) t P2TOE ETGHT MEDFQttt) MATTi TRTBTOR aramrOttD; OTCTCOO FIttnAY, 'ATTCITTST 18. 1911. m hi 1 2000 CAMPERS CRATER FOREST Campaign of Education Has Proved of Value as Hunters Aro Exercis ing. Greater Care In Building of Fircsr-500 Picking Huckleberries. ACEVEDO STARTS REVOLT AGAINST PRESIDENT GOMEZ IN CUBA. Tlicro nro over 2000 people entnp iiiK wllliin (ho boiiniliu-ios of tlic Cra ter Lnko National forest nccontiim lo rrpprlfc received by the of firinN j of lliu forest. Of this number fully fiOO ro onuipiiiK on tho famous Huckleberry mountain where nn im nieiiHe. prop of huckleberries arc be inn harvested this year. With the large number of camper in the forest tho officials .state tli.it the campaign of education carried oal during thn jtast year regnnlinj: care less eampfire building is having its effect. The forest ranges this sea sou have extinguished 31 sm-ill bhu.es the damage from which has amounted to very little. This is a remarkable record in view of the fact thai there are more campers among the hills of southern Oregon than ever before in tho history of the local national forest. Hunters are meeting with much success in the Torol the official that the campaign of education car lied on during the past year regard ing careless eampfire building is hav ing its effect. The forest ranges this season have extinguished 31 small biases the damage from which has amounted to very little. This is a remarkable record in view of the fact that tbero are more campers among the. hills of southern Oregon than ever before in the historj of the local national forest. Hunters nro meeting with much success in their quest for deer. A largo number of the fleet footed den izens of tho mountains have been killed this scasou but very little" law violation has been reported. At this time Inst season there were fires raging in all directions nnd forestry officials state that they havo been most fortuntao this year and nro giving full credit to the campers who hnve been far more careful this year in starting fires than before. mt mj' r BKJf HF GENERAL OSE MIGUEL COMEZ.A liteiJ& HMfflHjHPfS3IW PRESIDENT pf CUBA. BBp. BBHH ocNOKI, "vB K&vVHIJr uMJyjf s Njwy -r TELEPHONE LINE FOREST COMPLETE Supervisor Erlckson on inspection Trip Finds Everything In Satsfnc tory Cuiulltlon In Touch With Outlying Districts of Forest. In an attempt to overthrow the Gomez ndministrat ton In Coba a revolution has been launched by Gen eral Uuillermo Aiuevcdo, who Is said to hnve two hundred armed nion with htm. News of the uprising enmo as a big surprise to the officials, who had not expected any trouble there. Acexedo Is said to have declared that he would give President Gome fif teen dnys to resign. VCE.YEDO. ENERAL MONTEAGUDO TSKK sv! JURORS DRAWN FOR i Medford opera houet August 'JO. A word about the orchestra travel intr with Lewis & Clark's Great Prn nmtic company. We ndverti.se eight iii." mill Hf luitv i;ui i-i;;iu iiifirus i T , . , m.,W nM,nvi fl.i, fir..! .U.Jl'lUi -'"r fl ' Sl'll!lllbl'r tlTIU .- ,..., ,,. ............ - -..- .- !- .- SEPTEMBER TERM 'company has been selected with great care for one specific, purpose and that purxsc is to furnish the cr best orchestra nutsic ever presented by n traveling band of The.spinns, HMoVlnii for Rpalth Try and get out to hear our band. If this meets your idea of music then our chain of evidence is com plete for the nroof of the pudding is the eating thereof. Engross it oi your mind with indelible ink. "Visit our cars' study the personnel of each niebmre of our company that you may perchance to see nnd if wi nre in your opinion what the doctor ordered, come nnd see the show Prices 23c nnd jiOi follow A. IC. Earhart. Woodvillc. Or.: .'. H. Cooley. Eagle Point Or.; J. U. To. zer, Ashland, Or.; E. A. Harebell, Woodville, Or.; Fred Pratt, Phoenix, Or.; J. B. Hair. Woodville, X)r.; B. J. Trowbridge, Medford, Or.; E. K. Bng ley, Ashland. Or.; V. C. Benson' Cen tral Point. Or.: H. S. Kvmw, Ashland, Or.; George A. Givnn, Eagle Point, Or.; I). Birdseye, Draper. Or.: W. K. Bullock. MedfonUOr.; P. W. Comln, Ashland' Or.; James Kershaw, Wel Ifn. Or.; George E. Fox, Central Point, Or.; H. C. Cole, Ashland, Or.: W. T. Ferns, Phoenix, Or.; J. J. Cam bers, Ashland, Or.; Gus Xichols. Ea gle Point, Or.; Charles Chaffey, Bea gle, Or.; lu C. Applcgalc. Gold Hill. Or.; H. C. .Meyer, Like Check, Or.; J. Jr. Under, Phoenix. Or.; .1. T. KmU, Medf,(rd, Or.; F. O. MeWillinms Ashlnml, Or.; George C. Cply, Ash-land- Or.; II. W. Harrow. Talent, Or.; II. K. Bydeu, Medford, Or.; J. M. Button. Ashland. Or.; U. II. Brad shaw, Medford, Or. BEAUTIFUL FLORAL PIECE SENT BY AUTO DEALERS M. I. Erickson, supervisor of the Crater National forest, relurund Thursday evening from a long In spection trip through the lorml which took him lo Dead Indian, Lit. tie Elk, Mnmpiitn, South Fork, Mid-i die Fork' Lodge Polo and Bessie Uock. lie states that hu found everything in splendid condition and all of the rangers maintaining a close lookout toisncvfires. A number of small blaies have been discovered Early and extinguished, being so in significant that they weie not re ported. Mr. Erieksou made the trip primar ily to inspect the new telephone lines just completed within the forest. In the Crater Xutonal forest at the present time there U ovor IfiO miles of telephone lines, 7fi miles being built this year. The lines were passed on by Mr. Erieksou nnd found to be in a sntisfatcory condition. With the new lines in 'service the local office js in far closer touch with the outly ing districts of the forest making'it much easier to direct a campaign against fires should Inrge ones stnrl. HUSSEY'S SATURDAY SPECIALS PRIMA DONNA SINGS TO HOSPITAL CHILDREN A handsome floral piece was sent to Grants Pass by automobile men of this city ns n tribute to Lester Gibson, the automobile tnnn of Grants Pass who died suddenly Tues. day. Those who agisted in sending the floral offering were the Heir Creek gnrnge, the Studebaker gar age, the Crater Lake garage, the Pa-, cific Motor SupJy company nnd J. T. Sullivan. SEATTLK. Wash.. Aug. 18. With scores of little children, many of them bed-ridden and in plaster casts as her audience, Mine. Beniice Dp. Pnscpii. the Metropolitan opera hoiiso soprano, snt at the Orthopedic hospital yesterday afternoon. There was no pinno, but fho sang spring sons to the youngsters without one. Afterwards she shook hands with all the delighted little inmates. The King FLY KILLER Tho luHt known and tho bijf mlvorti.sod ,K)o .'Fly Killer, horo yt urdny, 5c each Absorbknit Pal out, woavo, 1'iniHh od otlgo, full Hi.o wiwh nK or olnth, with patent hanger; lOu i tho price overywhero; horo tomorrow, 5c each All property valuen dopond upon tho prosperity of tho community. If our manufacturers aro proiporlng, nnd tho merchant likewise, tho farm er will prosper, too. Tho persistent demand for goods "Mndn In Oregon" will help bring grnator prosperity to the people of Oregon. Ladies' pure white jorsov ribbed Vests, 10e each, 3 FOR 25c. Ladies' rttinfy rut Vests (can't, slip ovor tho shoulders), a 20c value, here tomorrow in reg ular and extra largo sizes, 15c EA., 2 FOR 25c. LADIES' UNION SUITS IN SIZES 4 AND 5, PER SUIT, 25c. Ladies' Union Suits, extra well made and full cut; u 75c value; in regular and oxtra largo sixes, 50c suit. Nazareth Waists Union Suits Tor boys or girls, oach,50c. 'Nazareth Waists in sizes 2 to 121 years, each, 25c Acorn AVaists for boys or girls, sizes 2 to .12, each 15c. blisses' jersey ribbed Hose, sizes 5 to !)'.; 15c pair, 2 for 25c. .Ladies' seamless, fast black lloso, ribbed top, 15c pair; 2 for 25c. Men's Socles; will outwear anv 25c hose in town; 15c pair; 2 for 25c. ?. Men's and ladies' Silk Hose; linen hoql and too; mercerized garter top; closing out price, 35c pair, 3 for $1.00. Our 25c Hose Biggest Value in Medford 1000 cakes Toilet Soap, 3 cakes for 10c. Sun Bonnets, ladies' and misses, 16c each. We Will Move Soon - t.rrr Work on our new location is progressing rapidly and we shall soon move into the best equipped clothing store in Southern Oregon a Until further notice we will sell all this season's Clothing at the following prices: All $10, $12.50, $15.00 and $16.50 Suits at ridiculous price $8.50 All $20, $22.50, $25, $27.50 and $30,00 Suits at ... $ 1 5.00 1-4 Of f -On all Blue and Black Suits -On all Extra Pants. .4 Off t No inflated prices to deceive the public, as are sometimes tised for these sales, but a sale where the TRUTH ALONE IS TOLD. Where genuine prices and genuine reductions- are given plainly and where misrepresentation is not jaid on "VALUES.", k All Nice Patterns and Excellent Values 4-r-r-rrt0rf44tt No Extra Charge for Alterations THE TOGGERY OF COURSE Good Pair Suspenders FREE with each suit J V , , wtf.x-.Wi. V ! f ' tgg4'Ty't1''M'yi" y-TwTTMfHtyyil-f...i y.t ji j ,!-., -.. w.-.t,' " .,rf.A-k ru . -, 1 ,n. . . v ' lYamriinii.i'uo -mji. nrwilifc' .,... . - ...,, rw k..l.lu, j jUk.VtLaKlVlM' astyty r.'WW' .n--Miri