MTCD"FO"RD MATT, TRTBTTNTJ, arfflTFORT), ORECION, THURSDAY, 'AUGUST 10, 1011 PAGE OTTREE i 'I. i V 4' t 4 f vW Av M A" P MANY PRESENTS . FOR THE EAGLES Oolqintcs nnil Visitors to Grand Acrl Session to Do Loaded Down 1 With Gifts All Kfmls ol rrult to tin Showered Upon Them. LAFfERTY WROTE PORTLAND GIRLS Conijressmnn Tried to Pursue Stcn ouniphcr by Snmn Methods That Ho Used With Wnshlnijton School Girl Also Insulted Woman. A Hint From Paris Tim iIcikiiIin mitt vlsilni'M who ennio to rinu r'rnnciseo for llio 1 1 1 1 Iccntli giuml uciin session of tin1 rVulttinnl tinier f Hugh's will In' obliged to oilier oxtiu IriinltH if lliey ItlliO to tlll'lr llOIIICM IIIIC-llIlM Ol tllll g'lltH llllil W ill III HllOMl'ml lipoil tlllllll V IioiiiiIi'oiih Culifoinlu, says tin l',itiuiucr. Ilnskuls of oranges, apples, fig, plums, cherries, liolli I'ichIi ami pre served, olives, grapes1 raisins, 'il- i IllH, lltlttlt'H of oil I'll'lll till' HOIIlll cotton from tin) Imperial alloy, wliit of all vaiii'tii'H 1'ioia every section of Ilin Hluti', grain )l tin' by pioilai'tM, ami tin' scores of product anil iiiaiiiil'ai'tnri'rt of California Mill hit dish United with lavish haiul, "California day," Tuestluy, Ail gust 'i, see every I'oiinly in tin state keeping opi'il house for tint vis itor and dispensing tlntir favors with a generous liaml. Tim Contra Cos la ai'iiu will Imvii Kfiiurnl lieiiilipinr tors in tlm I'alueo hoti'l, anil llii'ri' 10,11110 gallons of choice wino Mill liu given away. Udi ttill M'llll i!f,00(l baskets ot frait, and tint Kacrnincntn alley aeries have joini'il Itauils In give a vaiii'ty of good things t" every visitor tliat culls at ttii'lr ln'iiilipiiirti-rrt in (liu I'alai'n lintel' I.oh Angeles, Kan llcrnurdiun ami Kanta Harlnira will give away trdpical friiitM, ami every futility in tin stale will have some thing to olfer. Tim delegations arc coming in a maniH'r befitting tin luxury ami magnificence of tlu cast. Kaunas City will lia vii two hH'i'ial trains, ami tlm firM of these will bo tlm finest spcoiul train t tut t Iiiih over tii'i'ii sent to any iMuivi'iitioa. From New York there will Im a lug train in two see lions. Milwaukee wilt hitvn a tram hearing their boasted drill ti-amH. Itoston. St. Louis, St. I'iiiiI ami Min ni' ami tei'ori'K of small t'ltii'H an semilog HK-rnii iiiiiiih. j " YESTERDAY'S SCORES.- 4L National. At Pittsburg l'itlfttllll'U' "' Philadelphia .. U At Ciiminnnti Cincinnati MoHtnn ... ' At Chiuago Chitiug , P Nnw York l At St. Louis St. I.oniH I Brooklyn ' American 'Iagur. At Now Yorjj New York !l Detroit S At Huston HohIoii 0 (Jli'Vi'laml H At l'hilaili'lpliia lMiilaili'lphia t C'liii'iigo " At Wunhinuloii WaHliiiiKtnit o i St. Liiiiin I ;niHt. At I'ortlaml I'oitlnnil 1 Oaklaml !l St San I'Vaiifini'ii San Krnimirii'i 2 l,on AiiK''li'n 1 At I.oh AriKidi'H Sacranii'iito -I Voi nun - NorllnicNli'rn, At Soallli' Ki'iittlu J I'm timid 7 At Vnnrnuvi'r Vaimoiivt'r l Spokaim . , I At Viiiloriii Vii'loiia o Tacoiiia H It. I 1 (I 11 S 10 8 (I 12 i.K. i NOTK'i: 'Vii. ,lMh CONTUAOTOK8, Hi'iiluil pnuionalH will lio rm-olvod by tho county nourt ot JiioUhoii county at li In nfflco In tho county court Iiouhu at JackBonvllli) to tin oimnml AiiKimt as, 11)11, at 10 o'clock for tho con Htruclion of tlm coll work In tho now county Jail at Jucktumvlllo, .Inckaon county, OrnKOii. l'lnnn and Bpoolfl cations nro on fllo In tho offlco of tho county court, alno In W, V. HariuoiiH offlco In tlm court house In .InckHon vlllo, OroKOii. A cortlfluil chock of 10 por cent of tho amount of tho bid niiiHt accompany mtmo. Tho court nHorvoB tlm rlKlit to rojoct any or all IiIiIh. Blf.iioil ' J. K. NHIIi, County Judipi. I fa h k I iitTfo r Tfoul t li . The I'oillauil Ori'uoiiinu of Aii:u I l ft in t h a fiichiiiiilc of a li'llir nil- droMricil to a I'oillaud giil hv ( on (xri'MHiiiiui A. , l.alti'Hy Imloic lu I'li'i'tiou, wliicli icikIh iik I'nlliiu i. Janiiarv 2'J, MHO Mm , City. Di'iir ,Mi: One night not Inn; ago I uiik Vliiiiiling talking In ni.s hrollmr, agMicial iIhIImmv cli'ik, when von iMilli'il Cili' Vinir mini mill ' ' ...... I likl'll VOIir look VIT.V llllll'll. If Villi will call nm up, M. HKMl' or drop nil In hen tin wlinii you arc down town, I hIiiiuIiI Ihi iltiil to iniiLn otir in I ipiaiiilaiH'c, l heard von witi' a! typitwrtti'r, nnil'if ho. I can gic you a gOOll IKIHllillll. I gtll'KK von will think from tlm way thin IcKit im will ten I iii'i'il a Hteiiographi'i'. Don't hhv anything to my hiolhi'r ahout thin. Very truly vourn, A. V. LAFFKICTV. (Jot I'lioiii' .Numlx'r. The inline of tlm girl adilreHsed in withheld. Continuing the Orcgomau hIiiIch: lu a luysterioux way, which cannot! Im explained liy the young wouiuii' ami her 1'ricmlM, l.afferty ohtaiucd the niiuiher of the telephone at tho rcjddeucu where hhe wiim vihiting and a few diiy-H after mailing the letter: called her up. On thin occanion ferty renew cl liin urgent invitatioiii that the young woman call at liiw of-! fiee that Im luiuht heeouie acipniuted with her and at tlm Haiuu time pro. ide a "good poMilion" tor her. I'tioneil Ketenil TlmcM. Although the eirl treated I.affertv' I'ivily- in (Im couxcrxation hhu toldi him. plainly that nlie did not care to; meet him. Mat this did not mtvc to j repulse l.affeity who, a day or twol later, again called tlm young woman to tlm telephone. TIiIm inteniew wan 1 I (apiw i 1 1 Mi MB; irA) tR mk UIBll FilliiiVmlKaiiBiK nIH'l 'liBMM' J lv m mUkKLd - POPE URGED TO I CALL CONSISTORY' Twenty-one Vacancies In Sacred Col Icfjc and Falllnp; Health of Pontiff, Induces Cardinals to Urge Mcctinn for Novcndier Next. j ....a.. ....... it r i,ii av ABlrtllkfim CU-ll lll CM IkiailT. IKL r. ,IU UUiLD 0 .MoiiKHi-hue de Koie and lihert) hiit'iii gown. Miii-hii Drecoll. deeidcillv hrief, I.affertv heing told that If lie did not immciliately deniHt in his nMcmpU to enforce his at tentions on the young woman hIio would he oliligi'd to aeipminl her par eulH with the eireiiuiHtinceM. With this Hi rent l.affeity o,uit. Thii in not the only letter-writing expeiiencii l.atferty in hiiid to have had in Portland. . .Man leil U'oiiiiiii liixiilliil. I.afferly's piihlin atliutioiiH to a young married woman three yearn nuo almost caused Iiih arnHt. In fact, Im wax taken in euntody hy a Hiice iniiii whom the young woman had riiiuimniifil to her aitl heeati'-e of fertv and undergo the notoriety that would ensue. i Look niiioug the classified ads for llm nililroHH of yrjur next bourdiug plaeol IIOMJ:, Aug. 10.- Although Iop', I'iiih X had not fiik-iideil to permit, any formal athoring at the pa pal' mill during thc year of tho Italian, national juhilcc in oidir to xhow the, m iciilnienl of tho Vatican again!' the ginerniiicnl'M ( hinitiition of tin- ( pnpaey' mwur, It' i" kiiotvii that the, eadimr Italian ciinlniiiU are urging! hit hohiivMH t fid I a coitMitorv ill! N'oveniher to fill 21 wti-ancicH in tin Hiten'tl college. 1 1 i not yet eeitaiu whether the xtp will mcM. Tlm reaxon the caidmalK are urg ing thin action in that. Hhotild ihi pope ilie heforu the new red lint iiae heeii created, tin iiiiiihiiiiI iiiiiii her of vacancicH niiioug their nutii her might makiJ it pohhiIiIc for a foreigner to be cIiom'Ii to Huec'ced I'iiis. The danger ih really not cr great, nsMhc ItallaiiK are xtill coitHitl erahly in tho inajonty. Still, there Iiiih lieeu a diminution since Iiiih cm atioti in the preponderance of the Italian faction, ami lite defection nf oiilv a few of tltcm audit throw the halaitee of power into the hands of a combination of other nationnlitiex. The urexeiit anxietv it the rcMilt of the rapidity with which the poeV health is failing, and the liwiiiuw. of the carilmalH' worry w extremely xignifieanl of the entical nature o! Ilin comlition. The cnrdiiiaalu, of conr-i" elect the pope, ami since early in the sixteenth century following J he death of the Sixth Hadrian, n Dutchman, they have always- chom'i) an Italian. h)stih)Nmi;nt op sam:. Tho Louvro Cafo wile has been liaiHtponetl until Saturday August 12. it 10 a. in. 121 i Look at t no nus mat onor em ployment and you'll f: 1 the right oim soon. SHOES AT COST Tlio Dufflolil Hhou utock tnis been moved to South Central off of Main, npnoMlto tlm MIhhIoii reHtatiratit ami tho Stock Im Rtlll being Kold at cost. M. S. Biden In operating tho most modern nIioo repairing nhop In tho city at the snino location. Up-to-ilnte electrlral ma chinery. Look for the RED BOOT F !' Still in Business The Southern Oregon Elec tric Company has moved two doors south to the G. C. Ponting Plumbing Shop Southern Oregon Electric Co. The Last Chanfce Only Two Days to use this Coupon and Receive $2 for $1 The days of Eiler's Midsummer Sale is about to close. There are only Friday and Saturday of this week left in which you can use the coupon and get $2 for one up to$ 20 A PIANO IN YOUR HOME FREE THE GREATEST PIANO OFFER EVER MADE TO PIANO BUYERS Cut out tho COUPON below and bilug It to KIIoih Mimic House and lmvo a piano ont to your houm FltKK. To any reflpoiiHllilo party la Medford or Vicinity wo will dollvor a new piano upon the presentation of this coupon and accept tho mime as llrat payment for $20. SPECIAL PREMIUM OFFER $2 FOR $1 la ordor to ninko It an object to any one who wishes to pay more than tho Coupon as first pay ment, wo hereby offer to latum a receipt for ?- for every dollar that Is paid up to the amount of tlm Coupon publUhutl herewith, i:ainplo bring in tho coupon, get a receipt for $20. Bring In Coupon, pay f ciihIi ami get a receipt for $"0. Mriug In Coupon, pay $10 cash and get a re ceipt for M0. llrlug lu Coupon, pay 115 cash and get a receipt for $50. Hrlng In the coupon, piy $20 cash and get a receipt for $00. GOOD FOR $20.00 TO AUG. 12 TO APPLY ON A NEW PIANO AT EILERS MUSIC HOUSE, MEDFORD, OREGON Tho object of this special offer which Is made for tho remainder of this sale Is to find out It tho people am reading our nil.'ortlHoincntH, and to give IIioho who lmvo auttelpatetl tho pnrchuso ot a piano an etpial chaneo wlt't their neighbors who have already takon advantage of thU great offer. Wo want to know If tho p'oplu loullxotthat wo are offering High China Instruments such as Kllers Music IIoubo always soils, at tho prices wo lmvo Quoted for tho past two weoks. Wo want to say also that tlila Mld-Sumntor Clearanco Salo will only last a fow days longor and that now Is tho time to milieu your selection. Wo mean every word wo say about delivering a brand ifow piano to any rosponslblo person upon tho presentation tho abovo Coupon without ono cent paid If you wish, anil wo also guarantee that tho abovo coupon Is worth Its faeo valuo to a,pply on our already slaughtered prices, and that thl:; coupon and $20 lu cash will got you a receipt ofr $00. Cutout tho Coupon and bring It to us at onco . No homo In this country that does not have a pluno can now afford to overlook this opportunity. Our 30 Cent Coffee Ik the kind you haw Item looking for all (ItN lime. It makes a meal uorlli liming anil emls the toffee argument. White Carnation Flour Is lite itrKtocmt of tin: flour family mid Is a genuine, bar gain nt $1.65 Carnation Milk lOc Olmstead & Hibbard West 8itIo Grocers. FANS They nro Itcalthful F F - They nro sanitary A They nro comfortablo A They ant one-hlf cent an " hour to run N 1ST L They arc Jmt the thing to i. J keep your customer In , good humor Then why not buy one? Call at the Electric Building 209 West Main and Examine the Large Stock ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. 8 a iiJ Mechanically Correct Superb Finish Attractive Patterns Moderate Prices These are Salient Points of Our BUILDERS HARDWARE Medford Hardware Comp'ny 218 EAST MAIN ST. Used IMiinos, from $!S up ou Kllorn Kxchango agreement, good for throe you i a, To acconuno du to t h o 80 cannot nt tho 1 1 in o will bo kept open "Wenlpgs un til S;30, a ho rail day Istoro IRRIGATION Nature Supplies the Land , and Sunshine We Furnish the Water Rogue River Valley Canal Co. FRED N. OUMMINGS, Manager Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Building Irrigated Orchard Tracts Land for $150 Per Acre With Perpet ual Water on Easy Terms Can You Do Better? ROGUELANDS Inc. FRED N. OUMMINGS, Manager r $