market bccnine inoru aolivo after tho opening and Union Pnuifio and Heading made fur thur advances, thu fouuur rising two points. Thn market uIohoiI irregular. Bonds wore steady. GILMAN IN BOSTON FOR ENCAMPMENT OF G. A. R. H0QIIK8THK, N. Y Aug. 19. John 10, (lllmiiu of Hoaton, cnmmiiu-dur-lu-tihiflf, him arrived lioro with IiIh iitaff for thu 4 Stli annual encamp moat of tho Ota ml Army of tho Ho public, which, ppons Moihliiy. Mrri, Emma 10, Plurco of SprltiK flolil, nntlonal proHldont of tho Liullea of the (1. A. H and Frodorlclc 13. Hoi. ton, lloiiton, commnnilor-ln-uhlof of tho Bonn of VutoraiiH, arc hero iiIho, OIIICAflO, Koon compotltlon nmoiiK flhlciiKO iitulnrtaUorH alontt tho ilralniiKi) cauul Uiih led thorn to plaeu uniitH In thu water to rntoh florttlnn hoillei). 'Whoit un undortakor uoruroH a body rolatlvon or Cook county pnyH for tho burial, Pope Pius Passes Danger Point and is on the Road to Recovery i "' " ".I, I, "" 1 1 i I. " I Li U I1 " saaMl Photorapb)t of Pontiff, scenes of life nt tho Vatican and the place where he was bom. rjxssr ""B."if,r.. . , ' TAKES 30 POUND SALMON ON FLY Chris Gottlieb, After Two Hour Bat tle With Large Fish, Succeeds In Landlnu Largest Fish Ever Taken rom Rogue River With Fl y. Iliifnt tun inn ncoi mu niLL HERE SEPT 20 After a HtrenumiH Imttlo htHtinn tun hourH, Clirin. (lotllieb Hueeeedod Friday uveniile; in lnmliiiK a !I0 hund Hiiliuou whih' fihhiiiK at Hieildi or ehat'dH whciu hu was the ;uet of Ira J. i)odj;c. The Hiiliiion is the larKeHt ,fifh ever taken from Houe river oit a fly. Ho wan brought in by Mr. (Jottlieb and exhibited. ChrtH Hayn he mid the hardeHt bat tin of bin I it'o with the Hahnon. lie took the fly well and foucjit hard. COULDNT HAVE HER OWN WAY, SO SHE QUIT SUATTi.i;, WiihIi., Auk'. 10.--llo-nuiHo alio would not be allowed to pick tbo caneB wbleh hIio would try, Mm. AukuhU a. Wentworth Ih tbo flmt wauion Jm or to bo oxcuhciI from BorvlcH. alio wan willing to Hurve, but objected to hearing ciweH IiuMh crlmlnatel)v When tbo Hberlff gav) IiIh ultimatum, Mm. Wontworth ask ed for tio oxemptloa allowed by law on account of her Hex. ADMITS ROBBING TRAIN AND KILLING NEGRO PORTER Hill Was Ready to Come Next(Week but Governor States He Will Be Unable to Get Away Until September. Governor Oswald West accom panied by Snmitel Hill, thu great good roadrt advocate, vill vir.it Medford September 120. Mr. Hill is to deliver two nddreHKCH in thu iuterebtt .if good roads in an effort to 'further the passage of tho good roads election scheduled for September 30. The governor hIm will In urged to speak on tho subject. It wiih expected that the governor anil Mr. Hill would bo in Medford during tho coming weok Mr. Hill bending word that hu could be here at that limn if convenient to the wveruor. Governor West, however, ntntod over tho telephone Saturday thaf he would he uiiablo to bo in Med ford until September 20. It is planned to have a large mass meeting of voters whilo Mr. Hill is hero in order that what ho has to say on thoubjcol of good roads may bo heard by all. Ho is ono of tho foro- most advocates for better highways in thu Uu!ted State. yr-V-- WILL WE DLL HAVE TO CARRY LIGHTS? Attorney General Is Asked to Solve Perplexlng-Qucstlon In Connection With New Automobile Law Now In Effect. DKNVtilt, Col., Aug. 11). Frank Watson, arrest i1 here last May tho reipiest of Nebraska authorities on a chaigo of safe robbery today voluntarily contVhSed that he, Jos eph CollinH of Omaha and It. M. Rob erts of Mullen, Neb., held tip the Un ion l'noifio Oveilnnd Limited near Itcese, Nub., .lanuarv 1, nibbing mote than 100 passengers and killing Por ter Davis. Watson also admitted complicity in tho hold-up of the Oregon Short Lino Huttu-Portland special near Og den, Juno 27, 11)10. Watson insists bis slory is cor rect, but the police aro inclined to bo- lievo it pure fabrication, ,.,i,ii , i , CHIGAflO.A ouily Bpltv. dog Is tho cniiHo of a suit for $1,000,000. Hoc-huso of tho dog, W. J. Morrison was ojoutml ftoin his flat, when Mrs. Morrison wiih 111, Tho Vopular Mo chunk's company Is tho dufuudnut, McCULLOUGH DOES NOT KNOW OF HIS WIFE'S END CHICAGO, III., Aug. 10. That Sydnoy James MuCulIough was still Ignorant of tho suioido tf his wife, tho authoress, well known titular tho pen nitiito of Myrtlo llcod, was ivi dencod by thn receipt horo today of of a telegram from MuCulIough nt Milwaukee addressed to Mrs. Mo Cullough announcing that ho would arrive hero at 5 o'clock this morn ing. Ho had not arrived up to noon today. Mrs. MuOnllouglfMt is said, loft n fintuuu of ."rSfiO.OUO, mostly to char- iiy. WAR DEPARTMENT GIVES LAND FOR FAIR PURPOSES WASHINGTON, I). C, Aug. 10. Tlio ward department today acted favorably on tho request of tho Cal ifornia congressional dologotlou thatft portjoiiH of tho l'residia and Foil Mason might ho used for pink pur poses during tho Panama Paoifiu exposition in Sun Francisco in 10Lr, Attorney O. C. Hoggs of this city has put a puzzler up to-tbe attorney general. Jf his contention sticks the woods of Oregon will bo full of Diit gencs carrying lanterns, especially after dark. Attorney Boggs want enlightenment, on tho provisions of tho new automobilo law where it says; ,"Kery moving thing except railroad and htreet 'ears upon the streets, rouds and highways of this state moved by power -shall bo a e hicle." Accordine to the local man this can be interpreted to inentr not only au tomobiles, carriages or bioyeles but albu human beings for they are "a mining thing, moved by muscular power.' A reply from the attorney general is eagerlv awaited. For oery "e hicle" shall carry a light. GIRL SWIMS GOLDEI GATE Miss Hazel Lagoneur, 19, Wins Dis tinction of Being First Woman to Accomplish Difficult and Perilous Feat. ENGLISH STRIKE IS COLLAPSING Many of Striking Employes In Lon don Are Anxious to Return to Work, Indicating That Trouble Will Soon Bo at an End. LONDON, Aug. 19. Thfl Evening News today prints an article saying It ia officially informed that many of the striking employes In London aro anxious to resume" work and that there aro Indications that tho big railroad strlko Is collapsing. SAN FRANCISCO, Angl 19. I)y successfully swimming tho Goldou Oato today, Miss Hnzol Lagoneur, aged 19, Unlvoislty of California co-od, won tho proud distinction of being tbo first wonian to accomplish tho perilous feat. In a battlo with ono of tho rough est tides of tho day, it took tho dar ing girl oxactly ono hour trtid 2S minutes to porfonn tho trip. When tho plucky young lady landed a short distance to tho seaward of Lima Point sho was. ex-liaustcd, but smiling, and beyond tha fatlguo did not appear to havo Buffered any 111 effects from bor arduous swim, LANELLY. Wales, Aug. 19. Two persons woro klllo daud ono wound ed her today when troops and police fired Into a rioting mob. Many wero Injured. Ever slnco tho railway strlko waB doclared this part of Wales baa been tho sceno of violcuco and bloodshed. Today's conflict camo as a result of an attack on nu incoming train, Tho pollco wero unablo to dlsporsa tho maddened mob and nttor threats and tho firing of blank cartridges failed to stay tbo attack, the soldiers, who had been statlonod in tho vicin ity to protect tho depot and other railroad property, wero ordered to shoot to kill. Threo volleys wero fired and tbo mob broke and ran, leaving four of their number Btretchcd bleeding on tho ground. SHERIFF WILL PROTECT NWIT Threats of Mob IVolence Heard on Every Side Double Guard Thrown About County Jail Where Dentist Is Detained. MISTAKEN FOR COUGAR IS SHOT THROUGH BODY SAN W3KNAUD1NO, Cal., Aug. 19. Details wero recolvcd horo today by Judgo and Mrs. J. L.v Campbell of tho tragic death of Dr. Clayton Mus cott of San Francisco whilo on a hunting trip nccompanlod by his wire, among tho wilds of tho Olympic mountains In tha stato of Washing ton. Muscott was mistaken In tho denso undorbrush by Jack Ragstoad, a logger, for a cougar and was Bhov twice through tbo body, i Whilo Mrs. Muscott kept lonely vi gil. Ragstoad tramped 25 miles to Drlnnon, tho nearest habitation, for aid. Doforo assistance arrived Muscott wns dead. Ho was a gradu ato of tho Toland medical collogo at San Frunclbco. Look for tho loser of tbo articles you havo foundfor a prompt ud uuvy 8avo bun n lot of worry. SAN BERNARDINO, Cal., Aug. M. With threats of mob violence heard on all sides, Sheriff J. C. Ralphs an nounced today that ho would resist any attempt to molest Dr. A. W. Mc- Davlt, charged with holding Miss Jes 81 McDonald a prisoner In a room adjoining his oftico for 15 months. The situation is admittedly tonso and a double guard was thrown around tho county Jail last nlght,,whoro the accused dentist Is held. Officials of the Building Trades couucll announced today that a com mittee had been appointed to draft resolutions severely arraigning Mc Davit and also that. If necessary, mou ey would bo provided to assist in prosecuting him. McDaIt cowers In his cell and is making no effort to secure tho J1000 ball necessary for his raleaso. At torney A. W. Stophenson was retain ed today to dofend the prlsonor. FIX TUESDAY AS DATE FOR ADJOURNMENT OAKLAND WATERFRONT TO BE IMPROVED OAKLAND, Cal., Aug. 19. Foro sbndowing great and costly improve ments along tbo Oakland water front, tho Oakland Rnilwnys company, n $27,000,000 corporation, today filed articles of incorporation. Tho now company represents F. M. (Borax) Smith, and othor great traction intorosts and is formed pri marily for tho purposo of establish ing a great transcontinental railway terminal. Concurrent Resolution Fixes 2 o'clock as Closing Hour of Special Ses sion of Congress Futile Effort Made to Adjourn Tonight. LA FOLLETTE CHAMPIONS OPERATION OF COAL MINES Says Government Should Own Rail' roads of Alaska and Ter minal Facilities. WASHINGTON' D. C, Aug. 19. The senate this afternoon adopted a concurrent resolution providing for adjournment at 2 o'clock on Tues day. Senator Martin declared the resolution bad the support of tho leaders and was sure to pass. Late this afternoon in the senate a rcsolntion wns offered by Senator aL Follette of Wisconsin declaring that it is the sense of the senate that the government should own the rail roads of Alaska, together with their terminal facilities. aL Foflette said he would explain his resolution Mon day. Vice President Shermnn, Senator Penrose and Representative Mann today endeavored to secure the .ad journment of congress tonight. Their efforts -were futile, however, tho house democrats declining to adjourn until the cotton bill shall have reached the president. Sherman, Penrose, Mann and Un derwood then went Into conference over the cotton measure. The compromise statehood bill also awaits action in the house. j The resolution providing for the di rect election of senators probably will go over in conference until the next session of congress. FOREIGNERS INVITED TO SAN DIEGO FAIR WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 19. By n vote of 1G0 to 51- the house to day passed a resolution authorizing the president to invito foreign, South American and Central American na tions to send representatives to the Panama-California exposition nt San Diego in 1915. Amendments providing that a proper site must bo secured and $2,000,000 subscribed to make tho exposition n success wero added to the resolution boforo its passage. PROSPECT OF MARRIAGE COMPLETELY DAZED GROOM ASTOR OFF ON CRUISE WITH DEAREST MADELINE NEW YORK, Aug. 10. Accom pnuied by bis fiancoo, Miss Madeline Tnlmiiga Force and her father, Wil liam II. Forco, Colonel John Jacob Astor is today off on nn indefinite oruiso in tbo Astor yacht Nnomn. There is n porsistent rumor aflont that tho party may go ashore at Now London or Gioenwich and that tho mnrringo mny 1)0 consummated with in tho no.t 24 hours, SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Aug. 19. Dazed and unable to account for his strango actions, Duniel Foloy, wealthy Spokane mining man, who disappeared from Oakland a weok ago, the night before ho was to mar ry Miss Mollie Nngol was found by the police today ut the Palaco hotel. Miss Nogol had beon reluctant lo marry until sho could havo a wedduig dress prepared. Foloy, urging haste, accompanied her on a shop, ping tour, after which ho bade hor good byo with tbo understanding that tbo mnrriago should be porformed tho following day. No more was heard of him until today. AUTO CRASHES THROUGH BRIDGE RAIL; ONE DEAD SEATTLE, Wash., Xug? 19. Crashing through tho guard rail of tho Spokano avenuo trestle last night, an automobilo carried Miss Linda Hodgson, 20, to death. Mrs. C. E. Sorenson, another occupant of the machine, was badly injured. C. E. Soronson, who was driving, and Glonn M. Flshor, tho fourth motn bor of tho party, wero slightly hurt. Tho automobilo was going 20 miles au hour whon Sorenson obaorvod a chango In tho street. Unablo to sea tho roadway, he tried to avoid tho rail on the straightaway courso,' only to swerve Into tho rail oa tho oppo sito side of tho avonuo. DETROIT, Mich. Detroit In Its of ficial capacity Is opposed to tipping, and tho practlco hereafter wllfbe pro hibited iu cafes and city parks. rf.i