Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 18, 1911, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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MTUDFORD MATTi 'VllWimK, AnDirOBD, OlWOOtt, TiWDAY, AXKlim'V IS, 10f1.
Eastern Market Rccovcrlun From
Lust Week's Slump Record Crop
Is Dclitn Harvested In Etistcru
Our Correspondents
H.N IMtANUIHl'O, Auk- IK.-Tim
Htmviut l-'rult cotiiimny, Angina 15,
Hold iltiulilnuim ft tilt at iiurtlnii real
Irliig tin follow Iiik tt Icon, which wer
rmi'lvml In rlplmr ami nro MUlJn; t to
iiiMU'i'l Inn ; '
,Vw 'i h, N. V.
I'KI) car :i;inJ. mini DiiIiiiiii, Au
Kitwt I Itnrllutt pout n : Ah ('line,
iivnniK" II. 00 j Mm, N. Ihury, nvttr
ago $1.U; Uhlin IHiii aviirnisn 1 . H 5 ;
KHtttlo IM (Jliatlliiiiiriii',, iivtuiigu
ll.tiR; Mrs. J. Dnntulnoii, uvuriigti
S I . it r ; Diehard lit ami, average
ft. III. Oar kiiihhi'iI fU.ISI. '
PI'H vnr'WU, from HarTiiiiiuiito,
Augiltil alltirllutt pi'iuit! II.
IJaiiit. nvtriiti 11.75; V. K. Iluiiyun,
average l.; J- H. DoHroHlor, nver
itKii $1.75. Ijkk pliiiimt W. N. Iluii
yon. average t.i": T. W. Hheeliiiu,
iivurnno; Illinium prttiicii: N.
JttiiMit, average 11.0. ''r groiwml
lM-'H ear K.StU, from Hillnuii. Au
gill 2 Crawford ptnuilum: Alt Coo
I'.u., avunigii "fir. Ilartlell jmurii: Ah
Coo Co.. smtniKO ll.TG; Cliuii 1 1 In,
iivitniKo H.76; Choii On, nverago
1.7ft; Mr. J. DiiiiIoImoii, average
Jl.7fj II. II. Hh"Won, average I1.&0
Car groaned JSKS.
I'PI-J car OaKI, fiom Hulmin, Atl
gul 3 linrllutt pliant: Ah Yoke, im
urago J 1.10; Mr. N. Horry, averagu
11.70; J, It. I'liadbourno, averagu
$1 "0; Mr. J. DnitlolHim average
11.75; Hum & HolihltiM, average
II.2R; Orchard llraud, average $1.50;
llqttltlii ft 1iitK. average ll.GB: 0.
Tmiwaga (Halo), average $l.t!0.
t'mwfnnl poarhoH! Wong (loo, aver
age Kfio; Yellow ok gplum: C. K
Hume, average II. OB. Imperial
prune: T. J. Cooper, average hBc
Car groaned S- I.
PIT. ear ai'JB, from rlarraiimnto.
AugiiKl 3 ICkK pltitnn: (leorgo Mc
Cullouuli. uvorauo aSr; T. V. Hhee
linn, nvorngo I.Oo; Volttiulila plum:
Karl Orchard Co., averng" 8Bc, (lor-
.iitnti prune: I. A. Mlllor, average
11.75. Hartlott pear: Karl Orchard.
..tin.. iivornicwII.VG: V. A. M.lllur nv
oriiKo' II.KO, V. II. Dean, average
1 1, SO. I'art oar groused IS 10.
I'KI-: ntr aoai from HuIhiiii, Ah
gtwt 2 -Hurlliilt pojini: Alt Coti Co.
average; i:noii un iivithk"
$1.75, J. It. Chaillioiirito nvoriiKO
$l.i50, Kitlalo l-M Oliitillioiiritti avor
ni Jl.fiB, Mi . J. DatilolHon avoraKo
l.7t); J. Mariiyama (Holtoll). avor
iitso 11.05; Orphan! Hrnnil itvrtiK
11.50; V. V. I'aiiRlnirn, nvoritRo
11.50; l- O. Hoarlott, avorat;o $1.(30.
Car RroHMtuI $'J0g.
Thlrly-fttnr tarn ol toilay. Mar
(ut Ih MtroitR ttttil lioftllhy. Wotitltor
too lint.
IttlhtOll, MllNH.
I'I'K oar 58 il a, from HiilHtin. Au
KiiMt s llnrilott pwrn; Ah Choo,
iivoritRo $1.05; II. II. Clayton, av II .75; Chun llltt, avoniRo 11.70
J. II. .Unrray, avoraRti 11.00; Molt
rot Hi oh., avotitRo $1.15; O. Hear
Intl. iivoritRo 0$l. SB; (1. TmiRawa
(Halo), uvoraRO ll.fiO; J. T. ThiiI
Htiinlmoto (lliirliock), nwraRO l, IB.
Car RroMiioil $70 1.
Hlxtoon oara boUI toila. Market In
tlolliK ln'tlor. Woatlior In vory warm.
CltlriiRo, III.
I'l'IC oar 81015, from Hncrnmoiito,
AtiRtittt 8 Hartlott poarBt W. II.
Doan, avoraKo H.'-'B; O. McCiiIIoiirIi,
avorar.u II. 'JO, IJIhorlti poaoltort: Wont
& Monro, iivoiiro BBo. Car RfOHHuil
IM'I'J oar 80aa, from Hnornmonlo.
AiikunI a Hartlott poarii: .1. 1. Poh
rodlpr, avortiRO; I). A. Mlllor,
avoniRo; W. N. Utiiiyim, nr'
HRo $ RiitHHoti ima.
Twonty-uU oatH Holtl toiluy. Mar
l,ot In wottlt, vory ilitll. Wonthor hot
ami tmltry. ,
MIiiiioiI.oIIh, Minn.
I'KI'3 oar Otua fiom Stilim An
riimI 1 Hartlott jioih-h: Ah Yttko, av
oniRo l.aB; Ah Clmo, nvornRo 11.50;
Chon On, iivoihro $1.50; Chun Chtth,
nvoriiRii $1.55; H. Look, uvoraRO
$1.55; Otflinnl Hrttinl, nvoriiKO
$1.55; II. II. Hliolilon, uvoraRO $1.35.
Car ri(ihiiiI"7B I.
Hlx raiB hoUI today,
th'oro wan (iiilto a rumpttH lately
lntCu'oott oiiV city mnrnlvtt and out)
COUNCIL Wil'li'TO' In.. Aiir. IH.
- Kiso liiiinlroil 1'iiiinorn, in Ifill tin
lonioliiloH toilay will nlOho on tin)
llirttu niini, who WotliniHtluy, innrtlorud
Miiroliiil Utitclnir nl Mirtfionri Yftlloy,
lowtt, 'ri (loHporatlooH hid tiH'
roiindoii jn' n Itoavy wood, mivnyul
injIoH not Hi oi' ('ouiin)l HIiiITh, mid
I It'til r Chimjio in liolioyod o tin ItnpoH
Hildo, A Nor liillitiK Hnlolior, onu of
Hid inurdorofH droppod I!h lint unit
bloodhounds ploliod up llui Hoont
SVU it.
HmoiMon Whoolor, itiliiritiiiii of
illqllo Kalln, hna Inion pnyltiR a limil
Holm vlalt to Modlord. Mr. Whuolor
hmVh IIiu tituiicll hint houn duly or
ruiI.iiI and tho corporation Ih rapid
ly HhoplttR ItMoir for IiiihIiiohm.
Tlio rity ootincti iiiih appotnion mr.
TiplRnto an roconlor In placo of Mr.
Muloy. who wan olodd hut fallnd to
HtopH a I it htdtiR lakon to piirohaint
a lot on wliloli to ImiIIiI "oalahooHo"
tin 1 1. In tiocomtary to havo Homo placo
of 'ooiiflnoiiiuiit for tho roiiRhit and
MltiM lfalimir linil a Hiiltoaiio In .Mod
ford hilt fortuttaloly IL wan found.
Mf, I'almor wan vIhUIiir Mottford at
tlio tltno.
A Mr. (lardtior, who had hooit
workltiR at tint mill, haa loft Hutto
I'allH ami ROlto to tho valloy to ro
JudRo IltiHtlii tf tho miHiirvoyi'ii,
Iiuh boon In Modford for hoiiio tlnnt
on liiiHliifHH hut 1m oxpoulod to rottirn
In a Hhorl tlmo
i'PH (
niV c
of tho roiiRhor olotuoiit, and hm thoro
wiih no plaro of rnufluouioul tho party
wiih turiiod Iooho,
.Tito mill Ih runuluR on nhorl tltno,
holnp onRiiRod In liiHtalllttK a now
wator whool.
Dad Maroy lni,i movoil Into IiIh now
Htnro room ami ItaH ;i Rood ittock to
mipply IiIh trade.
! 'Tho wator iiiohIIoii Ih llkoly to to
uoinpromlttod, which will ho a wlttu
tltltiR for all ronrornml, aH tho town's
not In n condition for lltli;atl(lu and
ti oonnlilorntlon of tlm mutual rlRhtti
nf all oonrornod Ih tin boat ntcp In tho
' Thoro Ih no letup to tho luroiultiR
vlntor, many of whotn pitch ll. tr
tiit and Mlay to on Joy oor cllmato.
The traffic on tho rallrond In
Moadlly (itc tho InoroiiKO and ovory
(ruin ltrlitRf. In not only panHoitRorH
who aro lookliiR around, hut nlim
larRo oouHlKtimoutH of tttoro frolRht
for our morchantH.
.oru D.nhaok ItaH Itoon down In
tho valloy lookltiR after IiIh homoHtoad
jnattorH. Dahark httH a HtrottR cn
nnd will likely ho HiiccoKrtful In IiIh
It Ih uutlot-ntooil that tho Mahouoy
and Allturl land ouuou aro to baliuard
In ItoNohurK office.
Hrotl ClaHpIn Iiuh built for himself
mid family u very roiufortnuto homo
ami moved Into It.
Thoro Ih houio talk that an lncor
porutod roiipauy of torat titou lutoutlH
to lake wator out of Hutto Crook bo-
low tho dam for Irrigation purpoHOH.
II. I). MIIIh, innmiRor of the mill,
him buou In Modford ami JarkHouvlllo
on company IhihIiiokh.
Tho funoral of Mrn. Karntm was
larRoly attondcrt by many frlond of
thU OHllmahlo lady. 81m wan burled
In tho local cemetery, tho Hov. Mr.
Ioiioh of tho Presbyterian church of
tlduUiiK. Sho loavcH to mourn her
loitH ti htiHlmtd and two youiiR lioyb.
Mr. llondrlckH, Into of tho uiwiir
vnyeil lantls, Iiuh moved his family to
tho lallH.
I'rod MedynHkl and Mr. Whlrtor
who linvo buen at .Mr. Modynskl'H
hotuoHtend, after a stay of hoiuo tlmo
have o u mod to tho valloy.
All dlfforoneoM between tho opptm
Iur factions In tho Incorporation mat
ter Hhottld now bo laid nt rest and
all tdinuld pull tOKUtbor and pnah thb
town forward to the pluco t utiRht to
occupy and It will not bo Ioiir before
Hutto Falln will attain on oiivoiih
Colonel SarRont, who Iiiih boon run
tlcathiR with Moho Alford and fam
ily, Iiiih rotiirmid to tho valloy, hav
Iiir enjoyed hlntHolf very much and
heltiR much pleaHod wUlt our Hocllon
nnd Uh tunny nttractlotiH.
MrH. Wharton nnd family nro vIh
ItlttK In Modford.
Tho Duproy hotel 13 tjow tV room
)iiK hoiiHo and can nCco'mtuodato the
travelling ptihllo, whllo tho HobitiHou
ft tCroKH restaurant can food It.
.1. I. IIurIioh has boon unuHitnlly
IiuhV durluR tho HoaHon and la ro
iJonlHi;hliR lib) tdonlc to moot tho do
tuaudK of bin trade.
Mark Hakor Ih nlRltt wittohmau at
Iho mill ttti rIvIiik Rood Htttlsfac
lion to the compiuty.
Tho hulntluif biwHo'n luis Jtardly
Oiionod ror oiir local ItuutBinon, hut
Inimy with riiii and rod cotuo In
front tho valloy to try tholr liiok It;
mirlilllH and Htreanut.
' Will ChamborH hint a very tco and
iloHlrably local oil lot and rcHldouco
Whllih ho off oru for sale at v vry
I'eimoiuihln price,
' PrnfoHHor Hu(ihtiiuu Will have
rharRO of nur school Iho coming
tiohool year.
1 IuloBH tho mill makoH a fall ami
vlnler run many of our mllltmm wll)
to coinpolletl to inovo to tho valloy
'or work, an tltoy tnutit havo otnploy
unfit: t". Hiipport tlioiiiHolvoH and rani-
Thoro aro no many HtrtuiRont who
Imv6 uottloU In our city during tlio
(Jnoryo Hlidliiim ol" (Inintri I'iihh im
enjoying u v!h!i willi IiIh inoUior'H hIh-
tot'H unit ImmiurH lioru lli'm week.
W. J3. I'rioo, Hr.; and .1. K. nnd T.
I). IIohh nnd hoiih Floyd mid .lumen
hiivo retiinicd from llieir luiuling unit
i'iMliiiio; trip tip Kviiiih meek.
.MImh .Mori MiiHloy loft for Portland
WodiifHtlny owning.
Ilepry Ifiley h iittundin Hie Ah
lorln Ceiilenninl nnd vitdlini,' oilier
iiorllioiti poiulH.
W. A. Cowley in Hpt'tiding u fow
dttyri in I'orlliiud lliin week.
John J. JJrown mid Ron l'nul Imvo
rntiiriifd from mi outiiiR- trijt nl
CrcHounl t'ily.
Our oily ;oiiueil nt llieir inPettiiK
WednoHiluy nllit ordered n Hpecittl
eleelloii on WeilnoHilay, Aiik. U8 lo
vole on nit iiiiieuilmcnt to the oity
elmrlor to ullow tint eity lo ihhik
Itondri under (lift Haneroft net lo pay
for piiviui,' hliei'l inlcruelioiiH in Iho
Itttrilory to ho paved.
I he Hoeial Riven by 'the ladies .(
the CiiriMiiiii eliureli Tliurstlay liven
Iiik wan a devilled HueeeHH, hold Mt.
eially mid finanelally.
V.ryn Turrill arrived from n limit
iin.' trip in the MeadowH TliurHilay
eveiiin mid Ittfl for bin new linme in
Cnriiliijf, Cal., loday.
If. II, MllhWorlli htm opened n wood
and emit yard here.
Vielor Hnrell and wife arrived
homo Tliiirmlny after u xeveral
weeks ihit with Mrs. Ilnrsell'riiiir
enlH, .Mr. mid .Mrn. Cmim of Ku.
Rene, former rexidentH of lliin plane.
Those who vihiled in Meilford
TlinrMlny uflemooti were lr. Frank
Weston, W. 'J'. Slidliiuii, OeorRo Slid
ham. .Melliu Comloif It. K. Murray,
H. W. I.iiiilsay. .Mr. I'ooik.
year that wo aro taklnR on a cos
mopolitan air.
Tho office of JudRo Pouts Ih now
vacant ami can bo rented by npply
Iiik to tho bank.
John WluuluRham Iiuh returned to
tho Fall 8 from bin timber contract
nnd Ih camped, with his family, In a
nearby rhivoh.
Ah tho school term npproachcH It la
expected that' there will bo a scarcity
of homes for tho families who come
In to upend tho winter and enjoy our
Hchool advantages.
Hutto KalU will not bo doltiR her
duty until hIio Htarta and finishes the
I'roHbylerlau church bulldliiR nnd In
troduces an element makhiR for the
moral uplift of tho city. All Join
liautlB and complete thin Rood work
Sfjohel & Day State That Ovpr, Sup
ply of Pears, ami Peaches In. New
York Weaken Market Apples
Plentiful In Gotham Market.
HRohel & Dtty of Nc v Vork titular
(Into of AtiRiiHt y, IhhijciI the follow
ing market iialnially lower. The
bout of llicm, of Rood HI.U ff'l.b) to
.f'JJO, hut (he Rrcat hulk uiver mid
hoiiiii Hiiisiin Mold mostly frnln )?l.:tO
lo $1.70. Homo, of Ihcsu had nciirly
'JOll penrn lo tho hex nnd were com
meneiiiR to color up. Market had
uverywhoro nnd as 77 i;nn nre. ad
vertiHi'd for 'jfontlay wo anticipate
Hiiniii prices hut wiih less ilhumiouH
from the west, therefore lilitov fi
eeiplH. Wo hope for bolter nmrket
later next week. Of course, this
fruit, liko nil oIIuth, Httffeirt from
itver-Hiipply of the other kind.
I'cnchoH JmuieiiKe arrivals, aetu
nlly 'J'J.ODO boxes yesterday nnd the
bottom has dropped out of the mar
ket. Klbcrtim'TjOc to 00e, TitHcan
ClitiRH- 7)o lo .fl.10, Crawfords, Fos
ters, ete., 10c to 80e; some of the
latter aro soft, hut Klhertas fairly
rooiI Ronernily.
It irt simply n qiteHlion of over
supply, partieulnrly of HartletlH and
peaches. Kric coek full daily, sales
I) a. m. to ,'l p. in,, and deliveries
only completed by midnight. Nat
urally other nenrby Rrown fruits are
coining in hero and they all lend to
depress things, nnd the only consol
ation being that other markets nre
lower than ours except on peaches
and grapes. Immense receipts hero
of early npples which arc selling
Sl.'Jfi to $1.75.
SUU Prlcct.
Tho followliiR letters remain un
called for at tho Modford, Oregon.
(lOKtOfflcO AtlRUHt 1C, 1011:
Mrs. May Anion. Oeo Hcnolt, Kdltb
Hoardman, O. Kenton Holton, J, H.
Hrown, Tony Ilritno, J. C. Chester.
Wm. ChrlHtaltison, II. C. Clark, M.
V. Danforth, Will Oeltoboam, John
H. Fonloy, Kkron Gall, K. 13. Oarnor
(a), II. S. Gcstrln, Fred Olllett. An
ton Oarnor, Ortilcrdskl, Mrs. Lydla
Hamilton, Gladys Harvey Dixie liar
comb, Will Heard, Mrs, Lillian
HodRcs, A. I-:. Hallott. llctha Moen.,
Geo. II. Hovondon, Mrs. J. A. Howell,
Anna Johnson, J. C. Jocolyn, Frank
Kerns, Walter Lako, Wm. Lowo, J.
W. Lyons, Fllllppo Mnncucho, Mer
chants Mercatitllo Co., I). N, Mela-
turf, Iteuben Moore, Win. Mooro,
Mttrry MIuIiik MIIIIiik ft Lousing Co.,
Harold Orupjado. C. T, Payne, Geo.
N. M. I). Pease, Mr. Petit, J. H. Per
ry, Mr. Plnknoy. It. W. Prlco. O.
Heading, X. llQiupohiR, Aaron C.
Hook, Gen. Hllby, Lon J. SchUlar,
MurrIg Smtb, Jmues 1. Stewart, C.
II. HlopheiiH, Hurt P. Stonoy, J. E.
.Storm, John Strahl, John M. Thllle,
Mrs. Viola VlUthum, Mrs, G. U, Wal
thmoyer, Helen Whitney, Mrs. Prank
X. Whitman, C. 12. Williams, Huxel
WllllamH, Hort Wood, drover Young.
PnrtloH culling for any of tho nhovo
let tors will please, nay ndvortUod. A
cbarRo of one cent will bo "niado upon
tho dullvery of any of thu alfbvo let-tots.
Healed proposala will no rocolyod
by tho county court Qt Jackaon county
at his office n tlio court liouso at
Jacksonvlllo, Orogon, to ho oponoij
August 2S, 1011, nt 10 n. m. for tho
couHtructlou of n conuroto bridge
ncrosa Hear Crook In tho cHy of Med.
ford, Jackson county, Oregon. Plana
and specifications aro on fllo In tho
office of tho county court also In the,
office of W. Ilurupm county road
mnstor In tho tourt linuiio nt Jack
sonvlllo. Alt bids must lio accompan
ied by n cgrtltlod ejecje for 10 per
cent of tho bid. Tho court rosoryes
tho r'Kht to rojoct any or U bids,
County J ml go.
Printing of nil lnmla nt Portland.
prlooH. Mti Trihuno office
lfuslvius for health.
Potntocs $2 per cwt; 3c pound.
Cabbage 2c
Pamnlps 2c.
Lettuce 5c head.
Carrots 2 c
Heels 24 a -Onions
Bermuda, Sc.
Celery &0cl doz.
Cauliflower IOC? 15c head
Turnips 2 c. V'
RndlBhca 5c bunch.
Onions Green, 5c bunch.
Asparagus 10c lb.
Rhubarb 10c.
Tentative plans for (he holding of
n large monster ceremonial In this
city when the Ashland shriiio makes
a pilgrimage to this city in October
have been completed mid commit
cob of local members of tho Shriuer
nre busy with urrungementH. The
ceremonial will hu Iho most elaborate
ever, held in southern Oregon nnd it
is believed that nobles will be in at
tendance from nil sections, of the
Tho committees appointed to. have
charge of the iifl'air hnyo Jtcen named
as follows:
Reception committee J. E. AVatt,
chairman; C. C. IJpokman, T. Camer
on, W. I. Vawter, W. IL Korcross, G.
W. Donnell, J. L. Ila'mmcrslay, Alex
Martin, Jr., E. R. Retimes, Charles
Stunt Committee II. C. Stoddard,
chairman; W. A. AUkcn, Dr. E. 11.
Pprtor, George II. Monroe, E. T.
Staples, II. O. Pr'tihbach, W. C. San
derson. Hanquet Committee L. H. War
ner, Jr., chairman; E. H. Waterman.
A. 8. Rosenb&um, P. M. Wilson, Leon
H. Hasklns, R. L. Hurdle, E. D.
Decoration CommIttce--W. IL Mc-
Gowan, chairman; Lawrence, A. Gre
gory. Dr. E. G. Illddell, Charles Eng
lish, I. C. Roblnett, Clarence I, Hutch
inson, E. C. Ireland, Charles K. N'ow
hall, D H. Mills, Thomn Danford,
P. G. Bwedcnburg, C. W. Nlms, G. S.
Program Committee A. E.
Rcaincs, chairman; William M. Col
vlg. E. D. PIckcl, E. A. ahorwln, F.
D. Wagner.
Exccuttvo Committee C. L.
Reamei, chairman; A. L. Loomls, W.
A. Folger, C. II. Vaupcl, Gcorgq W.
Parade Commltteo IL C. Garnett,
chairman; Howard S. Dudley. D. T.
Lawton, J. D. McArdle, Lyman Orton,
W. C. Lcevcr, W. E. Nowcombc, IL
C. Sparr, O. Winter.
city, imil with ndttltlonnl nnpclflcnttonn
Kllltrilltlril lit' the fJInrlt A Itimnrv Unn.
I Klructlott Coinxntny, Imlli of which, n-
crni nnn niiiuiiorifil Btircillcnunn", Brf
on fllo in tin Office of tho city retfonl-
fr of villi rltv. nml tiuM tlin rnt
I llnrrof on Urn (.foperty iiiljubanl to until
Thf couiifll will nici't nl thn rotincll
chnmbor, In jho city Hull In until city
on (ha .1th uy of Wtiionibfr. 191 1. nt
7.30 p. m, nt, which tltno all protsntH
ftlnt th. MftklnK of itnld Improvement
on'l jho HDMHulnif of tho cost thereof,
oh nfor.'Kulil. will h lionrd.
'iitc city reconior In liroby ordered lo
uhtlMh thl rolntlori oner In the.
itallv ildll Trllilltip. ii tintvunnnnr nf
liriiertil cilrrttUllun In unld city nnd lo
I04l the Flltnn mh rrnlilre.l liv the nhnr.
tiT, nl li-nxl ten dnyn twforo tho date
of nnld meellnK,
Tho UrrnoK resolution wnii pnnxed
hy thoclty council or tlm City of Mod
ford, Oregon, on th lf,th dnV or AtlK
wl. jnil. by the rollowlttK volo: Mer
flck, nynj Watt, nye; Wortinfin, nvn,
Ktiierlek. nlment; Illfort, nyv, nnd Mil
lar, nye. '
Approved AuRiiot ldlh.lSll.
At test i Mayor.
noiiT. w. Tin.Knit, '
City Ilrcorder.
Cocoanuts 10c each.
Prunes Dried, Cc lb.
Lemons 30c dox. v
Oranges 25450 dor.
Grapo fruit 7Co 1 dox.
Uanauas 20(tr30c doz.
Hotter Eggs and Poultry
Butter Fresh ranch, roll, 60c;
creamory, 65c.
Errs Fresh ranch, 30c dozon.
Poultry Hens, dressed, 22c; llyo
ISc; springs, dressed, 30c; live 20c.
Turkoys 2SC30, dressed.
Heor Cows, 10 20c; steers, 12 JJ
Pork 20 22c.
Veal Dressed, lB(Q2Bc
Mutton 12 &T20c; lambs, 1C1
Hay nnd Feed.
Hay Timothy, 14; alfalfa, H;
rhiss, 12; grain hay, $14.
I Grain Wheat, 11.15 bushel; oats,
135 ton; barley, 35 ton.
before It kills your linlr. You know
dandruff Is a Rorm disease nnd It
lends slowly and surely to baldness
and there is only one way to cure
dandruff and that la to kill tho germ
tljnt entisoH the trouble
Greasy salvos will never do this.
ZEMO mpl 5$E.MO SOAP kills tl0
germ nnd nro guaranteed to euro dan
druff, itching scalp and all other
Rojm diseases of tho akin and scalp.
y.KMO and ZKMO SOAP aro tho
true Hclontlfln reinodles for thesq af
flictions. To show our faith In ZEMQ
nid .EMO SOAP vo have liistriictcU
tho druRRlst soUiiiR them to rofuiu
your niqtioy if you nro not satisfied
with tho results from tho very first
bottle and tho first cake of tsoap.
Wo can afford tp ,iniika this offor
liectuiBo ono hottlo ot Zomo and one
enko of Hoap are sufficient to show
tholr healing qtiallttoa and If used
according to dlierlloiiH they wll! ef
fect a permanent cure.
Sold by dniRRlsts ovorywlioro and
In Medford by Hasklns' drug store.
Thoro will bo a picnic of tho
J.qeal inontbors of thot Natlona,l As;
8,'oclatlouor bbcksmlths at Ashland,
August p. All shopawlll ho tiysod
qn that day,
Socrotary Jackson domity Local.
020 Jff.' WfLSON.
UasldiiB tor Hoaltb.
SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 18. Pre
liminary counts of the four recall pe
titions filed yesterday indicates that
there are, not enough names signed
to call an election on the petition
against Mayor Dilling, but enough to
make effective petitions ngainst
Cotiucilmcii IJInine" Kellogg nnd iir
dall. The recall association has the
right, however, to file supplementary
letitions within 10 days, and this nc
tioit will bo taken.
Hasklns for Health
The city qouncll of tho City of Meil
ford. Orison, will, receive Henled pro
posaln for tho jiurchuHo of SC,00O.00,
six per cent, ten year Improvement
bonclH (otitlonal after tho first year).
at u mcvtltiK to bo held August !2nd.
All bids mtiHt be accomnnnled bv n
certified check equal to 5 per cent of
lite amount bin (or. sain cnecK lo te
made payable to tio city treasurer of
the City of Medford. nnd to bo forfeit
ed to said city In case tuld bid In ac
cepted and said bondH aro not pur
chased In accordance with S4ld proposi
tion within 20 days after tho notice of
sum acceptance.
All bids must bo filed with the city
recorder ut any time bpfore 5 o'clock
p. m AUKiist 22nd. 1911. Tho council
reserves tho right to reject any and all
City Recorder.
Dated this 16th day of August, 1911.
He It resolved by tho City Council of
we my or aiemoro:
That It Is tho Intention of the coun
cil to cnuwo Fifth nl root from Fir stroat
to drape street In said city to t Im
proved by ptnclnR on both sides of said
street u concrete curb uinl nutter and
by paving thu s.imo for n width of
tulrty-six reel wnii aspnail pavumem.
cotiHlsttnK of u four Inch impliultlo con
crete base, and n one nnd one-half Inch
ugplmlllo wearing tturfacjj, nl In accord
ance with tlio Ki'ncrol specif lent tons
prvNireil by tho city cnelneor of said
Mrs. Delia Lon Unable to Band
On Her Feet More Than a Few
Minutes at a Time.
rendorintiM, Ga. Mrs.. Delia Xiong,
Of this place, la ft receat lettor, says:
'For IVve'or 8lx?yeare, I sufferod s goa
les vilth womstdy roubles.
Olton, I couldn't sttjip nioro than a
low ralnutos t a tlm0, and t I ftoqd
on my- feet long, I would faint.
I took Cardul, and, It helnod me Im
medlatelyj Now. I can dq my work al
tho time, and' don't suKor liko I flld.'
Take Cardul when youfel 111 Uy any
wayr-weak, tred. mlserabIo,.ir andor
the weather. Cardul Is strepBth'
bulldliiK tonlo medicine for -women.
. It has been found to relieve pain and
distress oaiiBOd by womanly troublos,
nnd lau excellent modlclno to havo on
hand at all Union. I
Cardul acta op tho womanly canstl-,
tutlqn,.pu uunB up wwwmhj-
tonlnK up tho neryes, and regulating
tho womanly organs.
Its half century of succaw Is duo to
morlt. It has dono goqd to thousands.
Will you try UT may bo Just what
you nood. Ask your dniRKlst about
Cardul. Ho will recommoad'Ht. '
N. n. WHU to t L Jl" A4vhory Dot.. OKt-
0wj MMIcInt Co.,Chttnool(,'W(l
tx NYiUni"a '" f'u fPlr, w iui,
Thu city council of Iho city of Med
ford. Oregon, will rrculvr scaled propo
sals for that certain part of tho pro-
poneo concrrln lrIiltro ncrosa Hcnr creek
In tho city of Medford, JncUson county,
Oregon, which said city has tiRreed to
construct, at n special mcetlne to bo
held AURUst 2tth, 1011.
tfpeciftCJitlons are on file In the of.
flee of the city recorder and also nt the
ornco or tie city cnslncer In said rlly
All bids must bo accompanied by a cer
tified chi-ck eaual to ten Ter cent of the
bid, said check to be made payable, to
the city treasurer of snld city, nnd must
be filed on or before -4:20 o'clock p. m..
August 2Uh, J911. With tho city re
corder. Th city council reserves tho right to
reject any nnd alt bids.
City Recorder.
Dated this lSth day of, August, A. D.
AnnrrioNAx. inoxRTBBNaBi j
Notlc is hereby Klvoii that on tho ailth
day of Hapteniber, 11)11. nn nleotlon wilt
bo hold throughout JncRRon county, Ore
Ron. (or tho purpose of submitting to
tlm voters of Jackson county, Oregon,
thn question n to whether or no debts
for tho building of permanent road
within Jnckson county, Orogon. stmll bo
iiraurrru in n sum noi oxoeeuing i,ouu,
ooo und Interest thereon, snd over nnd
above any nnd nil Indebtedness of thn
county nt tho dato of snld election, ntul
Independent or any other Indebtedness
of snld county otherwise, crentod, nnd
nuthorlxlng said Indebtedness to bo evi
denced by the bonds of snld county, dut
d January 1st, 1912, nnd pnyablo twen
ty years nftcr dato nnd benrlltg n rntn
of Interest to be determined by thn coun
ty court, but not to exceed six por ennt
per annum, paynuln semLnMnunlly, which
Interest may bo evidenced by Interest
coupons attached to such bonds, npd
which bonds and Interest coupons tnity
bo substantially In the t rm designated
In the ordor of the county court for
Jnokton county, Oregon, calling said
election, which ordor was duly matin nnd
entered of record In tho county court of
the stnto of Oregon for Jackson county,
sitting for thn transaction of county
business at the regular August, 1911,
term of said court, which convened on
the 2d dny of August, 1911, nnd which
order wns made nnd entered on tho 3d
day of August, 1911. Snld election Will
be held In ench election precinct In said
county, beginning At tho hour of S
o'clock In th)' morning on tho 30th day of
September. 1911, and continuing until
the. hour of 7 o'clock In the afternoon of
suld day
This notlca Is Issued In accordance
with said ordor of said county court this
3d dny of August. 1011.
w. it, cor.nuAN,
County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon.
Port land. Omnm S
Mats, I
4 Rnldetit a Dr School far OltU
coid. Dinrn 0i oh.aa h.dmh i.u.vvkij
C1I(IU, A4,ml u4 tlmntux D.ftrfll,
Utile. Art. Zlentlaa. OtsiutlBm.
ornroZi. St. Helens Hall
fssss''s-t - -i a- mM mm ,. j. Afc - - -- - - .
J !
Still in Business
The Southern Oregon Elec
tric Company has moved
two doors south to the
C. C. Ponting Plumbing Shop
Southern Oregon Electric Co. j!
lii New Quarters
We are now located in larger quarters,
at the east end of Jackson Street, across
Bear Crek.
Mill work of all kinds on shortest notice
Medford Builders Supply Co. ,
Phone Home 24L East Jackson St.
K? ??5ps'vv?$$t)'?p5p!?$S?$$ SS5ppp 37f
The Medford National Bank
CAPITAL STOCK - $100,000.00
V. H. OORS, rrcsldont.
J. A. PEEKT, Vice Pri. JOHN S. ORTK, Cashier.
r. S. MEBKICK, Vioo ITes. "W. B. JACKSON, Aajt. Cashlor.
$ $$$iitlip$ip'T?'ip'Py',il' ppptpP'r7k
The Prismatic Hay
Uhl IvMlushely by
Muriiittllo OionUora
gives (itilckor and hotter resultB In tho
tclontlftc treatment ot hUIu unci acalp
trpuljlca than any other knqwn
This wontlerlul now electrical up
pllunco will positively benotlt any
condition of tho hair or scalp. Jri
many cases restores gray hair to'lis
natural cplor, arrests fulling hair and
causes now growth,
... ..... ... vk r
V1TII 'HIK I'lllstMtVViV t'i-
euro blackhoads, pimples und acno. Holos, warts ami qthor blom,
Ishet nro permanently removed. .
Our Marlnello shop la strictly sanitary. Our Marlucllo Opera
tors aro specially Instructed In sterilization. Our Marlnello
Treatments and Marlnello Preparations conform to tho llgh
est standards of tho Now York and Para shops, ",
Qtir Marlnello Certificate of .Merlf M your j;uaranteo of lja aiovo
eomlUloiis, Von cin bafely triibt yourself In our hands for. thin,
vitally Important work.
Tho oport advlco orour Marlnello gruduato oparatora Is'at your
service freo pf charge hrt na toll you Just what your sklu or
scalp noeda, .
. .. HpOM B, OVWK KENTNEU'S -'t.i-' ,,
1 '