rsX3 Ortflan HW jrttW"" ijllj Htl JjSjjjJgg Uty MMI SUBSCRIBERS l'l)liiir to ut jmit wll liiiva on (1llvrd i pliunlnir of floo liy a i, in, Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Fair Mnt. 07 relative hu midity 2U per ct. Mln. Ifl.JJ Dully- ninth Vi.r. Iiirlyllnl Vriir. ALEDIfORD, ORIOPON, TJIUKSPAY, AUGUST 17, 3911. No. 120. GENERAL STRIKE IS ORDERED IN BRITAIN Employes Reject Government Offer of a Royal Commission and Troops Are Ordered Out to Suppress Disorders WOOL TARIFF BILL VETOED BYPRESIDEHT Tall Snys lor Conjjrcss to Wall Un til December When Expert Board Reports Snys He Is Plcdacil to Disapprove Mcssayc. PLEDGED TO PROTECT ' INDUSTRY FROM RUIN DEMOCRATIC (GREEK MEETS SENATORS BOLT GREEK WITH PROGRESSIVES Southerners Desert Alliance on Cot' ton Bill and Line-up With Stand pat Republicans Against Insur (jents Introduce Amendments FARMERS' FREE LIST PASSES BOTH HOUSES EATAL RESULT Georne Bozas Shoots Christ Spanos In Fir Street Pool Room on Ac count of a Quarrel Over Money- Flees hut Is Captured. .Would Be False to Responsibilities If He Failed to Guard Man ufacturers' Interests. WASHINGTON, I). ('., Aug. 17. Itl a HMciivl to emigre I'lonidrnt Tnlt (tiilay veined tliu wool revision liill, giving oh bin rmiwiii bin belief that iiifiirinatiini wax not now mail aliln hhowing how the wool rales hIioiiIi! he reduced, ami declaring that no data hail Imm-ii presented to him whlrli would Hittinfy him that tlio hill vetoed would accomplish Ihu proper reduction. Tliu president linked congress to wall for III) day until the reort of ihu tariff board lian hren re ceived and promised that ho would then rei'otniaead Much re ImIoii of the wool tariff its Hi'ciiii-d nsccssury iu cording to thin teport, llm elo luwmtga jlccjnrtd.: "ir ever inert) wan a ncucuuiu Hording consideration, ImcMligntio'i and olnhnrato explanations by ex- perlM before Kh amendment' it in ticlifiluln K. Tall went on to nay: I'lntiteil to Veto Hill. "No evidence regarding thn eont of pnaluetion here and aboard ha been publiHhed and tint compromise amendment in tint sennto wan adopt ed without reference to or consider aliou by it k proper committee." Quoting fiom the republication . national platfoun of 11)08 particu larly that clause pledging the patty "lo maintain a protective tariff," (lio preiideut said ho wiih then plt'dgid to liHupprofl the bill, lie added: "It is moderately estimated thai ri,l()0,000 American people would 'c injuriously affected by any ill udviHed impnlruuMit of the wool and woolen Industries. If I did not guard, ho far an I can, the luduntricn of the iioiiiilry by giviuir them the benefit of a living meiiHiira of protection mid htirtlnenn disaster cunued I would not be discharging my dutlcH to thin ex tent, I nhull fail In my duty to tlu consuming public." No Public. IMgenry. "Theie in no public oxicency "0 quiring the revision of nehedulti K in August with iniidcqimto informa. tion, rather than in December witli adeipiate information," President Tafl continued. "December wan fixed by both purlieu in the last congress for (he HtiliaiisHiou of udcipintc In formation rogiiidiug Hchedulo K, with a view to ameudmout, "Ceitaiuly tho publia welfare would ho better prcRorvcd by delaying no lion nu for DO dayn in order to do justice to n pVnpor reduutioii, than by bluntly minuting a law now' which might Hcriounly injure tho industiios Involved iih well iih tho huHiucHH of the country generally. ROSTAND INJURED IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT Corn Cut Out From Free Admission Under Reciprocal Aoreements. WASHINGTON, I). C, Aug. 17. Tim neniito imnxeil tho amended cot ton IjIII, 2t lo 2L PARIS, Aug. 17. Ktlinoml Hon tund, famous as a draumtiHt and par ticularly iih being (ho author of "Chuntiolor," wiih Hovoroly hurt to day when liis automobile capsized near Camlio. Hostnnd was caught under ho innehhjo and IiIh head and Htoiuaeh wore ornflhod. TAFT TO INVESTIGATE ALLEGED MONEY TRUST WASHINGTON, D. C., Aujr. 17. President Tuft today (jailed for and received pupoi'H relative to tho for mation oftlio' National City com liany, tho "mnnoy trust," from At torney General Wiekorshnm nud Secretary of tho Treasuier Mno-.Yonnh, WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 17. A ehnotiu inixuii in the senate tie vcloncd this afternoon. It became apparent that a number of democrat. were boltinj; from the plaint decided upon by Ihu democratic, caucus and allying themselves with tho regular republicans nguiunt tho progressives. The program wan to permit the houne cotton bill to bu adopted and then reject the La Kollettu substi tute. Instead of carrying out thin plan certain democrats, introduced a nerien of amendments to I ho house 1,111, - t - - ' The Honnto today adopted the ('umtniun ntecl amendmeutH to the cotton bill by u vole of US to 'lo. The umendmeutri adjiiht the duty on steel at fl.-lO a ton. The Simons amendment reducing the duty on machines used in man ufactiiriui; was adnitcd by a otc of rid to '22. The Watson amendment, proxidiug for reciprocity free coal between the United Slates and Canada, wiis adopted, an was also tho Overman amendment changing the chemical schedule. The houno today punned tho con ference fanners' free list bill and it will bu ready to go to the president for his signature as soon us tho sen ato accepts two minor iimendiucntK. Tho hotiflo insisted on the elimina tion of com from two extra para graphs wherein tho reciprocal admis sion of fieo grninn and mealH was inndu a condition precedent to the placing of these products on tho free Jint. U wan said that the specific staling of corn was a joker which would havo prevented tho operation of the paragraphs Tho senate, agreed to tho confer ence repoit on the free list report. UNDERWOOD PARQUET PLAYER SAYS BRYAN LINCOLN, Neb., Auu. 17. Ho furring to Democratic House Leader Underwood's chnrgo that Congress man Ollio Jiuuoh of Kentucky "phyed( to the gallery," William J. Hryau in tho current issue of the Commoner today pursues Ida ven detta, "Wo may expect to hear defenders of tho public denounced as gallery statesinon," wiiyH Hrynn' "hut wo know that things go by contrast. Wo cannot think of Htntesmon who play lo tho gallery without thinking of Htntesmen who do not play to Iho gal lery. What shall wo call theiuT How would parquot Htntesmen do? "As Mr. Underwood prides himsolf on tho faot that ho does not play to Iho galleries, it is not unfair to as sume (hat ho plays to those who oc cupy seats in (lit) parquot and tho pri vate boxos." Corporations Subject to Finos. SALKM, Or., Aug. 17. Beginning today all corporations, whoso reports havo not been made to the stato are subject to prosooution, To dnto tho fitato treasury Iiuh boon onriohed $1511 ,000 from tho annual, corpora tion license fecu, WOUNDED MAN HOVERING BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH Bozas Attempted to Collect Debt at Point of Gun Imprisoned There v fore He Seeks Revenge. At 2 o'clock this afternoon Spanos wan still nlivo but very low. Dr. .1 H. Shearer who is attending him stated that he had no hope of the man's recovery as ho had lost too much blood before he wns t rented. George, a Greek, is in the city jail while Christ Spanos, nit' other Greek, is hovering between life and death at tho Southern Oregon hospital, as the rcnutt of a shooting affair lant evening at tho Greek pool fooul on North Kir street. Horns will appear this afternoon before Justice Taylor for preliminary hearing. Tho trouble between the two men started Inst April oer money Spanos had. borrowed from At tlutl limn Horns attempted To collect the debt at the nint of a gun. Ho wns arrcsti'd and charged with pointing a gnu ot another person and wiih bound over to await action by tho grand jury by Justico of the Hence Glenn O. Taylor. His bond wns fixed at f250. Thin was on April 27. Not being able to give bail ho was' con fined in the county jail at Jaokon- Continued From Pago Two.) ATWOOD OFF FORJOTHAM Aviator Says He Is Going to Break Cross Country Flight Records- Blames Managers for Fatalities- Due to Flying in Bad Weather. SOCIETY GIHL AND HEIRESS ELOPES WITH CHAUFFEUR IN AUTO. ,i, r7 i v'"li'1 '?&r ' K L MB.-AMds TUCK FPfcNCH BRIDE REFUSES 10 LEAVE GROOM AS PARENTS WISH Mrs. Geraghty Declares She Will Stay by Him Couple Are Visiting Hisi Parents at Newport Both Young People Defiant. SANDUSKY, Ohio, Aug. 17. Ar riving horo today after hU noross the lake flight from Toledo, Aviator At wood Hindu tho following statement to the United Hiess: Now York is first nbovo every thing. That's the slogan. 1 do not euro about exhibition flights. I am not a circus norfonner. It is my nmbition to reach New York in the quickest jNissiblo timo and break the cross country record. Tho trip has been a picnic so fur, and I havo en joyed every inch of it having had no mishaps as yet. "Flighfij should not ho nnulo when conditions are unfavorable. It in bo onuso of theinsihtenco of nir-iuoet promoters that flying is sometimes dono when it is merely a wusto of livos. Tho responsibility of tho bar barous deaths of Aviators Badger and Johnstone at Chicago rests with tho proinotora of tho meet." KNOCKOUT BROWN AGAIN HAILED AS RING HERO WEBSTER, Mass., Aug. 17. Fin ishing what was to havo boon a 12 round exhibition in tho early part of tho sonond round, "Knockout" Hrown of Now York is again hailed iih tho hero of tho ring for tho olovor manner in which ho put away "Hat tling" Downey qf Adams lust night hoforo tho Lakeside club. Dan Morgan, Hrown's manager, said af(or tho contest that after a short rest ho would lako Ida protege to Savin Hook, Conn., to begin ac tive training for tho bout with Matt Wolls, tho English lightwoiglit, sched uled for August 110 at Madison Square Garden, New York. NEWPORT,, Aug. 17. Declaring that nhu locd her husband and re 1'iiHUtg the entreaties of her own par ents tu leave hiififolIr.-'G'7Agbly is enjoying a tVit at the home of her husband's parents. The bride wns Miss Julin. Steele French, daughter of Mr. and Mr Amos Tuck French, and n niece of Mrs. French Vauderbilt. Sho elojwd from Newport, II. I., on the night of Auguxt 8, with John Edward Haul Geraghty of Newport. Mr. Geraghty is tho boa of John S. Geraphty, who owns a livery stnblo in Newport. Young Geraghty is a chauffeur. The elopement wns by automobile. The young couplo pit ns far as Central Village Conn., at 2 o'clock in the morning, where they were married by tho Rev. Mr. L. K. Perry a Congro- gntionul miuNtcr. The bride is 21 years old and erv pretty. Tho latest aspirant to the inner circles of society is 23 years old, and has known Miss French for a long time. Mrs. Geraghtv was accounted an heirvhit of great wealth and was one of this season's debutantes. Her trim figure, interest in nil sorts of sports mid her dnimg manner of op- orating an automobile mndo her prominent in the younger Newport set. Sho is a perfeot blonde. Very fond of dogs, xhe has been one of the moiug spiutt in planning the big Kennel tdiow lo bo held in New port next week. ALL RAILROAD MEN ORDERED TO QUIT WORK Unions Warned That Government Will- Not Permit ConTpleto Railway Paralysis and Twenty-five jThou sand Troop's Are' Massed. " WORKMEN REJECT ALL PEACE OFFERS .SUBMITTED Sixty Thousand .People Face: Star vatlon on Isle of Mann on Ac count of Shipping Tieup. MP2S. JOHN EDWARD PAUL GERAGHTY WHO WAS MSS JULIA JTEELE FRENCH . 'S LONDON, Aug. 17. At C o'clock this evening officials or tho railway employes organization telegraphed strike orders to all local unions. Premier Asqulth warned all labor leaders that tho government would not permit a completo railway paralysis. FRISCO GRAFT CASES KILLED Cases Against United Railroad Offi cials Stricken From Calender In Accordance With Order of Appel late Court. CABINET AIDED E US MAKERS LESLIE SCOTT MADE U. S. MARSHAL WASHINGTON, P. C, Aug. 17. President Tuft today Bont to tho sou ato tho nomination op Charles V. Johnson to bo appraiser ot morchait- illso tor tho illsliict or Portland, or., and ot Leslie M. Scott to bo United States marshal for tho district ot Ore gon. Mr. Scott Is a sou ot tho Into Harvey Scott, editor of tho Oregb-alan. CHRIST COMING AGAIN; ZI0N CITY HIS HOME PORTLAND, Or., Aug. 17. Christ's second coining bofoie tho end of 1012 is vouched for in a sworn statomont on filo at tho county olork'a offioo today. Tho statement was filed bv II. L. Buritott.sitiililibhor o tho "Littlo White- Dove" a ning tuino published here, deovtod to ex tending tho work ot tho Into "proph et," John Alexander Dowio. In tho affidavit IJurnett declares that Christ will uuiko Zion City, 111., n city built by Dowie, "Ilia headquarters," SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 17. The United Railroads graft prosecution cases were today strlkon from the calendar of tho superior court here. Judgo William P. Lawlor, after a lengthy statomeut of the legal as pect of tho decision of tho appellate court commanding him to dismiss tho charges and reviewing tho progress of the cases, ordered tho dismissal ot tho caes from tho calendar. Tho review of tho graft prosecu tion entered Into by Judgo Lawlor was a summary of tho charges In volving Patrick Calhoun, TIrey L. Ford, William M. Abbott and Thorn well Mullaly. In addition to this Judgo Lawlor referred to tho convic tion of Abraham Ruof and XL W. Coffey, a supervisor. From May, 1U0S, to dato thoro were CO continuances In tho graft cases. On April 25 last Judge Law lor denied a motion to etrlko tho cases from tho docket. On Juno 1G tho appellate court Issued an alter native writ directing tho lowor court to dismiss tho cases, and on August 15 a peremptory writ Issued from tho higher court. COAST MEN NAMED AS AMERICAN CONSULS Pure Food Expert Says Three of Taf t's Advisors Assisted Corn Pro ducts Company to Sell Glucose Under Label of Syrup. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 17.-. Charges that three members of the cabinet worked In favor ot tho Corn Products company against an adverse decision of the food and drug Inspeo ilou board, and that through their efforts the company was permitted to sell glucose under a label of "corn syrup" were made today by Dr. Har vey W. Wiley, chief ot tho bureau of chemistry, on tho witness stand be fore the house committee on expendi tures in the agricultural department. . "Tho company employed 30 chem ists, ono of whom afterward served on tho Remsen board, to refute my opinion," Wiley said, "and thon suc ceeded In havlug tho board's order suppressed, replacing It with ono au thorizing tho hale ot glucose lit the form tho company desired." Wlloy accepted responsibility for tho employment of Dr. II. II. Rushy, but stated that ho had discussed tho matter fully with Secretary Wll.ion. Tho chief chemist then exhibited a lettqr from Wilson creating tho food and drug board, which said that the president approved of tho creatlou of tho board. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aur. 17, President Tuft sent to tho boitnto to day tho following nominations: Isnao Manning of Oregon, now in nguaym' as consul at Ilarran quilla. K. Carleton Baker of California, now at Antuug, China, to bo consul at Clump; Kiii. Lester Maynnfd of California, now nt Vladivostok, to bo consul at liar bin. Ilubort Baugh of California to be consul at Saigon, Coch'ui China. Look nt the "For Salo" ads and at aorno of the things that are adver tised for salo. REIGNS HARRIMAN LINES NEW YORK, Aug. 17. Becauso of tho pressure brought to bear against Union Pacifio in tho stock market during tho last few weeks, Chairman Lovott issued today a 'statement positively denjiug that thoro is any dissension among tho members of tho board of director& or that there is any Inok of harmony in the management of tho Unrrimuu system, or that any chango in tho diudeml rato is being considered or that (hero is anything outside tho regular order of business being contemplated. Look for tho ad that offora it to you, secoud-hftnd, at u real bargain! LONDON, Aug. 17. The cabinet announced today that the govern ment had 'promised the striking workmen here, at Liverpool and oth er cities that a royal commission would be appointed at once to Inves tigate their grievances. Tho companies Immediately ac cepted the proposition. TUa em ployes' executive "federation rejected tho plan and immediately went Into conferenc with the labor members ot parliament. A general strike was proclaimed. Tho appointment of a royal com mission was tho government's last hope of postponing tho strike. Tho refusal of tho strikers resulted main ly from the companies' refusal to rec ognize the men '8 representatives. Troops Are Mussed. The government, prepared for tho worst emergency, has already massod 25,000 troops at Aldershot. Tho cab inet again met In extraordinary ses sion and endorsed tho policy of hold ing tho troops In readiness. Differences between omployers aud workmen on the streot car and sub way Hntjs In London, havo been set tled, but It Is thought that tho men will go out If a general railway strlko is ordered. About 175,000 is tho estimated number of railway emnloyes. Sir Guy Granet, manager of tho Midland railroad, declared ho did not bollevo that moro than 30 por cent would strike. Ho said hs road expected to contlnuo uervlco under government protection. Sixty Thousand Starving. ' Sixty thousand men on tho Islo ot Man aro facing famlno through Par alysis ot tha coasting trade, aud tho governor of tho Islo today asked for a government cruiser to trnnanort food. As rapidly as tho troops detained nt Aldershot they wero rushed to tho various strategic points, from which It Is thought they can control tho strlko. Three thousand additional troops arrived In London today. Liverpool Beleaguered. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 17 Tho city today Is boleaguorcd. Tho warship Antrim Is guarding tho harbor. Fivo thousand troops nro camped In tho streotB. Moro warships aro on their way hero. The admiralty is determined to protect shipping and tho crows ot tho warships will bo usod to unload vos3ols whoro ship owners rotnso to" allow seamon to work, Tho author ities declaro forclblo unlo-idlnc ot vossols by soldlora and unllora Is tho only posslblo relief from famluo. Warships ia Readiness. LONDON, Aug. 17. Homo Socro tary Winston Churchill announced In tho houso of commonB today that rioting at Liverpool had continued all night aud that tho govornmbut'if drastic action In rushing war vessels up tho Morsoy to tnko chargo of tho situation was duo to tho uttor holp )o88tiess ot tho civil authorities. Tho secretary added that a bat talion of Infantry had boon orderod to Sheffield. 1 Ji (b &