PAGE FOUR MEPFORP MAIL TRIBUNE, anpPJFORP. QRKaON. FRIDAY. AOOVST, 18, Mil. U j) :S if 1 irv MlDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN IMnKPRNDRNT NEWSPAPKU rUBLISHKU DAILY KXCR1T 8ATUU- DAT tiv Tina Mianamu PMNTINQ CO. Thn nnmnernlla Timet. Thn Modfori Mull, Tli8 Maford Tribune, Thn Bcuth- rn uregoman, vine jinmnnu inuuuo. Office Mall Trlbunn UnllJInc, J&-1 North Fir Home 76. trcel! phone, Main 10 011, GIIOrtOR PUTNAM, Editor and Manager Rntnml ax upconiVclBKa matter at Med ford, Oregon, under the act of March J, 1B7B. Official Paper of the City of Medford ornoiai raper or jacxaon uouniy. TraioaimoK muii. One year, by mall 15.00 Ono month, by mall .60 I'er month, oclivereo oy carrier in 1AtnrA -TnnVarmvlUA ATlil Cen tral Point M Sunday only, by mall, per year.... S.oo Weekly, per year i-0 IWORX CXSOUXATXOK. Dally a vera co for six months ending December 31, 1910, 1721. rail teased Wire United rrts Dispatches. The Mall Tribune la on sale at the Ferry News stand, san Krancisco. Portland Hotel News Stand, Portland. Bowman News Ca, Portland. Or. W. O. Whitney, Seattle. Wash. scBoromo, okbqojt. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, and tho fastest- growing city In Oregon. Population!;. 8. census 1910; SI40; estimated, 191110.000. Flvo hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water System completed, giving finest apply pure mountain water and six teen miles of atreet being paved and contracted for at a cost exceeding II. W.we. making a total of twenty miles of pavement, Poetofflco receipts for year ending March 31, 191. show Increase of 41 pet cent. Bank deposits a gain of 32 per cant Banner fruit city In Oregon Rogue River Spltsenberi; apples won sweep stakes prise and title of -AnU XUc of the WorlaV at the National Apple Show, Spokane, 1909, ana a car or is'ewtowns won SHrrt Yrlaa 1b 11Q at Canadian International Apple Show. Vancouver, u. u. Roguo lllver pears brought highest f trices in an roariceis oi ino wona aur nr the past alx years, write Commercial club. Inclosing t cents for postage for the finest commu nity pamphlet ever written. RED TRIANGLE BRAND. WATCH for tho "Rod Triangle" brand oC Roguo River pears. They arc guaranteed tho best over. Tho "Rod Triangle" is the trademark of tho Rogue River Fruit and Produce association. Everything in the lino of fruit bearing this label is the finest that grows. Every box packed under the "Red Triangle" is abso lutely guaranteed for flavor and keeping quality, and notices to this effect, asking that complaints, if found, be registered, are placed in every box. This is the first year that a systematic effort to grade and pack all local fruit has been attempted. As a result, for the first time, Rogue River fruit will have the stand ard of perfection that has madelTood River apples famous.! There will be no comparison between the Sacramento river and Suisun pears that have flooded the eastern mar kets small, green aud undesirable, and tho "Red Trian gle" brand, strictly fancy, full sized aud colored. For five jears Rogue River pears, marketed under a score of packs and a belter skelter grading, have command ed tho highest prices m the markets of tho east. ltli every box especially guaranteed as to pack and quality, they will maintain their previous record and surpass it. The Rogue River valley grows the most perfect pear in the world. Now that the perfect fruit is given a per fect grading and a perfect pack, it will be in a class by itself always in demand at fancy prices. TO PERPETUATE INJUSTICE. EMPEROR NAPOLEON'S SWORD NOW IN POSSESSION OF NEW YOnKER JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Brown If- A bifj ripe pear Das hanging where A little boy could spy it. And now that pear Ain't hanginp there, Nor did that small boy buy it. ; Speaking o names, among four men arrested for stealing fruit out of a car in San Francisco, there were Charles Qrubb and U. Plum. Now Young ."come back." Cook. Corbett wants to Still hope for Doc Jeffries has gone to Alaska. Soon .he'll be wanting to come back. Indicted members of the New York chicken tnist claim their enemies have been laying for them. A SAN FRANCISCO dispatch says: "Interstate Commerce Commissioner Lane will come to this city August 30 to begin a hearing on tho ap plication ot the Southern Pacitic for roller trom the law which forbids the charging of a higher rate ior a short than a lone haul, or a tliroiisrh rate creator than tho total bf the intermediate rates. The complaint of the railroad is m connection with the operation of trains over the Sis kiyou mountains, the cost of which, it avers, is excep tionally high. "For through rates, the Southern Pacific wants to treat its line between San Francisco and Portland as two separate and distinct roads, connecting at the summit, each entitled to charge the maximum for traveling on through trains, the maximum being higher for the passen ger or freight shipment moving over the mountains than the sum of local fares from Portland to the summit, and thence from the summit to San Francisco." In other words, the Southern Pacific would maintain its present system of discrimination against southern Ore gon, and exempt this section from the ruling made by the interstate commerce commission in the Spokane and Reno cases. In the' hearing of the Bedford complaint before the interstate commerce commission last winter this subject was thoroughly gone into, the cost of operating this line of railroad set forth as an excuse for discrimination, and all matters connected therewith. The Medford Traffic bureau answered every argu ment put forth by the railroad and showed the profit reap ed by this line, and it is exceedingly doubtful if the com mission seriously considers the railroad s request, as it is not in the habit of permitting discriminations against cer tain localities. 4"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"J Ng Pk,fVSjTgraw iVsBFH 4 JR SsW jflgnDMBBHsBBBBBBV 'VJBHMHbV- " -'.-' HsaBWslsWVaWMBVJBaBiSiHVsBl SWORD SUPPOSED TC HAVE BEEN USED By NAPOLEON t. " -- Where to Go Tonmht THE r & ISIS THEATRE A sword which tho Kmperor Naiuiloou Is holltuoil to linvo i-airloil In nil hltt caiitnalKins now In the pnorty of Oeorgo C. Bolt, proprietor of tho WaUlorf-Astoi In Hold, In Now York, It In now on oxlillilllou In (lint plmv where It was tiiMpcctod recently by Moiib. J. J, .lussoitunl. thu Prenrh Atulmtwitlnr. .Mr. Iloltll nmy prrnoiit the sword to tho Kronen government to bo milled to'n collection of Napoleon rellcH. Mr. Uoldt purchased tho swont, which Ik of nteel ami brans ami ouvntu'tl In n leather aralilmnl, ut nil alio (Ion salo of tho effects of Paul IMilllppoteau.x. thu painter, nineteen jeaiHtino. lie paid 06 for It. YESTERDAY'S SCORES. National At New York it Now York to Cincinnati 4 Second Bamo , Now York l!i Cincinnati .'...' 2 At Brooklyn It! Brooklyn ... S PUtsbnrK 7 At Boston n Boston 12 Chicago s At Philadelphia It Philadelphia ...'.. 0 St. Lotila ,..."..' 7 Kansas City ti I jColnmhiia iiK jSt. l'oul GS ' Milwaukee 57 Indianapolis . . .,07 Ijonlsvltlo Tift Toledo 51 f.2 r.a i;-j 02 02 C.2 C7 .552 .r.5t .171 ,47'J .470 .470 .132 American At Detroit Detroit ". tf Boston .1. . . . At Cleveland- Cleveland ... . New York ,. . . . At Chicago Chicago f.rh. Phllndclphla"..,.?iM.j. Second game Chicago .'. . Philadelphia At St: Iouls ' S. of n., we read of a San Fran ciscan named La rape who was shot in tho eye. T ODORS AND MOISTURE. " A tehsms That Is Said to Irnprovs ths Ssnss of Smsll. k The most striking fact connected with ray school career," said the prep school graduate, "was a peculiar abil ity ob the part of our commandant to detect the faintest cdor of smoke In a room on his daily inspection. The school I attended was of the military variety, and smoking was a rather se rious offense. No maltor bow much n room bad been aired or fanned witb wet towels previous to the Inxpectlon. the offender was always caught. "After I bnd received my finishing touches and become a citizen 1 mnde so bold as to inquire from what pe culiar dispensation of providence the ability was Given to detect odp mole cule of smoke in n hundred cubic feet of pure air. Tbo old boy smiled and. binding me to secrecy, Imparted the reason of his wonderful ability. Then be took me to a boy's vacated room and told me to wet my finger and rub my nostrils with it and sniff. Lo and behold, where before there seemed no taint in the atmosphere was now detected that smell of old tobacco smoke! Since then I havo taught school myself and have used the trick occasionally, entirely for experimental purposes, however. "I bare also sought tbo scientific ex planation, but with little success. It may, however, be somewhat analogous to the process of tasting. You know, It is Imposslblo to tasto anything that Is not dissolved In water or Is not a liquid Itsolf. 8o the moisture on the nostrils must carry tho small particles of smoke In a more or less damp state to the olfactory nervo ends and thus make the smell moro apparent At least this Is the only explanation I have erer found for the phenomenon. "The aame thing can also be used for detecting other odors, and I have found it useful on a number ot occa sions for this purposo, both in analyti cal chemistry, when only a small par ticle of a certain material la available for analysis, and In detecting faint per fume from flowers that are ordinarily quit odorless." Chicago Hecord-Her-aid. The peoplo of this city should buy "Made In Oregon" goods from the local merchants wbenevor the price and quality tire equal to Eastern made goods. MONEY NOT TO BE SPENT. (Continued from Page 1.) patchwork, but no real roads. Build Trunk Lines. "During the present year the coun ty hns spent about $100,000 for roads and this included about $30,000 spent for new machinery. If, instead of patching up roads as we have been doing in the past, the county had at its command the substantial su masked for, then work would be at once started on a trunk line ex tending through the valley from one end of the county to the other. This would he followed by the necessnry diverging roads. The proposed sys tem of roads will be laid before the people for their consideration prior to the coming election. If they vote to build these roads then nt the end of a decade the county will have this system of highways so permanently constructed that little repair work will be necessary and the expenbe of maintenance will he small." It having reached Judge NeilV ears thut the peoplo are afraid that lliev would be slighted in the roud building, he said: "I don't know why this opinion should prevail. I wna raised near Abiiiana ana ior many years my homo was there. Theintorests of Ashland uud vicinity are always among the first to bo considered by mo and the county court can assure Ashland and other sections of u square deal. Let Posterity Aid. "In considering the expense of this project, we believe there arc several points which should be considered. At tho present time the county is free from bonded indebtpdness, the only debt bcink that of about .$300,000 in warrants which have not been paid. It is my belief that nt the end of 20 years the county will have 10 times its present population and property will have increased in vuluo accordingly, so that the debt thut looks big to tho tuxpuycrs of today will bo much less of a burden to thoso who will bo paying it when the principal becomes due. Wo also think it is worth considering thut just as fast as this money is spent for good roads the value of farm lands throughout the county will increase much more than tho amount of tho investment in fonds. The actual bur den of this bond issue would hns not fall upon the county as we see it today but upon the larger and richer county of the future. And it is the good roads that will be the most powerful agency in bringing more people here. Harmon .Making I toad Map. "However ,as I snid before n more detailed statement addressed to the taxpayers of the county is now be ing prepared and will he published soon." County Engineer Harmon stntes that he is of the opinion that the proposed commission to bo made up of three or more members represent ing the different sections of the county should superviso the construc tion of the roads nnd the expenditure of the funds. He said he'd seen many pluns tried bat that it was the most satisfactory. "I am now preparing a map show ing the proposed system of roads," said Mr. Harmon. "The nlnn is to sell about $200,000 or $300,000 worth of the bonds each year an dthus complete the road system in five or six years." St. Louis 0 Washington fi OmuI League At Portland,! . R Portland -'P-j 4 Los Angeles ... .1 At Oakland ' It Sacramento 1 San Francisco 2 At Los Angeles It Oakland 3 Vernon 10 XortlmcHtcni At Seattle ' It Seattlo 7 Victoria v 3 At Tacoma ' '' It Tacoma 2 Spokane 1 At Vancouver It Vancouver fi Portland - 4 II 11 11 II 5 10 H 7 12 II 9 8 II 0 5 II 9 8 GRANTS PASS WOULDN'T FQLLOWMEDFORDSLEAD ncrniiMt .Medford had purcha-d a l'opo-IIarttord nuto tue engine the Grants Pax. city cmineil refused lit consider tins make of machine nt their council meeting TliurMlay even ing ami purchased ait American-l.n France, At least this was the reason given by several cnuiiciliucii in open mv-sioii to .Maunger Keye.s of the Valley Auto Co., representing the l'ope-Hurt ford eompaiyv. A committee had been appointed lo iuMct the five different makun of Htitos offered, but the couiuiiUje stopped is labor after two week had been examined. $30,000 APARTMENTS. COUNTY PIONEERS ARE TO GATHER ASHLAND, Aug IS. A meeting of the pioneers and native noiih and daughters of JiicUhou county was held In (he offico of II. ('. Ulllctt-o recently In order to make arrange incut for the annual reunion. Mr Olllette, who Is vice-president, qeeuplod the chair, and Malnjla W. Kinney was appointed scei etary. Thursday, Sptenihor 7, waa set 'at the dav for the reunion, uhlrh In lo bo helil In AHulnnd I his year. The chairman appointed the following committees: (icucral nrrunKcmcntH (I N An demon, Homer HIIIIiinh, L. A. Nell. (ienernl refreshment Mabel ' w. Kinney, AIJco 11. Hutlcr,, Kate drain Ker, J. M. Wagner. Table--Mrs. Lot tin I'aiilron, Mrs. Sylvester Patterson, Miss Jessie Mathes, (1. M. (iralugor. Program 1 I). Wagner, (I, !' Hillings. (). O. Heluian. Decoration A. Hello Anderson. Lily Patterson, (leorKo . Ogg, I. K Lane. Reception- Oeorgo W,. Iliiiin. (I S Hutlcr. O. Winter. Wed llorfltt. (Jeorgc Omcii. (Jeorgo Itarroti, Henry llariieluirg. TWO MOItl' WOMH.Itl'I'l. aith: lll.'I.L AM IHMIIXI, Comedy, Singing and Talking Another io of IIioho eliiHiiy no In ; that hat! never .failed to make good Tilelr Hinging Is gloat,' their talking which In all original, In far Niipei'lin- In other aetn of this ! kind, and their comedy Is i ' seieaiii, mulling It one of lhi' Htrongent netrt that ever played I lita lionne. , Hero N one thai In Nifo on any hill IIAItlM.I.SM MltlSCOK Tramp Juggler Original, Different and difficult a real novelty, hU net hari met with the htgheHt approva lof prcxH, Plihlle, uinuiigern and ageutn. Why? Oilglnal Ideas demand micceim; getting more' merriment on how to Juggle than a clown doc at a circuit. Kiefer Trees No no per cent loaitcs, the rldlc lit ourti. We are willing to ninke legal contract with you. .To plant Kel fer I'ear Ireun. To work I hero on top of any variety you amy e eel. We liny Kelfer teren of Stark Urn., and Ml, Arlior NtirHerlen. Homo drown Trees, no better grown. Medford Nursery Company lUl NOKTII ti:,VMt.L .VI. Plioni. 7151 (Continued from Paifo 1 ) t ed it will himply be an elaboration of the Herben apartments now under way. The two buildings including me site will represent an imeMinent I of over . 10,000. Homo prosperity depends npon homo Industry, and state-wide pros-j porlty will bo greater If factories: selling "Made In Oregon" goodH are patronized b ythe local merchants. SMITH'S APARTMENT HOUSE South Itltcmldo New anil t'p-to-Dale Modern In vvvry (uirllcular, gan rook ing, etc. Women anil girls in ii nt bring rcfcrcnccM. W.M. SMITH. Hasklnn for Hvi STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Haakins for Health. JACKSON MAY GO TO BERLIN. BB.'.-ifeBsMWt ) jHB tSMkyVnt- ,JSJSJSjr W' v ikcflBSSJI BBL7vy4i.SSijiij '.!.BBBBBHSiB Vk National Chicago 63 New York 64 Pittsburg 6C Philadelphia 69 St. Louis 58 Cincinnati 10 Brooklyn 40 Doston 20 .18 41 42 47 48 no or. 81 .624 .610 .607 .r.r.7 .517 .438 .381 .'213 Rock Spring Goal OW UXD AZ.X. THS TIM. Office and Coal Vnnl, Twelfth nnd Front Streets. Phono 7IOI. Burbidge I COAX, MAX JOtllf HACKdat Tho question of a Bolection of a man to Hucceed Dr. David Jayno Hill as nmbassador to Germany Ih lumily having tho attention- of Prchidcnt Tuft, who will announce hia decihion within, six wcckH, Among u half dozen or more namca under consideration, that of John 11. Jnol son, the present miniater at Havana, Cuba' stands out most prominently. American Philadelphia .. .. 'jl Detroit '. 68 Iloaton '.' 57 Now York ,57 Clovoland . . . . , 'cfe Chicago r;;54 Washington, .. ,'.-46' St. LoiiIh 33 Pacific CoiiHt Vernon 77 , Portland 71 Han I'VauclKco . , , . ,72 Oakland ,'. "72 Hacramonto 62 Lox AngolcH 56 NorlhwcHlern Vancouver V 16 Tacoma , 72 Hoattlo 65 Rpokann 64 Portland ,' 38 Victoria ', 30 38 .662 43 ,613 53 ,518 6! .513 66 .4 9 5 56 401 65 .415 76 .303 60 ,662 50 .516 6 ? .518 68 , .5; 4 72 .463 84 .100 47 .618 51 ,586 55 .542 59 620 62 .482 92 ,246 American AhhocIuIIoii Minneapolis, ,. ,, 00 03 .0001 Newport YAQUXHA BAT OKKQOK'S FOVU&AB SHACK BEHORT An liloul retreat for outdoor pnntlmnH of all klmlH. IIUNTfNO, KIMONO, HOATINO. HUlll'' IIATIIIN'O, UU). I NO, AUTOINO, CANOKINO, IMNO NO AND ItOLLKIl HKATINO. Wltnro protty water iiKalcK, iiiokh agates, iaoon-Mtotie, cnriiollatiH can tin found en tho bench Pure mountain watur ami thn best of food ut low nrlreM 1'Venh flHh, clatiiM, crnliH arid oyslnrN, wllh aliiiinlauco of vegetable!! of all klmlH dally, Camping Ground's Convenient and At tractive with Htrlot Sanitary Kejfulatlons, low bound Tnir bijasox TICJCET8 rrom Alt Points In Orejron, Wash. Incton and Idaho, on sal dally, 3. DAY SATURDAY-MONDAY TICKET from Kouthern Paclflo pnlnla forllnml Id CotliiKo Orovui hIho from all a. tie U. statloiiH Albany anil wont. Vlood Kolna Hatunluy or Huinlay and for return Hunday or Monilay, Call on any H. V. or O. & u. Annt for full purlloulara as to fari'H, train HchedulcM, nlc; hIho for copy of our llliiHtiutud booklet, "OntlfiKH In Ore Kon," or wrlto to WM. MoMUBXAT Oenoral Passsnffer Atfunt, Portland, Oreifon. MEDFORD THEATRE . .i SUNDAY, AUG, 205-1 Great Western onow ,i 25 People Presenting The Cattle King The Very Best Traveling Band in America Majestic 10-Piecc Orchestra ! 11 1 1 m , j AFTER ALL IT NARROWS i DOWN T0 Jhe Merrivold Shop FOR Claso Envelopes 1S1 V. MaIii HU, MiMlford. I . I . Hotchkiss Stapling IMachines Jjj2 With 500 Staples Compare Prices Medford Book Store Prices 25c and 50c Draperies Wo carry a iry coimiliilo I Inn of ilraimrliiM. lurii oiiitiihiM, fixtures, nto.. ami i'o all vlnnmn of ujiholMturliiK. A iIeoll rim n to look after thin work i.xcliiMUely ami will Klvn ua K flnrvlco iih la nrtHMlblo to yet In uvea thu InrKost cltliiB. WecRs & McCowan Co I ... .. r-'U'A'i'"1""' ' o altllS Of THE HOLY NAMC8 Of Jt8U8 AND MAnV. C.J., Zu ,1.1 1! .?'?:' ""'-'f' Arl' ' lucu,l"n ""' tVnim(. flit IHW.KtilJ.nlimJI),, i,uj,nu k,fiu,J H,,,.!,,,.! bjifllwu.n ill.,,, Will for AuiHJUiM rmrm. A J.Iim JwfV. iwvvJ' -i i fttr. t . ' -"it"( s4. i BUAbWi t ' t - f