"" h: i ; , . PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MKDFORD. 01? WON. TUMRDAV. AUCIVST S, 11)11. t in Mi .... ' i 1 LOCAL ANlD PERSONAL) William C. lIcntlnrRon of Urnnts I'ntin Is miauling n few tlnyn In Med fonl with frloiiilH T. M. l'oclor ntul family Is spend ing n few lnj'B visiting with Mr. nnd Mrs. J. 1 Illtpbn of this city. A. C. ItandnU of Talent was a Med ford vjs'tor Tucsdny. , W. r. Kingsbury or the ApploRnto district Is upending n few days In Medford on business. Mrs. Mt E. Kelly Is expected to re L. O. Orion Ib planning on exten sive camping trip In the lead Indian country. Ho will accompany Forest Supervisor K. M. L. Krlckson on an Inspection trip. M. I. Krlckson, supervisor, of the Crater National forest-returned Mon day evening from the scene of n for est fire on Griffon Creek which was gotten under control without diffi culty. Mrs. Antlonette Hoos McKay of turn from nn extended eastern trip i Vancouver, n. c, Is visiting with her Wednesday. j parents Mr. and Mrs. George E. lloos W. K. Morrill has arrived 10 iook or uus ciiy. over the local business of the Pa cific Slates Telephone and Telephone company. Dr. J. F. Reddy and Walter Mc Callum spent Tuesday at tho county cent on business. John Olwcll vleltod Eagle Point Monday afternoon. L. O. Wolls loft Monday for a two months visit with his son In Aber deen, Wash. Mrs. X. Dolln and Miss Turner left Monday for a two weeks visit at Hilt, California. 11. T. Undersoil of Klamath Falls with a party of tourists arrived Tues day morning coming In by way of Crater Lake. Kardon's Bakery now delivers Ices and Ice cream to any part of the city. Mrs. W. A. llanna who has been visiting a few weeks with Mrs. Geo. E. Neuber In Jacksonville, returned to her homo In Seattle Monday. Dr. and Mrs. C. 11. Ray, daughter, Mabel, and son, Charles, left Mon day for a six weeks visit to Port land; Astoria and other Boasldc re Eorts. Carkln & Taylor (John 11. Carkln, Glenn O. Tayior), attorney-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Building, Medford. Mrs. W. F. Isaacs and son, Richard, Mrs. H. M, Brown, Miss Grace Brown and Miss Gladys McMillan returned Monday from a several weeks stay at Colestin. Brick Ic cream, all kinds and colors. Rardons Bakery; phono 371. Prompt delivery. J. B. Goodrich, Clarence Baldwin and Frank McKay, employes in the Toggery, were tho guests of W. F. Isaacs at Rogue river Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Tuman and II. P. Alderman arrived Jn Medford Mon day night from Oakland, California. They are traveling by automobile and arc on route to Crater Lake. M. II. Cunan and family of Fargo, North Dakota, arrived in Medford FOREST BOARD TO MEET HERE 4r the cIMmmib of tho city as nro In. torested In forest flro prevent luu pre sent. Methods of fighting flro mid tio prevention of fires will bo ills cussed, Tho stnlo board will be as- (stated In Its dlcmiBsloiis while In ses isloii In this city b ytho officials of the ', Crater National forest The state board of Forestry has nc o.mt..,i ., invited,,,, of Mm Mp.ifimi CONFEDERATE VETERAN ! uumiMHNucn uimu Am.'. 8. -Oen- Commercial Club to moot In Medford In October to discuss the mntter of . fnr.w! flro itr.viitlim with tllrt own. Ml'.Ml 11 lis lOllll,. ers of timber In Southern Oregon., eral (leorgo II. (onion .imiuuuiler.g,m fruit State Forester Elliott advised Secro-j in-eliiet of the I'liilcd CoitLYu'ernto tnry jlooa that ho would be lu Med- W-tonuw, who lius boon ill for llue ford the board would met here dur-i w,iks. Xvas teiuiiieil b his nhvHi- einiw to be in u eritiea' eoiulilion to day. It wif lielieed lie could n-il recover niul huwrienth was expected within u few hours ing October, When the state board Is In session hi this city it Is planned to have all of the owners of timber and as many HOOD RIVER BARS ROGUE RIVER EXHIBIT HOOD UlVEH, Ore., Aug. 8. A rea lesliito mini, who Is selling or chard lands located near Medford ta ou the Job hero today but he la not ohtbllliig largo pictures and samples :of fruit on the sldowalk. When tho rival from Southern Ore- district Invaded tho local field yesterday tho Hood Rivet mill land. Mellow got busy, dug up an old ordlniinco which prohibits advertis ing matter from being placed on tho sidewalks and compelled the Medford man to remove his signs to a room In iv hotel. '.j....S.,s W. II, (U)ltE, PifHlili'iit A. PEItltY, Vice PrcHldolil F. K, MWimUMC, Vice Piwildniit . OMN H. uinu, runnier. V, II.'JACIsHON, AMKlslaiit Cashier. I Tlie Medford National Bank i CAPITAL $100,000.00 suiu'lus jiao.ooo.oo f t HAKIJ DEPOSIT IIO.XKS Will HUNT. A GENERAL HANKING J lUlHINISTUANSAtrrEH. VIJ- MDI.U'IT VIII'll IwrUO.WUii:. t t-Kst. r ! Pretty Clocks for MM We(Wlng 6ifts I B. Is. Butler tho pioneer wntchmnk- e rof Medford Is lying seriously 111 at his homo In this city. His daugh ter and son have been cnllcil to his bedside. Roger Hitchcock has returned from a trip through the wilds of the Applegate. John Hall McKay has returned from a short business trip to San Francisco. Miss Grace Henery has returned from a few days outing on Little Butte Creek. Wanted A young dog thnt will chase wild animals of any descrip tion. Send full information to "Fair view," Jacksonville. Miss Emma Herrwayen and Miss Olga Ieidberg, two teachers In the Chicago schools, left Monday for their homes after a three weeks visit with Hon. and Mrs. J. A. Westerlund. Thcso ladles hav taught over twenty wtjrW4jfwrWtW t years in mo unicago schools. After they have taught twcnty-flvo years they may. If they so desiro retire from school work and receive a pen sion of $30 per month tho remnlnd or of their lives. This pension comes from a fund which the 7000 teachers of Chicago have created during the past several years by tho levy each year of a certain percentage of their salaries. Tho money when paid in has been Invested in government and municipal interest bearing bonds. Both these ladles are delighted with Medford and Southern Oregon and wcro It not for this guaranteed pen sion they would surely become resi dents of Medford. Among our ninny suitable gift selections for wedding wo have sonic very ..l :.... i:ui ..i.i,.i-o iti'itumt't! Hint tivii Mt mien hnntdiful and snilablo. (Hill 111111, IlLHU UIUI-IXO J'i" ....... ... ... Rteht at this time our stock is nnusunl large ami inviting come in and make your wedding girt selections now. , . MARTIN J. REDDY THE JEWELER, MEDFORD, OREGON, NEAR POSTOFPICE Monday night and also stopping at the Mooro. A matured mutual life endowment policy Is tho abundant harvest of the wise man. Seo J. F. Hutchason. L. B. Warner camo in from Port land on No. 13 Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Wagner are at their ranch near Woodvllle, for a few days. Telephone 371, Rardons Bakery for cake, Ices and Ico cream; prompt delivery. I. L. Hamilton, (Shorty) arrived In Medford a couple of nights from San Francisco in response to a tele gram telling of tho serious Illness of his brother, William, who is now In a Medford hospital being treated by Dr. Plckel, and is recovering. Shorty states that his daughter, Mljs Enid, has but recently been brought to her liprae In San Francisco from a hospi tal In that city In which she was operated upon six weeks ago for apen dlcltls. Are now buying peaches, prunes and peurs. If you want to sell for cash at tho highest market price, see us. Producers Fruit Co. 137 Court Hall has returned from nn outing nt tho ISnyart place on Rogue Rler. With Mr. Hall was Bat Nel son, Art Nelson, Frank Edwards and Scoly Hall. Men wanted to chop wood, Crater Lalio Fuel Company, Sparta build ing. Will Mullcr left recently for a hunting trip. H. II. Patterson and a party of friends nro planning nn extensive shooting trip throughout Central Oregon. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Day rbono 2271 Night Phones F. W. Weeks S071. A. E. Orr, 8003. LADr ASSISTANT. JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Kuibaluiitr Succesior to the undertaking de partment of Medford Furniture Co. Office with Medford Furniture Co. Telephones: Day, Boll 351; John A. Perl, reeldouco, Bell 4111, Home 170L. 0. W. Conklla 8601. J. H. But ler 3G71. AMBULANCE SEIIVICU EXTRA SESSION TO ' END NEXT WEEK WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. S. Both democratic and republican lead ers in both branches of congress to day are predicting that tho extra ses sion will end next week. Various dates between August 15 and 19 are named but all are agreed that the session will close within a very short time after the wool and free list bills have been' finally disposed Pf. , NOTICE OF SALE. The Louvre Cafe equipment, fix tures, furnishings, etc., will bo sold by H. G. Shearer to highest bidder at 10 o'clock Wednesday .morning, August 9. NOTICE. In the circuit court of the State of Oregon for the county of Jackson In tho matter of the assignment of Macklo & Davis, for the benefit of creditors. You will please take notice that on tho 24th day of July, 1911, the firm of Mackle & Davis, co-partners, tnado an assignment of their entire Htock of goods, wares and merchan dise and of all their property, hold either as co-partners or individually, to the undersigned for the benefit of their creditors, and you aro further notified to file with the undersigned, nssignee, your verified bill against wild firm of Macklo & Davis, within throe (3) months after the duto of the first publication of this notice, which dale Is August 8, 1911. W. P. MKALEY. Assignee. -- -t- -f -r TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4 4.4-4.4.4----f-- -f V WANT TO BUY Spring wagon or double boated hack, good ono. Ad dress 100, caro Mall Trlhuno 118 FOR RENT All or part of 8 room furnished houso. 710 Welch street. 120 WANTED Furnished houso; 3 or 4 bed rooms necessary. Guy W. Con ner, with Roguo River Commercial Orchard C?j Mall Tribune build ing. 119 NTEDfhTeo, four or five room furnished cottage, closo In, state price, location and other partlcu lor. W, J. Uluckburn, General De livery, 118 LOST OR STOLEN A young colllo dog about 8 months old, color tan with white markings, black spot on tall, answering to tho namo of Hector. Return to 237 North Cen tral and receive reward. 124 Squibbs Spices Give Best Results in Pickling Fruit Aboslutely Pure Exceptionally Strong Economical to Use MEDFORD PHARMACY XEAK POST OFFICE. PHONE NIGHT OK DAY MAIN 101. I .. . i In NewQuarters Wo are now lontlod in largor qmirtui-H, nt tho oust untl of JuoUon Street,, uorourt Honr Creole. Mill work of all kinds onsliortoHt notice Medford Builders Supply Co. Phono Jlomo 1ML KHt JhcIchoii St. BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS HENRY M. MARSH All ordors promptly tittonded to night or tiny. Short and long hauls. Moving household goods a Hpuoinlty Union toiuiiHtorH. Office 51 3. Front Pacific 4I7I Homo SO Residence Main 613 i Back to Nature A hen is not supposed to have much com mon sense or tact, but every time she lays an egg she cackles forth the fact. A rooster hasn't got a lot of intellect to show, but none the less most roosters have enough good sense to crow. The mule, the most despised of beasts, has a persistent way of letting people know he's around by his insistent bray. , The busy little bees they buzz, bulls bellow and cows moo, and -watch Jdogs bark, and ganders quack and doves and pigeons coo. i The peacock spreads his tail and squawks; pigs squeal, robins sing, and even ser pents know enough to hiss before they sting. But Man, the greatest masterpiece that nature could devise, will often stop and hesitate before he'll r-4.mr0r4 0r Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS ' Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. ).. MEDFORD IRON WORKS 3D. 0. Trowbridgo, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST 'All kinds of Engines, Spraying OutfilH, Pumps, Boilers and Mnehinory. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. ADVERTISE For Sale 1 ACRE AND 5 ACRE TRACTS adjoining city of. iMedford, on long time, easy pay ments. 12 LOTS IN MEDFORD on main paved fdreot; cement sidewalks and paving in; also sowers, water and light. Long time, easy payments. 430 ACRES LAND, OHO acres alfalfa land, 80 acres fruit land, perpetual water right with water for irrigating 1000 acres; long time, easy payments. 340 ACRES LAND, 200 acres alfalfa land, balance fruit land, 1 milo from railroad, on long time easy terms. 5000 ACRES LAND in tracts of from 40 acres upwards; price $20.00 per acre and upwards; snilablo for alfalfa, fruit slock and general farming purposes; long time, easy payments. 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS just within and adjoining city limits, at a bargain, on 5 annual payments. Gold Ray Realty Co. 2.1 G WEST MAIN STREET. ilfi&rlhfvfYti)i'r 'nrV'yi'wMiiniiiiT.lt f -" ,.A rjis..aj.t.t.i,i-iii'Ll:V(Z;?