y i ; , M li h It H If i i i i I i ! H is 4 I IB S I I PA'GE H)UR, MEDFORP MAIL (TRIBUNE. aCEPFQRD. OREOON, THURSDAY, 'AXTOUST 17, 15)1 1. r- Medford Mail Tribune AN INDKPRNDKNT NBWSrArElt .I8IIRD IJAlUr EXCEPT HA DAT I1Y TIIH MEDFORD rUBMSHRD iAttiY KXCBPT SATUn- IJY TIIH MED1 rniNTiNO co. The Democrntto Times, The Medford Mall, Tho Medford Tribune, The South am Oresonlnn, The Ashland Tribune. Office Mall Tribune ttulldln. Mftln North llr Home 76. trcot: phone. 35-27-29 1021, GREATER THAN THE PEOPLE. Knterrd an acc-ond-clium matter at Mod ford. Oregon, under tho act of March 3, itit. Official Taper of the City of Medfonl urnoiai raper or jnexson county. OTMCIUraOX 2ULTSS. One year, by mall 16.00 Ono month, by mall .SO lcr month, delivered by carrier In Medford, Jacksonville and Cen tral Point BO nunday only, by mall, per year.... 1.00 Weekly, per yoar .....j. .....:... 1.E0 bwokk oxBcrmvATioir. December 21, 1910, 3721. Dally averape for nix months ending rull I.taied Wire United rreea SUpatche. The Mall Tribune la on aale nt the Ferrv Nowa stand. Ban Francisco. Portland Hotel Nowa Stand, Portland. llowmnn News Cct. Portland, ore. W. O. Whitney. Seattle. Wash. f- "ALIFORNIA is to vote this fall upon constitutional v amcnumenla providing for tho initiative, roforon duni and recall. Governor Johnson says regarding the election: "The overshadowing issue is not railroad regulation, nor woman suffrage, nor the initiative and referendum. 0. OEOnOK PUTNAM, Kdltor and Manager js fhe right of th(J yfo q l fl. judgCS. This is tllO sujucuiu ifsi uj. inu hoy uiMiiucraiv. xnu luiiswuuru may j)ass laws and the people may even amend their constitu tion, but the last Word lies with the courts whore laws are construed and constitutions interpreted. If these courts lie beyond the reach of the people, then the people do .not rule." This calls to mind the remarks of Thomas Jefferson, who a century ago said: "It has long been my opinion that the germ of dissolution of our federal government is in the Constitu tion of our federal judiciary, an irresponsible 'bod v (for 1 . ...A 1 1 1M i iiiipcaeniiicnt is scarcely a scarecrow; wonting iikc gravity by day and night, gaining a little today and a littletomor row, and advancing its noiseless steps like a thief over the field of jurisdiction. N You seem to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one that would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy." The right of the courts to pass upon the laws of tho nation was read into the Constitution by Chief Justice John Marshall, who as a Virginia delegate to the constitu tional convention, had declared that it was not m tho Con stitution and should not be there. Several times the pro posal to give the judiciary this right was voted down m the constitutional convention. The courts of the nation have gradually assumed pow ers not at all contemplated by the framers of the Consti tution, even going so far as to read into the law words that change its meaning and nullify its intent, as in the Stand ard Oil decision, hence it is time that they arc at leasi held accountable to public opinion. J3ut it is a question whether the courts have overstep ped their contemplated bounds any more than President Taft has in taking it upon himself to dictate to the people of Arizona what kind of a constitution they shall have. Nowhere in the Constitution is the president given the right to dictate to the people of a proposed state their laws. WEST FAVORS KENT COAL BILL Oregon's governor In Hearty Accord With Proiiosoil Operation of Alas kan Coal Mines by Government and Markctlnn On Both Coasts. .x.:x -4 YESTERDAY'S SCORES. ' National At Now York i R New York 6 Cincinnati .' 1 At Brooklyn K Brooklyn 0 Pittsburg 9 Al Boston v " ' R Boaion 6 Chicago .v 13 At Philadelphia -' R Philadelphia :."... 10 St. Louis 2 SAliKM, Or., An. ir.'Ton Krvxsmnn IvcntV declaration for kv eminent ownership ami o)vrtilion ol Alaskan ronl mhn"). tnnilo in Wash ington, meets vith mv lioartiofl p. pi-oval, "sawl (loeinor West today Governor Went is ono of tlio strong est proponents for gvn-oriimeiitii control of Aluskuit eonl. "I think (lint Mr. Kent's Men re ptinliiu; u em-crnmonl line of steam--lii-s to the Atlantic coast tlironxl' the Panama canal, to trnii8ort Alaskan coal to eastern markets b also jjooit as the presence of cheaj coal thery would do much to aid thr eastern consumer to CM'npc tin prnsp of the coal trust that now dominates the markets. Alaskni coal is really tlie one treat chanct hoth the Pacific and Atlantic eoast hae to Kniit relief from the oppres sion of coal linruns." TAFT PROMISES TO COME WEST Executive Will Participate In Ground breaklnn Exercises If Connjcss Ad journs in a Rcasonahlo Lenyth of Time. ROOSEVELT IS GRANDFATHER WASHINGTON', 1). (. Auk. 17. -President Taft today told tlio Cal ifornia delegation that lie would par ticipate in the xrotiudhrcnkuii: ceie- monies for the Panama fair at San Krn'ncNco in Octolter. "If etuicnwn adjourns in ti reasouablu leiiKlh f tune." It was afterward staled (hat the president had Indicated September I as the o.tcnt ofi"reasonable time." Kvery member of California's con tiiiffcut, iiitiludiiiK Senators Perkins and Works' was present at the mect ing with the chief executive. Girl Dorn to Wife of Theodore, Jun iorMother ami Child Aro Dolnn Well Princess of Roosevelt Dy nasty Wcllts Elnlit Pounds. Where to Go Tonight THE ISIS THEATRE Look at all of the real estate ads uul nt much of tho real estate nil vjrtised, beforo investitnr. . At Chicago Anicrlraq ! Chicago Detroit .: S S v Coast At Portland R Portland 3 Los Angeles K '"At San Francisco R San Francisco 8 Sacramento ' 1 At Los Angeles R Oakland 7 Vernon 8 H 5 S H 8 5 II 13 17 Xortlwestera At Seattle R Seattle 1 Victoria , 3 At. Vancouver R Vancouver. . 3 Portland 2 At Tacoma R Tncoma 4 Spokane 9 II 5 6 H 4 B II 7 9 Evidently the president forgets that he is no longer tin little father of the Filipinos with the lowers of an oriental despot. Bis act is certainly far more destructive of free government than any provision of the Arizona constitution could possibly be. Legislatures may pass laws, courts may amend them, but if the president dictates to the people of a state what these laws shall be, then the people do not rule. Instead we have a ruler greater than the people, their represeuta tives or their courts. "SALEM'S SANITY. M STANDING OF THE CLUBS. , - Xatlonnl Chicago 63 Pittsburg G5 New York . . . . . 02 Philadelphia. !. .. 59 St. Louis 57 Cincinnati 4C Brooklyn 39 Boston 35 American Philadelphia 69 Detroit C8 Boston 56 New York 56 Chicago 54 Cleveland 55 Washington 45 St. Louis 33 Pacific Coast Vernon 76 Portland. .,.. .. 70 Oakland.. . .' . . .. 72 San Francisco .. .. 71 Sacramouto 63 Los Angeles. .. ..56 Northwestern Vancouver 75 Tacoma 71 Scattlo 64 Spokane .. 64 Portland 58 Victoria 31 37 41. 41 46 48 57 65 81 38 42 53 53 54 65 65 75 60 59 67 67 72 73 46 51 55 58 61 90 .630 .613 .602 .562 .543 .447 .375 .236 .645 .618' .514 .509 .500 .500 .409 .305 .559 .542 .518 .514 .467 .434 .620 ,582 .538 .525 .488 .256 American Association Minneapolis 66 kansac City 63 ColumuuB . . .. . . 64 St. Paul 58 Indianapolis 57 Mllwaukco 56 LouIbv'JIo 54 Toledo 51 52 52 53 57 62 C2 62 66 .559 .548 .547 .504 .479 .475 .4G6 .426 EAT FRUIT TO CUT LIVING COST DOWN CHICAGO, 111., Auk. 17. Tbe high price of living can be cut down materially if consumers will put more fruit and less moat and vegetables this full, noeordine; to commission men horn, today, Tho wholesalers assert that n bum per fruit crop is nhout ready for market and that prices will be'slnsh- ed from one-third to one-half utulor tboso.of last ycur, , , THE PORTLAiST) JOURNAL congratulates the people of Salem as follows in an editorial on "Salem's San ity:" "Oregon citizenship, in the occurrence at Salem, has demonstrated, its sanity and self control. Recently, on the same day, Oklahoma lynched a colored man and Pennsyl vania burned another at the stake. Though there was the extreme limit of provocation here, Oregon was self-controlled, sane, sober and law abiding. It was a real rule of reason." This is indeed refreshing. Who ever heard of Salem's getting excited about any thing except the prospect of some other section of Oregon receiving some state money1? There nlay be some red blood in Salem, but not enough to make a showing against a negro degenerate who as saults sick and helpless women. Several of these incidents in one day might excite some communities, but not Salem. A perpetual flow of typhoid germs in city water might excite some cities but not "sane and sober" Salem, with its "rule of reason." Only a threatened interruption of its monopoly of state funds makes the Saldm hog look up from his trough. General apathy, which rules so many Oregon communi ties, has his capital at Salem, and the listlessness which passeth understanding abideth like a Willamette valley fog. Anaemia, not self-control, saved the negro. CITY SAVES HIS ROLL: PAYS 515 FOR SERVICE Jack Donahue, a foreman em ployed on the county road work on (Jriffin creek, Jei't for the scene of his job Thursday ufter pitying the city $15 for saving his money for him that is for saving part of it. Donohue went back to tho wilds, with tome $10 on him, and ho i lucky to have that much ulthough two duys ago when ho first appeared upon the streets of the city ho had slowed away in his jeuns some $100, Donohue was evidently in town to paint it red. He started in Tuesday noon with bis pay check for two, months intact. Tuesday niu,ht he was found in a helpless condition and locked up. On him was $97. Wednes day morning in police court he paid $10 and loft with the $87 saying ho was going Jiimjc to his jo. Jh job was somewhere beyond Front street bui that was as far as ho got. Lust night ho was again locked up, being found in un alley back of the "row." Thitt liiriniiiie when lu minciircil ( J hud u little over flQxtutl the citywn- UNTIL SEPTEMBER WASHINGTON', D. C, Aug. 17. Leaders of both houses of congress today practically abandoned hope of adjournment before September 1. in dications in (hu senate aro that the cotton.tariff bill will bo defeated and that tho tariff measure which Sena tor La Folletto is drafting will pass with amendments which will com pletely roviso tho metal schedules and with many changes in tho chemi cal list. Pope Plus Is Improved. ItOMK, Aug. 17. -Pope Pius was greatly bettor today and wnjj per mitted to receive a few callers. npxed u fiver and informed him that ho was paying good interest to keep his money for had he not been gath ered in some light fingered gent would probably have annexed tlio en- tiro roll, Donohue took to tho hills today and Haid ho would pay a board bill with tho remaining $10, ATW00D REACHES TOLEDO SAFELY TOLKDO, O.. Aujf. 17. Five hundred and twenty miles from the starting pont, Harry X. Atwood. who la nttcmptlug to break the long dis tance record by flying from St. Lout to New York, alighted nt Toledo lnnt night. Ho covered 133 miles from Klkhnrt to Toledo with only ono stop, In actual flying time of two houra and fifty-six mounted. Dotween some of the stations ho heat tho scheduled times for ordinary trahiB. Tho last lap of tho day's run hla speed was such that he was visible- only'mlnute nt any one angle. Whllo "rising nt I'etttsvlllo with n passenger tho wings of his machine brushed tho treo tops and both men nonrly dnshed out. At wood now Is 743 miles from Now York. Hasklni for Health. SAN' KHANVISrO, Ct(f, Aug. 17. -Theodore K"ittn ell, former pi est lent of the United SlutcH.m a giaud- father. Tho ounil occulted rally to day wlicicn girl was bom to tho wife of Theodoio'lloosevell' jr., and with in u few minute a imwrnigu was Hy ing to Oyster Hay which was war ranted to enmo that vicinity to re- soluble one wide Kiiu. ltnth mother and child toilav ar doing well. The ptiuovss of the ItiHwcvelt dynasty is M'l tinwelghed. After the ccitmuut bad died down, the looeolt bnhy was weighed' ami the father proudly pro. claimed that the new arrival lipped the beam at eight pounds. " ' M;t"iH m llll'lll, ictr talKliig which Is alt oilglual, i far miiiciTor to oilier nets or thin ;' Hawkins for Health. r4 NOTICK. Thero will be a picnic of the local members of tho Nntlonnl As sociation of blacksmiths nt Ashland, August 19. All shops will bo closod on that day. Secretary Jackson County l,ocal. 020 W. W. WILSON. SMITH'S APARTMENT HOUSE South Itlrersldo New mill Up-to-I)nto Modern In every pnrticular, gns cook ing, etc. Women and girls must bring references, WM. SMITH. MEDFORD THEATRE SUNDAY, AUG, 20 Grdat Western Show 25 People Presenting The Cattle King The Very Best Traveling Band in America Majestic 10-Piece Orchestra Prjces 25c and 50c Hh Final Clearance Prices TAILORED SUITS 'REGULAR VALUES TO $35.00, NOW $15.00. One lino of Tailored tttiils; regular values to $25,00, Final Clearance $9.75 , LINGERIE DRESSES Extra special Friday ami Saturday; your choice of any lingerie Dress in stock at $(..")() and over at Exactly One-Half Price MILLINERY About twenty trimmed Hats in light and dark colors, pressed shapes and hand made hats, Final Clearance $1.00 UNTRIMMED SHAPES One full table of untrimmed shapes; actual values to $4.00, Final Clearance $1.00 One tahle of hand made Turbans, black -and colors; values to $10.00, 1 ss ' I i' V'i'U'M imni u'nVhi.MMMtr iitu nw 'vm MwiiifMiii'i if utw in IIKMi AND IMMIIll.li Comedy, Hlniilug and Talking Another ono of thoim ebiuity iirtn that Iiiih never failed to make Kooil, Their nluglug In grant, ;! Hi Ih kind, ami their conn-civ U . Hcreani. making It one of tho HtrouucMt act that over pluyml Itilu houne, Hero N out that In wife on any bill IIAItiaiXS IIIUNfOU i Tiamp JtiKKler nrlidual, Different and difficult -a real mAolty. It Ih act linti met : with tho hlfthoMl approva lof prcrin, ' public, inamiitcrH and ukuiiIh, Why? Original ideari demand HiirccKH,' getting more merriment ! on how to JugKlo than n clown ' i-docri nt a clrciix, l Kiefer Trees No 50 per cent Iomcii, tho rlk In num. Wo aro uIIIIiik to make legnl rnntruct with you, To plant Kel fr I'enr tree. To work thero on top of any variety you may ol ect. Wo buy Kelfer tore of Htnrk llron., nud Mt. Arbor Nirnurlen. Homo drown Tree, no better grown. ' Medford Nursery Company I'JI XOItTII CKNTKAIj 1'houo Tint A VIC Final Clearance $2.50 AFTER ALL IT NARROWS DOWN TO i t LThc Merrivold Shop FOR Clasp Envelopes 1UW, MaIb St., Medfonl. wmmtm, f. fJrl2&JrJ mm s SpffffiSQQS An Appetizer & yr- .... M should be tempting in appearance, A fuvc Keen xcot to tnc ioou ana aia w Won. pafest BlueRiHbon Tho Beer of QoiL'ty is all tliis and more. The (iclectctj hops, 8-clay I 7A I 7i VktB kl (iu, i- flifif iMiifilfitl nnniihMn.fni't S& Mm l ' "'' an r,c mcow' flavor jm Mftfi'lf ln fiF tliat clistin'uiahca it JFmM Wvlmt fi!"!!' romaotncrljccr' SvMJlw Hotchkiss Stapling Machines Jjj2 With 500 Staples Compare Prices Medford Book Store On Sale, Bottle or Draught, at Nash Bar Draperies Wo carry a vory complnto lln of ilrutxirlofi. litno.oiirliiliiH, flxturci. etc.. ami i all cluilni'H of unlioliilorliiK, A Hpudnl initn In leok uriur tlila work nxnlMHlvvly mill will kIvo ii kiiI nrvlco un Ih iionhIIiIu to Kt la uvoa tho lurKONt oIlloH. Weeks & McGowan Co igflTCTwtyiraaa iN.ar O.kl.nJ, C.IUornla 1 ie only, Woman ' CoIIfro on Hie Pncldo Cont. Luiiruil 1H8J. Ntnr ttniiirmt Unlvrr.lllv. Iilrnl climate tliruiiKlioiit tlie ytar, lCiilrnin.0 mil KriitluAlluii . rrmlrrimnt , t(iilvaliii 10 (Imio ol iiUnlonl mill I'nlvcralty of ('jillluriilu. I.ilioralorlci fur nclcnio wlili modern citli nicnt, I'.xcilltnt opiinrltiiilllrM fur linliio rcoiiumlci, Illiiuy mm))-, uiutlc On J nrt. Aloilrni Kymiiatlnm. Special riirn for licaltli pf lliiilenu, oul-ilonr llfr. I'tcufclrnt, I.uilb ('lay Carton, A. M., I.lti, I). 1,1,. I), I'or jptnlouiie niilrcti tivcKlury, .Nllllt Cvlbkc I', V,, California, ' , V I fW&MiktofWvm stftVr ""rwrfr Jvt?r w -mr-9r v - f-- ..-