Orcnon V!$ WW HaW Hjpp;! 'yw h jf r- SUBSCRIBERS I'nlllnir to ir A)r will linv 0 m doll vol ert liy vliunlnir of fice Ity il n. in. Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Fair Max OO.B. ltd. Humi dity UO iter rent. Mitt 00. liiilly-.HUHi Vt-iir. I'i ty-l-lrl Your MEDJ70RD, OUHCiON, TUBSIMV, AlWHT 8, 1011. No. 118. STEEL TRUST FINANCED TARIFF LEAGUE P ACTVES WN BY CONTRIBUTIONS TO FUND REPUBLICAN PARTY TO AD RURAL ROUTE NUMBER TWO RECOMMENDED George W. Perkins, Former Partner of Morgan- Forced to Admit Political Contributions Authorized by Do aril to Aid Protection Even Last Sprlnn Money Was Contributed to Publish Book Called "Protection and Prosperity" Protective Tar Iff Lcnguo Got $2000 Annually. PERKINS CITED APPEAR BEFORE BAR OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FOR CONTEMPT Refuses to Answrr Questions by Adlcc of Counsel and Is Summoned to Explain Refusal to Conness -Contributions Charged to Welfare Fund by Directors. WASHINGTON, I). ('., An 8. (Ionian I'oikiiiM, former partner ul I. P. .Mingnii, won today ordoicd by Stanley to appear before llio tut t" ul I tu homo "for foniliii'l utterly, in contempt of tin) kIimiI cniiiinittco iiimI ilw Htilliorily." I'eikinn declined ti uiiMVvor, on llio nth ice of Atlonuiy l.iiiilnlitirv, liw coiiiiwi'l, lo "tiiHiir itnttioiitf n to hi peoonnl bluiti1' in making campaign contributions tuul tin "jo of tlic corporations with which In' was connected. WASHINGTON. D. ('., An S lViMiiiiC I ho oltirdw memory of (It'orgo W. IVrkiiiw, former chief lieutenant of .1. l'iirHiiit Morgan' about fact eoiineeled willi tin: inside "utory of hIhoIi" tin member, of the ",SiiwilydiMlHVliiVt'illglllllli: riiliiuril- ' -li'u today' hfircif tho political nctlv tie of tin1 giunt trust. Tim chief uiiito'of lln Moignu fi nithriiil crtttt wrim;li'il iiinl mciiii iimmI. but Chairman A. O. Stanley, tint in iiiiiliMi Kentucky I'oiiM'MKiiutii, armed with voliiiniiioiiH honk of tin I'liiti'il Ktntiw Sleet corpoinlioii, nailed him down to the fact liy -dlOwitlg 1 1 1 lit tllC lellldli. Kxoii ulmii was forced reluctantly lo identify iccoids llrt to dctuilK. Sl1-l'Tlllt III Politic. Thi' dcmnerntH Mat hni'k smiling while Cliiiirinaii Stanley led Perkins through tho inure, that ended In pioof Hint the ulcel trout supported llio republican tariff doctrine. It wan brought out that only lnnt spring thu trust eoiitrilniti'd money to pub- licit and dcsHeuiinnlo a In-alien liy Special Agent Morse Again Reports Favorably Upon Establishment of Free Delivery for District Between Jacksonville and Central Point. PROBABLY BE STARTED BY NEXT OCTOBER Length of Route Is Twenty-five Miles Will Give Mail Service to 142 Families. Hpeclal Agent H. II. Morxo, of the tiiiMtofflro ileimrtmcnt who In now In Medford, hint decided to again rccom tnend thu establishment of rural mall routo No. 2 out of Medford, and with thu nmlfitanco of Assistant PoBtmast- cr Ituljih Woodford, hnn made up the following routo: Starting from tho Modford post- offlro tho uirrlor will go northwest vln Central avenue to railroad croas Inif. west on Hohh nvcnuo to Central BEAUTIFUL ACTRESS MET, TRAGIC DFATH George II. CurticH, untied "Prospcri- Polnt-Jacksonvlllc road, eaHt rotraco ty and Protection." It wan further to Jones corner; South to Orchard shown that in 11102 and IIIOII the uteel Homo road; went to Knlpp'ii rorner; norporatiou eoiitiilmted .f'JUOO yearly north to ledford-JackBonvlllo road; to the rndeetite lanff league. rant to Snyder'B corner; west (re- Tho "tteirnm fund" of the, nteel IiiinI, whieli (lie Htrel iiui(.'iliiteH had tiMtifu'd wiik for "tiOfdoloc'ii'iil work and for ftirtlitM ttivr tho healtli and iiomfort .if finiilovtih.'i wiiKalm fund Plo WhiPirrfiieh" f-dfitriliiiliTiifK wiiiiIi!S ehntved. IVrkiim admitted hut lie could iiot'ieuieinlier any ftpt'oific in NlaueeM. I'lliaiiietl I'rolertlou Work. Slnnlev then produeed u letter lo the hleel eoriHiratiou, written in I'lul- adelphia and dated .laiiuary J'-', 11)11, Inry of tho Amerieaii Iron and Steel iiKHooiatinii, ankiiiK for uionev lo I'onltonted wltli CMileiiee o poiuieal liuaiiei a piihlieahon of tin edition eontiihiitinii nod eonlriliiitioiiK to of "I'roteetion and Prosperity," a puhlie "ediuvitioual oikn on I ho pin- wotk utlxoeiitiiii; u lnli tarilT mid lective tariff nlt'Hi," I'eikiim eoiild' wiilten hv (Jeori II. Curtiss of HiiiK onlv rememher "KineralU," hut he' haiiipton. New York. SHERIFF KILLED AT FT. KLAMATH Deputy John Lambcr Opens Fire On Two Strangers Who Fall Wounded and Open Fire Killing Officer Had Trouble Previously. KhAMATII I'AU.B, Oro., Auk '.. IliunarldiiK "I uudorHtanil you fel low ti aro IooMiik for mo," Deputy .Sliinlft John l.iuulieit drow hlx re voMir tu .luoli lloro'H hiiIooii at Kort Kliiuiath IiihL iiIkIH and opened flro on Al Wood and Will Donald, two HtraiiKorH, with whom ho had had tioulilo provloi'uily. Moth men wero Hhol through tho h'K anil Wood'H log wiih lnokon. Ah ho foil lo I ho floor, Wood iliow an aiitouiatlo rovolvor and idiot hIx tliueii. I.amlniil full dead, with thrtio IiiiIIoIh In hlrt hndy. Donald and Wood woio hroui;ht to Klaiiiath KiiIIh, today whom l hoy aro IioIiik hold pondlui; an lnvontlt;ut Ion tif tho affray. traeu) to Central I'olnt-Jncknonvlllo road; northoaHt to llanloy'u placo; Houthwest to Jncksonvlllo; north to ilelMtrom'A corner; xouth to School hoiuo; -oaat to Central Point rojul; north to Hell lane; cant to Morrlman'a corner; south eat via Central Point Medford road to Central avenuo to Modford poHtotflcu. Tho length of rural routo No. 2 Ih Jf mlleH; tho area carried liy carrier on tho route Is thirteen square ihIIch; thn number of famlllcH who will, or and Kilned hv .InmeK Swuiik" M-ere- ",a' recolvo mall on this route Is HS, and tho population .of tho routo Is 100. The carrier when tho routo Is In oporntlon will leave Medford post office at S o'clock a. m. and return at 2 o'clock p. m. Tho exact date upon which this service, will ho established cannot now bo determined but In all pro bability It will not bo later than Oc tober 1st of this year. No changes nro recommended for route No. 1 out of Medford on ac count of ItavInK too much territory for ono carrier and not enough for two, Utter some changes will ho announced for that routo among which will ho tho addition of Kings Highway and some territory west df Phoenk. Thai territory na described In routo No. 2 an Hell l.ano and Medford-Cen-tral Point road wiih tnkon off of Con tra! Point route No. 2 and added to Modford. r"r .n . . . C 'llmmW. tJLWLmmmmmW 1 f MKtiamKBKIKiKtttiiLmSLwtf3X'r mmmmmmammmmKmmmm,m& BLUE LEDGE MINE DISTRICT "M"r,riEi. Tiw IAN'TEU'IIi. bMdMKuuitoiMiMii jrine. Jjinteline. the noted Parisian netress, accidentally lost her life in the Hhiue, ncarlhe Holland frontier. She fell overbonrd from the yncht on which hhe wa emistiiK with hor hnshand, ron3. Alfred Charles Ed wnrtR .Mine. Lautelme,, who has been deserihed as "tho most photo graphed woman oil the French tnpe," was talented as well ns beautiful. Her latest huccc.skcs a.s a comedienne had been scored in "Le Yicil 1 Ionium" and Kn de Kin." B E SLAIN BY REJECTED SUITOR Mrs. A. J. Grant at Los Angeles Shot Down by Admirer Who Then Turns Gun Upon Himself Followed Bri dal Couple From Former Home. ADOPT PLAN TO REFORM CURRENCY OF CELESTIALS l.'ONDON, Auk. 8.- l'illmviiu; tho eoiieliihion of llio iiitornuliiiiinl con i'oroiKio on C'liiueso ourreiioy reform, it h expeelod today that a report will ho maie hoiuo lime Uuh week to tho hiiiikH iutoi'OHted in tho matter. Tho report, however, will not ho iiiuilo puhlio until tho Chineno dole galoH huvo roturuod to Pokin and con Hulled with thoir ovt'rjmimi t h on jioIiiIh involved. The report will deal with u Hohouui lo i ti form the Chlncho oiirrouoy h.yh lem an u IiiihIh for tho loim p ofl'oot tho projioHi'd oiimi),'o, I.OR ANdKl.lCa, Cal., Aug. s. Mrs. A, .1. (Iraut Hald to bo a bride of a few weeliH and a recent arrival with her liUHlmnd from San Francisco was Hhot and Instantly killed tiy i:mll Hoist In hor apartment hero today. Hoist then shot hlnmolf, Inflicting a wound by which ho died an hour later. From Information obtained by the Rollro Hoist wa a rejected suitor of Mrs. (Irani and followed her and her husband hero with tlio Intontlou of slaying both. Ho appeal od at tho apartment Iioiiho whoro tho couplo havo boon living thin morning two bourn after ho arrived hero from San Francisco as shown by ticket stuliH found In his clothing. 1 lo acted In a peculiar manner and wan refused adiulttauco by tho laud lady, Mrs, M, Mucy. Ili'iuihlng Mrs. Mucy aside, ho ran tiljstalrH and burst Into tho Grant apartment, whoro Mrs. Grant was alone, and Hhot her three times, two liulletH Rtrtklug her In tho hoad, kill ing hor Instantly, Ho thou ran out Into tho hall ami Hhot hlniHolf, Tho dead woman's hiiHlmud Ih con nected with tho I.oh Angoles (las and Mloetrlo Company. DIRECTORS OF FRUIT ASSOCIATION MEET Tho board of directors of tho Itoguo Jtivor Fruit mid Produce iih Hoeintion mot Tuesday for llio pur- SHERIFF BOB TO GETJIVORCE Chanter Has Evidence Against Lina Cavalerl and Prince Dolgoroukl, tho "Prize Porker-" Which Will Grant Him Release. NKV YORK, Auk. 8. On evidence soured by dotoolivcri who trailed .ilia C'avalori from one F.uropoon wutoriiiK place to auothor and fre quently found her in company with Prince Dolgorouki, dubbed tho' "prize porker'1 by her husband, "Sheriff Hob" Chanlor, tho lallor will briiiR suit for absolute divorce within a very short (imo, aceordine; to Ktlito mouts inado hero today. It Is ulho hit Id that the famous pro nuptial ngrccmciit botweon "Sheriff Hob" mid his fair oporntio brido will bo mtlomatioally broken if his di voreo suit is grunted. pose of oomploline; nrraiiKomonts for linudlhi),' the pear crop, Tho situa tion was oarofully disouse and many union mutters disposed of, WANT DELEGATES TO CONVENTION Judge Colvig to Leave Saturday Night for Astoria Effort Made to Induce Others to Make the Trip and Boost Valley. William M. Colvig. president of the Medford Commercial Club and hie la bor o ftho Oregon Development Lea gue will leavo Saturday evening for Astoria In order to attend tho stato convention of the Development Lea gue. Mr. Colvig would llko to have a largo representation. at the meeting from Medford and au effort Is being mado to have bcveral members of thu local club attend tho meeting at As toria. Tho Centennial celobratlon of As toria will open Thursday and will bo under way when tho league meets, so that a visit to Astoria at this time Is of more than ordinary lutcrest. BEATTI E 10 GO . BEFORE JURY Alleged Slayer of His Young Wife Ready for Trial State Claims He . Shot Spouse In Cold Blood to Pre vent Disclosures to His Father. KiniMON'D, U-, Auk. S. Henry C. Hcattie, jr., tho yoUng banker who is charged with h.ivinp; killed his wife with n shotgun oa n lonely road near hero1 that ho might resumu rotations with 17-year-old Houlah llinford, will jjo before tho grand jury beer next Monday. Tho girl, who boro a child to Honttio before his marriaKO, will also bo examined. In presenting" its ease against Hout tio, tho stato will claim that ho was thrown into a piuiio by information that his wealthy father was coming to Hiclmiond and tho fear that his wifo would reveal his oj-iieltios and infidelities, with tho result that his income from bib father would bo out off. Tho prosecution will nsaort that Heattio dolilioratcly planned his wife's murder to prevent hur disclosures, I ALL MUST WORK SAYS JEW CHIEF Clarence Helian Assumes Control of Police Department and First Orders Are to Clean Up Boes and Make Them Go to Work. FINDS FAVOR F. E. Crawford, Manager of Marcus Daley Estate- and Known Through out Mining World, Visits Copper Mine and Is Greatly Impressed. LOVETT FIRM IN REFUSING WILL SEND ENGINEERS TO EXAMINE PROSPECTS Thinks This Will Be Noted Mining Center Surface Only Scratched Scientific Mining Needed. Tliat the Blue Ledgo copper district is one of the best in the west and Hint it should be exploited is the be lief of F. E. Crawford, one of the foremost ininiriK men in the country, and who, as manager of the immense Marcus Daly estate of Montana, is known throughout the mining world. Mr. Crawford has just returned from a visit to the Hlue Lodge and states that bo will at once send in one of his expert engineers to look over that country and make a report. If the report is favorable, nnjl Mr. WAGE RAISE Head of Harriman System Strongly Intimates That Railroad Will Not Accede to Demands of Shop Em plos for Shorter Hours. KRUTTSCHNITT CONDUCTING NEGOTIATIONS WITH UNION Demands Total-$50,000,000 a Year Stockades Said to Be In Course of Construction. Crawford states that he believes itfwlth the situation If you haven't got a job you bad better get one. Clarcnco Ilcllman Tne.-tlay morning assumed charge ti Motif ord's polieo force us acting chief and bis first instructions to the patrolmen wero to tho effect that every unemployed mau in tho city without visible menus of support was to bo rounded up and put to work. The orchards are clamoring for help to harvest tho pear crop and Acting Chief llellmnn is coming to tho relief of tho orchardmen. No longer ex etiso remains for idleness, ho says, and so no more will bo allowed. Helian assumes control of tho po lice department during tho absence of Chief Ilittson, who leaves Wednes day on a two weeks camping trip through southern Oregon. Ho will be accompanied by Mrs. Ilittson and his daughter and by Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Peelor and neico. Tho party will visit Pelican hay by way of Dead Indian and return by way of Crater lake. FAMINHTARES BRITIAN IN FACE Docks Piled High With Unmoved Freight at London and Liverpool Commerce of England Tied Up by Strike. LONDON, Aug. 0. With docks piled high with freight London mid Liverpool today nro virtually tied up by tho strike of tho dookmon and teamsters. Tho dockers rofuso to ro turn to work unless tho terms of tho teamsters' nro mot and provisions aro growing scarcer hour by hour. I nnutioipation that sorious tiou lilo may break out at any momont po lieo rosorves nro boing bold in roadi ness, Tho shipping masters and tho union, representatives aro in oonfor onoo trying to find a way out of tho diffioulty. will be, it wit Head to several invest ments in that field by Mr. Crawford and his associates. ,Mr. Crawford left Monday afternoon for Mexico to look after mining properties there. ''Tho Uluo Ledgo is indeed ono of the best looking copper properties hi the west," stated Mr. Crawford on his return from a two days' visit at the mine" and I believe that it will be come a noted mining center. The development work which has been completed there shows it to be an immense property and with transpor tation I believe that it will prove a very attractive investment. "I have heard niuch of the mining of southern Oregon and I believe that when yon mine scientifically thnt your mines will attract capital from all parts of the world. As has been said ninny times before, the surface has only been scratched ns yet." TOGOlfSfJOWN NAVAL YARDS All Rules and Regulations a Lid Aside as Compliment to Japanese Ad miralAsks Many Questions and Is Deeply Interested. NEW YOR.K, Aug. 8. Robert S. Lovett, chairman of tho board of di rectors of tho Harriman system, strongly intimated today that tho railroads will not accedo to tho de mands of tho shop employes for In creased wages, for tho present at least. Lovett stated that Julius Krutt- schnltt, vlco president and general manager o ftho lines, Is conducting tbo actual negotiations, but admitted that ho was keeping In close touch Lovett declined to say whether or not ho believed a general striko would bo called by tho heads of tho organizations. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 8. Naval regulations of tho strictest character woro put asldo today when Admiral Togo, as tho nation's guest, was takon through Washington navy yard and allowed to mako a complete Inspection. A rule rigidly adhered to prohibits army or navy offlcors of a foreign nation from oven ontorlng a United States navy yard. Admiral Togo's visit fractured tho rulo. It was n porsoual compliment to Japan's great sea-ftghtor. urlng tho Inspection tho admiral asked many questions nud was much Interested In ovorythlng ho saw. Ho paid particular attention to tho naval gun factory. Following lunch with Asslstnnt Secretary of Stato Huntington Wil son Admiral Togo took an automobllo ride around tho city and vlcltcd con gress. Togo's program tonight Includes dlnnor with Assistant ,Sccrotary of tho Navy Ilookmau Wlnthrop and a rocoptlon at tho Army and Navy Club. Ho will go to Ualtlmoro tomorrow. NEW YORK, Aug. 8. Colonol John Jacob Astor today announced that October 15 had boon soloctod as tho dato for his wedding with Miss Madeline, Force Tho honoymoon will bo spont on a crulso In tho Astor yacht. Forco and his family aro all auom borH of tho Episcopal church, SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Aug. S. "Wo cannot say what tho unions will do," was tho statement of officials of tho Harriman lines bureau of eco nomics, their official mouthpiece, "but trouble, If It comes, will not como for somo timo. Tho request of tho car workers, Iron moulders, ma chinists, blacksmiths and other shop workers for shorter hours and higher pay has been refused hero. Now tho matter will go, probably to Julius Krutischnltt, vlco president of tho Harriman lines, and possibly to Chair man Lovett of tho board of directors in case Kruttschnlit falls to settlo tho difficulty." MUD BAY SAM PASSES AWAY Most Famous Medicine Man of the Coast Indian Tribes, Dead at Age of a Hundred Founder of New Religion Known as Shaker Faith. TACOMA, "Wash., Aug. 8. Advices received from Olympla today announ co tho death at his homo near tho capital of Mud Day Sam tin Indian approaching tho century mark In ago and famed from California to Alaska as tho most Influential nnd powerful medlcluo mon of nil tho coast tribes. Mud Bay Sam was dlroctlng hoad and founder of tho now religion among tho Indlnus known as tho Shaker faith, with a dloccso extend ing from tho Columbia rlvor to tho Arctic Circle. Tho old Iudlan was a character, lit staturo about as broad au ho wau long, always scon beneath a ribbon dobeckod hat almost ns largo as Its owner, and attondod by a largo ro- tlnuo of other Indians, small boys and curious Idlors. Tho passing of Sam will ho marked by a great funoral and a mighty pot- latch of tho docoasea'H possessions. 4- POPE PIUS FAILING CONDITION SERIOUS LONDON, Aug. 8, Speoinl disputchos from Romo to tho Times today say Popo Pius passed a bad night nud that his condition is anything but reassuring. f f ff ,1 J i , 4 i VI 1 .41