M i t i i i i I PAGE two MEDI?ORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDEORD, 0K1W0N, THURSDAY. AUGUST 17. 191 1. LOCAL AND PERSONAL , A. 13. Ueninw will lonvo August 25 to attend tho first meeting of tho 'commltmlon recently appointed by Governor West to revise the judicial procedure of the ntiito, Charles l. Miinpon, rift or nn ab rmnco of n year nml half, lias re Mlmod bis vjelte to the Itott.uo vnlley Inlbo Interests of tbo Pacific Paper tympany. Jtctchstoln soils and saws wood. UG Tho Northwest Hub company of Portland representative Is In town. If you have uny carpets yon wish .woven In run, notify S. A. Dobnar, cr.vo KOtora dollvory, or, phono 4(11, Prlco ldijvoEt, work nuyorlor. 12C HurbcM II. llaunuor who has been In charge of tbo local work of alio Commercial Orchard company, fill ins the offices of secretary and treas urer, has resigned and sovorod his connection with l ho company. His jilaco, ban bcoji taken by Guy W. Con nor,. So H. A. llolmua, The Insurance Man, ovor Jackson County bank. , Mr. and Mrs. ltobi-rt W. Tolfor. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. I. Urown and Mr. and Mrs.,W- A. Altken will spond Thurs day evening at the home or Mr. and Mrs. William Xormilo at Central Point. Invisible patching and nailing, hand rind machine sewed soles neatly done at Electric. Shoo Shop, 32 South Grapo street. 12 Miss .Marlon S. Dwlght. who has booh visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Meeker of this city, has loft for her home at Astoria. Tcrcy Talent has returned from a short visit at Newport Japanese air plants at Broadle'y's, phono G1S1. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. A. Gregory, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Snmmervllle and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Newbury havo return ed from an outing at Squaw Lake. They report a splendid trip. Ilardon'a Bakery now delivers tees nnd Ice cream to any part of the city. J. S. Mann has returned from an extended eastern trip. Brick Ice cream, all kinds arid colors. Rardons Bakery; phone 371. Prompt delivery. Charles Meserve has returned from nn outing at Willow Springs. J. II. Bellinger has returned from an outing at Colcstin. Telephone 371, Rardons Bakery for cake, ices and Ico cream; prompt delivery. '" Blaine Klum has returned from a business trip to Ashland. Aro now buying peaches, prunes and pears. If you want to sell for cash at the highest market price, see us. Producers Fruit Co. 137 For being too loud In expressing their opinion of a landlord who eject ed them from his rooming house, two Greoks Mlko Shorrls and Nick Stores paid $5 to the city Thursday morning. Men wanted to chop wood, Crater Lako Fuel Company, Sparta, build ing. Ebenci'er Warner, of Oregon City, a brother of L. B. Warner of this city,-Is visiting Medford. Mr. War ner Is 93 years old and hats been a printer for CS years. He took a great deal of Interest In looking over tho plant of tho Mall Tribune Thursday. Buy or rent a Singer to make tho chlldrens new school clothes. Phone C043. 151 District Attorney B. F. Mulkey re turned Thursday morning from a short business trip to Grants Pass. Young men and women wishing to assist In house work in business whllo attending Medford Business College, should seo Mr. Culpepper at once. 120 Do not overlook this. Tho Fish Market will sell, Friday und Satur day, silver smelt, black cod, halibut, 10c a pound. Wo also havo chickens for our trade, young and old. Come and seo us for butter, eggs, luuch goods for campers a specialty. These prices aro special Friday and Satur day. Messier & Kenworthy Fish Company. 128 Carkln & Taylor (John II. Carkln, Glenn O. Tayior), attorney-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Building, Medford. Northwest Hug company of Porti land representative is In town, If you have nny carpels you wish wov en In rttiTs, notify S. A. Dobnor, care general delivery, or phono 4(511. Price lowest, work superior. 128 GREEK MEETS GREEK. '' (Continued from PnRJ l.f ville. On June .U Judge Calkin" re duced the amount of the bond to $100 which IJnxus furnished and was released. Wrtntcd Pay for Jail Time. Yoelerjlivy lbpms mut Spanos and dtunniided that lie he paid m much per day fur the time he was confined in the county jail. Spanos was afraid of lloztii. and took the matter up witli his friends. They decided to pay the claim of ltozus and eet 1pm out of the oily. About b o'clock "oxu called at the pool room uiyl seeing Spanos ni;aiii demanded the monev. Spaiios told him that he would pay the sum demanded in order to uvod trouble und while he und a Greek friend were figuring up tlio amount so much iwr day for each day wniie ijoxus was m Ihe county jail Nozus drew a gun nnd fired point blank at Spano.s hitting him in the leg. Immediately the place was in an uproar and a fcpanos attempted to get out of the danger zone ttozus shot again this time striking Spanos m tne tluglit severing nn artery. Do lus then turned and run out the. back door attempt inc to ;ut away. It was some time before medical aid could be obtained and by that time Spanos had lost a great deal of blood, so much that his recovery is extremely doubtful Caught by Cingcadot llozu-j attempted ip. make his geta way down the alley behind the ikoI- room fleeing in the direction C the ball park. Officer Cingcado was summoned at once and jumed into an automobile and save chase. He knew the general direction in which the Greek had fled and near the ball park he saw the man dodge into the chapiMiral. The officer thore suc ceeded in capturing the ninu. On him wus found a new box of cart ridges from which five .shells had been removed. These were ,in the man's revolver, two of them being diselmrged. The gun was a new one which tho Greek had just purchased at a local hardware store. Iteixirts from the hospital todav are to tho effect that Spanos has a very small chance to recover. Bonis will be bound over to await fhe graud jury. GRANTS PASS HAS HYSTERICS Residents of Down Vnlley Town Have Been Sccln1 ThltiQS Ghost Walks the Streets nnd Residents ArcFrlrjhlcricd. RECEPTION EOR - T LONDON ONIGHT Grouts 1'ass is seem' things. Honoris drilling down from tho metro)olis of Ihe lower ltogue Itivor valley nro to the uffvet that a ghost has put the town on the hummer. No business is being done those day for no one cnx talk of anything ox oept tho ghost. A few nights ago over 100 men got out and spent the lught trying to run the spectre down but failed after tljey had chased down across Tar ,Flnt and into Rogue river. Hysterics is the order of the day. "lie ghost first nppenred two weeks ago. tl was seen mi the street a tall figure of a man walking do? liberately wlih arms folded. The faster one went after it the faster it seemed to glide over the ground then suddeuly presto it disappeared. The town marshal! went after it and takes his oath that the unknown walked over the waters of Kogue river as easily ns a man would wnlk aeross a street. The ghasl has even called on a physician of the city and so badly chocked Was the professional mini that he nearly went into hysterics. The newspapers of the little city have had very little to say regarding the affair. One of them however de rided the crcdulenee of the residents of the city. Evidently some one has fixed up some very clever stuut, and as Hud fisher originally said- has "got the goat" of tho entire city. Socialists of Jackson County Assist ed by Residents of tho City Will Meet Novelist This Evenlnnnt Opera House. Y-E Nifty AJ1 arrangements havo boon com pleted for tho reception to bo ton dercd Jnck london, socialist and uov. ullst, this evening at the opera house A suitable prournm lias been arrang ed, which Includes n brief Impromp tu talk by Mr. London, Thu public Is cordially Invited to attend. Several well known socialists aro- on tho pro- gram for tho evening The reception la being given under tho auspices of tho members of the Multilist party In Jackswu county, but many residents of tho city whu aro not afflllited with tho party aro taking an active Inter est In tho reception. xoTin:. Notice Is heroby ghen thnt the tin deralgned will apply to tho city coun cil of the city of Medford, Oregon, at Its next regular mooting on Septem ber 3, 1911, for a license to Bell splr ltous, vinous and malt liquors In quantities less (hun a gnllon. nt their place of busluetin nt Hotel Medford, located on southeast corner Main and Ivy, lots 1C, 17 and IS, In said city, for a period of six inontlm. , HAU-MOlllt CO. Date of first publication August 17, 1911. v NEW LOW RECORDS IN STOCK MARKErn GIRL SUBJECTED BY HYPNOTIZING DENTIST Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Day Phone 2871 Night lhone V. W. Weeks S071. A. E. Orr, MM. LADY ASSISTANT. SfNSrSS ! JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Knibaliuw Successor to tho undertaking de I i partment ot Mod ford Furniture Co. ; j ; Office with Medford Furniture Co. i ; ; Telephones: Day, Boll 351; ! : John A, Tori, residence, Bell 4111, : Homo 179L. O. W. Conklltt 8801. J. H. But-' '. :ier 3G71. AMIlUIiANOH 8EUVICM SAN BERNAKDIXO. Cal., Aug. 17. Breaking Into tho offices of A. W. McDavid, dentist, last night, Chief oi fonce .Mesnoit round huddled In a corner a baby at tbo breast of Miss Jessie McDonald, a high school girl for whom detectives employed by tho father havo boon searching for fifteen months all over the state. The girl was a pitiful figure, cloth ed Inj-ags and wasted to a skeleton. She told tho officers sho had been confined almost tho entlro fifteen mouths In a small apartment adjoin ing the dentist's office. MeDavId, aJ married man, was arrested. Tho girl charges blra-wlth holding her In sub jection through hypnotic influence. Barely twenty-one years old, sho told a story of awful suffering while avowing her love for McDavld. NEW YORK, Aug. 17. Soiling of stocks was resumed at theopenlng or ho stock market today. Great North, crn preferred lost 1 1-4, and St Paul. Mlssonurt Pacific, Beading, Northern Pacific and B. B. T. each 1. Thero were large fractional gains in Union, Pacific, United States Steel and Na tional Lead and Canadian Pacific rose 1. .Later tho list sold off and some new low records were made. Including the Hill Issues, Southern Pacific. Beading, Atchison, Now York Central and Amalgamated Copper. The market closed steady. Bonds were easy. HAPPY RESULTS Have Many Many Medford ItcMilcnts Kiitliiihluxtlc. FRONTIER PATROL IS RENEWED WASHINGTON, Aug. 17. The pa trol of the California frontier by Unit ed States troops abolished a short time ago was ordered reestablished by tho war department because ot tho threatening situation just south of tho border in Lower California, Mex ico. A company of coast artillery at San Diego has taken tho field for patrol duty from ban Diego to Yuma, Ari zona. Mexican rurales aro now trav eling on American soil to search tho faccne of tho disturbance. It is feared that some of tho disturbers might at tempt to seek refuge north of tho line. AUTO TIRE SAVES AVIATOR STONE CHICAGO, 111.- Aug. 17. Arthur Stone, driver of a Queen monoplane, was fiiuitcjied from death nt tho in ternational meet yesterday Howard Gill in u Uuby Wright wrecked the machine hut was unhurt . Lincoln Honehly glided safely down 3000 feet after his engine stopped. Stono fell into the lako at du.sk and was rescued by a motor boat being in the water half nn hour. Ho was saved by an automobile inner lube tiro which his wife tied nbout his shoulders us a life preserver. Un nerved by tho deaths yesterday of Merger and Jbhiistouo, many of the hirdmen prolested against going up. hut Hid judges insisted. Honohoy unofficially made today's Freckles Gone "Simple ltenicily -from 2 Jlemovcd Them," Says Society Lady, "Tho best skin specialists told mu that nothing would remove my freckles and that I would carry thorn to my grave," said a well known so ciety woman, "but I fooled them ull with a now drug, othlno double strength, that I bought at my drug gists which cleared my skin and gavo mo a fiuo comploxlou." The action of othlno la really re markable, for when applied at night, many pf tho freckles disappear en tirely by morning, and tho rest havo begun to fade. An ounce la usually all that s needed, oven for the worst case. Be sure to nsk your druggist for tho doublo strength othlno, as this Is sold under a guarantco of monoy back if It falls to removo tbo freckles. NOTICK TO imilKJEOONTItAC XQKH, Sealed proposals will be received by the county court ot Jackson county at bis office in tho court house at Jacksonville, Oregon, to bo opened August 28, 1911, at 10 a. w. for the construction of a concrete brldgo across Bear Creek In tho city of Med ford, Jackson county, Oregon. Plans and specifications aro on fl)o In the offlco of tho county court also In tho office of W. W. Harmon cpunty road master , In tho court house of, Jack sonville. All bids must bo accompan ied by a certified deck for 10 por cent of the bid. The court reserves tho right to reject any or all bids. Signed. J. IU NEIL, County Judge. No wonder scores of Medford clt liens grow enthusiastic, it Is enough to make anyone, happy to find relief nfte ryears of suffering. Public state ments llko tho following nro but truthful representations of tho dally work done In Medford byJ)oan Kid. ney Pills. A. V.. Soars, 231 Fifth street, Med ford. Or., says: "Since publicly rec ommending Doan's Kidney Pills In 1907, I havo used thorn occasionally and they havo always brought good results. I was afflicted with sovoro pains In my back and I often found It almost impossible to stoop. Tho kidney secretions passed too frequent ly nnd this weakness was a source of much annoyance. Hearing Doan's Kidney Pills highly recommended. I procured a box at Hasklns' drug store and by tho tliuo I had finished the contents 1 could see that they wure tho right remwly Jyr my trouble. Gradually tho palna and other diffi culties disappeared and my health improved. I cheerfully recommond Doan's Kidney I'llls to everyone af flicted with kidney complaint." For salo by all dealers. Price 50 cents Koster-Milburu Co., liuffulo, N. Y sole agents for tho United x. r t IN KVK (JiaSH MAKING! My stock la ulwnya replete with tho newest nnd host goodn from the host makers; the standard or durability (s not sacrificed, hut tightness, stylo mid strength, aro com bined. .MY SKI'ilil'lMi 1'ITTINH AND AlMt'STlNO WILL KATISPV THK .MOST IMTKUli DR. RICKERT KYK SlUIIT HI'KCIAMNT Over Kciitiier'.s. The electrically lighted sowing room isasceneof comfortwhen the machine is run by an jl electric motor. No m oacK oreaKing peciai ttffi ingl The seamstress touches a button we do tho rest. ; fcJ Rogue River Electric Company' '$ mM Mi -A". Ji...:,.. ...., :m .U'L'Os mMMSMMSWM States. ' Bomomber tho name Doan's take no other.. -and SHOES AT COST The Dufflcld shoo stock has been moved to South Central off of Main, opposite tho ' Mission restaurant mid tho Stock Is stilt being sold at cost. M. S. Biden Is operating tho most modem shoo repairing shop In tho city nt the same location. Up-to-date electrical ma chinery. Look lor tlic RED BOOT BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS HENRY M, MARSH All orders promptly nUomlctl to night or tiny. Short und lonj; lutul.s. Moving hnuHoholtl goods u Hpocitilty Union tciunsturs. Office 51 S, Front Pacific 4171 Home SO L- Reshktiicti Main 613 rot04tinr Campbell & Bauinbrfch MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Monoy on baud at all timci to loan on improvod ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 320 GARNETT-GOREY BLDG. ....,,.... ....f(ffi.l,f(.,fl.,,f,(ltf) Hosklns ror Health. PLUMBING 8TKAM A.I HOT WATEIl HRATINO All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonablo 25 Howard Hlock, Entraaca on Oth Street. Coffeen & Price Pacific 8031 Homo 219 AGK.NTS FOR BUICKS AND LOCOMOBILES CRATER LAKE GARAGE gasoline oil 4 and supplies In a Class by Itself It Ih a great big loaf, made from tho best high grndo flour. PKHUIiKSS IIKKAI) Is moro llko thnt good old homo mado bread that mother used to make than any other on tho market. Ask your grocer for IMMMtftlCSS llltKAD nnd InslHt that you get It be- causo there Is none so good. RARDON'S BAKERY Tomer Main mid Grape Ktivct. tt-ft'(-r,- t t TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4 f40 1 nltitudu record of 7070 feat. FOR SALIC Two-story house, now, reception hall, six rooms, two toi lets, buth, luundry, two screened porches; modern. 15. Front; terms. 410 South Newtown St. "Just Say" HORLICK'S It Mtini Original and inulna MALTED MILK Tbt Food-drink far All Agti More healthful than Tea or Codec Agrees with the weakest digestion. Delicious, invigorating and nutritious. Rich milk, malted grain, powder form. A quick lunch prepared ia a minute. Take no ubtitut. Ask for HORLICK'S. Others are imitations. -HEINZ- 57 VARIETIES Aro known the world ovor for thoir excel lonce. "We won't name over tlio whole f7, but u lew BiitfgeHtions may bo i'ound in tlio fol lowing: Baked Beans Baked Kidney Beans Peanut Butter Mustard Chow Chow Vinegar, Cider and Malt Apple Butter Sweet Gherkins India Relish Mixed Sweet Pickles Mandalay Sauce Chili Sauco Etc. Etc. Etc. 01 instead liibbard West Hhlu flrororfl. MEDFORD IRON WORKS E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. 'Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. For Sale 1 ACRE AND 5 ACRE TRACTS adjoining oily of Medford, on long timo, easy pay ments, t 12 LOTS IN MEDFORD on main paved street; cement sidewalks and paving in; ulso Bowel's, water and light. Long timo, easy payments. 430 ACRES LAND, IJSO acres alfalfa land, . 80 acres fruit land, ptrrpetual wator right with water for irrigating 1000 acres; .long time, oasy payments. 340 ACRES LAND, 200 acres alfalfa land, balanco fruit land, 1 milo from railroad, on long time easy terms. 5000 ACRES LAND in tracts of from 40 acres upwards; price $25.00 por aero and upwards; suitablo for alfalfa, fruit stock and general forming purposes; long time, easy payments. 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS just within mid . adjoining city limits, at n bargain, on 5 annual payments. Gold Ray Realty Co. 2.10 WEST MAIN STREET.