Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 13, 1911, FIRST SECTION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Details of Death of Al Williams, Who
Became Lost In Malapln Hills, Mo
Javc Desert Tell of Wanderings and
LOS ANGELKS. Cal., Aur. 12.
Detaila of tlio death of Al William!-,
a in'min tnim of Hnkorsfield and Los
Angeles, who beenmo lost in the Mu
lnpin Hills, Mojnvo desert, nnd who
Htirvivcd 20 days without loon nuu
only with a little water, reached hero
lodny in a loiter to Mrs. G. C. Harry,
whoso husband' a Malapin prospoo-
tor, led tlio searchers who found the
A diary found by the body showed
WillinuiH' movements from Mny IS
when he left Coro Springs, until June
1J, when the dairy ended.
Williams, scokiiiR lo find the ranch
of a friend named Domingo, struck a
wild pony trail, became lost and
wandered into Malapin canyon. The
canyon is impnssablc except on foot
Near tlio mouth ho abandoned his
burro nnd pushed on afoot for several
miles, necking water, until he came
to n point where the canyon "boxed
up." There ho scooped out the sand
nnd found a puddle of water. The
body was found at the puddle.
Williams intended turning his burro
looso when he reached DomingosV, o
the animal's return three dnys after
he started meant nothing. Eight days
later Domingo's Indians went to Coro
with the news that Williams had not
Domingo with several Indian trol
ers followed the burro's tracks until
they found saddle, bridle and Wil
liams' empty canteen, where he had
placed them on a high rock. They
pushed on a few miles and, conclud
ing he must bo dead, returned. A
week ago Jnmes Shirlock nnd two
miners named Romey and Shnrpe
went to seek the body. They found it
two miles beyond where the first
searching party had turned back.
A letter found with the diary
showed Williams had a sister in Al-
toonn Pa.
Chief of Federation Says Barbed
Wire Stockades Around Southern
Pacific Shops Arc Only to Scare
Workmen 20,000 Men. Affected.
MEXICO CITY, Aug. 12. Twenty
thousand men' commanded by Gen
erals Zapata and Almnna, arc re
ported to be in armed rebellion in the
Mute's of Puebln, Morelos and Ctier
rcro, in southern Mexico. An attnek
on the federal troops under General
Hucrtn, at Cuerauvncn, is threatened.
' National.
At New York
Xew York
Batteries Cahlmers and
Spencer, Ames and Meyers.
Eason and Johnstone.
.2 3
.0 4
At Cincinnati R,
Pittsburg 3
Cincinnati 0
Hattcrlcs Stcclo and Gibson;
eofo and Clarke, mplres O'Day and
At Hoston
First game: R.H .E.
Brooklyn 2 4 1
Boston 8 12 1
Battorlen Bar-jar, Scanlon, Seh
nrdtand Bergen, Erwln; Perduo and
Kllng. Umpires: Klem and Brcnnan.
(Second Gamo;) R. If. E.
Brooklyn 8 11 0
Boston C 10 3
Batteries: Knotzer, Rucker and Er
wln; Weaver, Mattern and Rarldan.
Umpires: Klem and Brennan.
American League.
At Detroit R. H. B.
Chicago 8 13 3
Detroit 2 9 4
Batteries Scott, Walsh and Sulli
van, Pnyno; Works, Lafltte and Stall
age. Umpires: Connolly and Parker.
At Washington It. II
Now York ..., 4 8 0
WnHlilngtou 0 C 2
Battel ob Fisher and Sweeney;
Cnshon nud Street. UPmpIreB: EvaiiB
and Egun.
At Clovolaml R. If. E.
St. Louis 2 7 0
Cleveland 1 9 1
Uattorlos Polty and Stephens;
Oregg nn! FIshor. Umpires; Dlneen
and Pcrrlno,
At Philadelphia It. If. E.
BoBton 1 11 2
Philadelphia 0 9 0
Batteries Klllllny, Hall and Car-
rlgan; Plank nnd Thomas. Umpires:
O'Lnuglilln nnd .Mullen,
SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Aug. 12
That the Southern Pacific Railroad
will blurf but not right, and that the
stringing of barbed wire around the
shops In this city and elsewhere Is
merely a last desperato attempt to
force their workmen to back down
was the opinion expressed today by
Ernest Regain, president ot tho west
ern division or the Federation Shop
Employes of tho Hnrrlman lines.
"The rompany which has been pay
ing dividends on hundreds or mil
lions or watered stock." said Regain,
"seems to be In a panic when wc
ask for an eight hour day and seven
cents an hour Increase In wages. Out
organization Includes more than 95
pe. cent of the men in tho shops and
should we fall to secure satisfac
tion when our committee goes tc
Chicago and New York, roads em
ploying 20,000 men will bo forced
to stop running.
"From the shopmen's commlttet
of tho Denver and Rio Grande, a
Goiild road, we have received a re
port showing that after seven monthr
trial of tho eight hour day tho offl
clals of the road are well satisfied
with results. More and better work U
being done for the same amount of
money than ever before. Tho shops
of the D. and R. G. also do the re
pairing for the Western Pacific Railroad.
"Our membership will levy an as
sessment to send our ndvlsary com
mittee east as soon as the presldenni
of our international unions have ar
ranged with Manager J. Kruttschnlti
in Chicago for an Interview. I am
confident, however, that the com
pany will never force us to go on
strike, although they may try to bluff
us down until the last moment."
Patrick Farley Who Caused Arrest of
J.T. Holland on Charge of Assault
inn Wife, Fires Bullet Into Him
When He Repudiates Confession.
Half Billion Paid for Cnrucrjlo Plant
After Rcfuslnrj Option for Third
of Amount 'Declared Finest Invest
ment Steel Trust Ever Made.
(Continued From Pago One)
a second time. "Guard against waste
and we will vote the bonds." That
in a nutshell is the present sentiment
existing in the county.
'Sentiment In Mcdford Is overwhel
mingly in ravor of tho construction
of better highways. Hardly a man It
encountered who Is not willing tc
take off his coat and go to work for
the issuance ot the bonds, but first
he must be shown how why and
where the money is to be spent, and
the greatest of these is the "How."
It Is a consensus or opinion mat
the county court should appoint a
commission of five or seven buslnesb
men taxpayers of the county to
take charge ot the good road work.
These men should devote their tlmo
to tho work without any or a very
small compensation. Safeguard!
should so be thrown about the ex
penditure of tho money that no sus
picion could be directed at the county
officials or tho members of tho com
mission. Tbis commission should
have entire control of the road build
ing and see that It is done properly.
The' second demand that Is made
comes principally from tho outlying
sections of the county. Farmers de
mand that they bo assured of road
In their particular sections of th"
county before tho voters of the
county as to the distribution of the
fund over the county. In this man
ner all talk of one section getting
more than its share will be set at
ease. This plan nas uccn ioiiowuu
in tho various counties of California
where largo bond issues have been
voted for good roads.
The third demand by the tax pay
ers of tho county Is to tho effect that
only a good roads expert be employ
ed lu tho construction of tho roads
In order that no coBtly mistakes may
bo made. Further than this the tax
payors want tho road work to be
done by contract and not under tho
present system of day labor as they
stato that tho present system Is cost
ly and of little value.
Tax payers also wantB tho bond Is
sue to bo mado In such a manner that
portions of the issuo can bo Bold from
time to tlmo bb the money Is need
ed. This is guard against payment
of Interest on money not needed for
tho construction of roads.
Following are a few of tlio
huntutivo interviews obtuined Saturday:
V. I. Vuwter: T believe thai tho
suggestion thnt a commission of bus
iness men to ndviso (lie county court
in connection with tho expenditure of
tlio $1,800,000 bond issue is a good
idea. I do not doubt the present
county court but the appointment of
such n commission would tend to in
cmiho confidence in tlio movement.
He was arrested lin-
Hollnnd was rushed to
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Aug. 12.
Patrick Farley who caused thu ar
rest of James T. Holland on a
charge of felonious assault against
Mrs. Farley appeared today at the
police station, where Holland was
undergoing examination nnd shot the
accused man through tho shoulder
before tho officers had divined his
Before he could pull tho trigger a
second time Farley was overpowered
and disarmed.
the Central Emergency Hospital.
From his cot In tho hospital Hol
land made the following statement:
"Farlev called to visit me In the
Jail. His first question was: 'What
aro you going to do about thnt con
fession? The afternoon papers say
von have renlgged. What about It?
t told hltn that I woufil certainly re
nigged as I had only signed It be
cause his revolver was pressed
tgalnst my head. At that moment the
Joorman ordered mo back to my
:ell. Farley as I turned to leave,
brushed by the ofricere and shot mo."
"I'll kill ir you don't sign the con
cession and I'll kill you In court If
!he enso Is dismissed."
Intimidated by these threats, which
"io says were enforced with the thus
tie of a revolver pressed against the
back of his head, James T. Holalnd
tat In tho home of Patrick Farley,
x San Francisco Insurance man, and
vroto a confession branding himself
as the author of nn ollcged assault
tgalnst Farley's wife.
A representative of the various parti
of the county could be npoitited anc
each would see that his section of thi
eounty was not overlooked.
II. C. Garnett : I for one have tin
greatest confidence in the present
county court but) the commission idea
is a good one. It would act in tin
nature of a sufogunrd. I want good
roads and 1 want them badly.
W. II. Canon: Apiwint a commis
sion of business men to advise the
count court. It will prove of great
benefit to the county court and will
insure a judicious expenditure of the
John D. Olwcll: A commission
should be uppoiutcd. The spending
of a million an da half properly re
quires much thought. And let's don't
fall down on this good roads move
ment. L. B. Hnskins: The commission b
all means. It will insure a jut dis
tribution nnd uroper expenditure oi
the amount. We must have better
Col. F. L. Tou Velle: The appoint
ment of a commission is a. splendid
idea. And by'the way let everyone
boobt the movement for better high
ways. J. A. Wcsterlund: A commission
will be a benefit. I have great con
fidence in the county court but busi
ness is business. A commission
would be a good tiling.
Edgar llafcr: A body of men
would do better nt ino-t anything in
the way of spending money than one
or two. Let n commission bo up
pointed to helf the county court. And
get behind the good roads movement.
II. 11. Patterson: Appoint n coin
mission. It will create confidence
where there might be doubt ns to the
exepuditure of so large a fund.
E. E. Kelly: A commission would
insure safety. Not what anyone is
going to steal anything but it would
mean u board of directors to assist
the county court.
II. S. Dudley: A commission to
advise tho county court by all means.
P. .7. O'Onra: A commission would
insure tho passage of the bonds. Jt
would give every section of the coun
ty representation.
A. Conro Fioro: Appoint the com
mission. It would be of grent bene
fit nnd tho county court would wel
come it.
George L. Davis, county commis
sioner: I will welcome the appoint
ment of a commission. It would bo
u great benefit to us.
And so on. .Man after man so ox
pressed himself. No one doubts the
integrity of the county court but nil
bolieve thnt tho public interests in
this matter would bo protected to it
far greater degree if a commission
was appointed.
It is also proopsed to cull mass
meeting of voters in the near future
at which lime tlio matter could bo
thrashed out and a conclusion ar
rived at. Tlio present condition ox
isting among teh voters of tho conn
ty is to the effect that the voteis
want more light on Ihe proposed vot
ing of tho bonds. With full explana
tions tho passage of Ihe bonds is ns-Biircd,
WASHINGTON', 1). C. Aug. 12. -Revealing
tho inporimwl working tf
the gentlemen's agreement among the
steet plate, .truoturnl -tool nud stool
shafting pool, told the Stanley iu
vostigatiiig eomuiiltoo today that tho
SoOO.OOO 000 which .1. Piorpont Mor
gan paid for the Cartu-gio plant onl
six month' nl'tor ho hul refuted an
option nt $1110,000.0.00 was tho boM
iuvo.stmont tho stool tru-l over made.
He said that whereat the trust hat no
competition today de-pite the disso
lution of tho pooN, Cnrnegni would
have dominated the stool industry vt
the world if the purohato had not
boon made. Temple called Charles
M. Schwab, the world's greatest har-inonixor.
''.Morgan planned to bnfco a plum
pudding but found that Carnegie h.-jd
all tho plums. Preparing a magnifi
cent play for Wall street, he had (he
scenery, costume and actors, but
could not do without llninlol," was
Temple's reploy to Stanley' -pie--lion
regnrdin!r Morgan's paying the
figure ho did when he had previous
ly refused a price of los-i than one
third. Temple explained to tho commit
tee how the pools proportioned the
steel production of Ihe country, how
signers of the agreements penalized
if they shipjwd more than they agreed
to share and how companies were
paid not to make steel in competition
with that controlled bv pools.
"All pool agreements were ended
in 1004." Temple added.
Following1 the heantiir of Temple's
testimony Chairman Stanley an
nounced thnt the commit tee had de
cided to adjourn .tintil October 1(5 and
that the investignlinns would be re
sumed ut that time.
DAILY At 208 South Ivy, Mcdford.
Or., Aug. 12, 1011, Mrs. Margaret
Ann Daily, wife of Patrick Daily
of tbis oily.
Mrs. Daily was liorn in Hath comi
ty. Ky- She hns been n resident of
Medford several years anil was Oil
years of neo.
Funernl notice inter.
Atwood Flics Monday.
ST. LOUIS, Mn. Aug. 12. Hurry
Atwood will slim on his fight to the
Aliunde ocean ftom St. Louis, ac
cording lo an uuuuuucciucnt today.
euUbiiH iit o'tuTTl I o I nTrTeT Vf f I i' o of tho
eounty court, also In W, llnrinmin
office lu tho court Iioiiho In daekiuin
vlllo, Orouoii. A certified eluiuU of
10 per cent of tho amount ot tho bid
must accompany sumo. Tho court
rot-nrvon tint right to rojnct any or all
bids. HIiiikhI ,
.T. 11. N'lOIL,
County .Indite.
Sealed proposals will bo received
by tho county court of Jackson county
at his office- lu the county court house
at JnokMonvlllo to bo opened August
as, t'.i It, at to o'clock for tho con
struction of tho coll work lu tho new
county Jull tit Jaoknonvllle, Jackson
county, Oregon, Plans and speelfl-
A plalnstatemcnt from a Mcdford
Business House. Tho anmonilano hero
as In Portland at the samo price.
Freight saved and frco delivery In
tho city. Contest checka accepted nt
face value.
Some peoplo who have won cash
credits lu tho advertising campaign
of tho Ellers Music House, Portland,
may bo wondering how they enn se
curo tho benefits of their credits
without a trip to Portland, and wo
make this announcement for their
Kllers Music House Mcdford will
accept any Filers credit checks at
Its face value to apply on tho pur
chase prlco of any NEW PIANO lu
their Store. The prices nt tho Med
ford storo aro JUST THE SAME as
at the Portland storo on tho same
mako and styles of pianos. In fact
In all tho FORTY EllorH Stores the
prices aro identical on tho satno'ln
BtrumentB, but tho buyer In Medford
and vicinity savcH tho freight froin
Portland which In tholr caso adds
about Ten Hollars to tho value to
tholr Checks, betildo the trip to Port
land to select tho piano.
In Ellers Mcdford storo you will
find a selection of tho finest up-to-dato
pianos over assembled In nny
city ton times tho sl.o of Medford.
Such makes as Chlckorlng, Wobor,
Hallet & Davis, Kimball, Smith &
Ilarnos, Marshall & Wendoll, Strobor,
Hoffman nnd a number of othorsto
choose from and should you not find
In this largo display Just what you
want you have tho prlvlledgo to hoI
ect any other of tho FOIITV differ
ent makes thnt aro sold ONLY by tho
Ellern Music House.
Wo also have an hand a number
of used planoH taken In exchange on
GrandH and Autoplano'a that wo aro
offering at prices from 135 up to
255 and for geuoral use thoy aro uh
good bh now, and cost whon now
from ?350 to $550 with vory llttlo
work any ono of theso usod plunos
can bo mado to look liko now, und
will bo accepted lator at tholr full
cost to npply on any now Chlckorlng,
Sohmer, Docker, Kimball, Hallet &
Davis, or any other high grndo piano
sold by tho EllorH Muslo House.
Ilomombnr tho place Ellers Music
Hoiiho, .",7 North Fir utroot, Medford,
Arc known tlio world ovoi
for their oxoelleneo. We
won't name over tho whole
57, hut n few suggestions
may be found in the fol
lowing: Baked Beans
Baked Kidnoy Boans
. Peanut Butter
Chow Chow
Vinegar, Cider and
Apple Butter
Sweet Gherkins
India Relish
Mixed Sweet Pickles
Mandalay Sauco
Chili Sauco
Etc. Etc. Etc.
Olmstead & Hibbard
West Side (Jroa'rt.
HJerr-rrr 44 vi
Vflk AJkiwi
Whothor it cost littlo or much you want a watch that
will woar. Ours aro guaranteed. Soo ua for oxport
watch repairing.
IN I'VE filiASS MAKlXtit
My stock Is nlwnys roploto
with tho newest nnd best
goods from tho best makers;
the standard of durability Is
not sncrlflrcd, but llghtncns,
Htylo nnd strength, aro com
i:yi: nihht specialist
0or Keiitner'M.
The Prismatic Ray
t'ni'd Ki lu.lwly by
Miiiluello O-H'tittom
gives quicker and bettor rcnulU In the
i-cloitUflc treatment of skin ami scalp
troubles than any other known
Thin wonderful now electrical ap
pllunco will positively benefit any
condition of tho liulr or scalp, lu
ninny canon restores gray hivlr to Its
natural color, urrents falling hnlr nud
rniiHOH now growth.
with thi: l-msM.vrm kay
euro blackheads, plmploH and acne, MoIoh, warts and other blent.
Ishos aro permanently removed.
Our Marlnello shop Is str'lclly sanitary Our Murlmdln Opera
tors nro sperlvlly Inntructoil In sterllltntloii. Our Marlnello
Treatment nnd MarlneJIo Preparations conform to tho high
est standards or tho Now York nud Purls shopn.
Our Mnrlnello (Vrlirifjtto of .Merit U tir guimuileo, of Hit nlxmt
comlliliiiiH. You ran H-iroly tni-l yourn-'ir In our Imnil for tbU
I tally lin-Hrtunt vtork.
Tho expert ndvlrn of our Mnrluollo Krndunto operators Is at your
service free of charge. Let uh tell you Jintt whnl your nkln or
scalp needs.
Stir aw Kat, go '-way!
You've Had yocnr day,
Yov really should not
?Vy to stay !
Anil you know when you sond
work lo uh you ran dc-cml nit
on It Ih'Iiih ilono property. Our
work ineelH with tlio approval
of lhoM who ilrcnN for Mlyle,
neatness anil comfort.
Steam Laundry
Mcdford, Ore&on.
Itell Phono 1U01 Home 05
Phone Pacific 2681
Home 268
ORI3AAI. for
JOUORflAM', or
"Not ihe Cheapest hut the
Rogue River
134 N, RivorsUlo Avonuo
Of courss,.79ur straw has bech a gsod friehd
this summer, but the best of ' frisnds must part.
Somewhsrs, in our stock of Knox ahd Stetsons
$4.00, $3.50 arJ $5.t)0 Fall stylss, is the hat
, that you want.
Derbies ahd soft hats, a variety f the nsw
est blocks.
The name "Knox ' stands for the bsst hand
wear made ahd you can gst the bsst for th
pries of ihferior grades.
A fsw straws lsft at pricss that will ' clean
the stock before the ssason closes.
Fall merchandise arriving daily. Will sooh
be able to shw you the hSwsst in everything that's
ready to wear. Apply the sarly bird gag.
Model Clothing Co.
Dealers in the bsst ef everything rsady to wear.