PAGE TWO aCEPFORD MAIL TRTBTOK jArBOTORT), OREGON, SUNDAY, AUGUST 1.1, 1011. H OREGON CROPS 'AND THEIR VALUE Hay am! Forage Lend, With Wheat, Oats, Hops, Potatoes and Barley In Order Named Comparisons of Cereals, Etc. LONDON STRIKE LABOR TRIUMPH -i. Hundred Thousand Men Benefit by Increased Wages and Reduced Hours Strikers Aid In Restora tion of Normal Conditions. L r, .. i STEWARDS REFUSE TO SERVE MEALS t WASHINGTON', D. C, Aur. U. StntlfitlcB rolnltVo to tlio lending crops for the state of Dromon, collected nt t)io Thirteenth Deeonnlnl Census, April ir, 1910. are combined to an official statement Issued today by acting ccnsiiH director Fnlkner. It Is based. on tabular suiuniarlcs prepar ed under tho direction of Dr. Le Grand Powers, chief statistician f6r agriculture In the bureau of the cen sus. Tho figures are preliminary and subject to slight revision later, when a few other fnrnis, whoso returns, now Incomplete, will be included In tho final tnblea. It is not expected tlmt these additions vU materially modify tlio amounts of rates given in tho present statement. The lending crops of the stato for 1909, ranked in tho order of vnlua tion were: liny .and, forage, $15,221, 000; wheal $10,797,000; oats, $5,- $36,000; hops J2.S3S.000; potatoes, 2,09S,000; and barley, $1,507,000. I Increa. In Hay ami Forage. t Between 1899 and 1909 hay and forage showed an increase of 207, Ti39 acres, or 2S.4 per cent. From 445,077 acres in 1879 wheat increab td to Gr.3,052 by 1S?, to S73.379 by 1899. the maximum acreage for the period, but fell to 701.1S3 by 1909. Xo agpregato yield In 1909 was 12 401,913 bushels, of which 10.278.S20 bushels was witer wheat, Tho aver age yield per acre was IS bushels; he average value per acre, $15.40. Gain in Oats. 1 Oats during tho 10 year period ending 1909 increased 77.C76 acres, or 29.7 per cent. From 151.C24 acres acres In 1879, oats rose to 21S.73G In 1S89. to 2G1.40G in 1S99, and to 3.391082 in 1909. The total yield In 1909 was 10,784, 19G bushels; tho average yield per acre, 32 bushels; the averago value per acre, $14.85. Great Gain in Hops. 1 Tho gain la hops for the decade from 1899 to 1909 was 6.329 acres, or 41 per cent. Starting wth 304 acres In 1879, bops rose to 3,130 In 1889, to 10.433 in 1S99. and to 21,- t o i mnn ifn.A .i -! 4U on (U. Ill XifJH, Ilt'UVU UUIlUg WiU ov year period hops liavo Increased more stuffg whjh hav(; su than seventyfold. The total yield dc,aj. ,n un,oainff, ,, in. luuy was iu.&'jj.uu pounas; me averago yield per acre, 703 pounds; the' average value per acre, $130.40. Gain in Potatoes. ! 'During- tho decado prior to 1909 potatoes increased 14,200 acres, or 47.3 por cent. From 1889, when 17,' 965 acres wero harvested, tho acreage roso to 30,035 in 1899, and again to 44,241 In 1909. Tho aggregate yield In 1909 was 4.821.705 bushels; tho averago yield per acre, 109 bushels; tho average valuo per acre, $47,40, , . llarley N'curly Dpublcd, For tho decado ending 1909 barley showed an Increase of 51,002 acres, or S5.G per cent. From 1879, when 29..311 acres were harvested, barley roso in 1S89 to 27.722, in 1899 to Q0.37G, nnd In 1909 to 112,037. The total yield In 1909 was 2.33GG.722 bushels; the averago yield per acre, 31 bushels; the averago valuo per acre, $13.45. , Crop Comparisons. Tho cereals had an aggregate acr eage of 1,183,302 ncres In 1909, us compared to 1,222, C4S in 1899, a decrcaso of 39,346 acres, or 3.2 per y cent. Tho stnglo decrease In wheat was so great as to cause a decrease In tho cereal ucrcage for tho state. Among tho cereals wheat ranked first, not only in acreage but also In value, comprising more Jhan one-ljalf. of the total acreage and total value. Oats ranked second, having an acre age and valuo, respectively, nearly one-half as great as wheat. The qverago valuo of cereals per aero was $15.04, tllghtly below that of hay and forage, and less than one-third that of potutoos. With tho oxcep. tjon of ommer and spelt, corn show ed tho highest averago valuo per aero; rye, tho lowest. Of tho hay and forage crop "Grains cut green" ranked first In acreage and valuo, constituting more tlinu one-third of the, ncreago and valuo of tho entire luiy nnd, foraga crop. "Wild, salt, qr.lirnirlo grasses' ranked second In apr,oago and tu.Ird In value, while "Afnlfa" stood second in valuo but tilrd la ucrougo. Tho valuo of tho Iuy and forago crop was slightly less than nine-tenths that of tho com bined cereals. Thero woro a numbor of miscellaneous crops, and tho most of , them woro well ubovo tho moro wjunl crflps lu value per aero. 1 o . .. LONDON, Aug. 12. "The result of the London strike Is the greatest labor triumph of the century." In n statement to tho United Press here today. Hen Tlllett ,tho leader of tlio dockers, teamsters, carmen and other laborers o ftho world's greatest city, to whose handling of the great strlko all concede the victory was largely due. told what tholr winning will mean for tho tollers. "More than 100,000 workers." Tlllett continued, "will benefit by the increased wages and reduced hours they havewon, giving them, for the flrjt time lu their lives, a space of time for recreation. Heretofore they have tolled all their waking hours. Fear Spread of Trouble. Declaring that the settlement of the London strike docs not affect, the teamsters of the Midland nnd Great Northern Itallroads struck, to day, and thero is great probability that the trouble will spread to other roads. Although tho Loudon settlement did not provide for a resumption of work until Monday, thousands of the strikers, driven by utter jieed, re turned to their places today and aid ed In the restoration of normal con ditions. This will tako several days, Tho gain to tho strikers by their Victory will reach, a totaj or noro than $3,000,000 yearly. Fight for Provisions. Glad to be back at their tasks, thousands of tho men worked all night clearing up the streets and docks which their strike had congest ed to such a point that business was practically impossible. At the docks the scene was remarkable. Men crowded tho entire water front and shopkeepers, whose stores were de nuded of food during the strike, fought madly to secure provisions for their trade. Danger of an epidemic through the general sale of partly decayed food which pams tho waiting ships and the depots has stirred the health authorities to the most rigid action, and many valuable cargoes of food- ffered from the have been order ed towed out and dumped into tho sea. , 5 i OAKLAND- Cl., Aur. 111.-A 10 foot hariieade, surmounted by lour Minimis of barbed wire ia lioinj; lnljlt around the Vo Oakland ynnN of Hie Southern l'uoifio company. The work is lieiujr nihol and it is expect ei lltui u will tie completed within :i levy days. OffjeinN of tlio railroad tjonliiio tu make any statement in rourd to the work other than it is boinir done in compliance with, orders from, head quarters. The work soiiij on here i- sjmilar to Hint reported from other r MONTK1CAL, Quo., Aug. 12. -hth the arrival of the Allan Lino 8tou.ui or Victorian laqt night from Liver pool constnbloA arrested flfty-HOVon first and second class stewards. Thuy wero charged with mutiny In having failed to servo breakfast and lunch to the vessel's passengers The troubto stinted yesterday morning, It Is charged, wiuu tho stewards balked nt helping to put ashoro thu mall at Hlmouskl. They retrcated from thin stand, however, and helped to put, the mull ashore, points where shops nro maintained. " lJltnc to as-Msl In serving f-.r9MlN ft Cold s Our otorage ervice Means an addition to your purchase when you buy a melon or bottle of grape juice, for .you get an ice cold one IT ALSO MEANS lucals. Officers! of tho Htoiiuishlp scut word of tho trouble, and tho constables woro sent, to seine tho men. Officials of tlio Allan Lino misort that, thoy cannot explain tho attitude of tho stewards unions t bo syiur fiathy with tho dook, strike abroad. NOT1CM TO lUtllMlU nNTHA TOILS. Ron led Druimtutts will bo received by thu county court of Jackson county J. It, N'KIL, Count)' JiiiIk". at his office lu tho court house nMliu ilKhl to reject any or nil hhlH. Jacksonville, Oregon, to bo opinion hikiiuii. August 28, IIM1, at 10 a, m. for tho t construction of a connulo hl'MsIo ' ' across Hoar Cruoli In the city of Medj, ( ford, Jacknon county, Oioroii. I'lium pOltTI.ANO, Or.-lluvliitf ri'iu'lvotl and upo(ilfitlou nro on tlio litttho tnTm niutiou ihul yi'KKtiH'ii mo tu offleo of Um county cnuvt nlfto In th0iou(o to the l'uoifio ennui tho lonnl ptlllOO llllVO WIIIIUMI IIIIIUIIOHH llll'll IU offleo of V. llarimiii county road master In tho court houtu) nt Jiuik sonVlllo. All bids tinint ho iiccoiupiin led by a cotlfod cloak for 10 per cent of the bid. Tho court icnorvou wiilch lliolr hiiI'oh ohiNoly, Look for tho ad that dtmorlhoH thu plaoo you would lIKo to own, d: PRICES FOR BARTLETTS IN EASTERN MARKETS The follQyin prices for BarJIett pearrf is rejwrted for Aupust 9 by Stewart Fruit eompnny. At Chiea j,'o, .fl.CO to $1.95; nt Cleveland, $l.i") to $1.83; at New York.fl.40 to $1.75; at Boston $1.G0. OUR THE NEtt MEATS ARE KEPT IN BEST POSSIBLE MAN IT IS ADDED SERVICE i d ii ! i i m Fruit Groovers We have just received a shipment of Ogburn's Fruit Picking Buckets, The Palmer Bucket h on the way. Use them ard save money. Send in your order now. - ' ' Medford Hardware Comp'ny Sin EAST MAIN ST. fef: Q gagaagui-TJ lu 'i i. a n !; Warner. Wortman ft Gore He i - irirriri4iVfrf COCMJ TOOLS HELPA S02PMAN Saylor Is Conflrmetl. WAfilHNCITON. D. C., Autr. 12. The seiiitto today uoni'irmed thu up ivijulmeiit of Albert Baylor of Seattle H8 receiver of public moneys In Hint ojty. Newbro's v 4m , Herpicide Fools the Cnlejiilar" Don't look older than yon are. It Is just as easy o look, younger. While lack of hair or poor hair Is not always an Indication t age. It Is frequently accepted as such. A person well advanced In years possessing a good head of half is al ways spoken of as "well preserved." Everyone can retain beautiful, lux uriant hair if they mako the effort, n almost very Instance poor hair or the loss of hair may be traced to (ho activity of the dandruff germ. Now bro's Herpicide kllla this germ and puts the scalp in a perfectly heaUhy condition. With tho destruction of tho dandruff germ tho hair no longer drops out. The ltphlng of the scalp stop;; alnpst a once. Newbro's Herpicide Is the original remedy for which there are many substitutes, preparations claimed to bo "Just as good." You don't have to accept a substitute. Insist upon hav ing genuine Herpicide. For sale by all druggists. Applica tions obtained at good barber shops, Ono dollar size bottles are always guaranteed, 8end 10c In postage, to The Herpicide Co., Dopt. It., Detroit Mich., for samplo and book. Mi:i)FOItl 1'HAItMACV, KM'cinl Agents; Xcar 1'ost Office Xlght or I)uy. 1. A .4. 1 JT WHtB . ((pjjfi JW TO470 IRRIGATION Nature Supplies the Land and Sunshine We Furnish the Water . Rogue River Valley Canal Co. FRED N. OUMMINGS, Manager tlbe keif that unCoehb bueeete, in Su&L neMr i& ffiwftff eu&tmeh4 eood vaue jifr tlbePi good monw. ty& fiaw done ltub'r that3 wlif we fuwe1 a uf tfrow-hntf nahdwahe Sui. ne&&. . . ,; , i h$ youoe neve deaCt mjfa u aAaee ithi ' lt3& time yu weke f$tlinf k$ ooaifi-ted w-im ubs Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Building Irrigated Orchard Tivcts Land for $.150 Per Acre With Perpet ual Water on Easy Terms Can You Do Better? ROGUELANDS Inc. . FRED N. OUMMINGS, Manager r-r4 f 4-4 I AGKNT8 FOB BUICKS AND LOCOMOBILES CRATER LAKE GARAGE Q A,SOIiINJ3 OIL AND SUl'I'LIKS Nicholson Hardware Co. rrJrr'-ri;,i s Still in Business The Southern Oregon Elec tric Company, hap moyed two doors sputh to thg C. C. Ponting Plumbing Sp Southern Oregon Electric Co, I a liauf ailltiol fnt 111 Tit,nna na If ta mmlf. nf II.a llt..tu l..t cti.i t,tf ., . . m i t.. I tawlWi m oM'Uqn to (hid, it Ih (lie only fonro which luiu tho I'APK KNOT, und contiimoiiH oroiB J I wiro to wouva H foKotlior, hpncp it j 'i :: i 1 1 1 -. : DO YOl KNOW? Thnt NOW ia tho time to nplaro your old fence with u now one. Tlmt it will itnprovo tho npponr niqo of your properly fully FIFTY I'KK CENT if tlio fonco is rurht und properly constructed. That The Page Wire Fence Is The Best Fence that mouoy enq buy or, modern itqicucn, prniluco. Qwin to ouch lino wiro lioluj? colled Ijoforo tho fent'o ia woven, Poro Fcnco U eiily eh-'i:(od r;vd. jiillt uu throitKh' duleu, without tho cooHnily of OH'tinn ,nnd effitifff t U MADE nt Adrian, Mich., and uhlppod by im in onrloud IoIh, direct from tho FACTOHY TO THE CON 8VME,Rj thuH iiiHiiring the 'routcHt vnluo nt tho lowoHtpoHHlblo piieo. Lot (in show you whjy you Hhould imo IK0 Feuuo in preforeniiO to miy ollio'r. Wo fiirniHli. without fihnrRo, eBtmatoij or coHt of fonoini,' trnetH, und contract to tmilil fen'oeH ooinpioto. Wo will fiRuro wltlj you on any ninouilt of fonoinjr, from ono rod to u onrlond. If you nro wanting Fonda, Oatoa, or either yew or codnr pohIh, lelt ub fiKure with you. Wo funiibb man nnd tools unij aHHjdt in, o ervoiion of Fngo Fonoo without extra ooht. ' fMDDIS& DIXON "T!fl PAflK fi;nce um" mom 2rf8li Dlfltrihutttrp for floiilhorn Oreiron n ml Northern Oflllfnn.ln MAIN 0FFI0E, 134 NORTH RIVERSIDE AVENUE, MEDFORD, ORE. f-9WrWml.04990mlfx i i i TtTT 00Jl