Arrcmrcmr) matt, tribune, mfdford, oricoon, tuksdvy, atthurt r, inn. PAGE THREE ASM FORE GRILLED NGACEMEN I . Prlnst Snys 47 Year Old Dlvnrcuil Multl - mlllloimlro Should Bo Ashamed of Alliance With 10 Year 0 til Mold Free Lnvo Lunnllzcd. MYSTERY IN SUIT OF GENERAL SICKLES' DAUGHTER :J at,' A t'4 NKW YOUIC. Auk. K. 'Muhii .Imoli Aiiltir hImmiIiI lin itlnini; ilt HiitiiKliiK 'iM it iiiiiii itml ii'IhIchI, I liiiiml It Ih imiH)hciI iiuirrlitKO I" MIhh Miiilnllno I'm en nit tilinii iikiiImhI iiiitiii". iih well iih m:nliiMi Hiioli'ty " Ili'lHHinrlhK Hi" tllvoicnil iiiIIIIiiii llll" III llllllloilHIII'lMt ("IIIIM, tint Itnv I'lillmr IImuin, nf HI. .mhIihw'm Itiiniiin (.'ulliollii, wiui tmlny Imi out nl tint Now York illvlinm who iimlent cil MrmiKly itKitliiNi tli iiiiirrliipi f tli 17 yi'nr old illvorccil iiiiiii lo IK yimr old MiididliiK I'mcn, a mulch wliluli hint Nllrii'd fnhliloiiiihht ioilty to Uh ili'itlm mid limy eiiinm a mulnnn hchUtil In tint Kpldcopnl rlmicli. I.i'jiiillril l-'rw lnin. "Kuitli a iiiiirrliiKu Ih only li'i;iilUtil fn'ii lovn," I'ulliitr Hviiiih iniillniH'd. "Tliu AMlor ramt In a iar(lniiliiil) tliiKiiiiit dlnp'isiird of mirlul and hit iiiiiii dwiMinlitM. Tor thin man. rrrently dlMitiiul liiTiiiimt of ii ii full lif n ItifHM. to marry a child ymiiiKi'r than hli oh n noii In a erlinn." WlK'thiT Anlor'h ukiiIIIi and (onl- tlllll Will tirilVlt Hllffll'lltlll to ll (Kill c for him Hi" im'IiiiImnIoii or a council of Kilncoml hlMhopH to rn-wcd Ih Ui t mi r it I ii ic itii'ntlon In itoclitty and church clrcli'M hunt. Tim wIioIm fill- tint of tho I'iiIhViiimiI chin uh may liliiH" on th" iIccIhIoii. Dr. Clmliimin Itlchuioiid of Ht. John'K church, I'hllit- didphla, IiihIhU that hn will pinto nv fry church man on record on ill" can. Ill-Imp Mini h on Affair. IIUIiup HulfiiiKuii Chtirl.'H Hurcli. of th" Kplwcopnl dloccmtof New York, while vyry couiicrvathv In hln din oumnIiiii of th" Alitor rune, admitted thai the iiftloi of IiIh Im'Iiik per mitted to ro-iimrry Ih inoineiitonit. He recited the known factH---thnt Antor'e wlfo wan Klven tint decree; that the iiilltloualro wiih forhldden to re marry, and that Infidelity In the only Ijround for dlvorco In Now York. tllHhop Unroll mild that any ill vorguiiimrun luuwt.appvar ti?iuru, u iinciroftlii 1ilhiiiHniii! fully prove that lie or Mm wiih the Innocent party to the Ick.iI M'paratlou. Until III In In done no Kplm-opal inlnlHter can marry th. 'in. He declared that puhllHhed HtrlcturiiH hy Dr. Itlchmond were moHt lutempnrate, lull admitted that the Philadelphia divine had voiced to a Kreat extent the feolhiK toward An tor'H re-iuarrlane which Ih held IhroiiKhoul Die IJplHcopal church. t" ' " iniiMinmtiiniiiiiii ' " ""flf J LSI MtO DAYRC1X Ii M CRACKANTHORPt. fT13 H niuTu v tuvftiiLtv iiuoiok I I 1 PLANS FOR SUBWAY UNDER MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO, Cat.. Aiij:. H. -l'laiw for a ill HU0,lll) htilmny to lie eoiiHtruelcil iiiulcr n liinu' Hlrelcli of Market Mtreet were Ulcil with the liuatil of (iiipenirw licre loilay hy .liilin Pierce Hill, n civil ciiKiucer, who wiih couneelcil with llie conslniction of llie Hiihwny in KoMon. Hit Miiteil tlml Hie eily eoulil ri'im lnne iliaJf hy eluuvinj: wired ear HCoiiipanicH tin annual rental of 'J pec ecnl over anil above llie iulciuM eliai'KCH on (tie lioiiil inHiie, lie iiImi hlutcil tlml u syndicate of five Sun Fnineiheo iinpitnlmN slooil ready to carry llie enterprise tlirnuuli if the city woulil.uiit. JIMMY DURKIN GETS MORE FREE ADVERTISING f wAsmxm'ON', i. c.. ahk. . liei'liiiitiK tin' entire northwest wus iui.iotiH to creel llie enemy of licit y.oute of Hoila, ".limmy" Diirkin of Spiikaue loilay wired Dr. Harvey V. 'iley to come to Simllle at his ex ncuse, Hliilini: in liis lclciniiu thai lie hail ilepositcil 1 00(1 in u Seattle linnl; to Kiiiminlce the expeuses ol Wiley'rt hip. , The punt food man, nfter writing a icKictful ilcelimition of the iiivitiitioii' wired tliu hunk to ictiiru DttrMiis money. CASHIER'HIRED MAN TO BLOW UP THE SAFE . .IKRIfSKY CITY, N. J., Aii'. 8. Siiuiucl llrowii, (tashier of llie I.omk Deal; company loilay, confcHscil to the polieit Hint lie liiul hired I' run I; Walnli to lilow up the eoinpany'H Mife in unlet' to ilcrtlroy the hooks and (Miiituml HrowuV ilitfaleutioiis, WiiIhIi, uiifainiliar vith the explo sive (iiinlilii'rt of nit 10 ulyeeilne, uhciI oiioiikIi to blow up hull' u hiiIVh mill wiih ho injured about lle faeo and eyoH by the explosive thai he later dieil in tliu hoHpilal. ' A. J .V A. M. ATTENTION. Thorn will ho work In tho M, M, ili'Ki'co thin ovoului; lit thn iiiiihoiiIc hull. A full attoiidauco hi dim I rod. wn.i. MULMOIl, Hemetury. There In much mvnleiy HiirroundliiK a milt hroititht u the Kiinreini: Court, New Yolk, hy Mm. Dnyrell K Hliklen Crackenthoriu! iiKiiliiBt' her father, (Ji'iieial Daniel I-, Hidden The preclne nature u fthe action Ik con iialeil by the lawycm for both nldei hut It Ih believed tlint Mrn. Crack eiithorpc'H null Iiiih HOtueihlui' to tlo with the (ifiierarn cHtate. FOOTHILLS TENNIS PATIENTS STARVED TOURNAMENT ON BY EAST CURE Oficiilnri Gnmcs of Week's Play at, Many Witnesses Anxious to Testify Carpenter Orchard Home Sclietl-j tile of Players for First Three Days of Contest. Invitation ,t"iuilH tournament open ed Tuemluy moruliiK n the KoothllU Orchard courtM. OupH will bit r.lty'ii lu the champloiiH In hIiikIhh ami ilnu WIcm. The commit ten on arraiiKementH roiiNUt of It; W, llainmlll, H. Vllan IVmtkwIth, John Morrill and (ieori:" II. Carpenter and tho outer In an nounced an follow h: Tuesday f a. in. A. Carpenter vh. I'ioro." 10:30 i. m. Haiumlll n. Iluhl. l.p. ui. Morrlll.vH. Simdder. 2:30 p. m. Conner vh. Coary. A p. in. PamoiiH and HurKesH; Northrup and Until. ft: 30 p. m. Heck with vh. Chub. Not Hohtiduletl Spencer vk. How- ,1'listelii. WeilncMlay. 0 a. m. Winner of HeckwIth-CaBH limit h h. winner of MorrllNSuudder matoh. I::i0 a. in. D. Clark vh. L. Car penter. 1:00 p. in. I.. MiCorinluk.'Jr., v). 0. II. Carpijitter. -'::t0 p. in, Ituhl vh. HurKi'HH. 1:00 p. in. Ulcmil and Spuucur vh. Cuiuuir and Palmer. f. : :t 0 p. iii. Northup vh. Carlton, Tlmrsilay. 1 0 : a 0 a. m. lleekwltb and I lam mill vh. HoweiiHtelu and Ceary. 2','Mi p. ui. 1 McCormlck ami I.. McCormack, .lr , vrt. Morrill and (. II. Carpenter. '.'sail p. in. Carpenter HrotherH vh. Mr. Clark nud Donald Clark, r : :iD p. m. - Klero nud Kctiildcr vh. Ciihm and Carlton. YOUTH TO BE TRIED FOR SLAYING CANDY GIRL SAN l''KANCISCO. ("nl., Auk. 8.--l''ollowiiii the death here of Sophie I'npe, the pretty candy n'lrl who was shot Thiirsilay iiIkIiI by Harry Ditnphy bccaiiMi nlu show eiTil her iittoulions on another, a for mill ehai'Ke of murder W(is preferred upiiust Duupliy. 'I'lie yottiiK man, who turned the unn on liuuself after shootiiiK the kiIi was only slililly woiiiided and lias now practically re covered, lie will lie uiTiUKiifil on the murder eliiue Wednesday morniii,', Arjalnst Woman Specialist Under Arrest for Murder Accused of Hav inn Killed Englishwoman. TACO.MA, WiihIi., Auk. 8. Jlrlthih Vlco CoiihiiI C. K. Lticlan A;aHlx went to Sciittlo todny to confer with Attorney Frank II. Kelley and Prose- utor SleveiiHon relative to tho proHc iiitlun of- ''Doctor" I.lnda nurflelil tlaxxard, fust euro practitioner. Dr. Harzard Is under arrest at Port Or hard charged with murder In con uvctloii w'th the death of Clara 'l llauiHon, ati ICuKllHliwnuian, while uu Ier treatment ut tho woman phy- lclan'H Hanltarlum at Olalla Inst siirluc. Iluforu IoiivIiik tho city cqiibuI AKiUblr Huld hu hud received proffers if 'uHHlKtnnco In tho InveatlKatlon of tho cane from pentona In Tarotna, who an.ert they aro victims of Dr. Hnr- ard'H alloBed "Htarvntlon" mcthodH One woman wIioko nnmo la with. huld for the prenunt, told tho llrltlsh CoiiHiilnr niproDontntlvu that her hus- Imud had been a patient or tho fattt ItiK HiiclallHt and had Mopped treat' nent before ho bernmo too weak to lo vo. Many other former patients if tho woman aro coming to light dally and all oxprcss n deslro to as- IhI In tho prosecution. Civil actions In addition to the criminal proceeding will bo stnrted, uccorilliiK to AkiihhIx, who stated to day that he would fllo suit for l-T., 000 duuiitKCH iiKnluHt Dr. Ilnzznnl and a Seattle firm of undertakers as co-defendants, for alleged desecration of the dead body of Clara Williamson. AttonnvH reinesentlni? Mrs. Hnz bard have notified ProsceutlnK At torney StevoiiHon of Kltwap County that arraimoiueiitH have been made to flu a bond thl afternoon for the release of Mrs. Hazzard. Look nt tho "For Snlo" juIk and at nemo of tliu tilings that aro adver tised for kiiIo. It Grows Hair FIFTY TRAMP STEAMERS TIED UP BY STRIKE NFAV YORK", Auk. 8.- There in n nosHibility tlml Til) Hiilisli (rump steamei'ri in port here tuny be tied up On necouiit of strike ordered by the SuilorK1 nud KircmcuV Union of (treat llrituiii. The ormvrt on trumps usually rIii for the journey ouch way ami in structions have been received by the iiiiinnihlrt to refuse to simi for re turn journeys except under tho new WUKe neiilo just issued. It will not be possible to secure American Kiiilors to mini the ships hccmiMo the Amerieuu union proh'tb it h memliei'rt from slopping into tho Htrikerrt' pluecH, Here's Some Important Xos for Men Who iiiv tii-owliiK DjiIiI. People who hnvo taken our word for It that Parisian SukivIs tho real hair grower, beaut If lor and dandruff euro have never been disappointed. I lores tho word of a noraon who took our word. 'I havo been iihIiir Parisian Shro about a year.- When I Iioriui ubIiib It I had only n UkIiI "ruzz" on my Ip-'ad. Now I havo u VooiJ thick ftrowth, and It Ih Krowlnt; thicker and loitRor rlKlit aloiiK. Many people don't bollovo It can bo tlono, but I know from my own oxporlonco' with Pari sian Siiko that It can; I can1 recom mend It la tho fulloat confldonco. nullum Hrown, 70S North Fillmore St., Muryvlllo, Mo. Tho abovo statouiont was Hindu to Dr. C. I). K'ooh of tho Koch Phar macy, Muryvlllo, Mo., April 29, toil, l.urito hottlu HO fonts at Chas. StniiiB'u and dniKulstu ovorywlioro. fouk ul llin'inbi for tlic cliauco tu buy Hid property you ncod at ii "Hitht price." notici: to nitiiKn: contkao TOIIH. Healed proposalH will bo rccolvcd by the county court of JodtHon county at bin offlco In tho court bouou at .lackRonvlllo, Oregon, o ho opened AiiKuot 28, 1011, nl 10 n. m. for th'1 construction of n' com reto brldKC nnroHH Uenr Creek In lite city of Med- ford, Jackson county, Oregon. Plnnr and Hpeclflcatloim are on fllo n the offlco of tho county court alo In the officii of W. W. Harmon county road muster In tho court hoiixo at Jack hoiivIIIo, All bld miiHt ho accompan ied by n cortjffcd clcik for 10 pej cont of tho bid. Tho court rcservw tho rlKlit to reject nay or all bldn HIkikmI.' j n. ni:ii., County JtidKe. NOTICi: TO .Mil COXTItACTOItS Healed propoHiils will ho received by tho county court of Jackson count) at bis offlco In tho ciiiuiy court Iiouhi nt Jacksonville to bo opened Angus! a. 1911, nt 10 o'cIock for tho cori Ktriictlou of tho coll work In tho now county jail ut Jacksonville, Jackson county, OreKon. Plans and specifi cations aro on fllo in tho offlro of the county court, uIho In V W. Harmons offlco In tho court house In Jackson ville, Oregon. A certified check of 10 per cent of tliu amount of the bid mtiHt nccompHny same, Tho court reserves the rlKbt to i eject any or all bids. Hl(;ncd J. R. NKIL, County Judge. CITY NOTICES. HiiKK. IO I AhtM'WIIlli'llI Sd lil.--y I'. It. tilook r, ,,r iii- i'nrk ndilltloii to Ihfj oily of Mftirmit, OrcKon, rtinlflK'- t9 ! f'''! on Uu- HHt Mli!t of Mouth OrnnK". trwt; M) f-l: iHtf p'-r foot XI Ht,.' Htnoiml tH'i f.'t AftfH-pmiii-rit .Vri 20 f U'. Thomas Lot IB. block fi. of (( tMrk nrtilltlon to Hi" elty of Mt-ilforil. OrfK"i; frniilnKc i ill feet on tin- t-HKt ditto of Koutli OrBtiuf m reel, SO feet, rule ir foot II &. lllioiint 1212 H) AxxHxnoidii N, si I. W. Tliomhir. Lot in, Mok n of IIih Cork aildltlon to 'ii city of Ateilforil, Ort-ifon; frotiln Vi fVi on tli- 1-Mnt hII of floulli OriuiK" Dlreet, 61 fwl. rtilt it foot lisri, lllioiint 1242.01) Mmitnui'tl Kit. ttO. C UotCun. Lot t. Mock 2 or -tin- I'firk hdillllori to tin--Ity of .Moilfuril, Ort-Kori; frouluK'- 8') wl on llie i-ujit Hid" or Koiith OrnnK" li.Afi: ri pr foot CITY NOTICES. OUDtlTAHOS no. 610. Orilltwilicit UeulitrliiK the t of the HiilUcni-iiii'tlt of Koulli llranuti Mln-i-l from Went .Muln stre-t to Went T.-nth Mir.t unit iiNm-NitliiK tin- prop, rly ln-in-flti-il -therrhy, nntl ileclnrlmc such un-H-Bi!iiiit. ami illri-utlni: tin- entrj' thvri--of In I lie Uoc-krt of city llrn.M, TIim city uf .Mtilfunl iluth onlulit ux folloics .Sovtlon 1. Tlml no iirot.-fllff IiiivIiik lit-i-li flli'it (lualimt the lliiiirini'iiii-til tif .South OriuiKit Klr-t from Went .Mnln Mirwt to W.-nt T.-iilIi trt--t line notici of tin. Iiiti-iitlon of till- ci.uiicll to ctiux. nalil liiirovi'ini-nt to Iw tnailu huvliiK li.'i'ii kIvi-ii. tiinl nalil Itttprox'ttictit lia ini; Ix-.-n onli-n-il ntailc. the council lm roiiilili-rvil tho mutter niul herewith Un-ci-rliiltiii tint proliabln cont of mukliiK Hurh Itnprovcmvnt lo tu thy Hum of 17.178.01 Anil unlit council further flmln that the speclnt ami peculiar iK-m-flt nccruInK upon iticli lot or part theri-of udjaccnl to mi Id linpravi'tnent niul In Juki propor tion to hi-ni'fltK. to b- the reMH-ctlte iimounlH lit-r'lniifter trt opponlti' tin number or description of inch lot or twirl then-of. niul such umountH respec llvely uru hereby di-cluri-il to 1k the proiMirtlonate kbure of i-ucli lot or part thereof, of the cont of mirh Improvrmi-nt unit Is hrri-by itrclured lo Imj nnreKiieil huuiiihi Mil n lot or - tliu iiiiiui- npiM-iirltn; above each ib-ncrlp- or irtrceJM rsipi-ctlvely tlon. brine the nuiiii of thu owner of such tot or parcel. AKMt-ioiiutMit for javliiK South Orange Htreel from IVral Main Htn-et to West Tenth Htreet. wlilili thirty f !. AMm-Hhiueul No. 1 O. It. Chaffee. Lot I. block 3 of Hut Park Addition to tin city of Meitford, Oregon; frontaRu 50 feel on the went side of South OranKv Htreet; 60 feet; rule per foot S5. amount t!C SO. AMxcsNtiicnt No. I JackHon Count HulldlUK d Lo;in AMoclntlon Lot 2 block 3 of the Park addition to the Cll of Mctlfortl, Oreson frontaKO SO feet on the west Hide of South OnuiKe street SO feet; rule per foot ll.dS, amount AxuoxHtnent No. 3 W. 11 I'hlpps. Lot 3. block 3 of thu I'ttik Addition to tlu I'lty of Medford, OreRon; rrontiiKO 50 feet on the went Hide of South Omnia stret't: 50 feet, rule per foot $4 fci amount $212 50. AHKCHHiucnt No. t A. II. Uutler. Lot 4, block 3 of the Park nddltlon to Un elty of Medfortl. OreKou frontage Si feet' on the vet side of South Ur.inci HtreiM; SO feel; rule per foot $1 S5 amount 1242.10. ' AHNeHHiuent No, S Juckson Count) llulldlni; .t Loan Axxoclutlon. North 2 feet of lot 6, block 3 of tho Park nil illtltm to the city of Medford. OrcKon frontage. 25 feet on the Went Hide of South Orunco street 2 feet, rate pel foot II.S5; amount I121.J5. AHKeKHinent No. d Jnrkoon Cotint) llullitlnir & Loan Annaelution. The 80titl 25 feet of lot S. block 3 of the lMrk Ad dition to tho city of Medford. Oregon frontaKe 26 feet on the west hMo of South OrutiRo Htreet 25 feet; rate iter foot II S5; amount $121.25. AHNCMumcnt No. 7 -M. 11 Noble Lot G. block 3 of the 1'aik addition to tie elly of Medford. Oregon tfrontngo SO feet on tho went side of South Oranci Htteet; 60 feet, rate per foot f 4 Si amount 1212 50. AHHCMHiucnt No. 8 - Kverott llids. Lol 7, block :i or the Park nddltlon to tin elty of Meitford, Oregon froutiiKo 5e feet on the wi-Nl Hide of South Orungi Htleet; BO feet; rate per foot 4.Ji5. amount $212.60. ANxeHHiueut No. 9 Homer II. Harvey Lot S, ttloek 3 of the Park addition to Un ci ty of Medford, Oregon; frontage 60 feet on thu went Hide of south I rand Htreet; 60 feet; rate per foot $l.&5 amount $212.50. AHSeSNinunt No. 10 P. V. Hutchin son. A purcel of land locaed at tin soutliwext Intersection uf South Orangr iiml West Klghth Htreet .and reconled In volume ,55, page ii;'0 of tint county re cm iter's records of J.ickson county, Ore gon: froulogo 10C feet on the west slil. of Soiltli Orange Htreet; 100 feet; rati per foot $t.S5"; uinoiiiit $514.10, AHHCNHiucnt No. 11 -C. I). Colby, Tin north half of lots 1 anil 2, btock C ot the ItuxH Addition to the city of Med ford. Oregon, frontage 60.6 feet on tlu west Hldo of South Ornngo Htreet: 60 5 reel; rate per root h sa; amount $214 3 AHHCHMiucut No. 12 M, J. Kmerlck The Houth half of lots ouo and 2, block it of tho Itoss addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon, froutugn 50.6 feet on the went nlde of South Ornngo Htreet 60. 6 feet; rnto per foot $4.85; amount $'.'41.93. AKHfHHinent No. 13 A. L. lteaeoin alii. Lot 12, block i of tho l'ark uddi llio city of Medfoul, Oregon; froutag Hll feet on the weyt oFde of South Ornngo street; 101 feet; rnto per fool i l. ............ ii-iii'i: ff.on, (iiillilllll li'a, Assessment No. 14 Vtandllla Ooodale T .. II 1.I....1 .T nt ,1... lk.lL- n. 1. 11,1.... ... ., ... ,i,.'vi u ... ,i" . ..n ..iiillilllll lu the city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 41 feet on tho east side of South Oram:, street; 11 feet; into per foot $4.S5 amount $213,40. AHHuMMinent No. 16, -Itnndllla flood ale. Lot 10, block i of tho Park uddl lion to tne eitv or .Meurord. 01-01:011 froufuuo 41 feet on the east Hldo of eoulil oraugo Htreet. ii root; rnto pei toot -i.nnj iiiuuuui .w.ii. AHHCMHIiient No. Ill llandllln Horn!. ale. Lot it, block ( of tho Park addi tion to tno city of .Meiirorii, Oregon, frontairo 60 feet on tho oast Hldo of South Ornngo Htreet, 50 feet; ruto per foot $f.S5; amount $2t:.50. AsHeHHinent No. 17 Handllla Oood. nlit. Lot 12, bldok fi o film Park addl- 11011 10 1 no city or .ueutmu. (.n-cgon fi-ontni:e 60 feet on the eiiHt sldn of South Orange utrcot. 50 foot; ratu per 1001 4.pi; iiiuuuui ;ii e. AHHcsHiueiit No. 1- O. O. Ttoggs, Lot 13. block H of tho 1'aiU addition to the elty of Moilfortl, Oregon: frontago 60 feet on tho emit side of South Orunge Htreet i 60 feet; ratu pur foot $t,S5; umount 1242.00. Htreet. .10 feet; ilri'iuut 12 12 50. AxxixHrni'iil No 21. O C Hoggs. tol I 'I, blork 2 of the I'Mrk Addltloii to tin . rlty of Medfrtnl. Oregon, frontage fto ; ,'iel on the want Hide nt South Or-nnifi ttreel. Ml fct, rule r foot $4.S5, nnonnt $212 50 AHXixxrneiit. No, 21 O C IbiggH Lot J 11. lilocu 2 or the l'ark intuition to the Ity of Medford, Oregon, fronlnfce 50 'i. on I liar mm! i ttt Mouth Ornnue street: So feet, rnt per foot $t hi, ililount $212 .10. AHtK-rooncnt No. 25 Morris Held Utt 12. block 2 of the I'srk. uddlllou lo 'h elty of Mxilford. Oiegon: fronlage 12 feet on lh- HHt Hide of Sou III Ornnge Htreet; 2 feet; rule M-r foot $185, nnonnt $203 7 1) AHxexxinetit No. 21 Mary It Orr Lot 13, block S of tho 1'atk addition lo the Ity of Medford, Oregon; frontage 42 fret on the t-NHt nlde of Houili Orung' Hi reel 42 f-et; rati) per foot $15, illioillil $203 70 AHMi-xxinent No. 27 Mnry II. Orr Itl II. liliK-k 2 of tlo Park addition to Un ity of Medford, Oregon, frontage .10 Vet on tlte earn Hide of South Orange Htreet. 60 feet; rati) per foot $l.1, iinoutlt $212 50 AHHfHHtnenl No 2K Mnry It Orr Lot II, blork 2 of the l'ark addition to the ity of .Medford, Oregon, frontage 60 fi-et on the eiint side of South OrmiKe itreet, .10 fi-.'l; mlo per foot Its;. mount $212 SO. AxHeXHin-iit No 29 Mnry It Orr I.ot lit, hliK-k 2 or the Park nddltlon to the ity of Medrord, Oregon- frontage SO 'nt on the i-UHt Hide of South Orunge ilnet. SO fwt, rate per foot $t S5, mnuiit $212 60, Section 2 The recorder of the city of Medford In hereby directed to enter n itutf-ment of tho UHHeMinentn hereby naile tinil In the docket of city IIi-iim and to give notice by puldfratlon uh reoutred iV III., eluirli.r nlnl firillnmir.. -C, fr.O .if natd city. In the Miiirord Mall Tribune, I i neWHpaiM-r piibllnheil and of general I 'ireuiaiion in h.iiiI city Thn foregoing ordinance was pasted y the city council of th city of Med rord Oregon on the 1st day of Augont 1911, by the following vote: Merrick aye. Watt nye. Wortmnn aye, Kmerlck Hhxent, Klfert uye. Millar aye ApproviHl Auco.Ht 2nd, 1911 W. II. CANON, Mayor. Atteol: HOItT. W. THLKKIt. City Recorder. 44 Still in Business I The Southern Oregon Elec tric Company has moved two doors south to the G. C. Ponting Plumbing Shop Southern Oregon Electric Co. i NOTICH To the owner, or reputed owner, of ach jMircel of property dencrlbwil In the foregoing ordinance, as named therein, and In the Hen declared by said ordl innce an recorded In the docket of city Hens: You nre hereby notified that the as Hcsument declared by the foregoing orrtl iiince hnn been made nnd the Hen there for entered In the city Hen dockettnd i hat the name Is duu and you are hereby (quired to pay the name to the city rr order within ten dnj-H from the service f this notice, which nervlcv Is nmdo by ubllcatton of the foregoing ordinance nd thu notice three times' In the Med ford Mall Tribune, pursuant to an order f tho city council of hhIiI city HOItT. W TKLKKIt. City H.corder. FANS Tliejr uro lirnltliful F F " They nro winltary -M. Thry nro conifoHnblo A They cost mic-hmlf cent un hour to run N 1ST Tlicy nro Just tlio tiling to JL 1 keep your customer In KckhI humor x- Then wlijr not buy one? "3 ,(Gall at the Electric Building v-' 209 West Main ancl Examine the Large Stock ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. a .14 Mechanically Correct Superb Finish Attractive PatternsModerate Prices These are Salient Points of Our BUILDERS HARDWARE Medford Hardware Comp'ny 218 EAST MAIN ST. a: m IRRIGATION Nature Supplies the Land and Sunshine We Furnish the Water Rogue River Valley Canal Co. FRED N. OUMMINGS, Manager Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Building I Irrigated Orchard Tivcts Land for $150 Per Acre With Perpet ual Water on Easy Terms Can You Do Better? ROGUELANDS Inc. FRED N. OUMMINGS, Manager i i