PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDEORD, OREGON. TWTDAY. AITQUST 18, 1011. ir t p iK- , K Sfr MANY fiREE W V l ONDQN Hotel Novelist and Socialist Delivers IntwcsllpH Talk at tlvc Opera house 'After Which He' Mingles WIIH Aulicc. "" '' fl M H A largo number of local people, stv cinlistK for h most part, gathered nl the upern Initio Thurtdny even ing aiulpoV -J?i ininufej Ji-dcned, In Jack London tell if liw experiences in connection willi ln conversion to bociulifui nnd tlip vork lio has done along socinlisjio lines since. Mr. LontioiV proved n Very interesting imcake.rt Jltt vas introduced by tin New bgrry ith a few w ell chosen re winrks, , George. IT. Jtjljar preMdcd iiiiiii John Hcipicr welcomed the noted visitor. Several niuMcnl .selections filled in the evening's program after which r, l.i'uduu met all nf thoHn nU,endhu the receptjon which had been arranged by tho Miciiilists of Jackson ounty. w Mr, Iiudon opened his remarks by telling of his experiences in tho eat when ho was thrown into jail for vagrancy. He staled that he had committed no.cihno and the iinpris lncul opened hK eyvs to tho injustice of 'the system. In part the speaker said : 1 "It seemed then that nil a man needed was to talk socialism and any reasoning man would accept It. I becuuio a convert simply because of tho rational logic of tho thing. I was emotionally converted. Hut I soon decided that there could be no compromise between socialism and capitalism. It wasn't an academic argument; it was a fight. And any man, of manhood and seU-resnect had either to be In the fight or out of it. The straddling position on the fence was, not tenable. It was our business not to get on the fence but pull oth ers off. . ;'I am telling you my own exper iences Just as they occurred and from them yon may divine my conception P( socialism better than. I could give It, tq j-qu In direct exposition. ".As I say, I was a hard-working boy. Iloved hard work. I secured a positlqn for thQ Oakland Electric railroad. ThQ superintendent seemed overjoyed to sco me. I was to learn all about, electricity. Then I decided I would marry the superintendent's daughter." "Thoy put me to shovelling coa.1 for the furnace. I was to work twelve hours a day and get $1.09 for It. I wotrkod. Blxtcen hours, a day. J did tho.. work that two men had done. I, became, a work-beast, It was stcc?. ?at, work day In, day out. Then, thp fireman told me hpw I was being imposed upon. My dreams of becom ing a great; electrician vanished, I decided to give up tho superintend ent's, daughtor. "In shorl I wag worked to a fraz zle. I was Jlko a man who had eaten top many peaches and couldn't stand Ih'o sight or sound of peaches any more. Onjy Instead of peaches It v?aa work. I was wo.rk?d out. I dq cldcd. to loaf and bo a hobo." GOLD HILL OPERA HOUSE IS UNSAFE GOLD HILL, Or., Auk. 18, The Gold Hill ojx!ru-!ioue block litis been condemned by 1111 inspection commit tee of the city council, and the own er, It. V. Bedford' of Solhvood bin, tion, Portland, has been notified to xnnko wich repairs as nro necessary to put the building in safe condition. Thu block, which h of brick, has cracked in several places, and the front seems to bo loosened so that tho upper portion is in danger of fulling into the street below. The lower floor of the building is occupied by Luuco &Co.'h store, and tnih find, with that of thu building being on a in KING, QUEEN AND FAMILY AR Ml ON COLONIAL STAMPS T . 1 y. h .i, I"i-l - " M-"", i,llM " " rmaaBMimimnm rr rrA CJT?'' ""-1 " ,"" " ' " 'l'-'j-.a-- ..- .-p-. ljt ? hHu- . e . - f 1. U.-1 r ' T-.-ia .Tfrn-im.a .n.m.i.T-m, ,.. wrM., tJ-lTnTrTnf ii " , . NlFTY ItUICKS AND LOCOMOBILES CRATER LAKE GARAGE (J A SOLI N 13 O I Ij AND HUllkIiIKS E.NCJLI5H ROYALTV ON NE.WFOU1NDLAND 5TAMP5 lu tho series of new stamps deidgntd tor Newfoundland every member o fti royal family, as well as the Duke of Conuaught, who Is to bp Governor General of Canada, has a stamp of his or her own. PLUMBING 8TUAM AM) HOT WATKK HKATIXCJ All Work Ounrnutead tfilcca. Heaspnnblo 2.1 llowuril Ittock, Kill ran co on (Ith StriM't. Coffcen &. Price ruclflo IWM itomo aiu COLVIG TELLS PORTLAND HOW Points With Pride to Jackson County in Connection With Good Roads Movement Says We -Don't Need Legislature. ! ' - & ' ' (Oregon Journal.) "Oregon doesn't need any more good road laws to lqt counties bond themselves for highway improve ment," declared Judge William Col vig of Medford yesterday. Judge Colvig has been attending the, devel opment league ineyting nl, Astoria. "Jacksou count J-," 'putiuued Judge Colvig "is'jjoing to learn trom liead qunrters, from the attorneys of bond buyers, whether the amendment adopted by the people al the Inst leg islature is self-enacting" or not. We believe, in the face of adverse opin ions by Judge Webster, nuthpr of the amendment nmong others, that the amendment permitting countie to in cur indebtedness for more than $3000 for building permanent roads provid ed a majority of the people vote therefor, i.s self-enacting. We have voted $1,500,000 for road improve ment. We shajl issu? pur bonds and for them seek a market among east em bond buyers. We shall spnd fo the Chicago and New York attorneys of the bond linycn copies of the Ore gon constitution nnd the amendment. When they have passed on it nud ve have their answer we ijhall feel that vo actually know whether Oregon i counties have actually the right to build Jiighwnys. We don't iutend to wait on. commissions, legislatures, committees or any other agency. We've got to have our roads now nnd we, proppsc to build them if we can, We we can." The constitution provided before the. hist election that counties could not incut; indebtedness- of moro thai f'fOQO, except to repel invasion qr.put down insurrection. The amendment made the list include highway build ing providtug u majority of the peo ple in llnj couutv voted in favor of incurring till! iiidehteihiens. GRADIHG RtiLES "' i 'mm x J til. Northwestern Fruit Exchange Adopts Standard Rules for the -Gradinn of Fruit ''From' the Groves of the Northwest!- I'd I WHEN A WOMAN WILL tmt will tun i tT?Ta (From the "Chic'ngo Inter 'Ocean") "When u waumii will well, shq will. A society lender of my nq- h w.. o . uuuu..K 1nitlUR.0 experiinoiitcl far years uch-irequonted section '., tna ' B,llllllnnnt 1Al,f nU v i with soaps and shampQos. But. nil her H.iawpooiuj hud, the opposite ef feet him' was striving for thu wet' thig mudp her Ijair brittle, coajsy, dull; indeed' l spite, other care und trouble, it vvus bveniug thin, und scanty. ' "But she was determined. She kept on ji-yiu" ivs(, o;nj thyig then nnomer. "I'fiiiilly, she mixed four ounces of powdered Orris root with' four .-...., SI ,. r-f illJlI Au Ul.ll inikMii lllll t SALEM, Or., Aug. 18,-Shipping a " ,-A. ' : :?' .n":7! X".:t 1 J oarloud of pears at $10 a ton tonight 'V, i. fV ; .' i i , ,...,.Lrf wjii:" xt Ueiub then, brushed lb thorouglilj' v0Tir;xVfc;r;:titi.rpugu the rw.u wa n i,"- , - i" -v . wiiiflrmialv Riilikrviiiir. KIia linu' of Main street, makes it certain that should the building fall injuries and possibly fatalities would result, SELLS PEARS AT $40 A' TOK TQ CANNERY v years by $22, saying that for tho 15 years before, ho lias never sold pears to a ennnory at a hotter price- than $18 n ton. ""Look qt tho "For Sale" ads nnd nt soma of tho things that are udvor tiscd for snle. ITflskln8 for Health. uses this dry shanyioo two or thrqc times n week. It keeps tho scalp, clean nnd refreshed, nnd therox makes the hair beautifully lustrous, light nnd Huffy, und encourages i(s growth," " , , THEROX FOR SAt-E ' HASKINS' DRUG STORE The Northwestern Fruit Exchange hns adopted the following standard grading rules which will be placed in effect in all of the groves in the northwest: "Extra Fancy." This grade con sists of veil formed apple- only; free, from all insect . pests, wonu .holes, stings, scale, scab, suusenld dry-rot water-core, bruise, limb rub or skin puncture. All apples heav ily epnlcd with dirt qr spniy must be ejeaned. HA varieties of apples ad mitted to this grade shall be well mtu tared and of natural color, charac teristic of the variety. Spitzen- bergs, Jonathans, Arkansas Blacks, Onnoi, Lsuivers, aud other solid red varieties must have 75 per cent ot good red color. Ben Davis, Rome Beauty, Baldwin, Wugener aud other varieties, of a similar color must be, o0 per cent red. Hvd Check Pippins nnd Wpter Uauauus must show a red check. "Standard." Apple of this grade must be free from -nil insect pests, worm-holes, scab, sun-senld, dry-iul water-core, bruise or skin puncture. Slight limb rub will bo iKTmitted. All Varieties of apples admitted to this grade shall bo well matured, and red varieties must show some red. 2 "C" Grade. This grade shall be made up of merchantable apples, not included in the above named grades. It is not intended that these rules shnIL be observed by any association with whom we havo contracts, ox cept at their owii desire. A number of these associations have nlreadv decided upon some basis to be used this hcnsou, and have fjled copjes of same whh, thcttxcjinnge. In such cases it is expected that no change will bo made m the grade specifica lions of such orgunizntinns unless itl'un,cn notice u givtui the exchange aceoijduigly. This i nccettsqry lic cuse. of tb,e fact that all sales cou suminaled will be in strict accord ance with the, esjabjbjhvd grade rules ot the associations, for whoso an count sale is ninde. in effect at the lime tho fruit is offered to lhn truth'. However, to those, organizations whi huve not ns vet selected their gi.ido biisjh) for the present jicason' ci'opg, the exchnngo strongly commends the rules which it has adopted, as hilly covering thu needs' of (ho situation. NOTICE TO. JAIL CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals wllL bo xecclved oy tho county court pf Jaokbpncpuny at his offlco'ln tho county court lio'uao at JacKsonvillo to bo opened August 2ft y, at, 10 p'clock for t'ho con Btructiqn pf tho cell wor); In the now county Jail at Jacksonville, Jackson county, ,0egon. Plans and specifi cations are on file In tho office of the cpunty court, also in y, W, IlarmpuB piiico in uio our npuse in JicKson vIMo, qregon, A. cqrtlfipd check pf 10 per. cent or tuo, moupt oj te bid must nccomnanv . Bitmn. Thn riiirt m TL I f 1 i j j Vesprves tlm rlghl (o roject any or aU 01(18. Hlgni'u "'", "' ' J.H.NTJIL. County, Judgo. CHILDREN GET ELECTRIC JOLT Gold Hill Authorities Take Immedi ate Steps te Correct Fault Hiflh Power Wiris Connects With Tree Potes Moved to Alley.' y . Mnto" Because cJiildren swinging in the lower branches of Minde trees bor dering South Main street in Gold Hill recefved electric shocks throwing them, t the ground' tho attention of tho authorities was called to the fact that contact existed between the wires of the. high, tension, power line of the Hoguo. Bvct,Klcetnu company, carryiiig 20,000.. veils, and thu upper brunches of the trees, providing a source of duujter and even death. An order was at once issued to the jKiwer company by Mayor Beemau to remove the hue to an alley a half block distant, where no such danger could exist. The order was immedi ately complied with by the company. It Grows Hair Hero's Some InijMirlnnt New for Men Who ure Crowing llald. Poople who havo takon our word for It thai Parisian Sago Is tho real hair grower, bcau,tlf!or and dandruff cure have never been disappointed Hercs tliq word pf a person who took our word. 'I havo been using Parisian Sago about a year. When I begnn UBlng It 1 had only a light "fuzz" on my head. Now I have a gopd thick growth, .and it la growing thicker and loujjor right along. Many pooplo don't believe It can be dime, but I know from my own oxpcrlonco with Pari sian Sago that it can; I can recom mend it li the fullest confldonco. (intnim Brown, 7.03 North Flllmoro St., Mnryvllle, Alo.'. Tho nbpyp litatompnt was mnd,Q to Or. C. D. Koch of tho Koch Phar macy, Maryylllo, Jtfof, April 29, 1011. Largo bottle 5 (J cents at Chas. Strang's, and lrtiggla,ta oWywhero. Pure Clear Sparkling You cau't afford to io without this sploadld, refreshiug drink. Call np and ordar ease sout to the house. The purost, most healthful drink known ia SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Aient Phone Pacific 2681 Home 268 For MrLK CREAM for "WllIPPLNO, UU'ITEUALILIC, JJIT'ITKR, ICI: CRKAr, or SIIKKBK'JYS. "Not tlio ChcniK'sl but tlio Rogue River CREAMERY 134 N. Riverside Avenue Notlco Is hereby, gjvf9n that tho nn derslKned will apply-to' tho city coun tlw city o IcdfQrd, Orogp'n, at Its npjt rggujlar jncqtlng on, Sgptpmt ber 5, ldU. for a jicene to sell nplr- Lltoui, vlnoiu and. nmlt, Manors In quantities lens than a gallon, nt tneir place of bunlncgg nt' Hotel Afcdford, located on southeast corner Mnjn aua.Ivy, lots f,, ,n. mid, 18, In said city for a period of six months. itAU,-MOim qo. Date of first publlcatlop August 17. 13fl. ' . 1P i;jBBlfn8 for Healtt. In a Class by Itself It Is n jjroa( big loaf, made, from tho host high grade flour. PJ:KHM.HH IIUKAU la mora like that good old homo. mndo. bread that mother used to mal;0(than any other' on tho market. Ask your grocer for PKKIIMMH UUICAI) and Insist that you got It bo- catiHO there Is nono so good. RARDON'S " BAKERY' 'Corner .vliln. bfnl( ijraiK" Street. l: The electrtcaily lighted sowinfif room is a scone of comfort when the machine is run by an electric motor. No back breaking podal ' ingl The eamstress touches a button we do tho rest. v -A tv- Rogue Ricr Electric Company hM$i lTT'jar t m-h m WW Ii. 5Ws V"- (7)r ;(w)' i(w) i(u) (U)" vc - A HANK' BOOK WIFJi LIOHTKN thp burden of cnrlng for your money. Doppplt your cashlnjliq Parmpra. & Krultgrpwprs Bank and; you vylll not havo to s-ty and worry about its uafqty. Thlovetf don't stoal bank, bopks; and if flrp doalroya ono, you dpn't Ioho anything, aa you wp.uld If It wan tho ca.Hh Itsolf. Opon an, account today and you'll sleep easier tonight; and ovory night. BITi' BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS " HENRY M. MAR8H All onlora promptly uttoitded to night or day. Short und long liauln. .Moving houBiiliold goodH a dpociulty Uniqn tuaniaturH. Ottiom 51 9. Front Pacific 4171 Home 80 Residence Mala GKi r" Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 320 GARNETT-OOREY BLDG. MEDFORD IRON WORKS E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST !A11 kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers nnd Machinery. 'Agonts in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. For Sale 1 ACRE AND 5 ACRE TRACTS adjoining city of Medio rd, on long lime, easy pay ments. 12 LOTS IN MEDFORD on main paved street; cemout sidewalks and paving in; also sewcr.8, water, and liglt. Long time, easy payments. 430 ACRES LAND, 350 aorcs alfalfa land, . 0 acres ruiklajid, perpetual water right with water for irrigating 1000 aeres; long iiino, easy payments. 340 ACRES LAND, 20(Vncro8 alfalfa land, balaneo fruit land, X mile Iram railroad, on long time easy terms. 6000 ACRES LAND in tracts of from 40 jQQi'Cft upwards; .yuiico $25,00 per aero and upjWjirtJs; suili'iblcv for alfalfa, fruit stock ayd general farming purpose; long timo, pay payments. 6 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS just within and adjoining city limits, at a bargain, on 5 annual payments. Gold Ray Realty Co 1 i 216 WEST MATN STREET. Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank II 4 Mf aavii 4iri(ii'4u . f - J " r V H fJ .JJW-