t .', r i r ? A I PA'GE F0TJK 3UEDFOTTD MATL TRIBUNE, MigPTfOKP, OTCTCOOtt, MTKSPAY. ATWST 8. 1011. Medford 3IaiL tribune INniM'RNDRKT NEWSPAPER UUUHIIKD DAILY EXCEPT SATUIl- DAY IJV TUB MEDFOIID HUNTING CO. t AN THE ROMANCE OF ROMEO LAFFERTY. The Democratic Time. The Medford Mnll, Tim MMftM Tribune, td soutn rn Orcironlan, Tlio AMilnnd Tribune. orricn Mnll Tribune UullJInc, main North Fir Homo 76. ntrcrt; phono. 25.J7-29 3021, UKOHOl! PUTNAM. Editor and Mnanr Entered t nectmiVclnim matter at Med ford, Oregon, under tho act of March 3, im. Official Paper of tho City of Medford . Offlatnl Paper of Jnckton County. . . HUBSCaiTTIOH KATSE. One yrnr, by mall ....... .........6. On One month, by mnll .60 l"r tnruitlV delivered by carrier In Moilfonl. Jnrknmivllln and Cen tral Point .CO Sunday only, by mall, per year.,.. 5.oo Wcrtcly, per year 1.50 BWOK2T CIXCUATIOJT. Dnlly avrnc for nix months ending December 31, 1910. 2721. roll Xated Wire United Xr Bltrpatcatn. The Mall Trlbu.io In On Nile nt the T.Vri-v Kw Stand. Sun Francisco. Portland Hotel News Stand. Portland. liowmnn News Co., Portland. Ore. W. O. Whltny, Seattle, Wash. i YESTERDAY'S SCORES. f Xntional. At IMttsburs K Pittsburg 2 lMillndolplila 1 At Cincinnati Clncliuintl 8 Boston ; - 2 ' I At Chicago I, R Chicago : '. 8 New York G Louis At St, ot. LOUIS ,... llrooklyn .'.u. t ' . Americas Leagae. At New York ' R New York .................... 6 Detroit .. 7 THAT miscarriage of Oregon jiolitifs Congressman .Lafferty, is again in the limelight. Jlc possesses a restless disposition and is apparently unable to shnnher with i ik peace rnai, passeiu unuei-swimung, ukc iua vui- league, (. ongressinan llawley. i seems that since Mv. Lafferty quit the occupation of spying upon poor homesteaders striving to reclaim the Oregon wilderness, that the distinguished statesman has taken to spying upon young girls, school girls at, that. At least his 'latest bid, for fame is tho guise of a Romeo tinging by mail to a fair flnliet whose picture he had seen in the papers, and who he hoped to see on the congressional balcony. The Washington Times recently published the picture of the members of the irraduatinir class of one of the high schools. In the group was a cut of .Miss Florence Kubel, aged H), daughter of the vhief clerk of the geological am' vey. Mr. Lafferty was straightway smitten with the yoiing lady's beauty and expressed his admiration in a inamier illustrative of his winning ways. Ho had never been introduced to and had never seen the young lady, so he cut out her portrait, from the paper, pasted it on a sheet of his otficial stationery, and after poetiealh writing "this looks good to me" in a bold hand (it must have been bold, even brazen) enclosed it with the following long hand letter to Miss Kubel: j "My Dear Miss Jvubel: Jseing impressed witli your pic ture m the Times, T am writing to see whether a meeting I cannot be arranged some time. T am enclosing tickets Tl 1. - i . 11 -I- 1. . Ml il 1 1.1 ro me iamuy ganery. i nope you win use uicin, suuum you ever have occasion to visit the House. I hope you "will excuse the unoonventionality of this letter. I am a bachelor, Mi, and hitve no family. r "very sincerely. "A. W. LAFFERTY." When the irate father was shown the missive from the love lorn statesman, he set out to threash the honorable Lafferty, who at first denied, and then confessed author ship, hiit begged so piteously, claiming it a first offense, that he escaped other punishment than a tongue lashing after writing letters of apology to all concerned, and prom ising never to speak to Miss Kubel or to attempt to ad dress ner. rni i l 1... i: i . rv.... Al. J.1US, HOWUV.IU, IS J1UL U1U UrL iUIIIllIICC VL Will .4VIOJ as he called himself once unon a time. Just before he had adopted the ihme of Abe, he became smitten with a lady he saw on the streets of Portland and followed her, even talked to hejr,' and mad'ei remarks which she interpreted as insulting it is strange how some people are lacking in romance and had him arrested. But her husband, de siring no notoriety, dropped the prosecution. But now comes our romantic Romeo and in a 2000 word telegram to the Orcgonian, endeavors to elucidate his latest love quest. He says: "Three months ago I sent out about 100 gallery cards, most of them going to Portland and a few to frrtmds here in Washington. In one case alone I sent a card to a young ladv residing here whom I had not met and stated that Washington 1 1 i snc should have occasion to visit the House gallery that Hoped she would use tne card. 1 also stated tliat i. would feel honored to have an introduction to her sometime in the future if agreeable to her. That vas all the letter con tained." What a humiliating admission! A' congressman who so forgets the dignity of his office as representative of the people of his state in the legislative halls of the nation, as to write young school girls he has never seen and try to "date" them after the manner of the street "masher"! And then Amorous Amidor prates of the purity of the home as follows: "There is one institution that I love more than the' government in which I live, and that is the Ifome. It nmv not be given to me to ever have one of my own, but I would gladly die, if necessary, to protect the purity of those of others "who have been more fortunate than my self. Homes are based upon the virtues of the girls and the wives of this co'untiy, and not one can be found who will say that my words or actions in private have ever been contrary to the sentiment I here express." ' It certainly looks like it. Insulting married women on the street and writing strange school girls arc evidences of our statesman's love ot home that are hard to beat. And then Mr. Lafferty takes us into confidence and tells us: "No one except myself has heretofore known how lonesome I was when I left Portland to come here to as sume my duties last February." Poor fellow! And, so he wrote that sinister letter to a high school girl he had never seen because ho was so lono some! Perhaps the many changes in name the congressman has under-gone, are the pet names bestowed by school girls during his lonesome spells. We hardly know wheth er it is now Abraham W. (our Abe) as it was during the campaign, or Arthur W. as it was during the homestead spying days, or Amidon AV. as it was subsequently, or plain A. W. as when he came from Missouri, or A. W. (Walter) Lafferty as it appears in the congressional directory. At GOVERNOR WILSON LIKES HORSEBACK RIDING. OUT 13aKUJ&E&2 OK X2Qi EXBjiiV '.CttCtt. Miuiy iioUliruii- in Now .Tor-ov Jo picfiiti'tl Governor Wilsuu inoimW'il on n (nil oliitrp'- mimcti "(. oiiiiuinm on (Juvunmtoiit," Inil n IVw of iIhmi lime soi'ii a real photograph of ;lio erstvvhUo liciul of sl'iiilci'(iu atop a horM!. A pliutorp!ur tmulo what 1 lit'liovcihto lc the first photo graph of Dr. Vil-oa on liorx'biu'k, and now orW Now .loivi-y offioc j-eokor who rnn, tuny mh f Tito Chief Ki''iitit of tho Ski't't or StntoOniH just tnkon up tho Mwrt ami likos it iiinw'iiM'ly, This, with his pro.ltjontial hohhy, makes liiin a rather limy poion. CHARMED WITH E. RO RIVER At Boston uosion ................... Cleveland i ' At Philadelphia -? Philadelphia v.. Chicago U : Second game Philadelphia 3 Chicago i 2 R At Washington R 12 St. Louis 0 i Second game - ' R Washington '. ....... . 6 V I . , Northwestern. At Seattle R. Seattle C Portland 2 - At Victoria ' R. Victoria 2 Tacoma 8 i . H. E. 10 1 9 1 II. E. 8 3 11 0 Washington Fruit Inspector Describes Visit Made to Medford and Com mends Care of Orchards in This Section. TELEGRAPHIC TAILOID& t ATHENS, Ga. Mlu Celeste Par ish, a teacher with a remarkable memory, has sold her brain, after death, to a medical school for exam ination and analysis. Tho price was not mado public. ' NEW YORK New Yorkers pay 93,022,602 a year for their taxicab rldtR, according to statistics just completed. Ten per cent of the total amount goes to the city and owners of private stands. '- NEW HAVEN, Conn. William Martin satisfied a grudge against George Judd by sending Judd a check for $1.75 for elder he drank at Jndd's house and then causing his arrest onj u charge of Boiling liquor without a license. ' CHICAGO Robert Murphy's devo tion to llmburger cheese proved stronger than his respect for property Tights. When Murphy, who is a waiter, was arrested, six rolls of the aromatic 'tidbit were found on his person. . SPRINGFIELD, Mass. Although totally bllud, Horbort Putnam rode 125 miles on a blcyclo to visit his elster, Mrs. Gortrudo Lampman In this city. M1DDLETON, N. Y. A baby weighing 14 pounds, 4 ounces, born to 'Mrs. William II. Mooro, was an undo at birth. A town celebration bt thoovent la being planned. BUTTE, Mont., A test of tho an tl-raco track gambling law will bo Bimdo today when warrants will be borvod on bottors at tho Butte Jockey Club's track aftor tho first race Judgo Georgo M. Bourquln will act n'a special prosecutor In tho cases. August mnubor of ''Up-To-Tiinot.' Magazine ptihli.-hftl at Walla Wnlla, Wash., contains th following account by Charles L. Wliituoy, state fruit in spector of Walla "niln, Columbia and Garfield comities, of a trip of inspection of the Hague Hiver valley made recently. He says: "Oh, you Hopuo Hiver valley nest-lim,- at the foaf of the Siskiyou mountains on one side ami watched over by the snowy caj, of tliu Cas cades on the other, how much you remind me of our own bountiful Wal la Walla valley,' protected by lllue mountain's loving arms. "Medford, a little city of 10,001) H-ople, bontits of IS miles of paved streets and many miles 6f fine coun try roads, with orchards, orchards everywhere, frvin the low alley Iniidn to high up tho steep mountain Mdcs younjf orchards are seen. Pears prc ilominnto with apples an; mainly grown Spilzcnbnrgs and Newlowns while pews arcj about equally di vided bet w oen Hnrtlets, Howell, Co rnice and Huho with fiiitu a few. An jous. "Moi all the orchards it t omul Med ford are grown without irrigntion.,Jn tense cultivation is the motto anil pruetico. Nothing. is allowed to grow between the tree rows and not a weed is allowed to show its head above the ORCHARDS ALL CRYJOR MEN Help Is Needed to Harvest Pear Crop First Car Will Go Forward Wednesday Evenlnu Work For All Who Want to Work. A great cry for help to harvest the pear crop has gone up from tho or chards of the Koguc and thorn is a gioat scurrying around on tho part of the fruitgrowers to secure the help needed. There no longer remains an excuse for any one to ho ideal m Medford. The llurroll uruliurd is alread) picking and olhors will atari this week. The firM car of fruit U now being loaded ami will be forwarded late Wednesday afternoon. The Hear creek orchard will start to pick tomorrow while a number of other orchards have crews of men scatter ing picking boxes and arranging lor tho harvesting Sanson. Nearly every orchardist in tho val ley needs help for tho next two oi three weeks and the domain! hoeuis to he far greater thnu tho supply. FOrtEST SERVICE BUILDS x TRAIL ALONG THE ROGUE Qlt ANTS PASS, Or., Aug. 8.- Tho forest servico has been engaged sev eral years in building a trail from Unlioo down the Hoguo river, to con nect with the West Fork-Hold llench mail train, nt Mule creek. This trail has cost in constructinli $10,1)00, $1000 ot," which wns donated by Jos ephine county. It is intended this year to complete the trail to Muh grounu. nu. orclinru laim iooks iiKo orcck nl u ,.,, expenditure, of u woo Kiuiiiucr-iniioH'cn ivou;u, jii:hi,': $JH()0, eiiiuvuieu nt least iu times a year any rate we suggest another byall odds the most fitting that of A. AY. (Romeo) Lafferty. And another suggestion is in order that the people of the Second Oregon district recall Romeo and permit him to pursue his romances in political obscurity under police supervision. ELECTRICAL WORKERS ORGANIZE LOCAL BRANCH Klectrical workers of Medford and vicinity have organized a , local branch of the International Rrother- hoo mem! diction from Hoseburg to Hedding and it is expected will compriso a membership of .r)0 or more. The 'fol lowing temporary officers were elect ed: A. H. Ellison, president A. A. Stephens, vice prosident mid Kroson, secretary and treasurer. LABOR PLANS REVENGE UPON CONNECTICUT S0L0NS UAHTFOHD, Conn., Aug. 8. La bor organizations throughout the d of Klectrical Workers with 22 state are planning organized opposi nbers. The local will have juris- (ion in politics to every member rf the house of representatives who as sisted iti defeating tho employers' lia. bility and workmen's compensation uct ufter it had passed tho senate, Both political parties in their last state platforms declared for tho measure. Jn Chief Inspector Meyer's auto, himself at the wheel, l'rof.l'. .1 O'Oara, William Johnson and myself, we visited several fine orchards. "The 'Hill Crest' orchard of some CO acres of VJrypar-old apple nud pear trees was tho first place visited; from a tall tower in the center of the orchard one gets i splendid view of the Hoguc Hiver valley. This tower is also used for watching "pear blight." A shnrp look-out is Kept for this disease and whenever it nppcnrs off comes the limb well below tho blighted snrface and tho wound treat ed with corrosivo sublimate 1 to 1000. These "treo surgeons,''' as they arc called, keep a sharp look-out for blight. . 'In tho spring of tho year, just as the buds begin' to swell, all the fruit trees arc trentPd to n shower bnth of sulphur 'and limn wash, using a good cnmincrcjal brand at nboill ono to seven (1-7). This spraying if thoroughly dotio takes onro ofla world of pests such ns tho eggs of tho npltis family, tho San Joso, wooly aphis bud moth, pencil moth, pouch leaf curl, eggs of tho red spider, pearl leaf blister' rhilo and several nlhor discuses that' fruit trees aro lia ble to cflMl. "The coddling moth is minlmled mi about tlio sumo way wo fight it, o.v eept thiiv given double early snri'v which I think a (rood plan, then thrc" or four sprayings nfferwnrds with arsenate of lead, All tho young or chards aro headed low and kept well pruned back. "I do not want to leave tho im nression thnf. Ibo ". Ttnmin rivor or- ciinrds are far bettor kept than ours, Thcro arc many orchards in tho Wnl la valley kept equally as good in every respect, but in that valley fruit is the (ill absorbing topic, everybody is interested in fruit nnd whero one has to rely on his orchard nlono for a living it is only natural that ho will keep it up to the highest statij oil per- ICCllOII." A BARGAIN IN A GOOD STOCK OR DAIRYING FARM 120 ncii's on Mvans Cmk HI iiiIIcm from Mcdfonl HO acres fiuo ijcek bottom loam ami under froo water right; fine gardening land; good five room house; largo barn full of hny; eleven bend of cattle, somo lions. Sheep and tlilckciis, all household goods and all farm Implements go with sale,. Two iiioio crops of alfalfa and (Imolliy hay yet to cut; good family orchard, Is-nlcs, etc; If sold at oaco prim (ji(l5 -sir aero, 7H0 In all with Ijf.'lOOO cash and balance to sulf buyer, JUeol owner at THK VAN DVKI1 HKAII'Y COMPANY OFl'ICK If Interested, !5WfJ2lw tLMrd4 f.'iW'iW .J V . i' ,8i'tM 'k - tXXJJ ymrS:dM.?ix r s,kJ: 1 1 aMu. JtBvllK f &:- r-m-iy imi3KHPKv. f$m1 Wmr$A JiEJrllPS m iisxwbn-m. J v w&r -$$? H8r,.lTSi ff IRrJu! v it-j m n iiG'ni E;'P3H I l---V----------j----i')5Ci-i I I APslrlBSI: si- -aMC- f y9pb----------Bv tiKHmil sHSB !5a,T I HTT--- For Sale ta lots In Tnlont near Mwnl luniBn, vlll cl HOjionit)ly or iittngutliiir, On them hi a iiaw uomiiui - iooiiim, 50 old fruit trt'i'M, 1 00 young pour tiwo I'l'lco Mr all rJ7r,l, $ ir.DO ciihIi; huU Mice on limit; dlHcnunl for nil rush; u(i ngonlH. C. W. Sherman TAliKNT, OUKOOV. Where to Go ' Tonight - 5 . Kiefer and t - . Home Grown Stock ' MedfordNursery Company North Central Pacific Phone 2022 THE ISIS THEATRE K.X'TIIA KNOAOIOMKNT! I l.ouls-K'CKI,H-l)(iimUI Vtiatllo Vital Att lntjodncliig (tviicrlittvo, iitntlght ; ami comiidy nlngliiK- noiiintlilnn (tint ulwtiyii ptimHoii. Iloth ceiitle. iiieu nut noted i'iiiiiiiiimoih and mo- durorn uf IiIkIiI)' succortNrul bin'- ; lesipio, ui inoir (oioiiinuu nur- ; ) l ...mi... I i.Viim .....I n..uia ' l.'r.iMii i 11.1,1. l, I Hunt 1,1111 Iflini. ono Iiiih a grout opportiinll) of J liearlni: low of tho very bout sing" j orti over bioiiKhl West, X X Don't mU thin act. V"w "-vw rmU'lM Iwi I liPk!KfVii I v 1 HK. JL. k r t J kBV TBK w.l V rm' - 8 A C RES HmiH tiniimi; nil of II ari plant l lo iircliurii, I )'nu'Olit turn; iiimrtxr mlln ooutli or city llmlia; ITleo J3S0U, kiMkI trritiH. a moilnrii liiiiiKitlutv fur rnt. otsh rAMMrann and TRurraKOW- BR' MAKX. White & Trobridge art' not nhvti) taken n they, art meant, but it Niiggcftllou tlint j ou wilt wolcomo if )ou like to tuno jour gar ments look well and wear welt In tlio Miggoatlon that you feud llioui hero for n trial. Tlint's all it will Inko to couvliH'o joti Iliat you rau't iK'tter our work. THE STAR Steam Laundry Medford, Oregon, Hell I'Jiono ll!()t Homo U.i Miss Catherine Mears TrnrliiT of l'lnnofortrt Tor thO pant tun yon in tonchor In tho Mtiburbn of UoNtou, A pupil of Mrs. France A. M. lllrd uiul .Mr. A'rthiir l'ooto or I)otou, .Miiimai'liiuotta. Kent- doiieo 600 Boulh King Street, Medford, OroRon. Newport TAQVtHA BAY oasaoirs vovvui bbaok XnSOHT An tdrftl rftriat tor outdoor utnttinnii of alt hlmlH IIITNTINO. 1'IHIIINO, IIOATINO, Hfltl- IIATIMNO, llll). INO. AUTOINO. CANOUINM. DANC NO AND ItOM.ntt HICATINO Wlicro pretty wutnr nsnlrn, morni Dffutm, lUMon-atonrM, ciinielliuiH can ta found en tlio linncli 1'urn niouriluln wnlor nmt tho iipi of fixni nt low prlcrn. Krrnh ruti, rlntni), crnliit ami oynlrr, Willi iiliiilnluiicn of VeKutiibloN uf ull klmlM dally, Oamplnir arouudi Oonvtnltnt and At tract! with Ntrlot Manltary . Rfultlon. tOW SOUND TRIP 88ASOV TIOIUITH rrora'All Point In Ortron, Waili lnrtan and Id alio, on aal dally. O-DAY SATUHDAY-MOHDAY TICKETS rrom floutliorn 1'iicirio points 1'nrtlnml lo Cotluicn Orov.i; iilnci from nil C. ti. li utatloiiH Allmny uiul wont, flood Kolng Kntiinlay or Hunilny and Tor return Hundiiy or Monday, Call on any H. I. or C. & 12. AkiuiI for full lmrllnuliim tin to fiiri'ii, train clnilule, ntc ; nlrio for copy nf our IIIUHtratixt liooklot, "OiitlmtM In Ore gon," or wrlto to WM. MoMUKMAY Qtnfral Vainffr Agat, Portland, Oregon, PLUMBING htj:a.m ani t watkh IIKATl.VO All Work OuarautiHK l'rlcen ItenHonabln S.1 Howard lllock, Kntrrutm on (llli Htt-ii't. Coffeen 8c Price l'Mctric aim Homo AFTER ALL IT NARROWS DOWN TO The Merrivold Shop FOR Japanese Lanterns It I W. Main St., Mefortf. Pure Clear Sparkling You cin't afford to io without this aploudld, refroahlnif drink. Call tip and order a oaiie aunt to tho house. The pureot, Most healthful drink known ia SIiSRIYOU MINERAL WATER r. C. BIGHAM.'Aienl. Books and Magazines to take on your ' outing 500 Titles in Popu- lar Reprint to Select From Medford Book Store Rock Spring Goal 6 VAMD AW tun Tzm. Office and Goal Yard, Twclftli am) Front Htreotn. l'liono 7J01. Burbidge XXB OOAH MAW.