SECOND SECTION Medford Mail Tribune SOCIETY KOItTY-JOIRST YEAR. MEDFORD OREGON, SUNDAY, AUGUST 33, 1911. No. 122. Week's Happenings in Medford Society OlIO III' Hid (mist HIICt'l'MMflll toill'llll- iiH'iiIk which Iiiih iM'i'ii lu'lil by tin Noulhoiii Orison Tenuis uhhoiiIiiiImi iii'iuiitciI IiihI week lit Tuli'iil, when plii.M-irt friiin (Irniiltt I'hhh, Central Point, Jacksonville, Talent mill Mod I itiil were colored. 'I'lii! chili from (Irani Pass Winn viclnrrt in Hid nii'iiV niiiKlw ladies' singh-H, mill Indies' lIlllllllllH, S Olio of tlm iiiiihI delightful enter- InliiuieiitH of tin) ttuiuinor was Unit of tliu (Ionium Club at tho homo of 14. !:. UiirgvsH, Jr., nt ItlM Orlffmi Creek UhihiIi Monday evening. Tho iiluli iiiouibiuii mot nt tlio University Club In tlio afternoon mill worn pros enleil with Utile Ueriiiiiu ImtH unit cnuo. wearing which, thoy motored out to (Irltfeu Creek, when) it dollc loim luncheon won served, l'lill Iliiinll, president or tint dull presld ml In (lie continue or n IJurgoiiuister. The member of the club mo It, II. Parsons. I', (I. HiirenM, Jr., John Hall McKay, llrook Hpeucer, Conro Fern. I'. W. lliiuijl, A. Carpenter, L. Carpenter, It. W. Huhl, A. H. Hrjiim tor, II. II. Hicks, Clarence Itemae. Unnild Hooy.Sinltli, A. K. Kcainca, (J. II. Xitwlnill, Hubert Hrnvanl, Frank Fratlur, A. Hmdder, Dunbar Cans, Herman Powell, Lincoln Mo Gorinlrk. H. V. lleekwlth ami James It. Unrhour. A very pretty parly wu given Ii.v Mum Korii llutciioii Friday niter iiimiii when hlie entertained ul bridge. Tlio Iioiim' was attractively decorated in red geraniums it i til ivy. At the tioiioliiHiuu of lliu game ii dainty Iniiclteon was nerved. .MiTH IIckh Keiitner received firt( prirc, n hand muiic rut glm-n perfume bottle, ami Mihh lUUvl Kndcr, second, n pretty box of htiitioiinry, The invited guctt were: Mises Mens Kent nor. Ida Kenlner, Man TlioinaH, lliucl Davis. Iliixet Under, I.ueilo Under Minnie JKniel. Mnilce lildille, llerllin Fugll-wi, ; Helen Viitl, Mildred Smith r Port land. Aletliu Riuericlc, With Fi-di Carol KiHlt. Itiittt Merrick, Mildred Wuiv, Alien Sheets mill Doris llng- ley of Aidilmid. Mr. J. Stilwell Vilns nnd sons, Ned mid (icorge, left Thursday for Los Angelon, where they will join Mr. Villi. They hnve taken an apart iiimit for tlio winter mid (lie boys will imler xcjiool (here. Mr, Herbert Trlcchler of Santa It Kit , .Mexico, arrived Thursday on n vIhII lo hlit father nnd sisters. Mr. (It'll, Trolohler mill tho MIhucm Trelch lor of Hmith Oakdnlo avenue. MIhk Lucllo Mnrnhnll nnd Mlrm Laura Trolcblor leave (IiIh week fov Hcrlioloy, California, whom ihoy will nttoiul tho I'nlvorxlty of Cnllfnrula. ' MIhh I'Mllli FIhIi wuh IiomIchu Tlmrtiliiy cM'iiinc "t- ber ('hiiniiiuK country home, near I'lioeuix. Tho KUcmIn from Medford wero MImhch llerlhu KiikIihIi, Mnduo Itiddoll Mil dred Ware, Aletliu Kmoriek, litith Mcrrii'lf, I'Vrn HulohiHou, IIchh Kent iter, l''lorcnoo I'olKer, I'.lir.iihi.'th Kol er, Alioo KtreolH, I'hoeho llmieo, IoIiiihoii, llnxel DuvIh, Homitlin, May Hcnutllii, Kdith mid ('and FIhIi; .NferiM. Ilurduell' Middle, Hurry IIoiih ton, l.toyd IIoiihIoii, Taylor, Hrido, Di'iifl, Tinny, Merrill, I)oi1k, Fih, Kccil, llimlottii DoiIko, 'loin Scant liu mid Whitman. From AhIiIuihI, MiHHCH !)iirin Uitlcy, Nell HriKM Hope Murdiok; AUhhcm .Sharon Ktn pleti' mid l.cland lli'iidor, MinH Mao TlioinaH, who !k tlio Kiieht of MiHH Ht'H Kenlner, wuh u inont oliiirmiiii; liohtt'NH Tue(Juy nl' tcrnoon. when nho cnlcrlairu'd nt bridKo at tho Kciitnur home. At tlio coneiiiMioii of tho uamo tho party nil joiirncd lo tho NiihIi u"II wlieni duin ly rt'frt'nliuieiilH wero Nerved. Tho invited KiifMlrt wore Mr. Weiitr., Mrn. Hedfield; MiHNCH Hohh Kenlner, Ida l.ct ICeiitnor, Mildly Kiddell, Herthii, KiikHhIi, Mildred Ware, Huxel Davitt, ('andiiio Kmilh, Kuril Ileiloy, Flor ence Folder, I'lir.aliolh FoljjiT John, find, Alicu HI reel h and Kdith Finli, Tho tutirrlnKO of Mr. Oeo, I.. Ilnkor nnd Mm. Clara Kkeol (lallowuy, tioth of Portland wnn Holcmnlxed by the lltiv. W. !'. HIilolilR nt tho 1'ronbyltir- Ititi inuimo Monday nfloruoon. MrH. Ilnkor wait formerly n resident of Medford nnd Is tho dniiKbtor of Mr. nnd Mm. W. M. Hkeol. Mr. linker In Very iTromluont In political and thentrlcAl circle In Portland. Tuou dny Mr. nnd Mm. Maker loft for Kn ynrtH Hokuo lttver Itntich where they will Npent two wcokM. Thoy nro ac compnnlod by MIkh Mablo Ilnkor, dniiKbtor of Mr. linker. m m m Tho hit; event of the work Juih been Iho iuviliition tennis tourunmeul, which in bein held nt Foothillx or chard, tho bountiful homo of Mr. nnd Mm. (looi-fjo Cnrpontor. Tho lour nament eudtt Sunday when the finals will ho played, and tho cliainpioiihhiw dc.cldcd. Many t-pcctatorH hnve been prcHcut anil much iutcreHt Iiiik boon taken in tho affair. It !h hoped that loiirnaincntrt of thii kind will bo Kiven often in tho future, nn thiw one hart proven n L'rcat hiiccchh, MIkh Knunn Horrwnyon nnd MIhr OIkii l.oldhorK of Chicago, who hnvo 1icc.ii tho Kiii'HtH of Hon nnd Mm. J. A. WeMlorlund loft for their homos Mon day. Mr. Moyo Hnrkdull entertained a number of friends Tuesday evening ml eelchrale tlicauinvcrsarv of his birth. MInm Kcllolior oiitortnluod In for mally TiioHdny afternoon In honor of Minn l.ucllo Murnhiill and MIhh (lortrudi) Trlochler who loavo booh to nttoiul the t'nlveritlty of Callfor uln. ThoHit pronont worn Mm. Clom- iiiniiH, Mln Htnr Mnrnhnll, MIhr yer trudo Trtilchlor, tho Mlsiten Wilkin riou nnd tho honor ciioHtu MIhh Mnr Hhall mid MIhh Trolcblor. Ilov. Fnthor Vun Clurmibcck who linn hooii In charKo of tho Cnthollc church litiro for novornl yearn loft Wodncdiiy for Ht. Paul, Oregon, to which place ho hint been trnimfored. Fnthor "Van" linn iniido ninny friends diirliiK his resldoucu here and bin tie ptirturo lil Kreatly to be rcKrettcd. A moitt enjoyable moonlight liny rldo was jjlven by the inemborH of the Presbyterian Biindny school lust week. A picnic supper wuh served the pnrty nt Pembro Orchard, the homo of Mr. mid Mrs. Wnltor Front ier Drown. Miss Minnie Deuel is the week end giiest of Miss Franco Heath at K.i lilo I'oint. From there hIu; will go to Nutwiek camp nbove Trail, where hIio will bo Ihe uuoKt of Mb. Orbio Knt- wlek. Miss Kuiiice Miiiikou is the guest of Mr. mid Mm. J. A. Westerlund. Mi'mh Miiiihoii will bo in clinrgo of the science department in the Medford high uehoul thin coming your. Mm. J. M. ICeene is able to be about nguiii after n very severe at tack of appendicitis' mid as hooii hk she is able Dr. and Mm. Keene will f leave for Santa Crur, Cal., for a visit. Mr. K. K. Dtirgesn was host nt din ner nt tho Nnsh Orlllo Thursdny ovotilng. Ills guests wero Mr. and Mm. Vllns Ilockwlth, Mies lliirke, Miss Mnlilo U'urke nnd Mr. Cnrlotou. Mr. nnd Mm. W. C. flrcen & Ron Karl, returned Friday from a week's camping trip near Prospect. While nwny they made thetrip to Crater Inke. Mm. "W. F. Isnapcs and poii, m. II. M. Brown, MisH Grnro Hrowu and Miss Gladys McMillan returned last week from Colestino. Mr. II. 0. Worlmnn and family nre plniming a trip to Crescent City in the nenr future. Mr. .7. T. Sullivan and daughter Dora, returned last week from a trip to Craler lake. Mr. nnd .Mm. M. L. Alford nnd koii Herbert are camping nenr Knynrts, on tho Rogue river. Henry Mlllor In "Tho Havoc" will open the theatrical nenson, September 1st, for 1011-12. A largo number of big nltructlonH hnvo been secured for this itonnon. Tho opera house will bo thoroughly overhauled and made more presentable arid also much more comfortable. Mr. I. I. Hamilton wuh called to Medford IiihI week on account of the serious illness of his brother. His daughter, MirfH Kuid, it just recov ering from nn operation for appendi citis. Mr. and .Mrs. Folger, Minnow Flor ence, Kli.abeth nnd Joy Kolgor, Mis Johnson mid Messrs Ira mid Ilurdett Dodge left Friday on an auto trip to C'rchcent City. Mr. I.ymnn Orton In planning to ac company Mr. M I.. Hrlckson on hU Inspection trip through the Dead In dian country. Mm. M. P. Gnrley and family left Saturday for their old home in Texas, where they will reside per- mnuenlly. Mm. Mahlori ;PnrJln and her sis ter Mrs. KBglVston of Chicago have boon spending a week at Shasta ro- trent. " Misses Ethel nnd Marie Kifert were the guestgof their sinter, Mm. W. II. Ilarniiin, at Jacksonville, last week. i Miss n.v noberts of Albnuv is the guest of .Mm. Bin! Smith. MUs Roberts fonnerly livctl in Medford. Dr. mid Mrs'. C. R. Ray Miss Mn ble nnd Mr. Charles Ray left Monday for a six weeks' vWt to Kewiwrt. ' Mr. and MrsAHonore Palmer nnd Mr. and Mm. John D. Ohvell spent Sunday on the Apptegate. Mm. N. Delia nnd Jliss Turner left Inst week for Hilt, CAl., where they will spend two weeks. jrr. Charles Taylor, who has been the guest of Mr. Vernon Cnwter, left Friday for Los Angeles, Cal. Misses Klla and Edith Stone re turned last week from a two months visit at Sacramento. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Beggs nnd daugh ter of San Diego, Cal., are visitors In Medford. Mr. Frank L. Ton Velle returned Tuesday from a trip to Chlco, Cali fornia. Mm. Porter J. Neff and son are expected to return to Medford this week. PROBE LECTION OF STEPHENSON MM V 4 Senate. Passes Resolution to Benin Inquiry Into Seating of Wealthy Wicconsin Lumberman Bribery ami Irrcmilarltlcs Aliened. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 12cV A proho by tho Unl'.orr Slatcn sonnto Into tho uiothoils used In tho election of Houalor Iiinno HtophoiiHoii of Wis consin will soon begin, A resolution providing for an Investigation was passed today, Tho resolution of an In vestigation of Stephenson's election by the Wisconsin legislature, which reported evidences of bribery anil Irregularities, land demanded that tho upper house of congress tako the nmt tor. Tho HtophoiiHoii resolution was re ported to tho somite by Senator Dil lingham, chairman of the committee on coiumlttoo mid elections, It gave the coiuiulttoo specific. Instructions to ascertain whether money wiih cor ruptly usud In tho Wisconsin legislature. MANCHESTER WORKMEN THREATEN TO JOIN STRIKE MANCHKSTKR, 'England, Aug. at. Transport workers t' MiIh oily, uu ulTootcd by thu settlement of the Lou don Htriko, today issued an ultima tum t their employers, (hut, uuluss their dnminitlH nre conceded by Mon day, nil tho railway eurleiH and freight handlers of Manchester will bu uallud out, TAKES TUMBLE 40 FEET HIGH Monoplane Overturns In Midair and Aviator Falls Forty FeetAviator Arthur Stone Unhurt hut Maclne Is Total Wreck. CHICAGO, III., Aug. 12. Over turning In mid air, with his Queen Mnnoplnn Arthur Stone foil to tho ground a distance of 40 feet at tho aviation meet here today and escaped ractlcnll uninjured. Stone's machine was hopelesHdly wrecked. It was first thought that Bono Simon, tho "fool flyor" of tho Mole mint camp, was the victim of tho fall and the mlHtiike wn's not discovered until Htono hud boon reacuod from therulus or his neroplane. Tho .liinot, which Is ono of tho most Important ever hold In America, both by rcson of tho prlzos, aggre gating more than 80,000, and tho uumbur of entries, opened todny. Seven biplanes rose In tho air as tho first gun was fired. PRESIDENT TAFT TO VISIT PACIFIC COAST WASHINGTON' D. C, Aug. 32. President Taft has definitely decided to visit thu Pauifio coast this fall, uncording lo authontiu information from tho While House today. Ho will personally attend tho ground breaking oxereises at San Francisco, and it is understood will also visit Orogon and Washington, LUMBER TRUST BEING PROBED Various Rumors in Circulation Con cerning Probable Matters to Be In vestigated by Federal Grand Jury Now In Special Session at Tacoma. TACOMA, Wash., Aug. 12. Al though vnrjous rumors nro In circu lation todny concerning tho probable ninttors to bo Investigated by tho fed oral Brand Jury which convoned yes torduy In special sosston, tho utmost socrocy Is maintained by nil persons conncctod with tho district attorney's office and othors, and no Intimation of tho real purposo for which tho Jur ors wero summoned, could bo obtain ed. Ono rumor afloat about tho fod eral building today Is to tho offoct that tho lumber trust, n scoro or moro of whoso mombora recently wero In dlctod In Chicago for maintaining n combination In restraint of trndo, Is to bo Investigated on this coast and that Indtotmouts of prominent wost torn lumbermen mny bo looked for. United Stntes Commissioner Snm uol llrldgos todny docllnod olthor to confirm or deny this report, but ns surod nowspnpormon that thoy would bo glvon "a good story" whon tho proper tlmo arrives. By hoiiio poisons It is uollovod that tho Alaska coal lands' question will bo looked Into by Uio grand Jury, but nothing tangible on tho subject has developed nnd all statements ns to tho matters bolng inquired Into nro RICO SIGHS FOR FORMER WIFE Gipsy Violinist Willing for Rcconcilli atlon With Clara Ward, American Beauty, Who Has Just Divorced Her Third Husband. PARIS. Aug. 12. Rlgo, the Gypsy niuslclnn who charmed the beautiful Clara Ward ot Detroit nw ay from her husband, tho Prlnco do Caraman-Chlmny, still sighs for her. It Is snld that a reconciliation Is pos sible, uow that tho American, beauty has boon divorced .from hor third husband, Rlcclnrdl, ox-statlonmnstor of thuTesuvious Funicular Railway. At tho Pavilion Blou a enro la.tho suburbs 'of Paris, Rlgo was found caressing his violin. As soon as tho name of CInra Ward was mentioned ho sighed: "Poor princess I" "Aro you sorry for hor?" ho was asked, "I shall always reniombor hor," ho replied. "Wo have, la splto of ovorythlug, remained tho best of friends. Sho writes to mo quite of ten. You say Rlcclnrdl has divorced hor? 'What would yon hnvo, any way? Sho has llvod with htm soven years. That Is n long tlmo! Sho cannot love a husband longer than seven yoars." bollovod to bo nioroly speculative. Tho Jury will bo In session until tho llattor part of next woek. Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Olwcll enter taining Mr. and Mm. John Dennis of London, during (heir stay here Inst week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chilgrcn arc receiving congratulations upon the birth of u son. MIrh Grnco Henry returned last weok from a Hhort outing on Little Hute Creek. V Miss Mnry Trowbridge entertained Iho Mandolin club at her home last week. Miss Fanny Hnskinr, has returned from a three weeks' visit ui Newport. Miss Evelyn Cnrcy is the giiest of Mjsh Frances Heath at!Eagle Point. ' Mrs. W. A. Hanna, who has heon visiting Mrs. George Neither of Jack sonville, returned to her home in Se attle Monday. Miss Linn Dibcll of Ashland is the guest of Mr. nnd Mm. J. M. Rader. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Davis arc spend ing a couple of weeks at Colestln. The Thursday Bridge CIMb met with Miss Sara Rellny last week. Mr. L. R, Warner arrived in Med ford from Portland Inst week. Mr. and Mm. W. A. Ends left last week for an outing at Colestln. The Misses Wilkinson are the guests of Mrs, L. P. Mack. Prof, nnd Mrs. S. D. Hall loft Thursday for n trip through Cal ifornia. They will go ns fur south as Loa Angeles. Mr. Y. K. Dcucl mid son left last wek for a trip to Crater lake. Miss Flora Welch entertained tho Question' club Friday evening. a Miss Edna Pilton of Seattle is the guest of Miss lonne Flynn. Mr. J. G. Hibbnrd nnd family aro camping on the Applegntc. Rev. Matlock returned Thursday from n trip to California. Miss Mary Gore is visiting friends at Colestln. l Another Week OF FINAL CLEARANCE PRICES On Summer Apparel, to make room for Winter Apparel TAILORED SUITS At one half and much less than One-Half Price. Actual Values up' to $35.00. FINAL CLEARANCE $15.00 r The above line includes most all sizes, from small womens, size 14 to extra large, size 43. ONE LINE OF TAILORED SUITS Actual Values to $28.00 PINAL CLEEEANCE $9.75 LINEN SUITS $5.00 A line of 18 linen suits in natural colors, crash, plain linen and mercerized materials, colors light brown, pink, lavender, natural and white; actual values $9.50 to $18.50 FINAL CLEARANCE $5.00 LINGERIE DRESSES Reduced for Final Clearance $35.00 LINGERIE DRESSES NOW .'...$22.50 25.00 LINGERIE DRESSES NOW 1G.50 16.50 LINGERIE DRESSES NOW 11.00 . - 15.00 LINGERIE DRESSES NOW 10.00 7.50 LINGERIE DRESSES NOW 4.95 LINGERIE and TAILORED Shirtwaists Underpriced Our line of shirt waists are tlio well known Royal make and reasonably pric ed at regular prices, now underpriced ONE-FOURTH, ONE-THIRD AND ONE-HALF. TRIMMED HATS $1.00 i Wo are taking drastic measures to clear the millinery cases, although there is a good two months to wear summer millinery. A line of about 20 trimmed hats pressed shapes and made turbans, actual valuo to $9.50. Final Clearance $1;00 One table of untrimmed shapes, actual values to $4.00 Final Clearance $1.00 y r K,. MF v F f w w . M I 1) I r