ruv Hall r r: t ' ' 'L - SUBSCRIBERS VMllliiir to trot pnpur will linva ono lUllvtroit by plioutiiir of flow liy u i, in, MEDFORD Mail Tribune WEATHER Fair nml warmer Ycatcr. dny: Ma v. KSJi', Mln. I7.n. Dully- -IMxtli Yimr. Kntiy-riml Viiir MEDFORD, OMSUON", WttDNHSlM V, ALTCJIAST 10, 3931. No. 325. CRATER LAKE IS OREGON'S GREATEST ASSET; INCOMPARABLE IN BEAUTY, SAYS JACK LONDON NOVELIST IS INFATUATED BY MYSTIC LAKE Beyond the Descriptive Powers 'jf Man. nml Not to De compared With Any Wonder the World Over Where llrauty Is Chief Element. IS WORKING DESCRIPTION INTO STORY HE IS WRITING Worth Trnvellnn Thousands of Miles to SeeIs Climax of All His Travels. Kuk;.jrtl wBUHM Jack London Says: ('inter Luke U beyond lint lit'i-iiriplivu powers of in it 1 1. It In alone in its grandeur. To compare it with Yohciu- itc, (Iritml Canyon, Niagara Falls or any other iialural wonder tlio world over is iui- poNsiblo ax it in in a class by itwir. That to compute ll with Yosemito Is like comparing a ''best hi'llur" with n cook book. That hi will lint attempt an arlliili) diviiiihing it, hut is Hiilrciidyworkiiifriii nMlcnctrip- tiou of it In a hliort story. That hu hari made his first hut nut Ids hint iiit to it. If HHfHHfHH Sells Out Control ! WK&ff. 11. M. MAHR-MAK. IS. HARRIMAN SELLS CONTROL Widow of Railroad Kintj Disposes of Interest In Union and Southern Pacific and Stocks Decline In Consequence. "To compare Cralcr Inku with any other natural wonder in (In world where beauty, irt tint chief element . lo. invito ridicule. It in beyond com pare. One simply cannot compare it with anything. To compare it with YoHcniilc or the Grand Canyon is like comparing a "best ncllor" with a cook hook. 1 know that irt an "in sidious" couipaiiMou, hut oh the old dinky preacher Hitid: ,'Thcin's my sentiments.' " In Hitch a tiinniier ilnea Jack l.on. dou, socialist, novelist, nature lover, Mini up hirt ideiiH of Cru tur lake, Nouthern Oregon's great iialural wonder from which he nt (uriicil Tuchday afternoon. London bus been converted. From one puns ivo regarding tlm trip openly hinting that tlm lake could not ho as heiiuti ful as it in Hiiid to he, hit Iiiih in three duyrt heconii) ono of ItH grimiest ml iiiircrH. lie is a muster of Hie Hiipcr lutivc hut ho Htiuimiei'H when linked lo tell his impressions. "(.'rater hike is the greatest asset of Koiithcrn Oregon. It in woith tinveling hundreds, yea, thousnnds of uiilcH to sec. 1 thought that I had gaml upon nearly everything bean I i I'ul in nature iih I have Hpunt many years in travclini; HioiihiiikIh of miles lo view Ihu beauty 8otn of the earth. Hut I lmn ruuehed tlio climax. Never iikuIu can I K"" upon tlm hvunty HpotH of tlio carlh and truly enjoy lliciu iih heiiiK (ho fiui'Hj thiiiK I had ever hi'pii, Crater luko in too far uhovo Iheiu nil. "Yellowfitoim I hnvo never virtilcd' hill it in noted for iln wonderrt inoro than huaiily, YoHcmite? CI i and Oanyon? Niajjarn KalUT The Alps? The South Seim? Not a hIiikId place Ih tjiero heauty in hiicIi n dcjjrco iir al C i'u I nr lake. I tun cuthiiHiuwtui? Yim, The lake. Ih wonderful it niiu luil ho dcriiirlhed, "TIiIh mornliiir T Hlnrlcd work on n new Hlory ill which 1 hIiiiII hripK in Crater lake, hul never hIiiiII I aileuipl lo write iv dcHcriplivo nrticlo of it. TIiohu who have novor seen it will think Hint I lie and IIioho who have KM zed upon Ihu wonder will duridu my ability. And it ih riuhl IliiitMlioy hIioiiIiI for to udo(iiately doHciilio 11 will luko iv initHlur u man with Hiipornatiu'iil HoworH, "On tlio way lo tlm lako I was told that' tlm blue of tlio lake would hu brilliant inoru brilliant than a pea cook blim veil worn hy Mi'H. Miillivaii. I Hiiiiled ut what I Ihounlit was 'm t liotiHin on tlm purl of my inform lit) I NHW YOIUC, Auk. lO.Wnlt trrot today lit wiitchliiK cm;crl)' tliu firm MldrnilHlit'rt In n bnttlo buKun by the riuuurlcrn who foimlit tbo Into KtUnnl II. Hiirrtmiiu to wreat tbo control ot tbo llnrrlman linen from liUxwblow. i ' ' " ' ' AmoiiK fluiuiclal men belief U Keniirnl that Mm. Hurrlmau will not flKbt, but will iIIsjioko ot bur liotilliinx lu tint itieu mnrket anil the ncout ilocllncH In llnrrlman Htockit ant be-llc-W'd to buvo been iluo to quiet tin lontlliiK; of her shares. Confbleutlnl Infornmtlim which Iiiih. however, becomo Roncrnlly Itiinwu, Ih to tbo erred that Mrs. War rlmnii iloim not feel ablo to ntnml the utruln of a IlKbt for control. 8bo Ih wrapuil up In tlio nffulni of tbo llnrrlmmi National bank, anil IntoiulH. It Ih hiiIiI. to phico iiiohI of her cnor moiiH wealth liohlmt II with the Idea that teb liiHtltutlon will become mi omlurltiK uiumoilal to tlio ilead rail ronil kliiK. NKV YOUK, Auk-. 10.- Tlio Htock market hIiowui! a heavy tone -nt tho openliiK. Ciuuullaii Pacific dropped I pnlutH nml Northorn Pacific 1 fi-S. ItciidhiK. AinnlKiiiiiiitoiI Copper mid Union I'aclflo 1. Tho rest or tbo ue- llvo HhI Hboweil markeil iIdcIIiicr. In tbo Hccoml hour tho attack on tbo market wuh continued, Union Pacific beliiK tbo weak feature. Kiiinora that tho llariiiiuin cHtnto bnil ilUpoM nf tho luilk of lt boIilliiKH wcro bulluvvil to hnvo been renpoiiHlblo for tbo wcakncHH In tbo llarrlman Ihhucs. ttnlon l'arlflc reached u new low reconl at noon with a drop ot 1 polntH, and Houthern l'aclflc, Cana dian I'aclflc, I.ohlKb Valley and AmalKnntated Copir mado further declines. Tho .market closed fovor- Uli. llondu worn oaay. SENATORS SELECTED PROBE STEPHENSON WASIIIN(ITONT, 1. C Auk. 111.--Cliiiinnnn l)illiti;haiu of tho Honiito uleotioiiH coininitteo today announced tlm Kuleolion of Sunnlora lluyhurn, Sutherland, lhadley, 1'aynter and Poimiroiin us u Buhstituto oomniiltuo to invoHtiKulo tlm oleetion of United Stales Senator Stephenson of Wis consin, llo.vhurn was designated ns ehairniuii of the coniiuittco. Look for tho nil that desorihos tlm piano you would liko to own. WILEY'S WORK NULLIFIED BY RUG BOARD Government Chemist Tells How His Decisions Are Overruled and Pure ' Food Law Rendered a Farce Throuiih Secretary Wilscn. PUBLIC MONEY SQUANDERED AND INSPECTION TOTAL LOSS Pure Food Rutinys Promptly Over ruled In Two-thirds of Cases by Inspection Board. its color was not nearly as bountiful us tliu lake. "I hnvo mado my first visit lo Cra ter hike. Hut if I livo 1 hnvo not mado bv hist one, It is too boun tiful to ho dismissed witli n cnsmil visit. It m'cdri sttidyiilK." Air, and Mrs. London will remain hi Modford until after Thursday, On Thursday ovoiiiiiK thoy will nttoml a Veception Iiimiiu; nrninuud by local so- Hut with till vusneut to tho voil i)inlis(u and othors. WASIIIKHTUK, I). C, lO.-Cotn- plaiuiiii; bitU-rly that his decision tlinlfyi whiskey could be made from rye, was the only case in which he was sustained by Solicitor McCabc, Dr. Harvey Y. Wiley, chief of tho bureau of chemistry in tho agricul tural department' tetifyiiij- before tho lioiihO coinmittcu on expenditures in the ouricultural department, de nounced today tho dniK inspection board ai n creation which utterly nullified the work of tlio bureau of chemistry and totally obliterated its efficiency. Testifying that the druj; inspce Jign .bomd. "vvliich consists of Alt Cnbe, Dr. Diiuhip and Wiley, mid which passes on nil the decisions of the bureau regarding the purity of food products, had overruled the bu reau in about. Two-thirds of the total number of ciibt-s, Dr. Wiley said: "Whenever Dr. Diiulnp and I dis agreed, McCabe cast the deciding vote. The whisky uaso was tho only ono of such cases in which I was sus tained. We have decided about 1.100 or 201)0 cases in all. In about 100 of these, when Diiulap agreed with me, MeCnbe disagreed, Diiulnp hnnie diatelv changed his vote in accord with 'McCabe's. "Tho chemistry bureau's work is not only nullified, but tho public money is squandered as well. The cost of tho burenu's work is a total loss, Nino thousand cases concerning uilhbrauding and adulteration have been prepared by my bureau ntid the avorago cost of each case is fully .fiOO." Dr. Wiley completed his testimony with tho statement that McCabe rarely attended the meetings of the inspection board, and, that as far as ho knew, Secretary Wilson ap proved all of the hoard' decisions. TO BOOST FAIR IN NORTHWEST Excursion of Hundred San Francis cans Leave Tonight for Astoria Will Visit Portland and Other Cit ies to Arouse Enthusiasm. 6U FUANCISCO, Aug. 1G. To boost San Kniuclsco and tho Pnclflu Panama International exposition In tbo cities ot tho north west a special train bearing nearly 100 prominent mon ot this city will loavo tonight for Portland and Astoria, Or. Tbo excursion Is under tho auspices of tho clmnibor ot comniorco nml will bo tlm means of arousing enthusiasm among tho people of Oregon In San Francisco's plans for tho big fair In 101D. Aftor nn hour's stay In Portland Friday morning tho dologutes will proceed to Astoria, whoro tho day will bo spent In participating In a "California day" program arranged by tbo coiituiinlal colobratlon commit too, Tho return of tbo party to" Snn FranclBrn Is scheduled for uoxt Mon day morning. , Famous Aviators Participate In Great International Meet r I MEN STRIKE TONIGHT ON RAILROADS Every Line In Britian to Be Tied Up Sailings of All Ocean Vessels Suspended Discontent Breaks Out All Over Nation. CABINET IN SESSION; WAR'OFFICE TO ACT Pandemonium Reigns in Parliament Order Must Be Restored First King Hunting. MONS. RtNE. .SIMON t33r Six nalions are already represented among the aviators who are entered for the mteniution aviation meet being held in Grant Park, Chi eago. On the lists of contestants nru three Aemricnns. Messrs. St. Croix Johntsone, Charles F. Willard and Ar thur Stone; one Hibi-minn, John ,L. Krisbie; ono Englishman, "Tom" Sopwith; one Canadian, J. A. D. ile Curdv; four Frenchmen, AIesrs. Holland C. Garros, Rene Simon, Rene Harrier mid Edmond Audemars and ono ItusMuu, Moiih. Rogodisky. Wm. R. Hadger nnd St. Croix Jnhu-ton werc killed Tuesday hy accidents to their airships. JAP SEALER IS SEIZED SY RUSSIA International Complications Likely to Result From Confiscation of Jap anese Vessel hy Czar's Warship On the High Seas Trouble Brewing. TOKIO. Aug. 1C That there Is every likelihood of an International complication arising between Japan and Russia over tbo confiscation of a Jnpancse sealer by the Russian Manchuria near Nledny Island, of the Kommandorsky archipelago, Is free ly admitted today in government cir cles here. A dispatch from Tsuruga states that tho crew of tho confiscated seal er, Kofujl Mam, do not make any complaint regarding their treatment by tho Russian authorities, but unan imously hold that tho Russians com mitted a serious blunder when they arrested thorn, as thoy wero scalers on (ho high seas. Tho captain of tlio schooner Is now In prison at Vladivostok. ARREST BULLOCK FOR GOAL DEAL As Result of Charges Made by Dele gate Wlckersham, President of Coal Company is Indicted by Grand Jury on Charge of Defrauding. PALL OF GLOOM AVIATION MEET Two Fatal Accidents of Yesterday at Chicago Aviation Meet Struggle for Records Proceeding as Usual Today. CHICAGO. Aug. 10. A jail of gloom was cast over tho aviation field by the fatal accidents of yesterday. Still tho struggle for records Is pro ceeding as usual today. FOR ADMISSION OF TWO STATES : House Sub-Committee Appointed to Confer With Senate On Securing Passage of Arizona and New Mex ican Bill. 1 PORTLAND, Or, Aug. 1C John 11. iiullock, prchlilentiof Ijingo and Mullock, and formerly prosldont of tho Sosiion Coal company of Seattle and Alaska, was arrested In his of fice In tho Heck building this aftor noon on a warrant from tbo United Stntoa government charging blui with conspiracy to defraud tbo govornnrtnt lu coal contracts. Hullock was Indict ed by a fodoral grand Jury In Tacoma. Tho arrest of Hullock Is tho first criminal prosecution brought ns a ro Biilt of tho Wlckeisbam-Wlckershnni controversy and comes as a sonsa tlonal sequel to tho sulcldo of Cap tain J. II. Jnrvls, who shot blnisolt lu Seattle last Juno, Charges wore mado by Delegato Wlckurshain or Alaska that Hullook and tho Morgan-Ouggenholui syndi cate conspired to rob tho government on Alaska coal contracts, ut Nomo, it CHICAGO, Aug. 115. Two avi ators, William R. Hadger and St. Croix .Johnstone, of Chicago, both young men, lost their lives in the in ternational aviation meet here Tues day. Hadger came to his death in a pit in tbeiiviation field. There had been a flnw in ono of tho wings of the pro peller of tho Baldwin mucliino which lie drove. Centrifugal forco broko the propeller and upset the deliento equilibrium of Ids maehino and Hadger dashed 100 feet to tho bot tom of the pit. His neck was brok en. Hadger fell within sight of thous ands of spectators. Hundreds of people leaped tho fenco nnd rushed t i into tho pit where tho wrecked bi plane lay. Five minutes later ntten I tion was diverted to tho men still I flying. Joltnstouo fell 500 feet under his engine and was drowned in Lake Michigan. Ho was caught beneath tho heavy engine of tho Moisaut monoplano nnd was carried deop into tho lake. His body was brought to the surface nn hour later. Hadger was a stepson of John Goetnuui of Pittsburg. Ho possessed an independent fortuno which ho used to gratify a well developed speed mania, both ns an nutomobil ist and aviator. iTohnstono is n son of Dr. Stuart Johnstone, a practicing physician hero j like Hadger ho was an amn-tour. WASHING i'OX, D. C, Aug. 1C Tho house committee on territories today appointed a sub-comralttee of flvo members to conrer with tho sen ate territories committee on tbo new Mexico-Arizona statehood situation, with a view to framing a compromise bill which vlll pass both houses and which President Taft will sign. The majority of tho house commlt teo at flrstt favored passing tho pres ent bill. Including tho recall of tho Judiciary provision, over tho presi dent's veto, but wishing to assure statehood to tho territories at this session, tho compromlso plan was fi nally declJed upon. being claimed by Dologato "Wlckor sbam that tho Guggenhelms mid tho Sesnon company had split $50,000 profits botwoeu them as a result ot tho conspiracy, Captain Jarvls, who shot himself soon nftor tho charges woro mado public, leaving a noto saying that ho was "tired of Hying," wa8 for yonrs connocted with tho Guggenheim syn dicate and was supposod to hnvo on glnoored tho nllogod dual with tho aid of Hullock. TWOHY BUYS IN CANAL COMPANY Railroad Contractors Secure Interest In Irrigation System and Rogue lands No Changes in Manage ment of Concern. Judfo John Twohy ot Spokane, a mombor of tho firm ot Twohy Uroth ors, railroad contractors, has purchas ed a largo Inteerst In tho Roguo River Valley Canal company nnd Rogue lauds, Inc. Tho amount of tho Inter est taken over by Judgo Twohy aud tho amount invested Is not known. This places tho ownership of tho two corporations lu tho hands of four parties Patrick "Welsh. R. K. Noll, Fred N. Ciiminlngs nnd Judgo Twohy. Mr. Cumnilngs, manager of tho company, stated today that ho know ot no Important change In tho plans of tho company brought about by Mr. Twohy acquiring an lntorest. Publicity Bill Approved, WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 10. Tho senate today approved tho con forenco report on tho anto-eloction contributions publicity bill, Look for tho ad that offors it to you, secoud-bund, at a reuhbargalnJ Strike Situation. Strike of the Amalgamated " Hailway Employes' associa- tiotr tying up practically "" cverv British railroad, to be (Ueclared tonight. Thirty thousand dock work ers of London refuse to re sume work, although their demands have been granted, until tho carters are rein stated. The carters' strike is spreading. Twenty thousand dockmen at Liverpool locked out and troops are continually .clnsUjy x ing with tho rioters. Sailings of nil ocean liners suspended. Two hundred thousand men in England and Scotland arc out. Loss in wages to duto $3,000,000. ft LONDON, Aug. 10. Pandemon ium in the house of commons today followed tho appearance of Home Secretary Churchill, tho laborites shouting questions and all demanding at once to know why the police wero allowed to club women nnd children iu the Liverpool strike riots. George Lanibury demanded an in quiry into the government's methods. Churchill said he would do nothing until order bad been restored. LONDON, Aug. 10. Complying with requests of board of trade offi cials, Premier Asqutth today con vened the cabinet incxtraordinary session to discuss theindustriul strikes which are racking all Eng land. It is unofficially stated here that tho government will summon royal army engineers to operato tho rail roads if tho cabinet does not succeed in averting a general railway strike. Discontent has raised its head all ovor tho country und tho war office already is preparing for vigorous ac tion. Railway managers today refuse to conduct negotiations with their em ployes except through tho board of conciliation, on which tho workora are reported to bo in a minority, and which, tho men state, has shown un fairness. TIi'ib morning President Buston of the board of trade con ferred with tho malingers and this afternoon ho will meet representa tives of tho employos. In tho meantime King George is hunting on tho Yorkshiro Moors uh tho guest of tho Duke of Devonshire and lias bagged 3100 groiiso, LIVERPOOL, Aug. 10. Today brought no cessation of tho strike rioting hero. Ordor wns rostored temporarily aftor troops of infantry fired a volley and tho cavalry charged with drawn sabres. Two rioters woro killed but the crowd didn't ontiroly dispurso. Thousands of freight handlers to day nro awaiting ordors lo strike and tho situation grows steadily worse Tho flour millers and hakors havo notified tho city authorities that thoy are unablo longer to supply flour broad as thero is not enough flour in tho city to last two days jongor. Tho coal and grain supplies aro also exhausted. 9 1 4 --r1 il ll